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Tried to kill Vladimir Putin. They said they tried to do it with a drone attack on the kremlin aimed at the president ial residence inside the kremlin. There has been video released reporting to show this incident, that is the drone attack on the kremlin, and then according to the russians, they say with their radar sophistication, they were able to shoot the drones down. You see at least one blast in this alleged video of the attack. They go on to say, in a statement coming from the state media agency tatt, that they reserve the right to respond to this in any way. Branding it a terror attack. As for ukraine. Ukraine says they had nothing to do with it. A senior ukrainian president ial official saying this is not the kind of thing they do. I will give you a quote from them. Ukraine has nothing to do with it. We dont attack the kremlin. First of all, it does not resolve any Military Task and it asks for a lot more trouble. Folks, weve been looking at this video and listening to what russia has been saying and what ukraine has been saying. There are a couple of options now that were looking at. One, that it was a kievorganized attack on the very heart of the russian government. If its true, an astounding act. Another option is a ukraine sympathizer within the moscow area that did this thinking this would be a good thing to do. So not completely condoned by kiev. Or a third option is that it is what they call a false flag attack. That is this is being talked about by some in ukraine, that russia did it themselves to try to set up an attack, response on ukraine. To me this sounds like a little bit too far to go for such a false flag attempt. It is an option out there now. Now we are looking at the accusation from the kremlin, a huge accusation, if true the most audacious thing ukraine has done to try to kill Vladimir Putin. And we have ukraine absolutely saying they had nothing to do with it. By the way, the word from tass is that Vladimir Putin is alive and well and in fact has been seen in some alleged video today. So nothing to worry about if you are on the russian side. Again, some spectacular video. True or not true, of absolutely the center of the russian government. The nerve center where the whole invasion of ukraine has been directed from. So interesting stuff and were sorting it out minute by minute. Bill want to bring in dan hoffman now. Ukrainians deny this. They are suggesting about an hour ago we were reporting that one of the leading officials in kiev was saying it is a prelude for russia to carry out a Terror Strike on ukraine. As that happens, dan hoffman knows the area well and Station Chief in moscow for several years. Good morning to you. It is fresh news. Were still working through it. What do you make of it at the early stages now . First its important to consider the source of the news. Thats the president ial administration, the kremlin. They are interested in influencing, not informing. And then secondly, it is a bit press oz tress to imagine how a ukraine drone could make it from hundreds of miles from ukraine all the way to russia through the tightly controlled airspace over the kremlin of all things. Remember, the russians took down a u. S. Drone over the black sea. Russia has done has made it a point of Exercising Control over airspace. So i think at first glance, at least, this is Vladimir Putin subterfuge. He wants an excuse for more they dont want mothers protesting. Additional Security Putin would want. An excuse to retaliate with measures that go Beyond The Pale even by russias standards against ukraine. Theyve already launched massive attacks on ukraine civilians, neighborhoods, hospitals, maternity wards, infrastructure. This is something that russia will try to use as an excuse in the come days i think as well. Dana one of the things that the russians keep repeating is this was an Assassination Attempt against Vladimir Putin. Correct me if im wrong, the russians havent exactly been avoiding trying to get zelensky. Right. They are at war. The russians have absolutely targeted zelensky and tried to kill him. So thats where again i think russia wants to see how the United States reacts. Thats also a big part of this. How does the Biden Administration react . Remember the Biden Administration in my view, at least. Has been guilty of some escalation paralysis. Efforts by the Biden Administration to insure russia doesnt overreact by their estimation to providing ukraine with the weapons that they need. This may be another effort by Vladimir Putin to demonstrate his seriousness and also to emphasize that russia is prepared to take whatever steps necessary to defeat ukraine. And thats got to be a concern. Right now i would just emphasize this is one where the president will be asking director of c. I. A. Burns, im sure he has been on the phone asking him what is going on inside the kremlin . Tell me the plans and intentions, what does it mean and a lot of coordination with ukrainian partners. Bill reading this according to reuters one u. S. Official really first reaction weve gotten saying the United States is trying to validate russias charge that ukraine tried to kill putin with the drone attack. May three. Spring offensive is to begin soon. What are we to make of it now and whether or not ukraine can be successful this time . Right. Thats the larger question. Does ukraine have the capability to be successful in this Counter Offensive . Their mission is to take back all the territory the russians illegally annexed going back to 2014. I would highlight Vladimir Putin is facing more pressure now than he has from his own internal Security Services and military. When i first heard about this drone attack i thought it was more likely one of his own guys would try to kill Vladimir Putin, not ukraine. The inner circle is closer to him and more concerned about the way the war is going. I think Vladimir Putin is very concerned about the potential success of ukrainian Counter Offensive and what russias narrative will be. They are playing it up in the russia press if they lose they will claim it was russia against the entire west, against nato. And thats something that putin is trying to prepare his own people for. If he loses, his Regime Security will be perilous. Perilous times for the rest of us. Russia has a lot of Nuclear Weapons and unrest in that country is definitely dangerous for the rest of the world. Bill great to have you on the phone to get your expertise. Former u. S. National security advisor Robert Obrien will join us in minutes. Well get his take on this news coming up shortly here. Eight minutes past now. Dana a woman arrested multiple times for a series of unrelated stabbing and knife attacks but avoiding jail each time thanks to soft on Crime Policies in los angeles. Now charged with murdering a father of two just weeks after she was arrested and released again for assault with a Deadly Weapon. Bill melugin following this story live in los angeles. Hi, bill. Good morning to you. Sources in l. A. s office tells me this case is a prime example of the disaster that can happen when californias loose Mental Health diversion laws combine with gascons soft on crime approach. This is 23yearold jade. Law enforcement sources say she was charged with Attempted Murder in 2020 after stabbing a woman in the chest puncturing. A violent felony but instead of jail time she was given Mental Health diversion. Later absconded and cut from the Diversion Program but reenrolled and given another chance. In 2021, brookfield was arrested for battery against a peace officer. Instead of jail she was given Mental Health diversion. Case dismissed. Later that year she was arrested again this time for making criminal threats after sources tell me she assaulted a man, pulled out two knives and threatened to kill him. The case was rejected by lada georges gascons office for lack of evidence. Fast forward to march this year while still on diversion from her first knife attack she was arrested again for another Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon after she repeatedly swung a knife at a bus driver who missed her exit. Brookfield was then ordered release from custody with an Ankle Monitor despite violent history and blatant violation of her Diversion Program. It was a deadly decision. Just weeks later in April Brookfield was arrested again, this time for murder after Law Enforcement sources tell me she fatally stabbed a man Named Dennis Banner in an argument in the street. She had her Ankle Monitor on at the time. Diversion is terminated and only now is she finally being held in custody after allegedly killing on innocent man. I reached out to gascons office for a statement. They told me they appreciate the public concern when somebody in a Mental Health Program Commits a serious crime. They say prosecutors make the best decisions they can in light of all the available information and that their hearts go out to the victims in this matter, end quote. We stand ready to support them on their journey to healing. Guys, back out here live Law Enforcement sources tell me this case should cause a serious reevaluation of Mental Health diversion policies at the state level as well as l. A. Dana i would think so. Thank you. Bill Breaking News from overnight now. Police arrested the illegal immigrant accused of murdering his neighbors ending a massive fourday long manhunt in texas. Francisco oropesa was found hiding underneath laundry in a home 20 miles from cleveland, texas north of houston where the massacre took place on friday night. Police say five people were shot Execution Style including a 9yearold boy. There was a noise dispute. Called the f. B. I. Tip line. It is accredited to for leading to his capture. Several other people are arrested in connection to the crime. Could be Family Members as well. The suspects wife is among those now being questioned. So stand by for more on that. Now to this also. Dana President Biden is sending 1500 active duty troops to the southern border as soon as next week to help deal with an expected surge of Illegal Immigrants once title 42 ends. Soldiers will serve in administrative and transport roles to free up Border Patrol agents carrying out the Law Enforcement duties. Joining us now texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick and i have to imagine you think this is maybe welcome but way too little too late and youve already sent National Guard troops there in order to help. Yes. And these troops will be doing very little when they arrive there except be in clerical positions. Bill and dana, lets look at the entire picture. You have a president who doesnt know where he has been or where he is going. A Vice President who cant string ten words together. She is the border czar. Homeland security secretary continuing to Tell Congress the border is secure and then the Press Secretary who said the other day that Border Crossings were down 90 while she knew they were sending these National Guard. Again, well be in support they cant interact with those crossing illegally. Do nothing to stop it. They dont want to stop it. Our poor Border Patrol agents who want to do their job of Law Enforcement are reduced to being hotel clerks in an allnight hotel with a vacancy sign that says everything is free in america, come and get it. Fentanyl, the number one killer 1845, drug trafficking, we have children and women in sex trafficking daily. We find that. We have criminals crossing the border on a regular basis committing murder, rape, carjacking, brutal Gang Violence all over this country. This president does nothing about it. He even says these 1500 are there to help these people cross into america. This president has a stone cold heart. He does not care about the victims. He does not care about these people in the county killed, five of them including the 9yearold as you mentioned by an illegal here who had been deported many times. The president in my view, this country has been invaded for years. I have said this on fox. After his first term, bill and dana, 10 to 15 of the total population, those who already here before he came to office and the 10 million plus during thinks four years, 10 to 15 of the entire population will be in america illegally. Thats a plan. He doesnt care who dies or gets hurt to execute that plan. Bill next week will be a whopper. Thank you for your time. Well speak then. He is right about the 10,000 National Guard troops Governor Abbott sent out a tweet he deployed some time ago. You wonder what 1500 can do. Maybe gives the Border Patrol a bit of a break. Dana they are only allowed to do administrative work. They cant help on the apprehension. They are throw to help the Border Patrol who have been doing administrative work. Bill interesting. This is andrea flores, his former director for border security, bidens. You knew title 42 was going to expire, right . What was your plan. You knew it would happen. Dhs had two years to plan a wind down. Instead it was a greater emergency that will lead to troops in border communities. Maybe you get more under this administration, maybe you dont. Theyve shown in the past that when you have a problem down there, the amount of attention they give it sometimes is the opposite of what you would expect. Dana reminder that comes from somebody who worked for President Biden at the National Security council on this very issue. Want to get you to this. Check out this video. Bill man, oh man. That video of a Driver Losing Control straight into that stopped car. That Police Officer making a run for it. How this turned out. Dana Artificial Intelligence could be coming for your job sooner than you think. Which jobs will be farmed out first and what it means for the u. S. Workforce . The president and Vice President Kamala Harris getting ready to hit the trail. Are voters willing to overlook the age and the negative views of the Vice President . Former Chief Of Staff to george w. Bush, andy card, will join us on that. Ps plan ahead by getting a Va Cash Out Home Loan from newday. Pay off your high rate credit cards. Pay yourself cash. With wet amd, sometimes i worry my world is getting smaller because of my sight. But now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. Vabysmo is the first fdaapproved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments. Which means doing more of what i love. Vabysmo is the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. Vabysmo is an eye injection. Dont take it if you have an infection or active swelling in or around your eye, or are allergic to it or any of its ingredients. Treatments like vabysmo can cause Eye Infection or retinal detachment. Vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. Although uncommon, there is a potential risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. 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Also now the Biden Administration and the campaign is reportedly planning the first fundraisers for 2024 next week with Vice President harris heading to georgia. But her unpopularity has been a big challenge. The latest poll shows only 41 of voters have a favorable opinion of the Vice President with 57 unfavorable. Lets bring in andy card former Chief Of Staff for george w. Bush and great friend. Wonderful to have you here. David axelrod, who ran the Obama Biden Campaign has thoughts about why this Vice President ial issue is going to matter in 2024. Lets listen to him here. Kamala harris is going to have a prominent place in this campaign because of his age. I think it is a natural question to ask about the Vice President. And there must be a recognition in his campaign and in the white house that they need to strengthen her as a player in all of this. Dana theyve been doing this for quite a while. This is the latest transformation theyre trying with the Vice President. Look at the headlines here. The New York Times april 25th. With bidens 2024 bid Kamala Harris will be under more scrutiny. Biden looks to elevate harriss work. Inside biden strategy to repair harriss image. How much of an issue is the Vice President in this upcoming 2024 election . Is it possible to turn things around . Thank you for having me on. Yes, i think it is a challenge for the Biden Harris Team to demonstrate they have the capacity to put a Team Together that will be there for the next four years. Kamala harris has not lived up to expectations when she was appointed as the running mate for joe biden. So i think that theyre struggling in the polls. I think she is struggling to demonstrate her capacity to really lead the nation. So i think it will be an issue for the Biden Harris Team as they get ready to campaign. The first place they will have to campaign is with the real people in New Hampshire. Im not sure that either one of them is that popular in New Hampshire right now. Dana thats where you are and activity on the republican side as well because we are not that far away from getting really into the 2024 election much to everyones surprise. It has gone by pretty eye quickly. When it comes to a Vice President ial choice the republicans might say if biden wins reelection in 2024, every day of his term could be Kamala Harriss inauguration day. When you were involved in previous campaigns and though you were Secretary Of Transportation during the 41 years and reelection for george w. Bush, how much of an issue was the Vice President when you dealt with those campaigns . Curious about dan quayle especially. First of all, President Elect or the president want to be has to really understand that the Vice President has to be ready on day one in case they are needed on day one. So you dont pick a Vice President for the future, you pick a Vice President to meet the challenges should something catastrophic happen to the sitting president. So it is not a training opportunity. I do think dan quayle had more credibility than Kamala Harris. But yes, there was a little stretch of the time at the time and i remember the Selection Process people were quite surprised when the first president bush picked dan quayle as his running mate. They assumed it to be bob dole at the time for example. Kamala harris is not up to the task right now. She would have a hard time being president tomorrow if something happened to joe biden today. Dana that will be an issue that everyone will be talking about. Andy card, great to see you. I should also point out the republicans have the same challenge with our leading candidate, too. Who would be his running mate. Dana a lot of people wondering who that might be for anybody that actually emerges on the republican side. Andy card, thank you. Bill nice to see you. He looks good, happy and healthy. Dana we have to discuss the antiaging secrets of andy card. Bill axios report saying at this state of the game the biden team in terms of a campaign is running behind schedule. Dana it says here by january 2011 obamas Team Announced its Senior Leadership and courting donors. They had a Donor Meeting last night with the biden team and it didnt blow anybody away. Bill a Little Underwhelming is the report. China stirring up the pot militarily, economically and online. The Biden Administration says it is ready for highlevel talks with the nations biggest rival. What is taking so long . Senate republicans accusing Secretary Of State Antony Blinken of lying. Did he give false testimony about hunter biden under oath . And drugs are taking a devastating toll in the streets of San Francisco. Laura ingraham went there to see it herself. And until people want to make these hard decisions and tell people no, then this will continue to happen. You will see this and you will come back in two years and it will be much worse. 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I hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. Bill another alert now. Iran an forces capturing another ship on the high seas today. Second one seized in less than a week time. The u. S. Navy says the commercial oil tanker flying the panamanian flying was overtaken by irans revolutionary guard. Another Oil Tanker En Route to houston, texas taken from iran after it left kuwait city. The iranians have got a habit what forms here. Well see which way it goes. All right. Dana Hunter Biden Investigation getting more contentious if you can believe that. Two Top Republican senators accusing Secretary Of State Antony Blinken of giving false testimony claiming he never exchanged emails with the president s son and calling on blinken to turn over his records. Congressional republicans are focusing more on Secretary Of State Antony Blinken in the Hunter Biden Investigation. Ron johnson and Chuck Grassleys staff interviewed blinken in 2020. They highlight this exchange in their letter to blinken. Question, did you ever talk with hunter biden on the phone . He says not that i recall. Then they ask did you have any other means of correspondence with him emails, texts and he says no. They produce a 2015 email where hunter asks him to get a cup of coffee and he said absolutely. He was a long time aide to senator and then Vice President joe biden. Blinken is also responding to House Republican accusations that he coordinated that 2020 letter from dozens of former u. S. National security figures calling reports on the contents of Hunter Bidens laptop as having all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation. Can you explain what your role was in that and if you incentivized it . One of the great benefits of this job is that i dont do politics and dont engage in it. But with regard to that letter, i didnt wasnt my idea. Didnt ask for it or solicit it. I think the testimony that the former Deputy Director of the c. I. A. Mike morrell put forward confirms that. House republicans say morrells testimony shows a call from blinken triggered that letter. Democrats say its nonsense and accuse republicans of cherry picking morrells interview. Bill Breaking News that happened a short time ago. Russia claims ukraine tried to assassinate Vladimir Putin. Moscow saying it thwarted a Ukrainian Drone attack on the kremlin. That is the video on screen. Calling this a terrorist act, threatening retaliation. The u. S. Says it is trying to verify the claim which ukraine denies. Robert obrien, former u. S. National security advisor. Your timing is pitch perfect, sir. Thank you for being here. Antony blinken is doing an interview right now with the washington post. He said cannot validate the reports about a drone strike. He also said anything that comes out of the kremlin you must take with a large shaker of salt and again we simply do not know. If you were to fly a drone from the Ukrainian Border to Downtown Moscow and hit the kremlin, you would have to travel about 500 miles. What do you make of the early reports we have on this, sir, in the scarce video were watching . It has the hallmarks of a russian false flag operation for a couple of reasons. One, the russians Just Launched a massive drone attack on civilians in ukraine and roundly criticized for it. I think this is their way of trying to say the ukrainians did it to us as well. Number two, its inconsistent with the way the ukrainians have fought the war. They could engage in gorilla at activity in moscow and russian cities. It has not done so. It has had limited attacks on the Russian Federation to Power Stations on the border that they deny. This is inconsistent with how ukraine has fought the war. Three, if they were trying to assassinate Vladimir Putin, this based on the photos were watching is a small drone with a small conventional charge and the kremlin is a massive facility for those of you. You have been there bill and dana. A massive facility. Hitting it with a small drone with a limited conventional charge wasnt going to kill Vladimir Putin or do any real damage to the kremlin. It is hard to believe the ukrainians would have risked the backlash of that sort of attack. I would take this one time when i would agree with blinken to take it with a Grain Of Salt from the russians. Bill well see how it develops in the day and coming weeks in the Spring Offensive on behalf of the ukraine military. You were intimate in this in the trump years. That is the topic of beijing, china. Nicholas burns is our ambassador and he said this about ready for highlevel talks with chinese leadership. Watch. Our view is we need better channels between the two governments and deeper channels. Were ready to talk and it is particularly important to do that, of course, when you have big problems. We have major disagreements in the relationship. We have never been shy of talking and we hope the chinese will meet us halfway on this. Bill you could say what took you so long . You had a couple of things out there. The spy balloon, you have covid restrictions, i didnt realize this, there are 295,000 Chinese Students studying in america. There are only 350 American Students in china. Some of that is because of covid restrictions. The other thing burns said we have not had a Productive Exchange on the fentanyl issue. I ask you on all these issues now, what has taken so long . Well, this is a little embarrassing. Were begging and ambassador burns is being told to do this by the state department. We are begging the chinese for talks. They arent that into us. Im not opposed to talking to our adversaries. When i was in office i held a summit with russia. So on arms control. If there is a reason to talk to our adversaries thats fine. For us to beg them to come to the table, that is a sign of weakness. The chinese last time the chinese spoke with us met with Jake Sullivan and tony blinken in alaska. You will remember this. They haranged our diplomats and spent an hour lecturing them on how terrible the u. S. Was. No apology for covid. No further clarification what happened with covid. The threats against taiwan are Beyond The Pale, and the spy balloon they still clinging to the story it was a Meteorologist Balloon checking the weather over the air force bases. I appreciate that they were checking over the weather over our Nuclear Sites and in light of all the chinese bad acts the fact we are begging them for talks is a little embarrassing. Bill thank you for your time. Blinken said he hopes to do that later this year. Well see if and when it happens. Robert obrien, please come back. Thank you. Dana a new Health Warning for americans. Why the Surgeon General says loneliness has become a deadly, dangerous crisis and what can be done about it. Plus the growing drug crisis in San Francisco and alarming new information from the cdc. Take a look here. Oh my god. Stop. Stop. Stop. Dana attack on a Flight Attendant. What that man was planning to do moments before takeoff. Theres a different way to treat hiv. Its everyothermonth, injectable cabenuva. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. Its two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. Its one less thing to think about while traveling. Hiv pills arent on my mind. A quick change in my plans is no big deal. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. Serious side effects include allergic reactions postinjection reactions, Liver Problems, and depression. 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So they can do more of what matters. Benefits. Payroll. Compliance. Trinet. People matter. Bill here we go. All aboard. Disturbing scene on board of a unite ed airlines flight. Assaults a Flight Attendant and tries to jump out of the plane through the emergency exit. Other passengers intervene. This happened before the flight took off from San Francisco to houston. Dana i would be irritated because it delayed the flight. A new report from the Surgeon General says loneliness poses a tremendous health risk as deadly as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day. His report said this. We now know that loneliness is a common feeling that many people experience. It is like hunger or thirst. It is a feeling the body sends us when something we need for survival is missing. Millions of people in america are struggling in the shadows and thats not right. Thats why i issued this advisory to pull back the curtain on a struggle that too many people are experiencing. Here now dr. Marc siegel, fox news contributor. How do you assess loneliness in america . Do you think it as bad as he describes . Huge problem, dana. I interviewed him actually yesterday about this when the advisory first came out. And actually Monday Morning and aired it yesterday on the radio. This is a key issue for him. He has been following this for years and published a book on this in 2020 before the pandemic really hit. And he is very concerned about it. These statistics that they uncovered are shocking. 30 increase risk of stroke. 30 increased risk of heart attack. 50 increased risk of dementia. You say what does that have to do with loneliness but it has everything to do with it. People not doing as Well Cognitively if you connect them and not as isolated they do better. 60 increased risk of early death from loneliness. From being separated from people. From not having real human connections. Of course, the pandemic had a lot to do with this. He admitted that. He also agreed with me that everybody at each others throat is a huge part of the problem. He prescribes kindness and the doctor needs to play a prominent role. How doctors are hiding now behind Artificial Intelligence. He wants physicians to come to the forefront the problem of loneliness. There is no substitute for inperson reaction. As we use technology we lost out on a lot of inperson interaction. How do we Design Technology that strengthens our relationships as opposed to weakens them . What did he tell you about that, doctor . Thats a really important point. He said to me something really surprising, bill. He said that social media was actually designed initially to bring people together, to actually be used as a way of reaching out with your iphone, with tiktok and with google and with twitter. But that it has deteriorated to the point it promotes divisiveness and anger and it doesnt have to be. We can move in more of a direction of kindness. This may be pie in the sky. Listen, advisory is the First Step Towards healing a problem, right . It is not the solution. Just the beginning. Dana can i show you one thing on another topic . Laura ingraham. It has to do with loneliness. She did a great trip to San Francisco talking about fentanyl and talked to a resident. Watch it. To me fentanyl has been like something that is keeping me alive. It helps me not think about some of the trauma that ive been through. When i dont get it, like, i cant breathe sometimes or have anxiety really bad. But when i have it, like i need it i immediately calm down. Dana doctor you can almost hear the loneliness in her voice as well. Great report by Laura Ingraham and she pointed out that you only have two choices when you are on the street in an encampment and tent city. She loved San Francisco. I do, too. These Homeless Encampments are troubling. The choices are you stay and live in these conditions or go to jail. There arent enough feet on the ground there. Arent enough boots on the ground. As you just showed, people turn quickly to drugs. There is a lot of Mental Illness on the streets to begin with and there is a connection there between Mental Illness, the use of fentanyl and other drugs and the point you made to tie everything together loneliness. People are isolated there. There is no family. Bill thank you, doctor, good input there. Thank you. Artificial intelligence could be coming for your job. A lot sooner than you think. Say it aint so. Dana i hope not. Bill which jobs are most likely to get farmed out first. Oh joy. Stay tuned. On your credit cards lately . Get ready for a shock. The rate on credit cards is now over 22 . If you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. And get the financial Peace Of Mind every veteran deserves. No one takes care of veterans like newday usa. Ready to feel what its like . When you can du more with less asthma. Its possible with dupixent. Dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. Its an addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma. And can help improve Lung Function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. Dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks. And can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. Are you in . Dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. Get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. Ask your Asthma Specialist about dupixent. Itâ– s hard eating healthy. Unless you happen to be a dog. vo Verizon Small Business days are back. April 27th through may 3rd. Get a free tech check and special offers. Like a free 5g phone. Get started today with verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. Harris the white house announced there will be no negotiating between the president and republicans over the debt ceiling. The time is becoming more urgent for all of america. Our ability to pay our bills meaning the country and us. Biden is set to meet with gop leaders but now we know it is just his own photo op. And our southern border bracing for what could look like an invasion when the coviddriven title 42 Health Restriction ends shortly. One texas lawmaker says the president has surrendered on illegal immigration. Senator mike lee was there and will be in focus. Jonna caldwell and tyrus top of the our. Dana millions of jobs lost All Over The World for a. I. In the next few years. Well tell us what will not have a job, kelly . I know, right . Thats the concern. Listen, manual laborintensive jobs are not as much at risk. A. I. Will impact white collar roles more than blue collar. The new study predicts 14 million jobs lost by 2027. Close to a quarter of all jobs would change and those adjustments would be driven by a. I. It would be accountants, cashiers, Customer Service workers. Another report from Goldman Sachs predicts 300 million jobs globally could be impacted by a. I. Positively or negatively. The study predicts the a. I. Could replace 44 of all legal roles. We are having a Writers Strike in hollywood. The Sticking Point in a. I. Writers want their contract to prevent studios from using a. I. To write and edit scripts. I dont know if you saw this. Reeves even banned it in his contracts. We should take note as well. Dana we might need to. Thank you for that. A lot of people wondering. Bill Breaking News from the world of sports. The Younger Brother Of Nfl star Quarterback Patrick Mahomes has been arrested. This is jackson mahomes, age 22. Booked earlier today in Johnson County jail. We believe thats on the missouri side of the border southeast of kansas city. Three counts of aggravated Sexual Battery and one count of battery. Apparently this incident happened back in february at a local Bar Restaurant in kansas city. The case has not gone away. Bond has been set at 1 hundred thousand. Thats what we have from the d. A. s office in Johnson County. Well keep an eye on that. Before we get out of here a couple things. More evidence that Actors Woody Harrellson and could be half brothers. The only place you can find this stuff. New Interview Harrison claims when mcconaughey was born dad told his mom that aint my son. I do believe he said it with that accent. This follows comments from mcconaughey revealing that harelsons father may have had a fling with his mom during his parents divorce. Dana do you think theyre saying it to get in Celebrity News . Bill i think thats exactly what theyre doing. Dana i have a feeling. Im impressed with your followup. You have a lot of attention to detail and you know the viewers of newsroom appreciate it. Bill we wont let that one go. Dana Harris Faulkner is up next. Here she is. Harris we begin with a fox news alert. Republicans put a deal on the table to save the nation from defaulting on its debt. It would be devastating. It is up to the president , though, to work with all lawmakers and solve this crisis. They are set to meet with him and now late word biden will just sit with them but he will not negotiate anything. The nation did not hire a deal maker with this one. Im Harris Faulkner and you are

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