Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20120429

FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters April 29, 2012

>> eric: good morning, everybody, i'm eric shawn. this is a brand-new hour of america's news headquarters. former president bill clinton is hitting the road with president obama with several fund-raising events. steve centanni, live in washington with the latest. good morning, steve. >> reporter: yeah. former president bill clinton is planning three different events, fund-raising events with president obama, including the one tonight. this is the first one. tell take place in northern virginia. bill clinton is helping the president in other ways, too. in that campaign ad, he took part in that controversial ad highlighting the president's decision to bring down osama bin laden a year ago and questioning whether a president mitt romney would have made the same decision. republicans are slamming the president's campaign for politicizing the killing of osama bin laden. >> this is one of the reasons president obama has become one of the most divisive presidents in american history. he took a unifying event for op all american, an event that governor romney congratulated him and the military and the intelligence analysts in our government for completing the mission in terms of killing osama bin laden. and he has managed to turn it into a divisive, partisan, political attack that former defense secretary frank carlucci called sad, john mccain called shameful. i think most americans will see it as a sign of a desperate campaign. >> eric: he was also criticized for campaigning on the taxpayers' dime, pushing for low student loans and targeting the important youth vote at the same time. but the defenders say this latest ad, touting the boldness of the president's decision on osama bin laden is appropriate. >> certainly, it is not over the line. just a few years ago, president obama, then a candidate said in a speech, if we had actionable intelligence of a high-value target in pakistan, we would go in and get that high-value target. mitt romney said that was foolish. >> eric: the president has the fund-raiser tonight. mitt romney has no campaign events today. thank you. as steve was saying, president obama's re-election campaign taking heat for the ad, implying that mitt romney would not have had the courage to issue the order to kill osama bin laden. here's a clip. >> he took the harder and the more honorable path. and the one that produced, in my opinion, the best result. >> eric: the romney campaign slamming that ad, calling it sad, politicizing the death of osama bin laden and they brand it hypocrital. but in 2008, then candidate obama -- well, his campaign criticized rival hillary clinton for a very similar commercial. >> it's the toughest job in the world. you need to be ready for anything, especially now with two war, oil prices skyrocketing and an economy in crisis. harry truman said it best -- if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. who do you think has what it takes? >> eric: well, is the obama campaign trying to have it both ways? joining us for a fair and balanced debate, jemhu green and nancy flooderhaur. good to see you. nancy, let me start with you. senator mccain call this is shameless -- shameless! why can't the president make political points by pointing out the killing of bin laden. >> the point is that this was an effort to spanned two presidencies, that it was supposed to be a unifying moment for the american people. and the president obama himself told us he wouldn't politicize it. this wasn't a time to spike the football, quote/unquote. yet, he has turned around and done it because he thinks it's politically expedient. from my perspective, it's a big swing and miss because they havetain a demonstrable achievement and so over politicized it that it's now an argument that republicans can make against them. >> eric: is there something crass about the obama administration doing this? >> absolutely not, eric. the reality is, the american people are not going to decide between these two candidates based on governor romney saying, oh, your ad is out of line. this, as president obama has said, is going to be the starkest contrast between two candidates we have seen in a generation. we know as a commandener chief, you only get at times, one chance to make that right decision, actually interestingly, thinking of president bush, washing your previous segment, as he was with the wounded veterans and his book, "decision points," i think voters really need to understand they haven't gotten through the rhetoric of governor romney's campaign to details. he has no vision and lacks the foreign policy experience to lead. i think that's what this commercial highlights and really is going to continue to prove to the american people that when it comes to foreign policy governor romney has said, on serious questions, let me get back to you on that. i have to talk to my attorneys. decision points, that's what a commander in chief is responsible for and this proves president obama does have a lot more weight and carries a lot more weight in this area. >> eric: nancy, what about that? >> i think it's funny that -- that the obama campaign wants to talk about foreign policy. clearly, they want to do that because they can't talk about economic policy when there are a million jobs down in the private sector and 23 million americans are looking for jobs. but i do think a serious debate about the questions facing this country on foreign policy is warranted. unfortunately, this was not the first play to call. it was politicized something that shouldn't have been politicized and dignifies how nasty this election's going to be. i would distinguish it from the way obama conducted himself in 2008. >> eric: what is interesting, the election is basically starting, they are both tied. the latest poll shows 46-46, that's astounding for an incumbent president. >> it's going to be a close race. i think we have heard all along throughout the extended republican primary, that they knew it was going to be a close race t. will come down to the battleground states. but where's your vision when it comes to foreign policy? where is your economic policy? when guto governor romney's web site and check the issues section to find out informs on where he stands for veterans, there is nothing there. he is only producing rhetoric right now. then at times, he shows us that he doesn't understand what century we are in when he says russia is our number 1 geo-politico foe. >> eric: why hasn't that gotten more traction? romney is leading independents by 16 points. >> i think the polls are going to vary from day to day, eric. but this comes down to the battleground states. as you look at where independents are in those states, if you look at where clearly the huge gender gap we have seen that president obama has with women, the support he has from many latino voters in those important states, whether it is colorado, ohio, new mexico, florida. president obama is doing well. but as we continue to draw the stark comparisons between the two candidates and governor romney puts nothing on the table except for empty rhetoric, the numbers will change. >> eric: empty rhetoric, says jemhu. nancy? >> i say, bring it on. this is a debate that the country needs to have, the gender gap shrunk to half the size in march. so independent voters like mitt romney's message of opportunity and growth. and that will matter. i for one am anxiously awaiting the debates because i think romney will wipe the floor with the president on economic issues -- >> real quick, she says bring it on, but the commercial airs and it's like, whoa. get over it. >> eric: it's starting. they are bringing it. we will see. great to see you. >> thank you. >> we have an update on a story we have been following, a potential key witness in the case of a missing arizona girl has come forward. six-year-old isabel vanished from her tucson home more than a week ago. we have the latest details from our new york newsroom. this is a big break in the case, hopefully? >> reporter: unfortunately, no major breakthrough, but law enforcement is saying that after posting new surveillance video, eight to 10 new leads began coming in each hour. one male has come forward, identifying himself as being on that video that was taken about 1:30 in the morning, the day isabel was reported missing from her bedroom by her father. this is outside a nightclub near the home. detectives want to ask the man if he saw anything unusual, not calling any of them suspect, just witnesses. they are searching for any video from a baseball game that the family attended the night before isabel went missing. the parents are fully cooperating, but investigators are not ruling them out as suspects. we are told the ground search around the home, including bodies of water, is now complete. >> going canvassing five times in that three-mile radius. i think now we can say we are comfortable that we checked that entire area. that's a way of measuring the progress. i know there is quite a bit more to do. but that's what we are working at. >> reporter: because of tucson's close proximity to the mexican border, u.s. marshals are circulating a photo of the first grader in mexico and are working with authorities to check bus terminals and other businesses. police are hoping a new $50,000 reward will lead to new information. and tonight, there is a benefit concert for isabel, called voices of hope in scottsdale, arizona. >> thank you for that. >> eric: well, are we ready to insure our financial security when retirement comes? up next, a weekly consumer production segment will give you tips that you won't want to miss. >> it's been brought-- the one liners are flying at the annual white house correspondence dinner. host jimmy kimmel and president obama both taking the mike. highlights up next. >> it's hard to be funny with the president of the united states looking at you. yet, somehow day in and day out, joe biden manages to do it. [ tom ] we invented the turbine business right here in schenectady. without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. they go into power plants which take some form of energy, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity. [ ron ] when i was a kid i wanted to work with my hands, that was my thing. i really enjoy building turbines. it's nice to know that what you're building is gonna do something for the world. when people think of ge, they typically don't think about beer. a lot of people may not realize that the power needed to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right. well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪ [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. >> when it comes to saving for retirement, the earlier you start, the better. however nreality, most of us don't start building up our nesteggs until our 30s and even later. considering the state of the economy and social security, do americans need to begin saving earlier? in our take charge consumer protection segment, we look at how you can best prepare for your golden years, whatever your age. dominic sevilla is from financial consultants. >> how are you? >> i'm well. let's say you are 23 years old, 42 years before you hit 65. you want to have by the time you retire, $1.5 million. how much does that mean a month? >> we look at this on an annual basis. starting in their early, mid-20s, they can have in excess $1 million, easily. the earlier you start, the better off you are. 35-year-old, before you start that, could be half that number. in other words, for every year you are putting off starting to put away dollars for retirement, for your future, it will cost you $40,000 in savings in retirement. >> it's about $5,000 a year we are looking for. let's break it down for month, biweekly, weekly, when people get the paychecks because that's when you have to take charge and make it happen, even the daily stuff, not getting the extra, you know, bring your lunch to work, these types of things. >> two quick issues. the first is that we sit down and enroll 401(k) participants all the time. we first get, i can't afford t. you look at latte or what they spend for lunch and you are going, look being you can save $5, $10 a day. it's really not that difficult. it's a lifestyle change. issue number 2; get the moneytain out ever your paycheck buffer spend t. we are all human. if we get the dollar, we're going to find a way to get rid of it, whatever the case may be. get your employer to take that money out of your paycheck, it's a pre-tax basis. >> or you can have your savings account set up to go from your account, automatically drft drafted to a savings account. >> great point. people say, my employer doesn't have a plan, doesn't have a 401(k), you can fund your own ira, or if you can't think about retirement, think about a mutual fund. $50, $100 a month, automatically out of your checking account. not thinking about tyou are not writing a check, going can i afford it? it's automatic, automatically invested for you. >> if you are in your 20s, do it now. but there are people who haven't been able to do that for various reasons. you are here, watching in your 40s, you are thinking, i am behind the curve ball. how can that person get on board and feel like they are going to have something socked away when it's time? >> we see this all the time. life interfere, you are paying the mortgage and college and all of that is done and you go, wow, i have a very short timeline. the guys in washington ain't that dumb. no matter what we think. they have given us huge opportunities in a 401(k), 403b, $17,000. if you are over 54, they allow more $15,000. you can get up to $50,000 a year on a pre-tax basis. so there are huge opportunities, if you have the cash flow, get the dollars away on a pre-tax basis. get the tax savings that you would have given up to the federal/state government, get to the goal. >> the key word is cash. a lot of people don't have the cash. i would like you to help -- it's all mind-set, so i want someone in their 40s thinking, that's great, 401(k) -- i don't have it. break it down for them. give them a simple tip to make it more realistic for them to put that money away that they really need to. >> the biggest problem is that people are looking at a very large number, the hypothetical million and it's not going to happen. i can't put away $10- or $15,000 a year. break it down to the weekly, monthly expenses. you realize, if i don't go to dinner that extra time, if i figure out a way to cut the cell phone bill by $50 a month, you can take that, have it automatically added to your checking account, put it away, forget about t. you would be amazed how that money grows. we have had participants after 3, 5 years and say, honestly, we would never have this money saved if you didn't get me to take it out of my paycheck on a regular basis. >> great advice. >> have a great day. >> eric: great advice. big night in washington. media, politics and hollywood get together in a black tie and fancy gowns and it makes for a fascinating and fun evening. the annual white house correspondence dinner was held. and president obama taking crags at everybody from mitt romney to himself. and talk show host comedian jimmy kimmel threw out a slew of zingers. >> mr. president, i know you won't be able to laugh at any of my jokes about the secret service, so cover your ears, if that's physically possible. i do have a lotted of jokes about the secret service. you know, i told them for $800, i wouldn't tell them, but they only offered $30, so -- i want to thank the washington hilton for hosting us. president obama wanted to move it to the kennedy center, but the republicans wanted to keep it here at the hilton, so they compromised. and here we are at the hilton. >> eric: wow. what a night. everybody from donald rumsfeld -- >> and jamie colby, all in the same room. >> eric: jamie attended. we will have to get the scoop from her, if she talked to lindsay lohan or anybody else. >> she looks amazing. >> eric: absolutely. coming up next, tweel talk about the voter fraud and fellons. you know, virginia is the latest state with more illegal voting in the 2008 election. how bad is it? the fox news voter fraud unit will be on it. >> the john edwards trial, off to a hot start with sordid details of his affair splashed all over the headline, butted star witness may not be such a clean character himself. how that could affect the case, coming up as well. aspirin is just old school. people will have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. that's why we developed bayer advanced aspirin with micro particles. now we're challenging you to put it to the test. visit today for a special trial offer. >> eric: now to the fox news voter fraud unit t. claims voter i.d. would stop fell frons illegally voting. we have looked at claims that illegal votes may have tipped the minnesota senate race to al franken, after he beat norm coleman by a near 312 votes. but the conservative group, minnesota majority, has claimed more than a thousand felons voted illegally and they may have made the difference. prosecutors have so far convicted 175 felons with more cases coming. but they claim not enough felons voted to sway the result and that voter i.d. would not have stopped the illegal voting. >> it really is a solution chase egg problem. it's going to disenfranchise a lot of people, as the federal judge said in ohio. there is only one reason for voter i.d., to disenfranchise people. that's what it does. >> eric: the next state facing this is virginia where a voter i.d. bill is bb about to be signed. dozens of people there, including fellons, have been charged with fraud from the 2008 election. joining us to talk more about that from richmond, republican senator tom garrett who has spoken out about voter fraud. how bad is voter fraud in virginia? >> well, the simple answer is we don't know. what we have had are literally hundreds of cases investigated and confirmed by the virginia state police and in some instances, local police. but we don't know what the scale is. in 2008 alone, there have been hundreds of cases confirmed in the one election. you point to the franken race in minnesota, likewise, the 2005 virginia attorney general's race was decided by 300 votes. that's a statistically significant number. >> eric: when you talk about hundreds of cases and close races, minnesota, 2012, virginia, 2005, 30000 votes. >> any vote hais illegally cast, it waters down every legally cast ballot or cancels out every legally cast ballot. this is about protecting the sanctity and that one vote per person is the law of the land. >> eric: 30 people have been charged, including felons with voter registration -- illegally registering to vote, including claims of third-party groups may have been i

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