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Look at the crowd outside of the fox news headquarters. Remember that time we said we thought we would be able to make a call by 11 00, and early exit polls looked like the call would probably go to Hillary Clinton . Not so much. We are watching right now states including michigan which has been too close to call, pennsylvania which has been too close to call, New Hampshire, minnesota, maine, arizona. None has come in, and we started the evening saying trump needed to pull an inside straight. Shoe is on a different foot now, mixing metaphors, but she needs a straight flush. It is going to be hard is my point. And a new pair of shoes which Everyone Needs no matter what. Going to toss it to brett at the data deck upstairs. Yes. We are looking at some cards for Hillary Clinton that do not look like theyre lining up. I think i told you earlier it would be 1 00 in the morning i would see you. Thats true. But i think we were supposed to be at the bar. Thats right. There are casinos in michigan. Show us some michigan. Here is what ive been watching the last 30 minutes. 30 minutes ago trumps margin was about 34,000 in michigan, and then it bumped up to 42,000. And then these are remaining counts . Correct, yeah. Northern michigan. Then it bumped up to 59,000. My point is every time you watch it, maybe it is 5,000, bret, maybe it is 10 or 2,000. Right now it is 50 . Correct, yeah, 59. Did it change again . No, 51. Oh, boy. I gave up math when i got an iphone. There you go. 59. Let me take you to pennsylvania here. This is what happened over the last 30 minutes. At 12 30 east coast time he was up 26,000 votes. 15 minutes later he was up 35,000 votes in pennsylvania. Right now based on that board it is 52. It had been 59. It came down about 5,000. You are at 52,000 vote margin in the state of pennsylvania. So either one of those states obviously puts him over the top of 270 electoral votes to win. Thats right. She has to find the votes there in michigan or pennsylvania, otherwise because minnesota doesnt do it alone. Yeah. Arizona is still out here, but it is a republican leaning state. Let me show you that, too, by the way in arizona because at the moment hes got about a four point lead right now. You go back four years ago and see what the margin was between romney and obama, it was greater. She has closed the gap as a democrat, but again he has the advantage. We go back to the whatif column again. Take michigan out of the picture. Take pennsylvania out. If hes at 254 right now confirmed, as adds puts him at 265. New hampshire is too close to call. Have you seen what is going on in that state . I mean it is just so razor tight. Ill take you there now. We can see the margin here. I mean this has gone. 2 in his favor,. 2 in her favor. All right. Let me do one thing on this whatif. What if, lets go back here, and what if okay. What if she pulls out the miraculous win in michigan . And pennsylvania. And pennsylvania. She is at 251. Now, minnesota looks like it is heading her way, 261. All right. You have to give arizona, because likely. Likely to donald trump. Then you have alaska, that goes republican. That just closed a minute ago. Lets just say it goes republican, 268. Then you have the president of the United States hanging on New Hampshire, which, by the way, is tight, right . Very tight. It could go either way. Right here. Lets see where it is. Right now you have clinton up in New Hampshire. Yeah. No, thats maine. Oh. That would be why, thats why. See, thats why bill does it and i dont do it. Take two. There we go. Okay. And you have, again, clinton up in New Hampshire. By about 1,000 votes. Click back to 2012 on the bottom right there. Im going to give you back control. My point is that it is conceivable that the entire presidency of the United States comes down to New Hampshire, the first in the nation primaries. I want to point this out because it is 650,000 votes in four years ago, in 2016 we are well under that mark right now. You have 520,000 votes right now. You are going to get more votes in. And whether or not well, she just jumped up. 7 . Thats what were debating right now, trying to figure this out. 7 of the entire vote for the state, but it is Pretty Simple this way, brett. You win michigan, youre at the number. Thats it. Pretty easy this way. You win pennsylvania, youre at the number. Right now in both states he has the lead. Well see how long this lasts. But in our studio tonight is mr. Butterfly ballot. Okay. His name is john bolton, and he will tell you that all of these states have a law when you go into a mandatory recount, were going to dive into that in a minute and try to figure it out for you. We are making a call now. The fox news decision desk is calling the state of maine for Hillary Clinton, but this is three out of the four available electoral votes there. We have not called the second Congressional District in maine. Maine is one of two states, along with nebraska, that splits up its electoral votes. So now you have maine, plus three for Hillary Clinton, with one still remaining out there. Yeah. To do the math on that, at the moment with that factored in, if she were to take New Hampshire, run the table in pennsylvania, michigan, minnesota, she is at 268. She has to win arizona oraa last kau . Arizona oraa last k alaska a to this at the moment. Thats a big challenge, and you know theyre breathing heavy in brooklyn at the moment. Were going to send you back to you, megyn. Thank you. Why cant we call any of these states . Why is it, hello, michigan, hello, minnesota . Hello, arizona. Hello, pennsylvania. Rather than back there doing his work. Stirewalt is usually on the decision desk. You can see hes sweating, like, get me back there, i dont like knowing. I do like knowing more than not knowing, but i know this, pennsylvania is hard to call. Now we were just talking about, there are places in pennsylvania she has obviously under performed, but theres still a path for her, or at least there was as of about three minutes ago, a path for her in pennsylvania to get this done. As far as, you know, we want to be careful about calls even when they look obvious, because Something Like arizona, right . You look at that and you say, gosh, that should be enough, but we would rather be when it is this close, we would rather be right than be early. Just looking at so up here on the wall you have all of the states we havent called, right . I dont know if it is all of them but a lot of them, the big ones. Look at that, obviously michigan is the best one because if he got 16, thats it, he wins the presidency. If we project michigan for donald trump he wins the presidency, pennsylvania same deal. All of the others need a little bit of extra. Minnesota is 10, but you can see if you can add, you know, 10 gets him to 264 and he needs six. He can cobble together a couple more. As adds, we havent yet called. Thats 11. If he could win arizona and minnesota, ad minnesota arizona and one of the others if he won arizona and New Hampshire it would get him to 269. That would mean worst he could do was a tie. And if he got maines second Congressional District, which is out. 269 you said 259. No, 269 would mean a tie and hes president. So arizona an New Hampshire would do it. Good. Listen, we like to reminisce here. We love to go back down old memory lane. So im actually going to take a walk to the decision desk and find out what is the deal with michigan, whats the deal with minnesota. It was fun the last time. You know, the stakes are different this time. We havent called the election. Were actually just finding out why we havent called the election, why we havent called a couple of key states. Shorter walk thanks to the new studio. Here are all of our guys. Hi, guys. Hello. Art in michigan, how are you doing . Terrific, megyn. How are you . We meet again. What is the deal . First of all talk about michigan, what is the deal . Why cant you cant it . We are waiting on votes from detroit and other places. Even though it clearly trump has the lead, were not prepared to call it yet. Because detroit is considered heavily democrat . Democratic, yes. What do you need to see, what the turnout there was or what . Need to see the turnout and most important we need to understand what the absentee vote, because it tends to be counted in bizarre ways, county by county. Were waiting to see what the vote is like to make a call in michigan. Any idea what time in the morning . Seriously, do they tell you what the timing is . What they tell us is soon. Soon could mean anything. Thats not helpful. Forget michigan. Move to minnesota. 10 electoral votes there. That could get him closer. What is the deal there . We are waiting for a lot of vote in the twin cities area which tends to be democratic. Hillary seems to have a slight lead in minnesota, but it is a tenuous lead. When we look at the models looks like a close night there. Minnesota was not supposed to be it wasnt considered a tossup really. Not at all. Arizona, why havent we called that . Arizona has begun to count vote in a slightly different way. A all right of votes dont get counted on election day. It is not clear we will be able to make a call in as adds tonight, but were going to try. Pennsylvania, thats the mother load. If trump gets that hes got it. Thats right. Pennsylvania looks like it will be a close night in pennsylvania. I wouldnt be surprised if were not able to call pennsylvania tonight. If were not able to call it at all . Very possible, yes. How about maines second Congressional District . Man, theyve gotten so much air time this election. Thats exactly right. This is district in out state maine, the northern part of maine. Right now trump has the lead in the raw vote, but i think only 50 of the vote is counted there. So we dont have a model for maine cd 2, but looks like trump may get that one electoral vote, but were not ready to call it. The most interesting one you are missing is alaska. Really . Precisely. They have three electoral votes. Historically theyve always gone republican. We are looking at conflicting data from alaska, and it is another state that tends to count votes extremely slowly. It is another state we could be hanging on for. How about New Hampshire and its four electoral votes . Joe trippy is obsessed with New Hampshire. As he should be. It is a state we could easily not be calling tonight. Come on. Im sorry. Should we dock their pay . Let me ask you this, you guys sit back here, crunch the numbers, talk, compare notes. What explains ka we hawhat we h tonight . Do you look at the exit data or is that dana blanton . Can you help us understand what people misread. Thats a good question. People will be pouring over the data and possibly years to figure out what happened. I think in the last, the final polling we saw clinton had roughly a four point lead in most of the polls. She was at about 48 , 49 . The question was what happened to all of the folks who what i call the movables, folks who said they were for johnson, stein or purely were undecided, and they ranged from 8 to 12 depending on the poll you were looking at. I think what happened was a lot of those people, they said they werent for Hillary Clinton, and they werent, and in the end they decided to go for trump. Thats my hypothesis of what the polling it was a misreading of the polling rather than a mistake of the polls. Im not going to hold you to this because i know youre crunching numbers in counties and raw vote and things like that, but do you have a feeling the late deciders, do you have a feeling it was a late breaking vote for trump or whether it was baked in, these people you are talking about, you know . Was it the last few days or when was it . What we saw in the exit poll is there were some late decided Movement Towards trump, but i think what it is is evidence they were basically sort of decided but didnt want to say. And then in the end they went for trump. So is what you are saying that the trump voter really was out there . I guess so, yep. It doesnt seem possible you can be a shy trump voter, right . What we know of trump voters is theyre not shy, they are not shy. Thats the big difference between the general election and what we were seeing all year in the primaries. All year in the primaries the trump number from the polling was the exact number he got in the primary. All of the undecided went away from trump. This time were seeing a lot of the undecided wound up being a trump vote. Last question. What of the states still out there one more thing. Yeah, go. The other thing to note is right now clinton is ahead in popular vote. That was something a lot of analysts understood, that in fact a democratic lead of 3 or 4 translated into an Electoral College photo finish, which is what we are seeing right now. Basically the democrats run up the score in states like california, new york, illinois, where and roughly 3 of the vote is wasted by democrats in those states. Thats just the way Continental Congress decided it. It is wasted in those states, and so even though you have might have a 3 lead in popular vote it could translate into an Electoral College photo finish. My last question, does she have a chance left . Im not going to answer that question. I had to try. Number two is what is the state you guys think you are most likely to call next . I realize you dont know, which one are we most likely to get next . Were looking at a number of states we possibly could call very does it begin with an m . You are a very good interviewer. Youre not going to tell me . No, not yet. Thank you. Thank you all you guys. You are Unsung Heroes at fox news, all of the work you do. You too, a pleasure to work with these guys. Back to the decision desk, well away from decision desk and back to the anchor desk. Karl rove stayed seated, didnt challenge anybody. Theres no bad blood between karl and arnie. Thats because we didnt call somebody with 911 votes separating the two candidates. Were they right or werent they . Lets not relive it. It is a painful moment. Okay. We do love them, it is wonderful to work with them, but we would like to make some calls. I think it begins with an m. He wouldnt say some, but you could see it in his eyes. It is possible. Karl cameron is live at trump headquarters with reaction there as we are waiting on m states to come in. Reporter hi, brett. Impatient is probably the operative word of the night. Theres not been a Single Person who has left the Trump Victory night headquarters, is what they think it now is. The trump family remains at trump tower, impatient to come over here. Theyre particularly interested in when pennsylvania might get called because after Hillary Clinton leading the polls, donald trump has moved into a slight lead in the actual vote count, but theres still more of the vote out to be counted. So donald trump and his campaign now have to start thinking about putting together a Transition Team. A couple of weeks ago when the polls werent looking all that favorable in some of the battleground states, donald trump instructed his transition chairman Chris Christie, the governor of new jersey, to slow down on transition work and pony up some of the people to help him actually win the race. He is on the precipice of doing exactly that, which means that the transition effort has probably fallen behind a little bit. Now he has to deal with the acceptance speech and putting the transition on over drive in order to start forming a government, assuming that m state or maybe the p state of pennsylvania, or perhaps arizona and some combination of others including alaska, will put him over the top. They wouldmuch for our decision desk to make their decision so they can come down here and make their speeches. You know, on tv jargon you have what is called mixed plus because we can hear the broadcast in the hall there. So you did an excellent job, carl, talking through the reverberation. Got to keep it interesting, you know. He is too good. You got to throw a few hardballs at him to see if he can still do it, and, indeed, he can. Lets see what we can do to jan griffin. She is at Clinton Campaign headquarters. Hey, jen. Reporter hey, megyn. It is quite a different scene over here. There are Campaign Staff that weve seen in tears. The hall has emptied out quite a bit behind me. We just saw a very surreal scene where cher walked in, turned around and looked at the board and walked back out. We just saw donna shilayla walking out, current head of the clinton foundation. We saw the head of clintons Transition Team, he just walked through the crowd. He had a somber look on his face, a very different mood over here at clinton headquarters, megyn. Any sign of huma or reporter no, we have not seen huma, we have not seen Hillary Clinton herself, but certainly the lower level staff who weve been traveling with on planes for the last few months, they are despondent i would say. Uhhuh. You know, it is always sad on these nights to see the side thats in this case likely to lose, and soon well know one side has lost, because they put so much effort into it. You can feel their pain and you can feel, you know, how badly they want it to happen. When you look at this result tonight, chris wallace, you tell me whether people are going to consider that Anthony Weiner in a way helped bring down Hillary Clinton tonight . Sure. Certainly didnt help. Theyre going to look around at a lot of things, and clearly the clinton camp isnt going to blame Hillary Clinton, except for neera tandem who seems to be the truth teller in the group. She emerged as mvp of wikileakss. Yes, she will say, why did you not get it out two years ago. But clearly to people who may not have followed it because Anthony Weiner sexted the fbi began an investigation and seized his laptop and looked at it and found all of these emails, and that led james comey in what i personally think was a mistake to announce that they were going to reopen the investigation. Looking back at it, and youre a lawyer, i think james comey should have kept his mouth shut the entire time, should not have said anything in july, should not have said anything in october, should not have said anything this weekend, just should have done what a prosecutor does, said nothing. I think you could justify him doing that, but i think you can also justify the way he did it now. Probably the most controversial thing in my view as a lawyer that he did was the planks of why he didnt bring the charges where he really went after her and called her liar and all of that, which he didnt need to do. I understood the controversy behind that. But as a lawyer i had no problem with him announcing where he stood. It is not his job to manipulate the electoral process or protect her from it. It is just his job to Keep Congress informed. I do think that Hillary Clinton has only herself to blame for the email problems. I mean as a lawyer, she pressed the limits and she didnt do what she was supposed to do. Even she came out and admitted that. The only thing i say in that regard is it is so freighted when you Say Something that were going to reopen an investigation. Normally the fbi doesnt announce the reopening of an investigation, and he wouldnt have had to announce it if he hadnt gone before congress and said, here is the situation under which i will announce reopen the investigation. What if he hadnt done it . What if he hadnt done it and in that treasure trophy on Anthony Weiners laptop were 650,000 documents that were classified, that did relate to National Security that had been sitting there . It turns out they could have gone through them and found out and announced it before election day. Lets take an update on the net gains of house and senate, because you have the senate with we are still waiting on missouri, New Hampshire and pennsylvania in the senate, and louisiana is heading to a runoff december 10th. The senate, remember, had to have a net gain of five for democrats to pick up control of the u. S. Senate. If they lose the white house, they needed all five. Well, were talking about blunt in missouri, ayotte in New Hampshire, toomey in pennsylvania, and a louisiana would be a red state holding on if they flipped it on december 10th, is the run off scheduled. You have four remaining. They have to run the table on the remaining four to take control, and once we have one of these that comes in for republicans the control of the u. S. Senate will stick in the republican category. Our decision desk has not called it, but the democratic candidate in missouri just called the race and conceded to roy blunt. Kept the blunt seat. Being careful on the decision desk. Thats evidence hes done. I dont know because im not back there. Maybe you should take the walk. If she cant get it out of him, do you think i can . Lord, no. But if thats and theres a lot of im hearing, seeing a lot of stuff that people say toomey has it in pennsylvania. Yeah. Im getting emails from state Party Chairman asking me why is fox not calling it. Were up by so many votes. Here we go again. Lets go to molly line in concord, New Hampshire. That state is too close to call. Weve not called the senate race there either. Molly. Reporter yeah, the votes are still being counted. Results are still coming in, and, yes, the party is pretty much over here at headquarters in concord. Just a few journalists struggling arnold, like the crumbs left on the plate as things wrap up tonight. When it all got started we knew it would be a nail biter, campaigns acknowledged it. Thats why wooi we say Hillary Clinton on sunday, donald trump yesterday. They knew Big Investments would have to be made. The republican senator kelly ayotte was facing a tough challenge from the democratic governor in the state, and that proved to be true. Here we are well after midnight waiting for the final numbers to find out who won this race. Everyone essentially has gone home at this point in time and will be waiting to see if those results come in, and to get the final count. I mean this was a tough, hard fought battle, particularly in the senate race where these two women faced off against each other. Long resumes, competent, wellliked, recognizable figures here in the state. So they were evenly matched, and in the National Race as well. You know, two figures coming here to the state and battling it out. There was a lot of retail politicking going on, thats what you have to do here in New Hampshire, and thats what we saw until the last moment in the senate race today. Both were out at the polls today asking for every last vote until the last second before they went to their respective headquarters and got ready to give potential speeches. We heard from kelly ayotte very briefly. She left the night on a high note, essentially saying they were upbeat on where the race was, but they would do it the New Hampshire way and make sure every vote was counted. This is a big race call for you now. We are ready to project pat toomey has won the election in pennsylvania. Thats another republican victory there, fending off his challenger, as you can see, by a decent margin. This means, if im not mistaken, it means that the republicans will officially retain control of the upper chamber. That settles it. So the democrats will not win control of the senate. D democrats wont win control of the house. We dont have a call, but if you are right about missouri, you are starting to talk about 5149. You have still stirewalt, am i right about missouri. Jason cantor has conceded the race. There you have it. Jason candor you have democrats held off in missouri, in pennsylvania, in North Carolina. Still waiting on New Hampshire, and also obviously that louisiana run off december 10th. On top of this this from from capital hill where Speaker Paul Ryan called donald trump earlier this evening. The two had a good conversation. The speaker congratulated mr. Trump on his good night and spoke with his good friend mike pence. A bit of an outreach starting there. Perhaps we love sean, but it could be theyre on different pages. We will see how donald trump reacts. The new president will have plenty to say grace over without picking a fight with the Republican Leadership. There will come a time but is that old school thinking . Let me just ask you, is it old school thinking bus trump is the destroyer, right . Hes going to bust things up. It may be old school thinking, but it is 220 years old school thinking. Traditionally the house and senate do not like to be dictated to by the sitting president of the United States, particularly when it comes to choosing their leadership. Whenever a president has gotten a little too overboard on that, hes paid a price. Weve seen it throughout history. You know, better to leave them to choose their own leaders and work with their leaders than to try to influence it. A lot stands to depend also on who it is that trump surrounds himself with. We dont yikes. We dont have we know Jeff Sessions is one of the people that he has outreach to congress. That probably will be his point man if he does, in fact, win one of the two. Any of those three states up there that you see at the top of the nation, if he gets just one of those, Jeff Sessions probably will be a very influential human being on capitol hill. Who else rounds out the team, that organization . That says a lot about how well he can get along with somebody like paul ryan. We dont know, do we . We have no idea of this administration, other than sarah palin i have never heard him say who he would put in his cabinet, and i dont know he meant that. What is Chris Christie doing tonight . Thats a good question. He is supposed to lead the Transition Team. He had other transitions taking place in new jersey like former top aides being transitioned to felon status. Ive had businessmen actually tell me that the Trump Transition Team has been terrific, and that it is organized, they know what theyre doing, and very guys say theyre very impressed with these people. I guess christie should get some credit for that since he was the leader of it. Let me say this about Jeff Sessions. Jeff sessions, if he wants to lead congress and go into the frum again, we are all assuming he is going to win, a Trump Administration, my guess is he could get any job he wants. He was the first and only senator to support donald trump. Secretary of state, secretary of defense. I would think he could get any job he wants. Trump owes him big time. As long as were throwing out names, what about Kellyanne Conway and what a force for good she has been for the Trump Campaign. I think Kellyanne Conway was going to come out of this with her reputation enhanced win or lose. Yeah. Because everybody who watched this could see the influence that she had on him was positive and smart, and she got him to do the right and at the end, of course, i think she deserves a lot of credit, of course he does too, for the way he handled himself in the closing days when he was on message and effective as a candidate. You could see it on the stump, you could sense it. So i think she comes out of this great. Reince priebus, who you were saying one of you was saying the one saying to him stay on message, stay calm. Theres some thought reince priebus, who it had been thought was going to run again to be the Republican National committee chair, theres now talk about as possible chief of staff in the white house. Lets assume that he does get to the number, dana, i mean it is a big job to go from tonight to the 73 days to the inauguration. All of the positions that you have to fill, the transition on Different Levels of a new administration. Thats a huge, huge job. It is a huge deal, and thats why they start so early. So right after the conventions is when both candidates said, okay, im going to set up my Transition Team. If you go back to 2008, one of the things that george w. Bush told the senior staff was, we will have the most professional transition from our administration to whoever wins next. One of the reasons he was so concerned about that was not because w. s were taken off the keyboards when he came in, but because it is a time of vulnerability for the country when it comes to National Security. You know that our enemies are out there. Theyre looking at this. They would like to strike when theres a moment of like a transition period. So the Transition Teams, what britt is saying is correct, bodes well for them. There will be a lots to do. They will be helped by the fact that for Senate Confirmed positions you have, likely, the republicans to keep the senate majority, that will help and go a long way to helping get a lot of people into positions right away so theyre not held up in the nomination process by democrats. Now suddenly these republicans look like geniuses for not confirming merrick garland, who is a pretty moderate and you know who lead the charge on that was senator Mitch Mcconnell. Who said on the first day he said, we will not do this. He withstood a lot of controversy, saying how dare you not give the president a vote, and he never caved on that. Democrats thought they were going to gain seats on that very issue, just that issue. Let me just say that, okay, hypocrisy has a place here because you can imagine the democrats now will employ the same tactics to stop yeah. A republican president from moving on a Supreme Court nomination. Unless one of the things i think weve overlooked tonight is we are a divided country. So many of these races are decided by a point or two, or we talked about the shift in terms of the undecided voters who moved late. I dont know that it was as has been suggested that, oh, my gosh, you know, donald trump just handled it so well at the end by not making controversial statements. It is not like people dont know who donald trump is or dont know his capacity for intemperate behavior. I think it was more a statement about we, the American People, very divided, people who are discontented for one reason or another and people who feel like theyve been forgotten and left behind. How much does president obama have to do with that feeling . I think he has a great deal to do with it to some extent. But i think also the obstructionist policies pursued by Mitch Mcconnell and the Freedom Caucus in the house have, in fact, exaggerated the division. But, juan, they gave him back it looks like they gave him back control of the senate. If they were so angry at Mitch Mcconnell, why wouldnt they give it to the democrats . They had incumbents running, so i think in a tight race i think incumbents had the advantage. Look at what happened in nevada. Clearly harry reid and that machine, it was almost as if an incumbent was running. I think pat toomey, i think what weve seen in missouri is evidence of the advantage of incumbency. You speak of the hypocrisy, juan, and, trust me, we covered it night after night. When barack obama was handing down executive orders like it was candy, he was handing them out, it was night after night, immigration, people were standing up, people like law professor Jonathan Turley and many others saying, this is a slippery slope. This is not somebody known for defending a lot of republicans. This is a slippery slope, if we let the executive have this kind of power and the democrats said, it is fine, it is fine, because they liked the dreamers executive order, they liked the other the attempted executive order on immigration that was later struck down by the courts. The warning was if a republican gets into this office right. Are these same people defending this action going to defend it this way . You know that they will not. Well, the thing is it was a counter to the obstructionism i was describing to you earlier. I think among the democrats it was rationalized as a necessary the system is designed to be obstructionist, thats the point of the system, to obstruct. Thats why it is there. I think historically americans have, in fact, sought to get something done and sought compromise. What weve seen from republicans under obama was exactly and theyre going to get something done with the republicans from the look of it. Im going to see compromise and head to a break. When we come back we will continue our discussion about what looks like a momentous night, probably the biggest story any of us have covered or will ever cover. We will be right back. I love getting more for less. Thats why this control enthusiast rents from national. Where i can skip the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. On average, four out of every five rentals at national is a free upgrade. Getting a fullsize and paying for a midsize . Whoa, oh, whoa, whoa, lovin every minute of it. As the boys from loverboy so eloquently noted. Im lovin every minute of it. Go national. Go like a pro. What . Is he gone . . Finally, i thought hed never leave. Tv character why are you texting my man at 2 a. M. . No. If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like youre sleeping. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Tv character taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model. Imy moderate to severeng crohns disease. I didnt think there was anything else to talk about. But then i realized there was. So, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. He said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Welcome back to americas election headquarters. Theyre still hanging out outside. They want the news. They want to hear about pennsylvania, they want to hear about michigan where else . New hampshire. They are not alone. They are not alone. Were back with our panel, britt, chris, dana, juan, monica, chris and carl. As you look at the National Popular vote, donald trump has now taken the lead 48. 2 to 47. 1 . 55,611,000 americans have voted for donald trump as of right now. That is pretty amazing, chris stirewalt, if you think where he was at the beginning of all of this in the primary, the republican primary. Im doing some back of the brain math here. I think we when it comes to turnout models, we may put some things to the test. I think that the number of democrats who stayed home may be part of the story here. I think whatever combination of democrats who thought didnt take donald trump seriously, who made the same mistake jeb bush and other republicans made when they said, oh, trump, whatever, and didnt take him seriously, and those democrats how effective was wikileakss . Pretty effective i would say. How many pry bars were they able to put in there against Hillary Clinton and other democrats to foment those resentment . You think it was wikileaks or the russians . Comrade, im not going to weigh into all of that. Im just saying. Listen, juan, even if the russians were behind it, and thats not good, the russians didnt make Donna Brazile give Hillary Clinton the debate questions. No. I mean that behavior was exposed by the wikileaks revelations. Correct. Let me ask you, was there a complementary exposure of email also and calls on the trump side . No. No, but there was a tape. Oh, you mean the access hollywood it happened in the campaign. Im talking about karl rove or me the trump taxes to the new york times. Thats not the same. Why isnt it . Thats journalism. You dont think it was stolen, juan . I think it was leaked. Theres a difference between a leak to whats the second name of wiki, wiki what . Thats not on target. The difference, chris, is ladies and gentlemen. Is you have to understand a Foreign Government seeking to intervene in american politics. Monica. Weve been talking a lot about why donald trump may, in fact, win the presidency tonight but we havent spent a lot of time talking about why mrs. Clinton may have lost tonight. Right. She had a corruption problem, she had an honesty and trustworthy problem, a like ability problem. Perhaps more than anything else, she never offered voters a clear vision of where she wanted to take the country and she never offered a compelling reason to vote for her rather than against donald trump. I think all of those factors came into play, in addition to the fact that sort of the unprotected people of the country are in a total revolt against the bipartisan ruling class. In terms of a divided country, i understand a lot of these races are very tight. But when you look at that map, it looks pretty darn red to me. If you think that donald trump is going to win the presidency and the republicans are going to hold both the senate and the house, this looks like a complete repudiation of president obama and the democratic agenda. Think about that. There have been pieces run, front line i think ran a piece talking about this moment at the 2011 white house Correspondents Dinner where president obama got up there and just went after trump, went after him. It was brutal. It was retribution for trumps birtherism and all that trump had done on Barack Obamas birth place and so on, and he embarrassed trump in front of a roomful of people. The theory was, was this the moment that donald trump said to himself, im coming for you. Coming for your legacy. Yeah, im coming for your legacy, coming for your job. You think im a joke . Stand by. And whether barack obama has himself to thank or blame, depending on your point of view, for what has happened tonight to his legacy and his predictions it was a pretty funny speech. The lion king part was really good. Dana, your thoughts on that . Well, i have been thinking about what i think will be the inevitable result, that donald trump will win the presidency. So then i immediately think about the transition and how do you get from one administration to the next. I dont it will be very interesting to see how president obama decides to speak about this. Obviously Hillary Clinton is going to have to speak first, but soon after that youre going to want to hear from the president of the United States. You know, he tweeted something today that no matter what happens tonight the sun will come up tomorrow. I dont well, now in like four hours. But whether he is able to set aside some of that personal disgust that he expressed through a humorous speech, but also on the campaign trail, this is one of the first times in many, many decades that a president has actually gone out and campaigned. Partly thats because there was unpopularity problems, but also because he knew that it is so important to cement his legacy for him to have been followed by Hillary Clinton. If that does not happen, that will be extremely dangerous for him. And obama has held open a day later this week to meet with the new president. So imagine that we saw it with bush and obama. Imagine donald trump and barack obama, two men who cant stand each other, walking down the colonade in the rose garden together. But they can do it. Listen, not not to compare that situation to my own relationship with donald trump, but for the record he and i had this dust up as you guys know at the first debate. He was very unhappy with that question, as you may be familiar. Months later i mean he attacked me for months. I went to see him at trump tower and he could not have been more gracious. He was kind, he was charming. He was quick to forget it all, as was i, and we did fine from that point forward. Again, im not comparing the two relationships. Im saying as much as we know him as a man who holds a grudge, i dont know whether that is reality. Im not frankly, thinking less of donald trump than i am of barack obama. Donald trump is going to be the winner, he is moving in. Imagine barack obama with a man he has utter contempt for and turning over the keys to the white house. Think about barack obama right now has a 55 approval rating. In part, juan, maybe because they looked at the other two candidates and said i was about to say, that could be. This president is okay. But in terms of what were hearing tonight, in terms of the analysis, this is a repudiation of obama, obamacare, obama economics, Foreign Policy, i could go on. You have to stop and say, what is going on in america that you can get a 55 approval for presidency at the end of his second term, very unusual, and at the same time have this very close but seems to me, i would agree it looks as if were going to have a President Trump. Can we give the president some credit . Jen socky said the president is ready to hand the baton over, thats what she said. Whomever, is it trump, clinton . Hes ready to do it. We heard the kind hearted patriotic remarks barack obama made about a trump protester that showed up at his rally. He said the man was a veteran that deserved respect. I believe people grow in office, become more wise and mature. Weve heard divisive things from barack obama in the past, no question about it. But this is an opportunity as we say back home, you have to give people the opportunity to do the right thing because sometimes theyre going to surprise you. This is an opportunity for both of these men and for this woman to do the right thing for the country and surprise us. Lets talk about a couple of the people who helped him get there. Former speaker of the house new gingrich who today said, karl rove, two to one chance he becomes president of the United States . Went on radio in north dakota and said trumps chances were two out of three in winning and hers were one out of three. Former mayor of new york Rudy Guilliani who we talked to earlier, who was confident he was going to pull out florida. Monica . These are people who held serious positions in the u. S. Government, elected positions, mayor in the case of Rudy Guilliani, who put their serious reputations on the line very early to support donald trump. I believe they will be richly rewarded in any Trump Administration. And lets not sugar coat it. Sean hannity and Laura Ingraham at this channel, on her radio show. Ann coulter. Ann coulter is happiest person in america tonight. And me. Dont forget monica. Eric bowling. What about the proprietor of brightbart, you know which is described at this altright website, who came in the campaign late and everyone said, steve bannon. But trump became more disciplined when he was in there. And steve bannon said very controversial things and he is a controversial man and the question but very quiet during the campaign, behind the scenes. I dont know a lot about his management style and i dont know him at all. I dont know if he wants to be in government i dont know if he wants to serve in government. Setting that aside, a lot of people dont like republicans or democrats. Now if they win, they get to govern, and governing is different than campaigning. It is wonderful, it is very rewarding. I dont know if it is richly rewarding, thats probably not the best term to use, but in terms of like your personal fulfillment, professional fulfillment, being able to serve your country, yeah, it is a big deal. I dont know if steve bannon wants to serve. Sometimes people work on campaigns and theyre like, okay, take it from here, i want to do something else. What is going to happen to trump tv. White house tv. Lets talk about his businesses, which he is going to hand over, he says, to his family. This is going to be a problem because theyre going to have to be sensitive to the same concerns that Hillary Clinton was asked to be sensitive to when she was given position as secretary of state on january 13th 2009 she appeared before Senate Foreign Relations Committee and both democrats and republicans cautioned her about the potential for conflicts of interest or even the appearance of conflicts of interest that the foundation could present. The same thing is going to happen when you have an International Business operating both here and abroad. But, you know, we have a model for this, Michael Bloomberg who ran a multimillion dollar empire was elected mayor of new york city. Put a lot of interests into a trust, turn the business over to trusted aides and ran the city of new york and went back to his business. John podesta is headed to be headed to Javits Center and secretary clinton is not going with him. What do you make of that . I think they think it is over. I mean pennsylvania has been called. It is relevant to this story, by a number of news organizations included the Associated Press and the new york times. So obviously the fact we havent called it may well be the right decision, but that may well be what is affecting the clinton camp and looking at this and saying no way. Lets go to Jennifer Griffin at clinton camp to get the latest there. Jennifer. Reporter brett, we just learned that john podesta, Campaign Chairman for Hillary Clinton, will be taking the stage shortly. Hes on his way over here to the Javits Center. It is not clear at this point in time whether Hillary Clinton herself will be making her way over to the Javits Center tonight. What weve noticed is there are a few more people streaming in. Theyve put on the music that weve come to expect from the campaign, what weve heard on the campaign trail for months. A little bit more upbeat atmosphere, but it may but the looks on peoples faces still very glum. Weve seen a number of people in tears, and it is hard to know exactly what john podesta is going to say, but thats what we can report at this moment. Okay, jennifer, thank you. So youre suggesting john podesta is coming over here, he may speak and we may not hear from Hillary Clinton at all tonight . Well, there is certainly that possibility at this point, megyn. All we know at this point is john podesta is making his way over here and hes expected to speak to the crowd. Well, that is very interesting. If we are not seeing the candidate go there, i mean it is reminiscent, chris, of nashville when we had daly come out and speak to the crowd there in nashville in 2000 instead of al gore. I was there and i flew from there to tallahassee to start the recount. You know, when i did the third debate and i asked trump would he accept the results in the election, i didnt ask Hillary Clinton. I obviously made an oversight. I mean one would assume if she were going to concede that she would go over to do that in public. So the fact that she isnt going over, and if he does speak he is either going to say it is a long night and were not going to know anything. That makes sense. But when youre ng, you know listen, we havent called it yet either, but several other people are suggesting that not only might trump win pennsylvania but he might win a few of the other states. If that is the case, what good does she do herself by not coming out tonight, holding on for hope she somehow will run the table on every single state thats still out there . Jennifer is still out there. She asked this question about conceding, i think. Reporter well, brett, actually when we flew after the third debate, we flew on the plane with Hillary Clinton leaving las vegas, and it was the first question that i did ask Hillary Clinton after chris asked the question of donald trump on stage and that had been the headline from the third debate. So i asked clinton when she came back to talk to the press at the back of the plane, i said, will you accept the results . And people laughed it off at the time, she laughed it off at the time. She did not actually answer the question, and then she lamb based donald trump for what he had said at the podium but she did not answer the question. I did ask it of her. You know, you look back at this race and how and the campaign that she ran. Of course now 20 20 hindsight and she will be ripped to high heavens, but the lack of access she gave to the press, right. Trump spent the year beating up on the press but at least he made himself available to most people. She was in the president ial protection program. She had so many opportunities when trump was down, and, you know, you saw it time and time again where she would surge, he would be down here, two weeks would pass and he would be right up. Again, she would be back up, and same thing over and over, she could never finish him. Remember in august after the first debate and he attacked the khan family and she went underground, didnt speak to anybody, barely any Campaign Events. To the end she was having some fewer Campaign Events to him until the last week she was in trouble. People believed she was secretive, a person they couldnt trust. His flaw he had for the entire campaign was lack of experience and temperament, hers was lack of character. It was people continued to have grave doubts, and obviously the comey investigation and the emails and, as you say, the fact that she, one, did it and, two, lied about it for months, you know. You look back at what she said in the original News Conference at the United Nations in march of 2015, and when i finally got an interview with her in july after convention, i mean just the contradictions. Forget whether what she did was right or wrong, what she told the American People and what comey found were die metrically opposed. In fact, in the interview she said they werent. She said comey cleared her and it became another issue. Over and over again when there was a path, you know, to put it out like lanny davis told her she should. Right, she wouldnt do it. And that was if she loses tonight is going to turn out we hit a break here. Kellyanne conway, she said things that were true. Undercover trump vote mikepence for vp. Hillarys floor and ceiling are same. Rally crowds matter. We expanded the map. We are going to look at the map, and waiting on these states, after fox news continues. Election coverage in an election we have not seen ever before. Well will be right back. 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Find your tag and get 20 cash back, or, get 0 financing for 72 months on select remaining 2016 silverado double cabs in stock. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Campaign headquarters, lets head over to a crowd outside fox news headquarters. Lets head to Jennifer Griffin. We have learned that john podesta is heading to the Javits Center to the Peninsula Hotel where Hillary Clinton and her family have been waiting tonight. We understand that Hillary Clinton will not be heading to the Javits Center. We are still awaiting on john podesta. We dont know what he will tell the crowd that is gathered here. Head home and get some sleep and we will have more to say tomorrow. I want everyone in this hall to know and every person to know your voices and your enthusiasm means so much to her and to tim and to all of us. We are so proud of you. [applause]. We are so proud of her she has done an amazing job, and she is not done yet so thank you for being with her. She has always been with you. I have to say this tonight, good night and we will be back and we will have more to say and lets get those votes counted and lets bring this home. Thank you so much for all you have done. You are in all of our hearts. Thank you. John podesta, the chairman of the Clinton Campaign with a message of head home and get some sleep. Certainly not what they expected to be delivering at Campaign Headquarters now that the ball is in Donald Trumps court. None of the Television Networks have called this race for him. Nor have they called pennsylvania for him and some of the outstanding states we are waiting on. The Associated Press has made some different calls. We are here at our decision desk with the head of the desk and i will ask you about that. Where do we stand on pennsylvania . Pennsylvania right now trump is in the lead. There are, however, a number of outstanding votes that have not yet been counted, and more importantly there are a number of counties that we dont know how many votes are outstanding particularly absentee votes. The thing about absentee votes are different than election day votes. Until we see how many absentee votes are outstanding and get that number it is difficult to make a call. Do you agree that state may not be called tonight . That is very possible. What happened in michigan . We are waiting for a dump of absentee votes where the democrats are strong and we wont be able to get to where we would like to be which is 99. 9 . So you will not call michigan . That is a possibility, but we will stay late. Men minute . That is minnesota. I think Hillary Clinton is up, but no where near where the state would be called. Are we waiting on additional votes or absentees . More votes and similarly in New Hampshire which also looks like it is so small. How can we not have all of the votes in New Hampshire . Thats a good question. Whats the answer . I dont know. Do you think you can call New Hampshire tonight . I think New Hampshire is doubtful. Really . Maybe we should start with what you think you might be able to call. What is a possibility . May be able to call pennsylvania and michigan, but that would take within an hour or two before we can call that. You will know within the next two hours . Yes. Whether you can call it and not who has won necessarily . I think actually those two answers will converge. They are the same. And do you agree with John Podestas decision to tell them to go to sleep and go home . You pay me to count votes, but i would argue one of the biggest mistakes al gore made in 2000 was appearing to be about to concede and then not concede. I think what podesta is doing today and what the clinton people are doing which is what the nixon people did in 1960 when they didnt concede, although he appeared to concede and then didnt concede, what they are doing is shaw shrewed from their perspective. You tell me whether you believe she is thinking she has a good shot of winning this tonight or whether she is just thinking there is some chance so i will wait to see if that pans out. I think it is the some chance so lets wait to see how this pans out. And now the decision is trumps . Would you wait if you have all of the networks refusing to actually call it because it is teet. It is tight. Do you go out there and claim victory or do you go out and give a united message and a stand by for tomorrow . Brett . Wee are looking live at the Javitz Center where the hillary camp is leaving. They are filing out after john podesta said what he said. To his question, what happens at trump hq . What is the decision over there . Carl cameron is over there and lets check in with campaign carl. They are trying to assess what was meant by podesta and that they will have more to say tomorrow. Obviously the Trump Campaign sees victory and they are waiting for fox to call pennsylvania and some of our competitors to call the states we have called and they have not. There are a variety of combinations if the networks had done things simultaneously he would be over the top. The trum Trump Campaign is impatient and supporters. We have had chants of. Nanana goodbye and they had chants of call it call it e they came in apprehensive saying it was a very difficult time for them. They were cautiously, hopefully thinking they could be optimistic and now there is a little righteousness indig nation. And there it is again, call it call it e. They recognize they are about to take over. When the numbers dont come out and when they are saying we will be right and not first, they will have to be patient. Thats exactly right, carl. I know how tough that is when they are broadcasting our channel there in the hall. A nice job. Karl rove, what do you do . You are Campaign Manager and what do you tell your candidate . Get a few hours sleep and polish the speech and be prepared to speak to the country. We are all junkies and we are in the studios and we have a lot of people watching, but a lot of america has gone to sleep. Better to do it in the next morning. You may remember this happened in 2004 with president george w. Bush reelected, but it was a late night because the exit polls had poisoned the Media Coverage so badly nobody thought he was going to win and he decided at 2 00 in the morning we were in the state dining room which is the Campaign Headquarters that night, the war room, and there was a discussion should he go out and declare . He wisely made a decision i will wait until tomorrow morning and showed up at the regan center and the country was awake and paying attention. Do you send out your own podesta . Yes send somebody out. We had don evans. Thats right, the Campaign Chairman. Send ivanka. Rudy jewel yawn me guiliani is there and say the candidate is optimistic and upbeat, but we will wait until the rest of the votes come in and we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning. If trump shows up tonight and says i claim it for myself , it does not look confident. Everything is stacking in his favor and he could hardly ask for a better moment. Nothing he says tonight will change the outcome so no point in doing it. As to the question of calling races i was sitting basically at a different studio than where you are 16 years ago when we called florida for bush and then had to take the call back and it was sometime about 2 00 in the morning when we finally recalled it thinking that was final and then 37 days later it was final. Thats when bill daley came out in nashville and did the same speech john podesta said. I think everybody is behaving reasonably. Although it is 2 00 in the morning and it doesnt feel that way and i know the trump people is on the cusp of this. It is their moment and they have been waiting for this moment. And they want to have it. I can understand their impatience. Here is my advice, it will be sweeter tomorrow morning. I can tell you from personal experience. A heck of a lot better to enjoy it at 10 00 in the morning. Can you tell us when that advice was given to george w. Bush in 2004, lets wait. Actually it was his advice. People said what do you want to do . Should we go out . Should we go out . He said well wait. Were bonn gnaw do it in were gonna do it in the morning the. Did kerry concede before he went out . In the morning. Thats another thing. You dont want to claim victory before the other person concedes. You look strong. You look strong when you do that and the country feels more confident. And guess what. The speech gets better. I also think the winner would want the person conceding to go first. Thats the gracious thing to do. If i was the trump team i would wait and let her figure this out and polish her speech, the second one she wrote and let her deliver that and then wait a couple of beats and then come out and have your moment. I must say that even from my position i would think i fully understand Trump Supporters at this moment who just say this is inevitable. This looks like a sure deal. Why cant people just call it for what it is . But im taken by what john podesta said. He said, look, we are still counting votes and every vote counts. It triggered in my mind the thought that the Clinton Campaign may be involved in legal action. They may be challenging some of these outcomes, some of the vote counts in some of these states we have already called that they may be taking this to another level. If you dont think it is happening, it is happening. T heard that. It is not reported. I mean they are prepared to have it happen. They are prepared. I doubt that given they are not deploying lawyers, but if it gets to a margin if he wins michigan and he wins pennsylvania, i mean there is only so far her argument can go. Each side since 2000 now deploys armies of lawyers. If there was anything going on right now it would be moving across the wires. If they were looking to lock up boxes and sew serve injinxes and begin injunctions and begin earlier we were talking about legal action and federal judges in North Carolina taking action, colorado as well. There has been action. It is just when i heard podesta speak a few moments ago what it said to me was oh the Clinton Campaign believes their supporters are so aggrieved that they are willing to fight and take steps they have not previously taken. May i make a motion for the house that we designate juan to be the person who monitors this throughout the night . You can text us if you find anything serious. I lost a hundred bucks tonight and now this. The decision to make a call for breakfast burritos. Were in favor of that. We also love the trump sign. We have a good guest i want to get to. He can answer our questions and that is jonathon turley. He is a constitution allah professor and he joins us now. Great to see you, professor. Lets start where i left off with the mention of your name and not realizing that you were here tonight. That worked out well. What do you think Barack Obamas overreach played with the electorat, and what do you think of the effect of the tolerance of it by those on the left will now have. I think the strategy of president obama did not turn out very well. His effort to act unilaterally had few benefits. He lost repeatedly in court and in doing so created very negative precedent for not only his administration, but future administrations. So it didnt turn out all that well, but this bill has come due for democrats. They supported the president when he said he would go it alone and our system doesnt have a license for people to go it alone, but it is difficult to object to a President Trump who wants to use the same powers. The things we testified about i remind members that president obama would not be our last president. And i think democrats will have to do soul searching if they object to the same powers being used by a President Trump and they risk being called hipocrites. Remind us of some of the orders he tried on immigration and obamacare, those are the two biggies that come to mind. Those are the big ones. The interesting thing about immigration is the president sought the changes that he ultimately put through executive authority and it was not accepted by congress. He had a state of the Union Address where he told congress that because they would not give him the reforms he had asked he intended to circumvent that. In one of the most curious moments in my life as an institutional scholar half of congress applauded the notion they would be made obsolete. Thats something James Madison would have found quite curious. He didnt believe that type of moment would come to pass. Everything from internet gambling to health care as you mentioned to no child left behind, all of these areas the president decided he would act unilaterally. You either change congress you or you change their mind. If you cant do either not much is done in a country divided. I think he hurt his legacy and alienated many people how believe his acting deprived them some representational authority in congress. Just wondering your thoughts on the decision by Mitch Mcconnell to holdup moving forward with merick garland and hearings for the Supreme Court. Politically it seemed a risky move at the beginning. Now after governor mike pence on the trail talked a lot about the Supreme Court choices to come. And we see the numbers on evangelicals coming out potentially because of scotis picks down the road. Your thoughts on how all that played out. I suspect judge garland was watching tonight with particular interest. It is not a good thing in washington when everyone says nice things about you. And i think thats been the situation with judge garland. He is a very well respected jurist. He is not likely to be renominated, obviously by President Trump if that comes about. He might not even be renominated by a president clinton. So the question now as we go forward, you have one vacancy, but there is also three justices who are in their advanced years and they may retire or leave the court. That means the mix president , and it could be a President Trump could really influence the court literally for decades. And if you are talking about three or four of a ninemember court that will have the most pronounced effect perhaps in the history of the country on the outcome of various doctrines and rules. We have a lot of major cases that are valued by one vote. It is a 54 split. To replace that number of justices could rewrite the law in the country. Jay clearly some cases this session were 44 and they would have went the other way if Antonin Scalia was still alive jievment in some cases in some cases it broke even. This level of change in the membership of the court is almost unprecedented in this country. I say almost because many people dont realize that our court has been of different sizes. We actually have had 10 justices and we have had as few as six justices. The number of justices is not set out in the constitution. It is a matter for congress to ultimately decide. I dont think any president in modern history could have had the type of impact that a trump or president clinton could have. It is true given the number of potential vacancies. Great to see you. We are getting word that donald trump has arrived at his Campaign Headquarters just up the road here at the hilton on 6th avenue in manhattan. What will he do . Will he speak . Will he come out . There are tweets that trump is about to take the stage at the hilton in new york. Lets see what he knows. We can hear ourselves, but there is no carl. Carls hit was a little under well willing. Under whelming. Is he coming on the stage now do we know . So we just want to say hi to everybody and there is carl cameron. Carl, can you hear me . We are having technical difficulties here. Dont worry, we are not going to let you miss trump or who ever is going to come out on the stage and speak to Trump Supporters, but we are trying to get the lay of the land to find out if we do expect him to do it. As you know mr. Trump is not shy about going in front of the cameras, and he certainly was one of the most success isful reality tv shows in pod stern american history. So perhaps he will seize the moment to come out and do things his own way which has been his way. Right . He doesnt care how people did it before. Why else would he have gone over there from trump tower understanding the situation here. Trump tower is not that far from the hilton. Dana, your thoughts about what he may by doing here. I was just thinking over the last 18 months every time i give what i think is sound advice yeah, you are so 2008. No longer needed. So maybe then it is different and refreshing. Maybe he comes out and he says, imagine for a second if the shoe were on the other foot and i was the one that was not conceding at this point what the media would be doing and then just go on down the road like he has been. Thats an option to him and maybe he will do Something Like that tonight. I think he has genuine affection and appreciation for the people gathered there who believed in him from the beginning and they want to celebrate tonight. I remember what it was like at the Ronald Reagan building in 2004 at 2 00 in the morning and we thought we would have our moment and it was like, we have to go home and come back at 10 00 in the morning . He doesnt want to disuh poant people. Disappoint people. This would be a middle position where he does go out and say it has been an exciting might and i want to thank all of you and but obviously vee to wait for the final count tomorrow. He will do something in the middle like that. Lets see if carl cameron has information. We can communicate with him now. Carl, do you know anything . Megan, we know he is in the hilton hotel here. We know he does want to come out and talk. We dont know what exactly he will say, but obviously he has lots of good things to say. Mr. Trump has called his candidacy and his campaign a movement for the better part of the last year and a half. It has been met with a tremendous amount of skepticism and cynicism. A big part of that was patched up when paul ryan called mr. Trump and mike pence the running mate and governor of indiana and congratulated them for what appeared to be a likely win and now it is a virtual certainty. The question is when the networks will all get their numbers synced. Others called other races and fox has not. Everybody is under the 270 threshold. The Trump Campaign recognizes the podesta message that they will not talk tonight and will have more to say tomorrow is a taunt. It was the Clinton Campaign that said it would be donald trump who would be refusing to concede and refusing to accept the legitimacy of the election and mobilizing the lawyers and the airlift of attorneys to various different rural parts of half a dozen swing states to litigate the possible results. And now the question is whether or not thats what the Clinton Campaign is doing of is doing. I think we can expect mr. Trump to make an overature to the defeated. He said he may see she ready to be the president of the United States to all folks and those who opposed his candidacy and notwithstanding the name calling that came from the left against him that he will govern as an outsider and that he will approach things differently and that he will not proceed along the normal candidates path and that he willisen to what the will listen to what the American People want and act accordingly. It is a potential moment for him toll offer an olive branch and to reach out to democrats who are dooy who are despondent. There is no way to emphasize how shocked half of the electorat is. It will come to a popular vote possible for clinton and electoral win for trump. Thats the kind of thing that can aggravate the defeated opposition. It is time for him to start being really president ial because he is on the preci precapice of victory. He is not afraid of an anticlimate particular moment and he is just getting the people ready for the event tomorrow that feels inevitable. The question is if even in a speech can he reach out to the defeated . We have seen him do. He is not bad at delivering the speeches that we presume others help him with and keep him on message. What will happen over the next six weeks as we gear up for the inauguration and he has a skeptical media public her supporters who are not ready to give him the benefit of the doubt and will launch theoretical grenades at him. It will be very interesting to watch. Donald trump is going to stay true to himself. I also think and we were talking about this earlier that the job changes you and the magnitude of the responsibility of the job changes you. Lets start with tonight. I think Donald Trumps approached tonight is to never let mrs. Clinton dictate what he is going to do. Thats why you will see him emerge tonight. I also think he will express gratitude and include a message of change. I think he will talk about how this was a hard fought race and there were a lot of tough things said on both sides, but now is the time to bring the country together and that he looks forward to being that person in the presidency in the oval office to do that. Well he will do it his way. I dont know if he will be singing frank sinatra, but he will do it his way. Again i think dana gave him sage advice. Maybe it is the half measure, come out and compliment everybody and thank everybody and exude optimism and then tomorrow have a message oriented toward unifying the country and setting the tone for what is coming. I dont see how you can claim victory when you havent won the victory. There is not now the morning times has him at 265 electoral votes. Other news organizations the consensus is that he has not yet won the presidency. I think it would be foolish for him to claim victory. You can do a lot of things short of claiming victory, but you cant say i am the president. By the way after your question at the debate you heard jennifer reference the plane flight she asked secretary clinton would you accept defeat. We pulled the sound byt expe here it is. Will you accept the results of the election . You know it is horrifying what he said. We are a country based on laws and we had hot contested elections going back to the very beginning. One of our hallmarks has always been that we accept the outcome of our elections and we do the best we can to have free and Fair Elections which we do. And somebody wins and somebody loses. So she answered the question, somebody wins and somebody loses and they are waiting to see an official win is basically what the campaign is saying. And she said that. We accept the result of the election. And she hasnt not accepted the result of the election. She said we will wait until tomorrow. But the odds i mean realistically i understand. I am not talking about whether she should concede, but reality. What people want right now at 2 30 in the morning is results. They want to know who won. Seriously put it in perspective. Truly the chances of Hillary Clinton managing to pull off a victory are, what, 2 . Who knows . I wouldnt even try. You are down to such a tight little crack you would have to run this thing through and it would be impossible to say. No, no, but it is not that impossible. You could do it. It is virtually impossible for her to win at this point. Is that wrong . It is not virtually impossible for her to win, but the odds, the preponderance overwhelmingly against that. If you are Hillary Clinton you will leave the door open. I mean you would leave the door open too. I am done talking about that. I get it. She wants to wait for the actual results. Got it, check, roger. But the question is whether she actually still has a chance. She still has a chance. Realistically the answer is what . She has a chance. What if it is 2 or 5 . This is dumb and dumber. So youre saying theres a chance. Whats the hurry . It is 2 ooment it is 2 30 in the morning. They would like pizza and bed. People want a lot of things at 2 30 in the morning. For her and him and the country there is no hurry. There is obviously he is not buying this advice from dana or you or carl or monica. We dont know what he is going to say. But he is not the fact that he is appearing runs the risk of aggravating the divide over m close election. Depending on what he says. I think thats his instinct and thats the man we have come to know. Cant we wait and see what he says . Fine, but im just saying the decision to appear is a statement in and of itself, chris. Boy you are prejudging the guy. If he decided not to go over thats pine, but the fact he is going over and we can wait and see what he says. It will be a long five years for juan i think. Officially we have called missouri for the republican and this was obviously after the democrat had conceded cantor and we are calling that race and that means i guess it means we are officially not it is 2 30 in the morning. I will say this. He might have had the democrat in the race, kander may have had the best campaign ad of the season. He was putting together an ar15 rifle blindfolded. A democrat putting it together and he showed that he was progun in missouri and criticized the establishment. He was actually closer to trump than roy blunt was as far as what he talked about. Because he was the outsider. He was like the outsider. Roy blunt has been in the senate well in washington for a longtime. His wife is a lobbyist in washington and his children work in the industry. Kander was able to try to define blunt as one of those insiders that you would want to drain the swamp from. And democrats feel good. Afghan war veteran. In fact until kander bought in and demonstrated that he could constitute a legitimate challenge to roy blunt and then money poured in. It was never considered a seat that was easily all this time we were talking about whether trump would be a drag for these republicans running for office in the senate and house and it may turn out that trump lifted them all up, and that some of these guys have their reelection and they have him to think for their reelection. If trump had lost in missouri blunt would have lost as well. The real person roy blunt needs to thank for this is barack obama. This was the most unusual senate race in the country because it was effect lively nationalized. Jason kander was Hillary Clintons cochairman and supported and enthusiastically backed obamacare and called for the imposition of a National Energy tax. He was a National Democrat in a state you cant be a National Democrat. Unlike the rest of the races that were aimed around the personality and the local issues of the individual candidates this was about three big things, Hillary Clinton, barack obama and obamacare. So now what . [laughing]. Good question. Lets leave it there. Seriously does trump go in there say he secures the victory tonight and he says whatever he says tonight and the victory speech is tomorrow. Does he go in there with a mandate . If this number continues to climb what if he wins pennsylvania and michigan and he has helped republicans keep the senate and he has undivided government and he has helped for the First Time Since 1928 those who control the house, the senate and the white house and after everything the predictions were either she is going to win by a landslide or trump will eke out a victory. If he goes in with this solid, big win and the rest of it, does he have a mandate and what does it look like . Absolutely he would be right to claim one and i would expect that he would say, okay, well Border Security and immigration. We deal with that. Repeal and replace obamacare. He may say paul ryan, can i get that plan of yours and stick it in there and see what we can make. This is the other thing about him. He wrote the art of the deal and i dont think he is going to be one that will believe that purity is so important that he cant make a deal with people in congress. So then you have him be able to say, maybe, look what ive done. I came here. I was able to break the gridlock. I had a mandate and here are the seven things i said i could do for you and i delivered on all of those. Thats the good part of trump. I think he will compromise. And he will not let the media bash him over the head for compromising. Partisan stripes wont stop him. Wait, i am not finished making my point. The question is whether ones criticisms of trump . Ones challenges of trump, some congressional member who is viciously critical of him as we have seen. Republicans did it to barack obama and this is what they do and whether that puts out outside where no compromise can be reached and whether members of the press will be invited to the White House Press corp. There is no law requiring briefings at all. For example, there is no more absolute critic of trump than senator ben sass from nebraska and there is also nobody smarter than health care in the Republican Party. He is the smartest brain in the Republican Party bar none. The kind of threshold question to determine whether president s or successful or not, can trump look past the pointsass thinks he is a pig. He is asking a lot. Did you read the tweets . He found him a moral owed yum. If trump can say you are the smartest man in the room and i willisen to your plan even though i dont like you and you dont like me. How much does he hand over the keys to take care of the inner workings of the legislation and take credit for it . It is interesting because i think what we might see in the first two and maybe four years is a mirror image of what we saw with president obama in his first two years when he had huge majorities in both houses of congress and was able to get whatever he wanted through. Remember his first meeting after being sworn in as president with Republican Leadership in the white house he looked at them and said i won. Elections have consequences and a lot of the folks who opposed him were willing to work with him and at least hear him out. I think in this case this is why i was opposed to what donald trump was doing in baging war against paul ryan and some in the Republican Leadership. I understood why he did it, but i thought he should have extended an olive branch because should he be elected president he will need them to get his legislative agenda through. But i also think if he wins tonight and emerges with that map and a mandate, that those republicans in congress who have been so critical of him are going to fall right in line and be most helpful in getting all of the agenda they dont need to love donald trump. They need to love the voters who put him in the office. Thats exactly right. When we came in in 2001 we had members of congress who were devoted followers of john mccain and campaigned for him actively around the country and were quite critical of the governor of texas and were skeptical of him. By the end of the First Six Months or so most were supporters and advocates for we have updated our electoral scorecard. What is going on . We are going to make this decision now. The fox news decision desk has called pennsylvania for donald trump. This means that donald trump will be the 45th president of the United States. Winning the most unreal, surreal election we have ever seen. This candidacy is starting on an escalator ride. It started one year ago and going down against 16 republican candidates. What started off as unlikely, impossible is now reality. He said he was always a winner. This did not come without controversy. The billionaire and the entrepreneur and the tv reality star has defeated the candidate once figured to be undefeat believe a. Doctor dash undefeatable, investing secretary of state Hillary Clinton in an Electoral College victory that virtually no one saw coming a year ago. A few months ago. Even a month ago. Even yesterday. And it is a path to victory that was unlike anything we have ever seen. It did not come without controversy. It did not come without splitting this country in some of the most decisive language. It does come now at a time where his supporters sa this is the evidence that washington was not working. They wanted to kick over the table and do something different. You know, he told me once that he had a conversation with melania when he was considering running about whether he should do it, and she looked at him and said you know if you do it youre gonna win, right . He understood that as well. There have been moments over the course of the campaign where it has been tough on both of them. Melania too. It requires so much sacrifice especially for a family like the trumps who is successful and they have their own business. For most of us it would be an upgrade to move into the white house. Oh, it is an upgrade. It is absolutely an upgrade. I am just saying as he said all along he didnt have to do this. He has a lovely life and a lovely lifestyle and a lovely family where he is. This required a lot of guts by donald trump and boy did it payoff for him tonight. Chris wallace, this will go down as probably as the greatest political upset we have ever seen. Certainly that i have ever seen in my lifetime. It seemed like it was inevitable, but as i look around studio f and i see donald trump wins presidency, i just cant believe it. It is stunning to me that he has won the presidency. It is extraordinary. Look at the crowd outside that has waited here for hours and hours. 2 43 a. M. It was worth the wait. They are clearly feeling it. Look at the enthusiasm. Thats something we saw from the beginning. We all pointed out that the crowd size dont translate to voters. We saw that with mitt romney. But in this election there is no doubt about it. We do have word that Hillary Clinton called donald trump to concede. Monica, you knew from early start of this campaign that he had tapped into something. It was simple. The make America Great again, despite anything else that he said he came back to that line that is embossed on hats for america. For those of us who live and work in manhattan i often say this is not normal. When you go to the rest of the country and you really talk to the American People about what concerned them and about the issues that were dictating their votes this year you understood that there was a massive ground swell against the bipartisan ruling class. Donald trump is the ultimate outsider. Hold on. Stand by. Can we pop this up . It is governor mike pence walking to the stage. Not long from now we will see donald trump and sure enough it was a good move for him to go over to the hilton tonight where he can celebrate his victory. Once again we have been wrong. Dana, think about mike pence. Governor of indiana, conservative, social conservative, a choice that people didnt know how this would play. Their relationship between the two of them and he went around the country saying republicans need to come home. He was a guy who could deliver the message. Remember when he was first chosen by donald trump . There was a lot of criticism saying what a boring establishment choice. Lets listen as now the Vice President elect comes out to make a remark. This is a historic night. [applause]. The American People have spoken and the American People have elected their new champion. [applause]. America has elected a new president and it is almost hard for me to express the honor that i and my family feel that we will have the privilege to serve as your Vice President of the United States of america. [applause]. Usa usa usa i come to this moment deeply humbled, grateful to god for his amazing grace. Grateful to my family, my wonderful wife, karen. Our son, michael and his fiancee , sara, our daughter audrey for away and our daughter charlotte. I could not be here without them. I am deeply grateful to the American People for placing their confidence in this team and giving us this opportunity to serve. I am mostly grateful it to our president elect whose leadership and vision will make America Great again. [applause]. So let me say, it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president elect of the United States of america, donald trump. Usa usa usa thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. Complicated. Thank you very much. I have just received a call from secretary clinton. [applause] she congratulated us. It is about us on our victory and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. She fought very hard. [applause]. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely. Now it is time for america to bind the wounds of division. We have to get together. To all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. [applause]. I pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for allamericans and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, i am reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can Work Together and unify our great country. [applause]. As i have said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and Great Movement made up of millions of hardworking men and women who love their country and want a better, Brighter Future for themselves and for their families. Its a movement comprised of americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people and serve the people it will. [applause]. Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the american dream. I have spent my entire life and business looking at the Untapped Potential in projects and in people all over the world. That is now what i want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I have gotten to know our country so well. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. [applause]. We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highwaysing bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals, we hillary build our infraw we will rebuild our infrastructure which will become, by the way second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal and i have gotten to know so many over this 18month journey. The time i have spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of National Growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and the brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It is gonna happen. We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. Well have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships. No dream is too big and no challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. America will no longer settle for anything less than the best. We must reclaim our countrys destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We are going to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again. I want to tell the World Community that while we will always put americas interest first we will deal fairly with everyone. With everyone. All people and all other nations. We will see Common Ground and not hostility, partnership, not conflict and now i would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this what they are calling tonight very, very historic victory. First i want to thank my parents who i know are looking down on me right now. Great people. I have learned so much from them. They were wonderful in every regard. I had truly great parents. I also want to thank my sisters, marianne and elizabeth who are here with us tonight. Where are they . They are here someplace. They are very shy, actually. And my brother, robert. My great friend. Where is robert . My brother, robert and they should all be on this stage, but thats okay. They are great. And my late brother fred, great guy. A fantastic guy. A fantastic family. Great brothers and sisters and great, unbelievable parent. To melania and don and ivanka and eric and tiffany and baron , i love you and i thank you and especially for putting up with all of those hours. This was tough. This was tough. This political stuff is nasty and it is tough. So i want to thank my family very much really fantastic. Thank you all. And laura, unbelievable job, vanessa, thank you. Thank you very much. What a great group. You have all given me such incredible support and i will tell you that we have a large group of people. You know they kept saying we have a small staff. Not so small. Look at all of the people we have. And kelly anne and chris and and rudy and steve and david, we have got we have got tremendously talented people up here and i will tell you it has been very, very special. I want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, Rudy Guiliani. He has been unbelievable. Unbelievable. He traveled with us and he went try meetings and he went through meetings. Due hear that, rudy . Never changes. Where is rudy . Governor Chris Christie, folks was unbelievable. Thank you, chris. The first man, first senator, first major, major politician and he is highly respected in washington because he is as smart as you get, senator Jeff Sessions. Where is jeff . [applause]. Great man. Another great man, very tough competitor and he was not easy. He was not easy. Is that the mayor that showed up . Is that rudy . Oh rudy got up here. Another great man that has been really a friend to me, but i will tell you i got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those democrats, dr. Ben carson. Where is ben . Where is ben . And by the way Mike Huckabee is here someplace and he is fantastic. Mike and his family, sara, thank you very much. General mike flynn. Where is mike . And general kellogg, we have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign and they are special people and it is an honor. We have 22 congressional medal of honoree sip cents. Honor recipients. A very special person who believed me i would read reports that i wasnt getting along with him, but i never had a bad second with him. He is an unbelievable star. He is thats right. How did you possibly guess . I know it. Look at all of those people. He is a superstar, but i said they cant call uh super star unless we win. You cant be called a super superstar like secretariat came in second he would not have that big beautiful bronze bust at the track at belmont. Reinz is a star and he is the hardest working guy and in a certain way i did this. Where is he . Get over here. Boy oh boy oh boy. It is about time you did this. Say a few words. Say something. Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States, donald trump thank you. It has been an honor. God bless. Thank god. An amazing guy. Our partnership with the rnc was so important to the success of what we have done. I also have to say i have gotten to know some incredible people, the secret service people. [applause]. They are tough and they are smart, and they are sharp, and i dont want to mess around with them i can tell you. When i want to go and waive to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down, but they are fantastic people so i want to thank the secret service. [applause]. And Law Enforcement in new york city is here tonight. These are spectacular people. Sometimes under appreciated unfortunately, but we appreciate them. We know what they go through. It has been what they call a historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job. I promise you that i will not let you down. We will do a great job. We will do a great job. I look very much poord forward to being your president and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years or maybe even eight years you will say so many of you worked so hard for us, but you will say that cash dash you will say that was something that you really were very proud to do and i can thank you very much. I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning. [applause]. We have going to get to work immediately for the American People and we are going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president , you will be so proud. Again, it is my honor. It was an amazing evening and it has been an amazing twoyear period and i love this country. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you to mike pence. Thank you, everybody. Usa usa usa usa donald trump and his adoring family is standing beside him along with his Vice President elect at this point, mike pence. Promising to bind the wounds of division and saying it is time for us to come together and promising to be president for allamericans and saying i am reaching out to you those who didnt support me for your guidance and your health. Speaking directly to those millions of americans who with whom he connected right from the beginning saying the forgotten men and women of america will be forgotten no longer and those were the people who put him into the office into which he heads in january. Typical trump taking a moment to offer some humor acknowledging that this was tough and tough it was. Talking about how nasty the political stuff is and indeed it was. He participated in it and he was the recipient of it and he was emerged the victor tonight as even Hillary Clinton has acknowledged having called him to concede and trump saying that he congratulated her too on a hard fought campaign. What a night for donald trump and what a night for america. We have never seen anything like this. It is the biggest upset in political history ever. He says now we must bind the wounds of our nation. After saying thank you to secretary clinton for her concession call he says he has a lot to do and will work with congress to build new roads and bridges and highways and they will be, in Donald Trumps words, second to none. The improbable started out by being crazy that he could possibly do this. And now president elect Donald J Trump is 73 days from inauguration, from becoming the 45th president of the United States of america. He showed them all. Panel, thank you for sticking around this late first of all. It is 3 07 in the morning. Let me start with you, chris on how that felt. President ial. I thought it was Pitch Perfect of the he was humble. He was unifying. He at one point said to those people who opposed me and there were a lot there, i will be reaching out to you for guidance and help. The first thing he talked about, yes he talked about infrastructure and the economy. The first thing he talked about, the first promise as president elect was to fix our inner cities. I thought it was inclusive, humble, big hearted and in a word president ial. Very impressed. Obviously it is one speech, but this is a fellow you could sit there and say maybe. A good start. A note of humility and a note of grace thanking Hillary Clinton for her service to the country and acknowledging that he would need the help of many and acknowledging that he would need to have as his first task binding it together and i thought it was almost lyrical comments. The next president , who ever it was going to be will inherit terrible difficulties of debt and an uncertain world and a nation under attack and inner cities that are struggling without hope and he needs our help and he needs our support and he deserves it. He will be our new leader and every president needs this as they enter the office. Tonight he appealed for the support in exactly the way he should have by demonstrating humility and grace in a moment of great triumph and he was humbled. Well said. Chris . What he said. No, it cannot be said enough that if you do not allow this office awe you if you are not awed by the responsibility literally the tower to destroy life on earth if you wpted to. If you wanted to, if it does not weigh on your shoulders you do not allow you to train you and grow you and make you a different person. I am sure the george w. Bush you knew as governor of texas and the man who walked out of the oval office in 2009, those were two very prent people. Different people. Donald trump said he was willing to learn and willing to try to be that man and rise to that occasion. You know what i bet, there are a lot of broken hearted democrats and scared democrats and angry people who couldnt believe this could happen. How did this happen . Donald trump has to make a concerted effort to say to those people, you know what . This will be okay and im going to be okay. This is a very moving moment for a lot of people and not least of whom donald trump. This is a guy who has never done anything like this before and he turned around and pulled the whole thing off. A couple of weeks ago on special report brett i remember telling you that given the monolithic opposition this man faced, the president of the United States , the Democratic Party, the republican establishment, mrs. Clinton, her campaign, the United Nations, the mainstream media, the international community, i remember saying to you, brett, at the time if he wins it will be a straight up miracle. Today i think the American People saw that they were through with the bipartisan ruling class and they were willing to try something completely different, but more importantly that they had a vehicle in donald trump. They believed him and believed in him. They still do and they liked him and they trusted him, and most importantly they had an emotional investment in donald trump to restore america back to its foundational principals and greatness. Juan . I think there is a place in america for loyal opposition. I dont think that donald trump has a mandate, but he has a clear victory. By clear victory i mean that i dont think there is any dispute here as to what happened tonight. Donald trump was elected president of the United States by a majority of vote of the American People. That is not to say that i think people should be blind to the man that we just electedded. Hey demonstrates characteristics of a demigod. I think he has threatened the press freedoms of our country and offended many people, women, minorities, religious minorities and called into question some of the very values that we associate with being american and sharing tolerance and inclusiveness. Were you impressed with the speech . Thats why i was impressed with the speech. Thats why i was particularly taken by the idea that he called out to give thanks to people who had helped him along the way. In specific i was quite taken with hissing knowledge meant of the chairman of the Republican National committee because ultimately i dont think the Trump Campaign had any kind of organizational structure and had a heavy reliance on the rnc, and reines previs stood up and said this is our nominee. This is the republican nominee and we will support the republican nominee even though most republicans leaderships, people in the past like john mccain and mitt romney and george w. Bush did not associate themselves with this nominee. The rnc did and it has come up aces for them tonight. Donald trump set the tone tonight foregoing forward. For going forward. It was a very good tone. So now he has put the owe nuss on onus on the democrats. What kind of tone do they come forward with and it will start with Hillary Clinton who i assume will address the neation and her supporters tomorrow and president obama and in particular who fought very hard against donald trump becoming president. I think donald trump did not even mention president obama in that speech. I think that was fine. Those two are going to have to figure out a way to find some forgiveness across the lines and figure out a way to transition peacefully as we have for 227 years to a new government that will have significant mandate. I dont think there is any denying that he has been told go forth and do what we asked you to do. And a word about reinsprevis, very under sold. It is not sexy to talk about the get out the vote three years before the president ial election, but thats what they focused their efforts on and i think in the post mortum of this election we will find out what the rnc was able to do was match up with his enthusiasm and momentum that donald trump brought to it and gave us the map you are looking at today. It is incredible when you look at this map that dana is looking at, the vote, just the pure vote that has come in and the in number but look at the red on that map. Look at pennsylvania. Look at michigan. Look at florida. Look at these states. All red. We are used to seeing the red center with the blue coasts in these president ial elections, right . And we still get a democratic president. Look at that. Never seen anything like that. Pennsylvania, ohio, michigan. Michigan is all red. This is Speaker Paul Ryan. I want to congratulate donald trump on his incredible victory. It marks a repute yaition of failed liberal progressive policies. We are eager to work with the administration to advance an agenda and improve the lives of the American People. This has been a great night for our party and now we must turn our focus to bringing the country together, Speaker Paul Ryan. What happens now with donald Trump Supporters who have been so vocal and so who have felt so alienated and forgotten and dumped on for so long . How do they handle those on the other side who they feel have demmon myselfed them and demonized them and dismissed them to get to this moment lf healing . Do they follow Donald Trumps lead . I think so. Not only did they put the owe nuss onus on the democrats that not only he can match the tone, but he said this is how i am going to be. He is a leader and they have followed him and so i dont think there is any reason to believe except for hopefully very few ab rations that is the type of president he wants to be and we should help him be that president. If you are senator ted cruz tonight do you wish you maybe did that endorsement at the convention and for all of the Senate Candidates who decided to distance themselves from trump many of them or a couple are having trouble getting across the finish line. I was thinking of something slightly different when you talked about ted cruz which is all of the people who thought, well, trump is gonna go down and i will run for president against Hillary Clinton in the second term in 2020 and that just went out the window. They are looking at long senate terms or changing whatever. You think of marco rubio or td cruz or and you can go on and on. And mike pence. Although he will have a nice life in the president ial residence, but it throws everything into a cocked hat. Again with the cocked hat. What does that even mean . I am not sure what that is. It throws the whole our whole thought of the political universe upside down. Is that better . And now you look at the the democrats out there and there is not much of a bench. The republicans, you know, it is the trump era. And there are several red state Democratic Senators that are up for reelection in 2018. If Hillary Clinton had won yeng they would have been agitating against her to make sure they try to protect themselves. Now i would look to you, carl, like what do they do . Donald trump will want to increase his majority and the republicans will want to and they may have a shot at doing that. I want to respond to one thing you raised. Youre right. A lot of these members of the senate who had ambitions and thenging thinking four years down the line. Now they have a republican president and they are by and large conviction politicians. And so whether it is tom cotton we will see lots of these people do what they want and what they came to washington to do. They want to change the country in a positive direction. They wont have 60 votes in the senate, but it looks like a majority and they will have a majority in the house and they will have the white house. You talk to these people and they didnt want to be window dressing. Many who have been there for two years and four years want to get things done and they have started to do small things and now they have a chance to do big things. Democrat in washington is minority leader chuck schumer. He is the guy who is in the minority, but clearly enough to keep a filibuster going and the requesty for him will be are you willing to play ball . Are you willing to find compromise . Infrastructure was one of the foundations of her platform. Donald trump just said i want to do it too. He will have a pliable senate though because as we talked about 25 democrats are up for reelection in two years. Some of them including one who came on tonight senator Claire Mckaskill will talk to a lot of people because she will want to make deals. The savage blood lining that will take place in the Democratic Party in the next three months will be whoa be tide the Democratic Party right now because they have a lame duck president and now they have no leader. Hillary clinton cowed everybody to submission and everybody got in line. They got liberal, liberal. They got some remaining moderate. Maybe it was the epipen stuff was begging take me in take me in there are some remaining moderate democrats and those are people who are going to want to do business. Chuck schumer will want to do business. After the democrats get done through the five stages of grief. I think i am going through it right now. Anger, bargaining, denial. They will eventually accept donald trump as their president i assume, but what does that intro specs look like . Is this on hillary . Is this on the democratic machine . Is this on a media that lead them to believe something they never should have i think you have to start first and foremost with Hillary Clinton. There will be a lot of blame on Hillary Clinton who was not a good candidate and somebody supported by so many surrogates and bored democratic money and machine and could never overcome the trust issue even though i think Many Democrats thought as Bernie Sanders said enough with your emails. For Many Americans that proved to be the flaw that defined her. So i think people first and foremost, megan will look at Hillary Clinton. Secondly i think there will be lots of post mortums with barack obama. Did the fact that he was cool or distant or however you want to play the game of the construction of the republican era, but did it create the phenomenon of the heated passioned celebrity that is donald trump. That too will be part of the post mortum. I just want to point out that america is a cheanged place. Is a changed place. The demographics are in the midst of tremendous change. We know about the latino vote we were talking about and we know about the rise in terms of people who are women as part of the electorat, but as part of the country and the countrys leadership. We know about the global influences including trade deals and the like that define our economy. And i think that so much of what democrats are gonna have to do is overcome the sense that, you know you know what, we are now detached from the country. You talk about a by coastal elite that travels the world and has money. If those people feel like, you know what, this is not my america anymore, that is too part of the grieving process as you described it. The question is are they able to come home at the end of the day . Are they able to come home with donald trump as president . By the way that noise we were hearing is karl rove getting ready to write something on his white board. He is at the ready. He has his marker ready and he is thinking of things. We want to send it upstairs to the data deck. Amambassador john boldin is upstairs and it is interesting to look to the future about the future of the Supreme Court and Foreign Policy and maybe the media as you look toward a Trump Administration. Shannon . This is one of the areas we will see the most concrete i think example of what a difference it makes to have a Trump Presidency here. We have had an empty seat since february with the untimely death of Antonin Scalia. He was a gun rights advocate and he was very conservative and it would have made a huge difference if Hillary Clinton had been the one uh poanting the person to appointing the person to take his seat. It is one of the first things we will see a big president a president elect and soon to be President Trump will have to make. He gave us a potential list and he said these are the kinds of people he will select, not necessarily it will be one of these names. We reached out to these folks and they told us over the summer many of them had never been contacted by the Trump Campaign. You have to think vetting has to begin because getting that 9th person on the bench and getting the process going is going to be important. There are a lot of landmark issues and cases coming to the Supreme Court. They held off on taking some of the bigger cases because with just eight they know many of those could end with a tie and set no press precedent. He has a big decision and it will be watched by conservatives who say we want to see if he delivers on that. Ambassador boldin . Reality will intrude very quickly and even in the transition period adversaries will try to take advantage of the lame duck status of barack obama and a leakily challenge of some likely challenge of some kind in a Trump Administration is almost guaranteed. The threats of International Terrorism and proliferation of Nuclear Chemical and biological weapons and the reemergence of russia as a peer competitor and the nearby near paw ridge rent activity of south china could come to dominate a Trump Presidency. And the one point of his National Security platform that has shown through is his repeated determination to rebuild the military suffering under deprivation of the military and eight years of obama. Thats a perfect opportunity to reverse that trend. How we . Howie . We just witnessed a historic failure by the mainstream media. Not in missing the margin in a few states and not even in politico saying there needs to be a miracle to win. The last year and a half Mainstream Press have failed to understand Donald Trumps appeal and miss judged the man and out of touch with the millions of americans who are frustrated at the broken system that he spoke to. Now i think we will see a combative relationship between the Trump Administration and the press he has run against calling dishonest and corrupt. He will continue that kind of frontal attack and the press will fight back. Call them scum. Call them sleez. Well see how that affects First Amendment concerns going forward. Howi eambassador, thank you very much. It has been our pleasure. It has been a long night. It has been a long election since cleveland in august of 2015 when this all began and what a journey it has been. We are grateful to all of you for keeping it tuned to the Fox Newschannel for a weird year for all of us. It has had ups and downs and we did it together and we are grateful. Thank you for watching it, us and for trusting us. Good night, everybody. Im megyn kelly. Good night. American history has been made in a stunning upset. Donald trump, the washington outsider has been elected as the 45th president of the United States. Hello, everyone. A historic night. Hello, everyone. Welcome to our continuing special Election Night coverage on this shockingly historic evening. Donald trump is now president elect and eclipsed the number of 270 electoral votes. A few moments ago he addressed the crowd of supporters at the new york hilton, his Campaign Headquarters in new york city. And here is what mr. Trump had to say. Were going to rebuild our infrastructure which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal and i have gotten to know so many over this 18month journey. The time i have spent with them during this campaign is among the greatest honors. Our veterans are incredible people. We embark on National Growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. Its gonna happen. We have a great economic plan. We have the greatest economy in the world and willing to get along with us. We expect to have relationships, great, great relationships. No dream is too big and no challenge too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. America will no longer settle for anything less than the best. We must reclaim our destiny and dream build and dream big and bold and daring. We will dream big things and beautiful things and successful things for our country once again. Hillary clinton chose not to deliver a concession speech tonight. Instead her Campaign Chairman john podesta went to the Javitz Center to speak to her disappointed supporters. They are still counting votes and every vote should count. Several states are too close to call so we are not going to have anything more to say tonight. So listen, listen to me, everybody should head home and you should get some sleep. We will have more to say tomorrow. Mr. Trump clinched the presidency with a win in the swing state of pennsylvania. He pulled off victories in several other Battle Ground states that were seen as must wins for him including ohio and North Carolina, iowa and florida. The president y elect turning a blue state red on tuesday night something many experts say he had to do. That state was wisconsin. The badger state has not voted for a republican president since 1984. What a night it has been. Lets bring in our panel of political insiders for their thoughts on the election results. Joining us is the bureau chief and Judith Miller with the Manhattan Institute for policy research. Tony, an outstanding night. Really historical. I ended last nights broadcast when we had the discussion with my final thought being if the people of western pennsylvania and eastern ohio and Northern Michigan fought to vote for donald trump and take their country back he would win. If you look at wisconsin to iowa and michigan which is unresolved, but drul p is in but donald trump is in the lead there and ohio being the big one this is where Donald Trumps message of better trade deals and better job creation, taking the system currently and changing it to be more fair to the people, thats where it resonated most. This is a historic event not just because of the size of the win and the scope, but the realignment of these states to a republican candidate has not been done since the 1980s. This is something that i theng is reminiscent did through the 1980 and 1984 election. Something that hillary shape the map to come. Absolutely this is americas brexit moment. It is a moment all poll sisters sister pollsters except the l. A. Times failed to see coming. Perhaps because we live in new york or work in washington or the west coast, but we failed, many of us, to see this huge surge. Many people, Many Democrats and some republicans and i guarantee a lot of the world is still in shock over this. My concern as somebody who covers National Security and Foreign Policy is how we will be perceived especially when donald trump has spent most of this campaign trashing our alliances, praising putin who is a foe of this country and is trying to separate us from our friends and allies, his isolationism worries the world a lot. What is this america going to be like . What is donald trump going to be like as commanderinchief. It turns conventional wisdom upside down because of this astounding win. What struck at the heart of the country and at the soul of the country . The p nu the pundits and the brainiacs didnt get. Is this a trump vote or is it a protest vote against people who are working two jobs and making the same amount and cant afford to send their kids to college and dont feel there is a future for their family. Thats what donald trump spoke to and the question is whether he can produce. Whether this is a protest vote or a protrump vote. I actually think they are one in the same in this respect. When barack obama was reelected in 2012 it was because he was the one who answered a central question among people who felt the system no matter how hard they worked and played by the rules was never going to work for them. He presented himself as the answer and people bought it and were december 8 pointed. And were disappointed. Donald trump, rare for a republican candidate, was the one people felt can change the existing order in a way that would bring fairness to the hard working people who again played by the rules and do the right thing and worked multiple jobs and paid for their kid to go to school and feel no matter how hard they work they cant advance and get ahead and be part of the american dream. That is a powerful moment. That was one of the polls and it said which of the two candidates even though they had high unfavorables, which could better bring about change . It was donald trump by a landslide. I said the choice was between change and Hillary Clintons stability. It is clear what the country chose but i guarantee this will be a message that will be resisted and it will take awhile for democrats to process it. The other thing what judy said about this being americas brexit moment america did not tell the truth to pollers. That happened here and even earlier in the night i got something from a clinton person saying it is over and here is the exit polls and i didnt believe it then. One area i thought the exit polls were accurate is people wanted change and wanted a strong leader. Contrary to what i think you represented a little bit is the fact that the world has not had international leadership. There is failure all over the place. Donald trump represents that type of muscular Foreign Policy leadership that we have been starving for and it has played largely to his benefit. He said tonight we will deal fairly with everyone. Partnership and not conflict. This is part of his out reach to the world which he will have to do a lot of. The Financial Times endorsed Hillary Clinton. The forgotten man and woman of the country will no longer be forgotten. One of the keys to his victory such as ohio where many of the blue collar working class folks were hit hard by the economic policies of washington and the global economy. How did mr. Trumps message resonate with them . Joining us from ohio is the Senior Advisor who has opposed mr. Trump. It was an astounding victory, but this is the candidate who insulted and our allies and criticized nato. He said outrageous things and not just to billy bush on the bus, but had a problem with the truth and didnt pay federal taxes and admitted that. Why did so many people in this country tonight reject that and why did they not Pay Attention to that. I think there are three things that really tipified the campaign and across the country as well. Hillary clinton was a terrible candidate. She failed to enthuse people in the africanamerican community. Millennials in Athens County didnt come out. Also there was a lot of people that just felt that hillary was mott good enough and they didnt hillary was not good enough and there wasnt a good campaign. The thing to understand is there are millions of disaffected americans. There is a great book but jd vance called hillbilly algae. Americans are just not they feel like big institutions and big government, wall street and big corporations have left them behind and donald trump was able to tap into that. If there was a silent majority or whatever that was where the polsters cooperate tap it thats where they came from. And you just used two words, the silent majority from nixons tenure saying he tapped that. You had borders and nafta and the Check Economic problems that he capitalized on. Why didnt other people see that . You go back to pat buchanan in the 80s and the 90s and he talked about these kind of things and this has been building and growing and it is people that just feel like they continue to be left behind no matter what happens and who goes to washington and no matter who makes money on wall street, they are left behind. Now they will have high hopes these Campaign Promises given on the campaign will come true. There are two things donald trump has to do. He started with the speech, but he has to reach out to those people who didnt vote for him whether they were republicans or democrats or independents. Secondly he has made a lot of promises. My fear is when some of these things are not realized what will happen to those people . They have been promised things before and they have been promised a lot by donald trump too. They dont come true then there could booy blow back you are saying . Certainly could be. He is the president elect and we have to all support the president and come together as a country. Finally what do you say to the people who are fearful tonight because there are tens of millions of americans who are fearful of a donald Trump Presidency. I know a lot of people myself who are fearful of a donald Trump Presidency. It has to be up to him to lead his supporters and say it is going to be okay and thats the only thing we can do. This is a divided country. There is no doubt about it and we have to fix it. It was shown tonight and certainly hopefully we can be more united as we enter a donald Trump Presidency in a few months. From ohio tonighting one of the tonight one of the states that gave mr. Trump the white house. Joining us is the chief Political Correspondent for the conservative review and a fox news contributor. Thank you for joining us. What do you think about tonight . It is a historic night in so many ways. Good morning, heather. It is a historic night. This has been a marathon of president ial election and listen with Donald Trumps speech i felt it was heart felt and humble humbling humbling what stood out is he is willing to work with others and he will be the president for allamericans and he wants to put our country on the right path. I thought he even looked president ial and sounded very president ial and we will move forward and have a very hopeful successful and prosperous country once again. How does he do that . It is not just in terms of bridging the divide with the democrats and those who voted for Hillary Clinton and many of whom were crying we saw. And the republicans who did not throw their support behind him. How does that divide within his own party . Well from what i was listening to when he was speaking he was reaching out to allamericans and even mentioned those who did not support him and he was working with a clean slate, basically. This is about country. He said this is for you and this is for all of us. Thats the way it should be going forward. I thought it was a great speech and i think americans who supported donald trump are feeling our country can be going in the right direction again. 70 of americans think our country is not going in the right direction and they are not moving along like it should be and men and women feel they have been left behind. Why should i continue to do what i do and fight so hard just to raise my family. We need lower taxes and less regulations. Thats something donald trump has talked about throughout the campaign. We received word that Hillary Clinton will speak tomorrow morning. What do you think she can do or what should she do to help in this transition . Well, to cooperate. I dont know specifically what she could do, but again he was reaching out to allamericans that would be one way to get involved and find out if there is something she can do. I thought he was gracious when he commented on her hard work and so he is working with a clean slate and looking to work with everyone. Again it is about americans and it is about our country and the rule of law and employing americans and make sure we continue to be the shining city on the hill. Joining us on this historic night, thank you very much. And heather, ahead we will have a look at what comes next and how our country will change. And of course the worries on wall street. The dow futures were plunging overnight and as they open tomorrow morning. Our election coverage continues. Stay here with us. Now it is time for america to bind the wounds of division. Have to get together. To all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for allamericans and this is so important to me. A fairly subdued trump realizing he is about to assume had man tell of the mantle of the presidency. The dow futures plunged and what can we expect of the opening bell at 9 30 in the morning . Cheryl is here with the latest. Should we worry or will it level out . There will be longterm changes ahead for the u. S. Economy and for major sectors. Think the Energy Sector and the health care sector. One thing to say you hillary peel obama will repeal obamacare, but now they have to invest. We have a president elect who says he will do just that. The markets were basically betting on a Hillary Clinton victory. Traders were running back to their post in new york city to try to get ahead of it. We saw a major shelloff and dow at one point was down 900 points. We are looking at a triple digit mark. It is about 350 right now. S p and nasdaq as well. How will it play out . Will it be a brexit situation where it is unstable a few days or perhaps it will go for weeks or months . Certainly volume volatile tee the next few days. It was not that they thought the policies would be implemented, but what they have to look at is the longterm strategy for major, major sectors. One thing wall street was upset about was Hillary Clinton saying she would abolish the coal industry. Donald trump doesnt agree with that. Do you wake up and buy coal stock and sell off Green Energy Companies . All of these things would be on the minds and there is a lot of volatile tee, and it will open for sure. In the long run with the republican president , a Business Corporation would like that. Longterm this is a good thing. Let me tell you. This is a president elect that wants to lower the Corporate Tax rate to 15 and wants to scale back regulations. This is music to investors ears. These are good things longterm for the economy and definitely for the market. We are in the middle of a strong streak for the market. That will keep going. But there will be shortterm pain as we digest what this means for our money. They say longterm in the markets you hope it will hold true. I think it will eventually be a good thing. If you want to buy stocks today, go ahead. Well see what happens in the morning. Now back to our panel for final thoughts on what has been an historic and certainly a wild campaign. Tony lets start with you. How do we get beyond and can you get beyond what he said. He said he would put hillary in jail. He offended millions of americans especially women and others with the comments he made. He inspired millions of others because he largely came to the table without this capri existing attachment to ideology or even a political party. I think he is someone who wants to solve problems and he has an opportunity to do so. He has this kind of charisma and dynamism that i do think attracts people. What about those who are the critics . Will they ignore this or will we have a real division . Will he represent a real Division Like we have had in the country . The media is against him and they have been and probably will be. He has a better opportunity to go to the American People to build his coalition. I think he could work extraordinary well with members of congress. Certainly paul ryan one of the first to call him and congratulate him and chuck schumer. Chuck schumer is now the most powerful democrat in washington and he will be the democratic leader. Chuck schumer and trump have a long history working together. I think donald trump could be one of the rare people in washington who can understand how to get things done in a way with a city that is mired in gridlock. Judy, he promised that. How do we go beyond or can we go beyond the predonald trump president with him being the commander chappedder commanderinchief and the leader of the free world . Thats up to him. He has to retract a lot of the things he said to people, whole categories. Americans he called dogs dogs and pigs and all that we know. Beyond that he has to convince some of the 150 of our best diplomats and Foreign Service officers and Foreign Policy National Security analysts who said thisy would never work for him and they denounced everything he stood for to join his team and that is a really large, large task ahead for him. We are getting respects that mrs. Clinton will address the nation tomorrow morning. What should she say and what do you expect her to say . She should say she will work with donald trump. I also think that it is important to remember that running is one thing and governing is another. To govern you will really need good people behind you. I know his Transition Team is very impressed with a lot of those people. I do think that Hillary Clinton has to offer to work with donald trump. He certainly has tony he has Rudy Guiliani will probably have a major position in the administration. Senator sessions,. Newt gingrich. And Chris Christie. He has a lot of talent and experience. What you will see is this time taken to order their agenda and begin the process of obviously filling different cabinet positions. You have an immediate situation where the Supreme Court has an opening and that will have to be addressed. I think donald trump to the point i was making earlier has that personality where he knows how to get things done and move people toward his direction. I do think ultimately he has an opportunity to heal this country. People do not like to inherently feel divided from each other. There is going to be a grace period of time i certainly hope everyone sees to bring this country to a point we can feel good about the direction we are going. When you have 70 of the country think we are going in the wrong direction and thats why you have events. Do you theng we can get there . I am not sure. Look what he promised to do, build a wall that will immediately be controversial. He said he will freeze epa regulations and all other suit at the orders executive orders that will cause a firestorm in congress. There is still a large democratic minority in the senate and they are going to make life miserable unless he is really an astute politician. We havent seen any sign of that kind of healer uniter. It is up to him. The first president , ellen, who did not serve in Elective Office and was not did not serve in the military. We have to see how he will govern and whether he puts the people behind him who have governing experience. Thats the big question. Judy, just i am not sure we will end on that note. Thank you so much and thank you so much for watching us and trusting the Fox Newschannel to give your news on a night where history was made. President elect donald trump moving to the white house in january. Stay tuned. It is wednesday, november 9th, and america has decided. Donald trump has been elected president of the United States. Unbelievable. In what might be one of the greatest political upsets in our country. Hillary clinton calling trump to concede just after 2 30 this morning. Trump addressing his millions of supporters after a long, nailbiting night

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