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Are really at risk. Overnight two people died in Washington State from the disease. As of now we have counted 19 american deaths from covid19. Christina coleman tracking all of this from our los angeles bureau. Hi, christina. Reporter hi, leland. Well, as of today, theres been more than 400 cases of the virus here in u. S. California, new york and washington remain the hardest hit states right now. Washington leading the nation with 102 cases and 16 fatalities. New york also seeing a jump in cases with at least 89 at this point. That includes an uber driver from queens who likely had contact with multiple people. New york mayor andrew cuomo declared a state of emergency saying it will allow the federal government to respond faster by lifting regular regulations. We evaluate it literally every single day. You know, you dont want to alarm people, but given the spread we see, you know, anythings possible, and thats the reason why weve got to be prepared to take whatever action is appropriate to contain and mitigate the outbreak. Reporter worldwide theres now more than 105,000 cases of the virus in at least 95 countries and here in the u. S. Florida had two covid19 deaths. In florida, the first coronavirus deaths on the east coast. Vice president mike pence was briefed by executives and port directors in florida yesterday on additional measures that should be taken on cruise lines to insure safety during the rapid, worldwide spread of this illness. In florida over 3500 passengers and crew remain aboard the regal princess cruise ship about 25 miles off the coast of miami, theyre awaiting test results from two crew members who had transferred onto that ship from the grand princess off the coast of california right now. Leland . Leland well talk to a doc who treated some of the very first cases later in the show. Christina, thank you. Gillian over to the trail now, were going to get a live look at grand rapids, michigan, where Bernie Sanders is gearing up to address supporters ahead of tuesdays primary. Ellison barber is in mississippi just a few miles north of where bernies main competition, joe biden, is also going to be rally aring today. Shes going to cover all of that for us. Hi, ellison. Reporter hey, gillian. Yeah, former Vice President joe biden will be here at this college in just a couple of hours to speak to some of his supporters. Mississippi is one of six states that will vote on tuesday. Biden is currently leading in the delegate count, but senator Bernie Sanders is, of course, right at his heels. The former Vice President started today by adding another name to his list of rivals turned supporters, senator Kamala Harris. A leader who really does care about the people and who can, therefore, unify the people. And i believe joe can do that. I am supporting joe because i believe that he is a man who lives his life with great dignity, he is a Public Servant who has always worked for the best of who we are as a nation, and we need that right now. There is so much at stake in this election, guys. Leland looks like we have lost ellisons signal from mississippi. Joe biden will be there later. Were going to check back in with her from the trail, Kamala Harris video there after she just endorsed the former Vice President. Ellison . Reporter hey, leland are. I [laughter] all right. Yeah. Kamala harris made that endorsement for former Vice President biden, i have no idea where we are. Well try to pick it back up. Senator Bernie Sanders, obviously, bidens primary rifle at this point rival at this point. He was on fox news sunday, increasely trying to draw a contrast between himself and biden. Listen here. It is important for the voters of this country to ask themselves two questions. Number one, which candidate is stronger in terms of being able to defeat trump and, number two, what are the differences. Sometimes joe is taking a little bit of credit as Vice President for initiatives that were led by president obama and by many members of the congress. Reporter and reverend Jesse Jackson endorsed senator sanders today. Another endorsement that biden picked up was governor of massachusetts, former Massachusetts Governor deval patrick. He is going to be in mississippi today campaigning with former Vice President joe biden. Leland, gillian . Leland well see what that does for the africanamerican vote, especially in mississippi. Ellison barber on the trail, thank you. With that, we bring in democrat michigan congresswoman debbie dingell. Nice to see you, maam, as always. We appreciate it. I know you havent endorsed anybody in the race and youre not going to, but how about a prediction from michigan . So if i had to guess today and four years ago i guessed that Bernie Sanders would win this primary and everybody thought i was crazy then too i think he is likely to win my district. But i think senator or Vice President biden is likely to win the state right now. Theres been a lot of shift in momentum. A although senator sanders is working the state hard. He is really traveling around, hes got a Fox Town Hall tomorrow night leland right. And in this climate that were in right now, ground shifts very quickly. So leland that is an excellent point. Talk to me about how important you think the endorsements are. Youve got Jesse Jackson there in grand rapids endorsing senator sanders. Vice president picked up a lot of key endorsements from the Africanamerican Community, and thats a key constituency e in michigan. Senator biden, i wish he had been able to get to detroit earlier than he will tomorrow. Hell do a detroit rally. I dont wish i shouldnt say it that way. I want everybody here in michigan on the ground. Senator sanders was in detroit on friday night and got a great turnout. So i think that a lot of surrogates are there for Vice President biden in detroit. I suspect that detroit will probably end up going with biden, but i dont know. Im really hearing a lot of and ill tell you something, the young people in my district strongly for bernie, senator sander. As are the muslims in deerborn. Leland right. And, quite frankly, a lot of down river trump voters are voting for him leland the trump voters that you hear are going to talk to, going to vote for sanders that youve talked to and you admittedly e and rightly called in 2016 that trump was going to win michigan, so its worth listening to your insights and analysis on this. That because they think bernie will be easier for President Trump to one and beat in 2020 come november, or do you think it is because these are trump voters who are disgusted with President Trump and are now flopping to bernie in. So i would actually say some of them are changing to bear, many of them to bear knit. I mean, quite frankly, youve heard President Trump or some republicans said that they should vote for senator sanders now because they think hes easier to beat. Leland the president talked about that at a rally yeah. Leland before either super tuesday or south carolina. I think it was before with south carolina. This is Bernie Sanders talking about what you just mentioned, which is momentum right now, in michigan. Take a listen. Im feeling good about the momentum that we have. I think were going to do well on tuesday, and i think were going to beat biden. Chris beat biden in michigan . Yes, i do. I think the polling, young, last time around as you indicated, it was seen as a big upset because polling had us down literally by 20 points one day before the election. Leland that was Chris Wallace on fox news sunday, and you could see perhaps the skepticism in chris voice about beating biden in michigan. Is michigan mustwin for bernie . I think its a very critical state for him to win. I think if he does not win it this time because he won it four years ago, and i thinks why you see him in the state for four days. I said unfortunately Vice President bidens not coming to detroit, i dont want candidates to blow off michigan the way they did four years ago. Its one of the reasons we lost. President trump didnt. He came and he came and he came and, quite frankly, Vice President pence has been here multiple times in the last few months, and the president s been in michigan twice. We need people to not blow off midwest states. I feel strongly are about michigan because im from here. But to me, you know, sometimes the coasts tend to get all the attention. The midwest has a lot of good working men and women who want people to care about just those everyday economic issues, and thats what Democratic Candidates have to remember and talk about if were going to win in november. Leland interestingly enough, winning in november is the number one issue for democratic primary voters in michigan. Take a look at this latest poll from click on detroit. Com. 40 of michigan primary voters, 39. 3, say beating trump is the number one issue. Health care, 18. 5 . Economy and jobs, 13 . Environment, 8. 7 . Typically everyone always says its the economy, stupid, to quote James Carville circa 1992. I wonder, though, is is the reason economy and jobs is the third issue because the economy in michigan under President Trumps doing pretty well . I would actually say that you havent lost the insecurity of autoworkers from ten years ago. We have a u. S. Steel plant, half of the workers live in my district, 1500 workers are losing their jobs. Weve had awe auto plants that have been closing. But i think people ive said this to you four years ago, i think a lot of people were tired of partisan bickering, tired of politicians not getting something done, and they thought that President Trump would shake up the system and be a different president. He has shaken up the system [laughter] he is a different kind of president , but i also think that people really dont like the fear and hatred that they see. And so you come into, theres been a lot of targeting of freedom of religion, the Iraqi Community strongly supported him four years ago. Theyve not seen him keep those promises. I think a lot of people want to see calm. Leland right. They want to see civility and that matters. Leland civility has not gotten better and partisan birking either in the last few bickering. Congresswoman, we appreciate your time, the as always. Safe travels back there to d. C. Thank you. Leland appreciate your insights, as always. Thank you. You too. Leland Chris Wallace talking to Bernie Sanders on fox news sunday, 2 p. M. Eastern. Senator sanders will also join bret and martha tomorrow for a town hall as noted by the congresswoman in detroit. Thats at 6 30p. M. Eastern right here on the fox news channel. Gillian a large chunk of northern italy now on lockdown, about 16 Million People there are facing quarantine and travel restrictions. Officials say its really their best chance left to try to stop the coronavirus from spreading even further across the country. Amy if kellogg joins us from florence. Amy . Reporter thats right. Tuscany, gillian, is not included in the quarantine. Now, officials in italy thought at this point sort of two weeks into when the spread of the krone a that virus really took off theyd be at a point where they would be seeing a town turn and could downturn and could possibly revive some of the reinstruct thive measures. Instead, they had to double down in the early hours of the morning. They did this for two reasons. One is, of course, to stop the spread of the virus by making this huge part of italy a red zone, and the other was to protect the Health Care Service in northern italy which they they had civil protection, the civil response, i should say, is just one step away from a total collapse. Now, those draconian measures basically locking down a quarter of the italian population went into effect in the early hours of the morning. They were published then officially some hours later. Italy is the only other country with coronavirus cases besides china to put such restrictions in place. The pope has also been trying to minimize the movement on st. Peters square or in rome. The vatican very lightly touched by all of this, but nevertheless, big gatherings people are now particularly worried about, churches, Church Services are being canceled in many parts of the country. Churches, however, remain largely open for prayer. There the will be no public gatherings at all until april 3rd in the northern quarantined part of italy, in the red zone. Therell be no weddings, no funerals on top of all the other activities that have been gradually been getting cap selled. Translator i surely agree, this virus needs to be limited because the epidemic is spreading too quickly. So in my opinion, these measures are correct. I surely agree even if it will create some difficulties for us because social life has changed a lot. Reporter now, people are just getting used to all of these changes, gillian, and its not altogether clear just how porous or solid this, the orders will be. Theres still been a lot of movement around the country, and the government has said that people with pressing work issues and family issues are exempted. But the bottom line is that it is really causing a lot of chaos and a lot of panic among people who simply dont quite understand at this point the ramifications of such a massive lockdown until april 3rd, if not longer. World health is saying they believe theyre taking the right steps. Gillian amy kellogg joining us from florence. Thank you. Of course, scientists all across the world are now racing to find a vaccine that can help combat the coronavirus in the future. Joining us now to talk about this is david dodd. Now, hes a really interesting guest for us, hes the chairman and ceo of geovax cans one of the American Companies here in the u. S. That is working to help create this vaccine. David, thanks for joining us today. We keep hearing over and over again from dr. Anthony fauci of the National Institute of health, from the cdc or and from other Public Health officials we are at least a year to a year and a half away from the vaccine. From what you know, does that square with that . It does square with that. It is typically about a year and a half. I think were all working to be able to have a vaccine ready for human trials in a year at most, and were working in that regard. In fact, ill be in washington, d. C. This week talking to the parties that be relative to the recent 3 billion allocated for r d for vaccines. We have multiple applications in to be able to advance that. We believe we can move it much faster than the traditional year and a half plus to a year, maybe even a little bit less. We have three candidates that are moving into initial testing right now. Gillian we heard from Israels Foreign Ministry earlier this week, they say theyre just a couple of weeks out from getting a vaccine completed that they say, best case scenario, would have to go through about three months of trials there. If thats the case, its putting israel on track faster than pretty much the rest of the world here including the United States. The keyword is if thats true. I think what theyve done is taken the previouslydeveloped bird sars vaccine, and theyre trying to advance that to humans and all. Its probably a worthwhile initiativing but i wouldnt expect it to be ready to go into humans anywhere near in a few weeks or such as that. I think no one in the industry really believes that, but i to think itll generate some very useful information. Gillian so a couple of days ago a doctor said in congressional testimony that Big Pharma Companies need to step up to the table. Take a listen to what he said, and i want to get your reaction. Weve got to figure out what the ecosystem is going to be to develop vaccines that are not going to make money. Big Pharma Companies are still not going in, some of the biotechs are starting to because theyre trying to really accelerate their technology and, hopefully, to flip it around with something that will make money. We need a new system in place. Gillian basically, big pharma doesnt think theyve going to make enough money. I disagree with that. We actually feel were competing with the large players. They have very good technology, they have very deep pockets and all, and theyre able to move very quickly and all. And i think working in conjunction with companies such as geovax, we could move much quicker. And i personally am not a believer that anyone would be hesitating because of the degree of profit thats out there. I think this is a very important medical need. I know of no one in the industry that wouldnt share that, and i think anyone who can advance a vaccine that can be licensed for human use is going to do fine in the area of profitability. Gillian were glad to hear you say that. It sounds reassuring at the least to hear your perspective on that. Last question for you is your firm is partnering with a chinese vaccine developer in wuhan, china, to like jointly, you know, get a hold on this and develop this vaccine together. Are you concerned, do you share President Trumps concerns about the National Security threat that china poses to the u. S. , and do you feel that theyre being honest and forthright and you can trust them every step along the way here . I think we can trust them as long as we make sure that were doing our jobs to control the flow of information. And in our collaboration with bravo vax, its proceeding very open and very Good Communications and all, but that collaborations built upon the geovax is developing the vaccine. And our three vaccine candidates will advance into testing and all at some point we will do parallel paths where they will take the development for china, and well proceed on that. But itll be using our vaccine for which certain proprietary information we would maintain and control, and we would follow that same pathway here in the u. S. And thats why ill be heading to washington, d. C. This week for discussions to be able to move forward sister quickly. Gillian trust but verify. David dodd, chairman and ceo of geovax, thanks so much for joining us, and thanks for getting in on the race. Thank you, youre welcome. Leland new reaction from President Trump on the coronavirus and how he views its spread throughout the United States. Well be right back. Tech dont wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. With safelites exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. 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Bernie sanders on the stump, earlier receiving the endorsement of Jesse Jackson, a key endorsement there from the Africanamerican Community not only in detroit, but also through southeastern, lower michigan and up there through the middle of the state in grand rapids. Well keep ear on mr. Sanders speech, more discussion later in the show. Leland President Trump touting his response to the coronavirus outbreak. The Administration Says they are working to stop the virus from spreading. Kevin corke live in West Palm Beach where the president is spending the weekend. Hi, kevin. Reporter good to be with you, leland. The complication here for white house officials is balancing the need to keep the public calm while also working feverishly to stop the virus. The president taking to twitter saying this about the white houses plans to combat the spread we have a perfectly are coordinated and finetuned plan at the white house for our attack on coronavirus. We moved very early to close borders to certain areas which was a godsend. Vp is doing a great job. The Fake News Media doing Everything Possible to make us look bad. Sad. White house officials pointing to the argument that some political rivals have made that the president perhaps shouldnt keep holding rallies across the country. After all, that might spread the virus. But Administration Officials dont theys necessary. Dont think thats necessary. Again, going to the a rally are, if youre a healthy individual and youre taking the precautions that have been placed out there, theres no reason that you shouldnt go. However, if you belong to one of those categories of high risk, obviously you need to think twice about that. Reporter dr. Ben carson speaking there. Tomorrow, leland, the white house will is set up a special center to prepare infrastructure for telework scenarios as capitol hill becomes it is new front in the fight to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The president with a fundraiser this afternoon, the Vice President meeting with his senior cadre about the virus taking place down in the situation room. If we get a readout, i promise to pass it along. Back to you. Leland kevin corke there with the president in West Palm Beach. Kevin, thank you. Gillian . Gillian at least 14 people connected to a Washington State nursing home are now died from coronavirus. This as the number of cases throughout the state is on the rise. Well tell you what to expect in terms of the next hot spot after the break. At philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear of cream cheese. The recipe we invented over 145 years ago and me. The worlds best, and possibly only, schmelier. Philadelphia. Schmear perfection. Its an easy way to earn its cashback on the stuff im already buying. When you have a child and theyre constantly growing out of clothing, earning cashback from rakuten just makes everything easier. 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Also remaining residents, a handful have symptoms. Shockingly, everyone in the facility is just now getting tested as the first batch of test kits a arrived on thursday. And the nursing home finally held a News Conference yesterday. Weve had patients who, within an hours time, show no symptoms to going to acute symptoms and being transferred to the hospital. Weve had patients die relatively quickly under those circumstances. Reporter a couple dozen paramedics who responded to the facility have been in quarantine for the last week, and now theyre being moved to a motel that king county just bought. City officials in kent where the econolodge is located filed a lawsuit to block the quarantine site, but a judge ruled the county does have the authority during an emergency. Many washington residents are heeding the advice to limit their exposure to crowds. Restaurants and Movie Theaters report that business has been cut in about half. Thats the same for the Seattle Hotels and tourist destinations like pike place market, several universities and go local School Districts have gone the teaching all their Classes Online for the next few weeks. And bill gates wants to dramatically increase access to testing for the virus. His foundation is working on a home testing kit that will allow people to swab their noses and send the samples back for analysis. Results will be available in 12 days, the kits and the testing lab should be up and running in the next couple weeks, and that will be a gamechanger as authorities work to slow the spread. Gillian . Gillian dan springer from seattle, thank you. Leland fox news alert as we head back to grand rapids, michigan, where reverend Jesse Jackson is speaking at a a Bernie Sanders rally. The reverend has endorsed sanders today, and the candidate himself just got off the stage. We saw bernie on the stage there. Michigan was a state that Bernie Sanders won back in 2016 in a huge upset over hillary clinton. It was one of the things that really showed the power of his movement. And his ability to organize and also to deliver the youth vote. Folks down in ann arbor, the college kids in lansing and also some of the arab communities in the detroit area were key constituents for Bernie Sanders. The question is, as we watch there reverend king reverend jackson, pardon me, on the stump is that enough, is that endorsement enough of to mobilize or perhaps fluff over the africanamerican vote in detroit for sanders . Ijill interesting, the reverend said in a statement earlier today one of the reasons he voted, hes endorsing, excuse me, sanders rather than biden is number one the biden team didnt ask him. The second run is he said the Africanamerican Community where he lives doesnt face moderate challenges, moderate obstacles, moderate economic challenges, so they cant afford to go for a candidate thats proposing moderate solutions. Theyve got to back somebody whos going the take it all the way, a progressive. Leland a very different view than what we got from James Clyburn in south carolina, and thats what really reenergized the biden campaign, the clyburn endorsement in south carolina. Well see now if the Jesse Jackson endorsement reenergizes the Bernie Sanders campaign gillian in a meaningful way. Leland this is going to come up in the town hall tomorrow at 6 30 ahead of the tuesday vote. Gillian prosecutors are now laying out their case against robert durst. They say he murderedded his longtime friend to keep her quiet about other crimes. Well take a look coming up next. Ac Liberty Biberty cut. Well dub it. 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So where you go, the pro goes. Go with align, the pros in digestive health. And try align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. Muck. Leland welcome back. Robert dursts trial continues tomorrow in los angeles. The 76yearold millionaire and summit of the jinx documentary e is facing charges connected to the murder of susan bear that happened berman that happened 20 years ago. Jacqui heinrich. Reporter hey, leland. Hes to only facing charges for the murder of his friend who was shot in her Beverly Hills home, but investigators believe he also killed his late wife cath the in 1982 and say he executed berman nearly 20 years later to keep her from talking to police about his wifes disappearance. Kathys body has never been found. Prosecutors argued in court just before durst shot berman, he stockpiled money and set up a false identity, marrying and giving power of attorney to a woman he previously dated, deborah sheridan, who was married to another man. Durst went into hiding in dallas, texas, posing as an elderly mute woman. Police hadnt yet approached berman, although they intended to, and she may have been struggling financially. The evidence will show, again without question, that susan knew her killer and that she freely and voluntarily admitted this person into her house. Reporter durst was also previously acquitted of killing his former neighbor shot to death nine months after his wifes death. Durst said a gun accidentally went off during a struggle, he testified that he dismembered blacks body and threw it in the gulf of mexico, but he was acquitted. His defense argued over what previous arguments are admissible in this berman case given that he was never charged in his wifes disappearance and acquitted in blacks murder, but the judge favored the prosecution saying it does speak to motive. Durst pleaded not guilty to bermans killing. Leland worth going back and rewatching the jinx just to get an idea where the case stands before this trial. Thanks so much. Gillian . Gillian in another high profile case that has the nation rivetted, Harvey Weinstein is set to be sentenced in new york in just a couple of days, on wednesday. Weinstein was found guilty on two of the five charges he faced in the state, he could now face up to 29 years in prison as a result of his conviction. Weinstein was ace quitted on three other charges though, two of which could have carried a life sentence. And the thing about in that, you know, the show not oh for Harvey Weinstein. Hes going on to face even more charges in l. A. , this is not over. Leland the show may be over for Harvey Weinstein. Its not over for prosecutors gillian this is true. Leland hard to imagine now because there are at least four charges in l. A. , prosecutors there are going to wait until they get the new york sentencing before figuring out how theyre going to proceed, hard to imagine that weinstein is going to ever see the light of day again. Forcible rape and then sexual penetration by use of force among the charges in l. A. Jill is jill those are the ones weve got them up, oral copulation, penetration by use of force, battery by restraint, all of them serious charges. So we will keep you up to speed on that. Leland all right. Now to greece, and this is setting off a debate over immigration worldwide. It also has serious implications as it relates to nato and turkey. The story behind these pictures when we come back. T count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. With our moving and storage solutions. 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Since then the greek authorities have said that they are trying to stop thousands of migrants from crossing over and heading into europe. Gillian governments across the middle east and asia now working to fight the spread of coronavirus this as the global infection count continues to steadily rise. Trey yingst joins us on these efforts from tel aviv. Trey . Reporter gillian, good afternoon. As the global number of coronavirus cases continues to rise, countries outside the u. S. Are taking extreme measures to insure the safety of their civilian withs. The west bank town of bethlehem is currently locked town after 19 cases were confirmed there. The closure is affecting a group of 13 american tourists who are being told to selfquarantine in a nearby hotel. That hotel is reportedly being guarded by security forces. Theres education tensive coordination between the israelis and palestinians on this issue as new checkpoints are being implemented and mosques closed. In the country of iran the death toll is nearing 200. Yesterday alone 49 deaths were reported there as authorities can confirm more than 6,000 positive case. And in china millions remain under quarantined. Yesterday a Chinese Hotel that was housing people under observation collapsed and rescuers continue to search through the rubble for survivors. Here in israel at least 25 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed as more than 100,000 residents remain under selfquarantine. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said e that list of selfquarantine locations could expand. Gillian . Gillian thanks for that, trey. Leland . Leland in the United States the virus hit Washington State the hardest, so far 110 confirmed cases there and 16 deaths. With more on this, dr. George diaz, an Infectious Disease doctor from everett, washington, who treated the first u. S. Case of the coronavirus. Doctor, or we appreciate you being here, sir. With that very first case, when did you realize you were dealing with Something Different than what we had seen before like the flu or a bad tuberculosis . Well, we had, you know, seen the outbreak in wuhan by reports, and we were aware of how severe the disease appeared to progress in certain patient populations, to our ellerly or have elderly with high death rate being reported. Is so we knew that this was a new infection that essentially had high morbidity, mortality, and we wanted to make sure we were ready to receive patients, so we had done preparations beforehand to make sure we were ready. When we got the call from cdc that the patient was positive, we were ready to handle him with extreme caution. Leland is there a significant difference in terms of what this disease does to older and already immunecompromised individuals or people with really serious Underlying Health conditions . Is this a lot worse than, say, a really bad innext of influenza . I dont think we really know the Science Behind why folks that are older or have have medical issues are more at risk. We do know when they become infected, many of them end up in the hospital in icus, and the mortality seems to be quite high in that patient population. Thats probably what were seeing at least locally probably worse than flu in the population. Why that is, i dont think we understand quite yet. Leland based on this case youve treated and, obviously, Washington States hit the hardest, and youve all been talking amongst yourselves and other docs in the area. You can call it what you want, but the fear, the panic, the freakout that exists within the normal, healthy population, people are talking about stockpiling toilet paper, is that justified or does there seem to be an overreaction from what we know medically perhaps as justified . Well, one of the first things i want to discuss is the protective gear that people are buying. Right now there are folks that are buying a lot of masks. The cdc has been very clear that the average person walking the streets is is very low risk in general and is not advised to buy masks out and about leland yeah. We heard from the Surgeon General that buying the masks to actually keep them away from the people that need them the most, we had a survivor of the coronavirus, she got it on one of the cruise ships yesterday. Take a listen to her experience. I had about a three hour fever of not even 100 degrees the night before, and that was it. I have not had one symptom, you know, since then. Not one. Gillian each while you had the even while you had the virus, at its peak, youre saying you still didnt experience symptoms . Zero symptoms. Gillian wow. Leland that was jerry e who said she did pilates and yoga while is she had the virus. It important to talk about the people who experience something akin to the common cold with this. Yeah, or thats a really good point. Most folks that are infected with this virus will have mild disease wont need to come to the hospital, wont have to be admitted. And so were working on in providence is triaging those groups of folks is so that were keeping a close eye on these people who present for testing to make sure that we keep track of them. Were plugging them into our Telehealth Program so we can monitor oxygen levels at home and their vital signs to make sure that they dont have ea the klein, and this includes folks over the age of 60 or have other medical problems that put them at high risk. Those people at low risk, theres really not much at this point that needs to be done for them in terms of staying home while theyre ill. Making Risk Assessment for those who are high risk for severe disease. Leland and, doctor, the people in everett, washington, are better for you and your expertise. To you and your colleagues who are certainly working a lot of extra long hours in light of this, i know the folks out there appreciate it. We do as well, sir. All the best. Thank you very much. Leland as the there was just talking about, the coronavirus fears are causing shortages not only of medical supply, but cleaning goods, cleaning products. Why toilet paper is also a shortage and then show you the fight over toilet paper when we come back. You make everything. Groovy. Done yet . Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. You sure . Hmm. Mmm. Come on, come on, wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. A new kind of investor with an app thats changing the way we do money. Download robinhood now. Gillian a disturbing video out of sidney, australia going viral online as has people fighting over basic goods and supplies, take a listen. [shouting] hey, stop, thats enough. [screams] shes trying to hit me. [inaudible conversations] gillian well, as is virus spreads apparently people are to hoard household items, australia in particular. This being a problem with at least 70 confirmed cases with the coronavirus. What i want to say about this particular clip is and this is not to make fun at anybody that has panicked in hoarding goods and supplies, if theres something to fight over, why is it toilet paper . Last can of baby food . Toilet paper is not if we are talking about necessities to live, i mean, we could live without toilet paper. Leland maybe we are learning more about you, gillian. I was going to leave the video to speak for itself, but you know, you go right ahead. Any other thoughts. Gillian you get my point, right . Its not something worth fighting over. Leland everybody has their priorities. Gillian food for your children, baby food, fine. Leland there we go. Gillian you really are not going to weigh in, are you . Leland no. Gillian i tried, i tried to get him. Leland america will weigh in on twitter at gillianturner, shes here to take your comments the rest of the day and mr. Chris wallace is up in about 5 seconds with Bernie Sanders. We will see you soon. Chris im Chris Wallace. President trump ramps up the federal response to the coronavirus as the outbreak kills more than 3,000 worldwide. We are really highly prepared for anything. Chris as the president tries to calm fears, the fallout continues, disrupting travel and closing schools. We will discuss where this is headed with dr. Anthony fauci director of National Institute allergy and Infectious Diseases. The 2020 democratic field narrows to just 2 as Bernie Sanders looks to stop joe bidens surging momentum

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