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0 with anymore. >> gregg: molly, thanks. >> heather: we have more on one of our top stories for you now. a new arrest in the ricin mail attack that targeted president obama and others. they are reporting that 41-year-old everett dusky is now facing charges of attempting to use biological weapons. elizabeth prann has the latest from washington. >> authorities searching the home and former business of 41-year-old everett dusky this week. he is now in custody. they arrested the martial arts instructor without incident in tupelo, mississippi. authorities say this arrest is in connection with the ricin laced letter sent to president obama, senator roger wicker and a mississippi judge. we have heard no response from his attorney bus they said he has no involvement. he denies any wrongdoing. continue to push ahead in the boston bombings case trying to piece together dozens of details in the united states and abroad, we are now hearing from the chopper crew that played a vital role in capturing the 19-year-old suspect. they say they used a infrared camera to spot the suspect who was hiding underneath a tarp in a dry dock boat. take a listen. >> spent a lot of time chasing different leads that possibly could materialize. that was, people saying they saw a subject that matched the description. basically in the middle of the boat he was looking up with his hands like that. it was a perfect silhouette of a human being. we were small cog in a huge wheel. >> gregg: rick? >> this is the first saturday that bolston street has been fully open with a long line of people who are waiting to view they say without question. so from your perspective, what is the relationship in terms of sharing intelligence between the united states and russia? >> the relationship is complicated and difficult. we know that the russians in the past have listed people on terror lists that were not terrorists for political reasons. concerning the boston marathon bombers, they gave us a good tip. in this instance it was the united states that is probably guilty of intelligence failures. it was not the russians that did something wrong. >> heather: do you think that that the allegedly lack of trust with russia is what called the intelligence failure on our behalf? >> i think the last lack of trust probably affected how the f.b.i. deal with the intelligence tip, but there is so many other elements related. the f.b.i. apparently did not notify the c.i.a. of the initial investigation. it did not tell the boston post-9/11? >> it's very easy to get on that list. there is almost 700,000 individuals on it which i think represents a separate problem. we have the issue of individuals who could be terrorists coming in and out of the country. homeland security department know about this and f.b.i. did not when he came back to united states after six months in russia, no one knew about it. explanation being bandied about his name may have been misspelled but leaving and entering thet should have been a red flag that would have required him to be interviewed and maybe surveillance conducted of him after he returned to the united states. >> heather: one of the things clapper touched on the bigger issue is what extent do you want the government to monitor people's behavior. to infringe on your civil liberties. i have to say when you or a terror watch list, on a separate terrorist screen database, you have been red flagged by another country, not once but twice and letting the c.i.a. know, do we really care about civil liberties for this person? >> i think there is two intelligence failures. first of all the intelligence community is too large and second one, i think it has to go over the controversy of bush administration to purchase see terrorist suspects, there has been a chilling effect on u.s. intelligence agencies to use all the tools available to them because they are worried about being prosecuted are held before congress or losing their job. i have met with intelligence directors who have told me in certain instances, even with foreigners in foreign countries, it's too risky for them to use the tools available to go after the guys. >> heather: too risky and you end up with four people dead and almost 200 injured and maimed. we appreciate you joining us. >> gregg: let's talk about fox extreme weather. major flooding across parts of midwest today in eastern missouri, a massive breach discovered in a levee. firefighters are informing residents in potentially dangerous situation. evacuations are voluntary but that could change at a moment's notice. meteorologist janice dean is live. >> unfortunately we are going dealing with flooding risk not only this weekend but into next week and throughout much of the spring as we have a lot of rapid snow melt with record breaking snow. more rain moving over these vulnerable areas across the mississippi river valley in towards the tennessee river valley and mid-atlantic region. flash flood watches and warnings posted but rick for severe weather, including hail and damaging winds and isolated tornadoes across a wide section here from the big bend of texas all the way towards memphis, tennessee. we'll continue to monitor the threat for severe weather and ongoing risk is going to be the flooding as we head throughout this weekend and early next week. flash flood warnings for all these tri-by tears that feed into the mississippi -- tributaries. we are also watching the red river in fargo where we are dealing with rapid snow melt and temperatures on the rise. so the red river is forecast to crest at 38 feet which is near record level. we'll be monitoring that and look where we still have the snow melt. in some cases, over a foot of snow. those rapidly rising temperatures is going to cause some problems and the swelling rivers. now, on the flip side of things, it feels like summertime across the southwest. look at these temperatures. hundred degrees on sunday for phoenix, 102 on monday. back to you. >> gregg: 102? yesterday i meant a family from aspen, colorado, they showed me on their cellphone pictures of their snowy backyard. mountains of snow. >> i know. >> gregg: all right. >> two extremes. >> gregg: i'll take the hot weather. >> heather: we want to jump from spring straight into summer. we want a little respite. >> gregg: i'm happy. it has all the pollen and my poor children are suffering. >> heather: you are from cal. coming up a member of the kennedy family makes for a new bid for freedom after spending years in prison. michael skakel he is heading back to court. our legal panel will weigh in. >> gregg: big changes in young americans. a surge in student loan debt is negatively affecting the u.s. economy. >> heather: mounting evidence of chemical weapon attacks in syria. mean the u.s. will get more involved in the conflict? >> broader point is once we establish the facts i have made clear that the use of chemical weapons is a game changer. 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