impartial, and empire. the problem with all of this in the proper everybody at home can see with their own eyes is at the umpires in this high-stakes game are parading around the field and the majority teams jerseys. the report of evidence released by republican committee staff on december 2nd carefully documents it in the hearings that led us to this point today, chairman schiff directed witnesses called by the democrats not to answer republican questions. he rejected witness and denied republican subpoenas for testimony and documents violating the democrats own rules to vote down those subpoenas with no notice to republicans. chairman schiff also publicly fabricated evidence about president trump's july 25th phone call and misled the american public about his interactions with the anonymous whistle-blower to selectively seek information to paint misleading public narratives. the anonymous whistle-blower reportedly acknowledged having a professional relationship with vice president biden and his motives are essential but we can't question it. this is not due process or the rule of law and this is not how