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Newspaper. His accomplice is the most wanted woman in the world. Lets go to rick live in paris with the latest and rick, first lets start here. There are conflicting reports whether this woman is still in paris tonight. What do you know . Reporter right arthel french authorities have told is they believe they took part in the murder of the policewoman and two went to the grocery on friday where he is believed to have killed four hostages before he was killed himself by heavily armed officer, that boumediene may have escaped the grocery in the confusion after the siege ended with the hostages ran out. A number of Media Outlets have reported she may have in fact left france a week ago. A woman with her name traveled from madrid to istanbul on january 2nd and left turkey for syria on june 8th. We have that from an intelligence official quoting turkish officials that she may have left turkey for syria a couple of days ago which would not have made it possible for her to be here for the terror attacks this week. Not clear why authorities here were so sure she was involved in the murder of the policewoman or siege of the grocery store. Were trying to sort that out now. Indeed, what is certain, they are definitely trying to find outs more about this boumediene woman. What do we know about her . Reporter well, we know she is of algerian descent and came from a large family and her mother died when she was very young in 1994. And that her father struggled to raise that family. She met her future husband in early 2009 and was quickly radicalized. We found that out from a Police Interview that she made with investigators who were looking into her husbands terror ties. The following year she said to the police she had read a lot of books on religion and angered by attacks on palestine, and afghanistan, suggesting that america was the real source of terror. She also was reportedly very close to the wives of the kouachi brothers who carried out that attack at the newspaper where 12 people were killed. Police are talking to those brothers wives to see if they have information on where boumediene may be at this hour. She may not enbe in france at all. She could be in syria tonight. All right, thank you very much. The aftershocks being felt in this country, a Global Travel warning for u. S. Citizens not only because of the crisis in france but continuing air strikes against isis and american fight against islamist terrorists. Heres more on the United States reaction from d. C. Hi, peter. The Obama Administration is sending attorney general eric holder to a sit down in paris and the plan is for International Leaders to discuss terror threats and what to do about foreign fighters with western passports who are coming home. The meeting isnt until tomorrow but some here in the states are already questioning the logic of sending holder. So many of the things this administration does wrong in regard to islamic terror come out of eric holder. He wants to try islamic terrorists as counterfeiters in courts in new york city and close down gitmo and give battle field captures their miranda rights. This is exactly the wrong guy leading the fight against evil. President obama released a weekly address today that focused only on the economy. He did very briefly mention terror in france during an event in tennessee on friday but offered no specifics about the steps the administration is doing to keep americans safe. At the state department, officials are emphasizing the importance of keeping americans abroad in the loop about what is going on around them. The u. S. Embassy in paris did issue a new security message today advising that the government of france extended the heighten terror alert to International Schools reviewing Security Posture and making changes as appropriate. This is passing on what the government there had provided. Nothing has changed in terms of our posture otherwise and embassy and con sue lates remain up and running. Theres a Worldwide Travel alert for american citizens warning of a dangerous duel threat presented by both al qaeda and isis. The bulletin explains that americans in Public Places overseas could be targeted by either Violent Attacks or could be kidnapped for ransom. Thats a chilling prospect. Thank you so much. Meantime the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Martin Dempsey also speaking out about those terror attacks in paris telling Fox News Sunday that at least one of the suspects behind the attack had received months of training in yemen. Take a listen. These individuals were inspired in some way. They didnt they were probably not selfradicalized on the internet which is another way the attacks sometimes occur. Theres there is pretty clear indication that one of them did in fact receive training in yemen. And theres a linkage among them, whether its schools or family relationships, as far as whether it was directed by al qaeda rkts i dont think linkage has established. General Martin Dempsey speaking exclusively to Fox News Sunday, you can catch the entire interview tomorrow. Check your local listings. There has been other news, have you heard about George Zimmerman . Released on 5,000 bond one day after he was arrested. The 31yearold has been charged with domestic aggravated assault after allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his girlfriend. A judge ordered zimmerman to avoid contact with the alleged victim. He was acquitted of murder charge back in 2013 for shooting the unarmed teenager trayvon martin. This is not first time hes had a runin with the law since that acquittal. Just months later, zimmerman was arrest the on charges of aggravated assault and involved in an incident of road rage last year. Federal investigators releasing a sketch of a man who may be linked to the bombing outside the naacp office in colorado springs, hes being described as a bald white male in his 40s. The fbi is offering a 10,000 reward for information on the blast. The Authorities Say its not clear why the office was targeted. We will not speculate on the motive for the placement of the device but we would be naive if we did not acknowledge the naacp as a National Organization has been the recipient of threats throughout their existence. That said over the years we in Law Enforcement have learned there are many motive for bombings and the motive may not always be obvious at the beginning of an investigation. We will not speculate. The bomb blew up on a wall outside the building that houses the naacp office on tuesday. No one was injured in the explosion. The attacks in paris raising fears yet again about home grown terrorism. Lone wolves that have committed a history of terrorist attacks at home. How the french authorities are handling this continuing tense situation and what american authorities can try to learn to prevent a similar attack here. Plus an interstate crippled after a massive pileup involving hundreds of vehicles. Well have the latest on what happened there. Patented Sonic Technology with up to 27 more brush movements. Get healthier gums in two weeks. Innovation and you Philips Sonicare save when you give Philips Sonicare this holiday season. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today other news for you this afternoon beyond the terrorist attacks in paris. Killed during a massive pileup on a snowy interstate. Closing the highway in southwestern michigan. Nearly 200 vehicles including dozens of semitrucks were involved in that Chain Reaction that included a truckloaded with fireworks. In San Francisco officials there are shutting down the Golden Gate Bridge to install a median barrier to try to prevent headon collisions. 16 people have been killed in headon collisions on that bridge since 1970. And football fans in green bay hoping packers shovel out snow from Lambeau Field ahead of tomorrows big playoff game. The packers will play the Dallas Cowboys and winner will advance to the nfc championship game. The terror attacks in france this week raising serious concerns about the challenges of dealing with home grown terrorism. This comes as french authorities continue their manhunt for the common law wife of the gunman behind yesterdays deadly hostage standoff at the Kosher Grocery market. That suspect and the two brothers who attached the french newspaper were killed in shootouts with police. Tim clemente, a former fbi Counter Terrorism agent. If france were to systemically attack terrorism. What should be first on the agenda and are there certain measures that should be applied simultaneously . I think the problem is were not looking at the problem as a whole but as individual groups who are small parties of individuals. This is an ideology that were fighting that is widespread throughout the world. What we see in france is the same thing weve seen in nigeria with boko haram killing possibly thousands of villagers and West Gate Mall in kenya and Pakistani Military school and in Sydney Australia in a candy store. What were facing is a Greater Universal enemy. We look at it is this al qaeda or isis . It really doesnt matter. The great scope of things we have to look at this as a big problem. Paris has far worse of a problem than us because they have these enclafs where literally the police and First Responders dont go. Thats a great spot, great boiling pot of this ideology, the radicalism can happen and nobody is there to witness it or stop it preemptively. There are fewer borders, check points in the region. How does that affect the authorities ability to track terrorists or suspected terrorists . Its so much easier to move from country to country the visa process where all of the countries part of the western europe, where you dont even need a visa or any documentation to move from one country to another, makes it easier for anyone with this ideology that doesnt want to use social media or some other Mass Communication form to communicate. They can travel, move about freely and train other ones and radicalize other ones. That Mass Communication now can be physical rather than just electronic data. And if we dont have any means of looking at checkpoint crossings and things like that, theres no way to know where the people have been and where they are going and its a perfect example of the wife now missing and could be virtually anywhere because of that capability to move about to freely. Lets talk about the u. S. As of course the u. S. Terror analysts are looking at what happened there in france, what are some lessons or reevaluations they may take away from that situation . I think as i mentioned earlier, we need to look at the greater threat the greater threat is not al qaeda. When president obama clearly stated in the 2012 campaign that leaders of al qaeda are dead al qaeda is on the run, all of that is meaningless because they are one symptom of this problem. I think more people are starting to recognize that. Weve seen leaders in the muslim world in jordan and egypt president sisi and tunisia, their knewly elected president saying this is a global muslim problem. The global Muslim Community needs to face these absolute radicals, these radicals trying to impress their version their impression of what sharia law is. What they want to do in holding down all civilization tim, pardon me i understand your points but considering what happened just recently, i want to know what you think that u. S. Terrorist analysts should do immediately . Well immediately we need to talk about what our laws are and what holds us back. People have been thinking patriot act gave us the ability to track and do almost anything. Thats absolutely not true. We have First Amendment protections in the United States holding hateful thoughts and opinions are not illegal in the United States. But when that thought and opinion moves towards violence, thats when you cross and make a substantial step towards the commission of a crime or conspiracy in commission of a crime. We need to look at our laws and need the attorney general to be the leading person on this and say what are we going to do to prevent people like the three people that died yesterday, to root them out here. With our free speech protections, were very hamstrung, the fbi and cia cant operate here openly. We need leadership from the Attorney Generals Office to dictate how to change laws. Tim clemente, thank you very much. The younger brother Cherif Kouachi served time in prison for a terror related case then freed. You know who else is being sprung . Hundreds of detapeinees from gitmo, some say they are returning to the radical war against the west. Our panel will debate that. And the fbi and Justice Department now seeking felony charges against former cia director David Petraeus. Well tell you why. Were here because youre about to have a heart attack. Petes heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Now the u. S. Is issuing a Global Travel warning after the horrific terrorist attack in france. Al qaedas affiliate in yemen claiming responsibility for them. This is the Obama Administration continues to release more detainees from gitmo. We are told two more could be sprung this coming week. So will this tragedy in france impact the president s policy on terrorism . And his efforts to try to close gitmo . Leslie marshall is a syndicated radio talk show host and danine berill low also a talk show host. Leslie, do you think this will change the policy . I mean, look they say that 30 of those who had been released from gitmo have returned to the battlefield of radical islamic terrorism against us. Im not surprised they do that after being in gitmo and certainly there arent charges against them and whether theyre in the military or the criminal court, when you have a terrorist attack like theres going to be push back. I dont people just released. I want that day in court. I want those charges, i want that evidence presented. But when things like this happen, there is pushback and everybody just wants to keep them there and throw away the key. Danine, do you think it will change at all . I mean look, youve got tamerlan tsarnaev, the brother in boston, the fbi knew about him. You have cherif, he had served time and look what happened. Theres tammer lin, the fbi knew about him and he fell through the cracks. Our government knew him had already talked to him and then you have the younger brother in france, having served time in prison and being released to now and committed what he did. Sure, well, look, what happened in paris is a reminder to all of us that the terrorists are terrorists who dont like our way of life and they want to kill us and disrupt our every day living. What im hosting concerned about is obama is concerned about keeping his Campaign Promise to keep guantanamo versus over the safety of americans. So i find that very disturbing and the percentages that you just mentioned the director of intelligence 25 of these individuals will likely go back on the battlefield and with the 127 that i think are remaining thats Something Like 25, 30 who are expected to return. So, you know, think about the destruction that these three or four individuals did in paris and were talking about a number 30 or so that may be going out to cause more destruction. So what do we do . We cant bring them back. Im sorry . What do we do, we cant bring them back . We shouldnt close the failsy because theyre intent to close the facility because theyre intent to cause as much harm as possible, not only just in the United States, but around the world. Leslie, they have released some yemenis to several countries. What is to stop them from going to georgia and then going back to yemen, going back to al qaeda, the Arabian Peninsula and then traveling back to commit another terrorist act . Well, actually, you hit on a very good point. Because when you look at the e. U. I was talking to my best friend yesterday who lives in london and is a train ride from paris. One of the problems i drove into italy for lunch, nobody stopped me. There was no check point. This is a huge problem. Whether we have the issue of what the nsa is doing here we knew that yemen knew, the United States knew about the training of one of the brothers. He was released because they didnt have evidence to have further charges but the bottom line here is, you know, whether guilt mow is open or closed, whether we have the nsa whether we have the border check point, if we dont prevent the action and only talk about in hindsight about what we could have, would have, should have done, it doesnt protect americans here or abroad or any civilian here or abroad. Hers another thing, eric theres huge support of americans who want to keep this facility open. 56 of americans do want this open even 72 of our veterans want to keep the facility open and thats the fox news poll. You mentioned Border Security. Listen, one of the things that should be done immediately is a stronger Border Security and that is something that should be put forth through congress right away. That has to be the last word. Were out of time. Clearly, a problem that confronts us. Growing tensions on capitol hill how the events in france could impact the looming showdown between the republicans in the white house over a Homeland Security spending bill and immigration. Music melodic, calm music. Hi, this is jennifer. I will be out of the office until monday. And wont be checking voicemail during this time. Ill reply just as soon as i get back to work. Sail with the Number One Cruise Line in alaska. Save up to 500 during our 50th anniversary sale. Call your travel consultant or 1800princess. Princess cruises. Come back new. Hello. Im eric shawn. Welcome to americas news headquarters. Im arthel neville. Three terror suspects dead and one on the run. Weve got the latest on the massive manhunt for the common law wife of the gunman behind one of the two deadly paris this week. And additional possible attacks, coming up well look at what is being done to uncover possible terror cells now and the efforts to prevent any more bloodshed. Also a critical piece of the airasia plane being pulled out of the java sea. The possible clues that could hold about the doomed flight. Thats coming up next. France is on highest alert this hour as authorities double down to find this woman. Hayat boumediene. There are reports she may have fled to syria. They believe she was an accomplice to yesterdays Kosher Grocery standoff. She is considered dangerous and a possible key to helping authorities dismantle what could be a terrorist network. Amy kellogg is live in paris with the latest. Amy . Reporter hi, arthel. We dont know exactly where these reports are coming from. They have been sort of vaguely attached to Police Sources but we do know arthel, that the police have spent an awful lot of time interviewing the wives of the other two terrorists. The kouachi brothers who were killed yesterday and one of them was very close to Hayat Boumediene. It is possible that information was gleaned from that interviews if its true. Again, the reports are that Hayat Boumediene the wife and presumed accomplice of coulibaly one of the terrorists fled for syria january 2nd. That would have been a week before the wave of terror here in france began. Now, the 26yearold boumediene who claims to have found religion when she met coulibaly was known for extreme views and her insistence on wearing the full islamic veil. Security is getting beefed up in advance of tomorrows large valley which will be attended by its expected hundreds of thousands of people including several heads of state. It will be a rally of solidarity with the french people. A day after a kosher market in paris was attacked and four hostages killed, the citys most famous jewish neighborhood, the mouray was open and bustling today. Today, they were open and one deli owner said that life must go on and she feels heartened with the solidarity she feels from her compatriots. I find the unity and patriotism to see those protesting against the terrorism. Im proud to be french. Reporter she feels that that neighborhood is in fact sort of an obvious target for terrorists but she said you know, she didnt think of a reason why she wouldnt open up her store again at the end of the sabbath. Another bit of information about the Jewish Community the grand synagogue apparently didnt hold prayers last night because the police asked for a precautionary closure of that synagogue. First time they didnt hold prayers since world war ii. Arthel . Thank you very much. Well, hundreds of thousands of people continue across france to take part in the solemn vigils. Theyre of course honoring the 17 people in all killed over the last three days of terrorist attacks there. There was a vigil in eastern paris for those killed there yesterday. By that terrorist gunman amedy coulibaly. You can see the beach in nice, many paid tribute to those who were lost and expressed their defiance against terrorism. In paris, mourners are creating their own makeshift memorials around the city, with flowers and posters and pens and pencils. Solemn contribute to the victims in a clear expression for freedom of speech. And closer to home police in canada arresting two brothers on multiple terror charges. The canadian mounties say one brother was taken in to custody in ottawa and the other at montreals international airport. No details yet on the alleged threats the men posed but canadian Authorities Say the arrests quote, speak to our ability to tackle the threat that is multifaceted and constantly evolving. Amid the growing tensions the state department has issued a Global Travel warning for u. S. Citizens who travel abroad. Officials say americans in other countries are increasingly at risk. Not only because of the situation in france, but also due to the continued u. S. Air strikes against isis. The state Department Says americans throughout the world well, we should stay on our guard when we travel, when you go to the middle east, north africa, europe and asia. Now for some 2016 news, mitt romney telling several donors hes considering a third run for the white house. This after the former Massachusetts Governor said time and time again that his career in politics was over. Romney would enter what looks like to is going to about crowded field for the gop, expected to include more than a dozen contenders. And now republicans are voting unanimously to keep the straw poll. You know, for more than three decades the voluntary poll held in august. It gives americans the first taste of who could be the frontrunner for the republican seeking the presidency. They were threatening to get rid of the rules because they pay for them. They really dont say its very scientific, but you know . People rely on it. They do. Well David Petraeus potentially in legal hot water. The former cia chief could face chargess for allegedly revealing information to his mistress. An american war hero is facing the potential felony charges. The New York Times reported late yesterday that Justice Department prosecutors have recommended criminal charges against general David Petraeus for allegedly leaking classified c i a material to his former mistress and biographer paula broadwell. The paper said its up to eric holder to decide whether to seek an indictment of petraeus the architect of the successful surge in iraq who later served as director of the cia. Petraeus resigned after admitting to an affair with broadwell. On december 2, senator john mccain expressed concern about the foot dragging over the petraeus investigation. I can conclude this is a circumstance in which the justice delayed is justy denied. Its certainly at play. And that this matter needs to be brought to resolution. Some have suggested the petraeus investigation is political intended to silence him about what he knows on the attack on the benghazi compound. And now the fbi or the doj have ever offered comment. Okay. Doug mckelway, thanks. We have to wait and see what the attorney general decides but well have more on the possible charges with our legal panel. Thats coming up. And arthel, some new developments into the investigation in the bombing that happened in the naacp offices in colorado springs. The police are releasing this sketch of a man that they believe could be linked to the explosion. Hes described as a person of interest. The explosive device blew up next to the exterior wall. Thankfully no one was injured. Will carr has more on this. Reporter hi, eric. Authorities are offering a 10,000 reward while they try to figure out the motivation behind the explosion. All options are on the table, thinking this could be a possible hate crime or domestic terrorism. They released a sketch of the man who witnesses say they saw walk behind the building with a device. The building does as well as a blackowned barbershop andness thises then witnesses say they saw him get back in his truck and then the explosion went off. I heard the boom and felt the shake of my house. It was so hard i felt like it shook the whole wall. It shook my back too. Nothing wrong with my house. Went down the street and saw the smoke was coming out. Reporter nobody was hurt in the explosion and it didnt cause much damage. Thats because the device was rigged to a gas can that did not explode. It did rattle some nerves throughout the area. The authorities are taking this extremely seriously if they try to figure out if the man was targeting the naacp or barbershop. We will not speculate, but we would be be naive if we did not acknowledge the naacp has been the recipient of threats without their existence. Reporter federal Authorities Say the person of interest is a white male in his 40s. He was driving an older model pickup truck that they say was dirty with panels and had a dark colored bed liner. Local Law Enforcement have picked up patrols and you have to keep in mind that the national naacp has been very outspoken in recent months in the wake of both ferguson and the eric garner case in new york. But still unclear if the local naacp in colorado was the target of this explosion. All right, will thanks so much. Arthel . Well, meanwhile, a cold snap putting much of the u. S. In a deep freeze this week from north to south and the plains to the atlantic. Arctic air is causing rough conditions for roadways. Meteorologist janice dean is live in the fox extreme weather center, very busy there, j. D. Tell us the deets. Well, across the gulf coast, as far south as the gulf coast is the freezing temperature. 37 in dallas right now. 17 in minneapolis. 15 in chicago. Cleveland at 13. So this is where the core of the cold air is. You can see drifting as far south as the deep south. So there are your current windchills, it feels like zero in chicago. Minus 4 in cleveland. Feels like minus 3 in caribou, maine. We are concerned with this weather coming out of the gulf of mexico because temperatures are around the freezing mark, all of this precipitation falls through a shallow layer of freezing air and we get the potential for freezing rain and or sleet on the roadways. So see the pink areas here across central and west texas, thats the concern and as this as this moisture lifts across the tennessee and ohio river valley, we have freezing rain posted where this moisture will move in over the next 24 hours. So thats a concern. A couple of playoff games for you. Oh, my gosh, 19 degrees for sundays game in green bay with the cowboys and the packers. But the windchill though it will feel 5 to 10 degrees. If youre headed there, bundle up. Im sure a lot of folks will be warm indoors. Just want to point out, well be watching this cold air. The pink here is the really, really frigid, zero degree mark air. Thats going to sink southward on wednesday, but as we head into the latter part of the workweek that cold air is going to move northward and temperatures will be at or even above average. Arthel, so a little good news to wrap up this forecast. Back to you. I like that. Listen, if pink is of concern, keep the pink on your sweater and off the map. Fair enough. I didnt mean to match the map today. All good. The white house and republicans have had a showdown over immigration. With funding for the department of Homeland Security at the center of the fight. Could the terrorist attacks in paris change all that . And crews in the java sea have recovered the tail section of the doomed airasia air stream. So far, theres no sign of them. What does that mean, what could they tell . Well have a live report coming up. Plus, did you hear what bill cosby did . He put the recent rape allegations into his act and well tell you how the audience responded. Well theres still no black box to be found. This as they lift the tail section of the airasia flight from the java sea. You can see it recovered on one of the ships and the operation is to try to figure out why that plane went down. The black boxes are usually right there in the tail section so what are the investigators saying about they havent been able to find them . Well, hi, eric, thats right. They had hoped that the black boxes would be where theyre supposed to be. And they thought it would be in the tail of the flight and inflatable balloons were used to bring the tail to the surface today. The Authorities Say that the black boxes must have detached on impact. Search boats have heard several pings near where they located the tail, but now timing is everything. The batteries on the beacons emitting those pings from the black boxes only last about 30 days which means the divers have 30 days left to locate them. Still, theyre confident theyll find them. Look the black boxes hold the key to what happened air airasia flight 8501 which crashed halfway into the twohour flight from indonesia to singapore. Pilots asked to climb to a higher altitude to avoid bad weather and then four minutes later it disappeared off radar. Eric . I hope they can get the black boxes very quickly. Meanwhile, theres the search continuing for the victims. Exactly right eric. 152 people were on board the plane and so far only 48 bodies have been found. Investigators believe the majority of the victims are located in the main body of the airplane about 100 feet below the ocean. What is important is to know where the main body of the aircraft is. The place where the bodies have been trapped because this is that the families have been waiting for. They have been crying for the last 14 days waiting for the bodies to be brought to the surface. Authorities have assured the families that the only races operations will continue until all of their loved ones remains are found and sent back to them. Sonar continues to detect more objects in the area including whats believed to be the planes front section. Brian, thank you so much. Arthel . And the terror attacks in france now entering into the huge debate on capitol hill. There are huge questions over how this weeks deadly assaults on a french satirical newspaper and Kosher Grocery could impact a looming showdown between republicans and the white house over immigration. And a fight to fund the department of Homeland Security. David hawkings is the Senior Editor for roll call. Welcome. Nice to be with you, arthel. Good to have you, david. So lets consider where well put rational thinking and Public Safety at the forefront of the decision making. How is this going to play out . Well, i think its going to play out with as much time as is allocated. So this is going to play out for a few weeks yet. I think the republicans are going to try and push as hard as they can to figure out a way to defund the president s new immigration policies to prevent federal money being spent to carry out the new immigration policies without jeopardizing the department of Homeland Security the rest of it. So the department of Homeland Security is the Sprawling Department that takes care of not only immigration, but also of many of the aspects of the antiterrorism fight. Theyre going to try to hard how to separate the two. It will be difficult. If they cant separate the two, i think its be i think the advantage here goes to the president. That hes going to be able to say to the American People look here, im doing what i think is within my legal rights and the republicans want to pick a political fight and theyre going to be the ones that are going to put National Security at risk at a time of increased anxiety about terrorism and lets not let them do what they have done before with the shutdown which as we know the public ended up siding with the president over the republicans on the shutdown of two years ago and i think this same kind of scenario would work to the president s advantage now. Well, of course, were talking about it, so of course the gop is considering that. Whats the likelihood of them coming up with a clean bill . One option would be and this is a classic option that congress uses all the time if they move down two tracks. They would move both the confrontational bill like the one i was just describing a minute ago and the straightforward clean bill. Knowing that the so the republicans who are really angry with the president over immigration could vote for the confrontational bill. Even knowing that it would never become law and would it would either die or get vetoed and theyd vote theyd move a backup bill the socalled clean bill that would let the president get his way on immigration and give the department of Homeland Security the full, complete budget that it says it needs to fight the war on terrorism for the next ten months. The department of Homeland Security made it very clear they dont think one of the stop gap bills known as a cr wont do the trick. They want full funding for the rest of the year. With all their priorities and so they can move money around to fight the war on terrorism the way they think they want to. I want to go back david, were saying based on what you have outlined so far that the gop would sort of be behind the 8 ball in this situation considering the president has said hell veto anything or he could say pardon me, was that the president could say, look, the gop is holding up money for the department of Homeland Security with this sort of convoluted bill theyre presenting. However, considering whats happening here in paris does the republicans do they have any leverage in that regard . I have my thinking on this is the opposite. Which is that whats going on in paris, which is presumably going to raise concerns in the United States, that these sort of similar soft targets exist in the United States and that the United States could be vulnerable again or anew, that that will that would get the public saying, hey this is not a time to be messing around with the dhs budget. Lets leave the dhs budget alone and lets fight this immigration battle some other way. I think it actually has made the republicans challenge even greater. More vulnerable in their position. Good points, david hawkings. I appreciate talking to you and see you again. Thanks, arthel. All right. Well have much more on the response to the deadly french attacks, as to what the u. S. Is doing now to protect our country. Our country from similar acts of terrorism. When Maria Bartiromo sits down with senator lindsey graham. Catch it 10 00 a. M. Eastern right here on Fox News Channel. The terror attacks in france, well, the previous attacks that have hit us, up next, well tell you about the first terrorist attack you dont know about. It happened 25 years ago here in new york city and sadly was the start of so many more. Then could the third time be the charm for mitt romney . You know there are rumblings about another run. What he has to say about that coming up. 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Im keeping my mom happy Comfort Keepers inhome professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and Wellness Services and personal Care Services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. Time for a quick check of the headlines. Emergency crews are trying to pull nearly 200 vehicles from a massive pileup in southwestern michigan. Icy roads sending cars sliding like sleds into each other. One truck chockful of fireworks exploded. One canadian trucker killed, two dozen more were injured. A female maryland bishop who is the second highest ranking episcopal leader was charged with dui and manslaughter after hitting a bicyclist late in december. Heather cook had a blood alcohol content almost three times above the legal limit. A trial is set for early february. Bill cosby reacting to a heckler and joking about recent rape allegations. There were reports of gasps in the crowd of 1,500 in canada. Cosby faces rape allegations for more than from more than 20 women. Well, france reeling from the terror attacks and bolstering Security Forces there today. The Authorities Say they expect even more to come. This as other experts warn we are likely to see what more of what they call, quote small and sophisticated terrorist attacks similar to the savage assault on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters on wednesday. That in contrast to massive operations like 9 11. So how do we better defend ourselves from the gunwielding islamic terrorists . We have a former National Security adviser to Vice President dick cheney. Bob, its a war, its a war of radical islamic terrorism against us and against the values and the first shot was fired on november 5, 1990. Thats when a rabbi was gunned down here, here in new york city in a hotel in lexington. My friend predicted there would be terror attacks like this to come and there were. 25 years later after that first assault the gunman was nosair, he was part of the blind sheiks cell back then. We didnt know about it. Have we learned and how do we turn this trend around especially after what has happened this week in france . Well, thank you, eric. I think you provided a great context. There are lessons from the past and this started as you mentioned in 1990. Also recall Lawrence Wrights great book the looming tower. That foretold the advent of 9 11. I think the United States needs to be vigilant as with every terrorist attack particularly this tragedy in paris. Well glean the Lessons Learned. I think we need to become a harder target and i think one of the biggest lessons i have learned from france is looking at the actual capacity they have with regard to the growing number of home grown terrorists that have gone to syria and iraq and are coming back to france. Thats a concern. And that capability needs to be looked at in the United States. Do we have enough . Do we have things planned . Whats our strategy for harder building harder targets in the United States . How much more do our local leaders need . Those are important questions to ask right now. You know, you hit it on the head. Estimates say 2,000 french had gone off to syria and iraq and they could come back. About 100 americans are fighting with isis. Whats to stop them from sneaking through syria and doing into turkey, getting on the airplane in ankara and flying in to london and say, i went to take pictures of the landmarks and had a nice vacation when actually like these guys these two brothers apparently they laid low for a whole number of years, so much so that the french surveillance was dropped because they apparently werent doing anything bad. We need to deny and to disrupt their travel plans. They can get into those particular countries but one of the key things that we have learned since 9 11 and we have been been very successful with, is we have structure, weve got organizations now in place. Weve got Collaborative Networks in place to work to prevent people from transiting on air transport, sea transport, train transport, between Different Countries and the United States. We just have to be exceedingly vigilant. Our Counterterrorism Center which is established after 9 11 the Lessons Learned in the 9 11 report needs to be reviewed again. Its a new day. Looking at the french experience here. Theyre looking at do they have the right capabilities in place here with this growing capacity . I think the capability and capacity discussion needs to be had. You know whats so frightening about this, 9 11 was a massive operation as we said, but of course not the lone wolves. If this is happening in israel, its happened in france, happened in other places some guy in a car rams people on a sidewalk and tries to kill them. The gunman in canada, parliament, the guy in the cafe in australia al saeed nosair, you know, the lawyers knew him, the judges knew him. He was part of our society. One of the brothers the kouachi brothers met president sarka zi. One guy can i mean, how do you stop that . Its part of their character development. Their day jobs are very apparent. We can see them every day in society. They saw them in society every day as you mentioned. But looking at what the impact of technology is and the internet im concerned quite frankly that it will get worse before it gets better. Most of these societies that are now getting connected with the internet will now have what they call in Political Science relative deprivation. Theyll be deprived. Theyll feel like they need to take out revenge because they cant achieve the economic benefits of their particular society or they may not be able to succeed. So theyll embrace an ideology like radical islam that will take it out on people that have power. And thats going to be the fundamental i think Going Forward is that as more of these societies become connected in different nation states like in the northern part of africa, the maghreb, looking at whats happening in africa right now, Subsaharan Africa with boko haram, theyll become radicalized when the men in particular dont have Economic Opportunity and they see theyre disenfranchised because the internet tells them theyre disenfranchised because of their sew social media. The night job. 25 years ago when he was shot it was an anomaly and now it will get worse before it gets better. Captain wells, good to see you. Arthel . Eric, meanwhile theres no letup in the fight against terror overseas. The u. S. Is conducting more air strikes against isis in syria and iraq. Jets and bombers taking out several targets including a number of terrorist vehicles. And 15 fighting positions, all of this as isis continues to carry out attacks near the besieged city of kobani in syria. Now turn to some news about the 2016 president ial race. Mitt romney as we have been reporting telling donors that yes hes considering a third run for the white house. This of course after the former Massachusetts Governor said time and time again that his career in politics was over but apparently hes having second thoughts. Mr. Romney would enter what looks like a crowded field for the gop nomination that is expected to include more than a dozen contenders so far. Eric iniowa voters are voting unanimously to keep the straw poll alive this year. For more than three decades the voluntary august straw poll as this given americans the first taste of who could be the frontrunner for republicans seeking the presidency. The poll was threatened by party rules that may prohibit president ial straw polls at fundraising events and those rules could jeopardize iowas status as the first state to kick off the president ial election with its caucuses. Well, you have heard about this, it could be a matter of time they say before the former top general David Petraeus a hero for this country is actually slapped with federal charges. What can we expect if he did indeed leak something to the woman who did the tellall . It is raising hackles with a lot of people. And that suspected female accomplice is still on the loose in france. Is she still there did she know about this know it was in the planning and did she leave france to go to the safety of syria before this all came down . Well have a live report coming up on the horror in france as the Fox News Channel continues. We have to capture these guys, we have to interrogate them. Thats the raw truth and get inside the network. Notice how they were identified within hours of the attack. Because we know who they are. We arent going inside the network to figure out whats going on. But when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. I dont like asking for help. I took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. So my daughter brought over some aleve. Its just two pills, all day and now, im back aleve. Two pills. All day strong, all day long. And now introducing aleve pm for a better am. The fbi case was never closed against retired four star general general David Petraeus who also ran the cia at one point and now we may know why. As we learned earlier prosecutors are now seeking charges against the former cia chief for allegedly providing classified information to his former mistress while she was writing his biography. Leaving attorney general eric holder whether to decide if he should be indicted. Bringing in our legal panel david schwartz, former prosecutor and Kirsten Wilson is a trial attorney. Thank you for being with us. David, i want to the you, should the fbi and the doj proceed with this investigation . Absolutely not. They shouldnt proceed with the investigation against the general. Theyre ruining his reputation and the bottom line is you can go to the bottom element. Was he trying to harm the United States of america . Was he trying to aid a Foreign Government . Its ridiculous. They should drop this entire investigation and they have ten other hurdles to go through before they get to that. Kirstin, what do you think . I disagree. Theres a recommendation that holder bring the charges forward under the United States section 798, essentially disclosing the documents to somebody thats unauthorized is a violation and so on first blush it looks like the four star general has violated the law. So that appears to be the recommendation. A lot of this is going to hinge upon what the information was and right now theres no information coming forward about that. And reminding everybody what that information allegedly the general, cia director at the time allowed his thenmistress access to his email account and then giving her access to classified information, allegedly. Right. Go ahead. Its not just classified information, that doesnt cut it. It has to affect the National Security of the United States of america. We dont know what that information is. Just the emails alone is not enough. But the bottom line also the security clearance, there was security clearance for this author. I dont know what level of security. But there was security clearance. But when you cut down if im the prosecutor in the case, im looking at this, how are you going to conclude that he was trying to go against the interests of the United States of america . Youll never prove that element. They should trash the investigation. And president obama has already gone on record saying that he didnt think any information alleged information that was allegedly released put the United States in jeopardy in any way, shape or form in terms of security. Thats true. We have heard that. But were also talking about the director of the cia and if somebody has Carte Blanche access to the director of the cias email account you can imagine the kinds of information going through that account. There are also supposedly documents found not only on broadwells computer but also in her home. It is really going to determinative when we finds out what kinds of information was there. I agree kirstin, there are administrative violations and the question becomes does it more of the a criminal case . And when you look at the elements, absolutely not. Doesnt come close. Kirstin, is it possible for them to dismiss the case at this juncture and if that were to happen, would it be seen as special treatment . Its not really dismissing the case. Its a recommendation right now that the prosecution go forward. Holder on the he has the prosecutorial discretion to bring charges or not. Theres going to be parties on either side that say its either favorable treatment because of his status, as a war hero, or theres going to be people that are saying its Political Smear Campaign to go after him. So i think the real determination by holder is essentially a middle ground between what david and i are talking about, what documents were released and what was the intent and what was the harm caused and holder is in a tough position here. He has to make the call. Hes in such a tough position. Maybe hell leave it to Loretta Lynch and leave office. Whats the likelihood though . The likelihood is that holder will make a decision and i believe hes going to not de decide not to prosecute. He has that prosecutorial discretion. I believe hell conclude that way. Okay. I think theres a real likelihood that that will happen if some of the early reports that the documents that were found were old and somewhat insignificant. Theres a high likelihood that hell find that way. Thanks to both of you. Eric . Arthel, you know the kouachi brothers are tied to a major al qaeda recruiter and of course that raises the prospect they were part of a sleeper cell. Lie in wait for years before launching their assault on Charlie Hebdo. Could other terrorists be activated . Plus, the hunt for this woman. Intelligence Officials Say that Hayat Boumediene is not in france anymore, so where did she flee . Did she escape because she knew the attacks were coming . Es. Just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets 156 more miles per tank than the ford f150 ecoboost. Get more facts at ramtrucks. Com. G . Goej÷c÷c being raised over who is really directing the terrorist attack at the french newspaper Charlie Hebdo. The kouachi brothers trained with al qaeda in yemen. Intelligence officials are trying to confirm the orders came from the al qaeda cell there in yemen after they allegedly claimed responsibility for the carnage. Now its believed the brother may have met with al awlaki. He bankrolled this attack leaving them to believe he did pull off the attack before he was killed in the u. S. Drone strike back in 2011. Could this be possible . Fox news terrorism analyst joins us now. If that is true this is all earmarks of a sleeper cell. You get the orders. Then you wait. Dormant for several years. Look, french surveillance admit they dropped surveillance on the brothers because they werent doing anything wrong. As sleeper cell, youre nnlt innocent, and, boom, you strike. Is that possible . Asleep sleeper cell operates like this, they sleep, they wait nobody else is gone no mormon ter ing monitoring, then they strike. Were rushing to believe that really the command in wrem menyemen gave the order and asked them to do the sleeper cell thing. My view is what is known is kouachi trained in yemen met with al awlaki, probably got money and against that newspaper, that we know. But then it seems to me that cherif by himself key was deciding on the timing. Those in yemen were very busy fighting the war in yemen so the notion that you advance a piece of information, try to tell him wait, wait, but then he had to strike, may be the right one. How does it work then . Do they get a direct order potentially and then as you said the kouachi brothers decided to strike in their own timing . Im advancing as youre exploring the theory that those dormant cell or those jihadists were in france and in other countries in europe do have business. Its like contractors with training in yemen but this guy and others their origin comes from north africa. Most likely the jihadi origin is iqim. It seems like the jihadists in europe have formed their own organization, their own mafia and deal with these other branches around the world and consult with them, should we do this . Would this be good for you or not . Im not sure about the nature was an order given and then the europeans Jihadi Network decided on its own to do it because my other idea is why the timing now, why not few years ago . Why not, yeah. Exactly. The editors of the newspaper knew that they had those Death Threats and police protection. In fact, one is said to have not had children, thought he would eventually be killed. That is heartbreaking. Why now . Look, there were attacks against Charlie Hebdo for years now. Seems the way they conducted the operation and then fled to another location and tried to gain time, that they wanted to ignite something bigger in france. They wanted the French Police and army to go much farther in responding and, therefore, to provoke what happened on the other side of paris and want to see more of it. Actually we dont know. The jury is still out. There may be more reaction. This could be the start of others sadly. Finally, quickly, boumediene, the woman. Shes believed potentially t to have fled to syria to turkey just a few days ago. Do you think this indicates it was planned, she knew she had to get out and this was coming in. Most plausible scenario right. Hayat boumediene was in relationship with the jihadist, going to turkey and from turkey to syria highway from syria to france, britain, all over. This is most likely for why she left on january 2nd before the operation. Finally, do you expect more sadly . To be 1,000 of these radical islamists there. I have been making the case to parliament for the last nine years. Unfortunatelyprojections there will be more. Walid parfarris, with what sadly is the truth. The u. S. Issuing a travel warning for americans heading abroad as the u. S. Tries to prevent another attack like those in france that you just were discussing from happening here or to our citizens abroad. Were going to take a look at the possibility of another attack like this one on Charlie Hebdo from happening and why the brits say the west should be on the lookout for more than ever for major cells from. Stick around because thats going to do it for us. But kelly and patty are coming up next here on Fox News Channel. So outt here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and Minerals Antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat . Campbells healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. Great taste. [ mm. ] [ tapping ] sounds good. Campbells healthy request. Mm mm good. ® fox news alert. Chilling details about the whereabouts of a woman wanted in connection with those deadly attacks in paris. French authorities identifying her as a common law wife of the gunman suspected in that deadly siege on a kosher supermarket in paris. Now police are trying to zero in on her whereabouts saying she may have taken a flight to turkey back on january 2nd and possibly crossover into syria. Hello, everyone. Im kelly wright. Im patty ann brown. Welcome to a brand new hour. Inside americas news headquarters. All of this comes as police in france step up their investigation into this weeks deadly assaults. They warn that the suspects behind the attacks were part of

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