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And two other people who reportedly have ties to amris terror cell. There are also indications that amri may have been in contact with other extremists in europe as well. Joining us with the latest on this story, kitty logan who is live in london. Kitty . The key suspect is only just beginning. Those arrested in tunisia. They say these men they detained are linked to anis amri, the suspect shot by Italian Police on friday. One of those detained today is understood to be amris nephew. Apparently the two men had been communicating about backing isis. German investigators are convinced it was amri who was behind the wheel of the truck when it plowed into the market in berlin on monday evening. His i. D. Was found under the drivers seat. His fingerprints were on the truck and hes known to have extremist links. Despite this, amri was able to travel unnoticed by train to italy. He was stopped on a routine check by Italian Police, and it was only when he drew a gun that he was shot dead. So many are asking about how effective this investigation has really been so far, uma. Kitty, what concerns are there right now in europe that there may be another attack . I think in germany in particular people are asking about whether the attack in berlin could have been prevented and whether there could be another plot developing elsewhere in europe. Now, of course, in berlin, isis claimed responsibility for that particular attack and a video of that suspect amri has since emerged, pledging his allegiance to the group. Many in germany feel more could have been done, should have been done to stop him especially given his history. The question now is where might be the next target and what were seeing across europe is increased security during the Christmas Holiday period in london, paris and rome. In germany its interesting to note police are beginning spotchecks on borders that are usually open. Indeed on high alert. Thank you, kitty. Were continuing to monitor this developing story. In a few minutes well bring you more reaction the impact these terror concerns are having on our own home front with the fbi issuing a warning to troops calling for attacks on american places of worship. Another story drawing heated reaction. U. S. Jewish groups and others are slamming the Obama White House for what theyre called a u. N. Andyisrael resolution. The decision calls on israel to stop expanding settlements in the west bank and East Jerusalem. Instead of backing israel in that Security Council meeting, the United States abstained its vote, allowing it to past. Israels Prime Minister blasting the move, saying the u. S. Failed to protect israel. John huddy has more on the firestorm. What can you tell us . Reporter from the United States, lers let me, the west bank, christmas are already under way. The response to this has been swift, divisive, particularly from israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who spoke a short time ago repeating his comments calling the resolution, quote, shameful, but also adding that he believes the resolution will be, his words, revoked, not by us retreating from the territories but by us holding our ground with the settlement. Clearly hes taking a hard line approach. As for the text of the resolution, it passed 140 with the u. S. Abstaining, breaking americas longstanding policy, as you mentioned, uma, of protecting israel at the u. N. Many agree a parting shot from president obama at Prime Minister netanyahu after, as we know, a history of strained relations. The resolution demands that, in particular, israel cease all settlement activities in the occupied palestinian territory including East Jerusalem and the settlements have no legal validity. In the shortterm, the resolution is unlikely to have an effect on the policies. Prime minister netanyahu making that point. Many saying israel must tread lightly with the settlement issue. The triggering possibly of sanctions and even legal action against the state. Again, uma, Prime Minister netanyahu, as i said, is taking that hardline approach. He also said, as far as two of the cosponsors, new zealand and senegal, israels ambassadors to both countries have been recalled and all aid to senegal has been suspended. Political fallout, serious fallout already happening. Indeed. Al that as the christmas celebrations get under way right there in bethlehem. Thank you for that update, john. Appreciate it. Meanwhile, this comes after president elect donald trump called on the Obama Administration to veto the u. N. Resolution. Following the u. N. Vote yesterday, mr. Trump said things will be different under his presidency. Garrett thuney joins us from palm beach with more on that story. What can you tell us . Israeli leaders indicated this is a good different theyre looking for under president elect trump. Leading up to this vote earlier this week, president elect trump issued a statement on thursday criticizing the u. S. s decision not to defend israel in this vote and previewing as well, how some of those changes may look like under his administration. His Statement Reads in part, as the United States has long maintained peace between the israels and the palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations. This puts israel in a very poor negotiating position and is extremely unfair to all israelis. On the same day, mr. Trump also pointed to another possible change in u. S. Policy when he suggested the u. S. Nuclear arsenal needs an update, tweeting the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its Nuclear Capability until such time the world comes to its senses regarding nukes. That came after russian president Vladimir Putin called for the kremlin to do the same with its nuclear arsenal. Despite that, during an endoftheyear press conference yesterday, putin said he had no problems with mr. Trumps statement. Translator as for the newly elected president , mr. Trump, theres nothing new here. During his Election Campaign he talked about the need to strengthen u. S. Nuclear capability. Theres nothing unusual about it. Reporter the president elect does not have any scheduled events or meeting this Holiday Weekend other than enjoying the Christmas Holiday in palm beach with his family where its currently 80 degrees. Uma. That sounds really good, 80 degrees. Thank you for the update. Lets get reaction from former u. N. Ambassador john bolton. He is a senior fellow of the American Enterprise institute and fox news contributor. Welcome, sir. Glad to be with you. First id like to start with the controversy over the u. N. Security councils vote. Despite lots of pressure at home and overseas, the u. S. Abstaining. In that vote condemning settlement expansion. Is this his parting shot to president netanyahu . I think it goes beyond the personal tension wreen the two leaders. I think it reflects where obama has been philosophically for the entire eight years of his administration. This vote is not only unprecedented in decades of u. N. Security council resolutions, a flat repudiation of 50 years of american middle eastern policy which is rested on the belief that ultimately outsiders cant dictate the terms of final settlement. It has to go come from negotiations between the parties and also the idea that israel was entitled to trade the land it gained during the 1967 war in exchange for concessions from the arab states surrounding it. This is whats called land for peace. To go back, as this resolution does, and essentially say israel is confined to the 67 lines is a way of trying o to set israels borders. This resolution is only os tensable about stts stts on the best bank. It also extends to East Jerusalem. That measure kalts for the immediate and complete seizing of those settlement activities. The Prime Minister plans to ignore it and is waiting for donald trump to take the reins soon. It seems to be a public rebuke about israel and netanyahu in particular, and it begs the question why now. He only has a month left in office. Its been clear for quite some time that the period between the november election and Inauguration Day in january was a period where obama could take a lot of steps without any fear of domestic political consequences in the United States. We see some of the things hes done domestically, withdrawing federal lands from oil, exploration and production, for example. This is something on the international scene. There could be more to come in the remaining months because he doesnt face any political consequences, and the next election for his fellow democrats is two years away. I dont think were out of danger on this yet. I think it poses a real challenge, also an opportunity for the Incoming Trump administration to flatly repudiate this resolution, seek its repeal. If repeal is not forthcoming, to make sure there are consequences for the United Nations and others for the action it took on friday. It was very interesting, though, even before he takes office to see president elect trump pushing hard to get the vote delayed. It was for a day. Trump did tweet thingsality the u. N. Would be different after january 20th. Do you expect immediate action directed by mr. Trump to set the tone at the u. N. Following his inauguration . If so, what can we expect in your view . I dont know hat the plans are, but i think certainly this is a good time to look at steps to that can actually help reform the United Nations system more generally, dealing particularly with american contributions. The two most powerful tools that the United States has in the u. N. Or its veto in the Security Council which obama did use on friday and our financial contributions. Just as under the reagan administration, just as Congress Many time withheld american funding, i think the time is right to do it again and get some peoples attention. Lets focus right now on russia in the few moments i have left and the dance weve been seeing between donald trump and Vladimir Putin as they are publicly indicating they are both open to fostering a better relationship. How do you see it . Well, i think that possibility is there given what donald trump said during the campaign. I do think what he said about americas Nuclear Capability is very important. Its not just the size of the Nuclear Capability itself. It really goes to the safety and reliability of the nuclear deterrent. Hard questions that we havent faced for a long time but i think well need to face soon like whether we need to test underground to be sure, whether we need to test weapons in the arsenal to ensure their reliability and safety. I think thats critical to maintaining the credibility of the deterrent. Its an issue were going to have to address sooner or later. What about fears from some who believe that mr. Trump wants to escalate a socalled arms race. Can russia really engage in that activity since its economy right now is broke . What do you expect on that front . Not while the price of oil is where it is. Its the Obama Administration thats put the United States in a position of weakness, visavis russia with the agreement to the new start. Arms control treaty, strategic weapons treaty agreed to and ratified in 2010. I thought that treaty was a mistake when it was ratified in the senate, unfortunately with a number of republican votes. I think 2017 would be an excellent time to review that treaty and whether it makes sense. Whether a bilateral arms control treaty on strategic weapons with russia makes sense in a multi polar nuclear world. Ambassador bolton, thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you, uma. As we mentioned at the top of the hour, Tunisian Police arresting the nephew of the suspected berlin attacker along with two other people. Authorities say all three were in contact with the suspect who tried to recruit his nephew to pledge allegiance to isis. This weeks Terror Strike has prompted fbi saying isis is urging attacks on Holiday Events and churches. Joining us, dr. Zudi jasser. Good to have you here. Thank you for having me. Before we get to the new terror warning in the u. S. For the holidays, i want you reaction to the news that the berlin terror suspect shot dead in milan was part of a cell based in tunisia and actively involved in trying to recruit his nephew and send him money so he could join him in germany. Its again not surprising and sadly, in a post mortem, we always describe these as cells when, in fact, premortem it could have been done. He was a known wolf, nopt an unknown entity. He was in an italian prison for four years, odds are radicalized. Italy boots him out, deports him to nowhere, no specific place. He sought asylum from tunisia which is already bizarre. They had a Parliament Democracy that was evolving. Then he goes to germany. In the last year four interactions with the law in germany, drugs, knife on a bus. He was being monitored until september. They bizarrely took him off being monitored and his roommate was being connected to an isis cell, and now theyre finding he had a video in december in which he declared allegiance four or five weeks ago the isis. If had been monitored, they would have seen this. As we always see, theres always a support system of family, of ideologues within the community. While most muslims dont support this, there are circles of influence that we always find are connected to the original individual. What makes this interesting and sad at the same time is the fact that since he was known to police, it appears Political Correctness is reportedly being blamed in germany right now according to reports there, accusing a Justice Minister of delaying the release of anis amris photo because he was worried about provoking racist comments on facebook if that photo had been released. This is unfortunate at a time when germany has a lot at stake, dealing with lots of refugees who still remain under the radar and may have terrorist ties. What do you think can be done to combat Political Correctness when lives are at stake. Bottom line is we need to end that, have tough love with our muslim communities, immigrant communities that need to embrace the National Identity of germany, france, america. Thats the only solution. All of these invisible sort of disappearing borders that are a threat to security and the eu and others, thats how you counter radicalize. I as a muslim is not radicalized because i believe in american constitutional law and moye american identity. The mantra should become is the global jihad stupid . To fight the Identity Movement of the sharia state, you can only do that by shifting the access from countering violent extremism to the only way to do it is to end the Political Correctness. I know you and others are working really hard in this country to get more muslims to come forward, to work hard against those who are putting out extremist ideology out there and to work hard to stop this and to speak out against those who do and try to inform authorities about those individuals. What impact is that having here on your work here in the u. S. . Well, the hopefully we can shift from the whackamole program where we go from attack to attack to realizing this is a time in history in which islam is fighting against thee october si. Its not only isis thats the energy, but the Islamic Global of pakistan, republic of iran, the saudi sharia state, theyre radicalized in our community. We in the west have the solution. We have to embrace our Muslim Reform Movement and other reformers willing to identify the problem as the islamist Identity Movement, as the problem, and the solution being secular muslims that want to embrace the secular state, states based in reason and law, not based in sharia. Thats the only way to do it. Hopefully with the new Trump Administration, theyll begin to weed out the cve narrative and bring in the cvi narrative which is countering islamism. Whats your reaction to the latest warning put out by the fbi that isis is saying that it wants to target Holiday Events and churches here in the u. S. . We see this every year. We saw it last year with san bernardino. We saw it in paris last november. This is natural. Every american should be on watch in this time of religious fervor and belief in christmas. As a muslim, ill tell you Merry Christmas. We cant change who we are. We have to celebrate the holidays we believe in in our social contracts as americans and believers in freedom. Well said. Happy holidays to you. Happy holidays. New legal fallout from the warehouse fire in oakland, california, one couple filing the first lawsuit in that case. Who theyre blaming coming up. Plus a transportation upgrade in new york city more than 100 years in the making. That project has the big apple all abuzz. I want to say hello to my mom, bob and mona and my brother rhett. Go broncos. [ crowd noise ] whoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Try this. But just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. So live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. Cartels, militias, terrorist groups. They all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. Were going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. Were going to steal their money, sir . No, we are going to destroy it. Were going to finish this mission. Anything we find is ours. Do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks . I mean the rush, ive never felt anything like it. If we stay here were going to die. Then we die. Did you know that 2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe surgery . Together with operation smile we believe every child suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate deserves Exceptional Care no matter where theyre born. This is your chance to comfort parents who may have lost hope that surgery is an option for their child. It starts with healing that one child. Learn more at operationsmile. Org welcome back everybody. New york citys subway system getting a big upgrade. The Second Avenue train will begin running on new years day following an almost 100year wait. All this generating lots of buzz in the big apple, the kind of Infrastructure Project that president elect trump is prop e proposing nationwide. Rob schmitt is in the new york city newsroom with who. A project almost 100 years in the making, nrk citys Second Avenue subway line days from opening phase one, just the first phase of this project cost 4. 5 billion. Very expensive. This line will some day serviceman hat tans entire east side. Right now phase one just covering the upper east side. This is critical infrastructure, interesting time for the first phase completion as president elect donald trump won the white house in part by selling a vision of american infrastructure first. Mr. Trump critical of billions of dollars going overseas, money that could be used to rebuild our failing roads and bridges, airports and trains. This is an area that the president elect and some democrats appear to have a common goal as well. But the devil will be in the details here as to where money for this kind of spending would come from and how to prioritize which projects come first. New york city and much of the northeast needs a lot of attention with bridges deteriorating, antiquated highway systems, aging airports. Not too long ago joe biden compared newarks Laguardia Airport to a third world country. That got the attention of the powers that be. Laguardia is now being ripped down and rebuilt in phases. Mr. Trump has an early ally, new york senator chuck schumer. Schumer praised mr. Trump for wanting to rebuild our infrastructure and told abc news mr. Trumps tentative spending plan of 1 trillion over the next ten years sounds pretty good to him. Im asking congress to support the construction of new roads, bridges, airports, tunnels and railways all across this nation, and we will put our people back to work. I would envision maybe a jobs bill you could get passed in the first hundred days that does some Infrastructure Spending, those business tax cuts so important for growth. Im excited about 2017. Of course, any plan would have to pass through congress controlled by some thrifty republicans concerned over where all of this money is going to come from, rebuilding u. S. Infrastructure very expensive, 20 billion to 30 billion to complete new yorks new subway line. Most of that money is not federal. Uma, back to you. Lots of new yorkers will be happy about that, when the subway does open up. Thank you very much. Well, the president ial inauguration is just around the corner. What will we see in the first hundred days of a Trump Administration . Well break down the president elects priorities and what he can actually get accomplished with a republican congress. And going retro christmas style. Whats old is new again as people prepare to celebrate the holidays. We will show you more on how you can get in on all the fun. Ave a Natural Pet Food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. Beyond assuming the source is safe. To knowing it is. Beyond asking for trust. To earning it. Because, honestly, our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. Welcome back. Police in tunisia arresting the nephew of suspected berlin terrorist anis amri and two others, this as investigators look into whether or not amri had contact with other extremists in europe as well. Amri was killed in italy days after massacring 12 people at a berlin Christmas Market. A massive winter storm making Christmas Travel a nightmare for parts of our country. The dakotas looking at a blizzard while rain and snow could cause slowdowns on the roads and at the airports from the midwest down south to oklahoma. Plenty of Maine Lobster finding their way to the christmas dinner tables in europe, this despite an effort in the eu to ban them from being imported. President elect trump will become the 45th president. He has names for most of his cabinet in. Mr. Trumps todo list for his first 100 days includes repealing obamacare, renegotiating trade deals he seas are harmful to irma khan jobs, Getting Started on building the wall on the border and proposing term limits. Jamie weinstein is host of the Jamie Weinstein show podcast. Welcome. Good to see you. Thanks for having me. As we get set to inaugurate the new president , he did offer a glimpse into what he really hopes to accomplish in his first 100 days at the gettysburg address he had a while back. As a lot of folks already know, he intends on day one, he said, to try to put forth the repeal of obama kaerks start on immigration issues, rebuibuildie wall, a big agenda. Do you think hell have much success getting that done in the first 100 days. Its certainly ambitious. It would be hard to accomplish everything he set out in the list of priorities he put out in his first 100 days. If you look at what hes focusing most on, legislatively it sound like the repeal and replacement of obamacare, that will be a top congressional priority. Tax reform seems to be something that hes really interested in. Also, if you remember what he first talked about when he was elected, the night of his election, he talked about Infrastructure Spending which may rile some of his own supporters on capitol hill, not necessarily a project they were enthusiastic about under president obama, but donald trump seems to be pretty insistent that he wants to have an infrastructure bill. Those are some of the things we might see legislatively. Then, of course, we will see other things he might pursue through executive order, repealing some of the executive orders that barack obama put in place. Weve already had a glimpse into how he wants to tackle some of the waste that he perceives to be a problem and big hindrance in washington with the way he went after boeing, trying to get costs down on the new air force one and also calling in these heads of these companies to say, look, we have to start where a new priority and try to save the taxpayers money, trying to get involved in saving jobs at carrier. Trump seems to really want to get into it really quickly and have a focused agenda moving forward. That seems to raise expectations that well see a lot of cost cutting as well. Thats going to be the big ge. We has a very ambitious agenda. The Infrastructure Spending is supposedly going to be he wants a trillion dollars over ten years. Will he find costs to cover that . As you mentioned, hes had kind of high profile pr moves where he brought in boeing and wants to cut the cost of that 4 billion air force one. Thats small apples in comparison to the overall budgetary debt. Its something on the campaign trail he promised, he wouldnt cut Social Security and medicare and reform it in the ways that a lot of people think you need to if youre going to get this budget under control. Thats going to be an interesting dynamic between President Trump and republicans in congress who have made that a signature issue for much of the last decade. Will they stand up to President Trump and demand action in this area or access to trumps agenda. What do you see as the biggest hurdle hell have to cross apart from infrastructure. I think its a big one. Hell find bipartisan support for tax reform. Thats a very doable thing. Once you start moving outside those areas to immigration reform, youll see a lot of fighting among democrats and even some of the right, if donald trump decides to move more in the direction of legalization he might do, he promised there would be no illegalization and mass deportations. Youll see some people on the right and the left maybe object to what Donald Trumps immigration proposal happens to be. And how he defines extreme vetting. A lot of folks are waiting to see how thats going to be carried out. Jamie, good to see you, thank you for joining us. Merry christmas to you. Merry christmas to you. Thank you for having me. On this day were saying Merry Christmas to everybody because it is Christmas Eve, and we are celebrating the holiday in a big way because its back in vogue for many people. Our next guest has some ideas about the traditions around the holiday. He says this year focus on paying it forward. Bob richter literally has written the book on christmas. Hes an antiques dealer and designer and the author of a very vintage christmas. He joins us here onset. Welcome. Thank you. Merry christmas. Merry christmas to you, too. Youre all decked out in your red, very festive. I know its really important for you to convey the message to everyone about the sense of connection that people feel at christmas time, particularly through the items and decorations that fill our lives from the time we are children. Thats right. These choir boys were always on my nanas buffet. So many people around the country recognize these because they bought them at the five and dime. My grandmother did something special. She lied to pay it forward. When i was older she gave them to me. They came with a story. She bought them in a year we had a family business, it was the only christmas she bought that year, five cents for three little choir boys. To me theyre priceless. They are pliesless. I believe we should give our things away along with our family history. Theres still time to run up in the attic and grab some stuff. We saw a shot of you at christmas as a young boy. Yes. Those memories are so special. When we look back at photogra photographs, it brings back the sense, the smell of baking, the range of emotions you feel. Taking a look at these vintage objects, all that comes back to you, doesnt it, if you are really connected in a special way. Absolutely. In that photograph you saw of me, that was a surprise. I came home to the pediatrician. My brother surprised me with my very own christmas tree. Underneath is this jolly old fellow. Hes been with me for over 40 years. Its really special to me. The truth is its all about the emotional value. Why did you put all this together in this book . What do you want people to come away with it . Because it connects us. I meet people all over the country that know this santa claus, know these choir boys. They remember the flame proof snow. I dont know if its still flame proof. I wouldnt give it a shot. I use it as decorative. Why do you think now the idea of vintage christmas is so much on the minds of people, why people are so focused on wanting to recreate the memories they had in childhood. Ill be really honest. I think technology is great for connecting us. Its also disconnected us. Everybody is on their iphones and everybody is super busy. At christmas we have an excuse to slow down and connect. When we remember these things, it predates the technology we have today. Its a Common Ground. No matter what your political beliefs or socioeconomic background, christmas is really the Common Ground for all of us. The ornaments you have right there, theyre photographs of your childhood as well, correct . These are not my childhood. These were given to me just this year. People make them and collect and save over the years. Something very special to hold on to. Thats right. My friend is an artist. She created these frames and put pictures of my grandmother inside. Nowadays pictures dont have framed anymore. Oh, let me get my phone. Ill show you my grandkids. My friend took the time to go onto facebook, print out the pictures and put them in these ill put them on my christmas tree. The advise you have for people wanting to create that sense of connection with family going forward, particularly a family just starting out with young children. Whats the advise you . Start traditions. Hallmark started it with keep sake ornaments. You can do things at home. People used to make the ornaments for their christmas trees. Ill still a big fan. Stringing popcorn and cranberry i. s hard to text when youre doing that. So many people complain about the fact that were overcommercialized at christmas and the pressure to buy gifts and meet the deadline on Christmas Day is so high today. Yeah. Thats where i say slow down and get crafty. Put in an old movie. Cut construction paper with an oldfashioned scissors, make paper chains and celebrate the oldfashioned way. You mentioned pay it forward. Thats something you feel very strongly about. Yes. Thats the last chapter of my book. Its only a page and a half. If anybody reads anything in the book, read that chapter. What was done for me so generously is people who loved me gave me their christmas objects while they were still alive and got to see them live on in a different way. I can guarantee you this year, ill pull off one of my favorite ornaments and tell them a little story. Where do people find these collectables if theyre trying to start collecting and trying to show, for example, their children what was around when they were young, trying to connect them in a special way to christmass of the past. Those are my favorite places, flea markets, garage sales, estate sales, antique shops. Theres still time. If you pull over at an antique shop, i guarantee its blown out with christmas. If you arent lucky enough to still have this santa, you can walk in and find it. The truth is it probably wont cost more than five or ten dollars. Theyre not Million Dollar items but they are priceless. You consider all these priceless. Absolutely, absolutely. People can learn more about how to collect and what to look for in terms of the items and why all this has such meaning in our country today in your book. For sure. Its a wonderful read, a very vintage christmas. So good to have you on board. Merry christmas to you. Merry christmas. This is so important. I remember objects from my childhood that you cant find today. I wish i could pass it on to my daughter. Today all they see are mass produced ornaments, mass produced items to celebrate the holiday. They dont get the same sense of the nostalgia of what this represents. You tell me what youre looking for that reminds you of your childhood, ill find it for you and you pass it on to your daughter. You pull it and the nose lights up red. Ill find you one. Shifting gears now. The first lawsuit filed in the deadly warehouse fire in oakland, california. Who are the defendants in the tragic case that killed 36 people . A live report coming your way. An alarming new health scare this weekend, why heart attacks spike on Christmas Day, believe it or not. Im Kevin Steeler with 376 Financial Management support unit stationed here in kuwait wishing my friends and family a happy new year and a Merry Christmas. As after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Both made me turn around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis the right treatment for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. We are back with news of the first lawsuit now filed in connection with that devastating oakland warehouse fire that killed 36 people earlier this month. A california couple who lost their 20yearold daughter is filing the lawsuit blaming the buildings owner, the main taen nant and others for that tragedy. Bill carr with the latest on the story. Will . Reporter uma, the warehouse has been called a death trap. Its no surprise that legal action is taking place. You may remember the socalled ghost ship was filled with fire hazards. There was a makeshift staircase, the maze of wooden furniture, no sign of smoke detectors or a sprinkler system. Attorneys filed two civil complaints on friday, one on behalf of 20yearold Michela Gregory who died in her boyfriend alex vegas arms. On friday gregorys mother and father say theres not a day that they dont miss their father, now they just want justice for their daughter and her boyfriend. I would imagine a jobs bill past in the first 100 days that gets some Infrastructure Spending obviously not the right sound bite. They had a heartfelt request saying that theyre just asking for everybodys thoughts. A lawsuit was also filed on behalf of 23yearold griffin madden. Three dozen people were killed overall making it the deadliest fire in the United States in more than a decade. Attorneys are casting a wide legal net saying. The lawsuit filed shows theyre responsible for horrific gross negligence. Against the owners of the building and against those involved with the events, the promoters and the person putting on the show, and weve also filed against the person who was like the manager and renting out the place and building the different the stairs that were made out of pallets. Separate claims have been filed against the city of oakland and alameda county. Even though there were a number of complaints filed against the warehouse, the city has confirmed the building had not been inspected for the past three decades. So far no charges filed in the case, uma, but there is still an open criminal investigation. Such a sad story, and the aftermath continues. All right, will, thank you very much. Coming up, a potential deadly danger lurking this holiday season. The link researchers are finding between this festive time of year and a leading cause of death. Well tell you what it is and the steps you can take to prevent it. Welcome back. A new study finds a number of deadly heart attacks is higher on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. The reason and how we can avoid heart attacks on this holiday season, an intervention cardiologist is joining us with more on warnings for all of us. What do we look for and how do we prevent the tragedies. I think a lot of people are surprised by the notion that more heart attacks happen on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. A lot of people might guess its primarily the stress because everybody is rushing to get everything done, and they have to feel like they have to put up some sort of a festive mood just for their family and friends, and it makes it very difficult to get through the season sometimes. Well, youre absolutely right. First off, thank you for having me. Its my pleasure to be here with you today. But youre absolutely right. I think one of the biggest problems is people sort of brush off some symptoms around the holidays. They may put off going to see their physician until after they visited with their family. They may be taking long trips, and so i think thats probably one of the biggest problems where we see this incident of the christmas coronary is what its been termed. Where we have seen this spike in heartrelated deaths, heart attacks around the holiday season. Is it also about overindulging by eating or drinking too much that contributes to this concern . Certainly. Excessive salt intake, excessive alcohol intake. Particularly for patients that have a history of congestic Heart Failure or other cardiac conditions, can make those conditions worse and lead to hospitalization. That is most certainly one of the biggest problems that weve seen. Along those lines, i think people tend to put off going to see their physician. They may take long trips. They may forget their medications, forget to refill them, and so that, i think, is one of the important messages we wanted to convey. Take your health very seriously. If you have any symptoms, seeking medical attention is crucial. And in the few seconds i have left, the thing about symptoms, pay close attention. Dont brush it off, and if you do have symptoms, you want people to respond immediately. Thats correct. The classic symptoms that we tell people about are chest pain, shortness of breath. The other thing i wanted to tell folks is that it is important, women tend to have atypical symptoms, and so for women not brushing something off that is possibly related to reflux or in the gi tract. Taking those Health Concerns seriously and seeking medical attention during the holiday season. All right. Doctor, good advice. We appreciate it. Merry christmas. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. We hope that on this Christmas Eve youll take time out to pause and reflect on the love of family and friends. Attack it easy. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, happy hanukkah, and wherever you are, we hope you enjoy the spirit of this festive holiday season. Dont let sinus symptoms bring you down now because youve got a lot of cheering to do get fast sinus relief. With vicks sinex. And get your head back in the game. Sinex. The congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head, medicine. Welcome to the journal editorial report. Im paul. A pair of attacks this week capping off a bloody year in europe. Isis claimed responsibility for the deadly truck rampage at a Christmas Market in berlin monday. While russias ambassador to turkey was assassinated by a lone gunman who shouted in arabic, god is great and dont forget aleppo. Dont forget syria. In this weeks violence adding to the wave of attacks including the march bombings at the Brussels Airport and the truck attack in nice, france. Joining the

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