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In custody at this moment. I know this area very well, been number of years in atlanta, right across the highway from our atlanta bureau. So we have our correspondents on the scene there to tell us more as soon as they get it. But tragic way to start out wednesday. Sandra sometimes you get a whole lot of details up front and then quiet a bit, see what more we hear from the Atlanta Police department. Anyone in the area is asked to secure their buildings, shelterinplace, anyone not in that area, please stay away they are telling fox. They are going to continue to communicate through social media and we will update as soon as we get new information. John typically fairly safe area of atlanta, a number of years ago in a parking lot north of there, north of 14th street, this was a shooting, one person was killed, somebody was trying to steal a car. That was a number of years ago but dont normally hear about shootings in this area. Its a medical Office Building as we know it, connected with North Side Hospital and urgent care. We move to russia claiming ukraine tried to assassinate Vladimir Putin in an overnight drone strike. Hello, john roberts In Washington and good to be back with you. Sandra you as well, john. Good to have you back. The russian government accusing ukraine sending two drones to attack putins residence inside the kremlin. John video shows an object flying overhead before exploding atop the building that houses putins executive office. Ukraine is denying any connection to this explosion. Sandra complete coverage now, former u. S. Ambassador to nato kurt volker is standing by. But greg palkot, what more do we know about the alleged attack, greg . Sandra, john, there is a lot of accusations, a lot of denials, striking video and consequences. Russia called it an Assassination Attempt on Vladimir Putin, that ukraine was responsible and that it reserves the right to respond. Video of the russian power targeted by two drones, including explosion, flames and debris went viral on social distance. Ukraine denies, and says its an excuse for russia to escalate the attack on the country. They ran video of him meeting with an official to prove it. Zelenskyy, by the way was in finland meeting with leaders, also saying such an attack would contribute nothing to its own military efforts against russia. As for washington, Secretary Of State blinken says he cannot validate the claims. Senator chris murphy saying the story was fantastic, either attack orchestrated by kyiv or maybe supporters of kyiv inside of russia or a false flag, a scheme by moscow just to antagonize ukraine even further. Back to you. Sandra Greg Palkot On that for us. Thank you so much. The latest on the Ongoing Investigation involving an active shooter situation in atlanta, people are told to shelterinplace, stay out of the area. Multiple injured in the atlanta active shooting. We are learning more now, joining us by phone is steve harrigan. What are we learning . Well try to get him back here. 12 42 p. M. Eastern time, Atlanta Police Department Says they are working on an active shooter situation inside of a building on West Peach Tree street between 12th and 13th streets. They say they are aware of multiple people injured, no suspect in custody at this moment. We are just getting our first images of the streets there, as people are told if you are not in the area, dont enter the area. If you are in the area, shelterinplace. As you can see, the camera pans around, middle of a workday, wednesday afternoon there in atlanta, a lot of folks would be affected by this. Steve should be back with us, steve, what are we learning . Sandra, right now we know that at least one shooter is still active, right in Downtown Atlanta, right outside of whole foods market. Apparently the shooting took place in a medical Office Building right in midtown, right at the heart of lunch hour. There is a Huge Police Presence here, right now im looking at a mobile command center, as well as Georgia State patrol, marshals and police, heavily armed. We are seeing long weapons out, as well as riot gear, helmets, bulletproof vests, so the fulltime hunt is on for a shooter who has wounded four and still active in midtown atlanta. John its john here. We know the building, if it is the Building Police say it is, which is 1110 West Peach Tree is a big medical Office Building connected with North Side Hospital. Also an urgent care there. Do we have any idea in what part of that building the shooting took place . Was it in a medical office, was it potentially in the urgent care . Also a restaurant i think in that building, or do we know if it was actually in the building itself. We are hearing it was in the medical building. And whole foods across the street, im seeing about 300 Law Enforcement officers of all different organizations, a lot of them in tactical gear, trying to push civilians back, a heavy civilian crowd out here. Im looking at people coming out of the north side building, some in tears. What happened what did you see, maam, what did you see . No comment. What did you see . What happened . There was shooting inside the building . Im seeing people stream out of a north side medical building, some in tears, obviously traumatized by what they have seen. Escorted out by police. Sandra the shooting reported this North Side Hospital facility, remarkable that you are talking to people right there, potentially witnesses of what they saw there. We know there are armed officers on the scene. Steve, you are describing hundreds of officers responding. We have video on people obviously actively on the street. Go ahead, steve. I would say at least 200 officers. Im seeing some swat vehicles, armored vehicles, and the people i just saw being escorted out by police were obviously undergoing medical care. Some in wheelchairs, a lot in hospital gowns. So, very distraught people being escorted out the medical building. John we see ambulances outside the building from grady medical hospital, Downtown Atlanta, this is in midtown, the next big set of Office Buildings northbound up 75, 85 from downtown, we likely wont see any North Side Hospital ambulances even though the facility is connected to north side, north side is quite a fair distance north of downtown. Its up near the perimeter, near 258. Steve, is anybody saying what might have been the motive behind the shooting . It doesnt sound given whats inside that building, as though it would have been a robbery or some other crime of that nature that would have taken place. Do we know if this might have been a personal situation, domestic situation . You are right to point out this probably was not a robbery, and judging from the distraught people im seeing around me, a woman in a wheelchair next to me being attended to, that it really did happen inside of this medical facility. Now, im overhearing some Police Chatter on the walkie talkies, one shooter, brown skin, carrying a brown bag, who exited the building. So an active hunt still on. They have swat and hardware up and down this street, all around the corners, several hundred people and seeing people in tears hugging each other, people who a short time ago were inside this medical treatment. Sandra steve, so you know on the screen we are right outside the hospital building, obviously a lot of people gathered. I just asked our team if we could hear anything from this, we cannot right now. Well obviously effort that, otherwise we would be listening in. At moments you have seen police step in and tell people where to go and what to do. Just looking at various legal reporting on the ground. Multiple agencies are on the ground, to steves point of hundreds of officers responding. I believe we have some sound now, if we can, lets dip in and listen and see if we can hear anything. Ok, so well keep monitoring this in case some police get back in front of the camera there. Lets listen. Continuing to push us back down 14th street here, seems like the scene is on West Peach Tree street in the area of 13th street. We are trying to figure out what happened, but multiple people have been hurt in an active shooter situation. A lot of people that seem to be wearing a lot of medical uniforms and seems as if a lot of them are very upset. So, its not clear right now what led to all this, or where the shooter is at this point, but still a very active situation. You can see excuse me, as i try to catch my breath, a lot of people hugging after a traumatic ordeal the last couple hours. Sandra that was obviously a reporter with a camera there provided through waga, and wsb on the ground, saying Atlanta Police, atlanta fire, marta, lets keep listening. Say a block and a half at a medical building. Looked like north side on the outside of it where a lot of police were focusing their attention. Police members in swat uniforms, so overall its a very active situation. As i said, a lot of people here in medical scrubs, hugging each other really upset right now and trying to figure out what exactly they saw or what they experienced, but as i said, its a very active situation. People are very upset and police are just trying to get control of the scene right now. Sandra and john, because it happened at a hospital, steve is with us as well john sandra, im sorry, i dont mean to interrupt. Atlanta police have posted on their twitter feed some Surveillance Camera pictures of the suspect, which we hope to get on the air for you. Looks like an African American male wearing a gray hoodie and a face mask carrying a backpack and as well, looks like he has got a handgun in his hand. I cant tell what caliber, either an nine millimeter or. 40 caliber, but you can see him inside a door pointing the weapon at someone. And a photograph of him without the mask on. It should be fairly easy to identify this individual. You know, a lot of cases like this the suspect will be known to one or more of the victims and now that we have a picture of him, looks like hes got a beard and a mustache as well underneath that gray hoodie, carrying a brown backpack in the front. Well get the pictures up for you. They have a pretty good i. D. On the shooter, or alleged shooter, sandra, so i imagine that probably very soon they will have an i. D. Of where this if he fella is and where he might be. Given the proximity to i75 i85, its easy to get out of there in a vehicle. However, if its in a parking lot may take time to get it out, maybe the shooter was not able to flee by vehicle if he had one. And Piedmont Park, a lot of area in there to get lost as well. So, this search is going to be difficult but at least they have an i. D. On the shooter. Sandra the manhunt is underway. Images just there, people still reuniting and embracing to the reporter on the grounds point, hugging happening. You saw a doctor in a white jacket. John we should also correct the graphic, its not a hospital, its a medical Office Building, northside, thats where my children were born, near 285 and roswell road. Its not a hospital, its a medical Office Building. Sandra we are told several people are being taken out of the building on stretchers to waiting ambulances, and several ambulances have sped away from the scene. Lets listen here. What are your emotions like, i saw you talking on the Phone Walking over here. Are you calling family or friends, how are your nerves right now . Im ok. I felt totally safe the whole time. The restaurant was not attached to the building and the police were on the scene quickly, so i never felt like i was personally in any danger. Apd did a great job. I was calling my parents and fiancee who was watching on the news to let them know we were ok and heading out. Incredible scene right now, very much an active situation. What can you just say about the response that youve seen and we are seeing now just im being told we are seeing pictures of the suspect as we are learning the implications of what happened. What have you seen from the response . Very quick, very calculated, they rushed into action quickly. Never a point i felt that we were in danger. So Atlanta Police did a fantastic job from what i saw. Griffin, thanks for your time and well stay on seen. Northside medical, a shooting roughly an hour ago, you heard from someone in the area. Sandra ok, so thats the update there on the ground. Is steve still with us, by the way . Okay, we are going to get back to steve because hes obviously got an eye on whats happening there. You can see massive amounts of response on the ground from police, fire and beyond, as this manhunt is underway. We have an image of the suspect, pictured, looked like an elevator but definitely a Doorway Facility at the medical facility, job, as this hunt is on for whoever walked in and injured multiple people. We are still waiting to get an update on how many and their conditions. John we are going to get the pictures on the air as quickly as we can. Obviously Atlanta Police scoured Surveillance Video to get the photos out as quickly as they could to aid the apprehension of the suspect. The more eyes you have on a suspect, the easier it is to try to find out where that person so. So theyve some good pictures of him both with a mask on and one photo of him with the mask off. So, it should be pretty easy for somebody to identify him and taking a look at the one picture of him with the mask off, he seems to be a fella who you would readily recognize. Picture of him in the elevator behind a woman and then three other photographs of him, and again, well get them on the air as soon as we can, of him pointing a weapon inside a double door inside that facility. We still have not heard the extent of the casualties here. We do know that multiple people have been injured, we dont know if anybody has died as a result of this, as we see a Police Tactical unit come Barrelling Up Peach Tree Street with the officers on the side. Sandra former Georgia Police officer on the phone with us, phil, quite a scene in atlanta, that john just described. We see them mobilizing down the street as the suspect is at large. Yes, good afternoon, guys. This is Something Else to see. This actually is right near the area of my last job inactive Law Enforcement Georgia Tech Police, and Georgia Tech Police is one of the responding agencies. And we dont have i think Everybody Knows thshgs in Downtown Atlanta, youve got all the Law Enforcement you could want down there. Atlanta police, Georgia State patrol, headquarters nearby, you have the georgia capitol police, Georgia Tech Police, Georgia State university, Georgia Bureau of investigation, the fbi is downtown. Every Law Enforcement agency is there, and if this has to happen, the place you will get the most thorough and indepth Law Enforcement response. Sandra we are getting the first images of the spent on the screen here. Im looking at these, too. Atlanta Police Department twitter feed, and we see the mask, and nobody raises any kind of alarm over it. But its worth mentioning that before covid this is why Wearing Masks in public was against the law so people could not commit crimes and remain incognito or unidentifiable. But that certainly aggravates Law Enforcement efforts to solve crimes, and you need as much identifying information as possible. I do see some photographs that look like maybe without a mask, but they are not the best quality in the world. Maybe you have something im not seeing but hopefully it can get out to members of the public and get an identification quickly. John if you walk into a medical facility these days without wearing a mask you are frowned upon, and the photo of the fella in the elevator without the mask on and as i said earlier, hes got the sort of face that i think people would readily recognize with very distinctive mustache and beard. And lets keep that up there of him without the mask in case somebody is watching in atlanta, recognizes this person and knows them. Carrying a backpack, phil, potentially there are other weapons in there as well, we do know in one of the photos hes brandishing a handgun pointing it at something inside the doors. And fbi and other Law Enforcement agencies, dea has an office there, atf, anybody that you would need to call to action is housed there in atlanta, phil. So it sounds like they are going to mobilize a very large contingent of Law Enforcement officers to find this guy and quickly. No question about it. As you know well, john, not very far from the fox news bureau. John literally across the highway. And that bureau is patrolled actively by Georgia Tech Police and so this is, you know, this is obviously a place that is saturated with Law Enforcement. But communication amongst those agencies is not always as easy as we would like it to be. Often times we are talking about a chaotic scene, something where officers are trying to respond as aggressively as they can, but not always talking to each other. I remember experiencing frustration with Georgia Tech Police and with the atlanta state police over the radio. Hopefully its more streamlined. Its an ongoing challenge. That being said, agencies practice for Rapid Response that require multiagency cooperation, coordination, and so there is some training that goes into this. Hopefully the training will pay off. We want these Law Enforcement agencies to be able to go down there and do their work as effectively and swiftly as they possibly can. Anything that needs to be done, though, i promise you, the resources will be brought to bear. Sandra multiple injuries, active shooting situation is now a manhunt. You have the first images of the suspect, bottom right corner of the screen. You have the search on with obviously a lot of folks on the ground on this. L coordinated effort to find the suspect. Phil, give us some idea of what they are doing right now to track this person down. Are they pulling Surveillance Footage . How do they find out what direction, what kind of car he may have driven away in, maybe hes on foot. Atlanta has a Crime Camera System in place. In recent years its come under some scrutiny because it was not maintained as well as we would like, a lot of the cameras were not operational but a lot of not only city operated Law Enforcement crime cameras, lots of private Surveillance Video now. It takes time to identify where the imagery from those Surveillance Cameras might be. But we are looking at some of them. Its already out there. We know Law Enforcement has a bead on the person and what they will do, use not only the Video Information but may have dogs, they may have Tracking Teams in place that can pick up a scent. The Georgia Department of corrections has offices in and around atlanta, certainly all throughout the state and they have dog teams, Atlanta Police department i believe also has that resource and i think the Georgia State patrol does, if not others. Needless to say, that is another option if they can pick up a scent, it may be harder in an urban area, but its not beyond i guess conceiveability you are going to have dogs thrown at this to track this person. Anything that needs to be done, if they perhaps have a cell number or some type of Electronic Device that they can identify with this individual, of course that can be used to track gps movements. My instincts tell me they will have an identification on this person fairly quickly and once they have a name, they will be able to then look to see what kind of digital footprint hes leaving in the system and be able to track him outward from there. John what do your instincts, tell you about potential motives . We have seen shootings in medical centers, Office Buildings, in the past its been a patient was upset at a medical provider for either a diagnosis or a failed treatment, sometimes it can be a domestic dispute where a jilted husband comes after his former spouse. Is there anything about that that gives you an indication how it might go, other than the fact we said earlier with our correspondent that this likely wasnt a robbery, nothing in there really to steal. No, and the the Backpack Thing is kind of interesting to me. I need to learn more about that. That may give us some clue as to what exactly is going on here. You picked the top two things that came to my mind, somebody with a beef with a tenant at the Office Building and we dont know which tenant it might be. There are multiple businesses in that general area. If i had to pick one, i think this sort of looks like it might be a situation where there is some element of domestic situation where you may have Somebody Upset with perhaps a spouse, or it could be a cookayer. All those things are on the table and i dont want to get too far on the limb and guessing but would not surprise me if we learned somebody has an axe to grinds. Sandra we have no idea and no clue, no details on the person, no idea what might have driven this person to do this. We know multiple people are injured and that suspect is on the run. A manhunt is underway in atlanta at this hour. Phil holloway, thank you for joining us. Any time, guys. John bring in bill daly, an office of the fbi in atlanta, dont know if they have been mobilized but a bolo, be on the lookout for a suspect like this, active shooter situation in densely populated area like midtown, atlanta, you would throw everything you have. You are right, and we saw in texas or in louisville, is that the fbi will assist and support local Law Enforcement and in this case being that they are right there, certainly mobilizing all those Boots On The Ground, makes a lot of sense, and certainly they cannot only bring the man power but as they get further into looking at this, their technical expertise. Bureau has technicians as well who can look at some of the perhaps evidence with regard to cctv camera images to be helpful. Something else that as this kind of manhunt goes on important, too, and having been in atlanta a number of times for various assignments, i know that marta runs through a certain part of the city. I think there is 1 around 10th street or so on the marta system. Certainly that would be a place police will be on the lookout and patrolling and having maybe also looking at a camera that may be there as well. So, are certainly cameras, looking at that type of Technical Information does take a little while. So i think right now it behooves Law Enforcement to scatter throughout the city and scatter in the sense of coordinated effort, cordon things off and try to get information from the public who the person is. Sandra the suspects picture out there, Atlanta Police department providing four different photos, this is one of them on the screen. Bill, are you able to see the image on the screen right now . Yes, i am. Yes, i am. Sandra can you make anything out about the bag strapped around his chest . Yeah, i mean, certainly if someone is going in, in my view, to commit kind of an act and get themselves out quickly, carrying kind of a backpack like that doesnt make too much sense. There could be additional weapons perhaps, ammunition, or if this person plans to continue on the run maybe other things that the person thinks they may need to carry them through over a period of time they expect to be on the run. So, i think all in all Something Police and civilians need to look at very carefully. If this person does have both a current weapon and any other weapons or additional ammunition with him, certainly thats something to be concerned about and i would err on that side of caution approaching this person. The fact he kind of hes in this elevator without a mask on and then later we see a mask on certainly wasnt that aware of the fact that there are cameras in the elevator and thought he would be able to carry out this heinous act by putting a mask on and maybe disguising yourself. In other cases, and tragic we are speaking about these horrific incidents, but the public has been very helpful, you saw in texas, and other cases, we are hoping that at least in the first instance the public is helpful in identifying who the person is to mitigate the situation before anyone else gets hurt. John bill, with so many Law Enforcement agencies in the air, Atlanta Police, we have the university of Georgia Police, im sorry, Georgia Tech Police, a lot of federal officers as well, how would police be coordinating the whole search for the suspect, which i assume is a very desperate search, given the number of people who could potentially become victims in that area. Right, and certainly all the high rise buildings. This is its a very densely populated area. Restaurants, Office Buildings, that you know, make up this immediate area where he was. Certainly, john, the issue here is to man control and without any patrol knowledge, i would say in most cities there are drills that are run and trying to coordinate with Law Enforcement not just for these, but for other incidents like Terrorist Incidents that does help at least give a backdrop to the best command and control, and Atlanta Police, its in their jurisdiction and the other Law Enforcement agencies would augment them and provide support. So we would certainly think at this point the Atlanta Police, and i think we see on the screen there is a Command Vehicle there, making out some of the writing on the vehicle with the Atlanta Police, we see Police Gathering on the corner in at at that. All that goes into how they will deploy resources, go into various search patterns, go into areas so they themselves are not, you know, underutilizing resources so they can use them more efficient. But the only time they would not go into buildings floor to floor when they think they have a suspect in a certain area. Right now they are trying to get as much additional information, whether its Camera Footage or getting calls in to kind of work with that information. Just kind of going floor to floor, door to door does not really provide resources. Sandra and we are watching them active on the ground on the sidewalk responding to the scene and as you know, the suspect could be anywhere unless they have direct leads. Surveillance video indicating where he went and how he may have departed if he did in feed depart. What would be happening on the ground in the area if theres local schools there, other hospitals or medical facilities, not clear what building this was the shooter entered, where he injured these people. They are telling people to stay out of the area, of course, if you are in the area to hunker down and shelter in place. What would you be doing with local schools in the area . Local schools, they would be in a shutdown status, and kind of controlling any access in or out. Other facilities, depending on how they can do that, hospitals get a bit more complicated just because of the nature of their business, but they have a way to be able to kind of Control Access or for visitors coming into some of these complexes. Office buildings, certainly, you know, Access Control or security in the lobby, they would be controlling who is coming in, and certainly individual tenants in their space should be looking to kind of sandra bill, Atlanta Police department has saying based on our preliminary investigation, referencing the photos of the suspect, bottom right of your screen is one of them, these photos are believed to be of the active shooter. Anyone with information on this persons whereabouts asked to call 911. The suspect is believed to be Armed And Dangerous and should not be approached. Bill. Yeah, absolutely. And i think, you know, we can see by some of these images we just scanned through Downtown Atlanta area, we have people trying to go about their business, we have construction workers, people making deliveries, you know, some of those people are not able to necessarily kind of shelterinplace which is something that i think most of these buildings, offices and certainly the schools and hospitals we are looking at, it is an unfortunate state of our situation in this country is that many of these companies would have already in place kind of a Workplace Violence Response Program and even though they may not be the target, but by implementing some shelterinplace mechanisms and communication by their, either h. R. Or security personnel, something that at least they have as the potential tool. So, in this immediate area some of the concerns we have, if hes in the basement, garage, other place hiding out, come upon the Person Coincidentally and then become a further victim or hostage situation. John apparently police confirming one person has died as a result of the shooting. Again, sandra was pointing out, the suspect at large, a bolo out for him, be on the lookout, Armed And Dangerous. That area there, there is Easy Access To i75, parking in the area of midtown atlanta on the street is very difficult, so may not be the suspect had a vehicle. But plenty of places for somebody on the run to hide. Theres a number of buildings in there, Easy Access To. A huge park, Piedmont Park just down 14th street, which is a quick run from West Peach Tree, atlanta Botanical Gardens are down the street as well. I imagine police are casting a very, very wide net here. As Phil Holloway was mentioning, he knows the area well, he was there at georgia tech, just down the street and the other side of the highway from where this is. If you know who the suspect is, and you potentially have a cell phone for him, you could start tracking his whereabouts via the cell phone signal. Yeah, and thats what we seem to be gleaning from the incident took place in texas, able to get a burner phone or some other cell phone and used that Tracking Mechanism to help. But certainly that is something that may be coming about in the next, you know, short period of time, but certainly on the ground taking doing a full search. Looking for this person, looking for people who may have seen him. Its possible as police are responding to the incident is that he they were passing him as he was leaving the area, whether you said on foot or some other mechanism. Then again, it could be where he is holed up, expecting for the flurry to pass and will look to further escape. They cannot avoid looking and turning over every possible stone with regard to visual inspection, public areas and the areas he may be in hiding. I think as we get into this, dont want to get too far over the skis what could have been the motive behind it. Right now the focus is catching this individual before he causes more harm for people and police to do it. Sandra phil, if you could stand by with us, we have a couple more updates as john mentioned, confirm one of the victims of the shooting has died. Three have been transported to the hospital for treatment, the fourth was pronounced deceased on scene according to the police. Officers are actively searching for the suspect and any other victims. Latest update from the Police Department there. They said also there were no additional shots fired since the initial incident unfolded. They are aware of four Shooting Victims. Bill, if you could stand by with us, charles watson, he has gone to the scene for us, hes live in atlanta now. Charles, what are you seeing and hearing on the ground . Sandra, we are standing here in midtown near West Peach Tree street and 14th street. Normally a busy area here in atlanta. It is still pretty busy, busy with a heavy police presence. They seem to be focusing a lot of their attention on a medical building. We wont say the name because police have not confirmed whether or not that is where the shooting took place. But we have seen a lot of employees who are wearing scrubs, you know, outfits that you normally see folks who work in the medical building out on the street. A lot of them with tears in their eyes, we spoke to one lady out here who says she works in one of these buildings, she heard several gunshots go off in the 12 clock hour and on her way out of the building she saw a victim on her back shot to death. The woman was obviously pretty shaken up. That is the same situation for a lot of the folks who were also in that building at the time, just a few moments ago we saw Police Officers escort a lot of the folks who were evacuated from the building into a shop across the street so they can gather themselves and sort of Take A Deep Breath because a lot of these folks look like they were, you know, in some traumatic situations, a lot of tears out here from folks who are absolutely shocked by what they endured. Right now we dont have a lot of information from police out here on the scene. The latest update from the Atlanta Police department on twitter putting out a bolo, be on the lookout for suspect, who they released four photos of, a gentleman wearing a hoodie and you know, black pants, who police are looking for at the moment. As far as victims are concerned, we are told that there are three Shooting Victims who were transported to an area hospital. On the way over here we saw an ambulance on the scene rushing from the scene and over to what we believe is grady hospital and then there is a fourth victim who police say was killed on the scene, unfortunately, so sandra, right now it does look like police are trying to gather what exactly happened here. We are not sure if the suspect is still in this area right now, but there is still a heavy police presence. We can also tell you that the marta Train Stations and bus stops that are in the area, they have been canceled for the time being as police try to sort through what exactly is going on out here, but a very chaotic situation out here, very busy as Atlanta Police try to track down the suspected shooter, sandra. John charles, its john here. It would be natural for them to be taken to grady, the only level 1 Trauma Center in the Atlanta Metro area. We know what happened at the building, we believe it was the Northside Medical Office Building, apparently there was a specific Office Inside targeted that we have not confirmed the name of yet. But in terms of where we are now with the active investigation, do we know if there was any specific area police are looking in or have they just cast the net far and wide and dispatched everybody on duty to get out and look for this guy. A lot of focus is over here on West Peach Tree street, this is West Peach Tree and 14th street, a medical Office Building just up the street out of the Vantage Point of the camera that police seem to be focusing their attention on. In the last few minutes or so, we have seen a swat unit and some other teams pull away. Im not sure if that is an indication of anything out here or they dont need the man power they had out here at one point, but we have seen some of the officers on scene pull away. We do still see negotiators out here on the scene. They have been up and down the street trying to gather as many details as possible from a lot of the folks evacuated and the folks who said they saw what happened out here. So, you can imagine that that is helping police trying to piece together exactly what happened out here. As far as where they are in terms of tracking down the suspect, that is it still up in the air right now. Last update from the Atlanta Police department was that they were still looking for this person of interest, asking people to be on the lookout and asking folks in the area to stay clear of the area, you know, out of abundance of caution. But still pretty active scene out here, john, and we expect police to be out here for the next few hours as they try to figure out what happened. Sandra charles, well let you see if you can try to grab any folks on the ground to see if they will talk to you about what they saw, what they have heard, ongoing. But the police sent out image, one is in the corner of the screen, they say they believe this to be the shooter. Wearing dark pants, light colored hoodie, hood pulled up. That person has a mask on their face, appears to be wearing a bag across the front of them. Authorities said the person is believed to be Armed And Dangerous. Call 911 they need leads, they need tips, this is an active manhunt in atlanta. Middle of the day, a wednesday afternoon, secure their building, shelterinplace. Charles, a busy middle of the day for a very busy atlanta. A lot of folks affected by this, im sure you are noticing they are blocking off streets in a wide area to look for this person. Yeah, this is midtown, a busy area bustling throughout the day. A ton of Office Buildings and apartment buildings. In fact, walking over here i ran into a girl on the corner and she was so frightened, she was in tears talking to someone on the phone because she said she had never seen anything like this before and she was unsure if she was able to get back to her apartment building. Im not sure where she is at at the moment, but hopefully she made it back to her apartment building. As for a lot of the folks who work in the area, they are sheltered in the Office Buildings surrounding us and a lot of the folks evacuated from the building where this incident presumably happened have been he is started to some of the businesses across the street so they can sit down and take a breather and gather their thoughts and you know, just Take A Deep Breath after witsing or hearing exactly what happened out here early year throughout the day. Traffic is sort of At A Standstill right now. If you know this area of atlanta, midtown, you know traffic can get busy in a matter of minutes. So we imagine just up the street from this Police Perimeter that traffic is being detoured and that there are plenty of traffic jams right now as police make a perimeter around this area as they begin their preliminary investigations. But right now it does appear that folks and businesses in the area are heeding the warnings that police have been giving out for the last few minutes or so. Yes, sandra. Sandra we have a reporter, a local reporter giving a report on the ground. Lets listen here. Atlanta fire rescue personnel arrived, he was wearing tactical gear, he had a vest and a helmet, thats not typical for atlanta fire rescue to be wearing those types of gear, that type of equipment. We also saw what appeared to be someone from Atlanta Police brass, so someone dressed in more businesslike clothing, not the typical Beat Cop Type of uniform and with a badge around his neck. He was here earlier. We do not have confirmation from grady that the victims were brought here nor from Atlanta Police. Our medical team has reached out to grady if they will confirm from their end. But again, in the last several months this has become the only level 1 Trauma Center in the city of atlanta so its expected the victims would be here at Grady Memorial Hospital receiving treatment. At this point we dont understand or have any idea about the extent of the peoples injuries who were transported to the hospital, although keep in mind, a fourth victim has been confirmed dead by Atlanta Police. So we expect the other victims likely sustained serious if not lifethreatening injuries. We will keep an eye on things at grady, almost eerily quiet, so not a lot of ambulance activity. My photographer and i, we were in another area, we were in buckhead for another story, and we were on our way here and i saw just coming from buckhead, obviously passed by Atlanta Police officers on their way to the midtown area and closer to grady there were officers coming from the south side headed again north towards the midtown area. So, it is obviously an all Hands On Deck situation and we are going to bring you any updates as soon as we get them. Alex. Sandra that is claire sims, a local reporter with our fox affiliate. Noting she was covering another story when all this was going down, she rushed over to the Hospital Scene there. Noting no major rush right now, but the ambulances carrying the victims, the three victims that went to the hospital, that would have happened already, have been very early on in all of this. John she was a long way from where the shooting took place, shes at Grady Memorial Hospital, just on the south side of Downtown Atlanta, just off the highway there. One good piece of news to us from Atlanta Police is that in the wake of the initial shooting, no other reports of shots fired that would be related to this incident. So, it looks like whoever the perpetrator was bolted and got out of there. But they have cast a very wide net to try to bring this person in, and a picture of the believed suspect on the lower righthand side of the screen. Joe cardinali, we can mourn the death of one person, and we pray for the other three that are there in Grady Memorial Hospital in various states that they pull through. But immediately the concern is that you have a person considered by police, obviously, to be Armed And Dangerous on the loose and youve got to track this person down. So, walk us through the process to find this person who is out on the streets, looks like with a handgun, and we dont know we believe other people have been threatened since the initial incident but you never know. A person gets confronted, they could turn deadly. What are police doing to track this person down at the moment . Right now, john, they secured the scene, naturally its a criminal seen but they are going to evacuate the building, and search the building from top to bottom to make sure the suspect is not still in the building. And then turning to the outside of the building, the outer perimeter and looking for cameras to use in the area to see how the person escaped from the area, whether a vehicle, Public Transportation or walked away, and try to find out which direction the person went. Lockdown will stay in place, i believe in a lot of areas is also including religious institutions as well, g other areas. The fact that this was a medical building and the fact its to one specific place in that medical building would lead you to believe this person now targeted these individuals or this one individual that is deceased. We wont know that. They will do a victimology. Patrol will come over and secure the witnesses. A lot of witnesses will not speak that day, but will a day or two with the trauma they go through, but still secure the individuals. A lot will keep it fresh in their mind and get the information they have to. They will keep them separate in a calm area, whether its be the command center, but i would have my detectives, as many as i could round up with every aspect of the investigation, whether it be going to the cameras, ill send john doe out to the cameras, and get plate readers off the cars if they identify any vehicles or anything. But its an ongoing fluid situation and the rhyme or reason is not the issue. Issue is finding out who the person is and tying him in, a victimology of the victims in there and find out if there are any other calls to that building as well for people, from threats or anything like that. So, all this is going on at the same time. Every aspect they can do in this investigation will be going on. Sandra as you can see, police tape is pretty much everywhere at this point, people are told to stay out of the area. Some local reports of people in their offices when the shooting was happening, whether they were hearing it themselves or getting word of it, people hiding in their closets as this active shooter situation is ongoing, this manhunt is underway. Just a massive effort on the ground. Joe, how far would they have to be looking now considering we are at least an hour into this, and if this person was driven away, or drove away, they could be pretty far by now. So, how far are they casting their search at this point . Well, the fact that they have this persons picture out there is crucial. They are going to wait for people to call in and say i know who that is, and theyll ask everybody, take the photo and show it to the witnesses and possible the victims if they can, once again, if they can speak to the victims they will. If not, try to identify him, find out where this person lives, where that person is going, but you have a lot of cameras. Dont know which way he exited the building, the right, or the left, and they will canvas the buildings, did anybody see him get into a vehicle, so its an intensive effort to go out there and identify him and also find out, take all the steps necessary to find out which direction he went and where hes headed to. John this is obviously unverified, but im looking at some Video Somebody has posted of a person on the roof of a building wearing exactly the same thing the shooter was wearing. So, this is its totally unverified, but im just wondering if this guy maybe did not leave the building at all, joe. Exactly, john. They will search the building from top to bottom. Im sure aviation is up and running, they will be searching the other rooftops as well, and maybe an Aviation Unit that spotted this individual and what they will do, you know, find out what that individual is doing up there. You never know, it could be from a distance, dont know who the person is. It could be a worker. But they will go up and check this individual out at the building, whether it be that building or a Building A Block away, a half a block away, across the street. This is all ongoing, and they will take all the information that they have and theyll start putting it together. But right now, he is still considered an active shooter, you dont know where he is, he could be in the area, dont know if anything is preplanned where he planned to go to a roof and do, you prepare yourself for every possibility the person could be planning in the next few moments. Sandra active shooter suspect at large and considered to be Armed And Dangerous. Which joe makes it even more crucial they get every last person off the street there, because you dont know where the person could be hiding. Exactly. You want to get everybody into a secure area, you know, its a busy time of day. Its, you know, a clear day down there, you know, people might be walking about, but theyll keep that area and secure that area and say everybody please stay in place. Put it out to everybody, hunker down and dont come out, and Police Officers will telling the individuals please stay inside, do not come outside because it is an active investigation and dont know where the individual is. John you take a look at the lay of the land there, if you have a car out front, joe, Easy Access To the Highway Northbound or southbound, just around the corner, if you are on foot, run to Piedmont Park and the atlanta Botanical Gardens, probably a half mile away. Two marta stations, the midway, and art center, you get on the marta system, obviously picked up by a Surveillance Camera but could get away to just about anywhere in the Atlanta Metro area in a short period of time. So whatever dragnet they are going to cast for this guy, they have to have everybody on duty and all Hands On Deck situation out looking for this fella. But based on the fact that youve got its a little grainy but a fairly clear picture, i would think on the lower righthand side of screen, you can see his face, may be able to i. D. This person fairly quickly. They could do it by finetuning it through facial recognition, another tool they will have in their arsenal to go out there and identify him. But you know, john, they also have Boots On The Ground taking plate numbers, maybe he planned to get out by way of a vehicle or maybe he could not get out, whatever it is, even address that angle of it. If this is a targeted office and this was a targeted attack, which it seems to be, im sure he planned his escape as well, a most of them do and you watch up to them by putting pieces together with all the cameras and once you know which direction they went you are absolutely right, he could be on the highway 20 miles from there, 40 miles, whatever it is, out and about. But unless you have a plate number to identify, if he did go by vehicle, or anything that he may have jumped on, a bicycle, a motorcycle, you just dont know until you piece this together. And thats what they are all about right now. Sandra all right, so if you are just tuning in, this is an active shooter situation, a shooting has happened in atlanta at a medical building there, not specified what office this was, one person declared dead on the scene, three hospitalized, all according to the police updating via social media, no Press Conference yet but do know its an ongoing manhunt right now for someone they consider to be Armed And Dangerous in the atlanta area. Obviously middle of a workday on a wednesday, highly populated city. If you are in the area to take shelter, hunker down, if you have plans to be in the area, do not go. And joining us by phone is our Senior Correspondent steve harrigan. Sandra, you felt this was Something Different by the police presence, walking toward whole foods you could see all kinds of Law Enforcement vehicles, swat team, command and control, armored vehicles, police, marshal, Everybody Flooding to this area, driving against traffic in some cases. You knew it was something big. Four people shot, three hospitalized, at least one dead so far, and no shots fired after the initial round of shots. Taking place in a medical Office Building and keep in mind, this was lunchtime midtown atlanta, a lot of people going to get lunch or working in their businesses, these people are scared, shots and a major police presence. They shut down the marta, probably to try and prevent an escape. Shut down traffic around the area, now a ghost town as the hunt goes on. When i was there medical patients seemed to be streaming out of a building, escorted by police, so in medical gowns, or wheelchairs, and crying and hugging each other. Some people getting treatment have now had to be taken

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