Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20091209

FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto December 9, 2009

shepard: anything on the return of blago? >> no not yet. shepard: they are waiting in the wings. >> he's alive. we have the technology to rebuild him. i want it done no matter what the costs. neil: making steve austin bionic was a six million-dollar job. how about sending that to save three jobs? on top, major spending that would make even lee majors wins, but reports today that firms run by hillary clinton's former pollster got $6 million to stimulate all of three jobs. he is not talking, but his firm is issuing the statement a short time ago, -- mark penn clearly not speaking to us, but joe wilson is. republican congressman is now demanding an investigation into this stimulus spending. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> is on top of the problems we have had -- i want to thank you for promoting accountability, but we had the faith jobs, the fake congressional districts. on the official government website, we had the government accountability of this point out that 10% of the money is being misspent, and we have today the spectacle of $6 million to preserve -- not even create, but preserve the jobs, and -- preserve three jobs, and it was obviously an insider situation. it reminds me of chicago politics where people who have the inside lane receive the contracts, and a benefit. yesterday, i introduced a bill, before this even came out, that provides for a commission to audit the stimulus funds. neil: why am wondering whether the motives are machiavellian or even criminal or not. there has been a lot of talk in accounting. we were given 10,000 stimulus trips to dead people. thousands more to prisoners a while back. stimulus to four year olds. i was mad at my voice for not getting in on that, but my point is -- why did this keep happening? >> it is really irresponsibility, and it is taking billions of the people's money. it is a lack of responsibility and an understanding that this is not the government's money. it is the people's money. going back to the official government website,, the president in february said that all the spending was going to be revealed on this web site in his radio address, february 14. he promised that we would see how the money is being spent, and this is where we have the fake jobs, say congressional districts, billions of dollars unaccounted for. neil: i am for them putting the information on the site, as long as they put all the information we justdid on the site. we can dismiss it and said this particular total is a little bit less than $5.5 billion, but i could go on and on, but we toss these opposite they are rounding errors. the bigger the numbers get, the bigger the rounding errors get. >> this is ugly and irresponsible. we as taxpayers and citizens should be able to count on an official government website, and also again, the general accountability office has said that 10% is not accounted for. that could be between $70 billion to $100 billion. neil: the president has said that full steam ahead, we are still going to be going full throttle on a lot of this. what do you think of that? >> that makes it even worse. yesterday, when he said that the tarp funds would, i believe, be misused -- specifically, they work to pay down the deficit, to reimburse the taxpayers for the money borrowed, and now, he is proposing to spend that on other programs. this is just utterly irresponsible. i really hope -- and i want to thank you for bringing this to the attention of the american people so they can take action. neil: we are going to be relentless on this theory democrat or republican, right or left, we are all here. currently, indications are in your home state of south carolina that the impeachment proceedings they're looking at against gov. mark sanford, they are going to go away. what do you make of that? >> i have faith in the general assembly of south carolina. i am very disappointed in the actions of our governor, but i have faith in our general assembly. neil: congressman, always great having you. thank you very much. all this, by the way, the same day the president is telling my next guest and his party to start frightening people. republican congressman dave kansas all of this spending is what is frightening. he talks to us after his meeting with the big guy. -- republican congressman dave camp says all this spending is what is frightening. >> i am hearing from people at home, from employers -- they do not know what is coming. whether it is higher taxes because of health care, more regulation, higher taxes because of captan trade, more regulation -- higher taxes because of tax -- cap and trade. they do not know what is coming, and they are trying to make decisions on what will be, and business people have to anticipate, said they are not making hiring decisions. as we raise all this points with the president, it hit a nerve, and the reason is because they are scared, and have every right to be. neil: you give the president your no-cost jobs plan, and he kind of tells you respectfully, "no way," right? >> i think the meeting was a good give-and-take. he has asked for more legislation on particularly onerous regulations. will get that to him. i think he is on a path for for climate change and health care reform that he is just not going to change. we tried to tell him again what we were hearing, what i am hearing from michigan. i watched the white house summit on jobs. he heard that from business people as well, that they cannot anticipate the costs, so they cannot make the kinds of decisions they need to make -- neil: did get nasty in there? did he just respectfully disagree with you? food fight? what? >> i think it hit a bit of a nerve with him. neil: what hit a nerve? >> i think when the president said that we are schering people because we're talking about these things, and my view is that the american people need to know what is coming -- i think any president said that we are scaring. these are things that people need to know. neil: i do not mean to be disrespectful, but you were in there. when he got upset that you were scaring people, how did he say it, and how you and your colleagues respond to it? >> you are in the president's house. i think it was a respectful discussion on both sides. i think it does clearly, as i said, hit a nerve -- neil: why are you all being so respectful? if he says you are fighting people, and you are just telling the truth, why don't you respectfully say, "may respectfully remind you, mr. president, that we are spending the people's money and the people are ticked"? >> he heard that again and again. there were 16 legislators. certainly the republicans. i think people said that people are more concerned about debt than they are about some of these other issues. neil: when you said that, what did the president and say? >> he was listening. we all got a chance to talk. he listened. he often responded. sometimes, he sort of interrupted, but it is his house. he tends to do that. let me just say -- neil: you did not find yourself being a little too respectful? a little too nice? >> i do not think so. we made our points. the points we're hearing from the american people, points i'm hearing at home from small business owners and others trying to create jobs. they cannot do it because they cannot anticipate what the cost will be. they do not know what the regulatory climate is going to look like, so they cannot have people because that is the one cost they can control. neil: congressman, you are and gentlemen, and probably not as prone to anger as i am, but i would remind the president. >> i think we made our point. we also delivered a letter to him. he knows where we stand. we certainly conveyed that there is another way, and as i said, we need to freeze federal spending, regulation, and we would have no tax increases. if we could do those things, i think it would send a signal to business people that there is some certainty, and also, we are facing a snapback from all the tax increases -- income, marriage penalty, and others, that are going to snap back next year, and that will happen even without a vote of the congress. neil: always great having you. thank you for taking the time. when we come back, when blaming the old guy gets old. >> our economy is in a very different place than it was when i took office last year. we started with this mess. we are now pulling out of it. i inherited a dollar sign 1.3 trillion when i came into office. inherited. inherited an unprecedented crisis. i am still committed to having the deficit we inherited by the end of my first term. i know what the folks who made the mess to just sit there and say, "your not mopping fast enough -- you are not mopping fast enough." neil: president obama again pointing fingers during a speech today about jobs. it is nearly a year since he took office, how long can you get away with that? let's ask our next guest, author of a really great book. frank, what is the statute of limitations? >> the first point is that the numbers that he just gave are not accurate. unemployment has gone up considerably since barack obama took office, and he may promise to the american people that with the stimulus package having passed, and employment would not go over 8%, and of course, now is 10%. he also made a promise that he would take care of the deficit. he took care of it because it has ballooned. you realize that you go back from george washington to george w. bush in terms of the debt, and you add up all the debt that all the president's created, and barack obama in the first two years will equal that amount of debt in what he is spending -- neil: always think that when republicans raise this issue on the debt and that, they really got the ball rolling. i am just saying that they are right. it has doubled since then. but they are hardly fiscally pure, you know what i'm saying? >> first of, on your behalf, let's say the camera takes off 10 pounds. second, the republicans is one of the reasons why the tea parties have become so popular. those on the right feel that the republicans, while not as bad as the democrats, still spend too much money in 2005 to 2008. the american people have three key components that they want from their leadership. number one -- be fiscally responsible. that means i do not spend more money than you take in. number two, respect the values of the hardworking american taxpayer and do not make it more difficult on them to make ends meet. number three, it is about jobs, jobs, jobs, and any taxes in any spending that makes it more difficult to create new jobs and protect the ones we have now the public would oppose. neil: let me ask, as a guide as the pulse of the american people better than anyone, if the democratic leadership knows americans are getting antsy about the cost of this health care, they know they have serious revelations about cap and trade, serious concerns about the stimulus we have already spent, why do they keep going full throttle with all of this? >> because there is a segment of american society on the left -- is about one-third -- that believes that the deficits do not matter. i believe that you can raise taxes and you should be raising taxes on the wealthy and upper- middle-class, that one-third of americans believe that what barack obama is doing is exactly the right direction. i will point you to other polling data. right now, most polls show obama at barely 50% job approval, some even below, but when you go look at the individual issues, the policies -- whether it is health care, cap and trade, bailouts -- obama's support on this issue is 45%, 40%, and in some cases even 35%. neil: we were watching from across the street last week, and one of the things we gleaned from those who participated in the so-called jobs summit -- a man and woman were telling me that the president was saying that the trend is sort of our friend. the economy is picking up. the job losses, while still there and still regrettable are not nearly what they were when he took office. numbers are beginning to improve, we are on our way. if that continues, the president will come back and say we are on our way because of all of this spending -- will that register? will that in fact be the case? >> the number one complain that the public has of washington, d.c., is that they are not accountable. they spend money, they cannot show where it went, they cannot show what it did. i can see the ads right now. let's talk about what you are going to see in october of 2010. the so-called jobs that were created in districts that do not exist, companies that do not exist, communities that not exist, because they are jobs that do not exist -- neil: we could see the ships -- shifts. last year, the republicans looked dead, and look how they rose. what if we are seeing steady job growth from here? >> it takes time, and i am going to take you back. in 1994, the economy was a lot stronger than in 1992, and dad, bill clinton lost the house and senate. go back even earlier. ronald reagan in 1982. the economy had been improving for a year, and yet, republicans were still hurt. to be precise, there's about a nine-month lag between when the economy truly turns around and the public generally starts to feel it. that turnaround has not happened, no matter what barack obama is saying. statistics just say it is not getting worse. it does not show that there is improvement. i think that the economic perceptions of the american people will continue to remain negative. what the obama people are counting on is that enough of this legislation will pass that at least there ac -- their acorn-type followers will see some benefit to that and come out and vote. a caveat as they did not vote in new jersey or virginia, so i think democrats are going to have a lot of explaining to do in 2010. neil: we shall see. always good to see you. some of these numbers show that the number -- showed the numbers that tiger is apparent iraqi at, why he is not alone. and secretary geithner just open up another tarp trap? ⌟axozp7óú+l'?p i work for a global leader that prizes the skills of those who have served. that is making a significant difference in the world. that values proven skill and know-how. i work for a global leader that inspires visionary thinking. that is helping to protect america and our allies. i work for lockheed martin. multiple voices lockheed martin. when you join one of the world's leading technology employers, you will discover everything is possible. neil: all right, as expected but bank of america making it official, it is repaying the entire $45 billion it owed the u.s. taxpayers through the tarp program, the same one the government wants to extend for reasons having very little to do with the banking industry, but now, it has spread far and far -- really are -- from those original purchases. so let me ask you something about the original bank bailout deal. say, you hire a contractor to renovate your kitchen -- bear with me -- then you come up with the contract and says they decided to redo the bathroom, too, and by the way, it is going to cost a lot more. you would tell the contractor to probably take a hike, but probably more strongly than that. so why are we not telling washington to take a hike with these tax dollars, a rigid limit for bank bailouts, two things that had nothing to do with it? contractor rear - as he would be fired -- contractor ray romano says he would be fired if he tried that. so what do you tell me? >> first of all, you have a plan you might want to go with. you may want to have some paneling put in, some flooring, some lighting. we would discuss it, put it to a contract, right the contract up, decide what will stay and what will not stay. when we write a contract that, we make sure everyone understands what is going on line by line by line. instead, you say, "i don't want to but the panel in." so let's make a deduction on that. let's take it out of the contract. we finally get down to what you are going to commit to. if we write it all down, followed verbatim, exactly what you're going to have done, finishing up, make sure you are happy with, and that is it. neil: so no surprises? >> hopefully, there's not any surprises. neil: have you ever had customers upset with this? >> i would not upset. concern. neil: so now you know what is going on in washington. they took a contract that said they were going to use money given them by s to patch up some sick banks, and they gave -- not line by line because i think there was a half a page of it -- to say publicly here is what we're going to do. we're going to rescue these banks. we will not give you a lot of details, but it is going to be for banks." what do you think? >> they put it to the banks, great, go ahead and help them out as long as the money stays with the banks and it is not going someplace else. neil: now, it is going someplace else. >> it use a kitchen, and then they do a back, they say banks, and then they are doing sea lions, shores -- neil: what you think, the kitchen looks so beautiful, you do not want to leave the pathway and mess? >> absolutely not. no way. neil: so when you have an ad on -- >> change order. neil: congress, you might want to look into this form. it tells you what? you have to read the details, you are adding a bathroom? >> exactly. neil: then the homeowners have to sign it? >> sign it. you make sure the money is accounted for, when you are going to pay for it, how you are going to pay for it, and make sure it does not affect the other contract you have already signed. you need to sign a change order, or i cannot move forward. neil: you as a contractor are asking for my consent to do this job, so congress is not asking for our consent. what do you think about? >> does not surprise me. neil: how do you rate them as contractors? >> not good. it is awful. it is wrong. stop doing it. do the right thing. follow your contract. finish up your job. do not be a deviant. have on his integrity. follow-through. communicate it. you will wind up in better shoes. neil: let's say they come back and say, "well, we did not realize we were going to get his money back from the job." in the case of bank of america, we had a tarp contract with them, and we hear they are giving it all back, now, we have this money back. let's say you got a lot of money in your hands, from me, and you say you are going to be the patio. >> if you have the money to put in, make sure everybody is aware of where the money is going to go. neil: again, you need my right off on that. >> signed a change order. neil: you are aware of what congress is doing. you have a tool belt here. i had. by the way, you brought this for me, but i told them there was no have big enough. a t-shirt. would you get any of this to anyone in congress? >> that is a tough question. depends on the person. neil: actually very simple. >> i would say no. if that is what is happening, no. maybe i'll get a good letter on, maybe they'll have a lawsuit against me because i went against what should have been done in the contract, did not get a change order. you start shoveling money around, you get in trouble. neil: you are a good man. washington in -- washington could benefit from you. >> to what is right. people start playing around with money, and people play stupid. that is what drives me crazy. they have an epiphany. they have -- like, a sudden memory loss. he would like to, we would like to help you. that is when you get a change order. neil: what is this form called again? >> that is a change order. neil: you were very good. love the tool belt. that would not make it around my wrist -- and around my waist, but i thank you. you are a good guy. meanwhile, treasury secretary tim geithner to extend the bank bailout program, as we told you. it was supposed to end this year, but now, it

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