Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170408 18:00:00

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170408 18:00:00

missiles are not used to bomb runways. officials say the strike seen here from the two u.s. navy destroyers was meant to sent a message to the assad regime and its allies. a russian drone was seen over the hospital where victim's of the chemical attack were taken. on a lighter note, the fox news learned the skipper of one of the warships that launched missiles at that syrian airfield is a graduate of the u.s. naval academy. the u.s. ambassador to the united nations would not rule out more strikes from the commander's ship. >> we are prepared to do more.
but we hope that will not be necessary. reporter: i'm told one of those warships in the eastern mediterranean is steaming toward an undisclosed location where the ship will rearm. kelly: the u.s. taking a closer look at the relationship between syria and russia. nikki haley telling a special u.n. session that syria was able to carry out the brutal chemical attack because of russia's support. >> assad did this because he those could get away with it. he thought he could get away with it because he knew russia would have his back. that changed last night. as i warned on wednesday, when the international community consistently fails in its duty to act collectively, there are times when states are compelled to take their own actions.
the indiscriminate use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians is one of those times. kelly: joining me now, israel's ambassador to the u.n. thank you for joining us. i want to get to what ambassador nikki haley said. she said any time the international community fail to the respond to this type chemical attack, do you agree? >> absolutely. it sends a clear message by telling the russian community we'll not tolerate the use and spread of chemical weapons. and the message was sent to do mass discuss, iran, north korea and the security council that sat idly by.
the iranians, when they see instability, they are happy. today they are taking advantage of what's happening in syria to build their presence in syria in the future like what they are doing in lebanon. the control of hezbollah, the terrorist organization. 100,000 rockets in hezbollah. they want to see the same in syria. hopefully we'll see some kind of understanding and iranian militia on the bored with israel. kelly: as a former defense minister who served in is raim, the united states, what should it be doing now in if the future in terms of bringing some stability to that region? >> i think the u.s. showed leadership. we saw other countries following the u.s. when you make a strong decision, people follow you.
in the future the u.s. would say, we'll not accept resolutions, we'll take action. they sent a strong message. we have seen other democracies following that. kelly: look at the timing of it. syria took this hostile action. bashar al-assad took his action against his own people. but it happened at a time when the president had just finished wrapping you have meeting with the president of jordan, egypt, iraq, saudi arabia. there seems to be a consensus within his foreign policy to bring those entities together to form some sort of coalition. would that koa lition be able to help israel in dealing with the formidable forces posed against you? >> i think it's important. i was not in those meetings. but the issue of iran, iran is a
threat to israel and the entire middle east. and those moderate arab countries familiar with that threat. when they come together to speak with the american president, that's the first step to mordr move forward on the bad agreement signed with the iranians. kelly: president trump has been arguing against that even before becoming president. when he was candidate trump he said it was a bad deal. now it looks like one of your staunch enemies there is actually trying to build a nuclear armament. is that something else the united states should be looking out after? we know you certainly are. >> he's a bad deal. we should think about new sanctions against iran. bringing those leaders together not only israel, will be the first start to dealing with the
threat of iran. ambassador haley took a strong stance and we are happy to see that. kelly: be sure to watch "fox news sunday" when chris wallace speaks with one of the people who helped plan the syrian miss soil strikes. general h.r. mcmaster is giving his first television interview ever since becoming national security advisor. be sure to check your local listings. julie: new reports suggesting some changes could be come together trump administration. this as two of president trump's top advisors are said to be at odds. steve bannon and the president's son-in-law jared kushner apparently meeting in south florida yesterday to sort things out. what are you hearing? any truth to these reports?
reporter: the white house says no. there is no question that tension has been brewing between bannon and kushner for quite some time now. this strike in syria believe it wide open. bannon is a non-interventionist. he doesn't think the u.s. should tint screen in places like syria and there are reports he was against this strike. but there is no question kushner is safe as president trump's senior advisor and son-in-law. that leaves people like steve bannon and reince priebus are vulnerable. a senior administration official put out a statement last night. it sphreeds once again this is a completely false story driven by people who want to distract by the successes taking place in this administration. we are talking about that
meeting last night. we learned this meeting took place at mar-a-lago it was attended by bannon, kushner and priebus. we are told president trump ordered it and told them to bury the hatchet. we are told all sides agreed to move forward. but it's difficult to see how that will happen given how deep these divisions run. but in the end the decision relies upon one man and one man only, that's president trump. he has prove within his strike in syria. he's not afraid to stir up the pot and do things differently. kelly: a suspect in custody following the deadly truck attack in sweden. brian llenas is following this
story from new york. reporter: they believe a 30-year-old uzbekistan man is the driver of the stolen beer truck. this is cell phone video of the suspect being arrested 25 miles north of stockholm. we do not know the suspect's name or whether he's a legal resident of sweden. we do note suspect had been on intelligence services radar for some time now. police conducted overnight raids questioning people in connection with the case, and they have not ruled out more arrests. meantime a nation mourns. people are placing flowers at the high-end department store where the truck slammed into people in the center of sweden's capital. monday was declared a national
day of mourning. >> we agree -- we grieve with the families that lost their loved ones. but we are determined to be an open society, democratic society. that's something i'm confident the swedish people also feel. reporter: the suspect drove the stolen beer truck 500 yards through a pedestrian street before plowing into a department store with shoppers repairing for the weekend. they found an incendiary device inside the truck. it had a home made bomb inside. the attacker suffered burns from the explosives after they failed to detonate properly. this truck attack is similar to what we saw in london in march where a british national plowed
a car into pedestrian on a london bridge. julie: the u.s. marine corps announcing its first punishments connected to an embarrassing nude scandal. kelly: house intel chair devin nunes temporarily recusing himself from the probe into russia. we'll look at what's next for the complicated investigation. here is the top democrat on the committee. significant as this is now, there is no way we can allow the investigation to be deterred from the much more important issues at stake.
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brownish ewing an order to lift the drought emergency for his state. expert saying one rainy winter won't change the long-term outlook. a $42 million renovation on london's big ben. the renovation will last for self years. gejulie: devin nunes temporarily stepping aside on the russian investigation. where does the probe go now? sarah, devin nunes says this is temporary. second all says this is the extreme left essentially coming out after him. that it's some kind of hit job. is he being unfairly targeted
for political reasons? >> there were progressive groups that did file complaints about his allegations that he unlawfully disclosed in his march 22 press conference. certainly partisan temperatures were running high on both sides. when chairman nunes did introduce the allegations that susan rice potentially unmasked members of the trump transition for political reasons injected a level of partisanship into the committee that made it untenable. it's a chance for the house intelligence committee to get back to focusing on its investigative duties. members were bashing each other in the media, but they wnl speaking face to face.
julie: let's bring up susan rice. there is a correlation here. susan rice's name has come up and the question was whether or not she unmasked those individuals' names for political reasons. she says it's complete hogwash. her spokeperson says it's not true and they are not going to address it. the bottom line is if for some reason there is evidence that proves she did unmask these names for political reasons, that is a crime, that's a felony. that's a serious accusation. is this a distraction from the nunes situation? >> what's key to remember is while nunes recused himself from the russia-related investigation, he's still involved in investigating these allegations of potential unmasking. those are totally unrelated to the russia investigation. nunes said the incidental
collection was not related to russia at all. he's free to focus on that while he deal with the separate ethics inquiry. julie: could this have been prevented? let's say devin nunes got this information, shared it with others, but didn't share the with the president. it was when president trump made it a public scandal, if you will, because the mainstream media had a field day with his tweet about the obama administration allegedly wiretapping the trump campaign at trump tower. if it had never gotten to that point, do you think we would be talking about this now or would nunes have stepped down as he put it. >> if it hadn't gotten to that point perhaps nunes wouldn't have felt pressured to go public with his findings as soon as he did.
he convened a press conference on capitol hill. went to the white house, briefed president trump and came out and talked to the white house correspondent. and in doing so democrats say he disclosed confidential information. it's not clear if that is in and of itself classified. he was careful about how much he let on about what was in those reports. but there does need to be some sort of review of this to put the situation behind him or the allegations will continue to follow him. nunes didn't want to put his members in a situation where every time they encounter a reporter. julie: he has only temporarily stepped down. most would say it's not temporary, this is a done deal. why the message think is not a permanent situation and all
signs seem to point to the fact he's not going to return to that position? >> there is a black and white timeline to his temporary reprieve from that investigation. but it's not clear that that is going to be resolved quickly because that's being controlled by fellow members of the house. that could last an unknown amount of time that might be in their interest to drag out that probe. julie: as far as the russia probe is concerned, we need to reiterate the fact that there is no evidence of collusion here between russia and the campaign and the presidential election. no evidence whatsoever. but yet the f.b.i. has disclosed that they are in the midst of an investigation and president trump said this is all made up by the media. where is this coming from if the media is making this up, where
are they getting their information and when will this be laid to rest? >> keep in mind what the house intelligence committee is suppose to be investigating is russian cyber activities during the campaign. incidentally that might involve these unsubstantiated allegations. that's what james comey said when he appeared before that committee. he said the f.b.i. was investigating russian hacking, and that inquiry had expanded to include allegations of trump associates colluding with russia. once those allegations had become prominent in the national conversation. he never said that was the focus of the investigation. and originally was not the focus of the house intelligence committee investigation. julie: no evidence on collusion or wiretapping. that's what they said. but we'll have to wait until the investigation concludes.
kelly: a few months ago obama officials patting themselves on the back for a deal to get chemical weapons out of syria. susan rice saying it was a success. but are they praising themselves too soon? house speaker paul ryan says he's confident lawmakers are close to repealing obamacare. but with lawmakers off for the next two weeks, how close are they? >> we all believe it will lower premiums and provide add protection to affordable care. this brings us closer to the final agreement we all want to achieve.
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hearings and meeting, how close are they really? peter doocy is following this from our washington bureau. what are lawmakers telling constituents about an obamacare repeal today? the. pete: they are trying to make the case. just about everything congressman tom mcclintock says about healthcare gets him heckled. >> we want to be sure nobody is left in the lurch. that the new system offers a wide range of policies at lowest possible price. and that we stop this radical increase in premiums we are seeing under obamacare, and stop if the flight of providers out of the obamacare market. reporter: right up until house lawmakers went home for the two-week recess.
the healthcare act has an amendment supported by gop leadership and solve of the freedom of caucus. speaker ryan says the 200-day plan for repeal and replace and reforming the tax code is still on track. kelly: some of the people aren't happy about this. they wanted to see something done. we'll watch to see the developments when those lawmakers return. how concerned are lawmakers about a government shutdown at the ends of the month? reporter: they will have less than a week to stop a government shut down at the end of this recess. they don't want any money from the *'s border wall in there and they don't want cuts to domestic programs which the white house has been asking for. and spokesman for senator chuck schumer receives the only thing that could derail that progress
is the white house insisting on their extraneous demands that would meet bipartisan opposition. he says he thinks the democrats will like the infrastructure plan. but we don't know where it fits into the calendar. kelly: pushing us ever so closer to the cliff. julie: let's bring in republican congressman charlie dent from pennsylvania. a lot of people criticizing congress for taking this break. that was agenda number one and it wasn't done. should they be taking this break and getting this done? paul ryan says they are really close, but not close enough to get it done before the break. >> thanks for having me on the program. we are out for the easter recess.
i don't believe we are as close as many would say on the healthcare bill. there was an amendment offered which on balance was good. $15 billion over 8 years for high risk pools. but there are structural flaws in my view with the legislation that will require a lot more work than being pro poatds in that amendment, even though the amendment on balance is good. the immediate issue when we get back is funding the government. i'm on the approach a yaitions committee. the va is the only appropriations bill that cleared and is law. we'll have to make sure we complete our work in april. julie: let's talk about premiums. the rising premiums is something the gop had been highlighting. there is an amendment in there that would in fact do something about the premiums which by
lowering the costs makes this more attractive. tell us about that. >> it provides for $15 billion over 8 years beginning in 2015-2026. the idea of a federal high-risk pool. that is supposed to help in some cases. so that's the nature of that amendment. again, i don't know that it changes the underlying vote total. some people opposed to the vote have expressed their concerns as well as the medicaid changes and tax credits not being sufficient. i voted against obamacare in 2010. i thought it was a mistake. we would be making a similar mistake if we tried to muscle a bill through. >> this is something like you say cannot be rushed. this is going to be -- and it fills need.
but it needs to be done right. you voted against obamacare. it took them 14 months to come up with something you did not agree with, right? it's been a short period of time before this bill was rolled out. some would say it was rushed. for you personally what changes would you need to see in order to support this? >> a few things. one, i think we should pay close attention to what some of our republic can governors said who represent medicaid expansion in states like mine. john kasich, governor snyder. all put forward a proposal to us, a serious proposal on medicaid to provide a softer landing to medicaid expansion states. they are concerned the bill in its current form would be too much of a cost shift to the states. so if there is not a soft
landing on medicaid, a lot of people on medicaid expansion will go uninsured. so that's a big issue. we have to beef up the tax credit pretty significantly. that's an issue. there is another issue. i think we should leave the revenue on higher income earners and then basically use that money to help pay for the tax credits. >> something else that concerns a lot of americans. people over 65, and also people with preexisting conditions, and this is a huge one. i have spoken with a lot of people who are scared to death if this preexisting condition is removed and somebody becomes ill, why punish them when they have to go and get health insurance. with the rising rate of cancer in this country in the number of deaths and number of families afflicted by this horribly der
deadly disease. if they are afflicted with cancer or they end up paying a premium and essentially punished and they can't get health insurance for the same amount, why should they pay more? >> you know, it's a fair point. i think most us on the republican side agree people with preexisting conditions should be protected. we think that's sacrosanct. we think those lifetime caps and those caps on an annual basis. we want to protect people from those types of caps that are subject to annual caps. we want to remove those. keep those off. the 26-year-olds individuals will be able to stay on their parents insurance. a lot of republicans will understand sift those are maintained in any reform that
moves forward. i know there are some who are pushing in a different direction were there are some pushing a repeal-only strategy. the truth is parts of the healthcare law need to be repealed. parts of it re-placed. and parts of it maintained. i think we need to get the policy right to match the red rick. kelly: just a few months ago members of the obama administration said they got chemical weapons out of syria. but in the wake of this week's attack, were they praising themselves too soon? our panel will weigh in.
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it happened in the eastern part of the country. we have no word on how it happened other identity of that soldier so far. u.s. forces have been fighting an isis-affiliated group in that region for the last few years. kelly: days after the chemical attack in syria, officials who work for president trump are under fire because they claimed all chemical weapons were removed from the country thanks to an agreement reached in 2013. just a few months ago former national security advisor susan rice called the deal a success. joining us scott bolten. thank you for joining us today. before i get to that. let me get to susan rice and what she had to say about these
chemical weapons and how they dispensed with it in 2013. >> i think the president stated the u.s. view, the use of chemical weapons is not something we are prepared to allow to persist. we didn't. we managed to accomplish that goal far more thoroughly than we would have by chemical strikes against chemical targets by getting the entirety of the stockpile removed. kelly: with what took place this week with another sarin gas attack that resulted in deaths in syria, what possibly went awry with the obama administration making sure the chemical weapons were dispensed? >> clearly they were wrong. you have got a quote from susan rice. i feel bad for susan rice because she has been caught in several blunders from the benghazi blunder to the
unmasking blunder to now the 2013 quote where she said they removed the entire stockpile. and then you have got a quote from john kerry in 2014 saying that they removed 100% of the chemical weapons. it really sets a tone for the administration really not following through. and either they didn't fact check which is bad, or they blatantly lied. either way, it's misinformation. it left it on trump's shoes to basically take care of business and finish business that the democratic administration has. kelly: it would appear chemical weapons are still there, the tomahawk missile retaliatory strike the u.s. conducted was to give them a stern warning to
stop using the chemical weapons. what do you say about all of this? >> i have been tweeting about this. it's unfortunate the republicans want to directly or urn directly blame it obama administration. in 2013 this agreement had bipartisan support. in drawing the line on whether we were going to bomb niece facilities or not. we -- bomb these facilities or not. we reached an agreement and allowed russia to remove these chemical weapons. you don't know what the obama administration knew or didn't know. i doubt they were lying. over the last the four years this agreement was on appearance-wise was work. the people to blame are assad and russia. as rex tillerson a couple days ago, either russia was complicit or they are income tent. but you don't blame rice and obama. it's unfair, because this is a humanitarian crisis and all
americans support taking out these chemical weapons. it's a national crime to do so. but blaming your democratic opponent. the campaign is over. start to govern, donald trump. kelly: some people are point fringe of saying he didn't. he was definitely disturbed by what he saw. infants choking to death because of sarin gas, and he took action. are you disputing that in terms of governance. he retaliated. what else do you expect him to do? >> a couple things. i think he has by part and support on this attack because of the international crime. but at the same time he has to get out of campaign mode and be in governance mode. bringing up obama or sue and rice doesn't get us to any great result or end. and laying out america's plan for syria is the next step. he has to go to congress if he
wants to continue to be aggressive against syria. kelly: a lot of people would agree with that democrats and republicans alike to, neat has to go to congress. but he raised the bar and made bashar al-assad think twice about doing anything at all. especially russia. scott and nicole, thank you. julie: a massive search underway for a man accused of stealing several the firearms and sending a threatening manifesto to president trump.
allegedly stole several guns and sent a threatening manifesto to president trump. reporter: more than 150 members of law enforcement doing everything they can to get the suspect behind bars. it started tuesday when authorities say he broke into a gun store and allegedly stole 16 high-end firearms including two assault rifles. they believe he has a bullet-prove vest and military-style helmet. he allegedly torched his car and disappeared. thursday a so-called associate told authorities he made a vague threat about a school. that caused a number of wisconsin school to the close friday. same sore yet said the 160-page manifesto he sent to president trump voting his criticism of
government. >> the revolution. it's time for change. >> reporter: the sheriff told me the man fast to has a lot of disregard and disrespect for public oaf figures and law enforcement, calling them quote agents of the 1% to even slave and keep the population down. he's considered armed and dangerous. the f.b.i. is offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to his arrest. julie: the u.s. keeping up pressure on syria after launching missiles against one of the country's air bases. what the trump administration is what the trump administration is saying about the possibility of another strike. what is scary? pneumococcal pneumonia. it's a serious disease.
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Stockholm , Resident , 25 , Police , Case , Connection , Intelligence , Nation , Arrests , Radar , Department Store , Willw If Be Live Monday , Truck , Capital , Center , Flowers , Families , Society , Democratic Society , Mourning , Loved Ones , Beer Truck , Pedestrian Street , 500 , Bomb Inside , Attacker , Weekend , Burns , Device , Shoppers , Renovation On London , Explosives , National , British , Devin Nunes , Scandal , Car , Us Marine Corps , Punishments , Pedestrian , House Intel Chair , London Bridge , House Intelligence Committee , House Intelligence Committee Investigation , Probe , Democrat , Way , Issues , Stake , Folks , Doctor , Spain , Nerve Pain Shoots , Dad , Step On Up , Errands , Dont Wait , Hands , Burning , Diabetes , Feet , Allstate , Helmet , Cause , Bike , Brand , Cool , Steve , All , Access , Tv , Doorbell Rings , Upbeat Music Playing , Xfinity Watchathon , Netflix , Me Watchathon , 9 , April 9 , Type , Check , Xfinity On Demand , Marines , Headlines , Nude 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Pennsylvania , Thanks , Program , Easter Recess , View , Balance , Flaws , Healthcare Bill , Many , High Risk Pools , Legislation , 15 Billion , 5 Billion , 8 , Work , Pro Poatds , Law , Va , Appropriations , Approacha Yaitions Committee , Lets Talk , Costs , 2026 , 2015 , Cases , High Risk Pool , Idea , Vote , Nature , Total , Mistake , Tax Credits , Concerns , 2010 , Bill , 14 , Attention , Some , Proposal , Snyder , Governors , Republic , Put , Expansion , John Kasich , Form , Cost Shift , Medicaid Expansion , Landing , Tax Credit , Uninsured , Something Else , Revenue , Pay , Income Earners , Death , Conditions , Somebody , Preexisting Condition , 65 , Country , Deaths , Health Insurance , Number , Cancer , Rate , Horribly Der Deadly Disease , Caps , Side , Sacrosanct , Types , Basis , 26 , Republicans , Insurance , Parents , Reform , Parts , Healthcare Law , Strategy , Direction , It Re Placed , Policy , Fred Rick , Wake , Panel , Italian , Ancestry , Lineage , Vecchios , Zuccolis , Ancestors , Dna , Eastern European , 16 , 34 , Ancestor , Paths , Ancestry Com , Yes , Isis , Soldier , Group , Part , Identity , Word , Fire , Scott Bolten , 2013 , Targets , Stockpile , Entirety , Goal , Sarin Gas Attack , Quote , Blunder , Blunders , Benghazi , Gota Quote From John Kerry , Saying , 2014 , Tone , 100 , Finish Business , Misinformation , Shoes , Care Of Business , Tomahawk Missile , Warning , Tweeting , Urn , Line , Niece Facilities , Facilities , Last , Don T , Didnt Know , Appearance Wise , Four , Rice , Crisis , Income Tent , Rex Tillerson , Opponent , Sarin Gas , Infants , Point Fringe , He Saw , Governance , End , Price Doesn T , Campaign Mode , Mode , Result , Sue , Bar , Neat , Firearms , Anything , Search , Nicole , Manifesto , Law Enforcement , Everything , Bars , Guns , 150 , Gun Store , Authorities , Assault Rifles , School , Associate , Vest , Criticism , Trump Voting , Wisconsin , 160 , Its Time For Change , Revolution , Agents , Disrespect , Disregard , Sheriff , Population , Figures , Slave , Oaf , 1 , Keeping Up Pressure , Arrest , Reward , Armed And Dangerous , 0000 , 10000 , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Air Bases , Disease , Possibility , Prevnar 13 , Illness , Dose , Chest Pain , Risk , Difficulty Breathing , Coughing , Ya Ha , Yeah , 50 , 13 , Strains , Bacteria , Infections , Ingredients , Reaction , 18 , Response , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Headache , Arm Movement , Appetite , Immune System , Fatigue , Redness , Injection Site , Fever , Rash , Swelling , Vomiting , Chills , Side Effects , Office , Pharmacy ,

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