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A gallon . But first this hour, new reaction from the white house today after it was revealed that an american journalist held hostage by al qaeda terrorists in yemen was killed during a brave rescue attempt. Luke somers was kidnapped in september of last year in yemens capital. Al qaeda had planned to kill somers today but u. S. Special forces were unable to save him. Peter doocy has more details. We have brandnew information about the daring raid carried out by american commandos to save luke somers, the president and chuck hagel approved the mission yesterday based on threats thursday from the al qaeda kidnappers that they would kill luke somers today if their demands were not met. At 5 00 p. M. Eastern last night, 40 americans took os pray land craft to a site 10 kilometers from where they were being held and started walking towards the hostages but somehow were discovered 100 meters from the target. At that point officials believe the hostages were shot right away but were pulled out and treated by surgeons aboard the osprey aircraft. The Associated Press reports that luke somers survived the ride to the nearby nachvy ship but died from gunshot wounds soon after. The South African hostage died before landing at the ship. No other americans were injured during this operation which was the second staged to save luke somers, chuck hagel says when americans are taken, the military does everything they can to bring them home. This is further evidence of americas continued commitment to always find its american hostages, no matter where they are, and make every effort to get those hostages returned to the united states. President obama said this morning, quote, as commander in chief im grateful to the u. S. Forces who carried out this mission as well as the previous attempt to rescue luke and to the dedicated intelligence Law Enforcement and diplomatic professionals who supported their efforts. We heard this morning from luke somers sister who says, the family got the tragic news about her brothers murder at midnight eastern time, so 13 hours ago. Back to you in new york. Our prayers going out to the somers family. Coming up later, well be talking to retired army general jack king about the mission. Dilted in the u. S. For the alleged involvement in a plot to bomb the new york city subway system. 39yearold shukrijumah was the head of operations, a position one held by the master mind muhammad. The state department offered up a 5 million reward for his capture. In syria, activists are reporting Islamic State fighters have stormed an air bass, we hear it began with a homicide car bombing at the main entrance of the base. Its strategically important because the air bass is one of the last government held facilities in the eastern province. This comes after days of fierce fighting and shelling killing dozens. Outgoing defense secretary chuck hagel making a surprise visit to afghanistan today announcing a delay in u. S. Plans to reduce troop levels there by the end of the month. The move will keep a larger force level there for the first part of next year. Heres more. The u. S. Military planned to pull 1,000 troops out of afghanistan starting in 2015. But those plans have been put on hold. Take a look, outgoing secretary of defense hagel has mentioned, 10,800 troops will remain in afghanistan instead of 9800. That 1,000 troop contingent will get pulled out. He made the announcement during a press conference with the afghan president in kabul. Secretary hagel says theres been delays this is the reason for keeping troops there. Theres been delays with u. S. Allies signing security pacts, keeping forces on the ground, Training Afghan security forces. This has been developing over the last couple of months. Even more than a year actually. So secretary hagel says the contingent of troops could remain in afghanistan for really the first few months next year. The surge of taliban attacks in kabul over the last two weeks saying we will take appropriate measures Coalition Forces in afghanistan and that said, u. S. Military Officials Say the plan still remains to scale back to 5500 troops and pull all u. S. Troops out of afghanistan by 2017. All right, john, thank you very much. We return from terror attacks to cyber attacks. Hackers targeting employees and families at sewn in entertainmen entertainment. Threatening emails that claim responsible for the attack. The fbi is aware and investigating the threatening emails sent to some employees at sony pictures. A line in the email says it was sent by the guardians of peace. That same group as you were saying that claimed responsibility for attacking sonys Computer System last week. Employees had personal information, including Social Security numbers, poechted online. According to variety, the email sent to employees says what we have done so far is only a small part of our further plan. Please sign your name to object the false of the company at the email address below if you dont want to suffer damage. If you dont rkts not only you but your family will be in danger. Some computer experts suspect north korea may be trying to attack sony because of upcoming sony movie, a comedy that depicts an assassination attempt on king jongun. Thats one possibility. There are parts of this attacks and patterns of this attack that look likes things north korea may have done in the past. Thats one possible source people are looking at. The other thing to look the ar activist groups, they have had issues with groups taking scanning system offline, casting threats towards senior executives. We have to look at those groups as well. It also could be a disgruntled employee, inside or outside of the company launching these attacks. Molly, thanks very much. Julie . Pro testers across the country staging yet a third night of pro testers over the eric garner grand jury decision. A suspect goes on a terrifying stabbing rampage on an amtrak train. What police are saying about it. Well tell you about it next. As a possible shutdown loomz, some are willing to use the power of the purse to block the president S Immigration order. Is that the best strategy for the party and nation . Well discuss next. This bill is not about border security, work visas, e. Verify or Immigration Reform. This is about the administrative overstepping its bounds and challenging the laws of this great nation of ours. 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Com this is humira at work welcome back, time for a quick check on the headlines, hundreds of protesters taking to streets in manhattan for a Third Straight night over the eric garner decision, staging dieins. The police in michigan arresting a suspect accused of stabbing four people last night on an amtrak train, including the conductor. Traveling between chicago and fort huron. The Hollywood Chamber of commerce says it has repaired bill cosbys star after vandals scrolled the word rapist own the marker. The comedian has been accused of sex assault by more than a dozen woman but he was never charged with a crime. Another Government Shutdown looming as republicans spar over a plan to block immigration action using the power of the purse. The government will run out of money this week unless Congress Passes a spending bill. But some conservatives are willing to reject it risking another shutdown unless the bill blocks the president s amnesty plan. House republicans did vote this week to block the executive order but it was just a symbolic vote because the senate wont take any legislation on it until next year. Former white house political director under president george w. Bush and steven siguemond, democratic strategist. The senate isnt taking up the issue until after the new year, january 6th and budget comes due this thursday, the 11th. The president though doesnt really seem to want or need congress when making any decisions. How is anything supposed to get done in washington . They are going to have to pass something through the house and senate to fund the government come december 11th. The question is for how long that period of time is. And the real question is for republicans, is this the right moment to have this fight . They dont have the majority in the senate as you said until january 6 t. Theyll have more republicans in the house on january 6th and be in a stronger place to have this fight when they have more troops. This is not the time to have the showdown. Steve, is this the right time to have the showdown . No, its froblly not the right time you guys agree on something. Probably not the right time to have the showdown. Heres whats happening, in politics when youre wrong on the policy you fight over the process. The president S Immigration policy is the right policy, stops amnesty for 4 Million People and 75 of americans are in favor of the policy. Republicans are trying to attack on the process with something even ted cruz has called a meaningless show boat. If they want to move on a Government Shutdown, its unlikely but its possible and it would be terrible for their politics and terrible for americas future when were finally getting our feet under us and having record Economic Growth and deficit reduction. Without the agreement of anyone in washington, the president doesnt seem to listen to congress. And now that republicans are in control come the new year, i dont see this going anywhere several conservative republicans calling for shutdowns to block the president S Immigration order. Is the president listening . Let me it wouldnt stop the immigration order. Because the immigration order relies on the fees generated thats completely untrue. The president does work with congress, in fact he passioned a bipartisan Immigration Reform bill, 6832 through the senate and republicans and democrats i want matt to have a chance. Matt, go ahead. Boy, thats a pretty good Senate Filibuster there. When it comes to immigration, the idea that the American People are with the president is absurd. If that was true, you would actually have the political desire to get something done through congress. The fact is he took unilateral steps that no president has ever taken. It is congresss obligation, including several democrats who have come out and said what he did was objectionable and unconstitutional. It is the right thing for congress to stand up and say this was wrong and the american are not with him. I dont know what poll youre looking at. Fox news fox news poll said that American People are split on the action that hes taking and how hes taking the action. Every poll, including a cnn poll from last week shows that 75 of americans agree with the policy. They want the republicans to pass the policy through legislation and they disagree with republicans ill tell you what the majority of americans are going to want and this is not just a fox poll or another cable poll. They want Immigration Reform. Correct. They want illegals to be kept out of this country. They want illegals in this country, especially those committing crimes, to be kicked out. They want some kind of border control. That is something that this president has neglected to do to protect our borders, if were fighting wars overseas and cant protect our own borders and letting in mexicans, whos to say well let in al qaeda and isis. Let me go first this time. Let me try first drn. Matt, then steven, weve got to go. The president is making a bill political mistake but also disserving his office and the American People by not going to congress and working on compromise. I know he would like to see that Senate Version of Immigration Reform be the law of the land. Guess what . Republicans in the house dont want to see it be the law of the land. By the way the American People added to the ranks of republicans in the house. He has to work with both chambers and both parties. By the way, the democrats on the hill are more distrusting of obama than ive ever seen people in someones own people. Except for hillary clinton, shes been against a lot of president obamas decision however she did come forward and say she supported the immigration. May i please address what you said . Go ahead. Lets see a bill from House Republicans if its something they have. We have bills. 6832 in the senate. Julie, to your point wait a second, i would like julie, to your point on Border Protection, this president has doubled the number of Border Protection agents from 21,000 to 42,000. They are stopping illegals from coming through at record numbers. Except for 50,000 children in texas. A crisis which has stopped and republican plan to only fund dhs through february would undermine Border Protection. Weve got to go. I would love to go onto the end of the hour but i think kelly would kill me because then i would be wiping him off the show. Thank you actually, my producers would. Thank you very much. Thank you. Arizona senator john mccain is one of the guests on sunday, monday futures with maria bartiromo. Heres a preview. All i can say is its all got to do with the president s attitude since the election. And that is different from every other president that i have served with in their second term midterm elections which have been defeats. And that is all predecessors in face of the defeats have reached out. This president has gone on president to talk about the two thirds of the people that didnt vote. I dont get it. Dont miss marias intear interview on sunday morning futures tomorrow morning at 10 00 a. M. Right here on the fox news channel. Striking a pose pore a purpose in a calendar but its more than just a calendar. Its an opportunity to show successful women displaying pride in their indian and south asian heritage. Plus, provide inspiration and uplift to women everywhere who desire to live beyond the dream. Miss america 2014, graces the cover of a calendar that features indian and south asian women of excellence and dedicated to helping people in need. Grew up in a household very oriented around service. I was always involved in my community. My parents always instilled in me that we have so much. We were given so much as a family, its our duty to give back to those in need. She is literally helping thousands of girls living in underdeveloped areas finish high school. The 25yearold mechanical engineer who gained her nba at harvard created a basic necessity the western world takes for granted. Weve developed a small scale manufacturing process to make affordable sanity pads out of waste banana tree fiber. So they are able to stay in school and not only are we providing women with can an opportunity to stay in school but giving them Employment Opportunities these women are amazing. Whether they are doctors or athletes, or journalists and they pose to shed some insight to challenges that are uniquely south asian, to uplift and empower women who are marginalized. The founder wanted to raise funds to help stop Domestic Abuse and other issues that sthe says are seldom addressed in her culture. When she launched the campaign, some people told her, it would never work. No one is going to buy a calendar unless there are bollywood women or scantily clad women. I put one together and i had such amazing response from people all over the world patty and her family moved from india to the u. S. When she was just 12. She didnt speak any english then but quickly adapted. Ultimately graduating from notre dame and began pursuing her american dream. I chose a career that no one at the time was doing. I would say i want to be like connie chung or im going to be the indian oprah winfrey. And people would laugh at me. First you have to learn to speak english. Then you had to lose your accent. And i was practiced with cotton balls in my mouth and determined no one would stop me. Hard work paid off leading to her becoming an anchor for cnn, following the death of her mother she stepped away from her career. Her father bound to his indian traditions insisted she get narried through an arranged marriage, a concert foreign to americans, sadly the arranged marriage ended in divorce. It shook my foundation, not only my dignity was robbed and had to keep it hidden because people laugh at you and cultural shame and just didnt talk about it. But a ten ashs spirit and desire to turn her set backs into a comeback helped patty fightback and gave birth to saris to suits, to help women believe they can achieve anything beyond the dream. They have done so extraordinarily well to inspire young girls that they too can achieve their american dreams. Were living in such a wonderful country that immigrants realize and i think that people quite often take it for granted. Proceeds from saris to suits, benefits organizations like boys and girls club and Domestic Violence centers. I love to see those women breaking out. Mold and doing something with their talents and brains. And coming back from setbacks. She is also a good learning example to many of those that come from families in arouarran marriages which most of us dont understand. An article caused nationwide outrage and damaged the w Rolling Stone is ity of backtracking on its bombshell report about rape on campus. Well explain why. And new concerns about how the u. S. Military will be able to respond to a spike in overseas kidnappings by terrorists after the murder of an american hostage during a u. S. Special forces raid. Careful interagency consideration given to this plan after he was signed off on by the secretary of defense. But i can tell you it was something that was approved by the commander in chief after that review in much less than 48 hours. Hi. Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. New ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. Ensure. Take life in. And i quit smoking with chantix. I had tried to do it in the past. I hadnt been successful. Quitting smoking this time was different because i got a prescription for chantix. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. The fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some people had seizures while taking chantix. If you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. Don take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. I love myself as a nonsmoker. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Its the bottom of the hour, 33yearold luke somers killed during a res ki attempt by u. S. Special forces, he was abducted last year and being held by al qaeda in yemen. President obama said he authorized the mission because his life was in imminent danger. None of the commandos were injured. Outgoing defense secretary chuck hagel announcing more american troops will be staying in afghanistan than originally planned. As many as 1,000 more troops will be needed for the first part of 2015. And nasas orion space craft crashing into the Pacific Ocean yesterday after a successful four and a half hour test flight. Orion traveled 3600 miles from earth at speeds up to 20,000 miles per hour. There are new concerns that kid mapping may be the new weapon for choice after an American Photo journalist is murdered by al qaeda terrorists. Luke somers was shot during the special forces raid and u. S. Doctors were unable to save him. A retired fourstar general, former vice chief of staff of the army and fox news military analyst. Sir, its good to join us today and we always value your perspective. When i read through the transcripts of this and the story about this, i think like most americans, youre saddened by the fact you know we couldnt get to our guy and save him and rescue him even though it was a daring and bold and courageous attempt, yet they come away feeling sad and frustrated. Yeah, im certain the Hostage Rescue Team feels that way. This is a challenging daring operation as you indicated. This is the most high risk operation we do. And quite frankly, commend the president for launching it and kind of people that actually have the skillset, daring and courage and competence to be able to execute Something Like this. What makes it so high risk is they know at some point they are going to be detected, kelly, either from a helicopter close by or maybe be detected as they move close to the house or building itself. Theres many ways for them to gain entry. At the moment of detection, how many time do they have to save that hostage is the issue. Is it a few minutes, few seconds before they kill him . And that is what makes this operation so challenging and in this case they were detected and obviously as they expect to be but there was not sufficient time for them to intervene and get that american out of there and his cohort from south africa alive. It is sad and element of surprise is taken away once you are detected and they can act with vengeance to take out the person you are trying to rescue, in this case two people. Is this a sign of the times . Al qaeda and isis, are they now emboldened by these kinds of acts to go out and take innocent people and take their lives . Well, whats different, kelly, is probably the frequency. The reason why these forces came into operation, the armys ground element and navys ground element and regiment and the air forces wing from which the aircraft, the osprey came, those four components, they came into existence in the late 70s and 80s, different units at different times simply because of this issue. Their Number One Mission today is hostage rescue. They take down high value targets like we saw with Osama Bin Laden and others for the last 13 years. This is the mission, job one, this is what they train for. And weve had a pattern of terrorists seizing airplanes in the past, seizing hostages, kidnapping, et cetera. Whats different now is that isis and others in the region because of the numbers of terrorists in the region that have grown, this is always a way to gain attention or in the case of current terrorists to get money. This is about finances. Whos calling the shots here . This is an act that was conducted by the al qaeda forces and on the arab peninsula, whos calling shots isis or al qaeda . This is al qaeda on the iraqi peninsula. This was the investment that was made in this organization after we started to chase down the lead areship post 9 11 in pakistan and really took them out of any operational control or capabilities. This is the organization that they invested in. They are very much alive and well in a sense. Weve been banging up against these guys in yemen with our special operations people and with the Yemeni Military for some time. They are behind the detroit bomber with the bomb in his underwear and other forms of trying to get plastic bombs into this country. This is an organization thats intent on hurting americans at home as well as capturing others so they can finance their operation. They will continue to do this. All right, general jack keane, we thank you for joining us and we have our work cut out ahead of us. Thank you. Take care, kelly. Rolling stone changing its tune about an explosive report about a gang rape at the university of virginia. It alleges a culture of Sexual Assault at the ufrtd based on the story of one woman identified as jackie. The magazine stood by the story until holes appeared in the allegeds victims account and in a statement the magazine says in the face of new information, they are now appear to be discrepancies in jackies account. We have to come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced. The article had already caused outrage and journalistic reporter was questioned because the story was so one sided. A new study revealing just how bad the threeyear drought in california really is. Scientists are putting it in historic terms saying it would be the worst drought in 1200 years. Here are the details from the los angeles bureau. Will . Good afternoon, large parts of california got much needed rain but well have to see a number of storms just like that before we can even think about breaking out of this historic drought. Even with the rainfall this week, more than 99 of california remains in some form of drought. I believe we have a map and if you take a look at our map, you can see the red in the map is actually apparently we dont have that map but we can tell you large parts of large swath of california are in the drought. A new study in the journal by the american gee toshio physical union used the growth in tree rings to determine this is the worst drought they have seen in 1200 years. Its no surprise experts say this is a large uphill battle, largely because the state is fry trying to make up for three years of little to no consistent rainfall. It will take a couple of years of average or above average rain to fill reservoirs which are only at 30 . They also need rain to build the snow pack and recharge the basin. Drought had a major impact on the states agricultural industry. They produce over half of the nations fruits and vegetables and nuts. Farmers tell us a fourth year of drought will be devastating. A study by uc davis predicted california will lose 2. 2 billion this year alone along with 17,000 jobs and thats here in california. We can tell you consumers all across the country are feeling this impact because food prices are continuing to go up. Will carr, we thank you. Many americans getting a big break at the pump this Holiday Season. Why it may not being a cause for celebration for everyone so stay right there. Zblr 18 bucks, never filled up for 18, ever. Im a mom, we dont get presents. oyu0x . Hy x 8p dont settle for 4g lte coverage thats smaller or less reliable when only one network is americas largest and most reliable 4g lte network verizon. With xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. And now, save without settling. Get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just 110. Or 4 lines for just 140. And get a 150 bill credit for each smartphone you switch. Only on verizon. Motor trends 2015olf car of the year. So was the 100 electric egolf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. And last but not least, the High Performance gti. Looks like were gonna need a bigger podium. The Volkswagen Golf family. Motor trends 2015 cars of the year. Typhoon hagupit barreling on the eastern coast of the philippines, a category 3 hurricane with maximum sustained winds around 125 miles per hour. Heavy flooding is expected with some places potentially getting more than 2 feet of rain. More than 650,000 people have fled their homes for safer ground. The storm comes just one year after another devastating typhoon killed at least 6,000 people. Well, it has finally happened. Gas prices have now fallen below 2 a gallon in one u. S. City. Oklahoma city to be specific. And fuel prices are hovering in the low 2 range and many other places too, mostly in the south and southwest, spending less at the essentially acts as a wage hike for Many American families, but theres a downside to all of this. Lets bring in the president of car gil investment. Thank you for talking to us about this. We should be smiling, no . Theres a downside and well get to that in a moment. For those folks watching, National Average 2. 74, which is 51 cents lower than what the average was a year ago, including in texas where you are, in houston, among some of the lowest prices. At first glance some might assume plummeting prices is a positive thing but there are cons to lower prices at the pump, right . Theres two sides. Lets talk about the consumer side. And thats what most people are interested in. We consume 187 billion gallons of gasoline in the u. S. Every year. So theres 51 cent drop equates to about 187 million of savings per day for the u. S. Consumer. Thats for the 51 cent drop. If we drop another 50 cents, that will double that savings. So thats money thats not going in your gas tank but is available to spend on other things. The oil and gas price plummet has also had a Ripple Effect on other industries and this one youll know of in texas. Auto sales are up and people are buying gas guzzling suvs. Theres a downside, remember drill, baby drill . Permits tumbled 40 in november and that could lead to job cuts in that industry, right . The Energy Sector has always been and will always be a boom and bust economy, theres either too much or not enough. Its a testment to Energy Producers that have gone out through innovation and Capital Investment and cured the shortage of crude oil that we had, now we have a surplus and all consumers benefit from that. There will be some layoffs and decrease in spending in the energy complex. But this is the way our economy works and its a perfect example of why private ownership is so important. Democrats love to talk about how our economy is booming. The Unemployment Rate is down. But while gas prices are great for the american family, what does it say about the wage hike that many havent seen in years . Well, unfortunately we count a 10 an hour job is the same as 100,000 a year job. Were going to lose some of these very high paying jobs that have been developed in the energy complex. Also, a lot of the job growth weve seen have been developed in texas and north dakota. Were going to see some decline in those job numbers and a lot of those wage gains we have seen recently are going to go away. That doesnt mean the economy is in bad shape. Its just a natural shift and something that should occur. It also does say a lot about these big businesses that are not necessarily giving raises to a lot of families that count on raises. While we say lack of a wage hike makes up for it when filling up gas tank. There are many people that dont drive and not necessarily saving money one way or another. Not everyone in the American Public is fortunate enough to own a car in the first place. What does that say for all of those who do have a job and havent seen a raise in years . What does that say about our economy . Theres just a lot of slack in the economy and i dont see that changing. Were in a very low growth, low inflation environment and thats really to do with the artificial Interest Rates the fed has put on us. We think thats a good thing if youre borrowing money but we have so many savers out there being penalized because they are not earning enough money on their savings and investments. So they dont have extra money to spend. And thats really something thats harming the economy and hopefully the fed will get out of the way soon and let the markets determine our Interest Rates. Mickey car gil, thanks very much, we appreciate you coming on. Thank you, julie. Kelly. Do you have a male smoker in your life . Tell him to turn on the tv right now and look at us. Youre going to want to listen to our next segment, our doc is in telling us why male smokers have a higher risk of cancer than their female counterparts. Thats next. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Why does it feel like all or nothing . If i wanted to lose weight would you expect me to lose 25 pounds overnight . Ever hear of small steps . It may not sound like a big deal, but one less cigarette is a big deal. So im taking it one cigarette at a time. Thats how zonnic helps me quit. With new zonnic nicotine gum, one less cigarette is one more victory. 3 great flavors. Just 3. 99 or less wherever cigarettes are sold. Zonnic. Every victory counts. Were for an opens you internet for all. Sing. Were for creating more innovation and competition. Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. Men, listen up a new study giving yet another reason to kick the habit of smoking. Research finds that smoking can cause the y chromosome to disappear from the blood cells in men and this could explain why men smokers are more at risk of getting cancer than women smokers and here to explain, dr. David samadi and member of our fox news medical a team. Doc, this is a serious study, talking about the y chromosome. Explain to the viewers what that is first . For years everyone knows smoking can cause Heart Disease and lung cancer and all of those. We have no idea why male smokers were more as you say septemberible than female smokers, based on the study, they looked at 6,000 men in a swedish study and now finding out that all of those secrets are in something called why chromoso chromosome. What makes it different than women, growing hair and beard, all of that stuff . But theres more to this. And you know, that part of the male signs, that we understood, fertility part we understood, we didnt know that part of this y chromosome has genetic things that can suppress cancer. When you smoke you take the h inibt gs of suppression r expression and you take that out and youre finding or more susceptible. If you continue to smoke youre going to have genetic changes on the y chromosome that makes you more susceptible to these type of cancers. Thats a big news on genertic level. Its reversible. If you quit today, put out the fire and stop smoking its reversible. Those genetic changes can go back to the way it was normal. How much danger men are as a result of this, three times more. This is a significant finding and we want to know interestingly enough, they havent really gone into the details of what type of cancer but overall the number of cancer in male smokers is higher as a result of this genetic finding on the y chromosome. Obviously it can cause deletion of this, some of this can go down as we get older but there are other factors, food, fatty food and smoking further complication to the whole thing. Women, how are women affected differently . Thats the thing im glad im not a man, one more reason but i dont smoke. A lot of women with men who smoke smoke themselves, its hard to convince your man to stop smoking if youre doing it yourself. No question about it, secondhand smoke. Youre very much correct. Secondhand smoking also increases risk of lung cancer. But in general, there was always this kind of differences between male and female smokers and now based on this they are finding all of those this should give men pause and cause to stop smoking. What were going to do. If people go to my facebook, were going to put a lot of details about this particular study. Its going to help a lot of people and make them quit. Its easier sad than done. Any advice you can give to someone to quit smoking . Why dont we talk about this next weekend. Well bring in some secrets to get rid of smoking and also get red of extra weight that everything got from thanksgiving. Oh, man, im sucking in my stomach. Were both doing that. Thanks, doc, for more on this and story thats dr. Samadi is covering, you can watch and dr. Mark seeingle tomorrow. Sunday house call is doing really well. Were looking forward to seeing you. All right. That will do it for us. Thanks for watching, everyone. The journal editorial report is coming up next then ive got a show. Watching her tonight at 7 00, fox report. Leration and stopandgo driving, your savings on gas could be equivalent to how much . Up to 50 cents a gallon . 75 cents . 1 . The answer is. Up to 1 a gallon. Sensible driving avoids unnecessary energy loss saving you money and reducing co2 emissions. Take the energy quiz round 2. Energy lives here this week, president obama promising changes to policing in america in the wake of two controversial grand jury decisions. The reforms hes proposing make a difference on the street . Plus, Florida Governor jeb bush inching closer to a decision on 2016. But could he win the republican nomination . And falling prices giving consumers some extra green this Holiday Season but could cheap oil undermine the u. S. . Energy revolution. We are not going to let up until we see a

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