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Believe the video isnt in fact the execution video of goto. Now, already, japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe is saying that the act is a horrendous act, one that isis can never be forgiven for and were already starting to see a large turnout in japan across the country people turning out and showing their support and anger at what isis has done. As a result of his death, japan has said they will step up their international eithers with the u. S. And other countries to help fight isis. Theyre pushing back and not saying theyre going to commit any troops or anything like that. Despite the groups threat to launch more violence against japan, japan has taken a muscular approach saying theyre going to continue to donate for weapons and money for aid and things like that in the middle east, theyre sort of doubling down on the effort to fight isis. This video is similar to previous videos weve seen from isis. In the video there ask a british man with a british accent. He appears to oversee the beheading and execution of goto. Originally isis demanded about 200 million to free him. It looked like a deal was going to behat would involve exchanging goto and a jordanian pilot in exchange for an Al Qaeda Linked militant. That deal fell apart at sundown on thursday when jordan demanded there be some proof of life that that pilot being held by isis was in fact still alive. Jordan never received that proof of life verification. So that swap essentially fell apart. Now jordan says they continue to try to work towards freeing their pilot even now that goto is dead. Theres a real concern the pilot may not be alive. There are several other hostages being held by isis right now, including at least one american. Theres a real concern this wont be the last execution video isis puts out. All right. Thanks connor. Reaction and outrage continues to pour in from around the world over the beheading of kenji goto. Friends remember the 47yearold as a voice for the voiceless. Kenji was one of the worlds remarkable men. He was kind, soft spoken, a gentle man with a wonderful sense of humor who cared about the people he reported on. He was never embedded with any army. He always was giving the voice of those who didnt have a voice, in places most people wouldnt want to live in or even go to. According to friends and family, goto traveled to syria to save yukawa who was taken hostage in august and killed by isis last week. Gotos death was doubly heart breaking. His father didnt want his face shown on television. Translator mr. Goto was so kind and courageous. He went to rescue my son only to suffer the worst possible outcome. I just have no words. Its utterly heart breaks. How can this be happening . Joining us now with reaction to the latest isis beheading and much more Oklahoma Republican senator james langford. Glad to be able to join you. Do we does the u. S. Negotiate with terrorists . Is there only one language they will understand . They only understand the language of force. We as americans have a difficult time with this. We assume we can sit down with people and negotiate. They dont want to negotiate. They want a worldwide of military force the previous one was enough to be able to carry this. We and myself and others repeated over and over again, theres nothing in the previous authorization that allows them to expand into syria. The president cannot just unilaterally take american troops anywhere he wants to take them. Congress and the American People have to be involved in this. This is the nature of our constitution and a divided government that more people have to be engaged in something as serious as going into war. This will be a big issue. The president should lean into that and present his idea for the authorization of use of military force. Hes yet to be able to turn over an idea of what hes trying to accomplish. To that point, he is going to tomorrow present you with Something Else that is the budget. Theres a lot of questions about how things are going to be paid for. Were hearing about raising taxes and new programs. Will there be any Common Ground there with Congressional Republicans . It was interesting. The president gave a speech saying the economys doing better so nows the time to spend more and raise taxes. My first reaction was, wasnt that the same speech he gave four years ago when he said the economys doing bad so nows the time to spend more and raise taxes and other things. We cant just have the same answer for everything. Right now, it looks like what his Budget Proposal will be what he wants to do is breakthrough the caps and spend more. That would be equivalent to someone having a tough time making credit card payments. When they get a raise, they say im going to go buy a brand new tv for the super bowl tonight instead of paying down the debt. If the economys doing better, terrific. Lets start paying down debt not just accelerate and keep spending more. Something has been this question of sanctions on iran and beefing up our position in the talks and negotiations over their Nuclear Program. Word this week that even those who had been pushing the president on this and the white house has been pushing back, theyre going to give the president a little bit more breathing room. Whats your take on that and what do you make overall of the negotiations . Two things iran needs to get their Nuclear Program going, time and money. Unfortunately, thats what this administrations giving them. Loosening up the sanctions so they have more time, can do more international trade, get more must be in. Theyre continueing to advance their Nuclear Program while negotiating with us. It is a positive thing for us to lay additional sanctions on the table and say if iran does not fulfill its obligations, then these sanctions are coming. We cant play Good Cop Bad Cop with iran right now. The president keeps saying we dont want to give anymore sanctions if they dont fill the requirements. We think there should be consequences. The more time they have to stall, the more time they have to develop their Nuclear Program. Were out of time. I have to quickly ask you, having been a member of the house and the senate, how different is it for you . Theyre entirely different. In the house everything runs by just a majority. If you can get 218 you can do everything. Republicans dont have 60. So even thinks with a budget and other things, we cant move at that same speed. It took an hour and a half for the house to do keystone. It took four weeks for the senate to do keystone. By the way, the founders wanted it that way, to have a slow place to be able to process through things. Former congressman now senator, thank you very much for your time today. Were learning more about the recent successes in the fight against isis. Intensive air strikes are credited in pushing terrorists out of the syrian town of kobani. More than 700 air strikes targeted isis ground positions and equipment over the past six months. This helped them fight off isis attacks on the ground, reinforce defenses and extend security in the area. Despite those gains isis still controls onethird of syria. With the beheading of kenji goto, it continues to execute hostages. Does president obama have a real plan to actually beat the islamic militants . Former chief of staff, general given the fact that the air strikes seem to have worked at least so far is this an indication of the president s strategy, if you will, inside of syria and against isis or is there still more needed . Theres much more needed. The mission and the goal that the president has assigned to the pentagon is to degrade and destroy isis. Air power has stalled isis offensive capability in iraq to take New Territory. They havent taken New Territory in weeks although they have conducted some attacks recently. In syria, however isis is taking New Territory and they are taking New Territory since we began the air campaign although the air campaign obviously had dramatic impact on kobani because theres also a ground force there in the name of the kurds who are effective. But when you look at syria overall, the harsh reality is is that we are supporting a Free Syrian Army as a ground force. Theyre going to be trained in four different locations, three Different Countries to do that. And assad, that regime is using its military power particularly air power to systematically destroy that force as we speak. Most analysts who look at that who include myself and government officials, believe that something must be done to stop that slaughter of the very force were trying to assist. That means shut down his air power by establishing a no any zone and also a buffer zone for the refugees. Thats been one thing suggested. Over the past couple days and weeks, weve hard more about the idea of u. S. Boots on the ground. Chuck hagel very smally opened the door in the sense he could see a situation where boots on the ground would be needed. But today, Lindsay Graham came out forcefully advocating for u. S. Boots on the ground to take the fight against isis. Scott walker potential president ial contender did the sate thing. Is that whats needed is u. S. Combat troops . Youre talking about two different things. Graham and walker and others and include myself and also secretary hagel, hes talking about the Counter Offensive Campaign to retake mosul in iraq. We definitely need more boots on the ground as advisors are forward line troops and also air controllers. Not the 3,000 we have. Most of us believe you may in fact have to triple l that to get the density you need. They would be alongside those who are doing the fighting plus apache helicopters and special Operations Forces to go after isis leadership. In syria until we do something about assad were never going to be able to get the coalition powers to put the kind of boots on the ground that are needed in syria to assist the Free Syrian Army. Once we do move against assad, then youll have saudi arabia, jordan the u. A. E. And turkey and i believe with our leadership moving in to commit Ground Troops to assist the Free Syrian Army. Well see if anyone is actually willing to commit those kinds of forces. One last question for you. There were a lot of discussion at the white house, they were almost criticizing the jordanians for negotiating with isis for the release of their pilot that isis has. In almost the same breath, the white house was saying it was okay that we negotiated with the taliban because the taliban isnt terrorists. We only negotiate with an armed insurgency. The whole point is to not em bolden terrorists. What im wondering is when you have these groups like isis and al qaeda, do they make the distinctions of whether were terrorists or armed insurgents . Thats something an unfortunate characterization. Its really misleading to the American People. The Afghan Taliban is conducting an armed insurgency and they are a terrorist organization because in the means that they used to overthrow this government. Virtually every single radical Islamic Movement in the middle east and south asia and africa is conducting an armed insurgency using terrorist means similar to what the Afghan Taliban are doing. This is a difference without a distinction and its a huge mischaracterization. That is a terrorist organization. The Afghan Taliban. Certainly been a lot of people who have shared your sentiments as well. We appreciate your time, sir. Thanks so much. Good talking to you. Well, a super storm slamming the midwest this super bowl sunday. That region could see accumulations of more than a foot of snow. The storm likely to cause big headaches for those who actually want to get behind the wheel and drive to their super bowl parties. Were checking the forecast from the fox weather center. If you live in the chicago area, i highly recommend staying at home because we have a blizzard warning in effect until midnight tonight. We have heavy snow being reported right now and winds in excess of 35 miles per hour. Were going to see heavy snow north of des moines towards chicago, detroit, cleveland, where we could get upwards of close to a foot and a half of snow. Then this storm moves into the northeast. Mainly a rain event for you in d. C. And philadelphia. But were right on the cusp here in new york city where we could see a changeover from rain to freezing rain. Some of the computer models are showing half an inch of ice on the roadways. I want to make sure every wrun is prepared. Youre paying very close attention to your local forecasts. All snow event for the folks in new england. Boston you could see over a foot of snow on top of over 2 feet they received this time last monday. Back to you. Thanks. All right. Coming up still ahead, two pilots collide in midair. Both planes went smashing to the ground and what happened next is nothing short of miles an hour rack allows. Plus, Hillary Clinton could be coming to capitol hill again to testify about the benghazi attacks. A lot of people found her earlier testimony somewhat lacking. So what do house members want to ask her . Well ask a member of the benghazi select committee. What difference at this point does it make . Know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. 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The other has what are described as only minor injuries which is hard to understand looking at that wreck. One of the planes was an alaska wildlife trooper aircraft. Significant accident site. One of the witnesses did communicate that one of the wings actually separated from the airplane after the collision. The ntsb who you just heard from is still trying to figure out exactly what happened. Clinton comes to my committee and i said, secretary clinton, did you read the cables the frantic cables from the ambassador. And she said, no. She acted as if it was sort of beneath her. Senator, i have lots of countries, im traveling all the time. How many countries were more dangerous than libya . As i heard her make this response, it occurred to me and still occurs to me that this should absolutely preclude her from holding our office. That was senator rand paul on friday talking about Hillary Clintons first testimony before congress back in 2013. She could be heading back to the hill again very soon. This time before the house benghazi select committee. The former secretary of state told him she would testify quote, period. Joiping me now is member of the intel committee. Thank you for joining us today. Great to be with you. Thank you. There has been a lot of talk about the progress or lack of progress by the committee. I want to play something the Ranking Member said and then get a bit of reaction from you. I continue to believe that the west way forward for our committee is to Reach Agreement on a truly bipartisan approach. I can no longer say i am optimistic this will happen. Never theless, our door is always open and will be willing to sit down in the pursuit of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All right congressman, he says he is no longer optimistic there will be bipartisan cooperation or resolution. Whats your take . We have a mission. Our mission is to get answers for American People about the four americans who were killed now over two years ago in benghazi libya. We need documents. We need to talk to a lot of witnesses. I hope mr. Cummings will assist with that. So far, all he and the administration have done is stone wall the committee. I hope it happens in a bipartisan way. But most importantly, i hope we get to the truth. Well congressman cummings says that former secretary of state Hillary Clinton will testify. What are the key questions that you have that you hope she will answer . Many things we need to talk to lots of witnesses about including secretary clinton. Theres questions about precisely who she said things to that night what she said. But just as importantly, this took place in the context of enormous Security Risk at that facility. The senate has said this was a preventable attack. We need to find out what secretary clintons role was in that. This took place also against american policy in libya, a policy they talked about as leading from behind. We can see now that that resulted in the death of four americans. Looks like we had a flawed policy there. We need to get to the bottom of that as well. A recent fox news poll in which we asked about should congress continue to investigate benghazi. 58 say yes, 38 say no. So a majority of the public with you out there. There are a number of democrats who say its a waste of taxpayer time and money and nothing more than a witch hunt. Its never a waste of taxpayer money to get the truth for the American People. We have a failed policy that led to the death of four americans. Their families deserve it and the American People deserve it. We need to get those facts and present them in a clear and comprehensive way. Theres nothing political about that. Its deeply a part of our american tradition and constitution that congress perform the oversight and were going to continue that mission until we get those answers. I know youve gotten tens of thousands of pages of documents from the state department. Have you gotten, though, what you need . Its pretty remarkable. The same folks telling us nothing left to learn just turned over 15,000 pages of brand new documents. Goodness knows how much more material sits out there. We still have lots of work to do. We have lots of witnesses that we intend to put before the American People at a hearing or put in front after of a deposition. There remain lots of pieces the of the story that have not been provided to congress. Please keep us up to date. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Coming up next, sounding off about mitt romneys decision to not run for president again in 2016 including his former running meat paul ryan. Its the right decision for mitt. Our Political Panel weighs in on the race for the white house. Plus super security for the super bowl. Will carr is live in glen dale arizona. Reporter more than 100 game balls are locked in a room right now. Well tell you what scrutiny theyll go through between now and kickoff. 73 of americans try. To cook healthy meals. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. One a day 50 theres a new way to buy a car. Just find the one youre looking for see what others paid for it, lock in your savings and get the car you want hasslefree. With truecar its never been easier. Vo introducing the starbucks flat white. Crafted with two ristretto shots for bolder caramelly espresso. Whole milk. Steamed to a sweet velvety microfoam delicately poured, so the espresso rises to the top. The Perfect Union of bold and sweet. Simplicity is its own artistry. Al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is issuing new threats against the west saying, quote, all unbelievers should be struck in their own countries. This just hours after isis executed the second japanese hostage kenji goto. The debate is growing about whether the white house has a comprehensive strategy. There was a lot f 00 talk on the sunday shows this morning about president obamas strategy about isis. And how this may demonstrate the need to be more aggressive. Heres the big problem the way robert gates sees it. I think the president has set an ambitious and i think under current circumstances unreal unrealistic goal when he talks about our intent being to destroy isis. With the means hes approved so far, i think thats unattainable. Gates chuck hagel floating the idea of american troops being Forward Deployed to help air strikes being more precise. Then theres Lindsey Graham giving specifics. He suggests about 10,000 american troops on the ground in iraq and syria to firm up arab armys fighting in the region. To plunge them into the chaos and carnage of syria at this point would be a serious mistake in my view. Lets work to build and support this coalition in the region to bring stability. Administration critics continue to highlight the unwillingness by senior officials to refer to the enemy in isis controlled territory as islamic militants. They say all terrorists are not islamic so they dont want to generallyize. They said the u. S. Needs to spend less time being worried about political correctness. Sharon . Thank you so much. A reporter is on his way to freedom after more than a year behind bars in e jept. The australian was put on a plane to cyprus today after the president approved his deportation. He was arrested over coverage of the violent crackdown in 2013. They were originally sentenced to seven years in prison. I thought he was going to run, to tell you the truth, when i had heard all of the rumors. I had talked to him on the phone about it. I think he seriously considered it. And then i think he decided it was not in his best interest. Im a great admirer of mitt romney. I think theres going to be many ways he can continue to serve this country. That was john mccain reacting to mitt romneys announcement. Pro two days after, they are publicly complimenting the gop nominee. Who benefits most now from rom knees departure . Former press secretary for al gore. And press secretary for rip roadway. This was such a surprise that mitt romney dropped out. Was this a case that he finally decided look, ive done this twice, im tired, or was he reading the tea leaves that my money was disappears my fundraisers werent going to be there and also my aids were leaving me . I think mitt romney looked at his closest allies and realized, we can beat Hillary Clinton this time. Republicans can win. It may not be us. I think they did the right thing. Sense this has happened, Washington Post yesterday said jeb bush is now the front runner. All cameras now point to him. All research, everything else. That might be what was behind this tweet from mr. Obamas 2008 Campaign Manager put up this tweet from 2012, friday ruined now that romney is not running. Thats from president obamas 2012 Campaign Manager. Was mitt romney the best republican from a democratic standpoint because you guys had already beat up on him enough . He certainly would have been a lot of fun to run against. You certainly saw in the last three weeks, that was one seriously deflated test balloon that mitt romney put out there. It would have been very fun to talk about his plans for poverty. But, yes i think that he ultimately decided that this is going to be too hard of a mountain for him to climb. Definitely a tough mountain to climb. But what was interesting was the polls we saw in the beginning showed he was the front runner among possible Republican Voters. Check out the front page of todays Des Moines Register that shows scott walker has an edge in the tight gop field. Get this, three months ago 41 of caucusgoers in iowa, didnt know who he was. I saw this morning, hes surging. But it is early. Theres a lot of stories to be told. If you look at it its about the bench that republicans have. There are so many strong candidates on the republican side. First Hillary Clinton, you havent seen her do any public appearances this year. Shes done two. They were in canada. She doesnt have to is more the point. I think shes waiting around as if this is almost a coronation for her which is what got her in trouble in 08. Look at rubio doing on the bookstore. Look what christies doing. I wonder if that helps him. Youve spent a lot of time in iowa. Thats where folks are on the ground here. In that sense are you going to all of a sudden see now this continuing to shift . You worked for Vice President gore. How fluid is iowa or is it significant . We are still very, very early. What is significant is the fact that if you look at the poll what you see are the people at the top of the poll there scott walker, also rand paul, are people who are seen as either really fresh faces in the republican field or antiestablishment in general. Thats actually where mitt romney would have faced the most trouble i think. These are people who have defined themselves by breaking certain issues. Rand paul talking about drone strikes, he gets independent support in those issues. He had interesting things to say after ferguson. I think that makes people like Chris Christie and jeb bush take pause. What Republican Voters seem to be saying is they dont want those old faces, they want something no. Do you agree with that . No absolutely not. We know new faces inherently arent somebody like jeb bush. Sure. Sure. We realize theyre going to be running against an old name. The clintons again. Theres a deep bench. Lots of potential strong candidates who can be Hillary Clinton. Lots of things to talk about. I have to give you props for getting in deflategate. Thanks for joining us. Leland, american oil workers are getting fired up for the first large scale strike since 1980. It began after United Steel Workers Union failed to reach an agreement to get a contract with several companies that started today. Theyre calling for more job security. When the house passed Keystone Pipeline and the Senate Passed Keystone Pipeline in a bipartisan way and the president issues a veto threat thats what these folks are upset about. The administration doesnt recognize that more energy and more jobs for this country are good things. Negotiations began january 21st. Theyre asking for more pay and stronger rules to prevent worker fatigue among other things. They represent workers at more than 200 refineries and terminals terminals. Steve forbes joins us up next on Benjamin Netanyahu. Exploring and looking for something better. Thats the way i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. My doctor told me about eliquis. For three Important Reasons. One, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. 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If iran gets weapons other countries will get them which will make it easier for terrorists to get them. Its also about constitutional issues. Something that important should be put in front of congress. So netanyahu must come here. Its not just the middle east. Irans developing missiles that can reach israel europe, eventually the united states. The feeling is that this Administration Just wants a deal for the sake of a deal. The iranians know it which is why theyre squeezing everything they can. Its interesting you mention democrats. We know that they have been united with republicans not all of them buty taking a harder line with regard to iran. We ask about the obama administrations policies towards hot spots in the middle east. 54 think that the administration is mostly failing when it comes to policies in that region. Why do you think the administration is so committed to the path its taken . It really doesnt seem that its willing to change course despite results we may be seeing. This is whats unique about this president. President s in the past, if something failed makes a change. President bush made a change in iraq when that clearly wasnt working. The changes worked. Jimmy carter in the late 1970s, he changed. This president refuses to change. Facts of the world dont seem to permeate that bubble in the white house. What do you make about the relationship . For years weve heard from both the israelis and the white house that we are the strongest of allies, that there are good relationships, maybe dust ups here and there but things are fine. Seems like those of us who cover that kind of thing have heard a different behind the scene story. Seems like its bubbling up publicly. Theres a fundamental difference about what you do about the palestinians and things like that. This is about the very existence of israel. The israelis its not just rhetoric. That is fundamental. So this is something they cannot make a mistake on. It also affects the united states. If iran has Nuclear Weapons and can reach the united states, if terrorists can get that kind of technology, this is profound. It doesnt seem this administration properly appreciates it. Terrorists are on the rampage in the middle east. Yemen has just fallen. Terrorists in nigeria are making advances. Hello, something is fundamental fundamentally wrong. Well, the piece that you authored was very thought provoke provoking. I tweeted it out and encouraged folks to read it. Thank you. Still ahead on americas news headquarters, the super bowl is getting some super security in the wake of those deflategate allegations. What are nfl officials doing to protect tonights footballs before the game . A live report coming up after the break. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. 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Super bowl xlix is set to get underway in just a couple of hours. Todays game is under extra scrutiny after the patriots were accused of illegally deflating footballs in the championship two weeks ago. Will carr is outside of the stadium with the buzz and extra security on those balls. Reporter that is right. And fans tell us they could not be more excited but everybody continues to talk about socalled deflate gate and the impact it will have on super bowl xlix. So here is what has happened. The nfl is taking extra precautions with the game ball. Each team gave the nfl 54 balls on friday, far more than unusual because many will be sold or donated after the game. The equipment staff has kept the balls locked in a room and handing the balls to the officials shortly and then checked for the psi, the three letters youve heard so much of. Each team will get their game balls ten minutes before kickoff. This is a big distraction and last night cowboys owner jerry jones weighed in on the controversy. I know i got 10 10 million taken out of my salary cap because we stepped out of bound and i know that wasnt fun and that is why we have a league, 32 teams and the rules for a reason. Reporter and last night the hall of fame class was announced, including jerome, the bus, bet is and junior seau who took his life, finding out he suffered from brain damage, creating word about longterm damage from concussions. And if you are still interested, the cheapest tickets are going for 9,000 for the nose bleeds. If you hit the lottery and want to make it here by half time you can get some tickets. I appreciate you looking out for me. Still it come. Forget the National Tourist of arts. Tourists are heading to a different kind of museum in texas. Well tell you about it. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. 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And we thought it appropriate to end this super bowl sunday on a hint of hops and barley. This house in Houston Texas who saved up to 17000 beer cans to make this masterpiece. People come from around the world for inspired. Im not sure about the inspiration. That is a commitment to drinking a lot of beer. 081n boy. No comment. That is itn;j for now. Americas news headquarters is coming up next. Have a great day. Take÷qvq care. Im chris wallace. Islamic extremists continue their march in the middle east. 5÷ does the president have a real plan to beat rf xthem . Actively name the movement as radical islam and we have no strategy to stop it or beat it. What is it we are out to accomplish . We discuss the strategy with three experts that have firsthand experience. Senator kelly ayotte, four star general

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