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Program to the president giving upbeat assessment on the search for common ground. We are developing and have developed a wonderful relationship. I appreciate what you have done, very substantial problem that we all face with north korea. A problem that something has to be done. I am sure that. [inaudible] the chief White House Correspondent is live in germany with more. John . Good evening to you. That is one of five bilateral meeting the president had today. I think all in all you can say it is successful g 20. There was some notion particularly from the europeans since the president was isolated on issues like Climate Change but he made some Good Progress in syria. In his meetings with Vladimir Putin yesterday still a challenge on north korea. Before he went into the bilateral meeting with the chinese president , a senior official, the president was likely going to be very direct with him. That the language had become more strident in recent days and what he saw as or perceived rather as in action on chinas part in terms of reining in pyongyang. A number of individuals and the president is planning on taking more action than i was told would likely not make china happy. He also talked with xi jinping about trade and massive trade deficit that the United States has with china. We expect to get a readout from air force one shortly. We are told that the briefing wrapped up and were waiting for the audio to be sent back. Also heard today from the russian president , Vladimir Putin who met with the president two hours and 15 minutes yesterday. There was a little bit of a diplomatic discrepancy over his claim that he and russia were not for at least the russian government were not involved in meddling in the us election. His foreign minister claimed that he told the president he was not involved in and the president accepted appeared within Vladimir Putin is that he believes that the president listened to him at the very least as to whether he accepted what he said, we have to ask the president. Which we were hoping to do this afternoon but they canceled the scheduled press conference. Something else interesting, when Vladimir Putin was talking today, and his press conference at the g 20 he said that if he met a different donald trump than the one that he had seen on television. Listen here. As for personal relations, i think we have established them with trump. I dont know how this sounds but the way i see him on t. V. Is very different from the real person. He is absolutely straightforward, perceives that in an adequate manner analyzes and answers questions quite quickly. So a little flattery there from the russian president saying that the real life trump is different than the t. V. Trump. One other thing making news here at the g 20 this afternoon. There was a moment today during one of the sessions on african migration and health. The president had to leave for one of the five bilateral meetings and his daughter ivanka trump who had been sitting sort of off to the side, behind the main table, moved in and filled the president s spot. Theres a picture of her treated by a member of the russian delegation sitting by the president of china and the Prime Minister theresa may of london. Apparently she had taken the position a couple of times over the summit. The president quite comfortable having the first daughter sit in for him while he is out. Other people are saying some other things about it. Some of those things are unkind. Kelly . Will followup with development sphere john roberts reporting from germany and the president s trip to the g 20. Thank you john. With more on this we have rick from advisor to for us ambassadors to the year. Thank you so much for talking to us. I want to talk about the meeting with chinas president. The first time that you met. President trump seemed rather optimistic but the two countries working together to put a stop to north Koreas Nuclear program but then last week north korea test launched a missile not previously seen by the us analysts. Certainly a strong message. What happened between that socalled you know, conversation that the president had with chinas president . Well, not enough has happened. What we need to be able to do is really grab the chinese attention. We have not really implemented really a tough sanctions such as banking sanctions. I think that would, if we could do banking sanctions, on china for you know really all of the companies that are, Chinese Companies doing business with the dpr care think that might be something to get their attention. We need to be able to get this relationship to say this is a priority. We are clearly at risk, china is not at risk. The North Koreans are not going to point the missile at china and so, we need to be able to tell them in a very clear way that this is an important issue for us and all other issues fall as a secondary issue. I think trump, has been willing to intermingle trade policies with foreign policy. He needs to come back strong and i would suggest influencing banking sanctions on the country of china. That is a problem because china has an reluctance thus far to impose any kind of economic sanctions and the problem here really that chinas main priority is china. And it does in fact implement any kind of sanctions on north korea. One of its many fears or concerns you can call it is that millions of North Koreans will then descend into china. They do not want that. They do not want that but the United States needs to ask what is in the United States interest. Im not a big fan of unilateral sanctions. I do not think they work. I think we need to have International Sanctions for the Un Security Council however, unilateral banking sanctions by the United States with because most countries utilized the us Banking System and if we said, to the chinese that you can either continue your trade with the North Koreans, we know that the trade has increased dramatically this year. So you can continue to do that or you can have access to the us Banking System. I think they would quickly change their mind. Point to note, this is not without aim for us. Somehow having banking sanctions against china is going to affect our us companies. That is not a pretty picture. It will be painful. However as a diplomat i say, we are at risk right now. National security of the nice places at risk and i think that we need to make diplomatic maneuvers like this before we had to resort to military actions. Something else that china does not want to see is a democratic or united korea. What would be the likelihood of a reunited korea, dominated by south korea . And how would china fill about that . China clearly is against that policy but it would be a Great Success for the United States policies to have a united korea. It would be much safer. We would have less risk and i think for the future we have, that is what the policy should work towards. But as again as you point out, china is totally against that policy that is threatened by the end think the first step we will have to do is really focus on how do we get chinas attention to say we are at risk. The United States is at risk because of the north Korean Missile program, it is continuing and we must have your help otherwise we will have to make it painful for you. Okay ric grenell thank you, always good to have your insight. Thank you. Its good to see you. Tens of thousands of people taking to the streets once again today to protest the g 20. Those are the sounds from largely Peaceful Demonstrations that you are looking at. After writers clashed with police torching cars and looting businesses. Our Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent is live. The g 20 summit is just wrapping up. The officials here are hoping that the violence is wrapping up behind you can see police vans there pretty much resting. And you might easily hear stragglers listening to music. But a short time ago we saw what was a peaceful march turned into some nasty clashes. Take a look at what we saw and heard. [video] this is a peaceful protest in hamburg has turned dangerous and violent. We are looking at police confronting the protesters. There are bottles being thrown and Water Cannons being shot. The people are very angry. He has been violent. People have been taken away. We are hearing police, we are hearing protesters. It was an example of the kind of action we have been seeing between police and protesters the last two days. The march, about 40,000 people. Mostly peaceful, angry about various aspects concerning the g 20 and the summit itself. Capitalism, the leaders, fascism. There was some knocks against President Trump also. But overall peaceful. Some scrimmages and last night it was nasty. 1500 black clad militant anarchists rammed through one neighborhood not too far away from the summit site and they sent bonfires, they threw cocktails at police. They ransacked stores and the Police Responded with Water Cannons etc. From that over 200 police injured, overall 114 arrested. Right now kelly, things are settling down. There has to be i must admit, some secondguessing of the decision to place this world summit in this city. The second biggest city in germany. A city with some leftleaning politics that was a bit to pathetic to some of the stuff that we saw on the streets today. It was rough on officials, rock on the visiting delegations and frankly, they are hoping and we are hoping that we have seen the worst of the violence but we cannot be absolutely sure of that. Back to you. But lets hope so greg palkot porting live today from germany. To Us Air Force Bombers flying close to the north korean border to date in a defensive show of force. The farmer conducting a Training Exercise with south korea and japan dropping inert bombs at a testing range there. This just days after north korea successful test launch of an continental ballistic missile. Meanwhile the Trump Administration saying that they have not enough hope and diplomacy. We are live from washington with garrett tenney. This was indirect response. This morning, to us air force b1 bombers with south korean fire jet escorts near the korean Demilitarized Zone to conduct would be a simulated attack on north korea. The bombers which can each carry 84 500 pound bombs practiced attack runs during the mission by dropping an active weapons on targets in an isolated area of south korea near the us and korean base. The intended message of the mission was clear. In a Statement Released by the commander of the Us Air Forces in the pacific saying quote north koreas actions are threat to our allies, partners and homeland. Let me be clear, if called upon we are trained, equipped and ready to unleash the full legal capability of our allied air forces. While the us is showing is prepared to take military action against north korea, secretary of Defense James Mattis made it clear yesterday that diplomatic efforts are still the focus of us leaders. This is a diplomatically Led International effort to stop a worldwide threat that they are bringing to bear. So it is led by this promise after the United Nations efforts underway as you are aware. We also seek aspects to divert them from this wrong path. Todays mission is the second show of force by the us military since north koreas Missile Launch on monday. Us defense officials tell us that they are now also planning to conduct tests of the thad Missile Defense system. That would shut down anything headed for the United States. Thank you so much. Senate Republican Leaders planning to make a final push to pass the healthcare bill. Lawmakers return to work next week from 4 july recess. But, they also have to consider plan b which includes working with democrats. Plus the governor of texas honoring the five Police Officers killed one year ago in a deadly ambush. The touching tribute, next. Before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain these feet. Jumped into city life as a kid. And kept my town moving. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Call or go to xfinitymobile. Com introducing Xfinity Mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Time for a quick check of headlines now for you. First Lady Melania Trump taking part today in the g 20 program attending a working lunch in womens empowerment and taking a tour of the city hall before she and the president boarded air force one to return home. Workers in italy said they recovered the eighth and final victim from the rubble of a partially collapsed Apartment Building near naples. The cause of the collapse is under investigation but authorities believe it may be linked to renovation work. The texas Governors Mansion adorned in blue last night and honor of the five Police Officers killed during an ambush at a peaceful protest in dallas more than a year ago. Officers were protecting demonstrators when johnson open fire marking the deadliest date for Law Enforcement since 9 11. We will have a big discussion among ourselves that is the Senate Republicans on the way forward and i do not know the answer to that yet. We have to agree on a particular we have been in this discussion for a couple of months. That is the Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell talking about efforts to pass the gop healthcare bill. He also saying that if republicans failed to repeal and replace obamacare, they might need to work with democrats to fix the current law. This comes as lawmakers are set to return to washington on monday after the fourth of july recess. Meanwhile, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer tweeting about a Washington Post article this is what he says i am reading a part quote when trump returns he plans to counter the Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is and analysis of legislation which shows that 22 million fewer people would have Insurance Coverage by 2026. Then, under the current law. Which figures and analysis from groups that show more benefit with less disruption should the bill passed. Lets bring in the Deputy Managing Editor of the Weekly Standard to weigh in on this so we can see the backandforth already growing as the republicans and democrats prepared to return to congress after a nice july 4th recess. Also for some republicans it was not this is all as people were talking about the concerns about healthcare. Looking forward, what do you see is their best option . This is going to be a very difficult one. I think the best option might be to abandon the idea that they can repeal and replace at the same time. You know this and, the republicans have been campaigning for five years now im repeal obama care than control of the hospital and the white house to the fact that theyre having trouble repealing obama care is set they had five years to build a plan to be prepared for going into the white house and actually coming to the plan that would repeal and replace obamacare. They have taken this long and as you heard, the Senate George leader still does not understand what where theyre going to do when they return. Is incredible they have had seven euros this is they have had seven years since the law has passed they have plenty of ideas and it is amazing to me they did not think ahead of time that we are going to have arguments and issues among us. We need to get this sorted out before we put anything on the table. Let me ask you this. Are they prepared to put things on the table was ever done house and is now the senate, they are not happy and keep going back to the drawing board, back to the table to come up with something. What about talking to the people and after listens to the people and a plan of the constituents themselves have about what would be better healthcare for all . That is an excellent question that is why think of was that obamacare should be repealed and we have more choice and how, by choice i mean consumers, the people actually using it. But that is one of the problems that are not everyone is on the same page. You have some republican governors even that accepted the Medicaid Expansion through obamacare and now, those constituents dont want that taken away from them. It is very hard once an entitlement is passed to then get it revoked and it is a perfect example of that. Definitely. Having said that, what you say the possibility of democrats working with republicans and perhaps coming with albeit a war that has not had that much lately, bipartisan support for a bill that would help all people . Im very skeptical i have to admit. First of all democrats really really hate President Trump. They do not want to give anything to republicans that might be seen as a win for the party under the president. I get that but isnt this the time to withdraw the hatred and move forward for the love of American People . I agree but what incentives do they have two get rid of a law that their party has passed . That is to make a better Healthcare Plan for the American People. I agree but is that with their incentive will be . Politicians say that their incentive is to help the people they serve but too often it is more to score points against the other party and make themselves look better. Democrats have said that obamacare is the legacy of the last president and it is very important to them. It is something that i do not see them really, they do not even want to admit a lot of them that there is a problem with this and using premiums going up, insurers dropping iv exchanges and they dont want to admit that obamacare simply is not working. And you go back to the former president said, this is not a perfect bill we have to go back and deal with it again. Well, it is time to do that. So kelly jane torrance, i wish we had more time but obviously a lot of issues there. Thank you. Provide not find Vladimir Putins denial of meddling in the election. Listen. I would expect Vladimir Putin to deny what clearly he has done over the years but not just with us elections but other elections throughout europe. So with President Trump raising concerns about election interference, how will this affect the various federal investigations underway . Our panel ways and next. Plus, 30s along residents at a popular ski resort community to return home. As per his battle to contain a Massive Wildfire. We will go live with the very latest, straight ahead. We maintain that evacuation for safety reasons and will continue to do that as long as it is the right thing to do. If you have bad breath and your mouth lacks moisture, you may suffer from dry mouth. Try biotene®, the 1 dentist recommended dry mouth brand. Its the only leading brand clinically proven to soothe, moisturize, and freshen breath. Try biotene®. vo living with ammonia odor . Not a pretty picture. vo luckily, tidy cats lightweight with new ammonia blocker tackles tough odor, even ammonia. So long stankface vo ammonia like that . Theres a tidy cats for that. Im leaving you, wesley. But why . You havent noticed me in two years. I was in a coma. Well, i still deserve appreciation. Who was there for you when you had amnesia . You know i cant remember that. Stop this madness. If its appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. I have also awoken from my coma. Its called a nap, susan lucci. Residents of about 500 homes near the historic Mountain Town of breckenridge, colorado returning home today. Crews stepped up the battle against the Massive Wildfire that started early this week. We are live with the very latest. There almost 40 wildfires. Cottagers, erratic wind and low humidity. The alamo fire burning near an hour north of Santa Barbara doubled in size overnight and has almost 6000 acres and is only 10 percent contained. Several hundred residents have had to pack up and art under mandatory evacuation. This comes as the Public Information officer for Santa Barbara county fire posted in every picture of a blood red full moon rising over the flames. 1000 firefighters are trying to protect toms end of the containment numbers this weekend. There is good news in colorado. Evacuations have been lifted by fire burning two miles north of the popular ski area in breckenridge. Firefighters on the ground have run into favorable conditions that have allowed them to increase containment to 25 percent. Theyre not taking any chances. We have had 11 firefighters fatalities with trees coming down and hitting people. That certainly is a concern for every firefighter in the western United States this weekend. And i was on the hilltop fires burned more than 28,000 acres and is only five percent contained. Many of the fires that are still raging in parts of the southwest where temperatures have spiked over the past couple of days, seminaries are seeing recordbreaking triple digit heat. Certainly it is not making things any easier on the thousands of firefighters on the front lines. Will carr, thank you so much. The dust still settling after an historic meeting, and epic meeting if you look at the present facetoface with Vladimir Putin for the first time this week. Among all of the topics on the agenda from syria to ukraine perhaps it is no surprise that the one grabbing headline is russias meddling in the us election. Decorative state Rex Tillerson and the russian leader both giving their take on how the discussion went. Take a listen. The leaders agree that this is a substantial hindrance. And the ability of us to mend the relationship and move it forward and agreed to exchange furthermore regarding the business of noninterference. In the affairs of the United States and our democratic process as well as those of other countries. So that more work is to be done in that regard. He was genuinely interested in a number of details. As far as i could i answered him in detail. Alright so lets bring in our panel. We have our Fox News Contributor and chief Political Correspondent and a former deity staffer and founder of thank you for joining us. I will begin with you what to say about the president s meeting with ric grenell the much talked about meeting that took place could many calling it epic for this bilateral meeting for the cheerleaders of the g 20 summit. I think him going overseas shows that the president is a leader. And we are going to continue to hear from the russian collision and what really is not going to be reported especially from the liberal media kelly is that ric grenell first he emphasized western values which are similar to poland. He also talked about allowing them also to purchase our patriot missiles to bolster their defense. So this is what we are not hearing about any media and instead will continue to hear about this collusion which in fact, there is no fact interns of trump colluding with any russians whatsoever. Pablo, your take on the president s meeting with Vladimir Putin . I dont deny that anything that Deneen Borelli ascend but i think one thing that makes me comfortable is that the one followup item that really seems to come from the meeting with regard to the election meddling is that Vladimir Putin and we give them evidence of their hacking and this is something that the Intelligence Community has agreed upon that they were trying to influence the election or at least metal in it. I do know is that there is any art in that deal if were not coming at it from a position of strength where they need to offer us something in return as well. On that note i have to point out that that are special reporter there on friday went on to mention that we should be suspicious of anything that Vladimir Putin says and does. Eluding to the fact that this is a former kgb agent. Deneen borelli, your concerns about that in terms of what he had to say . It is concerning but i think we should be investigating the democrats and the dnc. Listen, the dnc refuses to turn over their server to the fbi to be investigated. What about john podesta and his visit dealing with russia . And what about Loretta Lynch and what, what she involved in any way shape or form with the email trail . And theres also hillary clinton. So if anything is to be investigated, i think they need to start there. What about Vladimir Putin . I mean, that is what i would like to investigate further. How foreign countries, not only might have influenced or meddled in the election last year but more importantly, what safeguards we have in place to make sure that our election, the integrity of our elections are secure moving forward . I think relitigating the past is something that will go on and a lot of Media Outlets or saying that as but the more important thing is that the integrity of the american and democratic processes that we use to choose our elected officials. Listen, Vladimir Putin cannot be trusted but do not forget former president obama was given intelligence information about russia and he did nothing about it. Prior to the 2016 president ial election. Okay now lets get beyond the investigation. It has proven that there is so far no collusion. For obstruction of justice. Lets move forward with what the two gentlemen are these two World Leaders had discussed. Not only talking about what took place in american politics but also with regard to syria, the deescalation of the violence we are seeing there as well as a ceasefire. Can we trust russia to validate a ceasefire and an active ceasefire . Because they have done in the past and have not been beholden to their pack. I think that we can both agree that the russians played obama pretty hard in syria. I am not sure that we can trust them but we should move forward with anything that we can do to bring the terrible situations in syria to a halt. And if a ceasefire is something that is in russias general interest, it is only in our interest and the world interest. Because whats going on there is just so heinous and sad. We do have the moral obligation to end you know this your Quick Response . They did agree on a ceasefire we will see how long it lasts. Will continue to follow the developments and hopefully they will maintain that. Thank you both. Have a great weekend. It is the annual running of the bulls an annual tradition ill never forget and for american tourists have already been seriously wounded. After being dragged an update on their condition coming up next. Plus, the pentagon is planning a test of the hightech Missile Defense system amid heightened tensions with north korea. The Trump Administration says they have not given up on finding a diplomatic solution to this. As far as north korea is concerned, [inaudible] Award Winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. 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Unsuccessful this is a serious weapon but i think it surprise most xmas by how quickly it came. This is a mobile two stage longrange missile that can hit singapore, australia or alaska and is not the end of their testing program. They have two other ocean spanning weapons that they will be testing. They have been testing at a rate of one missile about every three weeks in fact kim jong un has tested a three missile tests if we dont stop consumed by the end of the first term it is likely he will be able to purchase a Nuclear Warhead in new york, washington or los angeles. Talk about this intercontinental ballistic missile. Because thad does not protect against appear to have qualified, how equipped is the Missile Defense program . While the thad system has mixed test results pretty good at knocking down sort mediumrange missiles peter will be tested for the first time against an intermediate range. So not quite intercontinental. But if we want to test this, the more we test them the more confidence you have and what they can do. The Missile Defense system we currently have deployed in alaska and california the socalled, groundbased Missile Defense system can shoot down a simple icbmbut anything equipped with countermeasures, decoys, jammers, maneuverable warheads will penetrate that system so we do not have a reliable Defense System against even the north Korean Missile that we saw tested last week. Okay we also heard about a failed Missile Defense test that they had conducted. I believe it was a few weeks ago. Where they attempted to defend and it did not work. Right. This was the navy system. Again, is a fairly capable system short and mediumrange systems would have failed the most recent test. Also talk about the significance of the 4th of july. It is not the first time that he is gone ahead and done this. I have been on the air for multiple years. We are on the 4th of july, longrange midrange, missiles have been launched into the sea of japan. And with kim jong un obviously as you mentioned, 83 missiles in his six years which is more than his predecessors. Obviously, sending a very strong message that this is not slowing down. It also comes right at the heels of the president Donald Trumps apparent victory north korea saying it will not happen. Well it happened. So what is the is now going to do about it . North korea called Donald Trumps bluff. So tough words will not stop north korea from doing that. You basically have three options. One, military strength. General mattis has been to work, he knows a war north korea will be like anything weve ever seen basically since the end of world war ii. A massive conventional war that could go nuclear. Millions would die. Theres really no military option as i james mattis stresses diplomats. China is going to pull more sanctions on but as you are part of the show, not enough sanctions to actually cause a collapse of the north korean regime. They do not want to go that percy cannot just outsource it to china. The only option your left with then our previous agreements for this is not a very good option but it is the best of the bad options. Here you can get china, russia, south korea and japan will all agree that yes more sanctions, yes more targeted sanctions but divorce north korea back to the bargaining table where we can freeze the program. Just stuff them in their tracks. Are talks realistic . When you look back at history and the multiple president ial organizations, the administration that have tried to talk. I mean it goes way back under president clinton. And then they lifted the sanctions. As part of a deal and boy, did that backfire i mean they believe that they are the rulers of us. We are not in control here. I mean how do we gain control . And i would love to say reagan but i dont feel we have ever had control. Right, i understand. Nobody was to have negotiations with this regime that has killed hundreds of thousands of his own people. And look at how they treated the four American Students otto warmbier, but negotiations are the only thing that have in fact stopped the north korean program. We froze their plutonium production for eight years. We froze their missile tests for eight years. It is when you stop talking to them they restart the program and it is risky but if we just keep doing what we are doing their guarantee failure. And the Main Objective here is to avoid any kind of war. And so as talks are going to possibly get us to the table, so be it. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me on. Sears struggling to stay afloat in the crowded retail space. Their new plan to hopefully turn it all around. Plus, the Trump Administration request for save what information is raising serious questions about privacy. What state leaders are saying about it as they meet this weekend. Comfortable you are in it. So find a venus smooth that contours to curves, flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. Skin smoothing venus razors. The Trump Administration requesting information from all 50 states and raising serious questions about privacy. The secretaries of state from across the country are meeting this weekend to discuss whether they have to comply. The Trump Administration says that they need the information to investigate claims of voter fraud we are live in new york city with more details. The conference at the top Election Officials from 37 states taking place this weekend is also about Election Security. Two big topics for russias attempt to interfere with lesters election and voter fraud. The conference happening amid the white houses Ongoing Investigation into whether there was widespread fraud in the election. The president continues to claim that anywhere from 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants across the country voted costing him the popular vote. No proof has been given to the annual National Association of secretaries of state summer conference comes one week after the president s election requesting voter Data Information from all 50 states as part of the investigation. Information including dates of birth, partial Social Security numbers, addresses, voting history, military service and other information. The white house says the information will be used to offer potential voter irregularities and advise states on how to improve their practices. According to the Associated Press 16 states and the District Of Columbia have outright denied the white houses request. 30 states that it will give some data but not all. And for states are undecided. Secretary of state will not provide the voter information. Only stunned to see anything that close. But also say along the line that sunshine is the best, we take a look at it we do not find anything that answers the question. Others like the secretaries that are providing some voter data. And this weekend theyre committed to Election Security and earlier this week, last week after the president tweeted that he believed they may have something to hide. Thank you as always bryan. I will do it for us. We would back here later for more. Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if youre allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight. And may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea,. Nausea, upper respiratory tract infection. And headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Welcome to the journal editorial report, i am paul gigot. The Trump Administration is weighing options for its response to north koreas military action after the rogue nation launceston intercontinental listed missile capable of reaching alaska. United nations Ambassador Nikki Haley says the United States is also focusing on any nation that works with the north. In order to move north korea off the military escalation, we must do more. We will not look exclusively at north korea. We will look at co

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