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I want to hear their plan on how they are planning to could secure our country secure our borders keep us safe. I will absolutely watch the debate i think its one of the most historical debates in this history of this country. Sandra voters on what they want they are from the debate as we count on the hours between President Biden and former President Donald Trump hello im sandra smith its an absolute pleasure to have you today. Larry its great to be here i am larry kudlow in for my pal john roberts this is america reports. The candidates very different approaches to prepare mr. Biden spent the last week hold up in camp david with, get this, 16 advisors while mr. Trump hit the campaign trail as usual Michael Wally is standing by to talk about the stakes facing former President Donald Trump tonight. Sandra and Team Coverage on every possible angle of the sea economy, Foreign Policy, and more. Larry first up lets go to fox business Grady Trimble in atlanta, georgia, its been a week since ive seen you or a week since weve seen President Biden what can you tell us about that . It sure has come oleary we got a glimpse of him for a few minutes getting off marine one at joint base andrews and getting onto air force one and now the president is en route to atlanta, little bit behind schedule but he should be arriving shortly. In advance of his arrival his campaign has been here sort of previewing what we can expect from the president tonight. We know he is going to draw a stark contrast between himself and his predecessor. Donald trump, his demeanor may not be the same demeanor we see on the debate stage or that we see at the maga rallies but he has to answer for all the things he says of those rallies on the debate stage tonight. Thats with the president is focused on going into tonight. As you noted the president has been holed up at camp david for nearly a week nonstop preparing for this debate tonight. But maybe it was not worth it because a new National Poll from the New York Times and Siena College saints finds that 60 of registered voters say form President Trump would perform very or somewhat well tonight only 46 said the same about biden. So tonight obviously we will be listening to what the candidates have to say but we will also be paying attention to how they say it. For trump will he carry himself in a way that appears president of that can win over undecided voters . And for biden a lot of people saying he is too old fort four more years can you prove those people wrong in an environment where he has no teleprompter, no prewritten notes, and he is up there 90 minutes straight . Other notable rules tonight no audience, makes will be muted unless it is that particular candidates turn to speak. Trump and his allies say they dont think the former president is going to get a fair shot tonight, but still they are not worried. Trump will handle it just fine. He is made for this kind of situation. The interesting thing will be to see what biden does because i dont think einstein himself could really explain the biden policies and why they are good. Both campaigns are out with new ads today sort of previewing what the candidates will hammer down on stage tonight. Performer President Trump its the economy and bidens age and for the current president , biden, it is abortion and allegations that the former president does not fit for presidency. Larry . Larry all right. Turning turning over to sandra to talk to the rnc chair. Go, sandra. Sandra lets bring them in Michael Whatley of the chairman joins us now in atlanta i had tonights debate its our understanding welcome to you that the president is making his way there right now. We just saw him Board Air Force one a few minutes ago. You have to think the former President Donald Trump can stand on the stage and rest on his Economic Performance versus what we are seeing today. When you pull up the raw numbers, you know people say they dont feel great about the economy, they are being told its better, but average mortgage payments larry and i were talking about these numbers up to this moment and average mortgage payment on a new house is up 83 over three years. Gas prices up 46 , grocery prices up 21 . How is former President Donald Trump going to take joe biden on on the economy tonight . Look i think everyone in america is feeling what you just described and its not just a statistic, its really an experience for the American People. When you talk about grocery prices being up higher, when you talk about gasoline prices being higher and it costs twice as much to buy to house people are not making twice as much money. Infect real wages are actually going down. Facts are stubborn things. The president is not just going to be able to talk about inflation was under 2 for the entirety of his presidency. He is not just going to talk about the fact the numbers spiked during joe bidens 10year. He will talk about what he is going to do to bring inflation down. Joe biden, all he can do is double down on his failed policies which are going to lead to more of the same. There is a real track record here. There are two for your presidencies that we can talk about where we can look at their actual record and say we had success under President Trump in terms of managing inflation and building a Strong Economy and under joe biden that is not the case. Larry michael look, large swaths of the media are looking for a big swing out go into the mud play in the dirt et cetera start yelling at each other convicted felons and law fair and jay sixth and all this stuff. Now mr. Trump keeps saying and i will ask you if you will say it tonight he keeps saying that successful policies will unite the country and that is the big revenge against whatever grievances he may have. But he keeps emphasizing successful policies will unite the country and four years ago joe biden kind of ran on that, but obviously did not meet those promises. Now tell us mr. Trump is going to stay with that message even though the Mainstream Media whatever they are will not listen, tell us. Yes that is exactly where he will come at this from. And with two for your track records to be able to compare and contrast with and what we saw under President Trump was strength. We had a Strong Economy, we had strong standing in the world, we had a secure southern border under President Biden we have had 10 million Illegal Immigrants that we know of let alone the ones we dont know of have come across the southern border. We dont know who they are, we dont know where they are, we dont know what they are doing. We also have inflation that has completely run amok and are standing in the world has been completely dinged by things like our disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan that we have iran openly attacking israel and china saber rattling around taiwan and Nuclear Weapons in cuba 90 miles off the american shore so as a country there are so many Different Things we can point to that were strength and success under President Trump have been failure and weakness under joe biden. Sandra a live look Palm Beach International airport former President Donald Trumps plane that is currently waiting for him to depart and route to the debate shortly, i am sure its past 2 2 00 on the east coast. The debate rules 90 minutes debating, two commercial breaks total no consulting with campaign aids during the breaks, no live audience, no props or prewritten notes allowed and the big one everyone is talking about microphones will be muted when it is not there turn. How will that play in the favor of or against former President Donald Trump . I dont think it will have a big impact. Look, this is not about whether joe biden can stand up for 90 minutes. This is about defending a record. This is about defending a record of what he has unleashed on the world and on america over the course of the last four years. The inflation he has unleashed. He has opened up the southern border and invited 10 million Illegal Immigrants to come across the border. Why . What is he trying to accomplish by getting that done . The President Trump is going to have the opportunity to not just defend his record but also to talk about what he is going to do for the next four years because the direction we take in the next four years is going to set the direction of not just america but the world for decades to come. Larry all right michael chairman Republican National committee thank you, sir we appreciate it very much. Sandra thank you, big night tonight we will let you head on that way. Larry, as far as the rules are concerned there are some who have a suggested i know you talked to gerry baker from the wall street journal he suggested that maybe this works against the president because if they cut off trumps mike he might keep talking and that could distract biden if he is trying to answer a question, i dont know have you thought much about it . Larry the counterfactual is if you cut off trumps mike from time to time you may save him from himself. Thats at the counterfactual. Lets look at it more positively and not negatively. All right i got out of that. President biden taking a swing at trumbull of the jobs market when he was in office but does he have his facts straight . Does he understand his own numbers . Plus, this. Definitely the economy. A lot of us are struggling working multiple jobs just to make ends meet if you like the 70s all over again. I think the state of our economy with inflation is a big issue along with the rays of minimum wage. Sandra a big thing they want to get those prices under control and they will pick the candidate who they think will make that happen. Bret baier is here to break down how big of a role the economy will play on that stage tonight and he will preview all of tonights coverage right here on fox news. It takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it out of sight di i got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. 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You know, we created 15 million jobs since we took office. Speak of the fact is according to the bureau of labor statistics the economy added back all the jobs from the pandemic it created 6. 2 million jobs, President Biden skips over the fact that the pandemic shutdown businesses, schools, manufacturing, decimated the travel industry come one things opened up those were not new jobs being created but old ones coming back. Still, the spin has been happening all day. The mess joe biden inherited from the progress we have made since then speaks for itself. 15 million jobs since the day he took office. 800,000 manufacturing jobs. However the bureau of labor statistics says the economy added back all the manufacturing jobs from the pandemic it created 185,000 manufacturing jobs in the first three years under former President Trump for the pandemic economy created 419,000 manufacturing jobs so on inflation is the blame game, listen. Two times over the past two weeks the president has said inflation was 9 when he came in office. Is the president misleading americans or it does he not realize inflation was 1. 4 . We got a lot incoming on this yesterday and what the president the point he was making is that the factors that caused inflation was in place when he walked into the administration. When he took office. Most likely will not hear President Biden say inflation was 9 when he got in office but then try to blame former President Trump for setting up inflation under his administration. Back to you. Sandra great work. Larry thanks to mike thank heaven for edward lawrence. Chief political anchor brett, do you think they will get a good the substance of discussion . I mean, look those guys are throwing numbers at each other that might be a Welcome Change but every single pole we have looked at says people do not want mud wrestling, they want issues. What do you think . 90 minutes there have to be some issues, some substance. There has to be somewhere in there but i do think there will be a lot of back and forth. A stat we pulled up former President Trumps 17th president ial debate. It is at least the 33rd president ial debate for joe biden. They have been around the block they have very different styles. I think to your point earlier about the microphones it does make a difference. It may actually help former President Trump if you look at that first debate in 2021 of the things that a lot of people look at is that he was overcharging, really attacking, and it was not a good look. So this may put some guidelines. Larry could save him from himself i went to the positive. Sandra you are not the only one saying that this is chuck todd who made a very similar suggestion, listen. I know we have it. They so want to have a different experience than the last debate they had with him or the first debate from the last cycle and ironically thats the single best debate biden had. Here is the Biden Campaign trying to come up with a set of rules to make sure talk trump seems the more presentable . As a headscratcher want so out of their way to try to create an environment that will make trump seymour president ial. Sandra oh. Great minds. I didnt actually see that but i do think that is part of this. How it plays out tonight, we dont know. I think this economy question is a driving thing. Inflation in particular if inflation was from now on 0 , prices would be 20 higher than they were in President Trumps administration. People feel that. And how you explain that and what they talk about on this issue particularly i think really hits home. Larry the level people really want a stiff dose of deflation but most economists dont want that can i ask you, brett, and politically here is there more at stake for biden then for trump in this debate . I think so. I think so because however you want to say the perception of how he looks and how he does his job and people weighing in on how he presents himself in with a teleprompter i think there is a want and a need by the campaign to say he is up to the moment. They asked for this to be this early. They asked for these rules. Former President Trump said yes right away. I always thought that was giving up a negotiation on a number of different fronts but i think the thought process was once he said yes they could not say he does not agree to x, y, and z and they are doing the debate. As far as we know both are showing up tonight. Thats a big deal. Sandra we saw the trump plane warming up and we saw the president Board Air Force one a few minutes ago. Those pictures we were just looking out of the last time they debated in 2020, i mean, you look at what a different world we were in when that was happening. I was in that room with martha we were all mashed before the camera lights went on. This was in the heat of covid, it turns out people had covid on that stage. It was very much a different world. We are in a different place now. This is going to be fascinating almost four delete years later what will transpire. Larry big stuff. Big stuff tonight. Sandra at six we will see you a live look now we have been watching this in houston, its the funeral for Jocelyn Nungaray the little 12yearold girl allegedly killed by two Illegal Immigrants. Stories like hers are highlighting a top concern for voters as we head into tonights debate was this. I would love to hear anything on the fentanyl crisis because it seems to be pushed under the rug. Larry families who have lost loved ones to fentanyl say they want the candidates to address the crisis when they face off tonight so we will have Katie Pavlich to react to all of this next up right here using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultraconforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. Shop now, and save 400 on select Stearns Foster mattresses. What if there is an investment strategy, a product, where your retirement money and investment portfolio could go up with the stock market lock in your gains . And when the market goes down, you dont lose anything. Forward with your money. Never backwards would have that investment strategy, that product actually existed . Good news it does if you have at least 100,000 to invest, get your investors guide and see if its right for you. Power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your familys comfort and safety. 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Otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. Allison over here otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. With no routine blood tests required. Doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. Otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [announcer] with clearer skin girls day out is a good day out. Live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. The two right now hundreds are gathered to mourn the death of 12yearold jocelyn merchan allegedly murdered at the hands of two illegal venezuelan migrants recent violence like this has heightened concerns about Border Security a topic which could be a big focus on the debate stage tonight in atlanta. Nate foy is in for us what is happening . The funeral began just over my shoulder 40 minutes ago as family, friends, and elected officials as well on of the life of 12yearold Jocelyn Nungaray take a look at the service right now houston mayor John Whitmire just spoke there as a slideshow showing pictures of jocelyn right now this will continue into the top of the hour at which point jocelyns casket will be brought to a burial site just down the road that we will also show you. There are several highprofile peak people here today including Texas Governor dan patrick as well as the first lady of texas Cecelia Abbott and greg abbott spoke to fox and prince this morning. Listen, the murder of jocelyn was a direct result of bidens open border policies. There were multiple opportunities to stop these criminals. Sander these opportunities include Border Patrol arresting and releasing both of the illegal migrant suspects this year. Here is democratic congressman jerry nadler. The fact of the matter is this concentration on illegal aliens who kill americans, if you look at the statistics the crime rate among emigrants is far lower than the crime rate among nativeborn americans. Republican congressman Tony Gonzalez says jocelyns murder was entirely preventable. Speak of these two individuals deserve the Death Penalty for me girl. If we get less than that it will be an injustice to the family and an injustice to all americans that are in a similar situation. Prosecutors right now are awaiting test results to determine if a Sexual Assault happened which would make this case Death Penalty eligible. The service is set to wrap up at the top of the hour and about that time which the casket will be brought to the burial site. To send it to you. Larry thank you, nate. The border crisis also agreeing another threat, fentanyl saying it as seized about 13,000 pounds of the deadly opioid at our southern border now grieving families expressing concern this crisis wont get enough attention tonight. So we need to stand together while uniting democrats our republicans together and this is a major, major problem. We need to bring it to the attention of everybody because it could be your child. Its anybodys child. This is an epidemic. Larry bryan llenas live with more on this brand watch of the families want to hear this evening . What do you think . Larry they want to hear about the crisis in general and they are not sure they are and we are speaking to have a dozen victims families last night at the deas family summit on know who fear the crisis is not getting talked about enough. They told us last night they want to hear the plans to stop the fennel crisis how they will go after china for fueling this epidemic and how they plan on ending the stigma surrounding fennel use because it can happen anyone. Tom basil a pastor was 27 years clean of drug use. He died of a fennel overdose just three months ago. Here is his wife and daughter. Its not just people who are coming across the border, its fentanyl. So yes, it means a lot with this debate. I hope it is addressed. It does not address just lower income or people seen as less than. My father was a pastor. It can affect anyone. Kylie favours 19yearold son, frankie, died in 2021 poisoned by a fake percocet pill laced with fentanyl. She says morning is to be done to empower Law Enforcement to go after lowlevel street sellers she says her sons dealer fled to columbia and is now back in the u. S. Free. I called 911 and they immediately came in the house and said dont touch her son but i had artie been giving him mouthtomouth and they taped it off and said it was a crime scene and i had no idea what they were talking about. And they said fentanyl several times and i said i dont even know what that is. The dea and new york special agent in charge tells us a big challenge right now a social media and in encrypted chat apps. These predatory drug traffickers are constantly using technology as a weapon, using social media, using technology to market their drugs and we are at a significant disadvantage. And larry according to the cdc fennel debts have increased 29 since 2020, 75,000 people dying of poisonings or overdose in 2023. Larry . Larry absolutely extraordinary, thank you so much. Lets continue this bring in townhall. Com editor and Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich, i kind of jumped on sandras question but here we come. Katie, just one point on this fentanyl, china is to blame for much of this, not all of it but much of this. They are sending the Raw Materials to mexico and i guess the cartels take it over and send them here and its killing our kids but you know, katie i never hear anybody in this administration publicly blasting china about anything, but at anything at all to pick my feet soon Foreign Policy financing iran and russia what are they waiting for . Why is this not front and Center Center . The biden approach to every issue including Foreign Policy no matter what the country has been and not taking things on firsthand despite how they are affecting americans. China is selling these chemicals to mexican cartels who are then using them to flood the border and to poison americans and killed them as you are seeing the numbers have gone up by 20,000 since 2020, we dont hear the administration but waiting or even talking about how the Mexican Government needs to do more to prevent this from happening and politically the Bigger Picture here is when it comes to polling americans are looking at the open border in two different ways. They look at the first thing is what is the cost . Monetarily, having to pay for the thousands and millions of people coming over or in terms of lives being lost through crimes being committed, murder as we are seeing with these young women who are just going about their lives in georgia in particular with laken riley and then the prince beloved. Millions of people coming into the country illegally jumping the line, not paying attention to americas laws and continuing to get benefits that americans dont get. When you have americans having their children dying for taking something they thought was a painkiller, that becomes a big problem for the administration and for the country that they have not addressed at this moment. We have biden calling these people newcomers, calling them undocumented american saying he is not going to go after immigrants the way donald trump did. Saying he is more compassionate but it is not compassionate to allow the country to be flooded with violent criminals and with drugs that end up killing our citizens. Sandra there are minors all over the country in the forms of parents who have lost children one was dom rosenberg a father of a son killed by an illegal migrant in 2010. He joined me this morning and he said what he wants to hear on the debate stage tonight on this issue. This man should be tried for treason. Impeaching him was not enough. He has violated the invasion clause of the u. S. Constitution. Why are you helping illegal aliens come into this country, disperse into this country knowing they will never leave . Thats what i want to hear from biden. Sandra he was initially talking about the efforts of Alejandro Mayorkas when i asked what he wanted to see on the stage nights how do you see this being addressed, katie . I am sure President Trump will bring this up but President Joe Biden when he ran against trump in 2020 openly campaigned on saying nobody will be deported. We will not deport you unless you commit a felony, and i dont believe that drunk driving is a felony there has been a lot of American Families who have suffered a loss of a Family Member as a result of an illegal alien driving drunk and killing them. This is something that President Biden has set up. He has tried to claim that republicans are the roadblock here to solving this problem when all he has asked for is more money to continue to process and vet these people to come into the country and to pull them into the city of their choice. They are giving them federal tax dollars to grants and ngos to do this so this is something biden set up. He is trying to run away from it given the polling and it is something that drunk and win on everything will time. Spewing i have an idea i will react to all of this i have an idea. How about renegotiating with mexico that has itself a new president remained in mexico. Which included 25,000 mexican troops on the border, they did not want to do it initially, and a certain president named trump said to m wo okay, you dont want to do it . I will double all of the tariffs on your manufacturing including your automobiles we dont care. So coincidentally we just happen to lead mexico to say okay, we will help you along the border. Which does not solve every problem, i get that but you know what . It would help. Put american troops out there would help. One more final point here. President biden have tried to paint him as extreme bragging pulling away all of these executive orders the majority of the American People believe in deportation which is what trouble talk about tonight. Larry katie thank you so much as always. Next up on america reports a Top Biden Health official pressure medical experts to nicks age limit guidelines for transgender surgeries. Sandra could the answer come up between biden and trump . We will take a look at that n next. Imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. But instead remade over and over. Into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. To help us get there, americas plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create Innovative Products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. Because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. The day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day. A lets dig in day. Mm. A chow down day. A take a big bite day. A perfectly delicious day. Mm. [ chuckles ]. A love my new teeth day. Because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. A clearchoice day changes every day. Schedule a free consultation. Im gonna hold you forever. Ill be there. You dont. You dont have to worry. No one should have to choose between good vision and great value. Thats why americas best is slashing their prices. During the wise buys sales event, get two progressives and a comprehensive eye exam for just 129. 95. Book an exam online today. Sandra transgender surgeries could come up as a big topic and tonights debate as newly released emails show a Top Biden Health official and her staff suggested removing age minimums for the controversial procedures. Chief washington correspondent mike emmanuelle is on this live in washington for us. Egg what is the white house saying about this ahead of the debate . Senator whitehouse artist distancing themselves from it the Biden Administration advocated for removing age limits for adolescents undergoing transitioning surgeries. Admiral Rachel Levine who is transgender led the effort and was successful. Emails from members of the Group Responsible for developing transgender medical guidelines to show levines staff expressed political concerns guarding age minimums regarding a conversation with levines chief of staff she is confident based on the rhetoric she is hearing in d. C. And from what we have already seen that these specific listings of ages under 18 will result in devastating legislation for trans care she wonders of the pacific ages can be taken out. s pacific ages can take out out. Though she is glad she transitioned later in life here is what she said. Our mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of all americans including transgender americans. I white house spokesperson tells fox the administration does not support surgery for minors one doctor says levine does not have the right to endanger american children. As a practicing doctor i do not think transgender medicine is safe effective, and im actually just group to disturb it increases the burden of psychiatric illness and mortality. House Speaker Mike Johnson says he has been committed to investigate this insanity. Center . Sandra to be clear she spoke on the record years ago about how grateful she was for transitioning later on in life, might, right . Because she would not have been able to to have her children. Thats right she says she cannot imagine her life without children so she is grateful she did the surgery after parenting those children. Tough to make that decision when you are a minor and to think that far ahead. Mike, thank you very much. Next up it does not always play a prominent role in president ial debates but could Foreign Policy be a key tonight . Might that hurt President Biden . We will get some analysis from dan hoffman straight ahead on america reports get it larry [laughs] i couldnt get my hair done. Then psoriatic arthritis. Cosentyx works on both for me. People with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. Serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. Still workin for me. See me. We can secure our world. Watch out for offers too good to be true. Thats phishing someones trying to take advantage of you. Learn more at cisa. Gov secureourworld thats how we can secure our world [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient laughing. We can secure our world. Dont just use a password alone. Mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. Learn more at cisa. Gov secureourworld thats how we can secure our world 1 not always front and center about tonights debate could share a rare spotlight on Foreign Policy. We have four foreign wars, took a very different on how to react to them, lets bring in dan hoffman Fox News Contributor former cia station chief in moscow dan, welcome. A lot of people think the world is on fire. And that it has happened under mr. Bidens watch and that there is a certain flailing around of american Foreign Policy and that we have lost prestige around the world. It may well come up tonight, what do you think . One more thing, Jake Sullivan National Security advisor apparently is up at these camp david briefings so once this Foreign Policy content how do you think this will play out . Yeah i think we face an unprecedented dizzying array of wickedly complex and dangerous threats to our National Security. Iran is a Nuclear Threshold state, russia has a barbaric war on ukraine, north korea is making bellicose threats against us and of course they have a heavy Nuclear Armament there. Trend is stealing our intellectual property and threatening our allies and us as well in the south china sea. But i feel like the threat the Biden Administration has to be most worried about the one with the shortest fuse is terrorism. Access and al qaeda enjoy the open field running to plot and plan against us in afghanistan that they had before 9 11. Director ray has been bringing alarm bells bout the terrorist threat here in the United States and we have a porous border where we have to be concerned that terrorist operatives are making their way into the home went threaten also i suspect that threat the terrorist threat the rising terrorist threat is going to be one that both candidates will have to address tonight. Sandra sometimes it takes a backseat but based on everything you just said perhaps it shouldnt, Foreign Policy, this while cnn is running a headline right now, dan, biden aims to paint trump is a man whose Foreign Policy makes him too dangerous to be in the oval office. So what are your expectations for the debate stage in this issue . I think they will go at each other on this one. Im quite sure President Biden will raise the issue of senator lankfords border bill proposal that was shot down in the senate which would have strengthened of the border. Im sure President Biden will be prepared to call out former President Trump on that and the former President Trump will call out this administration for failing to do with the border, for failing to do with afghanistan, for failing to deter russia from launching on ukraine and thomas on israel and irans unprecedented attack on israel from their own territory. I expect all of these issues to come up and i think they do reflect how a future president would handle these challenging issues in the oval office. And if it is all about the economy, we all know what a terrorist attack in the United States would do to our economy. Sandra den always appreciate when you can join us. A quick break we will right back. Larry america reports. Sandra yes. Honeymoon. What about africa . Safari . Hot air balloon ride . Swim with elephants . Wait, can we afford a safari . Great question. Like everything, it takes a little planning. Or, put the money towards a downpayment. On a ranch. In montana. With horses lets take a look at those scenarios. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. When youre planning for it all. The answer is j. P. Morgan Wealth Management. Diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. Like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs . 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Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Its 5 00 somewhere the highstakes president debate is hours away and so was happy hour. New york post unveils a new drinking game tonight as americans say they will need some to get through it. Some rules say to chug your beer if another one lanes the other to be jailed. Another for if joe biden appears sleepy. There are also rules to drink water so you stay hydrated. I dont know. What is a buzzword for you to grab you diet coke . I think people should watch it sober. [ laughter ] i do nothing they should be in the tank because its very important. I really like nice quiet i want to hear every word said. I will sit there with the tv table and im looking forward to having an iced diet coke which is my beverage of choice and incidentally some zero fat frozen yogurt from a special story on the east side of new york as well. Keeps our waistline and check but like you i might have a ballpark or to. Allen torture carefully. We will submit our thoughts to the night it will be blogging on fox that well be great. And they have got to deal with the economic issues. So can i ash touch sq if its a mud slinging wrestling ill be so disappointed. Set up what youre going to be watching for us for us. All the sudden the economy comes up what dukes expect to hear . Im going to wait for trump early in the game turned to mr biden and see mr president well you join me in my idea to have a taxexempt tips for waitresses, golf caddies, the whole group. Will you join the program for the gig economy . Smoke them out early put a little life into it. Lets talk about Big Government socialism. I want to see some torque. Trump is got the numbers and i think hes got the jews. I like to see biden fight back on the issues though. If he starts going you are a convicted felon arnot job thats just not going to work and he is a lot to lose. More to lose than trump. Get ready for it our coverage as all evening. The debate is at 9 00 pm eastern. Frozen yogurt. You go watch it here. That free frozen yogurt. This is really fun. I love doing it. This whole show america reports thats what the title is. Alright we are out of time for martha. Set your dvr. Martha thank you very much larry and sand

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