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Reform going forward. And the possible implications for a novembers midterms. F but first we start a new hour with our top story, that is the growing scandal surrounding the Veterans Administration health care system. The top official stepping down over allegations of potential widespread mismanagement at the department dealing with those Health Claims that may have resulted so critics say in dozens of veterans deaths. Show the agency has denied that. The resignation coming just one day after that official test filed in front of a Senate Committee and he was set to retire this year anyway. But some law makes saying much more needs to be done as the Investigation Continues to grow. It is very doubling. Heres the latest from washington. They say much more needs to be done. But the white house is saying theyre waiting now. What are they waiting for . Yes, the white house says it wants to wait for a report the by an Inspector General on exactly what is going on in v. A. Facilities ash tround the count. But john mccain says that may take months and have tveterans wait that long. Its been more than a month since allegations of 40 veterans died while waiting for care. Today the Obama Administration has failed to respond in apeffective manner. This has created a crisis of confidence toward the v. A. , the very agency that was established to scare for them. Mccain says there needs to be a total refocusing of the v. A. On its core mission of serving veterans. This as investigations have begun or soon will into reports of treatment delays and falsified records at v. A. S in at least ten states. One official as we saw stepped down the day after that testimony. What about the secretary shinseki himself . There are calls for him to resign. Eric shinseki says hes not going anywhere and hes promised that the v. A. Will, quote, do more to improve timely access on health care. But one military analyst says v. A. S may not have the money and personnel to do that. They cant meet that frequency of care with the resources they have available. We have to get at that problem, as well, because that is a symptomatic problem of the real cause of the issue. For now, president obama is standing behind secretary shinseki. The white house also says the white house supported his decisi decision. And of course armed forces day, a day in which we honor hose who served and many would say what has happened is not the way to do that. Molly, thank you. There will be a lot more on t s thissing situation coming up fom. Chris wallace will sit down with the deputy dreblt tore of veteran of foreign wars as well as dr. Sam foot oe. Hes the guy who blew the whistle. Cooler conditions bringing much needed relief to firefighters near san diego today. Nearly a dozen raging wildfires scorching almost 20,000 acres. But crews are still trying to get an upper hand on the flames. Authorities charging one man with adding few to one of the fires. Dominic, what do we know about the man . Reporter according to san diegos district attorney, apparently witnesses saw him adding dried brush to what was already smolders bushes that then burnt into flames. Will in terms of a fire, 105,000 acres in size. The d. A. Saying he didnt start the original fire, but certainly any penalty he could face is going to be steep. Listen. The charges for someone who commits arson range from 16 months to 10 years to life in prison depending on the circumstances. These were small fires, but at this point, we dont know the full september and we dont have information as to whether they relate to anything else. And so we will continue that investigation. And she add that had they dont believe he was connected to any other fires, but looking at some of the very big one, we still have four major ones going on. Those do look like they were created by some form of human intervention if not actual arrest so th arsonists. You hate to hear that. Lets talk about camp pen dedle. Any improvement in the situation . Reporter there were 8400 people evacuated from the base. Certainly seems to be progress in terms of fighting those fires. Some vkation orders have been lifted, but there does remain six camps inside the base that are under evac orders. Two big fires going on there. They now have incinerated some 23,000 acres. And we think we have containment of about 40 and 25 containment respectively there and the marines seem to be getting on top of that and expect to make progress, certainly the vast improvement in weather has helped an awful lot. Back to you. Thank you very much, dominic, for that report. So with crews getting more of those wildfires under control, officials now lifting evacuation orders for some areas around san diego. This weeks fires destroying dozens of homes and forcing ten it is of thousands to run for their lives. But today, some of those people begin the process of picking up the pieces. I stayed until i had fire at my back. Burnt my shoulder. Scorched my shirt. And i ran up this hill and i barely barely made it. Everything is gone. This is my house right here that were standing in front of. What youre looking at across the way is my neighbors house. That house burned and the house next to it burned. By the grace of god and the hard work of the firefighter, they came in and they saved my house right here. So its not clear how many people are still unable to return home. But Officials Say more than 100,000 people live in the evacuation zones around san diego. And more violence and unrest unfolding in ukraine. Gunfire ringing out in Eastern Ukraine today. This as the second round of the european broken peace talks are under way. This as the u. S. Is strongly condemning proceed russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine as they declare independence following the disputed vote. The state Department Says the separatists have never been elected and do not represent the people of the region. Reporter armed proceed russian separatists freed one of their leaders following a shootout and there were more talks in the region to try to resolve the crisis. But perhaps there could be an even more Important Development out on the streets of a major city in this area. We went there to take a look. Here is what we saw. Taking it back. One week after being racked with military violence, its calm in part at least because local authorities are getting help. Police now go on foot patrol. This week he blasted plans for the east to break away or join russia. City hall was the scene of recent clashes between militants and security. Worke workers are trying to form peace. Its dangerous the steal worker says. Its difficult to breathe sometimes. But were managing. The question is what happens next after the Steel Workers finish clearing up and cleaning out this burnt out city hall. Who moves back in. Who takes charge. Separatists for the time being at least were nowhere to be seen around the city hall or the city. As for the boss, he backs upcoming president ial elections but also wants more power for the east. And the people just want calm. We continue to work, this woman says. Children are going to school. Everything feels good. Its reported a deal was struck between the rebels and authorities to bring an end to the fighting. Well be looking to see if this approach spreads elsewhere. Greg, thanks so much. African leaders meeting in paris including nigerias president Goodluck Jonathan and agreeing to wage, quote, total war on the Terror Group Boko Haram currently holding nearly 300 school girls hostage. The regional leaders agreeing to share intelligence and coordinate military action. Meanwhile demonstrations are under way in nigeria. Hundreds of protesters demanding that the government do more to find the school girls. Meanwhile yemens military gaping control of apal qaeda strong hold in the southern part of the country. The military says that todays operation killed seven militants. This as yemen continues its offensive to root out al qaeda. The u. S. Considers that group as the worlds most dangerous offshoot of al qaeda. Attorney general eric holder giving the commencement address at Morgan State University today marking the 60th anniversary of brown versus board of education, the Landmark Supreme Court decision that declared separate Public Schools for black and white students unconstitutional. Elizabeth pratt in washington with the details. 60 years ago today, a Unanimous Court declared separate was not equal outlawing racial segregation in schools and other public facilities. Brown versus board of education was a major victory. But while being celebrated today, some say problems still exist. The department of justice continues to monitor nearly 200 School Districts where they say there is evidence of segregation. Over the last few weeks, and last few months, we have seen occasional jarring reminders of the discrimination and the ice hated racist views that in some places have yet to be overcome. And while speaking to a group of students in topeka, kansas, where the case original natured, First Lady Michelle Obama told the graduates they are the living, breathing, legacy of this case, but she, too, warned students of a possibility of segregation in schools even today. Many young people in america are going to school largely with kids who look just like them. And too often those schools arent equal. The Republican National Committee Also releasing a statement which says in part, quote, the decision affirms the principle that in america, all children deserve a great education and a chance to create their american dream. Back to you. Liz belizabeth, thank you. Meanwhile naacp selecting brooks at its new National President and ceo. Mr. Brooks is the organizations 18th leader. A minister and former lawyer. Miller was serving as interim leader. And protests in turkey escalating today. Thousands taking to the streets when government officials announced the tragic mining accidents new heartbreaking death toll. And back here at home, outrage among immigration activists. This past week after a path to citizenship dealing with immigration was shot down in the house, coming up, well have the latest on what that could mean for the midterms. And new fallout over the mounts v. A. Scandal and why some critics say the man at the top needs to go. They all got bonuses. So that is the sad part. Because in reality, were really not doing a good be job, but it shows up on paper as if we are. I think they have some form of moral blindness or something, they are not able to see what were doing is not right. Hey. Im ted and this is rudy. Say hi rudy. 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Its about people. We are volvo of sweden. Funny, there was no mention of hail in the weather report. vo celebrate this memorial day with up to 40 off hotels at travelocity. gnome go and smell the roses. Visit truecar. Comoney,com,t and never overpay. Yers remorse. A good deal or not. Okay, this is the price,sman comes and youre like. Ells you, time for a check of the headlines. At least 20 killed in serbia d bosnia from floods. The overflowing waters also threatening siberias biggest city. Rescue workers in turkey recovering the bodies of the last two victims in the horrible mine disaster. Meanwhile protesters are clashing with police after the government announced the final death toll is 301. And in bangladesh, Search Operations are continuing after a ferry saar rerry sank. So far 54 bodies have been recovered, 12 remain unaccounted for. Well go back to the top story now. Brand new fallout over the scandal rocking the department of Veterans Affairs in the wake of allegations of a coverup at veterans hospitals. Secret wrist wills, denied treatment and the destruction of records. The undersecretary for health dr. Robert petzel stepping down. He testified as late as april 30th that there was no evidence of problems. But conceded more this past thursday which was the day before his resignation. Take a listen. To date, we found no evidence of a secret list and we have found no pvvv because they have been on a wait list. We have worked very hard to root out these inappropriate and these abuses. We have been working continuously on try to identify where those sites are and what we need to do to prevent that from happening. Its absolutely inexcusable. For more, lets bring in tammy bruce, radio talk show host and fox news contributor, and also consult tappant to the Hillary Clinton campaign. So tammy, ill start with you. Do you you position dr. Petzel was a reflection of a system wide problem . Well, yes. Obviously he had problems on his own. But this is a man who is a reflection i think of the system as a whole. This isnt one person making a choice. Its kind of within an entire dynamic. You might see him more of a symptom to an entire body that is in trouble. And its an interesting situation in which we know that as a result, this is more theater, that this guy not necessarily a scapegoat, but if hes going to have to go, everyone in that system will have to be dealt with. Im hearing now from my readers and listeners on a daily basis that this is happening everywhere. That this isnt an isolated dynamic with one or two hospitals. And an investigation will have to really richard, even though tammy said he doesnt think dr. Petzel was a scapegoat, but some are arguing he is, he was expected to retire later this year. What do you say . I say this is not a democratic or republican problem. This is something that is obviously going on, the v. A. Probably had budget challenges and has had problems dealing with all the new veterans that have been generated over the wars in the past decade. I will say that if you have to give president obama credit for something, its that hes done the single thing that can prevent more but no one said its either democratic or republican problem. This is a big problem because were talking about our vets. I agree. And we should honor the vets regardless of party. Again, this goes back well before the Current Administration and again the fact of the matter is we have annen spector general who is looking at it, working with criminal investigators in phoenix and presumably now elsewhere. So, yes, forget whether this guy is a scapegoat or not. We have a problem that needs to be dealt with to honor our troops. And actually, it becomes ghoulish when we hear politicians trying to make something political out of it. Im not trying to come that at all. I think thats shameful. Then let me bring it back to you, tammy. Ill ask you you then what do you make of senator mccains assessment of the problem with the v. A. Well, the problem with big ghoechlt is that everyone is invested in it. And i think the v. A. Shows the real wrought that can happen when there is a bureaucracy at any level where people begin on just see numbers on a piece of paper. And it really shows the problem when government gets too big to be able to relate to us as individuals. And senator mccains comments i found to be somewhat strange in that he suggests that if somebody lost sight of a mission. Well, no, its not. If this was in the private sector, this would be orked crime. And a lot of people can have budget problems. Individuals have budget problems. It doesnt mean that you resort to a criminal activity or to harm people because it will get you a bonus or make you look good. So this isnt about money or budget problems. Its about humanity. And dealing with individuals. And richard, its about morals, too. How do you do this . Well, again, this is inexcusable. And by this, i mean whatever it is well find out by virtue of a bipartisan investigation by congress into what happened. I think we are reacting to reporting here. The reports are horrendous. No question. But before we can start coming up with any kind of scenario here about what did or did not give rise to this, we need to know exactly what happened. And right now, this discussion were having, its largely based on reports that have been pretty kind of preliminary, lets put it that way. And richard go ahead. Tammy, 20 seconds. Hang on, because richard just made a point and down, its impt to the bottom of this in the right way. So tammy, ill ask you quickly, if thats why we havent heard from the president as much, you say why havent we heard he wanted to do an investigation. Actually, there has been letters and complaints for over a year and nothing has ben done. Its already been a slow process. And people have died. We have to make this happen. We have to make it happen. I think everybody agrees. Tammy, richard, thanks on both of you. And we have a wirn. Both of you. And we have a wirn. We are one step closer to a triple crown. California chrome did it. California chrome, that new star thoroughbred, won the preakness. One step closer to a triple crown because the next stop in june is the belmont stakes. June 7. This is really exciting. Especially the wonderful hugh m hugh m humanitarian back story. Can you imagine being art sherman . Im all for it. Can you imagi sherman . Im all for it. And speaking of california, not the horses, but the wildfires. Its really a pretty devastating situation that is ongoing now in california. Thousands of firefighters are there still battling the flames. But there are hopes that Mother Nature can help them this weekend. Coming up, well have a live report from the Fox Extreme Weather Center on the very latest. Plus the federal government hitting General Motors with a massive fine over its deadly ignition switch problem. Why some critics say its seversimply not enough. Todays gm will do the right thing. This begins with my sincere apologies to everyone who has been affected by the recall. Especially to the families and friends of those who lost lives or were injured. Im deeply sorry. Okay, listen up im reworkin the menu. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition inharge™. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase [ bo i make a lot of purchases for my business. Like 60,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. [ jim ] when my grandson grows up, its his. But its all mine now. [ male announcer ] thats how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. [ male announcer ] thats how we run, the restless never stop. They just change boots. Thats why we made the allnew Jeep Cherokee. With an exclusive 9speed transmission and 31 miles per gallon highway. So you can keep going. Wellqualified lessees get a low mileage lease on the 2014 Jeep Cherokee sport front wheel drive for 199 a month. An update on the wildfires in southern california. Crews this week have been fighting triple digit temperatures to get the flames under control. The good news is that Mother Nature is beginning to cooperate a little. Those pictures are incredible. And this is the setup that we had last week that brought the santa ana wind. We had temperature its close to or above 100 degrees. High pressure anchored across the great basbasin. Winds being funnel through the can i dont understa canyons and passes. Humidity was low and gusty winds. Now we have more of and on shore flow. Temperatures coming down. Winds are quieter you you can see the satellite imagery with the cloud cover moving on shore. So that is great news for firefighters along the immediate coast. Current temperatures in some cases 30 degrees cooler than they were several days out or several days before this when we were dealing with close to 100 degrees plus in and around the los angeles area. Tomorrow it gets even better with the temperatures low heing a lowering and winds subsiding. The fire danger is pushing eastwood, so not out of the woods for the four corners. But the areas firefighters trying to contain wildfires, better conditions monday, tuesday. Relative humidity going up and winds are calm. For the next five days. The not so good news out of will is were dealing with extreme to exceptional drought in much of california with deficits over a foot in some cases. You really need over 8 inches to meet required rainfall for this time of year and were not going to see that rainfall up october or november. Thats when they have the rainy season. Well see gusty winds, certainly high temperatures and relative humidity going down in these region. But across the coast, where we have several wildfires burning, the better news is temperatures are down, relative humidity is up and winds are calm. Back to you. Were hoping for some help from Mother Nature because youre right, those images are tough to see. J. D. , thank you very much. General motors was fined 35 million by the federal government all for concealing the deadly ignition switch problem for more than a decade. That problem they say caused 40 crashes and is blamed for the deaths of at least 13 people. Critics are slamming the penalty saying it is far from enough, but it is the maximum amount gm can be fined for a single violation of the law. This as gms revenue for the last quarter, get this, 37 billion. Is that justice . Joining us now is president of diversified financial consultants. Dominic, will sthis is unbeliev. Its not even a drop in the bucket. That is the maximum that the government is allowed to fine them. But believe me, for all the people that are outraged, this is just the tip of the iceberg. By the time that General Motors is done with this one, were talking about billions of dollars in penalties, fine, liability, on and on and on. How could this happen . The government has a structure of what it can penalize. Clearly its not enough. But there are other things in the pipeline, probably the most important one, there potentially could be criminal charges by the u. S. Justice department. When they went after toyota, it was a 1. 2 billion fine. So there are more and more of these coming in the pipeline. General motors has a rough road ahead of it. In american Corporate Culture, they knew about the problem for a decade. It caused these deaths supposedly and you have the heartbroken families because that little cheap piece may have caused the crashes and there was no whistleblower. What is in the Corporate Culture that would say theyre investigating and not my rob in. Problem in. This is why the liabilities end up being so huge. 13 deaths. Problem in. This is why the liabilities end up being so huge. 13 deaths. In. This is why the liabilities end up being so huge. 13 deaths. Potentially as high as 53. So something that could have been resolved and saved so many lives for pep anies will cost this company huge. And apparently they obviously knew there was a problem about seems. They had a list of words that were banned, 68 words that the lawyers and company said dont put this in email. And here are some of those words. Well show you on the screen. Dont write safety. Dont write problem. Defect. Death trap. Corvairlike. Dont say terrifying, dangerous, evil, chaotic. What does that mean when a corporation is telling its employees dont write these words in an email, it can come back to haunt us . If it wasnt that we really had people that died and got injured, this will would be a skit out of saturday night live. The lawyers are worried about getting sued. So dont use these words because if somebody else reads them, we might get sued. Why dont we worry about doing the job right the first time. Again, they will pay dearly for this one. The stock price alone, a 10 billion loss in capitalization just for the company so far. So how do they get out of this, how do they recover and do the right thing . They start doing the right thing. If we look at other crises in the past, whether toyota with their problem, british petroleum, you start to fix your reputation from the ground up, this is what mary barra is trying to do. Fix the reputation. It will take years if not did decades to do that. They can, they will. They have no choice. All right, dominic, our hearts of course go out to the families of the victims. 13 people suspected so far. And that could climb. Dominic, thank you. Meanwhile hyundai recalling more than 137,000 crossover utility vehicles. They say the air bag assembly may come loose from its mounting on the steering wheel. The affected vehicles are the 2011 to 2014 model years. Hyundai dealers will repair the air bag assembly for free. Thats starting next month. This week Immigration Reform took kind of a hit. Hear about this . One republicans bill shot down on friday. Coming up, well have more on the political fallout as we head into the midterms. And scientists have made a massive prehistoric discovery. Well show you the record breaking find that is straight out of the flintstones. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action . Get ready, get ready cause here i come [ male announcer ] take osteo biflex®. Osteo biflex® is specially formulated with joint shield™ to nurture and help defend your joints. So now you can keep doing. And doing. And doing what you love. Hi mom, dad. Whatd you guys do today . The usual the usual get ready, cause here i come [ male announcer ] osteo biflex, ready for action. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. Time for a quick check of the headlines. A state lawmaker in utah wants to resurrect firing squads. He says firing squads would be a quick and humane way to put someone to death. Fossilized bones of the largest known dinosaur tiargent. They believe it weighed in at 170,000 pounds. And Basketball Hall of fame manager Tony La Russa is back in the big leagues. After accepting a job at chief baseball officer with the arizona diamondbacks. An immigration bill was blocked this week. It would have created a path to citizenship for people brought illegally to the country as children if they then enlisted in the military. What does it mean for the midterms and the future of dealing with the immigration problem some were joined by professor of law and Political Science at usc. Susan, always good to see you. Good to be here. This act called the enlist act, the congressman introduced it but its not going anywhere. What does that mean . It means that republicans have a problem with the immigration issue. You have some republicans including maybe this one, but certainly some conservatives out there who are saying we cannot be pigeon holed in supporting this. The country is overwhelmingly for Immigration Reform. You have changing demographics in the voting public. So you have one group inside the Republican Party who would like to move on this issue. And you have another very powerful group inside the Republican Party and in particular the Republican Caucus in the house that does not want to move in that direction. And you have a guy in the middle, and that is john boehner. Were looking at a pole, 67 favor the pathway. 18 say send them back home and only 13 have a guest worker program. What does the speaker of the house . Now they say there is no commitment between the speaker and the white house. What does mr. Bay per can do when he has the more conservative members of his caucus not granting this for people who broke the law. Right. Exactly the problem he faces. What did Valerie Jarrett end up saying . Hes committed on trying. I thought to myself, oh, you know, i should try that with some of my old boyfriends, ri t right . Committed to trying. But it doesnt work. So boehner has to decide which side hell be on. And its a lose lose right now for the Republican Party. If they can pull it together and get a sensible Immigration Reform policy that they can get behind, they can put the president and the administration divisiveness is playing in the to democrats hands. Is it possible for the republicans to do that . Well, anything is possible. But the politics are really tough right now. And i dont know at the end of the day how is jis john boehner going to calculate this up. Is he going to decide that its worst pushing and taking risks with his conservative base in the house to try to do this, or does he decide going into the Midterm Election that its no time for civil war inside the Republican Party and hes just going to put this off and take the lumps as they do. So i just think its a tough call. If it were easy, you know, hed know what to to and you and i would have Something Else to talk about. What do you expect will happen, what will the democrats will throw at them if there isnt any progress like the senate bill . They will say who is to blame in this one . Its those right wing republicans, the tea party republicans. The democrats want both to paint the republicans as extremists and to win the vote of a lot of the americans for whom Immigration Reform really is the voting issue. And we saw in the last election that the democrats will just pound away on this one. Thats why you think to yourself in a sensible world, governed by grown ups, right, it if we could put some of the partisanship aside, wouldnt it be a good moment for everybody to get some actual progress here, claim victory and, you know, go home to your district. It doesnt work that way sadly. Finally, briefly, do you think that moment has passed . Well, i mean, i can be hopeful. The speaker is committed to trying. And im hopeful about his trying. Hows that. Liken ean old boyfriend or something. Thats a great line. I dont think anything works in washington sometimes, so well see what happens as it follows. Susan, thank you so much. Of course you can read her syndicated column in newspapers across the country. It appears on wednesdays and fridays. A controversial new bill being signed into law. In colorado today, possibly changing the future for term alley ill patient there is and why critics say it could end upcoming more harm than good. Te and why critics say it could end upcoming more harm than good. People dieing from not being able to access these drugs. I dont want to be one of them. Every day thousands of americans are dying when there are potentially life saving drugs that they could be taking. Dont miss a step. Nothings missed with tenatwist dont miss a beat. Nothings missed with tenatwist oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist aseball fans cheering] [milk pouring] great things go together. And new sargento tastings are perfectly paired with every day. Exceptional cheeses in smaller, snackable sizes that make it easy to explore new flavors and savor every moment. New sargento tastings. One of a kind flavors found right in your dairy section. Find your favorite and make your own perfect pairing. New sargento tastings. Perfectly paired with every day. Could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . Well, what are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Colorado, becoming the first state to allow terminally ill patients access to experimental meditations. Today the governor signing the right to try bill and joining missouri and louisiana who have similar legislation in the works. Those for the law says it gives desperately ill people access to life saving drugs. Critics say it could harm the patients and lead to lawsuits and other problems. We have the doctor of emergency medicine in st. Barn bus hospital in the bronx. Good to see you. You think it is a good idea . Let me say this. It is a difficult issue to look at. When you are terminally ill when you look at things to help your quality of living. The fda was established to monitor drug use and make sure the public was not harmed by manufactured farm soughticals. This opens up a whole can of worms. Do i think it is a good idea. There is pros and cons. And well discuss it now. It is a right to try. Just like the right to die. To give us our own medical future and ability to take power. Wouldnt it be important if you are going to die wouldnt you be able to driveway. Snshg the fda has a compassionate use clause and they approve the request for experimental medication. Opponents say it is lengthy and requires paper work to fill out. I am not sure how much gets done. They get and release the drugs. But the problem is, pharmaceutical Companies Need to be releasing the medications. And many of them cost billions to manufacture and do they want them to be given away for free . It will hopefully open the channel for dialogue. If you dont live in missouri or louisiana or colorado. Do you have to go there to be treated. When i trained it was difficult to find out what happened in the other parts of the country. In one evening with the internet you can find out what is happening in the world. People travel across the globe for medical therapies and many form suiticals are tested in the third world or europe orazzia where fda doesnt have jurisdiction. Say you need something in france. They go there or canada that you cant get here . If you have the means and money. If i was facing the end of my life with a wonderful family and children that i have, i would do Anything Possible to prolong my life and quality of living. If that required me to travel abroad, i would have to think hard about that and look at those alternatives. But in other countries, same rules dont ark ploy. Down south they can get cheap Plastic Surgery done and i take care of the complications. If something happens to you there, there is no recourse. Yes, i would think you dont have the same recourse. Do you think it will spread around the country. With social media, it is lighting up, and think of the individuals that are suffering and want to grasp at whatever straw. Right it try. Look it up. Very fascinating. Great to see you both. Thank you for having me. And that does it for us. I am eric shaun. You can join me on the sunday future show. Stick around, the fox report is next. Juliebandars is in the house. 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New calls for accountability in the va hospitals as more alarming claims come out about how we treat our nations heroes. Pressure mounting as the va scandal widens. Delays and fake records. Our veterans gave us their best. It is obvious too often, theyve gotten the worse from those charged with their care. Now the investigation begins. Also

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