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Over the years the oscars have certainly had their moments. But none of these have had the Cultural Impact of the Slape Hearmyd around the world. Presenting one of the worlds best documentary. The most interesting thingmih that has ever happened in the Academy Awards happens. Chris rock spots jade pickett smith, will smiths wife sitting in the front row, and she is rocking this bald head. No hai r than most women look with hair. Cant wait. The entire audience Laughsit Tiincluding will smith. She shootris whale this look that she is not amused. Th and thenen will like hitting a light switch jumps up on stage m like aom picture in the bottom f the ninth. Eral violence spiked at the oscars. That is the moment we knew crimn was ou tt of control and liberal cities. First i thought that it was staged. Oh staged. Oh no way did that really just happen. Then he starts cursing at chrisi then he starts cursing at chrisi rockth. Somehow has enough composure to not freak out about it and go on with the shell. That my ship friends is aof t he just assaulted somebody f National Television no less. H he waavs not kicked out of te he waavs not kicked out of te oscars, he was given a trophy. He should be ashamed of himself. That was a crime what he did. Lapd not to press charges. This turns into the Socialst Mediara nuclear bomb. S air time they and the oscars have gotten in the last five years. Yea the last five years. Yea then the consequences start rolling in. The academy did bar him from all Academy Events for the next 10 years. We should thank will smith for making the Academy Awards relevant again. Not letting one presenter get smacked every year. This is a David Versusou goliath situation. Rs air and Ground Campaign against ukraine. 202 completely overwhelming thear air defensese. And just hours. Did not have a Land War Inen Europe Otfn my bingo card for 2022, but here we are. Ever since the soviet union died in the early 1990s, putin has been resentful. He sees ukraine as part of the great russian empire. Ra Putin Becamein this jilted ex lover where she broke up with him, but he did not break upens. With her. There isev putin parked outside the house every night. February 24 it happens. February 24 it happens. They invade. The markets, investors,t europeans, nato. To i do not believe that the world warus prepared for the lel of destruction that putins military was about to engage. Nt russia will. Kick ukraines here. We all thought ukraine would go down in a week, two weeks. That is not how it went. I think one of the biggestck shocks of this war is how w absolutely inept theas Russian Military actually is. I remember seeing a line ofin truckse. , a convoy that wase no 40 miles long. Just a few days after the russians had gotten intoarmy ukraine. They were not prepared. Their tanks were breaking down. Trading gasoline for vodka. Ready for battle and they arern noedt backing down. At the helm of all of this is president zelinski. This is a former actorn Television Stat r turned politician. Somebody that showed anro Incredible Amounfft of courage r moxie. Ge the president ial suit. Ilit on goes that green tshirt and they just start killing civilians sort of in retaliation. The pentagon says ukraine is making, they civilians in retaliation. We solve the stories of the war crimes. The bodies that have been left behind. Behind. Not only is russia feeling embarrassingly on the battlefield, they are becoming a pariah state diplomatically. Leading many to speculate what the heck is going on in Vladimir Putins mind. W street credit. Making an incredibly seriouse mistake for the use of Tactical Nuclear weapons. Here we are. I dont know how long it lasts. Here comes your first two can forget pop quiz. Forget pop quiz. Fossils in the sahara that suggested this famous beast may actually exist. Is it bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster . The answer when we return. According to Fossil Records which famous Feast May Actuallyo thew Loch Ness Monster. They are all real. You have ufos, now you have Loch Ness Monster remains. You know what else is real, Hunter Bidens laptop. Its like the xfiles up in here Many Supreme Court decisionscour cause a ruckus in the country. Rarely does that happen beforeer the decision is handed down. A way for the court to revisit Roe Versus Wade. On everyones radar. Ou becaust e its been the center. Becaust e its been the center. Our cultur a neutralat opinion. Let me put it that way. T dealing witsah mississippi l. That was the precedent. The Supreme Court said we will take a look at it. There is hope among prolifers, fear among otherskw that mayav be Roe Versus Wade wl be altered or overturned. Sending shock waves to t campaignhe trail. Sl campaignhe trail. Sl someoney, has given the draft opinion written for the authority to the press. The other branches ofd wa government have been leaking for years. This was unprecedented. They were going to overturn roe v wade. It set off such a reaction and so many protests and so many different parts of the country. U theret were threats against the justices. Di seriousat stuff and very few people on the democratic side decided to speak up about it ane say this is wrong. In investigation to find the leaker. Waswe this a rogue clerk that wanted to set off a civil war in this country . We are not sure. Who didnt want the federal government telling them what they were allowed to do with their bodies. Ourespecially women who wantede federal government telling them what they were allowed to do. They are taking our rights away. Really when the Supreme Courtol authority to decide. The constitutional legal battle may have been resolved b the Supreme Court at least for a wild. The heart and mind persuasion will go on for a long time. Talk about a movie, my generation has been waiting forever since the last one rolled credits. He still got it. Still that top gun. This is a guy pushing 60. Eque jumping on the motorcycle. Game set match this thing will be huge. The longawaited sequel is projected to hit Sky High Recor that the box office during its opening weekend. No one was going to the movie theaters. Tom cruise changed it all. The numbers are huge. Just 1. 5 billion which is biggeroh than many countries militarynnif budgets. The movie had everything. To greauct acting. Jennifer conley who was superb. A lot of touching moments. You had goose his son. In the movie. Mustache and all. Spot on. Nal you think up there, you are dead. Believe me. One of the most Famous Sceneo was the volleyball scene. A new version playing football. You can clip that little portion of the film and just an watch it over and over and over again. I am a sucker. s equals almost invariably suck compared to the original. Boy did this exceedwe expectations. I did not realize how deeply connected i was. We needed it, we wanted it, we needed it, we wanted it, we loved it. Eo top gun maverick making america top gun maverick making America Great again. Time for another who can time for another who can forget top quiz. . What former Heavyweight Boxing Champion was caught up video in 2022 punching a fellow passenger on a plane. Er mike w Tyson Evander Holyfield r george forman. The answer when we return. Es t aid about not overpaying for glasses. Two pairs and a free, quality eye Exam Starting at just 79. 95 . Yes the exam alone is worth. 59 bucks. Which is great, because i hate getting overcharged. You have no idea. I mean, people deserve breaks, right . Yeah, brakes. [out of control] lets go save cant stop wont stop comin in hot two pairs and a free Exam Starting at 79. 95. Book an exam today at americasbest. Com. Do i just leave it here . [ Music Playing ] when we first arrived at st. Jude, it was just claire and i. She was still recovering from her brain surgery. And side effects of that surgery meant that she had to relearn how to walk and how to speak. [ male announcer ] you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude childrens research hospital. Two months after we arrived, my threeyearold came to visit, and claire lit up. She was quiet before. And i thought it was just because cancers hard, but she was really missing her siblings, and i didnt realize how much. All right, young lady. Were going to see how much you weigh, and how tall you are real quick. Mama. Hey, claire. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] families never receive a bill from st. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. When you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, well send you this st. Jude tshirt you can wear to show your support to help st. Jude save the lives of these children. I experienced life at st. Jude. Every dollar that goes to st. Jude goes to a good place. Its keeping Families Together during the hardest thing theyll ever face. The first thing im going to do when i get home is pet my dog. [ woman ] st. Jude saved my daughters life. [ claire ] i love st. Jude. [ male announcer ] please call or go online right now and become a st. Jude partner in hope today. Im aline and i live in castle valley, california. My husband, barney, and i have been married for 32 years. I think the most important thing in life is to stay healthy. I noticed i was having some memory losses. I discovered prevagen. Since ive been on prevagen, ive noticed more clarity, more sharpness. The Recall Mechanism is a lot more concise. Ive been taking prevagen for almost 10 years. Its wonderful. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Welcome to fox news live. A 24yearold man was killed and nine other people hurt last night in a shooting in mobile alabama. The victims ages range from 17 to 57. Police they are say it happened just blocks from where thousands were gathered to ring in the new year. Bullets also hit two nearby businesses. No arrests yet. Brazils new president sworn in today under tightened security because of threatens of violence. Former president left the country friday and flew to florida to avoid. He was narrowly defeated by a former president who also served time for corruption charges. Now back to who can forget 2022. What former boxing champ was caught punching a former passenger on the plane . Ou the answerth is mike tyson. Repeatedly punches a guy on a plane. Imagine how angry he would be i it was on southwest. That was on jetblue. Id for the republicans in 2022. The party in power going into the midterm loses everything. It always looked like Theen Republicans were goingat to get you look across the country. Some high profile races witherma people running. s Joh An Federman and doctor o. He wears hoodies and has his he tall and weird which people like because it is pennsylvaniae imagine if they just shot him up on human growth hormone. Trying to look like the working man. The problem is, he does not really like to work. J he waohs not a good mayor. d mhe has never had a real job. A lot of compassion for his health. If he was any slower, they would make him president. Make him president. Anyone could be better. Working to go with doctor rs. , okay. , okay. Voters. They really want you to be from the place they are from. I have met doctor oz many times. He is a good man. A good communicator. Ta i wasil shocked when he got into politics. A rookie in terms of what to present and what not to present. Penn state tailgate party. That is 20. That does not include the tequila. Look at the price of feta cheese. Idat what are you doing here . De you losmot half of america. Republican Senate Candidate tv doctor oz lost to democrate john fetterman. Th he e defeated doctor oz. Es mostti times voters will vote fc the guapy that looks like the janitor over the guy that looks like your boss. A battle between democrat tim k Ryan Andin Venture Capitalist author jd vance. Ople he does not really know whatg kind of democrat he wants to be. Im notwh your regular democrat. I represent the hard work of people. Talking about his familyth growing up very poor in West Virginia and ohio. A lot of people can relate to that. Jd vance was once embraced by the elite in our country. I would like to announce that i am running as a republican. I am running as a republican. You are a monster. He changes his tune. Trump never let him hear the end of it. An elephant or a trump. Can project that jd vance will win the senate race in ohio defeating tim ryan. Ys the one trump u endorsement i thought really did connect withy what ther voter wanted. Typically a swing state typically a swing state always up for grabs. They are not even booking the Blue Man Group to perform in Blue Man Group to perform in it is that red. Order tohe avoid a runoff. Herschel walker versus rafael the smooth talking pastor. He gets elected by the skin of his teeth and he goes to washington representing Georgia Speemac longtime personal Friends Donald Trump andon Herschel Walker. S he seems like a good guy. That is the one thing abouted politics, it i ts a blood sport. Walker had more skeletons ine. An this. When youan c know youve donea when youan c know youve donea something,de admit it and spin. Rafael warnock and republica challenger Herschel Walker headed towards a december 6 runoff. Come on. The State Of Georgia has become the family that takes us mi going to the runoff in. Ic four weeks after the november midterm election, georgia finally has its senate winner. They were like the old showga its a Great Pumpkin charliet brown. Sa thate re was the Great Pumpkin. T grea t pumpkin never showed up. Wow, those republicans really have it together. What they said was i am tired oo that. Weve gohoust to do better. I need some divided government. That is what we saw in theeali midterms. Basically they can slow downr n and his agenda. Do you need to be more realistic and scaleddown theseh priorities ien order to get something passed . Uc no. K. You cant fix grandpa. Biden says he will just stay the course. Iu s. If you like people shaking has with invisible man, you are in luck. His career has been this winding road doing a lot ofhost interesting cool things. I heard that he was on stage doing standup. Kind of raunchy, kind of dirty, kind of great. I loved him when he was back coasting fear factor. The Big Superstar Momenencets when he launches into the stratosphere as a podcast or. E do you think you could do Tropic Thunder today . Would thatll bioe possible . You could do it. [laughter] the experience was launched on youtube 2009. Ic it becamh e incredibly popular. Millions of views per episode. What makes him so popular is he is unpredictable which is kind of an anomaly these days in the broadcast world. Youve got this guy getting youve got this guy getting stoned bringing on people thatm, share a lot of ideas that are not necessarily inline with the political narrative of the political narrative of the moment. He does not care where you come from, what your views are. If you have an interesting storo rtor point, he will welcome you want. Many attempts tcoo cancelnt e many attempts tcoo cancelnt e rogan. Spotify has signed him to Something Like a 200 million contract. I love capitalism. Again, this is for a podcast. Who knew this kind of money was going around. So hey, spotifyme. Va whatever you do, do not back. Whatever you do, do not back. Down. Covid hits come out the Showom C Goes on and joe rogan is sayingk controversial things aboutin vaccines and the disease andas a personal autonomy. Getting in this big dustup. Ci accusing him when ivermectin had uses of antiparasitic. What his doctor prescribed him and he fully recovered. Ge immediately just allt over this guy. Hysi the worst person that ever lived. He wrote the ending of the guy sopranos. Get him ou agrt of here. Physicist and biochemist is don. Don. He is a guy that a lot of the medical community does not agret withhi. National immunity isod superior. Way, i would not expect tha anything different. The episode resulted in open letter saying that this is a menace to publicng health. As with allhe controversies, nobody really pays attentionwere until celebrity start jumpingan ind. Ti you havell to choose between mer joe rogan. Ell i thought hippies were supposed to be cool. Hey, we are moving. Jodi mitchell is Apparentlyal Gettinl G involved. Apparently not seeing the an world from both sides now. All of these freespeeche Relics Itrn The 60s and 70s taking it to the man and demanding change. We will not listen to what thing you say. You cannot have any of our music, young man. Ro how many people downloaded od Jodi Mitchell the last decade . They did not listen. Wi they kepllt rogan. They pulled some old Podcastst Ofbyf of the platform. Now, spotify will put a warning oncr covid related episodes for rogan. By and large he goes kind of unscathed. Ren five months later, quietly go back on spotify. I guess those Security Checks were not getting the job done. N how about another who can forget pop quiz. What streaming service was founded in 2022 on march 29 and discontinued on april 28. Bet plus, cnn plus or discovery plus. The answer when we return. Lg am i had to take a breath. I began to understand what was so. Special about it. You guys ready . Sure. Theres times like that when they all question the monumental. Task that was in front of them. I was determined to be out there. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. In my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. And you may lose weight. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. Stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Gallbladder problems may occur. Tell your provider about Vision Problems or changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Join the millions already taking ozempic®. Ask your Health Care Provider about the ozempic® trizone. s was discontinued after roughly a month . The answer is b, cnn. Plus. Whice sth streaming service waso discontinued after roughly a month . The answer is cnn plus. Someone stood up in the room and said you know that channel no one is watching what if we make it available to not watch digitally. Or you can only go back and rewatch one file. De oj o r are you going to watch boom. In late spring, this was all america was talking about. Their marriage was pretty short. Short. It ended everybody lived happily ever after. Not really. Not really. 201 Opinion Piece in the washington. Post. Post. It was victim of an abusive relationship. She never mentioned johnny depps but Everyone Knepiw who she was talking about. He lostint fr franchises. Lik He Lostint Fr franchises. Lik pirates of the caribbean. So then it comes a lawsuit from johnny. No, no. This is hurting my career. She was the abusive one. Lea this trial happens in northern virginia. E wo didnt we learn anything from the judge in ojs trial . Tion anything . For the next eight weeks the world had a Front Row Seat to the depravity of thethen relationship. The legal team claimed that johnny depp had abused herbuse because of his addiction to b itdrugs and alcohol. Johnny depp said i do love drugs and alcohol, but there was no abuse. I thought it was a bit sad tt i thought it was a bit sad tt be on display eight weeks on television. But they did not. He just when you b thought itny could no wt get any more they were just getting warmed up. Wel i cannot get up over the pooi on the bed. She had bowel control issuesa sometimes it happened in bed. She tried to blame it on the dog. Nobody bought that. It if there is poop on the bed, the marriage is dead. App i really thank god for my divorce trial. It was just childs play it was just childs play compared to that. What i did not fully appreciate until we were well c into theal trial is there wereos groups of americans who were really into this. They called it trial byeren tiktok. , tiktok. , people Attention Span can just watch 20 seconds. The different highlights, the different outfits people war. R o this thing was a landslide for johnny depp. The justice Four Amber Herd had 20 million views but justice for johnny depp had 5 billion. N he called him a sellout. You could see her calculatins what kind of emotion should i convey. Johnny depp came off. People sort of rallied around johnny depp. Bmost ounf the people that rald around johnny depp were women. Ah essentially the same weird little dude with a man Bun Whenp Hep walked into court the first day as he was at the very end. E of course the jury agreed with america and johnny depp on in trial. Awarded 15 million. Some viewed this as being a h backlash taso the me to movemen. What we do know is thatai Everybody Loves nsa car crash. Amber heard says she has settled her Defamation Claim against former husband johnny depp. Agreed to pay a million dollars. We will be right back with more hollywood street justice. Ae Rhonda Santos has been governor of florida for four years. This year he is getting more attention than ever. Just about everything that happened in the news in 2022 pu him on the map a little bit more. In february desantis supported the democrats repurposed it as the dont say gay bill in all hell broke loose. The law is we do not want you ts the law is we do not want you ts teach little kids about sex stuff. Because they are little kids. He was trying to give kids the simple childhood their parents grew up with. He became a hero to a lot of parents. Egis a mickey mouse Size Mousetrap disney takes the bait andia deciden,s to go after governor n desantis. A l rather than cower like a lot ofe rather than cower like a lot Ofe Republicans what i them. Parameters. You willey b we one of them masn no parentit goes all the way to disney world because they want to go on a ride called snow white and the seven genders. Turning to the issues of the border. Shipped plane loads of migrantsc to marthatus vineyard. Up until then, a sanctuary city. T all are welcome. We are a sanctuary city. We celebrate diversity. Does he have a leaf blower . What is he doing . So overwhelmed by 50 illegals out marthas vineyard. This is off season. Plenty othf housing available. How about the Hundreds Of S of people that are crossing the border in places like eagle pass texas or del rio texas. As the horrible nature of what he did. Marthas vineyard. I wish i could go to marthas vineyard. Vineyard. Gavin newsom starts trolling desantis. Hee you a one term ad governor. Th newsom iers giving up on successfully governing his own state. He wants to be president he wants to be president really bad. There is a guy who shakes his magic eight ball every morning. T ho w about you start getting people to go to the bathroom indoors. Orst we can talk white house down the road then. Hurricane ian guest count continues to rise. Want to ever hit the u. S. Tow less florida. That storm impacted the whole state. State. You see parts of towns and cities that cease to exist. It is this type of event, ad tragedy like a hurricane that really contest the leader. Ow d he was deeply informed. I think most people agree that he did a good job as governor. 0n i know desantis did not sleep much. I know he was Holding Press Conferences at 11 00 oclock atd nighidt and coming back at 630 next day. Desantis performed very well. Which is why the media did not talk about it very much. Desantis just came out to give his acceptance speech. [cheering and applause] thank you so much. Desantis wins by 20 points. He blows away charlie crist. Know the margin, the scope of the victory, that state is looking rather than, perhaps, ever. Ke this way. S eyepopping. Every moneyman on the republican side is looking at him and thinking, yeah. Watch your back. Ready for another who can forget pop quiz . Billionaire elon musk purchasedt instagram. Facebook. Twitter. The answer when we return. [ melissa ] you hear about cancer. I just was afraid that i would lose my son. You think, why us . You know, why me . Why my child . [ marlo thomas ] you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude childrens research hospital. It is such a gift to give hope back to a family. As a dad, im eternally grateful. [ nonenglish speech ] [ marlo thomas ] join st. Jude with your debit or credit card for only 19 a month, and well send you this st. Jude tshirt. St. Jude is only possible because of the people who donate. Youre saving childrens lives. Youre keeping Families Together during the hardest thing theyve ever faced. [ marlo thomas ] please call or go online right now and become a st. Jude partner in hope. Get refunds. Com powered by Innovation Refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. I went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. Getrefunds. Com has helped businesses get over A Billion Dollars and we can help your business too. Qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. Go to getrefunds. Com to get started. Powered by Innovation Refunds. So which Social Media Platform did musk buy . The answer is c twitter. The company promptly went through some research. Social media platform did elones musk by . The answer is c. Ar twitter. Ly onl the company went through some restructuring. Elon musk comes into twitter and fires nearly everybody. I thought he would only take out 280 characters. September 8 began as Anyom Otheetr day. We went On The Air Early Tha we went On The Air Early Tha morning. There were rumors that something was happening in scotland. We began to see that the family had been called in fromh all corneryos of the earth to ce and be with her. G u realize there was somethig serious going on. Queen elizabeth the second, brutus longestserving monarch has indeed died. She rules for 70 years. Wrap your mind around that. What an amazing life. Shnee had Winston Churchill stories. That is pretty cool. She has met every president since the 40s. Had dinner with Ronald Reaganin made i tt through decades of all of these social issues. The diana situation with charles this is one of the classiest people. A magnificent warrior. The United Kingdom was gutted by this, emotionally. How many people in that country have only known one queen . Ive not been back to london in 35 years. It brought out the fact that there is still a little bit of england and me. People lined up on Eitheret Side of the road. Ten deep in silence. What respectful silence for the queen of england. T mo her casket, and on top of t the crown sitting there. You realize what it represents. That last moment where her coffin was lowered into Theth Floor Ofe The Church and they kind of waited the bagpipeap walking down thapet hallway. When they came back into Thed Ha Church you as a viewer neverr w the coffin disappear. Just like that, england had a new monarch. Hi still feels weird to hear the still feels weird to hear the phrase god save the king. You have to start printing new money because his face hasih new money because his face hasih to be on the money. I dont even notice. W hesh has king charles. Everything went away. Reinvention at its best. There is a new sheriff inca town. Kingn pub charles. Heads up. Fr here is another who could retired from Public Service in 2022. Was it pete buddha jh, anthony felt she or garlands. E answer when we return. Which president ial advisor retired in 2022, the answer is b chief medical advisor anthony fauci. Anthony fauci announced his retirement but so did the Rolling Stones in 1989. Y he wouldve thought after trump was out of office they would stop with the investigations. But they actually increase them. But they actually increase them. When you look a newsfeed, heres why trump is or heresas wh oy hes guilty. Coming up the next guest isne going to talk about how w this s the end of trump. Every time you went to commercial batman was on the p wheel of death Tharet Istion not getting out of this one and it was batman when he came backesti from commercials as a free man. New york state appeals ruling donald trump must answer questions under oath as part of the civil investigation into his business practices. There so many people after trump including new york general letitia james. He inflated the value of his properties when he was borrowing from the banks but then turned around when he was doing his around when he was doing his taxes and his actually the Property Value went way down. Almost like 70 in the rea hil estate game. He made a name for himself by inflating who he is, what he hao and iswn very name. Us thats on a hugee revelation. You get a grand juryrg Convening Downia in georgia because of considering criminal charges against trump for the charges against trump for the phone Calld Georgia Secretary Of State trump o kinda fine votes for him. I just want to find 11780al have. I dont know what it is with beeper or call u p elizabethw tn smoke signals. Above that you have the january 6 committee. A couple of republican very antitrump individual. You adam crimea river ze sp cheney, is she still supposed ti be there. All this played out in primei time on our tvto starting in the spring. The select committee to investigate theel e january 6 ak on the United States capital the will be in order. I had a hollywood feel to it, thats because they hired literally a former producer atha abc news, here ives all the roli from the capital here stufs f yu didnt see heres the directors cut, you know what i mean i feeh like i bought the january 6 box set. Give half of america that is amazed by the stuff that issi coming out of itde and the other half that says its a group of people that all hate former president trump. For most Arfocue Republicansa was mostly tv. Was mostly tv. The Search At The2 Estate focused on documents he o had already declassified. If youre a hardcorashie trup hater, august 8, 2022 was your super bowl. You see the Flashing Lights and the fbi agents going in, maybe they had to read Donald Trumps house because melania said something at the school board t meetino g. After the raid we find donald trump decided to take somekn souvenirs from the white house. Retreated to photos of the documents out across the floor trying to show how Manowarra Wie Wereor and some of the markingsf classified or otherwise. I dont know if they were trying to embarrass trump more with the existence of classified documents or by drawing attention to the terrible commercial grade carpet. Thats what i think trump is in trouble with the court police. Trouble with the court police. Trump saying they are in the wrong and the fbi saying he has not been cooperating and is telling the truth. Of a folk hero, do you want more and more, keep going after him. Everybody says when theres smoke theres fire, there could be, it could also be the mob in the pitchforks. I am tonight announcing my i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of thef. United states. If you hold rallies for two years, if you plan on not years, if you plan on not runnin remember the fights and the tweets in the Character Assassination and thg Ite Unfriending and i dont talk toa timy relatives anymore. T again everybody. The Trump Organization guilty of a widespread systematic tax fraud in financialcklyl hi crimn to cheat on taxes. Switching gears to capitol hill were the January 6 Select Committee Announcer Criminal Referrals breaking out attorney l Merrick Garland appointed as Special Counsel criminal charges should be filed against former president donald trump. In 2023 theres one thing we can be sure of, dump trump is going to be all the everybodys talkinwag about. Happy new year everyone. Happy new year to everybody at home or if youre one of my fans watching in the math lab. 2022 is over hurrah. 2023 here we come. I hope everyones having a great time and that you had a new years that you cant fo forget. Jon a Machete Attack in New York City blocks from the times square new years eve celebration. The suspect a suspected islamic extremist. Im jon scott and this is the fox report. Police say a 19yearold man attacked three officers with a machete at a Security Checkpoint from last nights event around 10 00 p. M. Eastern with crowds gathered to ring in the new year. Investigators recovered this weapon at th

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