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Madame chair, i move that the convention suspend the procedural rules. I move that all votes, all votes cast by delegates be reflected in the official record, and i move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States. Hillary clinton making u. S. History. What a day, what a day. It really. Becoming the first woman nominated for president. Thank you so much for joining us, im heather childers. Good to be with heather again tonight, im kelly wright. Senator Bernie Sanders ending the roll call in a bid to unify the party and a couple hours later, former president bill clinton took the floor with an emotional speech. Well bring his comments to you in their entirety in the next hour. But first right now, we go to Shannon Bream in philadelphia for the latest. Shannon, whats the atmosphere like there no . Reporter well, kelly, it is winding down tonight, but on night two of the dnc, clearly the former president , bkt, was star of the show and he had a big job, trying to bring together the clinton and sanders camps of 2016. He talked about Hillary Clinton in a very personal way, her skills, and he said she is the best Problem Solver that he knows. You could drop her you could drop her into any trouble spot, pick one, come back in a month, and somehow, some way, she will have made it better. That is just who she is. There are clear, achievable, affordable responses to our challenges, but we wont get to them if america makes the wrong choice in this election. Thats why you should elect her. And you should elect her because shell never quit when the going gets tough. Former attorney general eric holder spoke tonight and he talked about some of the challenges a president Hillary Clinton would face. And how he feels shes equipped to tackle them. As a president ial candidate, she has talked about systemic racism in a way that no one else has. And she will help our nation summon the courage to confront Racial Injustice and face down the legacies of our darkest past. Reporter also tonight, several mothers who lost their children to gun violence or in circumstances that involved law enforcement took to the stage. Sharing their stories and calling for action. Their appearance prompted many in the crowd to chant black lives matter. The president of the local police union said he was, quote, insulted that widows and family members of slain Law Enforcement officers werent included in the speeches tonight, saying the sleight wouldnt soon be forgotten and he says, quote, it is sad that to win an election, mrs. Clinton must pander to the interests of people who do not know all the facts. Well, the men and women they seek to destroy are outside protecting the Political Institutions of this country. We understa wednesday night, president obama and Vice President biden will be here to speak and will also be joined by the man who wants to be the next Vice President of the United States, senator tim kaine. Kelly, back to you. Shannon bream from the floor of the dnc. Shannon, thank you well, Bernie Sanders gestured today, an important show of unity for a party trying to heal deep divisions. But how far will it go . Joining us now, a surrogate for the sanders campaign, hes an adjunct professor of law at the university of detroit. Thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure. So, youre there. Did Bernie Sanders do the job that he needed to do in terms of bridging the divide by nomination by acclimation . Well, look, i think Bernie Sanders acted with class and grace. You know, those of us who support him have come to expect nothing less. I mean, i think that he acted with so much honor tonight, he made us proud. You know, we all knew that he was going to do this if he did not win the nomination. He said that a year ago, that he would support Hillary Clinton if he didnt win the nomination. Nevertheless, i think Hillary Clinton still has a lot of problems with many of the progressive wings of the party. Shes till still, many of us feel, is not fully speaking our language. A lot of this a lot of the other speakers on stage in the convention actually have been saying very progressive things, but these are people also with long progressive histories. Well see when hillary gives her speech and also how she acts in the next few months of the campaign if she can pull everybody in. Many sanders supporters have said that they will vote for her, but theres still a large swath. There was a walkout from the Convention Today and theres still a lot of anger, not because we lost, but because we feel that our issues are still not being heard. Interesting to point out. Back in 2008, Hillary Clinton also did this nomination by acclimation for president obama. In terms of president former president bill clinton, did he do anything to help ease some of your fears . Well, no, not really. I mean, you know, i think i think president clinton gave, you know, the speech that everyone would expect him to give, a heartfelt speech about his wife, and that was very nice and very beautiful, but that doesnt get down to the deep issues that concern us as progressives in the party. We are very concerned with economic inequality, were very concerned with Hillary Clintons militaryism, especially in the middle east. Were concerned with some of her trustworthy issues. These things have still not come out yet, and been totally fleshed out, and these are the things these are the reasons we supported Bernie Sanders, you know, im an arabamerican. I was supporting Bernie Sanders mainly on a lot of his stances towards the middle east and especially on the palestinian and israelly conflict and unfortunately, the Democratic National platform got more to the right on those issues. So, for many segments of communities that supported Bernie Sanders, they might have gotten some things that they wanted out of the platform, but for many others what about tpp . I know thats been discussed a lot. And also, in terms of Hillary Clintons choice for Vice President ial running mate. Well, you know, and you know, the choice for a Vice President ial running mate didnt please a lot of progressives, obviously. I mean, tim kaine is very much in the hillary mould, one of the very strong corporate democrats, somebody that wall street would be happy with, so that didnt make many of us very happy. That pick was definitely not an outreach to the progressive wing of the party. As far as tpp is concerned, i dont think its still clear to many of us where she stands on that. So, well see how she mentions it, if she mentioned it on thursday night and how she deals with it as the election goes on because although almost all of us bernie supporters, especially those who were active in the primaries and active in the hall, are not people who are going to vote for donald trump, but they are people who might vote for a third party or might not vote for hillary come around election day unless she really becomes more literate and more vocal on our core issues. Thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it. Well, as Shannon Bream mentioned, it was an emotional moment at the Democratic National convention tonight when a group of women, including Trayvon Martins mother, took the stage. They are known as the mothers of the movement. The focus tonight was gun violence. They also argued the criminal Justice System is racist and broken and that Hillary Clinton is the candidate they prefer to fix it. Hillary clinton has the compassion and understanding to support grieving mothers. She has the courage to lead the fight for common sense gun legislation. Hillary clinton isnt afraid to say that black lives matter. I am here with Hillary Clinton. Tonight. Because she is a leader and a mother who will say our childrens names. Joining us now from philadelphias fnc contributor and radio talk show host santita jackson. Good of you to join us this morning. What do you say about the mothers of the movement in terms of their presence there at the dnc event . You know, it was really heartwarming to see, because it helps you to see the empathy of Hillary Rodham clinton, you know, she remind me of the woman who wrote the lyrics to the battle hymn of the repup lick but also established mothers day for peace and as a white mother, she related to mothers everywhere in her call for peace and through Hillary Clinton, you see these black mothers calling out to all mothers to establish a new world order, a world order in which it is a world that is ordered by peace and not by violence and war. What about the concerns that many have, including critics of the dnc, and the mothers of the movement, because they were saying that, what about mothers of those Police Officers who had been killed in dallas and baton rouge . Was there some representative there tonight . And was it possible they could have stood together . Well, you know, i think that they can, but i think what we have to do first is affirm the pain of these mothers and affirm the pain of the Police Officers mothers. I dont think that affirming Trayvon Martins mothers pain or atten sterlings mothers pain, i dont think that affirming those mothers pain means that you cant also understand the anguish of the mothers of Police Officers. And so, why dont we take the time to look at these woman who were on the stage . I mean, they speak to a community, a Vulnerable Community who dont really get addressed. Think about it, kelly. We have police shows, we have the Police Perspective given in the Mainstream Media all the time. We dont really have shows, we dont really have news reports, if you will, taken from the perspective of those who have been victimized by over zealous Police Officers. And we all have to understand, and i do, i have a special feeling about Police Officers because im also been on the receiving end of their protection. So, all Police Officers are not bad. But we have to create the space for Police Officers to be criticized if they cross a line. That makes them safe. Santita, i understand what youre saying, and many would say that theres also the fact that you have to criticize some members of the Africanamerican Community because of blackonblack crime. I want to call up a quote right now. But theres no such thing as black on black crime, kelly. The fact is all crime is intraracial. More than 80 of whites are killed by other whites, more than 90 of blacks are killed by other blacks. This is not a problem of ethnicity. This is about ethics. We have a society that is very, very violent. We do indeed. Let me bring up a quote from sheriff david clarke of milwaukee who says this about the black community. He says, quote, in displaying the grief of family killed by police, the Democratic Party is asking americans to stomach one more divided the divide from our belief, our hope, our faith that the law can be the great equalizer, protector, and symbol of selfrule. Then he goes on to say, its time for black america to divide itself from this party. Weve been falsely connecting ourselves to for 50 years and return home to the party of Frederick Doug las. It was not about a party. This is about a principle of freedom. I mean, weve experienced segregation under democrats, under republicans, weve experienced jim crow under democrats and under republicans. Weve been incarcerated under dechl dech democrats is and republicans and im really kind of agnostic about parties although i am a registered democrat. The fact is i want solutions. I think that africanamericans have a right to be in the Republican Party. I think that africanamericans have the right to be in the green party, the Democratic Party, any party they choose. I think that all americans need to be fighting for a fair and just society that is peaceful, and i think that we should, from the right and the left, or wherever you are, push toward that end. The father this has nothing to do with party. Okay. Thank you. Your father will be speaking what do you anticipate the reverend jesse jackson, your dad, to talk about . Well, kelly, you know, its very interesting. Its kind of ironic that he would be speaking tomorrow with Hillary Clinton as the nominee of the party, because he was the first top tier candidate to call to put to affirm that he would put a woman on the ticket. That was a radical idea in 1984 and 1988, but he said, if im the nominee, i will do that. 30plus years later, this she is. And Bernie Sanders came out of his campaign too. So its very interesting for him to be able to see that. And i think hes going to be calling for unity, for peace, and not just in the Democratic Party, but in our country and around the world. Healing for the world. Santita jackson. Healing for the world. All right, your father, many people will be looking forward to seeing that tomorrow. F Fox News Contributor joining us from the dnc. Thank you, santita. God bless and good night. Someone that people were looking forward to seeing this evening was, of course, former president bill clinton and joining us now for a check of the nights highlights, our panel of political insiders, Jessi Jessica tarlov, Brad Blakeman and judith miller. Thank you all for joining us. So, it was a big night. Everyone was waiting in anticipation to see president bill clinton and see how long he talked along with what he was going to say. Jessica, ill start with you. What were your thoughts . Well, i thought that he did a great job, and i think that bill clinton actually unscripted is the best bill clinton. You know, when hes kind of free styling and going at it, but i think that he told the story that a lot of americans needed to hear, especially millennials, who dont know the clintons, who werent necessarily paying attention in the 90s and im a millennial myself and i didnt become really involved in politics until the 2000s in the george bush era, so what he tried to do was frame this as a love story and a really romance between the two of them and a Political Partnership that has reaped great benefits for americans and for people all across the world and i think that he did do that effectively. Im not sure that its necessarily going to move the needle on anything. This is, you know, everyone knows bill clinton is the most charming man, perhaps, on the planet, and he was just that this evening. And there is always the possibility of, well, that he that she will be overshadowed by these amazing speakers, you know, we have president obama coming up, last night we were all wowed by Michelle Obama, cory booker, and we know actually watching this that the democratic bench is quite deep. Shes not the best orator. Doesnt mean shes not going to be the best president. So im watching to make sure they talk about how great she is but they make sure on thursday night, she has a chance to really shine there. Brad, what do you think . He spoke for about 41 minutes and i think the record was 48, maybe. What did you think about what he had to say . Bill clinton is a master of telling stories and it was a long walk down memory lane and i agree if youre a millennial it began in 1979. Yeah. If you didnt know i think he opened with 1979. I thought you meant millennials. 71. 1971, i met a girl. That was the opening. So, 71. So for the people who never really knew the story of Hillary Clinton, it was fascinating to hear bill clinton tell the story. For those people who have been with the clintons for the last 40 years, what surprised me the most is what democrats said, and that was, i never knew that about hillary. How is it possible that they did not know these things about Hillary Clinton after being so long on the stage . So the long and short of it is, i dont think it will have an effect. I think it was effective tonight, and it may be effective for balance, but longterm, i dont think it will have any effect. I think it was exactly what you expected a spouse to do. Judy, was there enough policy . Its being described as this love story interweaved with policy as well. Look, he did that very effectively, and it is an amazing love story, and there was an illusion to all the difficult times in their marriage, which i thought was very grateful. But his main point was that this woman, my wife, has always been an agent of change, and thats to counter the donald trump narrative, which is, i am the change. And im not sure that he did that tonight. Im not sure he can do that because im not sure this woman, who is the ultimate insider, is that agent of change. But as he stated as he stated, to your point, he couldnt really deal with that, because the other side will definitely have its own preconceived notions of who Hillary Clinton is and she wont be able to overcome that trustworthy issue, jessica. That is. And i think that most democrats have now accepted the fact that that number is not going to change that much. Right now, i think its only 31 of americans that trust her. 34 trust donald trump. So, its not like hes doing well there. So, i think that were going to have to move beyond it and were going to have to really win on experience and temperament, where she consistently beats him but it is going to be an uphill battle and i would like to see the convention reflect that more and we were talking in the green room before we got in there. We face deep, deep challenges. We are under terrorist threat constantly and that hasnt been mentioned yet. They finally mentioned, today, maybe four times. Exactly. Not in the way that i think it really needs to be done and also, im looking joe biden might be a good person to do that, the president himself might be a good person to do that and i hope that hillary talks about it herself, to make a strong argument for staying the course here and not taking radical action. But there was an opportunity tonight for the president the former president to do that. And instead of talking about one man whose death made his wife cry, he could have spoken about the priest who was slain by video in a church in normandy. And the today. And the cops who had died. No mention. There were all of these important issues that weigh on americans minds that he never touched on. It wasnt a Current Events speech at all, and it could have been. This could have been delivered a month ago or a month from now. We need to update. The fodder from tonight is going to be what bill clinton said, if you could parachute hillary into a hot spot. People are already saying drop her into benghazi. Santita said her fathers going to be talking about healing tomorrow, certainly Many Americans would agree that healing needs to come to the country on the right side and the left side. Meantime, democrats already blaming russia for the email leak that led to the resignation of their party chair. But opponents arguing that that is just damage control. Our special Convention Coverage continues up next. W. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. St. Etiennedurouvra the Democratic National Convention Continues with the lingering shadow of the wikileaks email leak. President obama even weighing in. Listen. I think the fbis still investigating what happened. I know that experts have attributed this to the russians. What we do know is that the russians hack our systems, not just Government Systems but private systems. But you know, what the motives were in terms of the leaks, all that, i cant say directly. What i do know is that donald trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin. Well, opponents say placing the blame on russia is a diversion tactic, and joining us now is the columnist in the national review. Thank you so much for joining us very early. So, you just heard president obama speaking there, insinuating, possibly, a link between donald trump and his campaign and the Russian Hackers . Our intelligence agencies obviously should get to the bottom of this, but i agree with president obama. The russians penetrate not only our public systems but private systems, like, perhaps, the private email server that Hillary Clinton kept for four years as secretary of state. Look, talking about the russians is fine, but theres a separate issue, which is, ive been clinton watching for 25 years. They seem to have problems with National Security. The server, the dnc, which was run by her hand picked candidate, Debbie Wasserman schultz, and 20 years ago, president clinton and this is documented admitted that foreign intelligence agencies monitored all the events that led up to his impeachment, they had information to blackmail him with, and that was a National Security breach too. I think there is a legitimate issue here, why do the clintons seem to have all these National Security problems. And with the diversion, it cant be proven or unproven. Well, we will never know for sure, because as you know, the footprints that can often be done with this by National Intelligence agencies really cant be proven. You can have circumstantial evidence, but we should assume the russians may have done this. The russians may also, as fbi direct director james comey said, very easily could have gotten all the information in Hillary Clintons private email server and what she should worry about is, regardless of who might have gotten it, we can see an october surprise where all emails could be dumped into the media just before the election. Well, he said today, i believe it is, that he has more to come. Well, he usually doesnt bluff. Now, i hold no brief for julian, i think hes a scurulous fellow, but he usually promises what he delivers. What about this link or possible link to donald trump and his campaign . Well, obviously, Hillary Clinton and the russians didnt get along during her four years. He was rather ham handed about this. Remember the famous start button and she must have muffed the trandslation of that. Vladimir putin likes donald trump, he sees a fellow strong man, he sees a fellow he probably can do business with, but i think the real issue here is not Vladimir Putin wants as president but who the American People want as their president , and those are National Security questions that they will have to answer for themselves. And the big question, are our National Security at stake, and if russia is able to do this, who else is able to do this, and as you mentioned a couple times, were they able to get into the private server of Hillary Clinton. Thats why, you know, it was interesting, bill clinton tonight never mentioned the Clinton Foundation. Theres a lot of speculation about those 30,000 emails Hillary Clinton deleted. Obviously, they werent about yoga instructions or her granddaughter. Some people suspect those were about links the state department had with the Clinton Foundation. If somebody has gotten ahold of those, it could be an issue. Thank you so much, john. Appreciate you at this Early Morning hour. Thanks. So much going on, gop president ial hopeful donald trump took time out from campaigning tuesday to talk with bill oreilly. He comments on what democrats at the convention have been saying and well have that interview for you up next. Excuse me. I think theres a misprint. Oh. Model year end clarence event. Looks right to me. Shouldnt it be clear clearly. It is time to get a great deal and a reward card on this turbocharged jetta. Gotta make room for the 2017 models. It is a clarence event. Why is that so hard for people to understand . It seems clar to me. Clear to me. Ready for a test drive . 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Donald trump and mike pence made stops in the southern swing states of North Carolina and florida where fox newss bill oreilly caught up with the ticket. Trump responded to a series of claims levelled against him at the Democratic Convention last night. Listen. So, the Democratic Convention so far has been to counteryou and your themes. Number one is that president obama saved the country from a depression, that he inherited such a bad economic condition in 2008 that the economys not his fault, and he actually saved us from armageddon. You buying any of that . No, because it was going to work out, bill. It always works out and we always have bad periods and that was a bad period, but weve had many of them. And frankly, it works d they co a lot differently, and our you know, our recovery has been a very weak recovery. You look at the recovery, its the weakest recovery in history, its the weakest recovery on record and you look at joblessness and im not talking about the phony 5 number, im talking about the 21 or 22 that is the real number where people cant find jobs and cant find work, where were losing our jobs and our factories and Everything Else to other countries, including mexico. So, you know, you know the real numbers. You see the real numbers. I mean, the numbers arent good, but its an interesting argument because its speculative and nobody can you cant deny how bad it was with Lehman Brothers folding and all that, but on the other hand, eight years is eight years, and i tend to agree that the economy should be better than it is now. What about the minimum wage . You got hammered on that by Bernie Sanders last night. Whats your vision for federal minimum wage . How much . Well, he lied last night. I mean, it was a total lie, and everybody said it. In fact, some of the folks on your network said, wow, that was really a lie. He said that i wanted to go less than minimum wage. This is a new one, because im the one republican that said, in some cases, we have to go more than minimum wage. Give me a number. No, let me give you a concept because i think its a good concept. You go with the states, let the states make the derjs because if you take new york, its very expensive to live in new york and they need more than 7 or 9, so you got with the states. But do states have the authority now to do that . There has to be a federal minimum wage. They do. What would you set the federal minimum wage at . It doesnt have to be well, i would leave it and raise it somewhat. You need to help people and i know its not very republican to say. Well, give me 10 bucks . I would say 10. I would say 10. But. All right. But with the understanding that somebody like me is going to bring back jobs, i dont want people to be in that 10 category for very long. But the thing is, bill, let the states make the deal. But they do have the right to do that now, because you can have a state that raises it to 15, and i would also and this is just an aside, teenagers can make a little bit less, you know, first job if youre 17, you know, to get them in the work force. But anyway let me just finish because a friend of mine is a very tremendous employer, and what he did is he said by raising it and by doing certain things, it took the ensentive. He he pays people on incentive basis. Nobodys ever heard of this before but a lot of companies do it. And he said by raising it, they already get the incentive. No, i believe it should be raised but when Bernie Sanders said i want to go less than what the minimum wage, i mean, honestly, bill, these people are lying so much and every fact checker said, trump never said that. So when you go on the record, its 10 minimum wage federally and the states can do what they want. You have me on record as saying the states are going to raise it higher than that. And they can if they want. Climate change. They said that you called Climate Change a hoax. Is that true . I want clean air and i want clean water, and if you look at whats going on in china and all of these other countries that talk, but they laugh behind our back at what were doing, we want clean air, clean water, ive gotten many environmental awards, believe me, i know what im talking about, but i want we have to have Crystal Clear water and Crystal Clear air. Okay but did you ever call Climate Change a hoax . Well, i might have, because when i look at some of the things that are going on in fact, if you look at europe where they had their big summit a couple of years ago where people were sending out emails, scientists, practically calling it a hoax, and they were laughing at it, so yeah, i probably did. Do you believe that manmade fossil fuels and gases have eroded the environment so that the sun is more intense on earth . Because thats the basic thing. Do you believe thats happening . Well, theyre saying manmade and i say it could have a minor impact, but nothing nothing to what theyre talking about. And what its doing is putting us at a tremendous disadvantage as a country, because other countries are not adhering to the rules. We are, and it makes it impossible for our businesses to compete. Thats true. We are adhering to these very strict rules, and you look at china and you look at all of these other countries, practically all of them, theyre not adhering to the rules, and our jobs are being jeopardized and not being jeopardized, theyre being taken away. Our companies are unable to compete. All right. Nato. Made some controversial comments. I just want you to clarify them because i hate taking it from the press because i agree with you that youre not going to get a fair shot in the press ever. So, you got small countries in Eastern Europe that putin might mess around with. That would trigger a response from the United States and you kind of seemed to indicate that maybe you wouldnt respond. Well, i think ive been treated fairly, you know, reasonably on that and the New York Times covered it fairly accurately, which is unusual for them, because usually they dont. The fact is, we are protecting so many countries that are not paying for the protection, theyre not living up to the bargain, theyre not living up to their agreement. We have an agreement. Were going protect countries. And i like nato, i like the concept of nato, but its obsolete because we dont cover terrorism, and ive been saying that for a while and now all of a sudden, because ive been saying it, they have a division with they start a division but i think that was because of me, not you. Well, it was because of me, not because of you in this case, and you know that. And the other thing, because it was obsolete. And now all of a sudden they have a division, theyre going to wait a minute. When a country isnt paying us and these are countries in some cases, in most cases, that have the ability to pay and theyre not pay thing because nobodys asking. We are funding 73 of the cost of nato, so were protecting all of these countries, they have an agreement to reimburse us and pay us, and theyre not doing it, and if theyre not going to do that, we have to seriously rethink at least those countries. Its very unfair. Right now, you have five countries that are paying their share. Five. Okay. I agree. If theyre not paying their share, then they get booted out of the alliance and thats it. And you know whats been happening . People were saying, well, we have a treaty. Well, we do have a treaty, both ways. Theyre supposed to be paying. Theyre not paying. And the reason theyre not paying is because were not asking for the money and we are not in a this isnt 40 or 50 years ago where we can, you know, do whatever we want to do. We owe 19 trillion, going to be 21 trillion very soon because of the horrible budget that was just made. We owe 19 trillion, and were paying for all of these countries, theyre not living up to their obligations, and then were supposed to get into world war 3. Let me just tell you, people didnt like what i was saying, now so many people are starting to agree with me. I think they have to pay. And you watch. You watch. Hillary clinton will now come out and say countries have to pay, and people are going to forget it, just like she did today. Nafta. Just like today. She came out today with nafta. Ive been saying we got to renegotiate with nafta or we have to get out because theyre taking our jobs. Today, for the first time, out of all these years that shes worked on this, and her husband signed it, its one of the worst things ever signed from an Economic Development standpoint, she came out today and said, well, were going to have to start thinking about renegotiating our deals. Ive been saying this for a long time. She just came out and you know why . Because what ive been saying makes sense to a lot of people. But theres another reason too. Theres another reason. Its a sop to Bernie Sanders and that brings me to my last question. Have you ever spoken to Bernie Sanders . You ever talk to him . No, i havent. Never in your life . Hes a tired man, hes exhausted. I think, frankly, in terms of his legacy, he fold ld. Hes not that much older than you, though. Hes quite a bit older. But he wants to go home and he wants to go to bed. You know, honestly how do you know if youve never spoken to him . How do you know he wants to go to bed . I think hes exhausted. You know what, for his legacy, he would have been better off playing it out. Hes exhausted. But a lot of the Bernie Sanders people are going to come to me, you know why . Because im the best there is on trade and im going to make new trade deals and were going to bring our jobs back to our country. All right. Well, we always appreciate you making time for us, we know how busy you are. We have your running mate mike pence on tomorrow, and that should be interesting. Well get him to define his view of the world. All right, mr. Trump, as always, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Interesting dialogue there. Yes. With bill and donald. Were going to talk a little bit more about that. Our next guest says that trump is going out of his way to court disaffected supporters of Bernie Sanders. You just heard him do that. Exactly. Joining us now from philadelphia is alex pappas, political reporter from the daily caller. Thanks for joining us this evening. Lets talk about the Bernie Sanders effect. He called for party unity among the Bernie Sanders supporters, but if you looked closely at what was going on outside of the convention, it would appear that many of those who feel the bern are not singing kumbaya around the clinton campfire. Thats right. I was at the Convention Today. We saw about 100 or so of these bernie supporters, even though Bernie Sanders is out there doing the motion to nominate Hillary Clinton for president , pretty remarkable in and of itself. These Bernie Sanders people are protesting. Theyre not happy, and i think thats why you saw trump in that interview there making his pitch to these Bernie Sanders people. Im skeptical whether thats going to work. He says he thinks theyre going to vote for him. You know, ive spent some time at the convention. I havent met anybody yet, a Bernie Sanders supporter who says they are going to vote for trump, if youre out there, i would love to talk to you and interview you. But there are issues, though, obviously, that they agree on. The system is rigged. Trade. At the same time, if youre just a diehard liberal democrat, its hard to see you getting behind donald trump at this point. So, how do they get behind Hillary Clinton . Well, thats a good question. I was also on the floor today when Vice President joe biden came out, and he very confidently said, these Bernie Sanders people, they kind of want to vent their frustration, theyre going to get behind Hillary Clinton at the end and im just not really so sure of that. I mean, it seems more likely than maybe getting behind trump that they just stay home. Alex, there arent many people, if you really talk to these Bernie Sanders supporters, 46 of them on the Democratic National Convention Floor and then outside, there are the more vocal ones who have basically said they feel so disenfranchised from the Democratic Party and as you stated just a moment ago, they believe that its rigged and they find that Hillary Clintons untrustworthy. Theyre even disappointed in Bernie Sanders for giving a speech with a full throated endorsement of her as the nominee and then of course giving her the nomination tonight once it went over the top. Yeah. And it was actually kind of funny the way that donald trump kept saying in that interview, bernies tired, hes sleepy. What it made me think of is that argument he yaus used against jeb bush, low nurrj. And it sounded like donald trump was saying, you may be upset with Bernie Sanders, but if you want someone to keep fighting against the rigged system and you know, fighting for better trade deals, im your guy. Also, i think, you know, could explain why hes talking, you know, about the minimum wage there with bill oreilly, which i thought was an interesting exchange. Based on what you just said, do you think the democrat party, under the leadership of Hillary Clinton, has done enough to acknowledge the Sanders Sander nistnistas as theyre ca in order to appease them and bring them into the fold. Theyre doing their best. Theyre bringing Bernie Sanders out everywhere they can this week. Pushed out Debbie Wasserman schultz after the whole email scandal. But then they put Debbie Wasserman schultz in charge of the hillary campaign. Yeah. Youre right. But you know, also go look at the speakers, they had elizabeth warren, some other liberals, they are doing everything they can to get the Bernie Sanders people behind them and i think as we saw tonight with or today with all these Bernie Sanders people storming out, its not really working right now. All right, alex, pappas, thank you for joining us from philadelphia. Seems that donald trump is knocking on the door of the sanders supporters. Thank you. Thanks, kelly. Specifically, that trade issue. And well see and the minimum wage component. Yep. Well, lets rejoin our panel of political insiders. Jesse tarlov, blade blakeman, and Fox News Contributor judith miller. Judith, ill start with you this time. We were just discussing there whether or not his supporters will cross over to hillary. What do you think . Oh, of course, i think most of them are going to because of the despite what the comedian said last night, not all of Bernie Sanders supporters are ridiculous and are being ridiculous and i dont think they want to elect donald trump. That being said, donald trump has made the most of Bernie Sanders extreme positions, and he has even gone so far as to tweet out last night, sad to see Bernie Sanders abandoning his revolution. Hes not sad at all to see it. But Bernie Sanders being called a liar by the man whose politifact rating for lying, that is donald trump, is 72 of false or mostly false statements, 18 of which happen to be pants on fire false, is really a bit rich. And i think that donald trump is now trying to walk back a lot of the terrible things that he said, the odious things he said and the untrue things he said. Hes going to have a very hard time doing that. But he says that Bernie Sanders is basically low energy, tired, exhausted, and needs to go home and take a nap or go to sleep. Well, he obviously wasnt watching last night. I mean, Bernie Sanders, that speech, weve heard the content a million times, theres no doubt that man was awake. I mean, there wasnt a dry eye in the place. I was down in philly last night and there were hillary supporters who were crying too. And what i think is so meaningful about what Bernie Sanders is doing right now is hes saying, my issues, my agenda, our agenda, the Bernie Sanders movement, shes taking them on, and when you talk about have they gotten enough of a platform, they got 80 of what they wanted, they didnt get a carbon tax and didnt get to abolish the state of israel, which i think a lot of them would like to see happen. So they did pretty damn well and i think that Bernie Sanders, it took him a long time to come to reality. He lost by 3. 8 million votes and the guy was acting like he was in the lead but once he went down to washington and once Senate Democrats talked to him and told him how much is at stake here if he continues to divide, i think he has been phenomenal, and donald trump, this low energy thing, thats noit not going to work with bernie. But there are followers that are very upset and there was this op ed, Bernie Sanders promised his supporters that they could change the world if they just tried hard enough, and then last night, in his speech, he said, temper your expectations, be reasonable, compromise, and settle, and then he goes on to say that was the opposite of sanders rallying cry so they think that, you know, hes deserted them. And donald trump is stirring the pot. Hes famous for this. And it works donald trump said weeks ago, month ago or more, that bernie is getting screwed, the system is rigged and guess what . On the first day of the convention its exposed that in fact everything donald trump said was happening to bernie is exactly what was happening by the dnc. It confirmed what donald trump has said and now donald trump sees all these disaffected bernie supporters because bernie folded like a cheap suit to the rnc. What was he supposed to do . What he should do is he should fight. Why did he spend this year running for office if hes going to fold to Hillary Clinton . You dont think he fought hard enough . Look at ted cruz on the other side of the equation. There is, but bernie was in a much better position than ted cruz. Bernie still could have ted cruz is still fighting and you have donald trump coming up and saying hes going to create a super fund to go against him. Bernie still could have had he could have had his cake and eat it too against Hillary Clinton. And. Really . What kicake . And satisfy the supporters. I dont think so. This is amazing. This is a night of history and instead of talking about this historic moment of Hillary Clinton being the first woman. I would love to talk about that. Here we are talking about Bernie Sanders. Its so exciting. 240 years of history, we finally have a female nominee. Barack obamas been out there constantly saying that we havent had a more qualified candidate in history and hes talking about himself there. I think that it really is an epic moment. Were going to come back and talk about it again. Ill be ready with more. Well have more sthachl. On that note, it was a historic day in american politics, regardless if youre a republican, democrat, or independent. Regardless if you like the candidate or not, she has made history. In fact, she tweeted out, history. Our washington insiders will review the main events from day two of the Democratic National convention. Stick around. We got a lot more coming. Hies best cracked pepper sauce. Most ribs eaten while calf roping. 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Far from echoing the importance and historic nature of the evening i have to say wamoved me was the speeches from the 9 11 powerful part of the entire mo of the only evening and thought it was the security part that shared peoples concern and reminded millennials that there was an 9 11. You heard tributes to Hillary Clintons compass compassion and work, day in, day out, work to get funding for new york, to get funding for the First Responders. I thought that was very effective. I thought the rest of the night, frankly, was not as emotionally powerful for an ordinary audience. I include myself in that, but i think for a black audience that wanted to listen to audience of color, that wanted to listen to the compassionate statements from the mothers, that was terrific of the fallen people who had been shot by cops. What was desperately needed by but what was needed was the family of the cops and that was a big mistake. That was a glaring omission. The democrats admitted that you cant have one without the other. And it would have shown more unity. Many of the mothers spoke of the appreciation and respect for the Police Officers. I asked zampedajackson. There were Police Officers that spoke in the dnc. No family members were there. But to see them join together was an optic that would have sent a good signal. It is an opportunity since we are playing politics. Every institution is disliked in this nation except for the military and police. And the black community is especially supportive of the police. That doesnt mean they dont want a matter or black lives matter doesnt have a point. But those the neighborhoods and nitty speech would have been good. And brought in the Amazing Police chief brown that was not in the rnc and have him come out there and we are accepting applications that was motivational. Where was the dads . Where were the significant others . It is like picking and choosing who the victims are. And i be be know they say the black on black crime. Does their lives matter . None of their families were there either. It is a crime in america and has to be addressed and both parties need to address it and find a common bond. I am making a statement. But everyone should get involved in fighting the violence. Moving forward, what does the democrat party have to do to show they care about all lives . They have to go beyond a photoopand one night and address a long term challenge. This is something that the entire nation should embrace, the respect for the individual and rights of every person. This is not a republican or democratic cause. This is an american cause. 81 percent of the people feel less safe today than eight years ago. And that is why they are moving toward donald trump. So maybe that will work. It is amazing, the statistics exist that crime has been going down, and yet people dont. And less Police Officerses have been murdered than any time before. It is a gap and perception reality gap. Donald trump will clean up. And that stat that you said. And my numbers may be off. Just last week, we talked about the number of Police Officers that were killed and 27 so far this year and all of last year was 14. But you said eight years agoing, and we were talking about president crime wave and before the crime came down, more police were killed as a percentage of the population. Now it is actually lower. And the president said the crime came down under his administration. Thank you, panel, by the way. And former president bill clinton and his introduction of his wife that had a lot of people talking. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No, your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. climbing sounds when Kevin Jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. duracell slamtones a shortstop day in american politics. I am kelly wright, good morning. And i am heather childers, thank you for joining us. The Democratic Party nominated Hillary Clinton for president. First time a major party has done so and capping off the honors for tuesday night, former president bill clinton. You could drop her, in any trouble spot, big ones, come back in a month and somehow, some way, she will have made it better. That is just who she is. There are clear achievable, affordable responses to our challenges. But well not get to them if america makes the wrong choice in this election. Well replay president clintons speech later this hour. First, the deep divisions that are troubling democrats, hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters walking out of the convention after clintons nomination. The clintop camp faces a big task of winning over the Bernie Sanders fan. Joining us is jamu green, a clinton adviser and fox news analyst. We are talking about Bernie Sanders a lot and the fact that his supporters walked out of the convention. And what kind of impact on the overall thrust of the democratic party . None. You say none . None what see ever. Kelly, start at the top. I have to say congratulations to Hillary Clinton for making history. I think that conversations that we have had over the last couple of days, has not allowed for that celebration to really sink in and i need it take a moment it say that. To Bernie Sanders supporters, many of them are young and getting involved in the political process for the first time, and that is a beautiful thing and thats what democracy looks like. And we have enough time between now and november 8th, with Bernie Sanders as the number one surrogate on the Hillary Clinton campaign and the surrogates that are working with him. Nina turner, sarah silverman, the surisrocateses and bernie sanders going out and telling the Hillary Clinton story and focusing on the issues in a way that has not come out of the Republican Party process where it is name calling and fear and loathing. And thats what is going to make the difference. The passion that sanders supporters has. We want to keep the passion. But it is a matter of refocusing it and i am fully confident that that will happen. Turning to another topic now. That is National Security. I remarked that that was not discussed by any of the 61 speakers who presented to the first night of the dnc. Tonight four spoke about isis. Is the Democratic Party focused on National Security and isis . Kelly, of course, they are. Of course, secretary clinton is focused on on this. There is a four Day Convention and a lot of issues and stories about Hillary Clinton that people dont know the real hillary as president clinton talked about and that needs to be share. And that certainly doesnt mean that it Hillary Clinton is not laser focused on our National Security. We can sit here in the media and count the number of times isis was mentioned and think there is something that is lacking in that, or we can let the Convention Tell the story of this historic candidacy and the platform that she wants to move forward in america and certainly after a week of fear and loathing in cleveland, i think that we need to have a much bigger conversation with america and that conversation is what Hillary Clinton and the cop vention is doing. We have a minute left. Bill clinton, did he deliver and if so why is Newt Gingrich said yes, he gave a good speech, but he didnt give the full picture of Hillary Clinton who is deemed untrustworthy. Well, Newt Gingrich. I dont know what to say about him. This is someone who served on a commission with her, and had nothing but high remarks, and whatever it is hes going for donald trump, if he wants to be the trump whisperer or the secretary of state, i am looking for republicans who actually going to stick to some set of principles and Newt Gingrich critiquing Hillary Clinton when he flip flopped all over the place. You you dont go of respecting someone like he did with Hillary Clinton and saying the remarks if it is not about a personal agenda. Thank you for staying up and trump whisperer. That is a new one. And Newt Gingrich is not the only one talking about it. One possible call today an e harmony dating commercial. He didnt mention benghazi or Clinton Foundation or emails and it was an opportunity to address the negativity headon for someone who knows her the best. Our own brit hume said it was a political speech and Chris Wallace was political and personal. But obviously certain areas they didnt want to touch and that is the scandal. You can argue that either way. And joining us with more on that, and hear what they have to say about that. Democratic trystim tarra and brad blake man. Bill clinton, i will be cynical now. As a political person listening to his speech. He wove in every battleground state needed to hillary in his store tore. I remember when i was in florida and in iowa, and his speech is what a spouse should do is lay the ground work. But it is hard for us to believe it because we have known hillary 40 years and a lot of what we believe in hillary is baked in because we have seen her so long. And thats why it doesnt havee a bounce out of the convention because people know her and i dont think well change that narrative about her in the next 102 days. He called her the role one. That part of the speech and trying to change the narrative. Nothing more. He used the word caricature. And i would like to tell you what she is like as a wife, mother and grandmother and a lot of panning to chelsea who is a great speaker. And well hear from her before we hear from hillary on thursday night. Shes had four years of secretary of state to prove herself and people saying, we dont know her. And what about her accomplishments. The republicans are saying that. No. Listen, Hillary Clinton has been in the public eye and not all right wing conspiracy here. But shes been picked apart since she was in the governors mansion. No one denies that on either side of the aisle. The clintons have a lot of gray around them. We call it baggage. Yes. There is no way he would say, let me talk to you about what happen in bepg scombeng this is a spouse. We didnt hear about Melania Trump talk about his workers he stiffed or bankruptcy. We had two great. She was not married to the former president obama of the United States. Donald trump is trying to be president of the United States. His record and his in business and hers in politics. It is supposed to be a glowing recommendation and thats what bill clinton. And negatives are high on both sides. Lets face it Michelle Obamas speech would have been a hard one for bill clinton to match. And that being said and bill being bill, he did a good job on balance and he spoke for a long time and he painted a side of her that we dont know. And whether or not it is convincing, the voters will decide. The bump that donald trump and putting him on top of Hillary Clinton. And in term was independents, that was a huge part p. But heather, his bump was less than mitt romney. And after this week. She will get her bump. But then they will fade. And they are are humps you have to climb. The most important poll is the week after labor day. And figure out after summer vacation. And the independents. And vacation, what is that . So good to have you tonight, pam. And for the second time this month. Donald trump cancelled an opportunity to meet with latino leaders in miami. Trump people say it was not enough time to get down. And for more on this i am joined by trumps ashley bell. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, heather. Were you listening to what our panel just said, i would like to get your thoughts on that . On trump in miami. I can tell you this, the rnc did a phenomenal job of reaching out and having boots on the ground. And he relied on the rnc. This is a traditional base for republicans and the republican brand is stronger with with cub an americans and that population of latino voters. The brand is still strong. And what about the other demo graphics that he needs to work on specifically. Africanamerican. You know, i was excited aboutamma rosea. She was a democrat. And when you have 95 percent of the black voters voting democrat. It makes sense to have someone talk the language. And also a baptist minister. And she has a phenomenal job relating to the past pastors and community. I am excited and there couldnt be a better fit. Why do you like donald trump . This is a clear choice for me. I was in the primary and started off with rand paul and marco rubio. And now down to two people. Hillary clinton in my opinion, is someone that cannot be trusted every poll shows that america doesnt trust her. She is a example of a status quo. I see donald trump has created jobs and make payroll every friday and provide jobs for peoples family. And Hillary Clinton has been on government payroll three decades. Option between status quo and failed economy and has africanamerican at the lowest in decades and someone like donald trump who knows this economy because he put his own money and reputation on the line. And time and time again and understand says the gift of american entrepreneur. And what about pulling the women . At least the media says so . When it comes to relating to different demo graphics. No one does identity politics than the democrats. Donald trump has to stay on his message. His kids let america know that is a father first and that will save him. When they look at him not only as a business ti conbut p the father and husband. He has a chance to pull women around. The rules have changed. This is a different election. Donald trump can throw out the maps and polls. He can win and forge a new path for the Republican Party p. In terms of the polls, do you believe them about the numbers of supporters when it comes to certain minority groups or are they scowed and a lot of people are not saying who they will vote for . I think that donald trump said things earlier in the campaign to put himself in the hole. After the convention it is a message and best thing for donald trump, hes running against Hillary Clinton. Thats the best way to turn the corner. Hes talking numbers and stats and i like the candidate hitting the stride at the right time. And as we turn in labor day, you will see the polls evening out. And if he gets 20 percent of the latino vote, and ten percent of the africanamerican. It is it over. And you think he can win florida and swing states. As a former rubio person. Rubio and trump need each other. And rubio is not afraid to talk about he is supporting trump. Unlike other florida representatives and he knows that is what defeated him in florida. He needs the supporters and trump needs the cuban population. And other folks who supported marco rubio. Their fates are tie dollared d in florida. If trump gets ten percent of the africanamerican vote and Hillary Clinton needs 90 percent of the africanamerican to win. And it could be a dicey election campaign depending on what trump can put in the camp. I am looking forward to the debates. They will be be on and popping. The big speech of the night. Former president bill clinton playing the role of spouse. Well have that for you, in the entirity, next. One of the more anticipated speeches of the convention, former president bill clinton. We are told that he kept the draft of his speech guarded and made changes this afternoon. Here is the speech in the entirity. Thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] thank you. Thank you. In the spring of 1971, i met a girl. [applause] the first time i saw her, we were appropriately enough in a class on political and civil rights. She had thick blonde hair and big glasses. Wore no make up. And she exuded a sense of strength and self possessions that i found magnetic. After the class i followed her out intending on introducing myself. I got close enough to touch her back and i couldnt do it. Somehow i knew it would not be just another tap on the shoulder and i might be starting i couldnt stop. I saw her several more times in the next few days and i didnt speak to her. And one night i was in the law library talking to a classmate who wanted me to join the yale law journal and he said it would guarantee me a job with a clerkship or federal judge. I was not interested. I wanted to go home to arkansas. [applause] then, then i saw the girl again. Standing in the opposite end of the long room. She was staring back at me. So, i watched her as she closeded her book and put it down and started walking toward me and walked the whole length of the library and came up to said, look be, if you are going to stare at me and i am staring back. We ought to know each others name. I am Hillary Rodham, who are you . I was so impressed and surprised that whether you believe it or not, momentarily i was speechless. Finally, i sort of blurted out my name and we exchanged a few words and she went away. Well, i didnt join the law review. But i left the library with a whole new goal in mind. Couple of days later, i saw her again. She was wearing a long white flowery skirt and i went up to her and she said she was registering for the classes for the next term. And we stood in line and talked and you had to do that back then. And we got to the front of the line and the register said what are you doing here, you registered this morning . I turned red and she laughed that big laugh of hers and i thought well, heck since my cover has been on and i asked her to take a walk down to the art museum. We have been walking and talking and laughing together every since. [applause] and weve done it in good times and bad, through joy and heart break. We cry together this morning on on the news that our good friend and a lot of your good friend its mark winer passed away early this morning. We built up a lifetime of memories. After the first month, and that first walk, i actually drove her home to park ridge, illinois. [applause], to meet her family and see the town where she grew up. A perfect example of post world war ii middleclass america. Street after street of nice houses and Great Schools and parks and big public Swimming Pool and almost all white. And i really liked her family, her crusty conservative father. Her rambun ctious. All rooting for the bear and it is cubs. [applause] and for the people from illinois here, they even told me what waiting for next year meant. It could be next year, guys. And now her mother was different. She was more liberal than the boys. And she had a childhood that made mine look like a piece of cake. She was easy to underestimate with her soft manner and she reminded me of the truth of the old saying you should never judge a book by its cover can. Knowing her was one of the greatest gifts that hillary ever gave me. I learned that hillary got her introduction to social justice through her methodist minister. He took her downtown to hear Martin Luther king speech. This will be the only campaign of hers she ever missed. At college, her support of civil rights and the opposition of vietnam war compelled her to change parties and to become a democrat. And then, between college and law school on a total lark, she went to alaska alone and spent time finding fish. By the time i met her, she was involved in the Law School Legal services prospect and influenced by marion. And took a summer internship, interviewing workers in migrant camps for senator Walter Mondale subcommittee and started to work in the Yale New Haven Hospital to develop procedures to handle suspected child abuse cases. She got so involved in childrens issues, she took an extra year in law School Working to learn what more could be done to improve the lives and futures of poor children. [applause] so she was already determined to figure out how to make things better. Hillary opened my eyes to a whole new world of Public Service by private citizenses. In the summer of 1972, she went to gothan, alabama to visit one of those segreated academy that fit half million white kids in the south. Only way economics work they claimed federal tax exemptions. To which they were not entitled and she sauntered in to one of these academies, pretending to abe house wife that went to town and they exchanged pleasantries. And lets get to the bottom line. If if i enroll my sop in the school will he be in a segreated school. Will mine son be in a white school. He said absolutely. Her encounter was part of the report that gave marion what she needed to force the Nixon Administration to tax that away and give our kid cans an access to a legal education. And then she went down to south texas, where she met, she met one of the nicest fellows i met. Franklin garcia and he helped her to register Mexican American voters and some of them are around to vote for her in 2016. And then, our last year in law school, hillary kept up this work and went to South Carolina to see why so many young africanamerican boys, i mean young teenagers were being jailed for years with adults in mens prison and she filed a report on that that led changes, too. Always making things better. Now, i was trying to convince her to marry me. I first proposed to her on a trip to great britain. First time she had been overseas and we were on the shore line of this wonderful lake. Lake innerdale and i asked her to marry me and she said i cant do it. And so in 1974, i went home to teach in the law school and hillary moved to massachusetts to keep working, to keep working on childrens issues. This time trying to figure out why so many kids counted in the census were not enrolled in school. She found one of them sitting alone on her porch in a wheelchair. She filed a report about these kids and that helped to influence the congress to adopt the proposition that children with with disabilities physical or otherwise should have equal access to public education. [applause] you saw the results of that last night whennanastassia samoa talked. She never made fun of people with with disabilities and tried to empower them based on their ability. [applause] meanwhile,meanwhile, i was still trying to get her to marry me. So the second time i asked her, i tried a different tack. I really want you to marry me but you shouldnt do it. And she smiled and looked at me and said what are you up to. She said that is not a very good sales pitch. I said it is true and i meant it, it was true. I said, i know most of the Young Democrats our age who want to go into politics, they mean well and they speak, but none of them is as good as you are at actually doing things to make positive changes in peoples lives. So, i suggested that she go on to illinois or move to new york and look for a chance to run for office. She just laughed and said are you out of your mind . No one would ever vote for me. And i finally got her to come visit me in arkansas. And when she did, the people at the law school were so impressed, they offered her a teaching position and she decided to take a huge chance. She moved to a strange place, more rural and culturally conservative where she knew people would wonder, what in the the world she was like and whether they could or should accept her . Didnt take them long to find out what she was like. She loved teaching and frustrated when a student said what do you expect i am from arkansas. She said you need to work and set high goals. She believed that anybody could make it. She also started the first legal aid clintic in northwest arkansas, dividing Legal Aid Services for poor people who could not afford to pay them. One day, i was driving her to the airport to fly back to chicago, we passed a Little Brick House that had a foresale sign on it. She said it was a pretty house. 1100 square feet and a ttic fan and no airconditionener hot arkansas and screened in porch. Hillary commented on what a uniquely designed house it was. I took a chance, i bought the house. My mortgage was 175 a month. When she came back i picked her up and i said you remember that house you like. I bought it while you were gone and so you have to marry me now. Third time was the charm. [applause] we were married, we were married in that little house on october 11th, 1975. [applause] i married my best friend. I was still in awe after more than four years of being around her at how smart and strong and loving and caring she was and i really hope that her choosing me and rejecting my advice to pursue her own career was a decision she would never regret. A little over a year later we moved to little rock and i became attorney general. And she started a group sauled arkansas advocates for families and children. It is a group that you you can hear is active today. [applause] in 1979, in 1979, just after i was governor, i asked hillary to chair a roll help committee and expand health care and isolated mountain areas. They recommended to do that by training Nurse Practitioners in places with no doctors and provide primary care. It was highly controversial and very important. And i got the feeling that what she did for the rest of her life she was doing there. She went out and figured out what makes the most sense and help most people and controversial she would persuade people it was the right thing to do. It was not the only big thing that happened that spring, my first year as governor, we found out we were going to be parents. Time passed. On february 27th, 1980, 15 minutes after i got home from the National Governors kfrps in washington, hillarys water broke and off we went to the hospital. Chelsea was born just before midnight. [applause] and it was the greatest moment of my life. The miracle of a new beginning. And the hole filled for me because my father died before i was born. And i had the conviction that my daughter had the best mother in the whole world. [applause] for the next 17 years, through Nursing School and montessori and kinder and t ball and passion for ballet and sleep over and summer camp and Family Vacation and chelseas own ambitious excursions to a halloween party. And gala in the white house. She was a mother. She was our familys desnated worrier and born with an extra responsibility gene. We disagreed on parenting but she believeded that i had gone over the top when i took a couple of days off with chelsea to watch all six Police Academy movies backtoback. When chelsea was nine months old, i was defeated for reelection in the reagan land slide and i became overnight, the youngest former governor in the history of the country. We only had two year terms back then. Hillary was great. Immediately this is what we are going to do. We will get a house and you get a job and well enjoy chelseas parents. Figure out why you lost and tell people you got the message and you still have good ideas. I followed her advice. Within two days we had a house and i had a job and we had fabulous years with chelsea and 1982, i was the first governor in our state to be elected and te fe defeated and elected again. My experience is it is good to follow her advice. The rest of the decade flew by as our family seltzed in the rhythm of family and friends. And 1983, hillary chaired a new area for us to equalize School Funding and a report by National Experts that said our woefully under funded schools were worst in america. Typical hillary, she held listening tourses in all 75 counties. She wanted us to be the first state in the america to require elementary counsellors in Elementary School and they needed it. I called the legislature in session and hoping to pass a pay raise for tex and raise the sales tax to pay for it all. It got easier after hillary testified and the chairman said looks to me like we elected the wrong clinton. By the the time i ran for president , the same expert that we had the worst schools in america said that our state was two most improved states in america and thats because of the standards that hillary developed. [applause] two years later, hillary told me about a preschool program in israel called hippy. Home Instruction Program for young spher. Help low income parents even though they couldnt read to be be teachers. What are we doing about it. I called the woman in israel and she will be here in ten days. Next thing you know i am dragged around preschool. And this is perfect it is universal kindergarten and i am batching these poor parents with tears in their eyes because they never thought they would be able to help their kids learn. Now 20 years, 20 years of research showed how well the Program Works and improve kids for school and there is a lot of young adults in america who dont know hillary had going to do with it. Because they are enjoying better lives. She did this full time worker and mother and enjoying our life. Why . She is curious and a natural leader and a good organizer and best darn change maker i have met in my entire life. [applause] so, look. This is a really important point. This is an really important point for you to take out of this convention. If you believe be in making change from bottom up and how many peoples lives are better. You know, it is hard and some people think it is boring. Speeches like this are fun. Doing the work is hard. So people say well, we need to change. Shes been around a long time. She sure has and shes been worth every single year shes put into making peoples lives better. [applause] i can tell you this, if you were sitting where i am sitting, and you heard what i heard at every dinner conversation and lunch conversation on every long walk, you would say, this woman has never satisfied with the status quo in anything. She always wants to move the ball forward. That is just who she is. [applause] respiratory when i pecame president. We had the Health Care Task force. You know we failed because we couldnt break the senate filibuster. Hillary immediately went to work on solving the problems bill sought to address one by one. Most important was to get children with health insurance. Congress passed the Childrens Health Insurance Program and part of president obama Affordable Care act. It insures more than 8 million kids. There is a lot that she got done, piece by piece, pushing that rock up the hill. 1987. She teamed with the House Minority leader tom delay who may be more like me more than any of Newt Gingrichs crowd. They work on a bill to increase adoptions out of foster care children. She wanted to do it because she knew that tom delay was an adoptive parent and she honored him for doing that. [applause] now the bill was passed by overwhelming majority and led to increase of adoptions out of foster care and made life better because she is a change maker, thats what she does. Now, when you are doing all of this, your life doesnt stop. Chelsea finished high school and went to college. We were happy for her and sad for us to see her go. I will never forget moving her dorm room in stanford. It would be a great reality flicking. There i was in a trance stareing out the window trying not to cry and hillary on on hands and knees looking for one more drawer to put that liner paper in. Finally, chelsea took charge and told us ever so gently that it was time for us to go. And so we closed the big chapter in the most important work of our lives and you will see thursday night when chelsea speaks, hillarys done a pretty fine job of being a mother. And as you saw last night beyond a shadow of a doubt so has Michelle Obama. [applause] now, fast forward, in 1999, congressman charlie rangle and other new york democrats, urged hillary, urged hillary to rupfor the seat of the retiring senator. We intended to go to it new york and commute to arkansas. This never occurred to either one of us. Hillary never run for office before and decided to it give it a try. She began her campaign by listening and learning and after a tough battle new york elected her to the seat, to the seat once held by another outsider robert kennedy. [applause] she didnt let him down. Her early years were dominated by 9 11 and working to fund the recovery and monitor onning the health and help and compensation to victims and first and second responders. She and senator schummer worked tireless and so did the house members. In 2003, partly spurred on by what we were going through. She was the first senator in new york ever to serve on the Armed Services committee and tried to make sure people on the battlefield had proper equipment and did expand Health Care Coverage of the reservist and members of the National Guard and longer family leave working with senator dodd for people caring for wounded sevens members and worked for people with extensive care for brain injuries. And she served on a special pentagon commission to propose changes necessary to meet our new security charge. Newt gingrich was on that commission and he told us what a good job she had done. I say that because no one who deals with the men and women. They are a National Treasure and all walks of life. Now, meanwhile, she compiled a really solid record and economic and social issues and voted for and against the trade deals and was the de facto Development Officer for the the area of new york outside of the gammet of new york city. Working with farmers and wine makers and Small Businesses and manufacturers. Upstate cities and rural areas who needed more ideas and envestment to create good jobs. Something we have to do again in small town Rural America and in neighbored left behind in our country and Indian Country and yes, in coal country. And lost a hardcore contest to president obama in 2008. She worked for his election hard. But she hesitated to say yes when he asked her to join his cabinet because she so loved being a senator from new york. So, like me in a different context, he had to keep asking. But as we all saw and heard from madeline albright, it was worth the effort and wait. And as secretary of state, she worked hard to get strong sanctions against iran yeah Nuclear Program and what the wall street journal Half Court Shot at the buzzer she got russia and china to negotiate the new star treaty. And reestablish inspections and enough republican support to get twothirds of the september to vote to ratify the treaty. She flew all night long from camboddia to the middle east to get a ceasefire between hamas and eseral and gaza to protect the peace of the region. She backed president obamas decision to go after osama bin laden. She launched a team. This is important today. She launched a team to fight back against terrorist on why and built a new global Counter Terrorism effort. We have to win this battle in the mine field. She put Climate Change in the center of our Foreign Policy. She negotiated a First Agreement ever, ever for are china and india officially committed to reduce emissions and as she had been doing sips she went to beijing in 1995 and said woman rights are human rights and human rights are womens right. She worked for women around the world and make the same exact declaration on the behalf of the Lgbt Community in america and world. And no one talks about this much. But it is important to me. She tripled the number of people saved from aids. Most in africa. And it doesnt cost you any more money. She bought available fda generic drugs. Something we need to do for the American People. You dont know these people. And you dont know these 3. 4 people. I guarantee you, they know you, they know you because you. They know you think their lives matter. Thats why the approval of the United States was 20 points higher when she left secretary of state. How does it square with the things that you heard at the Republican Convention . Whats the difference in what i told you and what they said . How do you square it . One is real and the other is made up. You just have to decide you just have to decide which is which my fellow americans. The real one had done more positive change making before she was 30 than many Public Officials do a lifetime in office. The real one, the real one if you saw her friend betsy vote for illinois. A past friend from childhood and arkansas where she head not lived more than 20 years and gone all across america at their own expense to fight for the person they upon the real one earned the fer havent respect and worked with her. And including leaders who they know she is completely trustworthy. The real one calls you when you are sick or when there is a death in the family. The real one repeatedly drew praise when she was a senator and secretary of state. [applause] so what is up with this . Well, if you win elections on the theory that dpft is always bad and mess up a two car parade, a real change maker represents a real threat. So your only option is to create a cartoon, a cartoon alternative and then run against the cartoon. Cartoons are two dimensional and easy to absorb. Life in the real world is complicated and hard. And a lot of people think it is boring. Good for you. Because earlier today, you nominated the real one. [applause] we got to get back on schedule. You have to it calm down. I have lived a long full blessed life. It really took off when i met and fell in love with that ghirl the spring of 1971. When i was president i worked hard to give you more peace and shared prosperity and give you an america where no one is invisible or counted out. But for this time, hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunity and reduce the risk we face and she is still the best darn change maker i have ever known. [applause] you could drop her, you could drop her in any trouble spot, pick one and come back in a month. And somehow, some way, she will have made it better. Thats just who she is. There are clear achievable affordable responses to our challenges, but we will not get to them if america makes the wrong choice in the election. And thats why you should elect her. And you should elect her because she will never quit on you. She sends me in the primary to west virginia, where she knew we were going to lose to look those coal miners in the eye and say, i am down here because hillary support me to tell you that if you really think you can get the economy back. Have it and if she wins, she is coming back with you to take you on the ride to americas future. And so i say to Immigration Reform over somebody who wants to send you back. If you are a america and freedom and you hate terror, state here and help us win and make a future together. We want you. If youre a young africanamerican, disillusioned and afraid, we saw in dallas how great our Police Officers can be, help us build a future where nobody is afraid to walk outside , including the people that wear the blue to protect our future. [applause]. Hillary will make us stronger together. You know it because she has spent a lifetime doing it. I hope you will do those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows tend to care more about our children and grandchildren. The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth we have always been about tomorrow. Your children and grandchildren will bless you forever if you do. God bless you. Thank you. [applause]. Former president bill clinton giving a rousing speech describing his wife and making her more personal. In fact, he even talked about some of the politics of Hillary Clinton, but talking about the spring of he first met her and kept trying to propose to her and it took three times. Three times was the charm. And really history being made by Hillary Clinton as our first woman female or first female candidate for president jie. I knew what you meant. And the first spouse being a man. It could happen that way if she were to win. He would be the first gentleman of the United States to serve in that capacity. He said his complicated and real change is hard. That implies to anyone on the left side or the right side. He wanted to say more of our yesterdays those of us who have had more of our yesterdays reflect on more tomorrows for our children and our childrens children. Many people say the speech was right on point. His critics have said that he gave like Newt Gingrich said he gave a great speech, but it what is a fairy tale about the life and legacy of Hillary Clinton. Thats going to be debated throughout the day. Meantime after that speech by her husband, Hillary Clinton appeared via satellite to talk to the convention. She did it in a great way m alicia keys presented her pr form manses leading to being a super woman and they showed the president s and the Glass Ceiling breaking. It was quite dramatic of a setting to watch. And she accepted the nomination and acknowledged the historic day. Listen. Hello, philadelphia. I am so happy. It has been a great day and night. What an incredible honor you have given me. I cant believe we just put the biggest crack in that Glass Ceiling yet thanks to you and everyone who has fought so hard to make this possible. This is really your victory. This is really your night. And if there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say , i may become the first woman president , but one of you is next. Thank you all. I cant wait to join you in philadelphia thank you undeniably a historic moment. Of course Hillary Clintons big address will be on thursday. Thats the final day of the convention and democrat or republican, you cannot deny that this certainly marks a milestone in american history. For the first time a woman is the president ial nominee of a major u. S. Party. This comes nearly a century after american women got the right to vote. Joining us now from philadelphia is ellen ratner. She is the bureau chief of fox news and a contributor. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. Describe the excitement there. I was there and it is very exciting because it is historic. Even our own judy miller talked about how historic this is. It is true that victoria woodhall ran before the womans right to vote. She did run for president. But this is the first time a major party has actually endorsed somebody running for president. As you know i work in africa and i have a nonprofit there. When i was talking about Hillary Clinton running and being the first woman, they said, oh shell never get the nomination. Shell never be president. Why not . Oh you will never elect a woman. Youll never allow a woman in that position. I said maybe you dont in africa and the part of africa i work in, but you certainly do in the United States and thats what makes us different. You look tau look across the world and according to the United Nations there are 18 female World Leaders and 12 of those heads of state and 11 elected female leaders. Thats right. In africa they have one, but other than that, it is very difficult. Hillary clinton has not only become the nominee, but she was an elected u. S. Senator, she was secretary of state, so she has a long resume and first lady. Nobody has done that. Whether you are a republican or democrat thats an amazing accomplishment. What did you think about what the first spouse had to say and how he did this evening . You know, theres been a lot of rumors about the fact that bill clinton is not physically well and he doesnt do well on the campaign trail et cetera. I thought tonights speech was rousing and vintage. I covered bill clinton at the white house since 19903, so a longtime. I will tell you that this was the bill clinton that we all knew we would miss when he left the white house, and he was back tonight. That was a nice feeling to watch. Not without a little bit of controversy though. Some of the bernie supporters did stage a walkout specifically if you looked up in the california area. That was almost empty. Thats right. What happened was i left after the vote and all of that and i ran into the bernie supporters and a group of them were praying, believe it or not, as a group and then they did their walkout. That was very interesting to me. They were shouting, and there were at least 200 of them. Wasnt aware there were that many. It was a lot of people. The hall did empty out significantly. So being there you get a little bit of a different feeling, but they were not happy campers to say the least. What is the response with those who are inside who are supportive of Hillary Clinton to those who are so adamant that bernie has been wronged. I think they believe that Hillary Clinton is the person because of her long record of change as bill clinton said, i talked to several of them and i interviewed several of them, i think they feel that Hillary Clinton is going to make major differences and that she has the connections and that she has the experience. Not only booing the being the senator like senator sanders although he was also a mayor, but also being secretary of state. They feel that has given who she is a lot of credence as well as being a quiet advisor which they gave her a lot of grief for when she was in the white house to bill clinton. Ellen ratner joining us live. Thank you. Thank you. We are back this hour with our democratic strategist, Jessica Tarlov and brad blakeman, and Fox News Contributor judith miller. They talked about virginia woodall to be the first to run for president. I want to go back to Shirley Chism to be the first and run for the democratic nomination in 1972, about a year from new york. A year after bill clinton started trying to court Hillary Clinton. 2 wraps around this historic, momentous occasion. An africanamerican woman from new york and was a congresswoman. The first africanamerican congresswoman to go on and run for the democratic nomination. One has to look back and think, wow, how far we have come and you have to congratulate Hillary Clinton whether you like her or not for achieving this nomination. Finally. Finally. What struck me as ellen was talking about the past, i happen to think about an article i wrote for fox news about women ruling everywhere. In western europe you have Angela Merkle and you have theresa may from england and christine leguard with the safety and security of our International Financial system. Hillary if she were to be elected would be joining a number of very powerful women. Perhaps thats a reflection of our insecure times when people at least in some countries turn to competence. Here is an important fact. This election will be turned by women. There are more women, right, and more women who vote. When we look at elections whether it is local, state or federal elections the women will turn this election. And many people have agreed with you because they are wondering how much of a turn within women in terms of favor built will donald trump gain from women . Will they vote for him or will they turn to and pivot to Hillary Clinton . Jessica . I want to reflect on the fact that we have not talked about Donald Trumps massage nistic tendencies in months. We were talking more about his treatment of minorities more than women, blacks and hispanics. His favor built is still dramatically bad with women and Hillary Clinton is doing better there than she used to, but it is a key demographic. Now that we see she may win white collar graduates for the first time, they are winning the White Working Class vote by such a large margin, campaigning for the female vote when they will turn out and we are a bigger part of the population right now, and especially in a National Security election we know that women can often shift more to the right there. You know, very protective. I think it is going to be a key demographic to go after. And perhaps changing opinions in terms of donald trump when we heard about his daughter speak. She spoke of the number of females he put into leadership positions. And with equal pay. There are some there is some room to work with the narrative about how Hillary Clinton paid employees in the senate. The Clinton Foundation they do not pay equally which is a blite on them and the white house and then advocating for an equal agenda. They are asking acting like the Clinton Foundation they are not going to say lets Pay Attention to the fbi investigation. They will talk about how powerful the diversity is. Last week it was a basically white event. I saw a stat today that the democrats have 1,182 black delegates. The republicans had 18. Quite a disparity. Just because hill vee woman though will not hillary is a woman will not guarantee the vote. We have seen that in the polling. The amazing thing is if she does win, nobody is going to ask bill clinton to stay home and bake cookies. Or whether he will stand by her or any of it. Maybe. Brad and jessica, thanks. We will stick around. As bill clinton says, life is complicated. Day two of the Democratic Convention is in the books now and many people are wondering why there has been little mention of terrorism and National Security. Four speakers mentioned five times today. What is the strategy there . Thats up next. Welcome back. New yorkers at the dnc praised Hillary Clintons response to the september 11th terrorist attacks. Here a survivor shares her experience with then new york senator clinton. My name is Lauren Manning. When i arrived at the World Trade Center on september 11th, 2001, i was a partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. I was a wife and a mother. A moment later i found myself in the midst of the worse peace time attack in this nations history. I was catastrophically burned over 82 of my body. My chances of survival next to zero. I battled for months to live and for years to recover. I fought [applause]. Thank you. I fought in tribute to my friends and colleagues at cantor fits gerald that fitzgerald and all of the thousands of people who were killed. I fought to honor our troops who were fighting and continue to fight on the front lines for each and every one of us around the world. And i fought to return to my young son, 10 months old at the time. I fought as hard as i could so that the terrorists would not get one more. [applause]. Hillary clinton stood with me through that fight, and in the darkest of days and in the hardest of times, the people who show up in your life are the ones that mean everything. Hillary showed up. She walked into my hospital room and she took my bandaged hand into her own. Our connection wasnt between a senator and a constituent. It was person to person. And as a Woman Working in business for years i know you had to be tough. In that woman is a hell of a tough person. [applause]. For years she visited, called and continued to check in because hillary cares. When i needed her, she was there. When our First Responders needed her, she was there. When new york needed her, she was there. [applause]. I trusted her when my life was on the line, and she came through. Not for the cameras. Not because anyone was watching, but because thats who she is, kind, caring, loyal. She had my back. The hillary cli want you to know. She was there for me and thats why im with her. [applause]. Thank you. Very powerful speech. Powerful indeed. And it is a word you havent heard much of the first two days of the Democratic National convention. We are talking about terrorism. Republicans were accused of overplaying the issue during the convention. But can the democrats decision to downplay it backfire on them . Thats what we are going to take a look at. Indeed. Lets ask our two guests, Fox News Contributor Tamara Holder and conservative radio talk show host ethan betterman. Tamara, good of you to join us and ethan as well. Lets get into this. I was struck by what Lauren Manning said. She said when i needed her, she was there. Hillary clinton was there because she has a heart and she was kind and caring, and it wasnt as a senator. It wasnt as a tough business woman. It was as a woman who placed her hand in mind to hold me and take me through all of this. Your reaction to that . I was there and it just shows you the number of people who have come out to speak on hillarys behalf. And it is very powerful. I am not saying this as somebody who is pro hillary or pro bernie or pro trump. To be in that room whether or not you know Hillary Clinton and see that people come out for her whether it is ms. Manning or a disabled woman who worked with her as a child and now she is an adult. And thats what we have seen for two days. Hillarys presence has been no where to be seen, and instead she has allowed people to go forward and say this is the woman who is standing before you and asking for you to vote for her for president of the United States. Ethan, to your response, this is a woman giving her own account of what unfolded on 9 11 and how she worked for Cantor Fitzgerald and burned over 82 of her body and said she was fighting to stay alive for her 10monthold son at the time, and also fighting alive to show the terrorists that they would not take one more. Your response. It is an absolutely it is a deeply moving story that she tells, and im glad Hillary Clinton entered her room and connected with her. Shouldnt we talk about how we prevent the situation where she ends up in the hospital room with 82 of her body burned . Why not talk about the fact that israel is under attack and our allies in germany and france are under attack. We here on our soil are under attack by jihadys who want to stroy us and our way of life if we do not sub jaw gate ourselves if we dont give them controlled. Why not say we are being attacked with knives and axes and bombs and trucks . Lets stop that so you dont have to end up in the hospital room with 82 of your body burned. Tamara . I think it is hilarious. He must have the playbook i didnt get on the convention and how a convention is supposed to be run. Scaws me excuse me for not seeing that. In the first two days you talk about isis every day. Isis and terrorism whether it is isis or saudi arabians coming in on planes, whatever it is nobody in america wants to be uhing tayed. They dont want to be killed by their neighbor and they dont want to be killed by somebody that is from another country. The fact of the matter is today was hillarys day to talk about social issues, women, black lives matter, mothers. Women have worked with her on that issue on health care. These are social issues. Just because hillary doesnt beat isis to death doesnt mean she doesnt care, and it does president mean it is not an issue. That was not todays theme. Thats what this was about. Ethan . Tamara, give me a break. For crying out loud, representative hank johnson, the democrats used to support israel and the jews and they no longer do. We saw on wikileaks i am a jew and i am a democrat. Yesterday they called the jews termite it is early in the morning. It is early in the morning. Can we at least tone it down so we can hear each other as we speak. Please respond so that we can may i finish . Yes, you can finish. Yes, so representative hank johnson a democrat i havent heard the Democratic Party call for a censure for him for calling israeli jews ter mitts. When you do that you are empowering the terrorists saying clearly the United States doesnt view life as something important, especially not jewish life. We also have that situation in the United States where we allow proterrorist groups to operate on our college campuses and the attacks against the jewish students and the jewish speakers are up markedly over last year and yet tamara thinks that is okay and we shouldnt talk about that. Final word real quickly, tamara. I gotta go. Yeah, it sounded like a lot of rhetoric over there. I dont know where he is coming from with these things. The fact is i am here at the convention. What i saw was there were themes and what hillary wants to show she has a history of working with people. Whether or not you like her there were people working with her that like her. It was not about isis. I hope it is about terrorism and Foreign Policy maybe tomorrow or the next. Ethan, thank you very much for your comments. Tamara as well. Obviously a lot of people will be discussing this not only tonight, but also on day three which gets under way today. You can see the emotions there that are so raw on both sides of the aisle when it comes to terrorism and National Security. I just wanted to slow them down and quiet them so we could actually hear from both of them. You did a good job. You can tell are you a dad. I am a dad, a proud one. I love my kids. We are back this hour with our democratic strategist Jessica Tarlove and Brad Blakeman and Fox News Contributor jewish jewish judith miller. There is no doubt the words were powerful and meaningful, but she could debate with sanders where she tied in the 9 11 attacks with wall street. 9 11 is personal to me. I was in the white house during the attacks and we were evacuated from the west wing. My nephew was killed trying to save people. She he was a first responder. It was a time the whole country got together and i have to give a shout out to Hillary Clinton because she did a great job for the people in new york during that time. Everybody came together, the mayor and the city of new york, the former mayor Rudy Guiliani and the new mayor bloomburg and pataki. Everybody came together in virginia during the attacks and in pennsylvania thats what is missing here m we are under attack as a country. Our allies are under attack. Wouldnt it be great to have the same spirit that we had in 9 11 come back and solve these problems together . It is not a republican issue or a democratic issue. It is a problem for america. The spirit we saw in 9 11 thats the lesson we need to learn. What is the problem . Why cant we rekindle that type of atmosphere . Partisan politics have infected this issue. I totally agree with brad and it is an issue that comes together. The fact of the matter is one party claimed it as its own. And the other party for whatever reason has chosen thus far not to em pho emphasize it. There are very few flags. You can argue about flags, but they symbolize something. They never mentioned the fact that retired marine general john allen, very unusual and lead our troops into iraq and afghanistan and endorsed Hillary Clinton and no mention of that. It is almost as if the democrats are downplaying their Democratic National security credentials, and i dont really under why. I think it is a big mistake. They appear to be afraid to talk about this. Going back to brads point, even the members of congress were singing God Bless America following 9 11 and most American Homes were waiving the American Flag. Now it is as if the party to some degree has retreated from that and not shown patriotism. I dont want 20 question them. I dont think we should, and if you listen to the speeches and what Michelle Obama was talking about last night, it is clear that the democrats, we do love the country, and i dont think that should come into question. The flag is insanity, dont understand it. The lack of american pins. Symbols mean a lot. If you are walking by a television this convention is projected all over the world. If you cap a glimpse of someone you should see an American Flag pin on their lapel, men, female, everyone. We had Madeline Allbright who is a National Security person. We will hear from her next by the way. Good news. Going back to a reason they are perhaps skating past it and not emphasizing it, could it be because some of the policies have not worked and the number of terrorist attacks we have seen has increased allaround the world and there is an investigation tied to isis in every state right now. Absolutely. I think there are two issues at play. One is the fact that barack obama has taken out more terrorists than any other president. Thats a fact. There is a tone deafness and i said this a couple years now. He said i didnt know the American Public was so upset. That polling is available and public. You can just go to cnn. Com and fox news. Com and see that 84 of americans are concerned that we wont be able to stop a terrorist attack that could happen tomorrow. And the difference between what happened on 9 11 and today is we have no idea where the attacks are coming from. It could be my neighbor. It could be somebody flying in on a plane. Everyone is looking around saying what do we do . And it is unfortunate that president obama the statistics you just said, he killed more terrorists, but there has been the rise in terrorist attacks. To the point that every 83 hours in the climate of denial. And a lack of leadership. And a lack of leadership and serious response in the terms. Public perception. Public perception there is a lot going on and i dont think he could have built a coalition of 65 countries with a plan that has no roots and reality. He has plenty of military. I do defer to you. We will come back. Good because i was drowning there at the end. Still to come Madeline Allbright takes the stage in philadelphia. The former secretary of state takes a swipe at donald trump. Hear what she had to say when we return. Thank you for staying up with us. Madeline albright, the first woman to hold that position took heat after saying there is a, quote, special place in hell for women who dont help each other. Yes. Tuesday night she took the stage in philly to rally the crowd for the nominee and here is her speech. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you. My fellow americans, good evening. 68 years ago during a time of grave danger democrats gathered in philadelphia to nominate a tough, smart and experienced candidate. At the time i was a child in europe where i lived in fear because my native czechoslovakia had been taken over by communists. But within a few months my family found refuge in america and the candidate harry truman was my First American president. Tonight in philadelphia we nominated someone with trumans fighting spirit to be our next president , Hillary Clinton. And this fap this fall we need to do everything we can to make sure hillary becomes our next commander in chief because in this era with these threats we need a leader who has the experience and judgment to keep america strong, secure and safe. I know Hillary Clinton will be that president because i have known her for more than 25 years. I have seen her fight and win for our country and for causes that count. When hillary was first lady we went to the beijing womens conference and she courageous ly stood up and spoke out on behalf of human rights and womens rights inspiring millions to fight for a better future. We went to prauge, the city of my birth. And i made her eat czech cabbage and she didnt like much. And we met with a man who made so many dreams come true. When she was in the senate i saw her work day and night as a member of the Armed Services committee working with republicans and democrats to keep our military strong and protect our troops and their families. And when hillary served as secretary of state i watched her partner with president obama to restor countrys reputation around the world. She fought terrorism. She stopped the spread of Nuclear Weapons and she promoted diplomacy, defense, development and democracy. Smart power in every corner of the world. As i travel around the world i am reminded how important it is the person who represents our nation is trusted by our allies and who listens more than she talks. Hillary and i share a few things in common. We both went to Welsley College so i know where she got her study habits. We are both mothers and grandmothers, so i know where she got her management skills. We are both very proud of our daughters and grandsons so we must have done something right. We also know what it is like to step off that plane with the words United States of america on it. She knows that safeguarding freedom and security is not like hosting a tv reality show. [applause]. It is a complex and around the clock job that requires not only a steady hand and a cool head, but also a big heart. You are not just representing yourself. You are there for all of us. Hillary has displayed these qualities in every job she has had. And last week in cleveland we were reminded that her opponent possesses none of those many argue that donald trump would harm our National Security if he was elected president. The tact is that he has already done damage just by running for president. [applause]. He has undermine our fight against terrorisms and alienating our muslim partners. He has weakened our standing in the world by threatening to walk away from our friends and our allies and encouraging more countries to get Nuclear Weaponses. Donald trump also has a strange admiration for dictators. Saddam hussein, kim jongun, Vladimir Putin. When asked about putin donald trump said and i quote, in terms of leadership he is getting an a. The truth is that a Trump Victory in november would be a gift to Vladimir Putin. And given what we have learned about russias recent actions, putin is eager to see trump win. That should worry every american. Take it from someone who fled the iron curtain. I know what happens when you give the russians a green light. Trumps dark vision of america, one that is isolated in the world, alienated from the allies would be a disaster. We would we need to make sure this never happens. We must elect Hillary Clinton as our next president. [applause]. My fellow americans, at the age of 11 i sailed past the statue of liberty and started my life in the worlds greatest democracy. I am so grateful to our country, and i am supporting Hillary Clinton because i love it. God bless america and god bless the American People. Madeline albright speaking before a welcoming crowd. We are back with our political insiders, Jessica Tarlov and Brad Blakeman and Fox News Contributor judith miller. Judith, i will start with you. Your thoughts . I liked the speesh because i liked the attack on the russians. I like that it reminds people of the questions that was raised between donald trump and Vladimir Putin. And we are not talking about the slay slavishly said statements. I am talking about the trump real estate empire. There is a reason that donald trump has not released his taxes and i suspect that one of the answers lies in the russian contributions and the investments in this company. And i really dont like the russian hacking of the dnc and lord knows what else. I think it is a danger to our political system. I recent it and i think that a republican weakness right now is that relationship. Do we know the russians did this hacking. The Intelligence Community has now said there is a high confidence to believe they are responsible. The issue is what did they hack and why did they do it and who gave the order to do it and did Vladimir Putin or one of his aids make an active decision to try and intervene in our politics . There is no connection to donald trump and his campaign . Thr there is no doubt about that. Donald trump did not coordinate this with Vladimir Putin. The more danger came with hillarys emails that contained classified email. I have two problems with Madeline Allbright. She was the secretary of state and hillary was the secretary of state. Why didnt she go around the globe telling us the successes of secretary clinton. She demonized donald trump which was my second point. Back to the first point, if you went around the globe to the russians, the reset button, failure. Melt down in the middle east, failure. Iraq, failure. The agreement with iran, failure. Forget demonizing donald trump, talk about the accomplishments of hillary. The fact she didnt speaks volumes of her silence. A lot of the republicans are on the sidelines saying you said a lot, but then didnt say anything about Hillary Clintons supposed accomplishments as secretary of state. Madeline all bright talked to her as a person and as a leader. Bill clinton did a little bit. He talked about the ceasefire between hamas and israel. I am not disagreeing. Madeline albright after she was badly burned in her in hell comment. Which by the way, i agree that ladies should be nice to other ladies. I think she was really trying to humanize hillary as well and to not give a wonky speech. No one doubts she knows the de tallets. Is it wonky to talk about a list of accomplishments. The most important thing right this second for Hillary Clinton is to not give resumes. I believe this and to a dnc crowd. It is to talk about a human being and who loves america and what we stand for. To talk about the immigrant experience and to talk about why donald trump does not represent our values. She was successful there. It wasnt the most stirring speech in the world. Having hr there is meaningful and supporting ladies is always nice. Without the threat of going to hell. We can get into the intersectional identity and the reason that bernie wasnt going after. It is too early in the morning to talk about intersectional identity. And judy because you were talking about the connections connections with russia. What about the connections with russia, uranium one specifically and the Clinton Foundation and the 2. 3 million. Another story that appeared a year ago and that is yet to be fully eke ploited and i exploited and i assume it will be. It is part of the fbi case that has not yet been dealt with. We will see how it ends. So far innocent until proven guilty. It is eyebrow raising. There is one more thing to talk about and that is poor ukraine. They dont seem to get help from barack obama or donald trump since his people took out the part of the platform that would have endorsed the provision of defensive weapons in their fight against the russians. So many things to talk about tonight. We tried to digest them all for you. Panel, thank you again. Stick around. Two days down. Can you imagine, two days to go with the democrats including Hillary Clintons big speech. Still ahead, our panel will be back with final thoughts. Stick with us. Because you are a super woman yes, i am when i am a mess oh yes i am a super woman yes i am. Smote. I am a super woman yes you are where are my bernie people at . where are my hillary people at . It is time to stand together and be unified. Alicia keys giving a performance. Big ups to the sanders people and the clinton people and trying to pull them together. The panel is here to talk about that. Talk about that and we can talk about what is happening today. President obama and Vice President biden and former Philadelphia Police commissioner charts ramsey charles ramsey. Final thoughts on tonights main events with jessica tarlove, Brad Blakeman and judith miller. I will start with you jessica this time. Your final thoughts. We have about four minutes for everybody. Oh for everybody. I was gonna say, let me tell you let me talk about intersectional identity. It is a big day for National Security. If we are hearing from the Vice President and the president it is time to talk about their record and the challenges we face and why Hillary Clinton is uniquely qualified to take on those challenges. I hope that the dnc and the democrats have corrected from the flag issue and the pen issue and we can have the symbols up there. It is a real shame we talk about the republicans as the patriotic party. I dont know if you could say it was selfcorrected though. They got a lot of push back. If there was not a tweet storm thats why it would stay down and thats a shame. Democrats love america. Thats my final thought. Monday was a disaster with the disappearance of the dnc chair. Tuesday was a missed opportunity by not having the Police Families included with the, quote, unquote, police violence. And tomorrow, or rather today i happen to believe all eyes will be on the vp nominee. We will go down a walk down memory lane. The speech i am most interested in is the new Vice President. I am interested in staying awake for all of it. You better stay awake. You will be back here with us. I just want to take a moment to remember what it felt like last night when finally and i think it was south dakota and then it was vermont and pushed hillary over that mark for those of us who were so surprised it now becomes acceptable for a woman to head the ticket of a major pear and that is a a major party. It is a great milestone and it is a great moment for women everywhere. I hope the progressives when they are not calling themselves socialists they dont push their party so far to the left that Hillary Clinton wont be appealing to the centritss. What about the younger people . The younger folk. What i think here and this is exciting news. She leads donald trump with millennials. I expect that to continue. Bernie sanders as we talked about is doing his part to help there. I would say also if you didnt see the footage of Bernie Sanders and his brother is voting for him and bernie is tearing up. It is worth watching and you know how much this meant to him and he has come to the right place now. Thats what you are talking about. We will talk about that tomorrow. Final word from the republican standpoint. I think it has been a lack luster event and for their sake i hope it picks up in the neck day or so. Somehow i think he is not brad missed last week. Thank you, panel. Good to have you. I will not be with you. Eric shawn will be here to take over and do the next two dayses. Two down and two to go. Ill stay up. I will watch. I can see the end almost. Thank you for joining us. For these three hours. Be sure on stick around fox and friends first starts at the top of the hour. I will be joined by huntsman for an extra hour of fox and friend first. We leave you in the hands of two great people. Thank you. See you, everybody. 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I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States. Shes the best darn

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