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Were going to give you the money that you need, the funding that you need and the equipment that you need to fight terror around the globe. You also heard the president talk about nato, specifically, saying that while we support nato, we want everyone to pay their fair share. That coming on the heels of an announcement that he will have a meeting with nato after saying some harsh words about them previously. Then also he talked about the loss of life with our military an how we remember all of those brave people around the world, men and women, who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Thats coming following the death of ryan owens, chief petty officer ryan owen, in yemen. Lot of people will be watching this speech here at Macdill Air Force base. The president. Because, you know, they want to know what direction he is going to take. Hes talked about jobs. Then you heard him say military is also his number one concern. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts is live for us at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and representative Chris Hollins Congressional Liaison to the Trump Transition Team is standing by on capitol hill. But first we begin live in tampa. Kevin, what is the president hearing from the commanders today . Reporter it was so interesting listening to him and the contrast, quite frankly, between his introduction here. Sort of a rock star welcome among the assembled troops. Then sort of a solemn halting deliberate speech delivered as the president talked ab the american resolve and the fact that we will always fight for america first. One of the things he wanted to accomplish here was making certain that he heard directly from his top leaders at cent com. It was just back on january 20th that he had the memorandum asking specifically for a detailed review of u. S. Engagements all over the globe. He wanted to hear about possible changes in strategy. That is the main focus of being here today in tampa for President Trump. Also he wanted to make certain that he talked about the development, the evolving nature of the battle against isis and other threats that we face all around the globe. You heard the president talk about battling frankly a cult of death, talking about how they relish this idea of destruction and mayhem and murder. He said we will not be defeated by that. Very interesting listening to him. Well keep watching it. For now back to you. We all heard him mentioned specifically boston, orlando and san bernardino. Thank you for joining us. The Trump Administration is facing a legal deadline in the fight over the president s travel ban. The Justice Department has less than four hours to file documents that make its case on why the ban should be reviewed immediately. Both sides say the case is headed for the Supreme Court. John roberts joins me. John, how is the white house laying out its case . Reporter you heard the president there laying out one of the arguments saying we need strong programs of people coming into this country. That was met with applause, cheers from the gathered crowd there at cent com. The white house is preparing a brief that its going to to the 9th Circuit Court of appeals laying out its case to get a temporary restraining order to have the ban lifted. White house sources tell me among the things they will argue is as follows. That the president acted within his constitutional powers when he signed that kpeufrbg order. That the constitution gives him Broad Authority over National Security which includes, within limit who, is let into the country and when they are let into the country. The white house will also further argue that the immigration ban is only temporary for purposes of National Security, not a permanent measure. So its not like the president is going around congress in terms of an immigration measure. It will also stipulate that the executive order does not cover green card holders. Of course, in the early going a lot of though folks did get caught up in it. One thing that may go into the brief wasnt included in the brief was that the attorneys general for washington and minnesota, the states that brought this case before the judge there in seattle late last week is whether they have standing to bring this case on behalf of other people. Our judge said that is a real question. Listen here. The constitution requires before we get into any federal court in the country you have standing. Standing basically means youve been harmed. Now, the plaintiffs here are as you say the attorney generals of minnesota and washington. They havent been harmed. The states of minnesota and washington havent been harmed. Some people who were detained at inf Detention Centers two saturday nights ago could argue they were harmed by the detention. But theyre not the plaintiffs here. Reporter this before the 9th Circuit Court of appeals just address whethers this temporary restraining order should be lifted or stay in place while the bigger court case goes forward. Heather we said this is going to go before the Supreme Court. Is that likely . Reporter i would say if the white house prevails its likely that the plaintiffs would take to it the Supreme Court. On the bigger case the constitutionality of this, depending on how long that drags out, there is a chance judge gorsuch may be confirmed to the Supreme Court putting it back up to nine people, which might raise a question in some peoples minds. Wait, can judge gorsuch, because he was nominated by President Trump, be impartial Going Forward. Judge napalatano does believe he can absolutely be fair Going Forward. Though as a strict constitutionalist he may naturally side with the president over using the executive powers. Thats a matter for further down the road. Heather . Heather thank you, john. For more on this, chris colin, former Congressional Liaison to the trump Transitional Team joins me now live. Thank you for joining us today. I want to get your comment on what you just heard the judge saying about the president s executive order. Do you think its in trouble . Well, id like to reflect back on the speech. When we heard the speech, the spontaneous applause and cheering came when President Trump talked about his executive order relative to immigration and making sure our borders are safe. That was spontaneous applause by the members of the military hearing that speech which tells you, much to the chagrin of the liberal crowd, america is behind our president , making sure he puts the safety of america first. Those of us who agree with that philosophy are certainly hopeful that the 9th circuit will stay that demotion right now by washington and minnesota that somehow that judge did step in and say were gonna set all this aside. I do think that the president certainly everything weve seen in the constitution would suggest he does have the authority. Heather what do you think about his comments specifically to the judge involved . Do you think he should be doing that, going back and forth tweuter . No. I would not have suggested that was a good move. One thing about President Trump, he showed it as a candidate and as president , he does take people on pretty directly. Politics 101 might say that a polished politician wouldnt do that. But thats not who donald j. Trump is. He was an unconventional candidate. Hell be an unconventional candidate. When he doesnt like something, he calls them out. Its nothing more than that. Lets not read into something we shouldnt. It goes back to, he has the powers, i believe torque have done exactly what he did. Heather lets move back to the live comments with we heard him making. All of the secretaries for president obama have said he had a difficult relationship with the military. Is this an effort by President Trump to kind of reset that relationship . Ill go back, heather to, the liberal press that really portrayed something that was never true. President trump, candidate trump, has always had Great Respect for the military. Its coming through loud and clear now. As well as our intelligence community. Directly to the cia very early after the inauguration. He has paid his respects to our soldier owens that died. This president has always respected the military, but somehow the narrative went on kind of took off on its own. Hes setting the record straight. He wants a strong military. Peace through strength. Making sure we have the equipment, the weapons that we need to put our enemies on notice that we will prevail and its peace through strength. Heather i want to ask you ab nato and the comments he made saying we want everyone to pay their fair share. Well, thats looking out for the taxpayers. Who can argue with that . It goes back to weve been taken advantage of. Obama was taken advantage on every other country but one, great britain, having a free ride on the backs of the american tax payers. Were 20 trillion in debt. Donald trump is putting americas taxpayers first. While we support nato, it is only right that the other countries put 2 of their gdp in just as the United States and uk have. Heather cent com not being notified prior to the comments putting iran on notice. Well, again, iran theres a situation with donald trump. Hes not barack obama. Theyre not going to have someone turning the cheek the other way as obama has done. I dont believe its our president s job to clear every statement with various agencies. Hes speaking and america supports him. You have to say to iran, enough is enough. Youre going to set off Ballistic Missiles . We feel thats a violation of the nuclear deal. There will be a price to pay for that. No one is going to push donald j. Trump around. Heather its going to be a very different administration. Thank you for joining us with us. Coming up next the Trump Administration in the middle of a battle over the president s travel restrictions on seven majority muslim nations. Some say that much of it could have been avoided. So is the white house thinking of changing tactics Going Forward . Plus, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer getting the full snl treatment. This was great. Reviews for actress Melissa Mccarthy are in. Well talk all about that. So beautiful. What shall we call you . Tom name it tom studies show that toms have the highest average earning potential over their professional lifetime. See . Uh, its a girl. Congratulations two of my girls are toms. I work for ally, finances are my thing. You know, im gonna go give birth real quick and then well talk, ok . Nice baby. Lets go. Here comes tom 5 nothing, stops us from doing right by our customers. Ally. Do it right. Whoo look out. Heather welcome back. President trump and his staff rethinking strategy and tactics after several high profile stumbles. According to New York Times story thats out today mentioning chief strategist steve bannon saying quote, mr. Previs has told mr. Trump and mr. Bannon that the Administration Needs to rethink its policy and Communications Operation in the wake of embarrassing revelations that key details of the orders were withheld from agencies. Like speaker paul d. Ryan. Well talk to the Political Editor and editor of the Halftime Report join us to talk about this. How you doing first of all . Good monday, madam. Heather you as well. So, is this a sign of trouble inside the administration . Look. To a certain degree you have toing in expectation. All of the people you mentioned have no white house experience, right . From the president to his chief of staff, senior advisers. None of these people have worked in a white house and they dont know how it goes. Theres a feeling out phase as people are vying for position, jockeying for their place in life. These are all things that we expect the administration, this administration to do. Heather part of the article i wanted to talk about quoted, said the interviews were with dozens of government officials, congressional aids former staff members, other observers of administration and of course many of whom wanted to remain anonymo anonymous. Should we be paying attention to this . I should. I need to know what all of the scuttle butt in washington is and all of that stuff. I would say with this administration or any administration decent americans who do their best to avoid listening to too much what politicians say oug to focus on results and not the pass intrigues too much. Heather but is it bad for the country . Plt trump said its a disgrace they leaked. Its very much against our country. Very dangerous thing for this countr country. Every president wants to believe hes the country. Whats good for him is whats good for the country. The leaks hes talking about are the basic allegation is somebody in the state Department Leaks a transcript that cause between trump and the Prime Minister of australia that was embarrassing for trump because it ended abruptly and it was ungood. He said this is very bad for the country. Is it very bad for the country . I dont know. When it comes to fighting leaks the Obama Administration went to great extremes to try to punish leakers. Heather they said they would be the most Transparent Administration and ended up being quite the opposite. Right. Temptation for new president s is to swing a heavy hand. Youll never get rid of leaking completely. If you do, now youre living in russia or something. Probably wearing the world as a loose garment. Heather chris, always love talking to you. Always love reading your Halftime Report. Did you see this on snl over the weekend . Take a look. The president will not be deterred and his fight against radical muslims. Does anybody else have any questions . Heather Melissa Mccarthy playing the role of sean spicer. She did a pretty good job, what do you think . She did a good job. Kudos to sean spicer. He took the joke. Reporters caught up with him. He said it was funny. He laughed at it. Took it in stride. This is part of the way this work, right . Got a little overmodulated at the top, briefing of reporters. Hes trying to find his new role in this. Theres push back tphp is the collaboration. We all do pwer when we dont take ourselves too seriously, so good for spicer. Heather absolutely. Overmodulated. I like that word. Chris, thanks for joining us. Always a pleasure. You bet. Heather more businesses responding to the president s travel plan. The Tech Companies that are now taking sides. And some new questions on the timeline to repeal and replace obama care. Comments from the president that have some conservatives a little bit concerned. All finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way. I think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. Painter you want this color over the whole house . Heather new questions surrounding obama care as President Trump saying that it may not be repealed until next year. That prompting concerns among some conservatives. James rosen joins me now with more on that. Hello, james. Heather, good afternoon. Almost as soon as he told our bill oreilly in the super bowl sunday interview that it might be next year before the Trump Administration rolls out its proposed successor to obama care, the president started splitting the difference and suggesting a swifter timetable. It statutorily takes a while to get. We will be putting it in fairly soon. I would like to say by the end of the year. We should have something within the year and the following year. Last months gop retreat in philadelphia House Speaker paul ryan told lawmakers majority wanted to have its repeal and replace legislation ready for commitment markup by the end of march. Some lawmakers and consultants think the goal is to have it done before august recess. Speaker ryan did look to reassure the Republican Base that the gop conference isnt just out to tinker with obama care as it presently exists. If youre going to repair the American Health care system and fix its problems, you have to repeal obama care and replace it with Something Better patient centered health care. That is how you repair this health care system. Somewhere along the line there was confusion that we were going to take the obama care arch texture and tinker the phar gins and repair it. You cant. It is a collapsing law. The Trump Administration published figures showing enrollment down from last year. Democrats say thats because the Trump Administration stopped promoting signup deadlines. Heather but the Obama Administration went into overdrive promoting it. James rosen, thank you for joining us. Nearly 100 Companies Including some of the biggest names in technology joining a legal brief opposing president Donald Trumps temporary travel ban. Why they say that its bad for employment. And people paid millions to captivate the super bowl audiences. Walking a fine line between humor and politics. We will debate how effective they were, up next. I love whales your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. vo do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night. Heather lawyers for two states telling a federal Appeals Court that restoring president Donald Trumps travel ban would, quote, unleash chaos again. This coming after an Appeals Court ruled against lifting a judges hold on the president s order. Now nearly 100 Tech Companies are lining up as well to fight the ban in court. Trace gallagher is live for us with more on all of this. Good afternoon. Hi, heather. Those Technology Companies include apple, google, microsoft and dozens of other. They argue the ban negatively affects the job market and economic and growth are tied writing in their legal brief quoting it enters the companies to attract great talent, increases cost imposed on business makes it more difficult for american firms to compete in the International Market place and gives Global Enterprises a new significant incentive to build operations and hire new employees outside the United States. According to a study from joint ventures think tank, 37 of silicon residents are foreign born. Its notable that several Major Companies did not join the legal battle including amazon, hp and oracle. Oracles ceo is a trump supporter. So here is where we stand. Yesterday the department of justice asked the 9th Circuit Court based in San Francisco to set aside the restraining order that a Washington State judge placed on President Trumps temporary travel ban. That request was denied. Washington state and minnesota have now filed a response to the dojs request and now the Trump Administration has about 3. 5 hours to file their counter response. A threejudge panel of the 9th circuit could decide this matter by late today. Remember, advocacy groups around the world are urging people affected by the travel ban to book flights and get on planes. So if the 9th circuit rules in favor of the Trump Administration, many of those people could be in transit and may not be allowed to stay in the u. S. However, the 9th Circuit Court ruled maybe today maybe this weekend however this decision goes, it will likely move on to the Supreme Court, which is still one justice short and could result in a tie. And that means this case is very important because that would leave the 9th Circuit Court decision in place. Heather deadline for the government, their response is 6 p. M. , correct, today . 3 00 p. M. Pacific time, 6 p. M. Eastern time. Heather thank you so much. Appreciate it. Some of the ads, did you notice during the broadcast of the super bowl that went for humor included a lot of the immigration issues. Some of them didnt. This one with Christopher Walken and justin timberlake. But others a more serious tone taking advantage of the platform to deliver their message. William, which ads were considered the most political . There were a lot of them. Yeah. There were four ads that were more about making a political statement than selling a product or endorsing a brand. The 84 lumber ad shows a mother and daughter stopped at the u. S. Border. Then you were directed to the Company Website which shows them stopped by a giant wall. Then a door imaginically opens and lets them in. The company said it was about President Trump. Im quoting. The ad director said ignoring the kfrg ab immigration just didnt seem right. Our message is america is the land of opportunity. On social media some agree with the message. Others denounced it as pretty much too political. There are not many super bowl advertisements that just go flat line like that. Over all grade was a d. What people said look this is a super bowl. This is not time for politics. I wanted to tune in for four hours and have fun. This just went after it. Lot of people didnt appreciate it. People dont like the preaching. Heres an audi ad that was about equal pay. A father asks, do i tell my daughter that despite her education, her drive, that she will be valued less than a man . Entrepreneur magazine said today this was the most talked about ad though on you tube more disliked it than those who didnt. I will tell you the audi executive board in the u. S. Is all men. Same is true of their Parent Company volkswagen. The owner of 84 lumber, ironically, did vote for President Trump she told the New York Times. Heather interesting. Couple others that stuck out to me. Budweiser and air bnb. Definitely the air bnb spot. It said no matter who you are, where youre from, who you love, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept. Now, air bnb admitted that their intent was to slam President Trumps immigration policy. Ill bet you the Research Shows that the people that are turned off are not their customers or their target market. Air bnb did generate the highest number of tweets during the game, heather. But they claim that that ad was in the works for a whole year, so maybe it wasnt as political as it appeared right now. Bottom line, if you didnt like an ad, it probably was not meant for you. You can freeze it and fast forward through your dvr. Thank you very much for joining us. Well, as weve been telling you and you know immigration hot topic in some of those super bowl ads the president tweeting about it over the weekend after a judge blocked his executive order. He said this, quote. The opinion of this socalled judge which essentially takes Law Enforcement away from our country is ridiculous and will be overturned. Meantime Senate Minority leader chuck shumer weighing in with this quote. With each action testing the constitution and each personal attack on a judge, President Trump raises the bar even higher for judge gorsuchs nomination to serve on the Supreme Court. His ability to be an independent check will be front and center throughout the confirmation process. Jessica carlyle with the democratic strategist and senior director of research for bustle. Com and a republican strategist and former aide under president george bush. Jessica, last time i talked to you we talked about chuck shumer. You said schumer is in full opposition mode. Doesnt look like hes stopping. No, hes definitely not stopping. Chuck shumer, hes ready raring to go. Doesnt mean we have the numbers, but i think were on the right side of history here. I really support the stand that hes taking on this immigration order. The idea that the president of the United States of america is putting it down in preupb or virtual print that federal judge is a quote so called judge should frighten everybody on both sides of the aisle. Come on, jessica. What do you mean, mercedes . Youre comfortable with that . Lets just say if president obama came out in his state of the Union Address being critical of a Supreme Court justice. No, no, mercedes. President obama was criticized for saying he thought the decision was wrong. He never questioned those justices. He never said anything like that. [ talking at the same time ] by association, by making those statements intimidating who did he call a so called judge . Who did he say wasnt being fair . He just said he disagreed and thats not what he would have done. Find me someone who thinks a so called judge, thats appropriate . I think theres an understanding that needs to be made. This is where i think the washington politicians get really uncomfortable with language like so called judge. You could have said an activist judge. That might have been a better use or term. But what i think donald trump is, the point hes trying to make is the fact that hes pushed forward an executive order which, by the way, a federal judge in boston held the executive order as lawful then you have this judge come out in seattle. Kwrerb he was critical of the position that the judge took. I think at this. Where donald trump is looking at, the fact congress has given the power to the president to suspend foreign nationals into our country. It is in the code. Look it up, jessica. It has been challenged before. I heard Gregg Jarrett speak. He referenced fdr, truman, they all ended up upheld by the court. Which may still happen. It may still happen. I think its a matter of letting the process occur. Obviously, we are seeing the Justice Department moved forward in filing additional briefings and seeing where this ends up. The 9th kreCircuit Court of apps is the most liberal in the country so it will be more of an uphill battle. I think the justice tkep and the administration has a strong case. Mercedes you use the word activist to describe the judge. He was confirmed 990. It is a liberal court but not the judge. Weve seen republicans in an interesting position because they do want to stress that he is a conservative, but at the same time, they want votes and so they dont want to make him look like too much of a conservative. Its interesting that you bring that up. Having this travel ban executive order in the middle of the fight gives ammunition to the democrats to say, wait a second here. What is gorsuch stand going to be on this temporary halt . That will be front and center. Right. I think when you look at gorsuchs record, it is very clear. Remember, he received bipartisan support unanimous in 2006. Hes actually got praised from obamas former solicitor general. He is an individual who is highly respected in legal circles. Schumer will do everything political. Obviously they still feel they have to that there needs to be revenge on the merritt garland decision. Heather speaking of things that are political, the commercials last night during the super bowl. It seemed there was one after another after another that had a certain message they wanted to spread. Take a look at this one america, america god shed his grace on thee [ singing in foreign tongue ] heather and what people may not know though is that ad aired three years ago. No, i read that as well. But i dont see any problem here. I thought the hyundai commercial praising our veterans was all fantastic. I thought more of the ones antitrump were fantastic. I just want to see good football. Thats what we saw last night. Though commercials, those ceo want to push a very strong antitrump political message. Its a very disappointing. Thats not the place for it. I think lady gaga did a fine job pushing forward a patriotic message. And the incluesivety of this country. They were less about trump and being more about what america is. We speak many languages. Heather you both agree on that point so well end it there. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Heather coming up President Trump predicted that the patriots would win the super bowl. In terms of the margin of victory, came pretty close missing the spread by only two points. Bill oreilly in his exclusive interview during the pregame show on fox president the president on the spot. Now, fox sports is demanding i ask you to make a prediction. Well, i hate to make predictions. But you have to. Ill say, i dont even know what are the odds. Pretty even. Two great teams. Ill say the patriots will win. By how many . By eight points. Heather president did not mention the falcons by name but said they were a quote fantastic team. And coming up, Senate Democrats dragging out the confirmation of President Trumps nominee for education secretary. How theyre using a lot of talk to slow the walk and the vote for betsy devos. Plus more tom brady. He won the super bowl but lost something else. Did you hear about this . Could be worth half a million dollars. 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Because theres something for everyone, and everyones invited. So come in today. Remember when you said men are supeyeah. Ivers . Yeah, then howd i get this. Allstate safe driving bonus check . Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accident free. Silence. Its good to be in, good hands. Is there a disagreement within the Republican Party over President Trumps travel ban . The administration is now just a few hours from an important deadline to file arguments to put the ban back in the sack. Well look at what could happen next. Republican congressman from illinois will join me to talk ab u. S. Relations with russia which could take a turn considering russia just said it doesnt like what our president just said about iran. Watch Sheppard Smith reporting at the top of the hour. Heather irans only ally. Democrats taking to the floor of the senate, planning a 24hour talkathon to protest President Trumps education nominee betsy devos. Two republicans saying theyll join democrats opposing her. That sets up a potential 50 50 dead lock in the senate which could force Vice President pence to cast a historic tie breaking vote. Got all that . Mike e manuel, he does. Hes live on capitol hill for us. Mike, how are you . Do democrats have a plan to lure one more republican senator against devos . Reporter they are trying to keep up the pressure as outside groups bombard their offices with phone calls. Senate democrats are about three hours or so into their 24hour marathon on the senate floor. Elizabeth warren of massachusetts is currently speaking on the floor. Democrats do not have the votes to defeat devos unless they can win over one more republican. I come to the floor today to kick off the final day of debate on this nomination. Now, i spoke at length on friday making my case for why the senate should oppose betsy devos. Democrats will hold the floor until the final vote to do everything we can. Reporter expect plenty more speeches from Senate Democrats over the next 21 hours or so. Heather . Heather then you have to say what the republicans are saying. What are they doing in their defense of devos . Reporter theyre saying betsy devos has been a leader toward education reform. They give devos a lot of credit to devoting a lot of her credit for making sure inner city kids have opportunities like kids in the best performing schools do. Mike pence said they will be proud to help confirm devos. Im going to be called on next week for the first time in American History as vp to cast the deciding tiebreaking vote for a cabinet nominee. Chris, thats never happened in the history of this country. But i think it shows the level of obstruction by the democrats in the senate. Reporter unless a Senate Republican caves in the remaining hours, by this time tomorrow expect betsy devos to be confirmed the next education secretary. Heather . Heather by this time tomorrow. Well take your word for it. Thank you for joining us. Still to come a mysterious light. Do you see that . Streaks across the night sky. So what was it . We will explain. And a historic super bowl comeback giving tom brady his fourth mvp honor. But he is missing something very important from the game. And hes asking for your help to find it. Thank you to all our fans. Everyone back in boston, new england, we love you. Youve been with us all year. Were bringing this sucker home heather a mystery unfolding the morning after a historic super bowl. Tom brady cant seem to find the jersey that he was wearing during the game. The jersey, yeah, i put it in my bag and then i came out and it wasnt there any more. So its unfortunate because thats a nice piece of memorabilia. If it shows up on ebay, let me know. Heather nearly 72,000 people went to see the game in person last night. Now thousands are headed back home. Casey segal is live on the travel surge and whether one of those thousands has his jersey. Come on. Reporter yeah. I dont know. I dont know how closely tsa is looking for that jersey here, heather. Mixed emotions i guess you could say as the football fans are headed to one of two airports here in houston. This is Hobby International behind me. Southwest operates primarily out of here. Lot of happy Patriots Fans really reeling from last nights extraordinary comeback. I think its safe to say youve got some pretty devastated falcons fans flying back to atlanta. New england at one. Was trailing 283, then almost as if somebody flipped a switch, the patriots kicked it up a few notch, sending the game into overtime for the first time in super bowl history and then mounting that wild comeback ultimately defeating the Atlanta Falcons 3428. Quarterback tom brady earning an nfl record fifth super bowl win and his fourth mvp award. Here is brady talking with reporters this morning. Im so proud to be a part of this team. We faced a lot of adversities over the course of the year and overcame a lot of toughness. Just a great way to really culminate the season. Reporter all right. The real fun now begins. Getting everybody home. The city of houston tells us between the two airports here, up to 150,000 additional passengers will fly out of this city today. They say that that is comparable to thanksgiving and christmas traffic number, if you can believe that. So folks are being advised to arrive and check in three hours prior to departure. Normally its just one hour for domestic flights. The other thing is, everybody who attended the super bowl kind of trickled in. People came in wednesday, thursday, friday, leading up to sundays game. But today most people, the vast majority, trying to get out. And that is causing the backlog and the jam. Extra tsa staff employed to make sure they can get through it. Heather and the atlanta fans probably a little more disgruntled. Thank you very much for joining us casey. Well be right back with details on a ufo streaking across the country. Abdominal pain . Bloating . You may have ibs. Ask your doctor if nonprescription ibgard is right for you. Ibgard calms the angry gut. Available in the digestive aisle at cvs, walgreens and riteaid. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Why is the radical left so full of rage and hate . They still cant accept that trump won and they lost. Now extreme liberals like Elizabeth Warren are trying to stop betsy devos from becoming secretary of education. Why . Devos angers the extreme left because she exposes their hypocrisy. Devos wants lowincome kids to have the same choices that liberal elitists have for their families. Devos wants equal opportunity in education for all kids, and that makes angry liberals. Even angrier. Tech dont let a cracked windshtrust safelite. Plans. With safelites exclusive on my way text. Youll know exactly when well be there. Giving you more time for what matters most. team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. Tide and downy together. Heather finally, a meter lighting up the sky this morning streaking through the atmosphere from new york to the midwest. Dash cam video from Police Cruisers captured the fireball lighting up the night. Reports of a sonic boom shaking houses in wisconsin, illinois and indiana. Its not clear if it landed in the water or if it broke up in the sky. There you go. And talk about entertainment. This breathtaking video of the Northern Lights was captured on an air canada flight between alberta and winnipeg at 36,000 feet. Thanks for joining us today. If youre a patriots fan, congratulations. President trump with a warning for a judge that blocked his temporary travel ban. If anything happens, its the judges felt. Will the white house win . And the white house is defending Russian Vladimir Putin by insisting the United States has plenty of killers and america is not innocent. Mike pence is supporting his words while other republicans are pushing back. Did you catch the game . Tom brady talking about his teams incredible comeback today. A game, a ring, memories to cherish. But somebody stole his game jersey. Lets do the news

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