Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered With Dan Bongino 20240707

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered With Dan Bongino 20240707

this place to speak. mike rowe is here and why their voices are the only ones that matter right now. an fbi whistleblower joins me with a troubling story you won't hear anyone else. it finally happened. elon musk set the bird free, now the libs are rushing into finds ways to censor conservatives after losing their grip on twitter. the libs push a narrative out there. it turns out to be crap, garbage, false, fake, and then they back off and pretend it didn't happen at all. they die in a movie and they want to make money on a movie. so they are in the next movie. liberal dunces are out there asking you to believe a lot of garbage junk. first to vote democrat in just a few days you would have to believe any mid-term candidate who is touch on crime is just racist. you knew they were going to throw that one out there. the liberal media is making the case. but when the unspeakable happens like paul pelosi getting attacked. suddenly everyone can get behind the tough on crime narrative. you have to believe democrats have been in control of the inflation crisis from the beginning. first remember inflation wasn't going to happen. then it was transitory, then it was a good thing. now our economy is strong as hell and they saw this coming the whole time. >> i am con concerned about the rest of the world. our economy is strong as hell. >> all of us knew this would be the case when we put in place this recovery program. dan: he's saying the economy strong as hell doesn't make the economy strong as hell or strong at all. but in order to vote democrat you have to believe in desperate minds. voters would also have to believe conservatives are suppressing the vote. and by the way, it's racist, too. suggesting black people don't know how to get voter i.d., it's hard racism, lefty. that's a -- a fact. voters in georgia are turning out in record numbers. i thought they were being suppressed. this is what it looks like when evidence doesn't. >> of course high turnout and voter suppression can take place at the same time. they don't -- one doesn't have to happen on its own. dan: huh? what the hell did she just say? evidence of voter suppression is when voters turn out in record numbers? who is being suppressed? just a question for karine *. just one, is anybody going to ask her that question? we'll join arms on my fox news show if that person was prevented from legally voting. that is world class bull right there. sadly some democrat voters are actually buying it. they are gas lit so easily. here is another item on my list of dopey things voters would have to believe to vote democrat. one of them is that the left doesn't want to defund the police. no no, they never said that. check this out. >> i don't know anybody who thinks we should defund the police. >> really? that's crazy. i remember protests and riots about defunding the police. here is a quick refresher from some of keith ellison's closest democrat friends. >> we need to completely dismantle the indianapolis police department. >> we have to say reallocate, divest. but it's still the same thing. we can't get caught up on the words. >> we are conservative so we are good at remembering stuff. the democrat voters just follow -- they lick their finger and say where is the wind blowing now. >> no democrat leftist ever said this. >> a vaccinated opinion gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that bern to go anywhere else. >> you are not going to get covid if you have the vaccination. dan: a pfizer official admitted they never tested the vaccination. every single parent members say their children were forced out of school during the pandemic and the left made the kids get the jab and wear the facemask before they could return. just pretend it was a ghost story and it wants that bad. >> she says i kept kids out longer than any other state. that's not true. kids were out three months. dan: what do you think you are talking about? some of these kids were out for a year. who is that kid in my kitchen. that looks like bobby our son. what the hell is he doing here? gretchen whitmer says he's in school. running for governor in michigan. what a train wreck. this is a massive misdirection attempt. this administration is trying to make you forget about all this. but you know what they really want to talk about? nuclear war, ukraine, inflation? electric school buses and racist leg room on airplanes. >> when i think about what the experience should be for our children of going to school on the school bus, understanding that this bus symbolizes so much about our collective investment in our future. >> some airlines if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money. these are junk fees and they hit low income folks and people of color the hardest. dan: the on thing that can save them is some hard-core gas lighting and getting voters to believe their ghost stories and fantasyland narratives. it's up to us to make sure it comes back to haunt them because it is halloween. joining us, leora levy. i ran for senate in a blue state. it's a tough fight. you are in connecticut. but i think you have a shot here. do you think the inflation and the crime -- those are kitchen table issues. is that breaking through? >> those issues are affecting everyone everywhere i go throughout the state people tell me they don't feel safe in their communities. here in connecticut, they defunded the police and created a revolving door justice system. last week i attended the funeral of the two brave cops who were ambushed and murder. i lay that at the feet of the democrats who wrote, passed and signed that police accountability bill. it created an open season, anti-police climate in our state. dan: what's your final pitch to voters to get out there? >> my appeal to voters is life doesn't have to be this way. life here is unaffordable. my opponent has supported and voted for every single failed economic and energy policy that made gasoline unaffordable. that made food unaffordable. that made home heating oil in short supply almost $6 a gallon at this point. and it was announced this week they are going to be rationing it this winter. dan: what is your website. >> leora dan: coming up. he finally did it. elon musk set twitter free. and he's cleaning house, starting quick. the left is more desperate than ever to find new and creative shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free dan: the left lost its battle to keep elon musk from taking over twitter. their totally wetting their diapers over it. their biggest fear is free speech. so shut the whole thing down. the libs have to resort other ways to soft censor the truth. what is soft censorship. the left is good at this. look no further than the sad and pathetic attempt to explain away the embarrassing performance by john fetterman in the pennsylvania senate debate. legitimate questions about fetterman's health concerns are suddenly out of bounds. i am old enough to remember when republicans have health problems questions and criticisms are fair. mark kirk did, remember the illinois from illinois. he's running for reelection after suffering the stroke. how much did it change his brain and is it wrong to ask? no, it's not wrong to ask. and it's not wrong to ask about fetterman either. who can forget the ridiculous health conspiracy criticism of trump. democrats and the media took every chance they could to question his mental fitness and invoke the 25th amendment. >> he's unfit for office. >> i'm immediately invoking the 25th amendment. >> we wouldn't have the problem with a madman still with the control of nuclear weapons in control in the white house. dan: there isn't a single one of those clips you can't apply to joe biden. just not trump. biden's obvious mental block as just a stutter he struggled with as a kid. even though joe biden insists he no longer stutters. >> some people think i still stutter. i don't think of myself that way. dan: there is the smartest guy joe biden knows. hunter biden. the smartest guy he knows. media doesn't like it when they criticize him. i am not the one who made hunter biden the center of an international scandal. joe biden did by making him the face of his shady business deals for biden within inc. i didn't choose to make john fetterman's tragic health issues our problem. john fetterman did by insisting to remain in the race despite his obvious health issues. >> young -- young -- students to give them a break i believe that supporting -- i -- i do support fracking -- i support fracking and i stand and i do support fracking. dan: a stroke is a serious thing. i spent a lot of time in graduate school studying psychology. the damage done by a stroke is real. but don't soft censor us. he's running for public office. some are you d -- some are yo ry made, ableism? what is that? >> the president found him to be impressive, an incredibly bright and talented person just as capable to carry out the duties of his office. dan: folks, john fetterman, you have to understand this, in a split senate, or a 51-49 senate, he could be the deciding vote for six years potentially on everything from health to thermonuclear war. the ridiculous media is attacking us for asking a simple question whether fetterman can actually do the job? i hate to quote joe biden, but come on, man, give me a break. joining me, vivek ramswamy. the ngos and the soros types think they can work with big tech to censor people. this elon moment is a transformative moment. >> i like the distinction you drew between soft convenie censd hard censorship. it may mean you don't shut down someone's account. but you make their content less visible to others. i hope today marks a milestone toward a free and open internet with along. what they have done is used the excuse moderating viewpoint is to usher in discrimination. the first thing elon can do is say we are getting rid of hate speech as categories. if users want to see that kind of censorship, let them opt into it. but don't force it top down. elon musk got what he signed up for. now the ball is in his court and i am rooting for his success. dan: you are fighting the esg movement. but elon is saying something simple with twitter. you should control the experience. if you want to opt into a bunch of hard filters on your account say i don't want to hear from dan bongino. what the left is asking for is for big daddy twitter to censor for everyone, even if i would like to see that content. >> exactly. i will take the best argument for the other side. they will say these social media platforms wouldn't even be usable if there wasn't some content moderation. you can moderate content to make the platform usable for spam and porn but when it comes to viewpoint discrimination, let's not smuggle that in. all views are welcome. the answer to bad speech is not less speech, it's more speech. it's the way forward for twitter and the way forward for a free and open internet. whether you are on the left or right you should want your voice to be heard. i think this can be a good step forward in social media. dan: i read your op-ed in the "wall street journal." the financial war on america's tech companies. thanks for your time. we appreciate it. we know the fbi has been weaponized. are they also watching what you are doing online and tracking your social media. a whistleblower is joining me next on how the bureau is paying millions o all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. marianne: welcome to fox news live. i'm marianne rafferty. the real life nightmare of a halloween festival in south korea getting worse. the number of deaths from a massive stampede on the streets of seoul is up to 181. most of the victims were in their teens and early 20s. investigators still aren't sure what triggered the stampede. house speaker nancy pelosi says her family is heartbroken and traumatized. her first comments since her husband was struck with a hammer in their home. the suspect is likely to be charged with attempted murder.eo my. dental health was not good. i had period donald disease and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clear choice, replacing marshall's teeth with dental implants at clear choice was going to afford her that permanent solution. clear choice. dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. wealth changing question. is your advisor giving you incomplete advice. besides investing? 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look at that. it magically arrived on the shelf. someone created that. someone's fingers got dirty to create it. thanks to blue collar america. you have got a vote coming in this election. joining me. host of "how america works" on fox business. mike rowe. lawyers are great, accountant are fantastic. but you need hvac workers and electricians. >> there are two sides of a coin. we do this all the time. we elevate one form of education at the expense of the others. we elevate one category of jobs at the expense of the other category of jobs. we just can't seem to set the table fairly. we have got to have our thumb on the scale. that picture you are talking about, i saw it a couple days ago. i began to sit down and write something. but before i could, people sent to it me and said have you seen this? what is it about the image that matters? what matters to me is we have kind of forgotten what work looks like, and we have kind of forgotten what fathers do. in that one frozen image, there it is. that's what work looks like and that's what dads do who want to be there to be present for their kids. they show up. they don't worry about the dress code. they just show up. i thought it was kinds of awesome. dan: mike, i will pay you a compliment and i hope you take it. you have become the face of working america. people understand you are an advocate and voice for them. you are starting to see a political shift in this country. so many people engage in identity politics stuff, people don't think of themselves as hispanic or black. they think of themselves as americans. sometimes they just want to be left alone. go to work, make my money, get a decent education and leave me the hell alone and get away from identity politics stuff. >> live a balanced life. i see tonight my foundation every single year. we help people who want to master a skill that's in demand. people willing to go where the work is. time and time again we see how that pays dividends. thank you for the compliment. i will take it. i don't think part of what's happening with this constant, you know, left right, good bad, right, wrong binary choices. i think blue collar and white collar are -- i don't think the color of collars matters as much as it used to. i only say that because i'm often guilty myself of saying this is the white collar world and the blue collar world. but the guys you described pulling those trucks and the guy in the coal mine, the amount of technology they deal with is incredible. the amount of raw brain power they need to solve problems and do their job, it's not stereo typical of what blue collar used to mean. i think we are coming into an age where people will be less mindful of the color of collars and more interested in the dads who show up. more interested in the workers who show up and do the job, whatever the job is, showing up, that's what's for sale right now. dan: that's a great point, mike. mike rowe, thanks for coming on. you can catch the latest seen of "how america works" on fox business. coming up on "unfiltered." extremists targeting polling locations? is that the way democrats will explain a way a red wave? scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio. dan: welcome back to "unfiltered." time for hot takes. three outray just stories you may have missed this week but you need to know about. joining me, pete hegseth. tennessee. you moved down there and look at you. you are country quick. he's a volunteer now. pete: i'm an all-in guy. you changed my attire on this program. and tennessee is join change me. i was born in the north, but i was meant to be a southerner. it's god, it's freedom, family, great food, great weather, it's guns, it's everything you want. dan: there is no dress code on the show. if you ever show up with a suit and tie again i will be offended. let's get to topic number one. the nypd keeps warning voting sites and workers could be targeted by extremists. good forbid that people show up to watch these things. then they complain when we suggest there may be fraud. >> the nypd acknowledges there are currently no credible threats of the sort they are talking about in new york city. last time i checked. it's not maga country that blocks people from going to the polls. this an imaginary threalt to establish a narrative for ubiquitous terrorism. maybe the nypd could take a look at what's happening underground in the city. and on the streets. dan: the topic, climate activists occupying blackrock headquarters. you are not going to find a more left-leaning investment firm in the known cosmos. the cancel culture movement is inherently cannibalistic. they only go to the weak which are people on the left. they will be eat is their own soon because they are the on victims left. >> when you appease them they throw colon your headquarters and stand and block your entrance because you are never good enough. blackrock is not just another woke corporation. they are the leader of the environmental social govern san francisco movement that addresses cry mat change and equity inclusion and virtue signal. they still need to invest in fossil fuels and oil and gas and they do. so they have it both ways. they try to make money and try to stave off the mob like they are pretending they are a social justice firm but it's not good enough. all the executives are living in little house on the prairie. maybe then they will satiate that crap. dan: that's why you do the dave cha pell. topic number three. you know the corona bros. they wear 72 masks, a popular d.c. entertainment district had a controversial no mask rule. they meant halloween masks. the corona bros lost their minds. pete: all they did was forget to say no halloween masks. how dare you threaten my personal health and safety. the fact that they are block halloween masks on halloween for everyone's safety? they already lost their minds. now they are falling over themselves to lose their mind again. i guess jason and chuckie are not welcome. 22 masks on your face and a face shield. god forbid you come in with a chewbacca mask. pete, i love the new look. you are all country now. i'm digging it. best of luck down there in tennessee. folks, if we don't get out the vote, the fentanyl and trafficking crisis at the southern border will get worse. why showing up at the voting booth may be a vote for your own safety technically when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but there are ways you can repair it. i'm excited about pronamel repair because it penetrates deep into the tooth to help actively repair acid-weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair to my patients. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. -hi, dr. rick. it's julie. -[ gasps ] that's me. just leaving you a voicemail. my number is 618-437-7425. okay. can anyone tell me what julie did wrong there? you got to repeat the number. i mean, no one's ever gonna get it the first time. -nope. -didn't leave her last name. no, the -- the phone tells you who called. she didn't mention a good time to call her back. how am i supposed to know when to call her back? no. she just shouldn't have left a voicemail. 9 out of 10 times, a text will do. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. ♪music ♪you fill up my senses ♪like a night in a forest ♪like the mountains in springtime♪ ♪like a sleepy blue ocean ♪you fill up my senses ♪come fill me again ♪come let me love you ♪let me always be with you ♪come let me love you ♪come love me again >> things are about to get worse if you don't vote in ten days about they will. check out two stories you paying insurance premiums health care that can get worse folks and about the spike inflation wasn't factored in second story from the daily callers exclusive from them about caravans headed up from south and central america headed to up the united states because they know joe biden will let them in before republicans take over. big trouble ahead folks you've got to vote we have to pex this now joining me now is former acting i.c.e. director and fox news contributor tom. tom i'm sure you saw had story. listen, nobody knows the situation at the border better than you. these migrant communities talked they know joe biden is not going to stop them and now caravans will rush the border in anticipation of republicans taking over and shutting down. >> here's a biggest concern with that dan these caravans will come and they will overwhelm the border patrol even more. the border patrol right now 70%, 7-0% of border patrol are off the line process maybe baby formula sending them under taxpayer funded airline ticket to the city of their choice. 70% off the line now caravans come that's going to pull more off the line so you will see more fentanyl across that border because they know they can get away and more criminals across boards and biggest issue to me is no suspected terrorists, dan. with border patrol is arrested peel from 160 different countries. many of the countries sponsor terrorism and arrested 113 known inspecting terrorists since joe biden taken oval office. we have got one man got aways with caravan coming to overwhelm border patrol there's more got aways by thousands. how many of them will be known inspector terrorist because all of these databases we create the terrorist no fly list and visa security pral that vet people trying to get a visa or airline ticket they're meaningless now to go across southwest border and not be embedded and uncovered just across the southwest border like man, this should scare the hell out of everybody. i don't know how many someday we will find out this is the biggest national security failure since 9/11. dan: you brought up keyword scare the hill out of everybody that's why i brought you on to speak common sense we appreciate it. thanks for your time to the country. >> thanks for having me, dan. dan: got it before we go catch the kan kanasho every day on fox nation, here's clip from this week's show. >> washington post you are not going to meet a bigger bunch of leftist as kissers i'm lips gorilla glued to the ass of the democratic water than "the washington post" and even they fact check this thing and said it didn't happen bro -- nobody -- this did not happen. there were people on the trip -- you were not stopped. you were not arrested. this story didn't happen. it didn't happen. it is like fetch. gretchen stop trying to make fetch happen. [laughter] dan: you can stream this show weekdays on fox nation from 12 to 3 p.m. follow "unfiltered" at facebook instagrams at "unfiltered" on fox, that does it for us here tonight "unfiltered" see you at 9 p.m. don't forget so set your dvr if good evening america welcome to cross country so midterms are ten days away an democrats still can't seem to understand the top issues facing our nation. now we've reported on them for years but those on the left would rather ignore the facts and oppose woke agenda on us. i've been talking to state voters democrats republicans independents, and one thing is clear, americans are fed up with the democrats destroying their states and cities with the radical policies

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, Home Heating Oil , Gasoline , Gallon , 6 , , Point , Website , Leora 4ct Com , 4 , Coming Up , Creative Shipstation , Cleaning House , Pick , Everything , The Box , Shipping , Half , Cost , Label , Cut , Tv , 2 , Left , Speech , Fear , Diapers , Battle , Censorship , Truth , John Fetterman , Questions , Debate , Performance , Pennsylvania , Republicans , Mark Kirk , Health Problems Questions , Health Concerns , Criticisms , Bounds , Stroke , Brain , Reelection , Illinois , Chance , Health Conspiracy Criticism , Trump , Office , Fitness , 25th Amendment , 25 , Problem , Weapons , Madman , White House , There Isn T A Single , Joe Biden , Kid , Stutter , Obvious Mental Block , Guy , Hunter Biden , Media Doesn T , Center , Scandal , Face , Biden Within Inc , Business Deals , Health , Students , Young , Race , Support Fracking , Break , Fracking , Damage , Graduate School Studying Psychology , Don T , Yo Ry Made , Public Office , Soft Censor , President , Duties , Split , 51 , 49 , Job , Man , Vivek Ramswamy , Ngos , Soros Types , Distinction , Big Tech To Censor , Elon Moment , Someone , Content , Account , Censd Hard Censorship , Soft Convenie , Internet , Others , Milestone , Viewpoint , Hate Speech , Discrimination , Excuse , It , Kind , Users , Categories , Force , Something , Ball , Court , Success , Esg Movement , Bunch , Say , Filters , Argument , Side , Social Media Platforms Wouldn T , Big Daddy , Content Moderation , Spam , Platform , Answer , Views , Viewpoint Discrimination , Voice , Step , Thanks , Social Media , Op Ed , War On America S Tech Companies , Wall Street Journal , Weaponized , Country , Work , Power , Freedom , Millions , Bureau , Clients , Coasts , Plains , Help , Number , Marianne , Deaths , Real Life Nightmare Of A Halloween Festival , Fox News Live , Marianne Rafferty , South Korea , Streets , Stampede , Victims , Investigators , Most , Teens , Seoul , 181 , 20 , Nancy Pelosi , Family , Comments , Husband , Hammer , Home , Suspect , Murder Eo My , Choice , Marshall , Disease , Implants , Teeth , Ability , Key , Dental Implants , Solution , Wealth Changing Question , Insurance , Planning , Advice , Taxes , Investing , Estate Planning , Advisor , Expertise , Elements , Wealth , House , Aspect , Meeting , Creative Planning Dot Com , Five Million , Love , Ice Crushing Blender , Go , Ingredients , Water , Blend , Com , Drop , Soap , Usb , Sports , Glenn Jet , Harvard Dan , Marines , Grads , Government Officials , Act Becomes Law Team , Keller Postman , West Point , A Million , Electrician , Blue Collar Household , Father , Brother , Photo , Plumber , Coal Miner , Kentucky , Kentucky Basketball Game , Blue Collar Workers , Morning Show , Life , Asses , Stuff , Truckers , Cab , Walmart , 30 , 3 , 00 , Supermarket , Pepsi , Election , Fingers , Blue Collar , Shelf , Hvac Workers , Accountant , Host , Lawyers , How America Works , On Fox Business , Education , Category , Jobs , Expense , Electricians , Form , Coin , Sides , Table , Scale , Picture , Thumb , Image , Write , Fathers , Matters , Dress Code , Dads , Kinds , Compliment , Advocate , Identity Politics , Shift , Hispanic Or Black , Skill , Foundation , Demand , Dividends , White Collar , Binary Choices , Constant , Part , Collars , Collar , Amount , Trucks , Problems , Technology , Brain Power , Coal Mine , Guys , Age , Workers , Sale , Extremists , Polling Locations , Red Wave , Scout , Simparica Trio , Protection , Wow Heartworm Disease , Fleas , Intestinal Worms , No Problem , Reactions , Class , Use , Seizures , Drug , Caution , Dogs , Disorders , History , Simarica Trio , Stories , Outray , Pete Hegseth , Tennessee , Volunteer , Attire , God , Program , Southerner , North , Weather , Topic , Tie , Guns , Suit , Number One , Nypd , Warning Voting Sites , Fraud , Sort , Threats , New York City , Polls , Threalt , Terrorism , Look , In The City , Investment Firm , Cosmos , Blackrock Headquarters , Climate Activists , Culture Movement , Eat , Blackrock , Enough , Corporation , Leader , Headquarters , Entrance , Environmental Social Govern San Francisco , Virtue , Signal , Cry Mat Change And Equity Inclusion , Soil , Fossil Fuels , Mob , Executives , Little House On The Prairie , Dave Cha Pell , Masks , Corona Bros , Entertainment District , Popular D C , No Mask Rule , 72 , Bros , Halloween Masks , Corona , Safety , Mind , Face Shield , Jason , Chuckie , 22 , Chewbacca Mask , Southwest Border , Fentanyl , Best , Crisis , Voting Booth , Get Out The Vote , Luck , Trafficking , Enamel , Tooth , Pronamel , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Patients , Try , Hope , Five , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , Reaction , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Risk , Gasps , Voicemail , Move , Dermatologist , Dr , Julie , Hi , Rick , 437 , 618 , 618 437 7425 , 7425 , Back , Time , Name , Times , No One , Progressive , Parents , Nope , Text , Phone , 10 , 9 , Auto , Senses , Music , Forest , Mountains , Blue Ocean , Caravans , Health Care , Inflation Wasn T Factored In Second Story , Premiums , Callers , Exclusive , Ten , South , Central America , Big Trouble , Nobody , Acting Ice Director , Situation , Contributor Tom , Listen , Border Patrol , Concern , Anticipation , 70 , Airline Ticket , Line , City , Baby Formula , Taxpayer , Line Process , 0 , 7 , Terrorists , Countries , Criminals , Issue , Boards , 160 , Got Aways , Many , Caravan , Oval Office , Thousands , 113 , Visa , Inspector Terrorist , Terrorist , Databases , Fly List , Security Pral , Everybody , Border , Someday , The Hill , Failure , Security , Keyword , 9 11 , Washington Post , Fox Nation , Kan Kanasho , Kissers , Ass , Bro , It Didn T , Story Didn T , Trip , Gretchen Stop , On Fox , Show Weekdays On Fox Nation , Laughter , Facebook Instagrams , 12 , Dvr , Facts , Nation , Midterms , State Voters , Policies , States , Agenda , Independents , Cities ,

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