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Americas newsroom. Here we go. House republicans say theyre in the final stage of their investigation into the bidens and they are set to hear from several key witnesses including the man who led the investigation into hunter biden. Bill the d. O. J. Is offering david weiss for testimony before the house. Higher ups pressured weiss to give hunter a plea deal. He maintains thats not true and prepared to say that under oath. Dana the House Oversight committee will finally get a chance to interview Hunter Bidens former best friend and Business Associate devon archer after he canceled the deposition three times. Bill he is said to be prepared to testify that then Vice President biden joined his sons business meetings by person or phone. Something the white house has repeatedly denied. Dana coming to a head as hunter biden prepares to pled guilty to misdemeanor tax charges. Team fox coverage. Karl rove is on deck. We begin with Gillian Turner at the white house. Hi, gillian. Its a major move from the Justice Department. They have offered and confirmed that david weiss will appear publicly to provide testimony to the congress. Got a flag for you. Weiss as you just mentioned the key Government Official who ran the investigation into the president s son, hunter biden. Look at what the d. O. J. Says. They believe it is strongly in the Public Interest for the American People and congress to hear from weiss about questions about his authority at a public hearing. Last week two i. R. S. Whistleblowers said that weiss, despite his claim to have full and complete authority over the hunter biden probe, was sidelined by more senior officials seeking to protect his father. In the wake of that accusations from Oversight Republicans and allegations of corruption on bribery leveled in this unclassified f. B. I. Form that Senator Grassley released last week, the white house messaging is shifting slightly and subtly. Listen. I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. The white house and the president still stand behind his comment that he has never been involved and never even spoken to his son about his business . Ive been asked this question a million times. The answer wont change. It remains the same. The president was never in business with his son. I just dont have anything else to add. Tomorrow hunter biden is slated to have an initial court appearance. D. O. J. Has said in the past he will plead guilty to minor tax crimes as you mentioned. Then coming up monday devon archer, his close Business Associate will be deposed by the House Oversight committee. Important to keep in mind that archer himself has already been convicted of crimes and sentenced to a year in prison. Dana and bill. Dana Gillian Turner at the white house. Bill bring in karl rove fox news contributor. Two things ill get to. Kjp said was never in business. This gets back to a bit of words are important. Speaking of words. Does anyone believe joes claim he never discussed his sons business . The burden of proof has shifted. Troubling allegations that are increasingly specific and backed up by witnesses. The more we know the harder to believe joe bidens assertion he never discussed business with hunter. Do you believe that the ground has shifted, karl . I believe it has. It should because remember, devon archer joins the Board Of Burisma in january of 2014. He brings hunter into the board like in march. Its publicly announced in may. The Vice President of the United States, the father of hunter biden, is in charge of the administrations efforts to encourage the Ukrainian Government to crack down more forcefully on corruption. And yet one of the targets of the Corruption Probe in ukraine is burisma. How could Hunter Bidens involvement in burisma never become a subject of conversation between his father and him when his father knows that he is on the board of a corrupt board . Also raises question did anybody in the Obama White House ever visit with Vice President biden and say its a problem that your son is on this board. I believe there are such conversations. I hope we find out whether or not there were in the months ahead. Dana what do you think about when Kevin Mccarthy Last Night On Hannity was talking about the possibility of starting these Impeachment Inquiries about joe biden . Well, i took away from that it was sometime off. There needs to be more evidence found, conversation with devon archer will be important. The weiss, u. S. Attorneys conversation, testimony before the committee is going to be important. Thats not going to take place until september or maybe even october. But clearly there is something sleazy here. It has been sleazy for years. Simply when then Vice President biden went to ukraine in 2015, the fall of 2015. He was criticized by ukrainian nongovernment organizations helping in the corruption anticorruption fight for being the u. S. Representative on this issue when his son was on the corrupt board of the corrupt company. This is like please, were you that tone deaf or poorly briefed . No, i think he knew his son was on the board and basically dismissed it. His son was making good money, why bother about it . Dana ask you about the revelation that Hunter Bidens one piece of art sold to a democratic major doaner, 1. 3 million. Several months later after the art went on sale the president appointed the woman to the commission for the preservation of americas heritage abroad. What do you think of that . Well, the key question here is, who knew what . Because there is some evidence that hunter biden knew that she was buying his art and if these things were totally disconnected, she loved his art and bought a bunch of it and then got put on the board and nobody in the white house knew about it, its a coincidence. There is some evidence and we need to find out if its accurate, that hunter biden knew she was selling the art and did his father know or people inside the white house know she was buying the art. The art is sleazy. The president s son has little or no artistic ability and people are paying big sums of money for his art. In fact, what was demeaning to me was that in the settlement with his the mother of his child, the president s grandchild whom he refuses to acknowledge, part of the payment was in the form of art from hunter biden. Was that meant to be a gift to his daughter or was that meant to be something that could be used to sell for money to support the child . I dont know. Either way, its just continues to be sleazy. Bill the same woman held a fundraiser in l. A. For kamala harris. She is all around the executives at the white house today. Karl, thank you, come back and well talk about the big debate coming up in 29 days as well. Nice to see you today in austin. Great to see you. The blue dress is terrific. Dana thanks for noticing. Bill august 23rd, wednesday night, we shall be in milwaukee then, counting down. Less than a month. Dana well be there. Lets get you this news. Police in massachusetts have identified the man who drowned near the obamas Marthas Vineyard estate sunday as their personal chef. Mr. Campbell. Crews recovered his body in a pond on the south shore 100 feet from the obamas property. Bryan llenas with the tragic story. Good morning. Behind me is Theed Gartown great pond, Massachusetts State Police divers searched this area and discovered the mans body before 10 00 a. M. Yesterday about 15 hours after this apparent drowning occurred. Now, using Side Scan Sonar from a boat, divers found him eight feet below, 100 feet from the shore. This pond surrounds former president obamas 29acre, 12 million estate on Marthas Vineyard. Mr. And mrs. Obama were not here at the time of the incident. On sunday just after 7 45 p. M. , Police Received a call that a male Paddle Border had gone into the water. Struggled to stay on the surface before he submerged. Another Paddle Border who was with campbell at the time out on the pond observed him go under the water. Here is some of the 911 dispatch from that time. We were heading to wilsons landing. Africanamerican male on a paddle board, no life preserver, last seen wearing all black, recovered the board as well as a hat. No life preserver. Now we do not know how strong of a Swimmer Campbell was. We dont know who was Paddle Boarding with him or who called 911. Campbell worked in the white house kitchen while obama was in office before being hired as the familys personal chef. The obamas released a statement read, he was a be loved part of our family. When we first met him he was a talented chef at the white house. We got to know him as a warm, fund, extraordinary kind person who made all our lives brighter. Our hearts are broken that he is gone. He is survived by his wife and twin boys. The Massachusetts State Police are leading this investigation. Weve called them with questions and are waiting their response. Dana thank you, what a sad, sad story. Working at the white house as a chef is an incredible experience. He worked his way up. We have a picture of him with george w. Bush during that administration. And i dont know how close they were but the president knew him and was aaffectionate toward him. A Video Showing how he would go to great pains of making Homemade Beer there in the white house. Watch here. You dont want to go too fast. Creating a lot of air which would make the beer taste. Then we top it off. You want to get the water to the neck, caps back on it. On your way. We have to keep it under lock and key. Bill whether it was bush or obama took a liking to the chef. A moment where you have a cop from cambridge come from the white house with the beer summit early on in his administration. There are some questions that still need to be answered about what the circumstances are for this gentleman who was with him as bryan pointed out. Well try to get answers for you. He made a point of telling people he cant swim and to be out There Without A Life Jacket On is very unfortunate for him. Now the two young kids he leaves behind. Getting an update on the Suspected Gilgo Beach Serial Killer. A vault and a search for more evidence what he may have kept inside that home. Here is nancy. It was all a lie and very quickly, i mean, within a few hours, people realized her story wasnt adding up. Dana a woman now admitting the whole thing was a hoax. Why did she do it . Bill The First Dog commander said to be snapping up a storm at the white house all over the secret service. Its no good. How many people he is said to have bitten in less than two years time. , need to lower your Monthly Expenses and get cash . Heres a great way to do it. The newday 100 va cash out loan. At newday, our veterans on average pay off 44,000 of high rate debt, take out 28,000 cash and can lower the Monthly Payments by 500. Use your Va Benefit At Newday right now and get the financial Peace Of Mind youve earned with your service. Which hotel . Oh did somebody say which hotel . Im great at this. Dance to your faves in the spalike bathroom. or enjoy local craft beers with breathtaking views at the cambria. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. The first time you connected your Godaddy Website and your store was also the first time you realized. Well, we can do anything. Cheesecake cookies . 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A woman admitted she made a lot of things up about her socalled disappearance. Carlee russell on july 13th, two weeks ago, there was an abduction reported along a highway. 911 was called about a Toddler Wandering in the road. Two days later at the same time russell was reported missing. Two days later she shows up at her parents door, saturday, july 15th. Investigators revealed her search. A one way bus ticket to nashville. How do get the movie taken. Her boyfriend also erases all traces of her and that brings us now to today, actually yesterday where she has admitted it was all a hoax. Jonathan serrie picks up the story live in the southeast bureau. Whats up with this . Hello. Police trying to figure out a motive. They say Carlee Russell admitted to fabricating her kidnapping and that she did this through a statement delivered to them by her attorney. The lawyer says there was no kidnapping on july 13th and his client did not see a Toddler Walking on the side of Interstate 459 as she initially told a 911 operator. Additionally the Attorney Says the 25yearold woman acted alone and she apologizes to the community, police and volunteers who searched for her. The statement adds we ask for your prayers for carlee as she addresses her issues and attempts to move forward understanding she made a mistake in this matter. Today police plan to meet with carlees attorney to talk further about the case. Were currently in discussions with the District Attorneys Office about possible criminal charges related to this case and well announce those charges when and if they are filed. The young woman is now ex boyfriend posted on instagram carlees actions created hurt, confusion and dishonesty. I strongly feel exactly like you all, blindsided with carlees actions. Again, bill, police say they dont know what the motive was, what would lead carlee to fake her disappearance. She is home safely, but the investigation continues. Back to you. Bill so does the mystery. Thank you, jonathan, nice to see you in atlanta. Dana baltimores young people are being shot and killed at a staggering rate. It hasnt been seen in a decade. Baltimore sun reports that so far this year it amounts to one victim 19 and under shot every two days and one killed each week. Clyde boat write is part of the maryland police. This is top of mind for you every day. Your opinion about the scope and scale how bad this problem is there. Good morning, dana. Thank you for having me. This is a very, very, very crucial topic that needs to be discussed here locally in baltimore. Our young people are seeing the results of failed policies where they are now being impacted in a violent way. So im glad that your station is taking the Leadership Role in making this topic such a priority. Unfortunately, we have had leaders who have failed to address this problem. Dana what is the policy or policies that you think are coming home to roost . Well, the policies that as weve had eight years of failed policies from our former states attorney most by. She had a soft on crime approach that has given people that use firearms to hurt people feeling that there will be no consequences. So now we have a new states attorney and hopefully start to see change in the city of baltimore. Dana it shows 28 young people have been killed this year. 91 young people shot. They are probably also dealing with injuries. I also noted in our research that absenteeism at school is something that is staggering. Before covid, the rate was about 23 . Chronic absenteeism somebody who misses i dont know the exact time. You miss a lot of school is how you get into the statistics. Right now its at 58 in Baltimore City. Are there alarm bells going off in the city about kids not even going to school . Well, i will say this. Giving credit to the Baltimore City School System for taking they take a serious approach. I actually work there, absenteeism is one of the Top Priorities theyre trying to address but it all goes back to parenting. When young people are absent from school and there is not an adult that is checking on them to insure they are coming to school, then you will start to see numbers increase like that. Dana statistic here. Somebody who misses more than 10 of school. You are chronically absent. I have this. Antonio moore, 24 years old talking to the Baltimore Sun about youth violence. What he means with this. You can always talk about the Socio Economic issues. The stuff people talk about for years with poverty and everything else. The Psychological Role Social Media plays in these shootings has been a real ignored factor. What does he mean . I think he brings up a great point. Social media has, you know, glorified some of these acts that weve seen in some of these violent acts. And for whatever reason, our young folks like to use social media as a way to show that theyre popular and things like that. So when you are caught on camera doing something illegal or something violent, they do that for the social traffic that comes with that. Dana do you have hopes that things can get better . Yeah, i think that if we can get everybody on the same page and focus on this as a problem. The states attorneys from across the state of maryland. Chiefs and sheriffs, fop. We have called for tougher laws and now we hope to see our legislators make the necessary changes in the upcoming legislative session. Dana you are welcome here any time, thank you. Thank you. Bill good man. 25 past the hour now. Breaking news a moment ago. Were getting news that we can confirm that the Governor Ron Desantis was in a Car Accident En Route to an event in chattanooga, tennessee. He is uninjured and so are the staffers with him at the car. He is unhurt and a spokesperson says we appreciate the prayers and well wishes of the nation after the governor was involved in that crash. Dont know if the event will continue. In all likelihood will continue toward that event based on some of the information were getting. Brian griffin gave out the statement this morning. The governor was in a car accident traveling to an event in chattanooga, tennessee. Not a lot more information after that. He is said to be okay after that. Dont know if its a fender bender. Dana a lot of cars have Safety Mechanisms to keep people safe. Get you more information as it comes in. Bill all right. And this. Dana months of mass protests in israel are intensifying after new Court Reforms were passed. What it means for our closest ally in the mideast. Lawmakers probing what the government knows about ufos. A former nafsh eave pilot who will testify tomorrow will join us next on what he says he saw on training missions. Enjoy what i love to do. As long as you can make an impact, why stop . This is american infrastructure. Megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. All running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. But the same aipowered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running americas infrastructure. For these services. For the 336 million of us living here. Nece bill they are still in the streets in israel, mass protests intensifying as Parliament Passes its controversial law to limit Supreme Court powers. It has inspired six months of demonstrations. Trey yengst Live In Jerusalem with the update today. What is that, trey . Hello. Good morning. Clashers erupted overnight between Israeli Police and protestors after a controversial judicial reform was passed into law. Demonstrators taking to the streets of tel aviv where they blocked the citys main highway. Officers on horse back flanked by Water Cannons tried to clear the road for hours. 18 protestors arrested and ten officers were injured. This follows Daytime Demonstrations in jerusalem after the final vote at the israel parliament. The bill that passed Monday Afternoon will prevent israels Supreme Court from using the Reasonableness Standard to intervene in government decisions. Opposition Party Members say it will erode the fabric of israels democracy by ending a Balance Of Power in the jewish state. Benjamin netanyahu, who endorsed the Jude Herbal Overhaul urged calm and unity. Lifts owe come to an agreement. My call to you. I extend my hand to call for peace and Mutual Respect within us. Security officials worry a deep fracture in Israely Society could have implications for the countrys military. 10,000 Army Reservists have refused to serve. With ongoing Security Threats from israel with country likes iran, the Army Reservists are refusing to serve is a major concern for leadership in jerusalem. Bill dana. Dana now to americas drug crisis. A Growing Number of addicts are abusing Animal Sedatives and responsible for a surge in deadly overdoses. Alexis mcadams has the story. We talked to a mom who lost her son in pennsylvania to a tranq Overdose Deaths and on it for a while. She told me she got a call that changeded her life forever in winter from the County Coroner in pennsylvania telling her son overdosed and was gone. They kept trying to give him narcan. Doesnt work with xylazine. They didnt know thats what it was. A lot of hospitals dont know. The narcan wasnt working. They tried to resuscitate him and he died within 15 minutes after he got to the hospital. He was 32 years old when he died in december after his family says he bought what he thought was heroin in kensington, an Open Air Drug Market in philadelphia. It was laced with fentanyl and xylazine. A glimpse into the death toll. Zion scene and fentanyl mixtures in every state. The centers for Disease Control said the percentage of fatal overdoses with xylazine was up 76 . It has horrible effects on humans. Covered arms and legs with large wounds weve show you in the past. New york city the special narcotics Prosecutor Says her team is going after dealers. Busting stash houses finding large bags of drugs cut with xylazine. It is all about making the bucks. No concern for human life. It is only about money. So to the extent we can hit these organizations where it hurts in their pocket books, thats another effective tool. The question what is being done about this . The white house is working to make the drug a controlled substance and limit availability. March Biden Asked Congress more than 46 billion for nations drug programs. There has been nothing yet. Those people out there and these parents want answers and looking to this administration to figure it out. Dana if you are the parent of an addict you are desperate. Bill thank you. So in the meantime, tomorrow you are going to have quite a hearing in a House Committee on the hill probing the existence of ufos. This comes now after an unconfirmed report of claims from the former intel official who says the u. S. Military may have a Crash Alien Spacecraft in its possession. Ryan graves is a former navy pilot and testifies before congress. Lieutenant, good morning to you. Nice to see you here in our program back yet again. Found a piece from you in 2019 and it says Lieutenant Graves still cannot explain what he saw. Dates back to 2014 in the air. Give it a shot. What did you see . Well, were not closer today than we were when the article came out. What we know is the objects we were seeing, which started for us in 2014, are still being seen today. In fact, theyre not only being seen in the working areas off the coast of Virginia Beach like we were seeing then, but according to the Resolution Office the particular objects that we were seeing are now being seen globally and performing some interesting flight characteristics. Bill this was here in the u. S. And i think you did time overseas as well. Some of your Navy Colleagues saw similar things but you talked about this. Objects persisted at 30,000 feet, 20,000 feet, and sea level. They could accelerate, slow down and hit hypersonic speeds, which is part of the description that we have heard from others who have had a similar experience. I think we lost the connection there, apologies. Ryan, if you are back give me a headsup there. Im with you. Bill you are seeing these craft, right . And they can fly anywhere in the sky 30,000, 20,000, sea level and hypersonic speed. What explains that . We dont know. For us we break it down as Fighter Pilots into energy, how we maneuver out there. When you have objects performing slow Speed Maneuvers in high winds and same breath they accelerate to mack two we cannot do that for an hour and we certainly cant do it all day as we see these objects before. Bill stopping kills you, not speed. Or acceleration. The g force, isnt it . We can only take so much as humans in a very particular way. I know as well as anyone else how damaging that can be to the human body. What were seeing is simply not something we would expect something to be able to survive in. It is too quick, even electronics would have to be reinforced. Bill you said keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. Thats what you train for, right . The speeds you observed 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than you would expect. So you are saying a trained pilot like yourself can be in that plane for 60 minutes but they were up there for 12 hours. Extraordinary. Yes. Really whats extraordinary is what energy is allowing them to do that all day . For us well burn out of fuel quickly. It wasnt just me seeing these objects. When we came back from our deployment we upgraded radar systems. Everyone was seeing the same objects. We didnt necessarily know they were physical objects until we eventually got closer and some in our squadron were able to see it with their own eyes. We got close enough where this became a safety issue and we were filing reports to mitigate collision. Bill do you think the u. S. Government could be in possession of an Alien Aircraft . Those are the claims made by a person. He had the investigation to look at those claims and thats what he is claiming. Im looking forward to what proof can be brought forward at the hearing come and coming before congress it will be in their hand to be transparent on this. Bill Thanks For Sharing your story and see what we get tomorrow. Thank you, lieutenant. Ryan graves in d. C. Dana reads sports. Dana i might need help. New york jets unveiled a new set of retro uniforms yesterday. Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Star Corner Back Modeling The Legacy White Throwbacks inspired by the great jets teams of the 1980s. Famed for a Defensive Line as the new york sack exchange. The jets will wear the new uniforms in their Season Opener against the bills on september 11th. People are excited. A big article about Aaron Rodgers in the New York Times today. Bill you saw that, right . A lot of jets fans in new york are jacked up for the season. Others are saying not so fast. Take it a step at a time. Big expectations out there. They havent taken the field yet. Dana i am going the read the article. Bill i saw the same piece. About him getting around all of new york and taking advantage of the great things the city has to offer. Dana welcome to new york. Please visit us. Bill nearly 200 School Districts suing big tech. What they claim they are doing to harm Students Mental Health. President biden said to be using a shorter flight of stairs more and more to get on Board Air Force one after his trips and falls. Well tell you the significance of that in a campaign season. Right, you have to do it yourself. In 2015, my dad had the idea to revitalize American Textile manufacturing with bedding crafted from cotton grown on our family farm. We created red land cotton to give you the best farm, the Home Products possible. Because its more than quality products. Its a labor of love from our family. Go to redland cotton dot com and receive 15 off your order with code fox news. Young lady who was, mid 30s, couple of kids, recently went through a divorce. She had a lot of questions when she came in. I watched my mother go through being a single mom. At the end of the day, my mom raised three children, including myself. And so once the client knew that she was heard. We were able to help her move forward. Your client wont care how much you know until they know how much you care. Tv try Tide Power Pods with 85 more tide in every pod. Who needs that much more tide . crashing sound he does. Mom were having triplets. No, what does that mean . It means youre gonna need more tide. See . Baby ah. More likes . More tide. The more adorable . More tide. Everyones gonna need more tide. Youre gonna need more tide. Its a mess out there. Thats why theres 85 more tide in every power pod. From big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, youll find pnc bank. Helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. Were proud to call these places home too. Theyre where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyones financial goals forward. Pnc bank. Bill got Breaking News from the middle east. Watching this a short time ago. U. S. Officials saying a russian fighter jet yet again damaged a u. S. Drone over syria. This time on sunday. A few days ago. Unclassified footage shows the russian Jet Firing Flares near the drone. The u. S. Air force says the reaper drone was on a mission against isis and made it back to home base despite a severely damaged propeller. The second time this month that russian war planes have harassed u. S. Drones over syria. The air force calling russias behavior reckless, unprovoked and unprofessional. It will likely happen again. What we do in the end well wait to see what comes of this. Breaking news today. Stand by for more on that. Dana. Dana white house is reportedly doubling up president bidens use of a Shorter Staircase over the last three weeks he has been using the shorter stairs to Board Air Force one and allegedly its intentional after the president had several missteps while boarding the plane. Tom shillue joins us now. Its sad. The walk up to Air Force One is traditional but i understand the practical reason if he continues to trip up the stairs and gets bad press maybe the shorter ones are better. He should embrace it. If you double your use of short stairs dont it equal a whole stair . But i think he should get a stair lift. These are the kind of things when you watch the news you see them advertised on tv. Old people need assistance. Half the people have walkers at disney world. A big pickup truck pulled into the handicap spot. The guy cant walk well and has to buy a hammer. An old guy working on his house. He should embrace that and there is a lot of voters who would understand. Bill over at msnbc werent they yelling at the staff to make sure the sandbags were free and clear . Its the staffs responsibility to make sure he is protected. Bill to a degree. He was on stage at 2 1 2 hours at a grad was. Nancy pelosi thinks he is clowning at heart and maybe more. I think the president should embrace his age, his experience. Age is a relative thing. He is younger than i am. He looks good to me as well. She is 83 and he is 80. A mere kid. I cant stand nancy pelosi but i say this on gutfeld all the time and people start to boo. She looks great. She is 83. Dana and rocks the high heels everywhere she goes. So, you have know, like i said there is america is aging. People are sticking around longer and its time these politicians embrace that. Dana i think people would understand. They might not understand this. President bidens Dog Commander has sent a secret Service Officer to the hospital and bit six others after replacing the first pooch major. This is commander. Thats not good. If you have a dog that bites in the real world dogs have a sense. He has a bad record with dogs. I think going to our last story, i think he should get an assistance dog. Wouldnt that be great . Joe biden Walking Around with that handle and the dog is helping him out. I dont know how much he can see through his little slits. Maybe have a seeing eye dog. You know what . Why not, not get a dog. They get a new dog and try it out. If you have a dog and you get elected president you keep your dog but dont get a dog. We all know its fake. Dana for the p. R. Its for the p. R. The staff can take care. He is too busy to have a dog. President trump held strong to that principle. It would be phony. He didnt have a dog and its not right. You cant devote time to the dog and they have a good life living in the white house but the whole thing is fake so dont do it. Bill after major and commander theyre 0 for two in dogs. Dana all dogs are good. Like i said, they know. Dana in the real world if your dog is biting other people you have to make a tough decision. Bill 1,000 percent. They are misbehaving for a reason. Dana two systems of justice in the country. Bill investigators saying a search of the gilgo beach killers home was fruitful. What does that mean . What theyve found so far. Mark zuckerberg could be held in contempt of congress. At issue, meta s censorship efforts on the line. Thats whene r you want it to be. It has dermproven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. With visible results in just one week. Neutrogena® retinol. Veteran homeowners to combat todays rising prices. Lower your Monthly Payments with the three cs pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. There are currently more than 750,000 unfilled Cybersecurity Jobs in the u. S. The Google Cybersecurity Certificate was made to fill that gap and help grow the workforce thats keeping us all safe. bridget with Thyroid Eye Disease i hid from the camera. 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You should get a Second Opinion from Innovation Refunds at no upfront cost. Sometimes you need a Second Opinion. [coughs] good to go. Yeah, i think ill get a Second Opinion. All these walls gotta go ah ah ah id love a Second Opinion. No. Im going to get a Second Opinion. With Innovation Refunds, theres no upfront cost to find out. So why not check like i did for my Small Business . Take the first step to see if your Small Business qualifies for the erc. Dana the Biden Administration is suing texas over its floating river barrier. The Justice Department claims those big round buoys are an environmental problem. The state is using its Constitutional Authority to protect the border. The only lawsuit that im aware of that they have brought against anybody concerning the border is against a state thats trying to impede illegal immigration rather than using any laws that are on the books already to stop Illegal Immigrants from crossing the border. Well take this lawsuit all the way to the United States Supreme Court. Dana this line is near eagle pass. The latest measure the governor took over a migrant crisis. Bill meanwhile, nearly 200 School Districts across the country are suing social media giants. The suit claims that facebook, tiktok, youtube and snapchat are affecting Students Mental Health and causing discipline issues at school. Lydia hu, fox business has more on this for us. Thats right. The School Districts allege social Media Companies targeted kids with intentionally addictive products. They compare the effects of social media to the likes of Slot Machines or cigarettes, even. This is from the lawsuit quote, defendants know children are in a developmental stage that leads them particularly vulnerable to the addictive effects of these features. Defendants at the social Media Companies target them anyway in pursuit of additional profit. They all are named defendants in the lawsuit and reached out for comment. Google telling fox business in a statement the allegations are not true and that, quote, protecting our kids across platforms has always been our work. Snap the parent of snapchat would not comment on specific cases but said in part while well always have more work to do, we feel good about the Role Snapchat Plays in helping friends feel connected, informed, happy and prepared as they face the many challenges of add lessensents. We want to better understand these issues. The Companies Say in a motion to dismiss they filed that the accusations fall under section 230. A law that protects Internet Companies from being sued for Third Party Material posted on their site. The School District argues that the apps are products not content and they say section 230 does not apply. This case is going to test those 230 protections that were developed in 1996. At this point nearly 200 School Districts are involved in the case. We have more than 13,000 School Districts in the country. Its expected the number of plaintiffs are going to grow, bill. Jury trial has been requested. The School Districts are asking for money but they also could force changes to the social media giants. Bill lydia, big story and very important for kids. Thank you. Dana big news. Investigators searching the long island home of suspected Serial Killer rex heuermann. They are expecting every inch of the home and backyard working to collect any bit of evidence to convict him. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom, im dana perino. Good morning. Bill im bill hemmer

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