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Face questions any moment now, we expect john kirby to join Karine Jeanpierre on the podium after a busy weekend on the international front. More on that in just a moment. Sandra the briefing comes amid renewed questions about President Bidens age and the 2024 election. Well see if The White House gets pressed on any of that. John welcome back as America Reports rolls into hour number two. Im john roberts in washington, off to a rolicking start this week. Sandra we will be monitoring that Press Briefing and will bring the news as it comes in, but first this fox news alert. John major powers testing the United States on The World State yet again, starting with saudi arabia after the oil rich kingdom announced more cuts and threatening another summer of high gas prices. Sandra China Making Waves in the taiwan strait, a Chinese Navy Ship cutting across the path of an american destroyer. John dont forget about russia, Vladimir Putin leaning on the back of the Chinese Communist party as he ramps up attacks on ukraine. Sandra all big issues the next Commander In Chief will have to handle day one. Vivek ramaswamy is here, and him on the record in just a moment. But Fox Team Coverage begins now. An update on chinas aggression. John first Americas Energy dependence put to the test, jeff flock in new jersey, how is this going to impact us here at home, jeff . As the tracks go by to the refinery, john, yes, pbf refinery, always the perfect time this. Is where they are bracing for what could be an increase in oil prices, certainly they were up this morning on the cme in chicago, up by about 3, down a little bit now from that high, but still higher and why is that . Well, thats because of the saudi Production Cut. Take a look at gas prices, what we mainly care about and of course as you know, gas prices have moderated lately. We are at 3. 55, the average gallon of regular in the u. S. Its been that way the last month, and thats a whole lot cheaper than it was this time last year. The problem with that is now with this Production Cut by saudi arabia coming at the opec meeting in vienna, when production goes down, prices often go up. The saudis decided to sort of fly in the face of all the other opec ministers, you know, they could not agree to collectively cut so what the saudis did is said we are going to cut on our own, a Million Barrels a day. That means within the last nine months we have cut 4. 6 Million Barrels a day out of production, and that usually means a Price Increase down the road. We talked to folks in the industry, they say a Price Increase is almost certain and thats just the way it goes when they squeeze like they are squeezing right now. Administration response, well, Biden Administration on background gave our White House Team this, says we are focused on prices for american consumers, not on barrels. And prices have come down significantly from last year. The problem as you both know when the price of the barrel goes up, its quite simply the price at the pump goes up. Not sure what they are thinking there. Back to you, john and sandra. John interesting relationship between the cost of the raw material and the finished product. I dont know that anybody ever really thought of it that way. Thanks, jeff. Apparently not at the administration level. John good to talk to you jeff as always, thank you. Sandra not rocket science. Chinas aggressive Military Tactics toward the u. S. Playing out near taiwan the past few days, as two incidents are raising concerns that beijing is attempting to push the u. S. Out of the western pacific. And pave the way for an easier takeover of taiwan. Eric shawn has more from the New York City newsroom. Today there is new ominous warnings about chinas escalating aggression. That chinese warship intercepted a Guided Missile Destroyer in the taiwan strait, it happened on saturday, crossing dangerously across the bow of our ship. This alarming maneuvering just days after this happened, you are looking at a chinese jet fighter crossing the path of a u. S. Surveillance plane. That caused our plane to shake from the chinese jets wake turbulence. All this comes as wisconsin congressman mike gallagher, chair of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist party says the brazen stunts are all part of chinas strategic efforts to challenge the american presence in the pacific. He says President Biden has to do a couple things, increase the military presence in the region, Ramp Up Arms Sales including antiship missiles, and cut ties so beijing feels the sting. They are not interested in being friends or interested in peace and stability. They are increasingly aggressive, revisionist power displacing us as the dominant power in the pacific and i believe globally. Gallaghers committee is looking at the Tiananmen Square massacre, 1989, troops opened fire and killed hundreds if not thousands of them. The committee will hold an event honoring those who were killed and some of the chinese activists who were veterans of the Tiananmen Square protest will be at the event this afternoon in washington. Beijing today, state Department Officials meeting with some chinese counterparts. State department saying this about that, the two sides exchanged views on the bilateral relationship across strait issues, channels of communication and other matters, made clear the United States would compete vigorously and stand up for u. S. Interests and values, despite that optimism and statement, chinese officials did rebuff u. S. Requests for lloyd austin to meet the Chinese Defense minister despite the brazen military maneuvers. Sandra thank you. John. John bring in republican president ial candidate Vivek Ramaswamy who is here in washington, d. C. So the newest demonstration of belligerent, as president , how would you deal with it . I think one of the great risks that we face is a consequence of our own policy, john. Divest to invest policy. I dont think that makes any sense. That puts us at our nader of naval capacity around 2026 or 2027, when china would be in prime position to go after taiwan. I think the number one threat we need to Pay Attention to, and also brewing as we speak, is closer ties between russia and china. The alliance, codified in 2001, amped up last year in the no limits partnership that xi jinping and Vladimir Putin announced. We need to focus on driving a wedge between that alliance, single greatest Military Threat we are going to face and what gives xi jinping the confidence that he needs to risk war with the u. S. Over taiwan on the bet that the u. S. Wont want to actually go after two different Nuclear Superpowers at the same time. Thats the focus of my foreign policy. Sandra with it being your goal then to make it into The White House and you look at what is happening with china and their aggression there, do you believe any u. S. Corporations should be doing business in china . How far are you willing to go . Im willing to go the direction of total decoupling. Ban most u. S. Businesses from doing business in china unless and until the ccp reforms behaviors. Talking about actual real measures, no data theft, no intellectual property theft, no Turning Companies to geopolitical pawns. Sandra serious economic consequences in the country. I think we can make those sacrifices if we know what we are sacrificing for. And also when you are most willing to make a sacrifice that you dont actually have to make one at all. I would call that more churchill, a little less chamberlain in the foreign policy. I think xi jinping will fold if we mean it, he will meet our conditions. And reopen Trade Relationships with japan, south korea, philippines, india, talk about thailand, talk about vietnam, brazil, i think that makes this a lot more tractable than we make it out to be. Its achievable, yes it will involve some willingness to make a sacrifice, but if we are willing to make it, i dont think xi jinping will go the distance of calling that bluff. John at the beginning you said you are concerned about the partnership and you need to drive a wedge through it. You said yesterday one of the ways you would try to drive a wedge through it is make some concessions to putin on ukraine. You brought up neville chamberlain, he tried to do it with hitler, it dont work very well. Why would it work better with putin . If we can disrupt the germanjapan alliance, we would have done that if we could. Reverse maneuver what nixon did with mao. He is not a paragon of democracy, i dont trust putin any more than nixon trusted mao, but putin is the new mao. Move from the bilateral International Order that favors china to an International Order. John talk about making concessions and letting putin have donbas. What makes you think he would stop there . Almost every Military Analyst says you give them donbas, give him time, regroups, rearms, and goes after the rest of the country. Carrot and the stick. Exit the treating with china back to 2001, no more joint Military Exercises or otherwise, and if he renegs, no ukraine admission to nato, and now we are talking about a maximum Pressure Campaign in terms of economic sanctions. Now immediate admission of ukraine to nato, and that will be worse off for him and putin has no incentive. Right now he does not like xi jinpings Little Brother in that relationship. So if we are actually reopening economic relations with russia, if we are committing that ukraine is never going to be part of nato and freeze lines of control, yes, those are major concessions but service of a bigger u. S. Interest and that is disrupting that partnership between russia and china. You combine them, you are talking about the Largest Nuclear stockpile in the world in russias hands, combined with chinas economy and economic might, that fuels xi jinpings ability to be aggressive in taiwan and beyond. Sandra at the top of the last hour got general kelloggs reaction to china and over the weekend, and this about the currents administration policies. They look at us and we dont have a plan and because we havent played had a plan or played hard with the chinese, the chance of something happening that is going to be really serious, look at taiwan, is very, very real into the near future. Sandra into the near future. What is your level of urgency on Something Like that becoming a re reality . The needs is high. Powers our modern way of life, makes it closer to the American National interest than anything that relates to ukraine at all. At least until we have full semiconductor selfsufficiency, its an urgent priority to deter aggression against taiwan. Taking out russias backing out from china, make xi jinping think twice before he goes after taiwan. But the taiwanese election in 2024, and frankly the u. S. President ial election in 2024, candidates like myself or others taking the positions we are, xi jinping may accelerate his policies sooner. John come back ashore and talk about big Tech Interference in politics. You claim that you are en interfered with, your linkedin account restricted, Bobby Kennedy said he could not create an account on instagram because of the antivaccine stance, is this big tech with thumb on the scales again . Beginnings of Tech Interference we are going to see in the election. And they have learned their lesson last time around. They are less transparent this time. So though i think linkedin was sloppy, and microsoft owns linkedin, locking the account of a u. S. President ial candidate for making fact supported statements of Climate Change policy. John and saying it was a mistake after they sent you multiple emails that said why you were restricted. A version of shadow banning, they are using algorithms to deamp or amp down what they dont want to see, and Election Interference is underdiscussed, the ability for the corporation to say make what is the largest version of inkind Campaign Contribution they could make to a political candidate, tilting the scales of debate itself into the direction they actually deem appropriate. So i think its time to look at all kinds of laws, look at antifraud laws, telling consumers that you are doing one thing, when in fact you are doing note. Election interference, constructive Campaign Contributions, and abuses of government authority. I want to know what instruction they are getting from The White House as they have censored over the last few years, the single greatest risk of Election Interference coming here at home. Sandra if you could hold with us for a moment, john kirby is taking questions on china and answering one right now. Prepared to address it. You heard Secretary Austin speak to that this weekend and we will continue to keep the lines open with the chinese to make it clear how unacceptable the interceptions are. I think you know we have two officials in beijing right now. Senior director for china, and dan, from the State Department are in beijing as we speak. Careful about the words you choose, but what is in describing this, what is the best way to describe what china is doing in the air and on the seas . Ill try to give you an answer, but i sure would like to hear beijing justify what they are doing. These are intercepts. Air intercepts happen all the time. But the difference is, when we feel we need to do it, its done professionally and done inside the International Law and done in accordance with the Rules Of The Road. These two that you saw recently, and theres they have happened with more frequency than we like, not all are unsafe and unprofessional but these two were. The air intercept, forced c135 to basically good through the jet wash, that you saw the bump in the cockpit, that shows you how close the chinese fighter was to our jet. And in the Maritime Intercept in the taiwan straits, 140, 150 yards. Speaking as an old sailor myself, thats close when you are in open waters like that and you can see the head of steam that chinese vessel had on as it crossed the bow of one of our destroyers. No call for that. Unsafe and unprofessional. As to why they are doing it, again, i think thats a great question to ask them. What i would tell you from our perspective is we are flying, we are sailing, we are operating in International Air space and International Waters and both of those incidents were in complete compliance with International Law. Absolutely no need for the pla to act as aggressively as they did. It wont be long before somebody gets hurt. Thats the concern with these unsafe and unprofessional intercepts. They can lead to misunderstandings and when you have pieces of metal that size, when its in the air or the sea and they are operating that close together, it wouldnt take much for an error in judgment or mistake to get made and somebody could get hurt and thats just got to be unacceptable. It should be to them as well. John, you said this, these two incidents are part of a pattern of increasing level of aggressiveness. Why was it appropriate to send two senior officials to visit china on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. First of all, it was not timed to the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. Number two, it was not timed specifically to deal with these intercepts. You can imagine a trip to beijing by u. S. Officials takes some time to plan, it was not timed to these events. That said, both these u. S. Officials used the opportunity to raise our concern over these two intercepts i just talked to ed about. Absolutely raised concerns we had. We had raised those concerns through our embassy as well, it was not a new message. But particularly when times are tense, a risk of miscalculation, and acting as aggressively as it is, thats the time you want a conversation, whether its over the phone or facetoface. This visit was very much in keeping with our larger, longer efforts to keep the lines of communication with the prc open and see where it goes after that. Criticism, though, of the administration for sending officials on that anniversary. Was that decision a messaging misstep . We would not call it a misstep. This was a longplanned trip and this is the way the schedule worked out. Honestly, people would be criticizing the timing of Tiananmen Square, making a whole heck out of nothing. It was not timed to do anything with the anniversary and again, both these officials were nothing but candid and direct about our concerns, particularly over the intercepts and brought up issues as human rights as well as we always do. Its important to have these communication vehicles open, its important to be able to have these kinds of conversations. And i think we are a whole lot less worried about the date on the calendar than whats on the agenda when we Start Talking to them. Aside from expressing verbal concerns and communicating with beijing, or displeasure with this, is the United States leading a response to back china down from increased aggressive any . We have continued to convey that message to them. We are not in control of their military and their military assets or military leaders. We urge them to make better decisions about how they operate in International Air space and sea space, whether they acknowledge those Rules Of The Road or not, they are the Rules Of The Road and for a nation like china that continuously touts International Law and sovereignty and territorial integrity, you would think they would understand when a vessel or an aircraft is operating in International Air space and sea space. We are going to keep standing up for those Rules Of The Road. Keep standing up for that International Law and keep flying, sailing, operating where International Law allows us to. Its an important concept, freedom of navigation, whether its in the air or on the sea. Its an important concept the United States is going to continue to stand up for. Thank you. On ukraine, what is your understanding whether the counteroffensive has begun . Has it begun . Im not going to talk to the ukrainian military. I think you heard them say earlier today they are conducting some offensive operations but i wont go beyond that. What i can speak to is how hard we prepared them to be ready. So whether its starting now or soon, wherever they decide to step up and whatever they decide to do, the president s confident we did everything we could over the last 6, 8 months or more to make sure that they had all the equipment, the training, the capabilities to be successful. Back to china. Do you think, though, all of these incidents are sort of an effort to intimidate or impact other channels of communication that you are trying to keep open or do you see them compartmentalizing the military from you guys trying to send blinken over there, and yellen over there and romando. You saw the video for yourself, you dont need me to tell you how aggressive it was, you are trying to send a message at the very least its a statement of some sort of displeasure about our presence in that part of the world. But as the president said clearly in hiroshima, we are a pacific power, we are not going anywhere. Five of our seven treaty alliances are in the indopacific. The vast majority of International Economic trade flows through the indopacific. We have real needs there and we are going to stay there and continue to strengthen the partnerships. I cant speak for the prc, i cant do it but if the message is we are not welcome or our presence needs to be diminished or they want us to stop flying and sailing and supporting International Law, not going to happen. Would you say as this is going on you are continuing to make progress in setting up visits for secretaries blinken, yellen, romando. Yes, i think the fact we were able to get two officials to beijing while we are talking is a good sign. We want to keep the lines open. Its important especially as i said now. So in general, without predicting what the next visit is going to be or by whom or when, yes, we are feeling like we are making progress in terms of opening up additional lines of communication. Thank you, thank you. I have two questions. National security said last weekend that United States talk with china and russia for Nuclear Disarmament. You know north korea has Nuclear Weapons whether they admit it or not. Do you think Nuclear Disarmament to talk to north Korea Possible to resolve the north Korea Nuclear issues or will you continue to wait for the talk with the north korean . Its not about waiting, jenny. We have made it clear to kim jongun and the regime in pyongyang that we are willing to sit down without preconditions to talk about the denuclearization of the peninsula. What we have not gotten is information from pyongyang but the offer still stands. Is there some possibility of sequencing the visits differently so Secretary Yellen has talked about sequencing being an issue, sort of implied that perhaps blinken should go first. But given the challenges and the sort of political and realm and the military realm, does it make sense for the economic visits first, and have the Economic Team go first . Yeah, that thats putting that cart way ahead of the horse right now. I think we are glad that we are able to get this visit in beijing and well see what they come back with. I mean, clearly one of the goals was to advance the communication with the prc and see what we can do to get these higher level visits in play. We are just not there yet to talk about sequencing or specific scheduling. But you know, look, we are hopeful and well see what they come back with and what we are able to talk with. Nato Secretary General succession saying this was an issue, do you know whether the president intented to speak with the danish Prime Minister today and thoughts of the importance of having a woman lead nato the first time. That is not the purpose of the trip or the conversation i detailed in the Opening Statement when they are going to focus on. Two different topics. How do you interpret the saudi arabia decision to unilaterally cut oil production. Well let them speak to their decision to cut production. We will stay focused on making sure there is a balance between supply and demand. Price of oil was not dramatically affected by the announcement of additional cuts, the president will stay focused on whats best for the american people, and best for the economy, and making sure that we are looking after those needs and let the saudi arabians speak for themselves. I also wanted to ask you about another visit, indias Prime Minister modi. There have been questions about the health of indias democracy under narendra modi. Invitation for the state dinner and india is a Strong Partner on many levels with the United States. You saw that in shangrila, Secretary Austin announced some additional defense cooperation now that we are going to pursue with india. Sandra we are going to continue to monitor john kirby live out of The White House, Vivek Ramaswamy is still with us in washington. Curious, your response to what you are hearing. Is this the message you want The White House to be sending . I think we are being repeatedly tested inch by inch by china. I personally think the chinese Spy Balloon Flying over half our country, we would have shot that down if this were a russian spy balloon, instead we waited for it to leave and be over the Atlantic Ocean before we shot it down. This is the same game we are playing, they are testing us, and we are Exhibiting Weakness and attempting to display strengths visavis russia, we are exhibiting a lot of weakness with respect to the real top threat that we face which is aggressive communist china, we need to deter their aggression. John we were having a spirited conversation while keeping one ear to the White House Briefing and you had some idea how we could strategically decouple economically from china and do it in such a way that it would have minimal Economic Impact and maximum insulating against chinese aggression and the sanctity of the supply chain. When we are tested inch by inch, we are dependent on them for our way of life. Why i depart from trump is actually restoring trade relationship with our nonchinese trading partners. Japan and south korea, much of south america, we can talk about australia, india, a range of other countries, that can actually fill otherwise redundancy in the supply chain we might miss. John the treaty that trump pulled out of. Exactly, and the Silver Lining he pulled out, better leverage, if im a president , an even better starting point to talk to japan and say we dont like the stateowned subsidies, negotiate better terms than when trump left. Ill make lemonade, if you will, and reenter Trade Relationships and then sit across the stable from xi jinping when we have the stronger hand and say i really mean it when we are declaring independence. Cutting off ties unless you reform to global capitalism. I think xi jinping will have to fold. They are in a tougher spot in this relationship than we are if we actually are willing to open our eyes up and see it. But that will take a combination of strategy as i have laid out on the trade side, as well as to stand up with a spine across the table from xi jinping, he knows the president of the United States actually means it and my understanding that leads me to want to do this now. Sandra vivek, before you go, two quick questions. Did you change your swing after the Patrick Mcenroe you want me to take it higher, im on the case as i play College Students now. Sandra the video was fun. How do you describe yourself . Centrist candidate . Described as antiwoke gop candidate, where are you . How do you label yourself . I am an unapologetic American Nationalist. American revolution, we need to invoke that. Antiwoke is too small. Im leading us to run to something. Our vision of what it means to be american. The last president to do that was ronald reagan. I think we take our America First agenda even further. George washington America First conservative, the label i would use. John great to see you in d. C. Drop by any time. Sandra try seizing all that in a banner. Vivek, thank you so much. Good to have you. The Biden Administration is declaring june National Home ownership month and to get more americans into their homes, Vice President Kamala Harris is tackling the home Appraisal Business Outlining a plan to fight racial bias. Brian brenberg cohost of Big Money Show and dagen mcdowell, bottom line on fox business. What do you make of the direction this administration has gone, dagen, trying to get people into homes, to even incentivizing people with poorer Credit Scores to get into homes at the cost of those with better Credit Scores in this country . But thats whats in the essentially the federal government subsidizing mortgages, period. The federal government can do that, help people with lower Credit Scores and hit people with higher Credit Scores because the federal government subsidizes mortgages to up as high as more than a million dollars. The Conforming Loan Limit in this country is higher than 726,000, and in high cost areas it goes up to more than a million dollars. So, i raise the issue of why is the government, and why are taxpayers subsidizing those loans when the median home price in this country is 437,000. All of these subsidies, whether its tax policy, mortgage backing, federal ownership of loans, that they are massive subsidies and frankly, the federal government over and over and over again creates the manias and bubbles and the american taxpayer would benefit if we backed the government out of all of this. Sandra this is what harris is saying, ill get you to respond, pushing new home appraisal rules. She says i think we would all agree we all would agree Home Ownership is an essential part of the american dream. Home ownership is one of the single most powerful engines of wealth building available to american families. We also know for generations many people of color had been prevented from taking full advantage of the benefits of Home Ownership. Your thoughts on this push. Well, so she wants to get the government more involved in Rejigering The Appraisal Process For Equity and justice, that means more red tape, harder access to the things you need to buy a home. By the way, i think its rich the Biden Administration is talking about the benefits of Home Ownership in an era where Mortgage Rates are now above 7 . Sandra 6. 79 in june. Why are they that high, they ignored inflation which hurts the most people they are talking about wanting to get into homes. Twoyear rise, from 3 to seven. They massively messed up this economy and now they are going to want to create new policy beneath the level of congress, right, this is all bureaucratic regulatory stuff, and in the meantime, people say i dont care what you do with the appraisal process, i cant afford a 7 mortgage. Lets fix that first. But you understand my point. Why is the government in the Business Of Making Student Loans . Thats how college got so expensive. Why is the government in the business still after the collapse in the Housing Bubble in 2008, we never got out of the governmentsponsored enterprises of fannie mae and freddie mac. The government subsidizes even rich people buying homes in this country through subsidized Mortgage Rates, through tax policy, through, you name it, even through flood insurance. That is subsidized by taxpayers. We dont get people owning homes that they can afford. We create as taxpayers manias, and its because you want me to tell you why . Its because of the real estate lobby. Sandra well, the government has not exactly proven they are good at this. The lets be clear. Sound evidence of that. I dont think a lot of people think Kamala Harris has the answer either. What happens is you get these left wing people taking advantage of these policies that already exist. So, median home price is 437, and subsidized mortgage in some areas over a million dollars. Why . Sandra help more people get into homes but the home prices will keep going higher with the demand and then and then it just hurts everybody. Good to have you both here. Thank you for hanging on with us, too, by the way. John fox news alert, House Oversight Committee Chair james comer and Ranking Member jamie raskin met with fbi officials to view the fbi whistleblower complaint alleging a bribery scheme by then vice President Biden. David spunt is live on capitol hill with the latest on this. What more do we know . They met for 90 minutes and the headline out of this according to House Oversight chair james comer is the fact that the fbi says the 1023 documented from a well respected human source informant is part of an active investigation. Ranking member jamie raskin says he did not hear that specific wording from the fbi, though. Both men did agree in a rare form of bipartisanship, they said the confidential human source is a well respected source, they dont know who the source is because the name was redacted for sensitivity reasons, they both say they were told the source made more than six figures and gave information to the fbi going back to the obama administration. This 1023 allegedly contains this wording or this allegation that then v. P. Joe biden accepted a bribe for a policy change. We also know that james comer says hes going to be moving forward with contempt of Congress Hearings against fbi director Christopher Wray for not actually physically turning over the document. But here is comer, the chairman of House Oversight on the validity of the source. Listen. The confidential human source who provided information about then vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant used by the fbi for over ten years and has been paid over six figures. Ok, so Ranking Member raskin, while he said the source was praised by the fbi and viewed as highly credible, he added this and said the knowledge of the source was not actually firsthand. Watch. Remember, what we are talking about here is a confidential human source reporting a conversation with someone else. So we are talking about secondhand hearsay. Ok, as for contempt of Congress Proceedings against the fbi director, chairman comer said hes going to move forward in committee before it goes to the full house. John more to come, no question about that. Thank you. Sandra the risk posed to american men and women continues to rise. Cory maynard will now be added to the total. He was ambushed and killed while responding to a shooting last week. C. B. Cotton has more on the tragic story. The trooper was immediately met with gunfire when he got to the scene. Thats right, thats what vest Virginia Police say. Sergeant cory maynard, 16 year veteran of the agency come this fall, instead his life was cut short on tuesday. Father of two was taken to the hospital but did not survive. This man on the screen, timothy kennedy, taken into custody late friday night. Arraigned saturday on firstdegree murder. According to the National Fraternal order of police, the number of officers shot this year show a 30 increase from the same time frame in 2021, and a 40 increase from the same period in 2020. For years the organization has been calling on congress to do something, to pass legislation that would create enhanced federal penalties for those who deliberately target Law Enforcement. Civil Rights Groups argue instead of tackling hate crimes, this legislation creates a false narrative that Law Enforcement are under attack, adding there are already laws protecting officers, but the fop says prosecution on the left is far too lenient. We want to pass the protect and serve act in congress, a federal crime to knowingly assault a police officer, and im sure some people are saying dont laws like this exist. They are on the books but we have rogue d. A. S. The fop says there have been 47 ambush style attacks on Law Enforcement officers so far this year. Sandra. Sandra c. B. Cotton, thank you very much. John shoplifting a bigger problem, walgreens is making some major changes. The Drugstore Chain is trying out a new design in one chicago store, allowing only two aisles for customers to actually touch products and shop in. The rest of the material and the goods, locked up behind glass. Our Senior Correspondent mike tobin is live in chicago with the latest on this. How is it going over so far, mike . Well, you know, john, we have already seen one evolution of retail in response to the flash mobs and aggressive shoplifting in terms of the high end stores that keep the front door locked and allow customers in one at a time. Now what we are looking at, an evolution of the retail drugstore. Walgreens stresses technology as they put out the pilot for the redesign of the store and what you see inside is a store in which most of the inventory is stored in the back where the public cant grab it. Only two aisles as you mentioned of Old Fashioned retail remain. The rest of the items customers need to order from a kiosk and they get delivered to a window. The bulk of the store is empty. Potential of looting is minimized. Walgreens has a statement, we are testing a new experience with new concepts, technologies and practices to enhance the experiences of our customers and team members. So far customers dont object but say its impersonal. I dont think i like it. I dont think its antitheft, more so of what gives more people comfort knowing that there arent going to be too many people thinking that they are get away with stealing things. I can put in my orders and come in and pick it up instead of going through the aisles trying to figure it out. And people out there know that shoplifting has impacted the retail experience. 79 according to the Retail Establishment believe that they are paying higher prices, john. John maybe its a cure for Impulse Buying at any rate. Mike tobin in chicago, thank you. Sandra more on the crises in chicago, black residents there say they are outraged at the City Council Decision to provide a massive aid package to migrants. Setting aside 51 million for housing, food and staffing. Our next guest argues there are better places for that money to go. Andre smith, he joins us now. Thank you so much for coming on and telling us what you are seeing as a resident in that city who which has gone through so much. What do you believe the mayors goal is with this plan and why do you want to stop it . Well, first let me thank you so much for giving this crisis in our city, you know, some attention. Whatever the mayor idea is nobody seem to know but him. They are giving 51 million to migrants, 500 migrants within 30 days for 30 days, and theres no plan. During memorial day during memorial day there were 53 people shot in chicago. 11 People Killed in chicago during memorial day. That was the threeday weekend. This last weekend you have 46 people shot. You had nine People Killed. So within the six days you had 99 people shot and 20 People Killed. And you are giving 500 migrants that crossed the border on their own free will 51 million with no plan, it doesnt make any sense to me. John so where do you, andre, believe that money would be better spent . I believe that that money would be better spent you have, you know, when i saw the bus at wadsworth, four blocks away from where i was, a homeless woman on the bus. She didnt have the opportunity to be housed at wadsworth like the immigrants. Both of her legs were amputated, her legs were amputated, she had nowhere to go. So our homeless population, over 800 veterans that serve ared the United States of america that is out there homeless. They dont have the opportunity that these migrants have the opportunity, so that money should go to the homeless that we already have and the issues we have in the city of chicago. Sandra andre, we are taking in everything that you are saying, its so important as the city goes through so much and well reestablish connection with andre. Meanwhile, some of what we heard from the mayor of that city in the days leading up to him and others saying we cant handle any more migrants. Mayor in his own words. There is enough room for everyone in the city of chicago, whether you are seeking asylum or you are looking for a fully funded neighborhood. More than enough in the city of chicago for everyone. We can prove that our city can both welcome people seeking asylum while also investing in the communities. Sandra turns out theres not more than enough room for everyone, and residents in that city, including andre, thanks to andre smith to joining us, are speaking out. Its affecting everybody. And by the way, the plan is then to send these migrants to the south side to house them in the schools on the south side where, john, you know, ive digested the report card in that state and it is poor. It is bad. And there are most of the kids, majority of kids going through the Public Schools are not coming out reading at grade level. Many are below grade level and even the high school seniors, they are graduating them without even being able to read at or even near grade level in some cases. But yet they are going to now house migrants, thats the plan in some of these schools struggling so badly. John and huge Homeless Problem there, particularly among veterans. Unfortunately our connection with andre got severed, we will watch to see what happens there. He is encouraging the city to rescind the sanctuary city status, we dont believe would happen. Sandra did you catch this, the hosts of the view, they have not been kinds to tim scott. The systemic racism that African Americans face in this country and other minorities, he doesnt get it. Clarence thomas syndrome. Oxymoron, a Black Republican. Sandra now the South Carolina senator is sitting down with the ladies of the view after the racially charged comments. Bob cusack here to break it down for us next. Okay, everybody, look at the rv and smile. This is what you want for your Family Portrait . Good point. We bundled the boat with our home and auto first. Hey, team, get on in here. Team . Oh. Fun. Now everyone say 24 7 Financial Protection With Progressive 24 7 Financial Protection With Progressive okay. Lets get some singles of me on the bike. Honey. Yeah. 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This justin, fox news alert, Robert Hanson who was was convicted of stealing and sharing secrets with russia over the course of two decades has been found dead in his prison cell. He was one of the most damaging spies in American History and sold out thousands of classified documents to the kgb as well as expose numerous american sources inside the soviet and russian governments. He was serving 15 consecutive Life Sentences without parole in a super max prison in colorado. This is the highest Security Prison that there is out there, there is no word yet on whether he took his own life or someone took his. John or if you just died of Natural Causes 79 years old, right in that sweet spot for having a heart attack. And when you are in Solitary Confinement for 23 hours a day, some people dont know much left to live for. May be we will get more information soon. T john republican candidate and South Carolina senator tim scott face some of his most toughest critics on the view this morning after the cohost on the show made racially charged comments towards scott and question his commitment to the black community. For more on this lets bring about cusack, editor in chief out the hill. A few days ago this is what joy behar said about tim scott. He is one of these guys who, he is like clarence thomas, Black Republican who believes in pulling yourself by your bootstraps rather than to me understanding the systemic racism that African Americans face in this country and other minorities. He does not get it, neither does clarence thomas. And thats why they are the republicans. John so here was senator scotts response this morning. One of the reasons i am on the show was because of the comments made on the show for her own only way for a Young African american kid to be successful in the country is to be the exception and not the rule. That is a dangerous offensive disgusting message to send to our young people today that the only way to succeed is by being the exception. John the shame of it this morning was that joy behar shakes three day weekends and was not there on the show today. I think its impressive that senator scott did this and went into the lions den. There were some booing of course, and thats what you have to do when you are running for president. You have got to go john and will be goldberg admonished the audience. And that is a credit to her. And i think that thats what tim scotts messages. When he was chastising the host, he was not yelling. He was saying matteroffactly, this is a disgusting remark. John was not denigrating them either. Thats exactly right. In the next step is for him to really grab some momentum. How is he going to do that . He is very lowkey as we all know. But his launch was highenergy. And i thought that this was very good performance. John we were talking about his launch last week. Hes lowkey until he gets up there, then he is quite energized. I want to go to the New York Times article on joe biden, because some people are saying it was a bit of a wet kiss to the president. They did acknowledge that he is getting up there in age, but then there was a lot of qualifiers lets say. Here is part of the article. Like many his age, mr. Biden repeats phrases and retails the same story, and says them again and again. At the same time trim and fit, exercises five days a week and does not drink. He has exhibited striking stamina when he flew to poland and boarded a nine hour train drive to make a secret visit to kyiv. And then another flight to warsaw. Thats pretty oligarch. It is, and the real test is on the canon pain trail in 2020 when joe biden was able to basically campaign from the basement. It worked out for him. He is now president of the United States. But he is going to half when you are on the Campaign Trail you have to go all out. And his schedule is pretty light on some days. And certainly, for somebody who is 80 plus, maybe that makes sense. But at the same time you dont get credit for making trips of broad when you are president of the United States. Im sorry. John they seem to forgive so much of what goes on with joe biden in terms of shaking hands with imaginary people, forgetting people who he knew quite well have died, falling down at the air force academy, he did trip over a sandbag. Lets compare what the New York Times said about two joe biden to what they said about trump while in office mr. Trump, january concerns about his mental acuity and physical condition. He did not exercise, his diet leaned heavily on cheeseburgers and street steak. It was erratic, tended to ramble, he had grown less articulate and his vocabulary had shrunk since his younger days. He said privately that mr. Trump had trouble Processing Information in distinguishing fact from fiction. You could probably say a lot of that about joe biden. But they didnt answer. Thats the thing. And joe flynn and donald trump has said himself age is not the issue. You look at Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders even though we had a heart attack on the Campaign Trail last time around was very much with it. Donald trump, still very much with it, joe biden does at times struggle. He is a starter, but at the same time thats where the rubber will hit the road on the Campaign Trail in the press is getting a little more anxious with how he does not talk to us. John you keep saying Campaign Trail, but ive seen no indication there is a Campaign Trail for joe biden. And he will be in the primaries until it is the general election time. John and wont be any debates until a president ial. So jim garrity in the National Review wrote an oped, our parttime president he rode, biden can barely handle his duties now, god knows how he will handle the rigors of a president ial Reelection Campaign or any additional crises between now and january 2025. He is aging rapidly. My dearly departed motherinlaw was 81, she died of a problem with her heart, but other than that she was totally there. Jim is a conservative and a good writer, but democrats are privately expressing same concerns behind the scenes. They are concerned about joe biden and the second term or running for a second term. John no question about that, nobody coming forward to challenge him other than Robert Kennedy who is serving like 19 . He is in the ball game. John allotted to overcome a great to see you. Thank you, all right, sandra, so monday goes into the history books, a lot happening already this week. Sandra mike turner from the Intel Committee joining me in the 4 00 hour, also asa hutchinson, a lot to learn from there. Good to see you in an extra hour earlier today too. John i did not know that you were doing meal show tonight . We need to promote that. Watch sandra at 4 00 eastern and join us tomorrow. Sandra great to be with you, thank you for joining us, i am sandra smith. John and i am john r john roberts, and the story starts right now, guess who is back, not shady, martha. Martha good evening, everybody, i am martha maccallum, great to be back. Here on the story bret baier is here, and Jonathan Turley joins us as well, and outtakes coming up on the story, but the breaking news right now, The White House calling a chinese Warship Cutting off our u. S. Naval destroyer in this unbelievable video. They call that unprofessional behavior in the taiwan strait. Watch this and see what you think. Its pretty close when you are open waters like that. And you can see the head of steam that that chinese vessel had on it as i

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