Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170513

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Candidates fired james comey, the department of justice. Welcome to a special edition of americas news headquarters. Behind me the walls of the old city, the same view donald trump will see from his hotel room. Thanks for joining us on this busy saturday. Donald trump on his way back to dc after delivering the commencement speech at Liberty University in lynchburg, virginia, christian universitys president Gerri Falwell junior was a key and early trump support helping deliver evangelical votes, more than 50,000 people on the pool today including kevin kirk who joined us from lynchburg. What a day for the graduating class, think back for a moment to your graduation day. Can you remember who the Commencement Speaker was . If you graduated from Liberty University in 2017 you will not have a problem remembering who spoke at your graduation today, the president of the United States and what a rousing address to the students at least from their perspective. I talked to a few afterwards and they said the same thing time and time again, it was going recognizes that our community and the Faith Community is an integral part of American History and vibrant part, and Liberty University and taking aim at washington in particular, part of what the president had to say about his commencement address. In my short time in washington i saw firsthand how the system is broken, a small group of failed voices who think they know everything and understand everyone want to tell everybody else how to live and what to do and how to think. We dont need a lecture from washington on how to lead our lives. The president making it clear he is still an outside washington man, in leadership for this country, you mentioned the crowd, it was amazing to be sure, 50,000, 30,000, the field was covered with thousands of graduates somewhere on the order of 6 or 7000 on the field alone, 19,000 graduated here today, all those online graduates, it was a very emotional crowd here. We also heard the president talk about what he hopes the students will do as they look forward to life as young adults. Carry yourself with dignity and pride, demand the best from yourself and be unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures. Does that sound familiar . The more people tell you it is not possible, that it cant be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. The sentiments about his own run, did the president talk about this, dont forget. Getting into this point and in addition to celebrating one of the oldest graduates he mentioned a football great, jim kelly from buffalo, the hall of fame was also here, his daughter graduate the Trump Administration remains on the defensive over the firing of former director james comey. We are standing by at the department of justice where interviews for the fbi director starts today. Hi allison. We saw one of those candidates pull up to the barricade behind me just a couple of hours ago. President spoke about the entire process on a different front. The process will be difficult because almost all of them are very well known and they know they been vetted over their lifetime since a very wellknown , highly respected and thats what we want for the fbi back sources tell us that at least four potential replacements will are interviewing at the doj today. The first person that came here appear to be allison fisher. She is a former assistant attorney general when she pulled up here in the car she was asked if she had any comments before the meeting and she shook her head and said, no thank you. Was the first person we expected to see later if acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe. Michael garcia a judge from new york and sitting at texas senator john cornyn who released a statement about being on the first he said quote i have distinct privilege of serving 28 million texans in the United States senate and that is where my focus remains. Sources say they are meeting with the attorney general and the Deputy Attorney general. We expect Andrew Mccabe to arrive this afternoon and he is one of the most recognizable figures in the chaos that followed transpiring in one of the more recognizable potential replacements. He contradicted publicly the white house despite their claims he said the director comey was liked and respected at the fbi and a list of candidates is more than the four sources. Sources say there are 12 candidates on the short list. Fbi director serves for ten years and that ten your began with confirmation by the u. S. Senate. Leland. Leland allison, thank you. So many questions though. I suggest the question apparently the New York Times is selling is that you asked comey, whether or not you had his loyalty was possibly inappropriate. Could you say how they would say that mark i read that article. I dont think its inappropriate did you ask that question . Loyalty to the country, loyalty to the United States is important. It depends on how you define loyalty. Number one, number two i dont know how that got there. I did not ask that question. What about the idea that in a tweet you said there might be tape recordings. I wont talk about that. All i want is for comey to be honest and i hope he will be. Im sure he will be. Speak you can catch the full interview with President Trump on a special justice with judge team tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. It certainly is a topic of conversation this weekend. For more on the followup from comey firing and whats next for the Senate Intelligence committee. Lets bring in north dakota john holman. Thank you for joining us today. Elizabeth, good to be with you. Happy mothers day. Thank you. Lets talk, lets get straight to the justices last question. She talks specifically about whether there is an existence of a tape recording from the oval office. Now, the Senate Intelligence committee doesnt necessarily need to prove that those exist in order to subpoena them. Do you think they should be subpoenaed mac the Senate Intelligence committee is doing a full investigation. Thats a question they can ask and delve into. If there are tapes they will be able to find that out. I personally dont think there are. Thats certainly something will find out the two i saw your reaction initially. You said just like you did now that the Senate Intelligence committee will need to continue their investigation and we seen the shakeup at the fbi, weve seen the shakeup in the house intelligence committee. Is the senate at least compromised and what responsibility does that mean for your colleagues . The investigation is Going Forward and theyre doing a thorough job. Senator burr, senator warner, bipartisan leading the effort. Thats a both individuals are professionals. Andrew mccabe has been the director for a substantial length of time. He obviously is a long time veteran of the fbi so he is a seasoned professional. When you look at Rod Rosenstein he was approved by the senate, 94six. Huge bipartisan support in the senate. Furthermore, he served as the us attorney for the state of maryland and was appointed by both president s bush and obama. These are two individuals that are longtime professional and will do a good job leading the agency. Guest i want to continue the conversation forward to because we brought you that fox news alert that special agent adam lee out of richmond will be arriving at the doj. I want to move the conversation so when we look at potential candidates, whoever does get the job, needs senate approval. Who are you looking for in that candidate was mark are you looking for someone like the acting fbi director who is currently working the investigation and been there the whole time. Do you want an outsider . What you want. We have heard some interesting names. , first when i want to make is we need to get a new director in there. It could be enter mccabe as you mentioned. We need to have that director. Thats the most important thing right now because they will show that they will lead the way forward and we want someone who is no nonsense will be all about business and do the investigation straight up. Thats how you move forward and reassure people that weve already heard some really interesting names. Not only mccabe, as you mentioned, senator john recorded with many tremendous leader, wellknown individual and respected on both sides of the aisle. Former Police Officer, great kelly, incredible track record in Law Enforcement. Even Merrick Garland has been brought up would be a very interesting choice. There are some tremendous candidates here and its very important that we get a strong person in that role and moving forward. Guest thank you for being with us. Thank you for bearing with us through that news. We appreciate your insight on this. Happy mothers day with you. Touch meaningful in agreement with president will air at 9 00 p. M. Tonight. Hell be asking about the decisions to fire james. You and the russian influence investigation. On media buzz tomorrow 11 00 a. M. Kellyanne talks about the medias coverage of the firing in the future press briefings. Thats a hot topic this weekend as well. Plus, you do not want to miss fox news sunday, Chris Wallace will be sitting down with senators on both sides of the aisle to talk about the search for the next fbi chief. Check your local listings for time and channel. When he visits israel, next monday, President Donald Trump will be in the country for 26 hours. Yet, he hopes to make progress on what he calls the alternate deal. A Peace Agreement between the israeli and palestinian. It has alluded every us president who has pride. A man who knows the issues quite well, arizona congressman and cochair of the congressional israeli ally caucus, trent franks from the great state of arizona. Theres a bit of delay between here and scottsdale so we appreciate you bearing with us. Well, thank you, leland. I appreciate being here with you on this mothers day. My little mother is having such a terrible time in life. I want to take a moment to tell her her children, rise up in the moment and call her blessed. Happy mothers day, mama. No one could have had a better mother than you. We will offer some prayers from here in jerusalem for that congressman. When i lived here, no matter what god you believe in is a local phone call from here. President trump on the ground for 26 hours. You know this place well. You know that things are complicated here. What do you hope you will learn in 26 hours and are there any tangible deliverables you think he can deliver . Well, leland, i think first its insightful to examine the comparative between the Previous Administration and barack obama. He spent more time going after israel for starting homes in their own country then he did iran for trying to create Nuclear Weapons which threatens the entire world security. So, there is a great contrast. This president is going to jerusalem for his first major overseas trip as president. This is a pretty profound difference and im very thankful for israels sake that this president is in place. That has certainly been one thought here. We know the israeli right was quite excited, if you will, when President Trump was elected. A lot of reporting here on the ground that for lack of a better term, folks are worried. So close to the Prime Minister we saw President Trump tweet out that he was honored to meet president and that he was going to get a deal done. Do you worry at all about the pressure that President Trump might put on the israelis. I worry a lot about the pressure that President Trump is under right now. The fact is, barack obama stood beside the golf club and watched isis rape and brutalize their ways across iraq and then donald comes in and says im going to destroy them completely. Theres tremendous pressure on him to keep an Arab Coalition together to help affect that outcome and so there is a lot of pressure. I carry the bill on trying to move the embassy from tel aviv back to jerusalem where it belongs. I think this president has had tremendous pressure placed on him to sign the waiver next month to keep the embassy where it is. I hope that somehow he finds a way to refuse to sign the waiver if not, i hope we get this bill passed. Yes, there is a lot of pressure and the president faces a rough profoundly complicated equation. Complicated indeed. He will see it all as he goes from saudi arabia, to jerusalem, to rome in just about a week. Congressman frank, i present you being here. Well chat with you more in the coming weeks. Well see what the president delivers on the ground when we return to the holy land will talk exactly about what congressman frank was just speaking about. A live talk with Prime Minister benjamin spokesman about moving the us embassy to jerusalem. Will it happen does it matter plus, our Political Panel breaks down all the fallout over James Comey Firing his fbi director and whether there will be a bipartisan support for his successor. Plus, buried by the comey news has been hurting Jeff Sessions was to tighten mandatory sentencing for Violent Crimes including the pressures behind americas heroin epidemic. Enforcement is crucial to stopping the violence transnational cartel that smuggle drugs across our borders and gangs and thugs that bring us into our communities. We are now over 19 half trillion dollars in debt. Entirely unacceptable. Im William Devane and we are now in more debt than weve ever been. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Could be preventedrrent with the right steps. And take it from me, every step counts. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Elizabeth a massive fiber have countries crippling to the thousands of computers on friday the vulnerability being used for the attacks appears to be one that was once used by the nsa. He she joins us with more details on this latest attack. The very stuff. Highlands. The cyber attack is to be the biggest of its kind ever recorded. The Global Attack friday affecting more than 70 countries including the us, russia, uk, spain, china and india. Chillingly experts say that hackers use a cyber attack method stolen from the Us Government National Security agency. Hackers then use this and as a cyber code to spread a virus that infected windows Computer Systems with ransom where known as want to cry. This is software that enters the computer to spam email and once in an email and it opened up it locks up a Computers Data and it demands the user pay a ransom or risk losing their data completely. This is a photo of what showed up on infected Computers Worldwide. Was taken from a Surgery Center in northern england. The ransom demanding 300 and increasing over time to 600. This attack affecting everything from Telecommunications Industries to governments. Fedex corporation in the us, british hospitals and medical centers, the russian interior ministry, french carmaker and others. Hospitals across britain found themselves without access to computers or phones, hospitals forced to cancel routine procedures, Emergency Room Services were scaled down and the uk Prime Minister teresa may call this attack on hospitals absolutely disgusting. It is unprecedented in terms of the scale of the cyber attack this has taken place in the National Cyber Security Center is working with all organizations here in the uk. They released a security update for customers and are asking that they go to their blog to download it in a statement from microsoft says quote those who are running microsofts free Anti Virus Software or have Windows Update enabled are protected. Given the potential impact to customers and their businesses microsoft will lease update for windows xp, eight and Windows Server 2003. The hackers have not claimed responsibility in the good news is it doesnt look like its a nationstate. Its actually criminals out there that are doing this in the full extent of the damage is yet to be known. How much money was paid in ransom and how much data it may have been lost from this attack. List the five finance, reporting life. Leland six the president s top cop telling his prosecutors, go for it when it comes to taking on the worst criminals. Attorney general Jeff Sessions has given clear instruction to seek the most severe charges and the top penalties. While that edict is drying praise from law and order advocates it is drying a lot of criticism from civil rights groups. Fox news correspondent peter ducey with what this means for americas heroin epidemic. Reporter you brought haters are going to prison. With that, a trip and came became an attraction for americas Law Enforcement. A two page memo from the attorney general to us attorney generals words criminals, prosecutors will now almost always pursue charges with the longest possible sentences. If mandatory minimum sentences will even apply to drug offenses with what the last minute she should try to to be lenient and considered nonviolent. We are returning to enforcement of law that was passed by congress, plain and simple. If you are a drug trafficker we will not look the other way. Thats a major change from the obama ministration approach designed to reduce prison populations. Our primary driver of the mass incarceration phenomenon is our drug laws are mandatory minimum sentences around drug laws. Reporter eric holder now says quote the policy announced today is not tough on crime, it is dumb on crime. The Trump White House says the change is now carefully crafted. This policy was formulated after extensive with the prosecutors a handful of cases each and every day around the country. Reporter Prison Reform advocates are alarmed by the prospect of a return to the war on drugs. The problem with the war on drugs is that it swept up not just people engaged in highlevel drug offending but lots of people in the lower levels of the drug trade. This had very little impact on drug use and abuse. Reporter on capitol hill, democrats and at least one republican are scoffing at this new policy too. Senator iran paul says mandatory sentences are unfair and proportionately incarcerated too many minorities for too long. Attorney general sessions new policy will accentuate that injustice but a former federal judges are, these things really. Mac when the crowd and president obama say go easy on this stuff they want you to think what theyre talking about is that some guy said in his room talking up on a joint. Thats not the kind of cases were talking about. They didnt prosecute major drug dealing cases. This has created more of a problem. Reporter i was with the attorney general and when he announced a more aggressive approach to counting up drug dealers. Now hes saying what he wants to do once theyre in custody. Sessions is not proposing a new loss, just saying that this Justice Department will no longer pick and choose which one they want to enforce. In washington, outside the just army, peta and peter, fox news. Elizabeth we thank you for that report. Our fair and balanced panel will break down all of the fallout over James Comey Firing. Who might replace him at the fbi more important in terms upcoming israeli trip and whether he will address the topics he has been avoiding for decades. Since the founding of the jewish state, the American Embassy has been here in tel aviv. Shall we say its a sore point in us, israeli operations. They would like it in their internal capital here in jerusalem where there is already an american conflict. In 1995 times passed a law saying the embassy should be moved here as well. Every president since has overruled them. Now, it is up to President Trump who faces a warning that making this us embassy could spark violence around the arab world. I get back to business. Take 5, guys. Tired of your bladder always cutting into your day . You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Thats it we really need to get with the program and see the doctor. Take charge and ask your doctor about Myrbetriq Mirabegron for oab symptoms of urgency, frequency and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. If you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. Before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. 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The real estate mogul. The politicians spoke you Liberty University take an opportunity to take a dig at the washington talisman. In my short time in washington. Ive seen firsthand how the system is broken. A sm who think they know everything and understand everyone. They want to tell everyone else how to live and what to do and how to think. Elizabeth lets break that all down. Heres our panel, garland nixon and Kevin Sheridan spoke as spoke. Speaker paul ryan. His Vice President nomination. Thank you very much this is on the heels of a very difficult week. The president really promoted being a outsider and these are people who wear their beliefs on their sleeves. He also said take risks. You can change the world. Is that an answer to what weve seen this week, saying this is me being an outsider perspective this is his wheelhouse. They carried over the ledge in the election and this is space. He identifies with his group more than any other voter. There are voters who had been beaten down by the system, they been passed out of that normal political discussion for too long and hes trying to give them voice. I thank you should do more of this. I thank you should go out and speak to his face and do big rallies. It energizes him and i think it energizes space. Elizabeth sometimes i think people getting critical because the campaign is over and he should focus on the white house. Meeting with lawmakers and promoting yourself. He feels under siege right now and hes attempting to as kevin said, returned to his face however, i think had difficulty getting back to the out side or status because if you look at pain, hes railing against the system but his secretary worked for the. [inaudible] cabinet are working for Goldman Sachs and hes commended himself as part of the system that he railed against. Hes hired system that he railed against into his cabinet and hes trying to regain outsider status. I dont think he can do that. Elizabeth hes doing it with messaging and on that note i want to play soundbites for you. One is the white house interpretation of the investigation into russian metal thing. And behind it is the, now, acting director testifying on how important it is that the best place. The fbi is doing a whole lot more than the russian investigation. I know everybody in this room and probably most of the media around the world would like to think that the fbi source monthly but that is probably one of the smallest things that theyve got going on their plates. Their 20000 plays a work there. Is highly significant investigation. You were not paraphrased as a small thing youre engaged in . I would not. Elizabeth those are two distinct messages we are seeing. What should people at home be reading into this question what is the daytoday take away. I think the better point is that donald trump didnt fire the fbi. He fired the director who messed up the last big ossetia. Mccabe, acting director, said a significant investigation is Going Forward. We have heard nothing in terms of evidence yet on what we wouldve thought we had some leaks on who they are looking at an actual ties to russian collusion. Elizabeth i do not interrupt you on one point. We did hear from mccabe who said the rankandfile members of the fbi were quite fond of comey and maybe he was popular. Whats your response was. Number one, he is the president. He has the right to fire the fbi elizabeth some are disputing that but right now we have to wait. A lot of the bernie people in the Democratic Party dont buy into the accusations about russia without the evidence without having evidence presented yet. Right now, the fbi has the right to continue doing what theyre doing. Because he fired, because he got rid of someone he had a right to get rid of, i dont think we can read in anything into that until we have something that tells the fbi is doing wrong. Theres a difference but i do think people who are under investigation are always going to try to downplay. I dont see that is something of course, its a huge organization. There will be people saying that they did not. Elizabeth whats your take on the timing though is a lot of people will agree with you and say hes going should have gone generate 21st. There is a function of not having a staff in place until the Deputy Attorney general got there and can look at it closely you can take that look at it and make a judgment for yourself whether that was the real motivation for it or did trump simply get sick of obscene comey doing this and thought that during the critical time, during the summer season, why would we want a guy who screwed up the last of his occasion doing this one. We want answers on what happened during the russia campaign, then we should have somebody in place to everybody trust, a suspect because thats the only person that is going to get through the senate. Elizabeth garland, i want to let you have the last word. With that, the acting fbi director has to keep things moving. Like you said, the fbi is still in the skin. If he is not name the director, then the next director has to induct the next investigation. Is this impeding investigation for. John cornyn has been mentioned and i think that is important that he chooses someone who has a Law Enforcement history as opposed to a political history. This would take a john cornyn or a politician it would certainly look like this is a political move to try to save his hide as opposed to a professional Law Enforcement. Elizabeth all eyes on this next its very important. Thank you, very interesting. Leland specs that whenever a us president comes to israel there is unprecedented security. Violence here has taken a new trust. Just a few hours ago a palestinian man iran up, stabbed an Israeli Police officer nearly killing him. Happened less than a mile from where i am standing. It is the latest attack and what has become the palestinians favorite form of terror. The Police Officer shot and killed a man. In the west bank yesterday palestinians left friday prayers and headed for is really point. They were throwing stones admit the teargas and chaos Israeli Soldiers shot and killed one of the rioters. On the same day National Security advisor hr mcmaster promised the president would do everything he can to bring about peace. With president we will reaffirm americas unshakable bond to the jewish state. With president he will express his desire for dignity and selfdetermination for the palestinians. To leaders and people alike across the entire trip he will demonstrate his hopes for just and lasting peace. Many here in jerusalem on both sides will tell you that hope is not a policy. Behind me is the old city, what is often called the most valuable square mile of real estate in the world. When we return, david borowitz, editor of the times in israel is wondering if this deal is impossible if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Times up, insufficient were on prenatal care. Es. And administrative paperwork. Your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you, too. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. With sleep number, theres an adjustment for that. Tilt your tormentor and put those snores to sleep. Does your bed do that . Only at a sleep number store find final clearance prices on the best beds for couples. To be seven when President Trump arrives here in israel he will be in pursuit of what he calls the ultimate deal but he comes having reversed decades of us policy by saying he is okay with a one state solution. Rightwing israelis loved it but he also told the palestinians that hell get a deal done to help us swear those two comments David Horovitz founder of the times of israel, great to have you here. Thanks so much. This caught our eye and some of our reporting here in the main daily newspaper, the anxiety sleeping in to the israeli right wing, a visit is comparable only to the euphoria that gripped it when the extensible master dealmaker was elected us president. Does that ring true . They thought it would be a sentiment that would give them a Carte Blanche to expand settlements that would mention there, two state solution, one state solution, after you type anything. He hasnt given a free hand on settlements and he said i want to do a deal and has been gracious to the palestinians and theres something there might be some pressure from this president. They been gracious back. He came to the white house and he tweeted this, he said i am honored, and honor to host host the president at the white house today. Just a few hours after that he deleted that sweet but President Trump doesnt do very often. Thats interesting. Hes coming to the middle east, there israelis are so pleased this early in his presidency unlike the professor, me to israel. Coming to meet with us for the second time and he was so warm overly so, so he deleted a tree. Again, this getting israelis confident that the he will be more of a serious player on this will give us more pressure than we thought. We saw a lot of pressure on the israelis by the obama demonstration that didnt work. The israeli stonewalled and if anything, when the other direction. How does President Trump prevent that from happening . The israelis felt that obama didnt understand the security challenges that they face. You can tell israel to withdraw but terrace will take over. Then they will be in real peril. The time you realizes that they had more entity and if they want to make progress there will be a change at a basic level. They will educate their people for compromise and stop inciting them for violence. Will have more on that exact issue with the Prime Minister spoken coming up any minute. This has proved elusive for every us president. President obama learned how tough it was, president clinton got just that close and failed. If the deal possible was mark. I actually dont think so in the short term. To relinquish the territories that the palestinians seek in this period and in the middle east with the level of predicted unpredictability and danger is something they do not do. They would need to see on the palestinian side of a nation, a public that has come to terms with their legitimate me here and pushing for peace. You dont have that on the palestinian side. Usually dont have it in west bank or gaza. Is the status quo sustainable respect we seen the stabbings. From an israeli perspective status quo is into that. We want a jewish state, democratic state. That means we have to disentangle from the palestinians but we have to be able to do it in a way that is secure. There will be a lot to write about this visit. David, we appreciate your insight. Lets. Elizabeth coming up on americas news headquarters we codified and rained here in the Nations Capital will it all stir up for mothers day. Well find out tonight after that no one whats in your wallet . My frii say not if you this protect yourself. Ary. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a serious disease. My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. Just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause Pneumococcal Pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Get this one done ask about prevnar 13® at your next visit to your Doctors Office or pharmacy. Elizabeth if you live on the east coast you may have been hoping for sunshine on mothers day weekend but will you get it was mark meteorologist is that the Fox Weather Center with the very latest. Hi, adam. That sunshine is few and far between. Showers abound. Heres what it looks like across the east coast. Some research from the southeast all the way up into the northeast at this point a couple areas are seen some of the heaviest rain to stop in georgia and portions of upright. These are all very heavy showers lifting you up the coast and this is the larger area of that system now includes portions of philadelphia up towards new york slowly going to lift its way up into the northeast. This is a steady, consistent rainmaker throughout the rest of the weekend. If youre in the path of this youre talking a good one, two, 3 inches of rain. This just slowly moves up on the coast. Theres the hour by hour timestamp. This runs in the sunday times frame. Lifting if youre back in the midatlantic by sunday, it will clear up a little bit but this is a slow mover for the northeast. Theyll continue to see rain here in the next couple days. That warmer air is on the way, liz, when people the middle of the country are experiencing it. This is forte. 86 degrees in fargo. The next couple days that warm air begins to shift east. Some are seen nice weather this weekend. Elizabeth look at that beautiful weather in denver. Adam, thank you. We appreciate it. Welcome to the us be in tel aviv. The israelis would like it in jerusalem and as a candidate, President Trump promised to move it there. Now, things might be changing. Will tell you why it matters when we come back. Fun in art class. Come close, come close. I like that. [ music stops suddenly ] ah. When your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Awww. Try this. For minor arthritis pain, only aleve can stop pain for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. Thank you. Come on everybody. You cant quit, neither should your pain reliever. Stay all day strong with 12 hour aleve. Adult 7 promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. ray the difference has been incredible. She is much more aware. She wants to learn things. vo purina pro plan bright mind. Nutrition that performs. Yeah, cause i got allstate. . If you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. Thats cool. I got a new helmet. We know steve. Its good to be in good hands . Leland on patrol on two of the worlds most armed and dangerous borders. Ever vigilant, 24 hours a day, the israeli forces. Elizabeth plus, moving fast to find a replacement for fired fbi director james comey. Weve got the short list of candidates meeting at the department of justice today. Leland welcome back to jerusalem as we continue a special edition of americas news headquarters. Behind me, the lights of the old city, the very same view President Trump will have in just about a week. Elizabeth good saturday afternoon, im Elizabeth Prann in washington where there is no shortage of news this weekend. And theres a lot of activity at the department of justice as the search intensifies for james comeys replacement as fbi director. Fox news has learned at least five candidates are being interviewed today. Our own Allison Barber is standing by at the department of justice as those candidates arrive. Hi, allison. Reporter thats right, elizabeth. We were expecting initially this morning to have four candidates come here to the department of justice. Just a little while ago we found out that there was another one added, his name is adam lee. Lee is a special agent with the fbi. He heads up their division in richmond, virginia. Were expecting him to arrive here within the hour. President trump spoke about this entire process on air force one a little while ago. I want you to take a listen to that. I think the process is going to go quickly because almost all of them are very well known. You know, theyve been vetted over their lifetime, essentially. But very well known, highly respected, really talented people. And thats what we want for the fbi. Reporter before the four be other candidates who are reportedly interviewing are alice fisher, acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe, michael garcia, a judge from new york, and sitting texas senator john cornyn who seemed to downplay this interview saying in a statement, quote reporter alice fisher arrived early this morning, a little bit before 7 45 a. M. One reporter asked her as she drove in she had any comment before the meeting. She shook her head and said, no, thank you. Sources are telling fox news this entire list has about 12 people on it. Again, five people are expected to be interviewing here today. After adam lee, we expect acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe to appear. Whoever they pick has to then be confirmed by the senate before they can start what is typically a 10year term. Elizabeth . Elizabeth thank you so much, allison. And for more insight on director comeys firing and the search for a new head of the bureau, lets bring in former fbi assistant director steve pomerantz. You have very special insight, so were excited that youre joining us. Youre welcome. Elizabeth you had been to the headquarters a week ago friday, so before we move forward, i sort of want to get the pulse on what its like inside the bureau right now . Was there any inkling that this could happen . Well, the answer to that question is absolutely not. I had no indication that there was any inkling at all. And i have to tell you, it was a very positive day i spent with the leadership, including about ant hour with director about an hour with director comey. He was aware of the controversy surrounding the last few months, but he was confident, the organization was confident in his leadership, and Going Forward he had a very testify anytime plan about the things he wanted to accomplish. I really felt a sense of confidence, of aggressive leadership and of a specific plan to go forward. No inkling ble elizabeth you certainly here that, there was confidence among the rank and file. No question. Im sure in the 35,000 people in the fbi, im sure youre going to find some who had questions about his conduct over the past month and some of the things he did, including me. Overwhelmingly, he was very popular. Other things going on inside the fbi other than this one particular matter. And he was very popular as an individual, was well liked and well respected and highly regarded. Thats certainly my sense of it. Elizabeth we heard Allison Barber say there was about a dozen folks who were being considered for the position. At least five of them are getting interviewed today. Theres a select people, a few people on that list who you know and have worked with personally yes, several. Elizabeth i want to get your pulse on that. I believe there was five or four who you have met and worked with personally. Maybe more. Certainly, the insiders, people inside the fbi, andy mccabe who i have, again, very high regard for, and the other people inside the fbi. Larry thompson, who was a former Deputy Attorney general and often mentioned as a potential Supreme Court nominee, a very person of great integrity. And let me say to you, you know, the fbis the nearest thing we have in the United States to a secret police. Now, that may be an overly dramatic way of putting it, but not entirely because many of the things and, certainly, weve seen this in the directors testimony when he says repeatedly, i cant talk about this. I cant go into detail about this. And hes right. And many things the fbi does that are done in secrecy. And in order to you have to have confidence in the leadership and in the director of the fbi for the American People to accept that there is an organization thats acting in their best interests, certainly trying to do that, but yet not entirely open. You have of to have confidence in a person to lead that kind of an organization. And i think people like some of the people being mentioned now Elizabeth Ray kelly. Certainly, with a long career in Law Enforcement. Mr. Garcia who has led a federal Law Enforcement organization, has experience inside the Department Elizabeth mike rogers. And, you know, mike rogers certainly fits that, who i know and respect and admire, fits that description. So there are capable people. Unfortunately, i think the circumstances of all this are going to put whoever assumes that position now in a very, very difficult elizabeth thats what i was going to ask you. A very difficult posture. Yes. Elizabeth the real test wasnt whether or not comey was going to keep his job, its who is going to be selected to be the next fbi director. Not only does that person need senate confirmation, but it also needs the confidence of the American People. This is a huge investigation,st a huge responsibility to lead the fbi. Correct. Correct, and particularly under these circumstances where theres mistrust about the reasons for the firing. And i think legitimately so, legitimate questions about why he was really fired and what the expectations of the president are in the new director. And thats going to be a difficult, a difficult mantle to elizabeth well, there were so many explanations as to why he was fired at the time. We saw that with the Communications Department within the white house, so my last question is what huge responsibility does this person have moving forward . To give, to make the American People confident that he is leading, he or she elizabeth yeah, we could have the first woman. Could have the first woman, he or she is leading in an absolute impartial, professional, nonpartisan, nonpolitical agenda manner. And i think thats going to be a real particularly insofar as this russia investigation goes, a difficult if not impossible be, if not impossibles task given the partisanship and the divisiveness around this issue. I dont know how you satisfy all your constituencies. Elizabeth well, steve pomerantz, we thank you for joining us with your expertise. Thank you, elizabeth. Elizabeth obviously, we hope to hear before the president leaves for his trip this week. We just dont know, but we appreciate you coming on. Thank you, elizabeth. Always a pleasure. Elizabeth leland . Leland well, certainly more on the search for a new fbi director as those interviews continue today, possibly even getting word before he arrives here in israel. The man who fired james comey, President Donald Trump, spent his morning in lynchburg, virginia, where he gave the commencement address at Liberty University. Continuing his outreach to the christian community, something that will certainly come up when he arrives here in the middle east. Kevin corke joined the grads who got there awfully early this morning to see the president and, certainly, they gave him a very warm welcome, kevin. Reporter that they did, my friend. We were here at six a. M. And, yes, there were already thousands of people here. In fact, when we walked in, no question, there were tens of thousands of people already on the far side of the stadium here as the president gives his very first commencement address as commander in chief. Actually, his third trip here to liberty. You may recall he was actually here as a candidate. And, of course, back then he was still sort of battling it out with the rest of the republican field but, of course, he has since gone on to win the white house. In fact, he used a bit of that messaging today to inspire the students. He told them, listen, dont take your cues from washington, do what you can to live out your dreams, and most of all listen to your hearts. Nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic, because theyre people that cant get the job done. But the future belongs to the dreamers, not to the critics. Reporter the dreamers, indeed. Dream big, is what the president was trying to say there. Meanwhile, the president also not only spoke to the students here, theres about 50,000 people that were here. I have to tell you, the stadium seats about 30,000 plus, there were probably about 10,000 on the field, thousands all around the hills and the concourses. It was really amazing to see. The president also, again, not only told the students to thank their participants for their contribution and their parents for their contributions and sacrifice, he told them to remember this be bold and be yourself. Carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures. Does that sound familiar, by the way . [applause] the more people tell you its not possible, that it cant be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. Reporter now, obviously, we know where he was going with that, right . All the pundits and most of the media aid you cant win, you cant be president. Remember that model i think i saw one of the models preelection that said 98. 1 Hillary Clintons going to win and, of course, he won. So i think thats what hes trying to say here today. Do your best to be your best and dont listen to critics who tell you you cant do or be anything you can think of or dream. A very nice day here in the Rolling Hills of the commonwealth. Back to you. Leland well, the president certainly living proof of that. More on the president s christian outreach with Chris Mitchell of cbn when we come back to jerusalem in a little while. Kevin, thank you. Back to liz in washington. Elizabeth we have a startling story in the world of technology. A global cyber attack creating chaos among hospitals across england as teams of technicians work around the clock to restore Computer Systems. The large scale hack which has affected tens of thousands of Computers Worldwide used tools believed to have been stolen from the National Security agency is. Bryan llenas has more details. Bryan, what can you explain to us about situation . Reporter well, look, liz, hackers exploited a Software Flaw is in Windows Microsoft computers, a flaw that was creditly once a part of the u. S. Governments national secretly once a part of the u. S. Governments National Security agencys software. Ran someware infects computers, locks your computer holding your data hostage. A user must pay a ran. Ransom or their data will be lost forever. It demands up to 600. This attack is alarming because of just the sheer size and speed. It hit nearly 100 countries including the u. S. , u. K. , india, spain, china and russia. It affected all types of industries from the Fedex Corporation near the u. S. To british hospitals and medical centers, the russian interior ministry, french car maker renault and others. And this virus affected 20 of Britains National health service. Most is back online, thankfully, now and many were forced to cancel routine procedures though. Emergency Room Services were scaled down. No one has claimed responsibility yet, but this was highly sophisticated, and governments and companies are still trying to assess how much money and data may have been lost while also reuping their cyber defenses. Elizabeth so with something thats so sophisticated, what can people do to protect themselves and companies too . Microsoft had released a security update in march against this very specific vulnerability, and customers can now up download this protection if you havent already done so. In a statement, microsoft says, quote those who are running microsofts Free Antivirus Software or have Windows Update enabled are protected. But given the potential impact to customers and their businesses, microsoft released updates for windows xp, 8 and server 2003. Now, the department of Homeland Security encourages all users to back up your data and not click on or download unfamiliar links. In a statement dhs says individual users are often the first line of defense against this and oh other threats, and we encourage all americans to update your operating systems and implement vigorous cybersecurity practices at home, work and school. I spoke to ibm, and they tell me that the number of ransomware is present in 40 of spam emails. Thats a 6,000 increase from 2015, so everybody must do their part to be on alert. Elizabeth wow. Good advice, bryan. Thank you so much to. Reporter of course to. Elizabeth leland . Leland ahead of the president s visit to jerusalem, the palestinians have become a Charm Offensive of sorts saying theyre ready for peace and telling mr. Trump he is just the man who can do the impossible. But israelis say the media to fencive is disin offensive is disingenuous at best while they celebrate the bombers and gunmen that have taken so many israeli lives. To talk about it, david keyes joining us as we overlook the old city. Great to have you. Is this a new condition of the Israeli Government . Is this a posturing against the palestinians . Whats happening here . Its not a precondition for any kind of talks, but what it is is a realization that peace cant move forward if the palestinian president is actively infusing the next generation with hate for the jewish people and the jewish state. Leland you guys have really gone on the offensive about it. Theres youtube trade owes, twitter messages videos, twitter messages from the Prime Minister. Look, president abbas said he supports educating his people for peace. He said he is actively educating his people for peace, and i just have a few quick questions. Does someone who educates for peace dedicate statutes to the to terrorists . Honor mass murderers of israelis in schools . Pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year to terrorists who murder israelis . A billion dollars has gone to president president abbas, excuse me, has given a billion dollars to people who have murdered israelis. Leland no, and were seeing this in the videos that you guys are putting up. I saw from the United States, senator graham putting out a bill essentially calling for putting out putting off money to the p. A. , the palestinians, as long as they are continuing to do this. Im assuming you support that . We dont normally comment on legislation but, of course, we support the end of monies going to murders and terrorists, and this is absolutely in the right direction because its outrageous. Think about what a billion dollars could have done. Think about if that had gone to peace education. Leland israel has a peace treaty with jordan, with egypt as well. I think you could agree those are going pretty well. The question is theres a lot of incitement in jordan, a lot of incitement against israel in egypt as well. What makes this different . One of the main differences is this is really a topdown phenomenon where president abbas says we welcome every drop of blood spilled in jerusalem. Think about if a billion dollars had gone to peace education, as i said. Think about if statutes had gone up to gandhi or Mother Teresa instead of mass murderers. Think about educating the next generation for peace instead of war. But instead, president abbas is diverting so much money to teach Young Children that the best thing they can do is murder israelis. Leland something, certainly, that the Prime Ministers going to bring up with President Trump, probably some of the examples that you all are putting out as well. Yesterday Prime Minister netanyahu doubled down on saying he wants not only the u. S. Embassy, but all embassies moved to jerusalem. Give us a sense, how serious of a request is this . Is this something that you want done tomorrow . Because theres a lot of people who say its not worth the cost in terms of what will happen in the west bank, could happen in the arab world if that move is made. Well, of course we want not only the u. S. Embassy, but all embassies to move to jerusalem leland and youre not worried about the potential consequences . Well, i think that this conflict ultimately boils down to recognition of the other and what arab states, what some arab states and certainly what the palestinians are trying to do is delegit mite israel by saying you dont have a connection. Thats why vote toss say you dont really belong in jerusalem are so damaging, because thats what this conflict is about. Its a selfevident truth that jerusalem is the capital of the state of israel. Its been the epicenter of the jewish peoples moral, religious and political life for literally thousands of years. Theres absolutely no leland so moving the embassy, in your view, verifies that as a stamp of approval from the world of what you just said. Well, its a tamp of approval of a basic truth, a stamp of approval of the realization that jerusalem is the capital of the jewish people and the state of israel. And thats been evident for literally thousands of years. Leland david keyes, youre going to have a busy couple of weeks coming up. Appreciate it, my friend. Thank you very much. Elizabeth coming up, Leland Vittert giving us an exclusive look of a night raid on israels heavily fortified border. What israeli troops face every day. Plus, our own troops here at home are gearing up for mothers day with many moms as well as dads away from home defending our freedom. Were going to talk to the author of a new book bringing chicken soup to the souls of our great military families. And potential chaos at one of americas Busiest Airports. Will carr is out where a Major Construction project could test the patience of thousands of travelers passing through the city of angels. Will . Reporter hey there, liz. Its the Biggest Airline relocation project in lax history. Well tell you why and what passengers are saying coming up after the break. you dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Buttrust angies list to help. , [ barks ] visit angieslist. Com today. Elizabeth well, getting through Airport Security can be tough these days, theres no secret there. Now imagine piling on a massive relocation project involving 15 airlines in a business Central Terminal area of Los Angeles International airport. Talk about potential headaches for passengers. Will carr joins us from los angeles with more details. Will, i assume that youre going to tell people they may want to get there early. Reporter yeah, thats great advice, liz. And lax is pretty busy on a normal day, the second Busiest Airport in the country. So so with that in mind, the airline ands the airport here are asking for people to show up at least three hours in advance. This is a bit like a homeowner packing up and having to move all the way across the city, except for theyre having to stay in business. So just after midnight a number of airlines boxed everything up and relocated to a numb of different term number of different terminals. Its all part of a 14 billion project to upgrade lax, and it includes delta which is footing the 60 million relocation bill moving to terminals two and three here. The airlines and the airport are doing everything they can to make this transition go smoothly. So far it looks like everythings going according to plan. Take a listen to a couple passengers. It isnt enough dealing with the regular traffic in the airport, but when youve got construction on top of that, that adds to the confusion. The public not aware of it, thats a different story. But i think the airport is ready for it. Reporter lax has been putting out constant updates, the latest said that passengers are are reminded to ask for help if they have problems finding their flights. With that in mind, they have 200 Staff Members wearing bright vests and helping anybody who has a little bit of confusion. Theyve also put out emails, posts on social media, and they have announcements going over the loud speakers to help ease any potential confusion. The best thing you can do is check your boarding pass, liz, and show up early. That just means you get a little more people watching, maybe an extra cocktail at the many bars that they have here at lax. Elizabeth right. People watching and cocktail consumption is probably something most people wont complain about. Will carr, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Reporter you bet. Elizabeth American Christians hope President Trump will be a stronger advocate for religious liberty and in the middle east, more on that leland here on golan heights, its about six miles away. When we come back, a trip along israels northern border and then into syria. Dear predictable, theres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia its about moving forward, not back. T. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. In body, in spirit, in the now. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Be up for it termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. 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And when President Trump arrives next week, hes going to hear a lot about the threats facing israel. A betterarmed, now battledhardened hezbollah in lebanon and isis with a foothold on the oncequiet syrian border. Earlier this week we took a trip up north to find out for ourselves. We just heard part of this war, of the machine gunfire. That happens every day, every night . Every night. Leland a few hundred yards from syria, this israeli major explains its not the machine gunfire keeping him up. [speaking in native tongue] leland an isis car with explosives is his biggest fear, he says, attacking israeli villages. The Israeli Military captured video of just such an isis attack on the syrian side of the border. This footage, never before seen in the United States, shows israeli commandos heading through the minefields towards syria searching for intelligence. Here in one of the villages, the commander says, he watched as isis took a man, called him an infidel and hung him. And it is not just patrols along the border protecting israelis in the north. At this Forward Operating base in the golan heights, israels tanks are quite literally armed and ready for battle. We also traveled a along the lebanon border with captain roy new bauer. You said every night you go to bed being ready for war tomorrow morning . [inaudible] leland and when we got out of his armored jeep, we understood why. 2300 yards away, thats hezbollah. Were here, what are they doing . Theyre looking at us just like were looking at them. And its used to prepare the terrain to war. Leland so rockets, artillery everything. Leland and to just give you a sense, to just give you a sense of exactly how close the geography is, we did all that in a day and made it back here the same day. It is all quite close, and with that we bring in former netanyahu confidant, current netanyahu confidant, ambassador dory gold. So much has changed here since the 30, 40 years youve been in israel. It used to be arab armies threatening in the 70s and the 80s, is that something youre going to talk to President Trump about . Well, of course, nobody can guarantee what the middle east is going to look like in five years, ten years or fifteen years. And anyone who pretends to know is making a huge mistake. Leland we learned that with the arab spring. If theres one thing we learned from the arab spring, its dont assume that what was there yesterday will be there tomorrow. And, therefore, israel needs to protect itself from all kinds of eventualities. The iranians are now seeking to achieve territorial contiguity through iraq, through syria, through lebanon. Leland is where does israel put its Political Capital during this visit . The president s on the ground for 26 hours here. Is the message to the president , hey, look, we really want to make a peace deal with the palestinians . Is the message israels under an existential threat. What is the takeaway . I think its very simple. Lets focus on two things. Number one, the Jordan Valley has been the front line of israels defense since 1967. The Jordan Valley is something which rabin, the man who started the whole peace process, warned in his last knesset speech israel must retain the valley. So thats our front line. Were not giving up the valley, and polls show 80 of the public want to retain the valley. And one other point. Jerusalem, in an era in which holy sites are being blown up all over the middle east, in egypt, in iraq, in syria, were going to turn over the holy sites of western civilization to mr. Abbas, to hamas or isis . Israel and only israel will protect jerusalem for all the great faiths. And i hope the u. S. Administration understands that. Leland so more on that very issue in terms of the holy sites and christian persecution with Chris Mitchell in a minute. Back to this trip with President Trump. Okay, so this is a president who says he wants to make a deal. Deals require concessions by both sides. Is there anything that the israelis are going to bring to the table thats going to be different, that is a new inducement, if you will, for a deal . What are the concession points . Well, before we talk about israeli concessions, lets ask ourselves one fundamental question do we have bridgeable differences between the parties . Leland so theres a possibility that there cant be a deal . Well, i think i there are deals that can be done, thats my personal view leland you think theres a deal, i just want to button this up. You think theres a deal that can be done in an intellectually honest sense that the palestinians would agree with as well . Theres something out there that both sides, given their current positions, could reasonably agree to . What many of us who have been involved in negotiations for more than 15 years have concluded is that a final status deal covering all the issues like jerusalem, like security, like borders is not in the cards right now. Leland okay. But more limited understandings can be reached that are important for the palestinians and important for israel. And thats what we should be aiming for. Leland well, weve heard President Trump say he wants to make a deal, so well see if he settles for what you say, an interim deal, or keeps pushing. Ambassador, appreciate your time sir. We know its valuable. My pleasure. Leland liz . Elizabeth American Christians hope President Trump will be a stronger advocate for religious liberty, and in the mideast tougher on persecution. Were going to speak with a christian journalist in jerusalem ahead of President Trumps visit. Whether we are brown, black or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. We all salute the same Great American flag. 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Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. When the founders wrote the declaration of independence, they invoked our creator four times because in america we dont worship government, we worship god. [cheers and applause] leland that was President Trump this morning at Liberty University. Christians here in the middle east are really hoping this administration will stand stronger against persecution as hundreds of thousands of christians have been forced to flee their home countries facing civil war and islamic terror. Chris mitchell is Mideast Bureau chief for the christian broadcasting network, and he is also the author of a new book, isis, iran and israel what you need to know about the current mideast crisis and the coming mideast war. On that happy note, chris, nice to see you. There is something about your shot that i want to point out to our viewers, is that over your shoulder is a Christian Cross thats lit up. Its a church, one of the many churches inside the old city, and it is increasingly becoming that israel the jewish homeland is the only state in the middle east that you can be a christian. First of all, leland, its great to see you back here in jerusalem. Leland its good to be here. And thats a great point, because israel is the only place where christians are not leaving. Almost every other nation in the middle east, iran all the way to northern africa, you can find that christians are leaving whether in Northern Iraq or syria, its really kind of an exodus. In the last ten, twenty years youve seen hundreds of thousands of christians leafing the area and leaving the area and sometimes being taken out of their homes. Leland a lot are leaving because they have to. Exactly. Yeah, we spoke with a guy named a amar back in jordan. He live inside a town where there were 60,000 christians, and this is what happened. In august of 2014 when the Church Bells Rang and he had to flee with his wife, his two children and also about 60,000 christians. Hes in jordan, he cant work, its hard to go to a third country, and right now he cant go back to his hometown. Leland cant go back and stay alive. We saw during the the very beginning of the Trump Administration the first travel ban included preference for Christian Refugees and that, as we know, is now working its way through the courts as is the second one. Is there any active measures by the u. S. Government, by this administration to try and provide a safe haven for semi of the people youve reported on . Thats a big thing. We were up there in the same village amar left a couple of years ago, thats what they were asking for, a safe zone so christians could have some sort of security. They dont want to go back to their homes and in a year or two isis or some other manifestation comes. Theyre speaking out on behalf of christians. He had an interview with a colleague of mine, david bode city, who said he was going to brody, who said he was going to stand up for christians. Mike pence was at a conference and spoke up, and the message theyre saying is we hear your cry, we wont ignore you, and they have been ignored for many years. Leland will good actions follow good words . Big change with this administration, for sure, but have we seen think concrete actions . Have we seen an increase in the number of visas . Are are we seeing any extra help or allowance for charities . Right now. I think thats going to take a while, several months. I think the seriousness of the fight against isis is one thing that i think encourages a lot of christians right now here in the middle east. They think that trump is going to, hopefully, bring stability. And they also see in him a strong leader, and strength matters in the middle east, and weakness has consequences, and i think were seeing that from the christians here in the last several years. Leland well, they could certainly use some folks with some strength standing behind them. President trump delivering that sort of religious message, strength not only in sabia, but then heading in saudi arabia, but heading to jerusalem and rome as well. Keep up the good works its hard reporting in some tough places you do. The middle east christians really are asking for prayer from American Christians and the support they need from the u. S. Leland i think we have a lot of viewers who might be adding them to their prayers come sunday. Liz . Elizabeth thats right. And speaking of sunday, just in time for mothers day, and military appreciation month, a book that will warm your soul and benefit be our troops. Weve got the author and a look at some touching tributes coming up next. My title is the things you learn in the army. Its just about all the little stuff that you learn. Itll be interesting to see my own name in a famous book. I guess it still hasnt hit yet that im going to to be in a nationallysold book. Measure people would ask me in Different Countries that we traveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. So when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. Im everything. Im from all nations. I would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark . Because im everything. And i marked other. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Elizabeth well, as families gather tomorrow to shower moms with love, lets not forget about our Strong Military mothers, women who are either serving or supporting spouses or children who serve. A new version of the beloved chicken soup for the soul series is out this month, and it features stories of faith, love and bravery all from americas military families. Joining me now is the author, amy newmark. Thank you so much for joining me. Thanks, elizabeth, its really wonderful to be on talking about these amazing families. Elizabeth so chicken soup for the soul is, obviously, a favorite for so many folks. What is unique about this particular version . Its the first one weve ever done thats just for military families. Weve done veterans in the past, weve done military wives, and ive been getting so many stories from military families, i thought these people need their own book. Elizabeth elizabeth so i have a question for you, how did you choose what stories to put in . Really if you talk to any military family, their story is worth sharing. That is i true, and we had thousands of fabulous stories submitted. It was so hard to choose. We worked with the uso, and together we went through thousands of stories and chose the final 101 that made it into the book. Elizabeth i want to talk a little bit about your motivation. I know a lot of people, including myself, who hugely support the uso. Why do you southern the uso . Well, these military families are the Unsung Heroes of the military, right . I know half of 1 of all americans serve in the military, and the other 99. 5 just sit here easy while theyre sacrificing for us, and their families are sacrificing too. And so it was really important for us to support them. And the uso supports the Service Members and their family members during the whole time theyre in the service. And i didnt realize it until very recently that the uso depends on private donations. So royalties from our book are going to the uso. Elizabeth now, i want to share one of your stories. Theres, obviously, an inherent bond between military families, and one mother shared her story talking about her son returning home and the joy she felt, but all the at the same time she felt the pain of another mother whose son did not return home. So my question to you is why is it is important that anybody read this book . You know, people who may not, arent privy to the very challenging lives that military families face . I think as an american its really important to understand what these military families are doing for us. We all honor the Service Members. We cant tell them were looking at the family members, and there are millions of them out there supporting our troops as the uso says, theyre the force behind the forces. I developed such a better understanding of military families as a result of working on this book. Elizabeth can you share with us your favorite . Do you have a favorite . I read about 20 of them so far, and theyre all really incredible. Do you have a particular favorite . Well, theres one woman, jamie handler, who wrote in that she had a baby, and her husband couldnt be with her because he was off being trained in military intelligence, and she was so surprised when she brought her baby home from the hospital. Her mom had helped her, and then doorbell rang, and it was her husband. He had driven 1,000 miles to be with her for one day, and then he was driving 1,000 miles back to where he was doing his military intelligence training. And that just shows what our troops go through to be with their family members and what the family members go through for us. Elizabeth well, amy, i wish we had more time. Its a beautiful book that you put together. Thank you so much for your time and sharing the stories of the brave men and women and the people who support them. Thank you, elizabeth. Elizabeth and coming up after the break, one texas family getting a surprise dinner guest, one that had them, i guess you could say, saying, oh deer . Well explain coming up. New bike . Yeah, cause i got allstate. If you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. Thats cool. I got a new helmet. We know steve. Its good to be in good hands . Whoa, this thing is crazy. I just had to push one button to join. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Intuitive one touch Video Conferencing is a reality. And now its included at no additional cost with vonage business. See why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. Business grade. People friendly. Were looking at brandnew video of former fbi director james call me. We saw him living there right after his wife. This is one of the few citing part of the former director. Hence entrance into firing on tuesday. Interviews are taking the today at the doj to secure his replacement. Take a look at this. One north texas family was sitting down to eat dinner when a deer crashed into their door. It was all caught on their Home Security camera. After a few moments, the deer left the same way it came in. Leland, i want to bring you in here. I hope you are able to enjoy dinner tonight. You have worked for a heart and we appreciate all you did on the show today. We hope youll be back tomorrow, correct . We will be back tomorrow. I am simply the most conspicuous part of this. Its an incredible crew here in jerusalem. My old friends from my time at the bureau who made this possible and it has been quite the trip. Certainly, President Trump will have quite the trip when he arrived here next monday for 26 hours here in israel. Back tomorrow at 1 00 p. M. Eastern previewing more of President Trump trip including an interview with. [inaudible] a former news anchor turned politician who many say could be the next Prime Minister of israel. His thoughts on what he wants to hear from the president of the United States when we see you tomorrow. Now, more news from new york. This is a fox news alert. The search for the next fbi director is heating up. Despite canadas headed to the department of justice today to be interviewed. As a replacement for fired director james call me. Welcome to a new hour inside americas news headquarters. Good afternoon to you. Im julie im kelly. The trumpet ministration wasting no time at all in a search for a new chief for our countrys top Law Enforcement agency. President trump is saying today that the white horse could name from his successor as early as

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