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The great emancipator hearkened back to jeffersons words and spurring his congress to action, asking his generation whether they might be as brave and bold as adams and jeff and madison jeff and madison, as willing to risk and win sorries conclude lose at the same level. Abraham lincoln said let every american, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity swear by the blood of the revolution never to violate in the least particular the laws of the country and never to tolerate their violation by others. Lincoln said that as the patriots of 76 did in support of the declaration of independence, so to the support of the constitution and laws let every american pledge his life, his prosperity and his sacred honor. Lincoln said let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his father and to tear the character of his own and his childrens liberty. Abraham lincoln is among our greatest examples of the courage of conviction and of the powers of morality and resolute belief. And reason, surely, but primarily and notably in respect for the law. Too lincoln to lincoln, not just the president by the legislator and trial jurist. No, the law itself was justice. It was morality. It was providence itself. As all that was good and right in our American Life flowed from its wellspring, the law and respect for the law and the humble willingness of all americans to follow both the letter, but more importantly the spirit of the law defines our National Character and our identity. Lincoln prayed that reverence and allegiance to the law would be on the lips of every American Mother and child, taught in our schools and colleges, be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in the legislatures and sternly in force in our courts of justice. For as lincoln knew, the failure to adhere to that standard and our shared American Life would surely result in our surrender. First, to the immorality of convenience, then to the sloth of inaction and, finally, to the shame of irrelevance. We join together this past week having traveled distances measured in both miles and, in some cases, in days to come to the banks of a great capital city made of granite and marble. And on our travels here, we surely felt the great pride associated with traveling to a city named for one of the greatest leaders in america. You see, our first president once stated we are either a united people, or we are not. He said, if it is the former, then let us in all matters of general concern act as a nation which has National Objects to promote and a National Character to support. He said, if we are not, then let us no longer act a farce by pretending to it. [applause] so i ask are we now acting out the farce that president washington predicted . We have matters under consideration in this capital city, most notably concerning Immigration Law and its enforcement that even the most jaded among us would begrudgingly concede are of National Importance to everyone. [applause] we have border states most notably on our southern border that have to date disproportionately borne the brunt and burden of our failure to act over the past decades. But is there a state in this union in which the impact of that failure is not keenly felt by the American People . Yet we seem to have fallen to a place and a time in our National Discourse where even the mere restatement and affirmation of laws long ago crafted and duly enacted by our constitutional republics legislature, laws that were formed and codified in the peoples house by the peoples representatives is now considered controversial . [applause] in the executive them ran a da on Immigration Laws attested to this past week, no new laws were created. The rights of not one of our citizens, even in a land where president , senator and farmer stand shoulder to shoulder as equals was imperilled in the least. Instead, we have merely restated the laws that were what they have been and voice the intent to see them upheld fairly, impartially and with a haste borne of necessity. [applause] and yet in our modern times that is viewed in some clickers as oppress in some circles as oppressive, as controversial and as wrong. Seriously . [laughter] Homeland Security secretary and retired marine general john kelly wrote through the passage of Immigration Laws, congress has established a comprehensive statutory regime to remove aliens expeditiously from the United States, and according to now, listen to this in accordance with all applicable due process of law. Secretary kelly further stated that i am determined that that the faithful execution of our Immigration Laws is best achieved by using all these statutory authorities to the greatest extent possible. [applause] and yet there are still those that would have us believe that these words signal injustice and are rife with hatred. Really . Are worthy of draping lady liberty in new york harbor with a disgraceful tag that signals a belief that somehow in a perversion of thought, americans are against immigrants or have forgotten our shared history as that famed melting pot. Do some critics truly believe that we have become that orwellian nightmare that views all americans as equal, yet with some more equal than others . Come on, now. Seriously . [applause] you see, those that oppose the rule of law and the applicability of the law and immigration surely but in other avenues of American Life as well, they offer no vision. Only lawlessness, obstruction and chaos. [applause] they offer no morality and certainly no courage. They offer only appeasement and the false currencies of concession and popularity over the virtues of morality and certainty. [applause] it was Ronald Reagan who said the specter of our wellmeaning liberal friends refuse to face is that their policy of aecom station appeasement, and appeasement does not give you a choice between peace and war, only between fight and surrender. Reagan said, we are told that the problem is too complex for a simple answer. He said, they are wrong. There is no easy answer. But this is a simple answer. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right and this policy of accommodation asks us to accept the greatest possible immorality. How fitting that Ronald Reagans building, an International Trade center a block from the white house on pennsylvania avenue, houses the u. S. Customs and Border Protection service. [applause] and think just for a moment about how that refreshing and bold his brave and soaring language sounds in an era in which so many of our liberal legislators mark as their key data point in crafting policy how many facebook likes their pages get or what the latest internet polling shows or how many smiling emojis follow their every move. [laughter] they do not make choices based on any core beliefs. At the risk of their very lives and their seat in the Capitol Building as need dictate and pursuing freedom, liberty or the need for unlimited scope of government. And they are certainly not prepared to be bold and aggressive in leading. Or to boldly leave the safety of the middle to enact the agenda that the American People have cried out for. I, for one, find no safe harbor or vistalike view on the middle ground, wheedling and seeking for others to acknowledge the virtue of my actions. You see, i like president reagan see things as not only left and right, but as forward and backward, swimming sometimes against a powerful tide or simply treading water, fundamentally failing our duty to make any choice at all by voting present. [applause] Ronald Reagan said that for almost two centuries we have proved mans capacity for selfgovernment, but today we are told we must choose between a left and a right, or as others suggest, a third alternative, a kind of safe middle ground. Reagan went on to say, i suggest to you that there is no left or right, only an up and a down. Up to the maximum of individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ante of totalitarianism. [applause] as a career cop as i call myself, ive spent my lifes work to date in the noble field of public safety. A profession whose very success is dependent on the moral and Legal Authority and generously bestowed powers of the governed. Thats you, the people. Thank you [applause] if one man can be allowed to determine for himself what the law is then every man can. It means first, chaos. American Law Enforcement officers have always understood the simple truth. They spend their lifes work exemplifying my faith in my belief in and commitment to the american system of justice. A system renowned the world over. Individual due process as a right endowed in each of us by our creator. [cheering] [applause] the rule of law does not divide us. It binds us together with shared behaviors, beliefs and manners. I call it american exceptionalism. We are a nation of limited government in which everyone will willfully and a matter of civic duty must obey the law. [cheering] the value derived for the small observance of the common law is the greatest treasure known to mankind. Freedom. Sweet freedom [applause] sweet tempered and forged by what washington called the sacred fire of liberty. Freedom is no small c la carte side dish at a fine restaurant. It is the main event. The heavyweight title fight. The reason we dress and come to the party. Freedom is why we go up in the morning and 10 the fields. Its why we stay up late at night watching markets. Itsustains us. It feeds us and once we have tasted it , we can never have enough to be satisfied. [applause] doctor Martin Luther king jr. Said a piece of freedom is no longer enough for human beings. Nor for the nation. Unlike bread, he went out to see if flights of liberty with freedom like life. It cannot be had in installments. It is individual. We have it all or we are not free. [applause] as a conservative i believe with all my heart that the furtherance of the common good, freedom means you decide your destiny. Your family, your household, your neighborhood and your small town ayour state and in those few matters, your nation. To see it as a matter of simple course of expediency, to see those powers to quickly to washington d. C. Is just plain wrong. It always has been. As Ronald Reagan said, we have come to a time to choosing. President reagan challenged us that we accept the responsibility for our own destiny or we abandon the American Revolution and confess that an intellectual belief in a distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan our own lives. How refreshing is that simple concept that we know the course of our own destiny. Its better than some congresswoman from california. Better than some judge from joplin and they know it sitting in a panel and washington making a decision that can undermine all of our great efforts. How refreshing to see that return to that respectful thought. They can see and errands the arrogance that was at 1600 pennsylvania avenue before january 20 2017. [applause] President Donald Trump, we have chosen a leader. A leader who i expected many of you know i can ambiguously support the highest office in this land. [applause] he was a candidate that most other supported. Some may have opposed the measure and thats fine. Its a voice to the pride that i found lacking for the last eight years. America needs to humble himself. Humility is a virtue. Its never been a sin. The president observed upon the occasion of his first inaugural that there is a rank due to the United States among nations. Its a reputation of weakness. Consider those words once more. A rank due to the United States of america. Its in the inauguration of th 45th chief executive. The mainstream medium told him to talk the image of the nation before us. Dark and federal ano its not. Verizon agreement to the importance of the shared efforts and potential for reward that President Trump offered us when he said we, the citizens of, are now joined in a Great National effort to rebuild the country and restore the promise, not for the elite few but for all of our people. He said together, we will determine the course of america i open with the words of the great man from eurekacollege. You and i have a rendezvous. Its the last hope of man on earth or we will sentence him and take the first step to a thousand years of darkness if we fail, at least let the children and thechildrens children save us. We justified our brief moment here. We waited our turn at the head of the table to allow the fear and action. Its the point of no return. The choices are opposed by interest. What we did with our moment of truth. This is my challenge. These are your marching orders. Go forth or stand and fight. [cheering] thank you so much. May god bless you and may god continue to bless the United States of america. [cheering] milwaukee sheriff is speaking for the past 20 minutes or so about the values of conservatives holding dear. President trump is getting ready to talk this tuesday as he fires up the crowd. What the team calls economic nationalism. As usual, he hammered away at the news media. I want you all to know that we arefighting the fake news. It is fake and phony. Fake. [cheering] a few days ago i called the fake news the enemy of the people. The forgotten men and women of america. They will be forgotten no longer. Thats the heart of this movement. The future of the republican party. I am joined now by judy miller. The author and winnerand fox news contributor. Thank you for joining us this afternoon. Thank you for weighing in on this. President trump will be speaking , not only to the giant joint session on tuesday speaking to the Supreme Court justices, nation and even the global audience through streaming and other benefits of digital that we have today. If anticipated, hewill spend time talking about immigration, replacing and repairing the Affordable Care act. A number of other issues given what he talked about on friday to members. What do you expect the president to say to move his agenda forward on tuesday . He will put his finger on what he is going to say. He will talk about the need for resolute revolutionand building a wall , fulfilling the campaign pledges and evicting illegal immigrants. Repealing and replacing obamacare. It puts 20 million americans on the insurance role and give them access to healthcare. He will stick to his agenda and yes, its as i suspect agoing to attack the failing and phon. Thats a distraction from what he doesnt want people to be talking about. The distraction awhat do you think the press or the news media ahow should they respond . If he takes the course of approach and attacking them once again on tuesday. We should really develop a thicker skin at the moment. We should do what he does and ignore the taunts and just continue on to look into the issues that so upset him. We continue to look at whether or not anyone from his campaign or administration has continued to have unauthorized and appropriate ties with the russians. We ought to continue to ask whether ryan previous and others from his inner circle asked the fbi to Say Something to distract the American People from the investigation. Potential ethical violations. Regarding the family and wealth. We ought to do our jobs anot because of the opposition but because of the skeptics. All powers accountable. Let me ask another question. We just saw david clark from milwaukee speaking to see pack and i want to get into Something Else alets look at the results. What President Trump is doing as president. 55 percent approve and actuall , its 86 percent. They are in favor of him. They spoke to them on friday and had a lot to say. Its the president of all americans and he would like to see them come together in unity. Its joint members of congress and a partisan divide. A racial and economic divide and President Donald Trump is trying to pull all of those together. Its pointing out that he is partly responsible the inflaming of the divide. Judy, i am sorry. I wish we could talk longer. Well see you this tuesday a thank you. There is another big story. They elect tom perez as the next chairman. What does this mean for the future of the Democratic Party western mark in thearea President Trump. We willdebate , next. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Mom,on my Car Insurance of money by switching to geico. I should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico can help you save money on your Homeowners Insurance too . Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. 235 votes. He is on fire to unite the democraticparty. Here, listen to this united and the love for the democratic the love for the diversity of the Democratic Party. Doug shone the former advisor here. Alex is the former medications director for marco rubio. The partner and firehouse strategist. Doug, you said if ellisonhad one it would be a disaster. They need perez to unify the party. He is an extremist and he further divides the party. It would have been a disaster its an advocate and supporter of louis farrakhan. The Democratic National chairman. Fortunately, we will not get that. He is certainly on the left. He is a mainstream democrat aa cabinet secretary for president obama. Most of all, someone who has suggested to bring the party together. You say he is a far left extremist. As for our as perez is concerned, he was considered among the most liberal in the cabinet. His appointment for the dnc is democrats as you know hoping that the new leadership will breathe new life into the party that is in disarray during a very heated primary in hopes of winning the white house in 2020. Should theybe worried x i can tell you, they are not at all worried. This is not a new leadership. This is Hillary Clintons handpicked candidate. If you like Hillary Clintons campaign, if you think shes the future and you will love tom and the dnc. The Democratic Party doesnt need to unite. Its so small. Its easy to unite something up that small is the modern Democratic Party. Its a commit terms of 20 20 to grow. You do that by reaching out to a new generation of leadership. The democrats had a choice today. The mayor is only 35 years old with a verycredible campaign. He had to drop out because he has so little support. They went back to Hillary Clinton and as a republican, i am embarrassed. Its a lesson that should be learned after the election because they put so much behind Hillary Clinton and obviously a lot of antiestablishment on the democratic and republican side were tired of going with the establishment. The Republican National Committee Chairwoman just released a statement where she basically says that electing tom perez as the chair and calling it the Democratic Party has lost touch with the American People. She goes on to say, as a d. C. Insider, they only create Super Division in their own party by pushing the far left agenda that rejects the majority of the outside washington. They will be well served to learn from to straight election cycle losses encouraging leaders and the party to listen what they want and get to work with republicans to fix the mess that they created. Doug . Welcoming a new leader with a warm message of support. I think i would hope and our country we would be able to pull together to solve our common problems. Julie, you and i have talked about this before. I feel very strongly. To relitigate the election after election only hurts us. That even for the midterm a reports for the demise. They are somewhat exaggerated. Thank you very much. Thats all the time we have for today with again is going on. Thank you so much. Kelly . President trump has repeated a slam the wrong nuclear deal but the u. N. Report, could it make it harder for him to rip it up . 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Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a oncedaily pill. Ask about xeljanz xr. A man plowed his car into a crowd of pedestrians square. Officials say three people were injured and one seriously. The driver ran away and was later shot by police after standoff. German authorities do not believe the attack was an act of terror. Just before christmas he recalled that the berlin market was attacked by a donation terrorist drove a large truck into a crowd killing 12. He has to destabilize the region across the wider area President Trump already moved the statesponsored terrorist among others. Mike pence is taking a hardline stance. This is that the u. N. Watchdog reports the iranians complying with the 2015 nuclear agreement. Its something President Trump has repeatedly threatened to wipe up. This former special coordinator talks to the Foreign Affairs analyst and the us it really relationship. Thank you so much for talking to us. With the u. N. Watchdog reporting that they are actually stickingto the new deal , is it going to be harder to rip the deal up . I dont think its ever going to be that easy because it wasnt a bilateral deal. Its a Security Council plus germany and the iranians negotiating. The Obama Administration is the spearhead of the negotiations. It doesntguarantee that anyone else walks away. You have to make the us the issue and you want to make the iranians the issue. You want their bad behavior to be the issue. With them saying they are complying with the terms of the deal right now athat will simply ensure that all the other members who are negotiating the deal preferred to see it. Conversations were brought up about sanctions. The i i ran deal will uphold. You could say a lot of people are probably pretty surprised that the 2015 deal stands. It also comes at a timewhen President Trump says he wants to have the Biggest Nuclear arsenal in the world. He also wants tougher sanctions on the guard to be added to the taylor watchlist. How they all factoring in on the nuclear deal currently in place . I dont think the iranians have much of an incentive for walking away from the deal. It has sanctions on them and it permits the iranians to be in a position where they were beginning to do business and internationally in the integrated back into the system. They havent gotten all the economic benefits that they want. The economy is growing by four percent per year. They have something to gain for living up to the deal. What do you do now to counter what they iranians are doing in the region. The iranians are active and destabilizing the region. Many of the traditional funds are completely unsettled and feel threatened by that. They are watching to see what the Trump Administration does. I will give you one measure for us. Vetting iranian power or do we do it in a way where if we work with the russians we get them to distance themselves from iran . That will be a very good test to see what the american approaches and will we be countering them or will we act in a way where they dont limit what they are able to do in terms of extending power in the region . They put iran on notice. Vice president pentz has doubled down on the administration that they should never allow allow iran to get a nuclear weapon. We talk about sanctions in the Obama Administration. Do you foresee trump possibly reversing the sanctions and reinstating them . What is the fallout . Right now ai think the promise problem is that if he does that it looks like we are the ones walking away from the deal. The focus is then on what the us is doing, not what iran is doing. What we should be doing is putting a spotlight on irans behavior in the region. They are threatening almost every state and they are using militias using 75,000 members of different militias in the area. They are, and a sense, fueling within yemen. Everywhere in the region they are trying to weaken what the government is. We have an interest in countering that behavior. We have an interest in shining a spotlight on the and shining a spotlight on what they do in terms of terror and what they do in terms ofhuman rights. We are focused on how we keep the world and the europeans riveted on what the iranians are doing. Dennis roth ai wish we had more time. Thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure. Tom perez is the new chairman of the Democratic National committee. What this means for the future as it looks to regroup and speaking of votes aan inside look at the oscars. The next guest explains how the winners arekept secret. Thats until their name or pulled out of the envelope. The 89th Academy Awards ceremony is tomorrow night. Only two people in the entire world are the oscar winners before the rest of us. One is brian who is seen on the red carpet. He is the leading partner at christ coopers. The firm that has countered the ballots for 83 of the 89. Everyone associated with each film. Its all on for the world to see. We dont see is whats how the ballots for each of us and categories are tabulated to decide who wins an oscar. Its a huge job for you. We dont get to see it. It is a big job. Tell me about it. Thats right. We do a lot of things behind the scenes. Its a big job a6000 voting members of the academy and the academy allows their members to vote by the us mail. David team that allows them to tabulate who the winners are for the categories. Now, completed that task and the show will be tomorrow evening. The briefcase that you already have ayou have it with you now . I do. Lexi get to carry it with you everywhere. He got it. The resident mr. Oscar ask a question for him. He knows everything. There is been verymany close races. Over the years, its been six or seven. Thats as close as it can get. All right now ais anyone trying to grab your briefcase or is there any actors whispering in your ear . You can tell me. I do get that sometimes on the red carpet. One year running into kate on the red carpet. Its a bit of a tugofwar on the briefcase. She was nominated for one of the categories. Brian, i wish i had more time. You never get a bathroom break they do want us in a certain position because we are handing out the envelopes to the presenters all night long. Just before they walk out on stage. Each is quite stationary and they come over to us. They announce it a few minutes later. You are behind the scenes in the oscars and tomorrow night will be well worth watching. I will look for you tomorrow night. Brian, thank you very much. All right. Thatwill do it for us. Its always good to be with you. Eric, hes next. Hews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmmm. Amazing. 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Those results are showing the majority of conservatives at the annual meeting approve of the reform so far. Also disapproving with how he is being treated by republicans

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