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Responsibility for everything thats happening at the border now. Policies are underway, we are not helping at all, i make no apologies for Ending Programs that did not exist before trump became president. That have an incredibly negative impact on the law. You said the border is secure. Give me the money. Have you done everything you can do with Executive Authority . All ive been doing. Give me the power. I asked you the very day i got into office. John President Biden previously slamming trump and the policies claiming he has done all he can, but he is now considering Executive Action to restrict asylum for illegal migrants. Welcome to you. Jacqui Jacqui Heinrich in for sandra smith. The president s potential Change Of Heart as we see record levels of migrant encounters. New data obtained by fox reveals thousands are coming from countries with potential National Security concerns. John and more disturbing numbers to report, according to cbp, over 6400 migrants with criminal histories since october 1st, the start of the new fiscal year. That averages out to about 44 criminals crossing the border every single day over that time period. Jacqui Fox News Team coverage. Former acting i. C. E. Director tom homan and whether it can stop the onslaught, and bill melugin is live at a sector in california overwhelmed by migrants. John peter doocy is live from the north lawn. Do we know what the president is considering with his Executive Pen . It change, john, to who can say they qualify for asylum. Right now anybody can at least try to say that they are here for asylum. There is talk here about making it so that you can only do that at a port of entry. But whatever these changes may be, it represents a huge change from where this white house was one year ago. He has done more than any prior president to secure the border and build a safe orderly and humane immigration system. Thats what the president has been able to do. A white house official is telling us no Executive Action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant Policy Reforms and Additional Resources congress can provide and that republicans rejected. We call on them to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border and maybe this is driving some urgency. U. S. Bp chief tweeted over the weekend agents apprehended ten undocumented subjects with violent criminal histories, murder, rape, drugs and trafficking. And this year, 6400 criminal convictions subject. This is an Election Year, Election Year antics. Congress has not passed any border laws. The crisis is the result of his 60 plus Executive Actions he signed. And this is so different than what we have been told by President Biden. He had been saying for months that he has done everything he can do. Apparently thats not true. John. John all he has to do is go back and look at the things he rescinded on january 20, 2021, and he would have idea of what he could do. The president of the United States has not been granted additional powers by like the constitution since he took office, so the powers have been there the whole time. They are just choosing now to use them. John yes, i think you are right about that. Peter doocy at 1600 pennsylvania. Thank you. Jacqui. Jacqui continuing our coverage of the top story, Firsthand Look at the latest epicenter of the border crisis, bill melugin is live in jacumba, california now. Bill, what are you seeing out there . Fox news has obtained brandnew cbp data which show something remarkable. More chinese nationals have been crossing here in the san diego sector than mexican nationals. The first graphic here, according to that data, the top ten nationalities that Border Patrol have arrested crossing illegally in the san diego sector. Colombia number one, but take a look at number two. China. 21,000 chinese nationals have been encountered by agents here in recent months. They are ahead of mexico by several thousand. That is remarkable to see. You can also see turkey has had more than 6,000 of its citizens apprehended here, 5,000 from guinea in africa, another 5,000 from india. Then take a look at the second graphic here of more notable countries apprehended here since october. 25, afghanistan, 1600, russia, 850, and hundreds more from other countries, those countries i just named are special interest countries with potential National Security concerns. Feds are supposed to vet their citizens more but thats very difficult because our countries dont share criminal databases. And back out here, the big question, how are all the people around the world, specifically from asia, especially, getting here to our southern border, right . Well, we talked to a chinese man yesterday who said he first flew into turkey, and a georgian man said he flew to turkey and then to mexico. Take a listen. So georgia, to turkey, to guatemala, and after guatemala. Car into mexico . Car into mexico. Back out here live you are looking at the border wall in the distance. Where all the Illegal Immigrants have been popping through. Different gaps in the wall and the dirt road they walk up eventually reaching our location. Its a slower day out here, have not had a group just yet, but john and jacqui, i mentioned yesterday, goes to show a lot of people think everybody is coming through a jungle and walking for miles, that is not the case. A lot are showing up with clean clothes, some is brand name, we have seen people out here with lo louis vuitton, walking across with no resistance whatsoever. Back to you. Jacqui stunning there are more migrants from china than from mexico. Wow. Bill melugin, thanks so much, john. John tom homan, former acting i. C. E. Director and fox news contributor. The president said not too long ago ive done all i can as president to address the border, now its up to congress to give me the power that ive been asking for since 2021 when i took office. As opposed to looking at all the Executive Orders that rescinded and said there is a lot i can do. Clearly hes gotten the message and now will do something before the State Of The Union. Your thoughts . Well, look, looked like an election is coming, right. He has not done a damn thing in three years to slow the flow, not a thing. He destroyed every policy trump had in place to give the most secure in lifetime. The first president who came in to office to unsecure the border. Put the remain in mexico back in. Highest court of the land said its legal, it was a game changer, and the third country agreements, he could do that with the stroke of a pen. Its not a money issue, its a policy issue and he could change it tomorrow if he wanted. The only thing hes talking about right now, the only reason hes bringing it up now, he knows number one Campaign Issue as we have seen in iowa and new hampshire, so trying to flip the script for the election, the only reason hes doing it. Tom, according to some reports the administration is trying to speak with the Justice Department to figure out whatever action they take and reporting around 212f would not conflict with prior court rulings. Under the trump administration, the courts ruled against some of this, what are the chance its struck down by the courts . I think 212f is the way to go. But again, whatever he puts in place to try to win some voters for the election, i guarantee, ive worked for six president s, many administrations, policies come and go. This is an election ploy. If he was to win reelection, anything he has done to secure the border will go away day one. He isnt serious about securing the border because if he was, he would sign hr2. Bipartisan legislation, it was passed bipartisan, it passed the house, the senate should take it up, the senate is not even talking hr2 will work, its the trump policies that we prove were effective, that resulted in a 45 year low illegal immigration. Secure the border, put the remain in Mexico Program back in, the third safe country agreement in, he has the playbook proven effective. Put it in play. John one of the things that biden is mulling over is a trigger that would stop people from claiming asylum, 5,000 migrants a day for a period of a week or single day 8500 crossed over the border. Alexandria ocasiocortez, the left wing of biden party tweeted, doing trump impressions isnt how we beat trump. Seeking asylum is a legal right of all people. In the face of authoritarian threat, we should not buckle on our principles we should commit to them. The mere suggestion is outrageous and the president should refuse to sign it. Indication the left wing of the Party Supports the idea that anybody and everybody who manages to come across the border should be given a chance to claim asylum. Here is what aoc is not saying, shes not very smart. Based on Immigration Data over the last ten years, nine out of ten people who claim asylum at the southern border will get Order Removal because they dont qualify for asylum. They get the loophole, get released to the United States, nine out of ten ordered removed. For those who actually show up. They dont leave. Homeland security report said only 6 of them leave. So 90 ordered removed, only 6 leave. This is by design. Thats why they are not detaining them. If they are detaining them, 99 of the people would find orders to leave. She needs to be honest. Its not about true asylum, its about the United States, released, this is about failing to leave the country as ordered by the courts, hide out, waiting for the next amnesty or daca. All the families coming across, the next daca. You want to tell American People the truth, they dont qualify for asylum, nine out of ten wont, numbers over the last ten years. This is asylum fraud. And why they are clogging up the system, we have real people in the world that are societies that are escaping and sitting in the back seat. We have to fix it, raise the initial bar at the border when they get the first interview. Has to be the same if they show up in court, much higher, 90 should be turned around immediately and heading south. Jacqui note one thing, the numbers john gave you exactly whats in the senate bill that democrats have been saying republicans should pass it. We have a bill in front of us. Thats whats in the legislation and timing it to the State Of The Union makes you wonder if they are just trying to campaign on this and go from defense on the border to offense and make republicans, try to make republicans share the blame for whats happening at the border. Tom homan, thanks, appreciate it. John thanks, enjoy cpac. Jacqui conservatives from around the country are checking out possible Running Mates for donald trump as he moves closer to securing the republican nomination. Rich edson tracking that at cpac live in national harbor, maryland. Many v. P. Hopefuls are scheduled to speak there, right, rich . They are, jacqui, conservative Political Action conference, several of the names the former president could be on his Vice President ial short list, he confirmed names earlier this week, including tim scott along with ron desantis, tulsi gabbard, byron donalds, vivek ramaswamy, and kristi noem. Donalds pushed his candidacy this morning. We have to have leadership that holds our government accountable. We have to have leadership thats going to have a bold vision of what we should do and not be afraid of polls of what people think we might need to do. We got to have leadership thats going to say tough things when we need to hear them and we have that leadership, this november in donald j. Trump. New york congresswoman Elise Stefanik and j. D. Vance rumored in the v. P. Consideration, both scheduled to speak tomorrow. In a Conference Call this week, desantis told supporters he had no interest in being Vice President , did not rule out a 2028 run, and that trump is likely using Identity Politics to guide his veep decision. And they called Desantis A Sad little man. Desantis is not scheduled to speak here at cpac nor is the former South Carolina governor nikki haley who is still very much challenging the former president of the republican nomination. Jacqui. Jacqui rich edson, thanks, rich. John dont miss a special edition of America Reports live from South Carolina on saturday for the republican primary. Well be on the air at 1 00 eastern, as nikki haley and former President Donald Trump fight for every last vote in the winner take all contest in the palmetto state, and ill be broadcasting for a regular friday show tomorrow. Now this. Im putting the victims first and making sure that he stays in custody. I dont want this individual getting out and able to victimize more people. Top arizona people refusing to extradite a Career Criminal wanted in new york for murder. Why she says its safer to keep him locked up in arizona. John republican lawmakers say james biden contradicted himself during system on his brothers alleged involvement in the Family Business yesterday. We will dig into that with kerri urbahn just ahead. Slipping out of balance into freefall. the stock market is now down 23 . This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties. laughing look around you. You deserve to know. As we navigate a future unknown. Im glad i found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. Youre tellin me you can get directv The Good Stuff and you dont need a Satellite Dish . Oh, i used to love doin my business on those things youre one sick pigeon. Them dishes kept the rain off our beaks we just have different priorities is all. Satellitefree directv. Never thought id see the day. Well, our lifespans are quite short. Stream directv without a Satellite Dish. Im going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. When i was your age, we never had anything like this. What . Wifi . Wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. The basement. So i can finally throw that party. And invite shannon barnes. Dream do come true. Xfinity gives you reliable wifi with walltowall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. Maybe well even get married one day. I wonder what i will be doing . Probably still living here with mom and dad. Fast reliable speeds right where you need them. Thats walltowall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. John republicans and democrats clashing again over the Impeachment Probe into President Biden. Democrats say the push has to end because the allegations at the center of the inquiry were based on lies. The gop says the exfbi Informant Testimony was just one part of bidens involvement in the shady business. David spunt live at the Justice Department. Where does the probe stand now . I dont like to say it depends on who you ask, but in this case it does. Democrats, some say it has hit a few roadblocks, others say its completely dead there is no more Impeachment Inquiry. Republicans say it continues and will continue over the next several months. Chairman james comer of the Oversight Committee leading the probe is confident that this Impeachment Probe will continue. Hes pressing forward after interviewing the president s Brother James Yesterday and here is jason smith, another top chairman in the probe. Yesterday what we saw out of james biden is that all he focused on was protecting the family brand. Proven stepbystep thats what they do best, protect the family brand and sell that family brand all over the world. John, earlier this week it was revealed a former fbi informant was charged with making up a fake story of both joe and hunter biden, receiving 5 million in bribes from ukrainian. House republicans used that as part of the Impeachment Probe many months, often referring to it as evidence. They are downplaying it that smirnov was the main force behind the probe, they are will go looking at china and romania, saying the investigation is more expansive than the smirnov allegation. They say he has high russian contacts to discredit joe biden for a second term is enough to call for an end to the entire probe. Im restating my call to chairman comer, to speaker johnson, to fold up the tent to this circus show. Republicans are going to continue. Hunter biden, the president s son will be on capitol hill in less than a week next wednesday. They have some other witnesses as well, hunter biden will be probably the biggest one in this entire impeachment investigation, hell be under oath and transcript released after that, and same with james biden, hearing from republicans and democrats what happened in the room but we are waiting for the transcript to look through it ourselves. Jacqui kerri urbahn, Fox News Legal Editor and former counselor to a. G. Bill barr. Theres been, in light of this smirnov being charged and what impact thats had on the underlying Impeachment Inquiry probe, two sort of sets of reactions. One is skepticism over the charges coming from david weiss and this sort of theory that maybe this is not being made in good faith, and then the other saying that look, you know, republicans have to sort of outline all the evidence outside of this claim made by this witness and the 1023 so crucial to the impeachment. Where do you see this . Where does it matter . Its only one piece of the pie and i feel strongly about that, i left the Justice Department in fall 2020 and several years before we learned about this information, the information from the fbis spy paid informant that now david weiss has charged for lying, and if you recall, a few years ago, some of the things that have gotten the interest of not just the gop but americans in general, 51 intelligence officials said hunters laptop was the product of Russian Disinformation, joe biden repeated that lie on the debate stage. I was responsible for working with the press and doj during that time and i was frustrated by the press resistance to include in their stories about that laptop, Russian Disinformation narrative, the fact the fbi indicated it was not the same way. Tony bobulinski the same month said i work with hunter biden and no way joe biden did not know about all the business enterprises. And fast forward a couple years, you have hunter biden himself detailing his illegal behavior in his own book. You have another year later, you have irs whistleblowers saying the investigation into joe on hunter biden, or hunter, rather, was anything but normal, and they called for a special counsel. You have treasury releasing Suspicious Bank records related to the biden family. All of that has nothing to do with what we have since learned and may be a lie from the fbi informant. John jim biden, yesterday in his Opening Statement he said the following in part, i have always kept my professional life separate from our close personal relationship, him and joe biden, i never asked him to take action on behalf of my, my Business Associates or anyone else. Earlier jason smith, chairman of the house ways and Means Committee would not say he was lying but did say this. The irs whistleblowers provided the ways and Means Committee an email that james biden was included in that was talking about how they would distribute the profits from the Chinese Energy company, 20 to james, and 10 to the big guy. Hes definitely not telling the truth. Its complete hog wash what hes saying. John wouldnt call him a liar but said hes not telling the truth. Here is the truth. They have a lot of receipts with hunter biden, a couple with jim biden, but nothing to connect all of that to the president in any kind of way that looks like its illegal or even potentially unethical. How much longer can this probe go on before the republicans have to either put up or move on. Its a Great Question and i think the reason they are suspicious, especially with respect to james biden, is because you have to look at his resume. He dropped out of college, opened a couple of night clubs and the next thing you know hes getting a contract for millions from a Chinese Energy conglomerate with no Energy Experience and thats a pattern with the biden family. I think james comer and jason smith and others are going to continue to pursue this until they have a better understanding what they were getting paid for and what did the foreign nations see as a Benefit Working with both james and hunter biden when they had no experience in their respective fields. Jacqui well have to watch it. Certainly a lot of calls from democrats to end the Impeachment Inquiry and this 1023 was such a huge piece of them launching they threatened to hold the fbi director in contempt to get ahold of the 1023, smirnov makes the alleged lie. Great point, jacqui. Fbi was so resistance to revealing the source and information because they did not want his security or safety, rather, to be compromised. So, that also raises the question is if this, you know percent was so trusted by the fbi for so long, how are we here now . John bottom line, a lot of smoke with this, but if you want to impeach the president you have to find the fire. Direct link. John thanks, appreciate it. Google is Rebooting Answer to chatgpt after some users got woke responses on a variety of subjects. How the company is planning to improve the new software, plus this. It is easy to play Monday Morning quarterback from your couch. The work that we have been doing with our community is making a real impact. Sandra george soros backed District Attorney in texas claims policies are not working but the next guest is calling out the d. A. For offering plea deals for the man accused of killing her son. We will hear from Connie Branham coming up. Its okay to show off. With dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. Because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. With dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. It helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. Many adults saw 90 clearer skin. Some even achieved long lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. Serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. 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Alvin bragg is soft on crime. Nate foy is live in our newsroom. Nate, what does this mean for the pending Murder Charges in new york . Jacqui, Maricopa County attorney said shes not permanently denying extradition to new york but rather delaying it so her prosecutors can go first while Ron Almonsori is held without bond for other attacks. Police say he stabbed a woman at mcdonalds on sunday, and stabbed another woman trying to steal her car at starbucks. After the arrest he told them about the new york city murder and alvin bragg wants to prosecute him for that now. Mitchell says she has observed brags treatment of violent criminals and initially released several of the migrants charged in the times square attack on nypd officers. It was just a couple weeks ago that some of the Illegal Immigrants that were in new york city who beat up on Police Officers were let go. Jacqui, nypd says this Surveillance Picture shows him wearing his victims leggings shortly after murdering her at a Downtown Hotel in new york city. It appears he hit we are an iron. D. A. Braggs office accuses mitchell of playing political games, adding new yorks murder rate is half that of phoenix, arizona, because of the hard work of the nypd and all the Law Enforcement partners. It is a slap in the face to them and the victim in our case to refuse to allow us to seek justice and full accountability for a new yorkers death. They are working with the fbi to see if he is connected to other crimes. Back to you, jacqui. Jacqui thanks so much, nate. John. John jacqui, dozens of texas families slamming Georgia Soros backed texas District Attorney jose garza for not asking for stricter penalties. Christopher branham, 26yearold father of two, he was brutally beaten and robbed in a motel by a gang of five before being taken to a corn field where he was shot and killed by two of the gang members. His mother connie says the District Attorneys office, thats him on the screen there, did not inform her that it was offering plea deals to the killers until the paperwork had already been signed. Connie branham joins us now. Thank you for being with us. I know this is difficult for you and our heart goes out to you and your family, prayers are with you for the loss of your son. You have said the District Attorney of travis county, jose garzas policies are a revictimization for you. What was your reaction when you learned your sons killers were not going to go on trial, they signed a plea deal you didnt know about. Well, he extended plea deals to three of the five offenders and we never agreed to those. And then for the fifth offender we had a trial date and he extended a plea deal to him five days before trial was to start. That was a huge slap in the face. We were ready for trial, you know, go all the way. But we never were given that opportunity. John we said he was backed by george soros in his election, like some other notorious prosecutors in this country, there is George Gascon in los angeles county, and another in san francisco, and this fellow, 2020, a former federal public defender, Immigrant Rights Activist and leader of a systemic change organization. But he had no previous experience as a prosecutor. Are you surprised he ever became the District Attorney, particularly in a Law And Order place like texas . Absolutely. John so hes up for reelection again. What do you and the Family Members of other victims, and other victims who managed to survive crimes against them, doing about this . Well, we are being very vocal about it. We now have a group of almost 100 families that have experienced just about the same things that we have experienced. Victims rights are being violated. Victims are not being talked to. Nothing we say is being considered when theyre negotiating plea deals. Some of these plea deals came completely out of left field, we didnt even know about it. And then like i said, that last plea deal when we were ready to go to trial and ready to go was extended just five days before trial was supposed to start and it was already signed before we were ever even informed and we were also at that time informed that sentencing was to happen for three of the five the very next morning at 9 15 a. M. We had not even been given an opportunity for a victim impact statement. We didnt receive that paperwork until 10 35 p. M. The night before sentencing, a huge nono, that should have never happened. They just forgot about our rights, they forgot what we were supposed to do. The victim impact statements are to be considered by the d. A. s office before extending plea deals, and also to be considered by the judge before accepting them. So we had nothing to say about anything. Our statements were never even considered. John never got your day in court. Local television station reports that there are a lot of cases that garza has either dropped charges on or refused to prosecute. Take a look at how it is under his leadership compared to what it was before. 2021 to 2022, under garza, 7,853 cases prosecuted, almost the same number rejected or dropped, 49. 4 . In the previous administration, only 26 of cases were dropped. The vast majority were prosecuted. So, connie, we thank you for coming on with us again. Our prayers are with you and your family. Well keep watching this to see where it all goes, appreciate your time. Thank you. Jacqui nikki haley is not shying away from the showdown in her home state, despite trailing donald trump there significantly. Ben domenech is here to break down haleys Campaign Strategy with just two days to go. John Iran Helping Moscow beef up the arsenal in the war against ukraine. Lieutenant general Keith Kellogg is here after the break. I wanna hold you forever hey little bear bear. Im gonna love you forever cmon, bear. You dont. You dont have to worry. Be by your side. Ill be there. With my arms wrapped around. Life, diabetes, theres no slowing down. Each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. Thats why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. Uniquely designed with carbsteady. Glucerna. Bring on the day. Im jonathan lawson, here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85 and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. 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A massive warhead, 1,000 pounds, it will take down the building you are in right now and guided by a system of our equivalent to gps. Ukrainians wanted block two attack missiles, a range of 200 miles, we are not giving it to them and symbolic what we are not doing for ukraine. When you go back about a year ago, the ukrainians had the russians on their heels and if we just provided air support or more tanks or attack or Something Like that, it could have changed the nature of the battlefield. Why do i say that . Look at what happened with the wagner group on the march to moscow, and we had that advantage and just delayed that. So you look at somebody like iran providing Ballistic Missiles which can change the dynamic of the battlefield because they are so powerful, and they are so accurate, it puts ukrainians at a significant disadvantage. So i think its rather significant whats happening there. President zelenskyy spoke with bret baier in an interview airing tonight, and i want to play for you what he said about russia trying to turn the tide. We have seen russia on the move, it took full control of this Town Avdiivka South of here. The biggest gain in nine months for russia. And does that mean that we are seeing the tide turn here . We unblocked the black sea, now there are grain routes and etc. And destroyed a lot of their ships, russian fleet. What we did during two years. Jacqui how long really does, and theres just for you on the screen, 6 00 the full interview will air, so follow along with what zelenskyy told bret baier, but just how long does ukraine have truly to get the weapons they are calling for in order to hold back russia from making an advantage that might make all of our Military Investment until now worthless . Yeah, jacqui, Great Question. You are looking at something that is very, very dangerous and ominous. When you look at avdiivka, and before that bakhmut, the russians have changed their tactics. Human wave attacks, Close Air Support the ukrainians dont have and pushing the envelope hard. And the big concern i have, you never want to get into an attrition fight with the russians. They can bring more mass to the battle fields. One of the reason the former general of ukraine said in the economist magazine, he was concerned they are head to think a stalemate. The russians can keep pushing this and the west has to get the systems to block the offensive. Man power, use a lot of artillery and man power and what you saw in avdiivka and what bret baier was talking about. Jacqui Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, appreciate dwrour time. John more injuries on the Basketball Court once again raising concerns about Transgender Athletes playing in female sports. Riley gaines will weigh in on this and her ongoing fight for fairness. Plus this. Done that is 3 to 4 legal families on every block begging for work and selling kitkat bars after A Billion Dollars was spent on them. Where is the money for the south side and the west side communities. Jacqui people in chicago furious, lashing out at leaders for spending more and more on migrants than the black communities. Va cash out loan at lower Mortgage Rates to pay off those high rate car loans. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up, ive got Symptom Relief. Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer bowel movements. Skyrizi is the first il23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. And the majority of people experienced longlasting remission at one year. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Nows the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohns with skyrizi. Control is everything to me. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Woman why did we choose safelite . We were loading our suv when. Crack safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Im katie porter and i approve this message. Hes the hundredpercent protrump candidate for u. S. Senate republican eric early. Always supports trump and the maga agenda. Republican eric early. Endorsed by the california prolife council. Opposed to all abortion. And eric early loves the second amendment. Eric early. Way more dangerous than steve garvey. He dodges trump. Garvey even said he might vote for biden. Republican eric early for u. S. Senate. Too maga. Too trump. Too dangerous. Jacqui a Girls Basketball game between two massachusetts schools appears to show a transgender player ripping the ball away from another player, injuring the coach from an injured player, choosing to forfeit the game during halftime. Riley gaines will join us on this in the next hour, Alexis Mcadams joins us with the latest on the story. How many students were hurt here . The video you just saw has gone viral after three girls left the game injured and that was just in the first half of that basketball game. So a source tells fox news two of the girls were injured by a transgender player. Check out here, see it on the screen. Eighth grade girl falls down after the trans athlete grabbed it out of her hands, so the young girl tries to get up but lays on the court, reportedly in pain. The Girls Basketball coach at the collegiate Charter School then called the game off after another player was injured. The school sharing this statement saying in part the players feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs. In an effort to maintain safety for his team, the coach decided to forfeit. The Charter School supports this decision and reiterates values of inclusivity and safety for all students. So, kip academy, the school where the transgender plays agrees safety is the top priority, adding the vision of Kip Massachusetts that every child grows up free to create the future they want for themselves and their communities. We work to create joyful and identity affirming schools for our students. The school condemns harmful comments they say are made online towards members of the community and let the Vision Mission and principals guide their actions but parents are not happy about this. The transgender athlete did play in a game against the team earlier this year, no incidents then but that was not the case this game. Massachusetts state law, all students must be allowed to participate in gender specific sports consistent with their gender identity. For people upset, they need too look at the state law. John more on this with riley gaines ahead as well. A Pentagon Briefing ahead as pressure grows on congress to break the gridlock over funding for ukraine. Dan hoffman on that as ukraine braces for a third year fighting the invasion. Jacqui President Biden pulling 180, looking at Executive Action on asylum claims. And why they think biden is forced to reverse course and what progressives have to say. En a subway series footlong. Except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. Were talking a 2 footlong churro. 3 Footlong Pretzel and a five Dollar Footlong cookie. Every Epic Footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. Order one with your favorite subway series sub today. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. I know, ive bee telling everyone. Baby liberty. Oh baby liberty. How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Baby liberty. I thought you said your dog did not bite. That is in the my dog. John also had a new report that President Bidens Dog Commander has been vamossed from the white house after it bit secret Service Agents and others at least 24 times. They had to change protocol when commander was around. Bidens also had to send away major. And one on the show this morning, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. I believe major was the first rescue to ever be in the white house. I dont recall if he was moved ouot

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