Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20130915

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0 to 24 hour span of time around your area. denver, colorado, boulder, colorado. taking a look at the radar within the last 24 hours, can you see where the rain came down, not the 15, 16 inches, the epic rain fall that we saw last week. any more rain, even half an inch to an inch of rain is going to exacerbate an already dangerous situation these areas. the ground is unstable. i'm afraid of more mud slides and rock slides and flash flooding in these regions. boulder, colorado, you are under a flash flood warning for the next several hours. as we are seeing heavy rain moving in to this region yet again. there is your radar estimated precipitation over the last 48 hours. and, again, east of denver, that's where we saw the heaviest rain. but even a quarter of an inch of rain is going to cause some problems in this already, very saturated area. so today, getting through sunday, 70% chance of rain, tomorrow, still a chance of a thunderstorm that could bring heavy rainfall. but tuesday, wednesday, thursday, a drying out with a credible military threat. what is true of iran, or what is true of syria, is true of iran. >> >> now, as the fighting rages on in syria, for now diplomacy is the main tool of choice. kerry warned there are still a lot of details yet to be worked out. he stressed this is just a framework. not a final agreement. >> it is a framework that must be put into effect by the united nations now. but it is a framework that with the russian and u.s. agreement, it it has the full ability to be able to, as the prime minister said, strip all of the chemical weapons from syria. >> now, we'll know in the next few weeks whether or not this agreement is holding and it is working. syria must provide a full accounting of its chemical weapons and allow u.n. inspectors in in the next few weeks. so really by part of that u.n. force. to dispose of these by the middle of 2014, i think that's a tremendous expectation. i have deep concerns about being able to achieve the elements that are in this framework. i look for more details to see how this is going to be done. again, i have very deep reservations about this doug doug congressman schiff your reaction. >> it is a positive step forward it does have all the potential draw backs that my colleague mentioned. first, it's the first path that we have been able to z not only make sure that assad not use chemical weapons again but these chemical weapons stockpiles wouldn't fall into the hands of al qaeda, al. is it tough and in the middle of a civil war? yes, will assad try to it delay and office obviate and hide, absolutely. off we need to give this every chance to succeed. >> i would like to read to you a statement, senator schiff two statements from senator lindsey graham and mccain they put out yesterday afternoon they and they said quote what concerns us most our friends and enemy also take the same lessons from this agreement. they see it an act of provocative weakness on america's part. we cannot imagine a worse signal to send to iran as it continues its push for a nuclear weapon. what do you make of of that? >> well, look, your objective is to get the u.s. militarily involved to try to change the balance on the battlefield and decide the outcome of the civil war, then this is a bad deal. but that's not the president's aim and i think that's not where the american people want us to go. so, this is a limited agreement focused on the chemical weapons issue. had we gone forward with a military strike, it would not have answered the question about what happens to those stockpiles when the regime falls. so i think that if your focus is on dealing with the chemical weapons, it's a good proposal, a tough one. but if your goal and i think that may be true tore senators mccain and graham is to go beyond that and decide the outcome and you are willing to risk being entangled in a civil war then this is not the deal for you doug doug congressman wittman aren't we already intanks geld in a civil -- entangled until a civil war and the potential for it to spread further. >> we are. obviously involved in this diplomatic effort. we would have been involved in military action we are taking. my concern going forward is making sure, too. that this effort results in what it proposes to do. that is to rid syria of these chemical weapons. and to make sure that they do not fall into the hands of other folks in the region that would use the weapons against against other countries or against u.s. interest in that area. i think ultimately that's where we are. we have interests there. i want to make sure that we are at the forefront of protecting u.s. interests in that area and that includes making sure that those impacts that might occur with how we are perceived by other countries are also taking into account we need to be strong in how we deal with iran in their development of nuclear weapons, also, as part of this continuing effort there in syria. doug doug congressman schiff, just 30 seconds or so left. while mr. putin was organizing all of this, at the same time, or at least last week he was sending new batch of s 300 missiles. i think it's s 300. very sophisticated antiaircraft missiles to iran and also offering his support for them to build another nuclear power plant. what do you make of that? >> what i make of it is our relationship with the russians is not going to be based on trust. it's not going to be based on a perfect confluence of interest. but where we can find narrow agreement that suits both our interest and the russians, as we have found here in riding syria of chemical weapons, we still need to pursue it, notwithstanding the fact we are going to vigorously oppose them on other issues. >> congressman schiff and wittman, thank you both for your time. let you get back to sunday football now. thank you. >> thank you, doug. >> we came, in stabilized the situation, we have now had 42 straight months of growth, seven and a half million new jobs created. 500,000 jobs in manufacturing. 370,000 jobs in an auto industry that had completely collapsed. doug doug tomorrow, to mark the fifth anniversary of the collapse of lehman brothers president obama will point to what he calls steady progress in our economy. his speech is warned to congress self-inflicting wounds no negotiating on the debt ceiling and starting down a government shutdown path. dls us his chris stair walt. >> great to he so you. whenever i see a speech like this. it typically means he has got to shore up the base. if you look at the polls, they need some shoring up. >> he didn't do what he did about syria for nothing. he had a real outcry among democrats in congress, efforts by his political team to pin the syrian situation on republicans were unsuccessful. democrats, liberals were very upset with the president on this. one thing they are also upset about, though, is that no one was prosecuted on wall street that no one went to prison for the panic of 2008. and they remain upset about that what the president is trying to do now, stop talking about syria. he is going to call it a win. though it seems like assad is the big winner so far. the president is going to call it a win and try to move back to domestic issues and try to move back to dealing with his base which is not real happy with him. doug doug douglass aiken recently said that whatever recovery the economy we can see right now is largely attributable to the policies of the federal reserve, printing more and more money and keeping interest rates low. what we need to do is have a long-term growth policy and we don't have one. >> americans, i don't think particularly care about the fifth anniversary of the collapse of lehman brothers. i think americans do believe that the economy is not in good shape. i think americans do believe that the financial sector is not acting in their best interest. i think americans do believe that big government and big business are not interested in helping regular americans. doug doug one of the strategies of good warfare of winning warfare whether it's actual warfare or politics is to divide and conquer one's enemies. it strikes me that the president doesn't really need to do that with republicans because they are deeply divided at least on the house side as it now sands when it comes to continuing resolution when it comes to the debt ceiling, ets. >> look at it this way. the president could have a win today on these issues. he could very easily have a win by saying you know what in the individual mandate on his health insurance law, we're going to delay that for a year, too. economically speaking, it doesn't make it that much worse. the president never want'ed it anyway. it would be a some to republicans and get them through. this he made it very clear on his interview to nbc you know what? this is a great way to crash republicans on the rocks. if he gives them anything. if he acknowledges anything. then he allows the republican leadership a way out of this term oil. instead keep the heat on them. refuse to budge on his signature law and see what happens. because right now from his point of view, with low approval numbers, frustrations with his government, he can hope that maybe a temporary government shutdown will cast him in a more favorable light. >> okay, chris. thank you very much. we appreciate your point of view as always. here is a must for you to do before tomorrow morning as it relates to chris stirewalt. sign up for fox news first, our daily political newsletter brought to you by one and only chris stirewalt. he brings works hard to bring you all the stories inside the beltway. go to fox news first. some sad news out of northeast ohio this morning where six people, five of them children were killed in a mobile home fire. that fire happened in tiffin, ohio. tiffin fire says that when they first arrived at the home, half of it was already engulfed in flames. a man and five children were taken to the hospital where they were pronounced dead. there is no word yet on the cause and no names have yet been released. the plight of an american pastor who has spent almost a year in iranian prison is not over. one viewer asked us for an update about pastor saeed. that's coming up after the break. newly released emails defy lois lerner's claims that irs targeting was not political. latest on the investigation. cory gardner being hailed as a hero by some today by helping to save victims of colorado's torrential flooding. we will ask him him about his incredible experience when we come back. must be the♪ ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? 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