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Accusations of a hostile takeover. Comedy with an agenda. Jamicomedian jamie lissow has at on liberal come is. And the push to tear down history at his alma matre. Classified documents were found at joe bidens penn think tank. Joe biden had a think tank. But he also had documents at one of his wilmington homes. In the garage. Should we be surprised . Of course we shouldnt be surprised when the left accuses conservatives of doing something, there is probably a 99. 962 chance they are doing it themselves because they are frauds. By the way, my corvette is in a locked garage. Its not like it was sitting out in the street. Its all part of the process. We wont get ahead of the process. Let the process continue. There is an ongoing process and we have spoken with its appropriate. People know i take Classified Information seriously. Dan sure you do. Remember the raid on maralago. The liberal media narrative was trump is guilty, and our National Security was at risk. It was the nuclear code. Hes about to be criminally charged. They have got him this time. This is version 3,524 of the walls are closing in. This picture of the walls closing in. Why would he need these sensitive documents in florida or anywhere . You are not above the law, you are not an elite, you are not untouchable. Its nice to see the rule of law has returned. My legal analysis of the affidavit is why aint this dude in jail . In many ways it feels like the walls are closing in on donald trump. Dan even cnn is reporting that joe bidens classified documents have information relighting to ukraine. Just in case the liberal clowns dont believe. Here is jay behar on the view saying why bidens classified documents are no big deal. We all know trump is a liar and a they have. And and a chief. And we dont think joe biden is a liar and a thief so we give him the benefit of the doubt. Dan republicans think democrats are people with bad ideas. But liberals think republicans are bad people with ideas. Joy just showed you wait looked like. Lets not forget the greatest of all time when it comes to classified docs. Hillary clinton stored classified documents on her home server when she was secretary of state. Democrats are doing what they accuse republicans of doing. They are phoneys. Remember when democrats accused trump of a kid prove question after his phone call with zelenskyy . The liberal media insist he needed to be impeached over that. Yes, there was a quid pro quo. It has been clear for a while. After rejecting the notion of a quid pro quo for weeks, the white house appeared to suddenly switched gears. We begin with what appears to be another incident of quid pro quo for President Trump. Dan we have known for years Hunter Bidens alleged shady Business Deals with implicated joey biden. But here is biden talking about the kid proquestion he made with ukraine when the prosecutor he wants fired was looking into his son, hunter biden. I was supposed to announce there was another billion dollar loan guarantee. I got a guarantee that they would take action against a state prosecutor. I said if the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money. Well, son of a bloom he got fired. Dan can you believe this guy . He puts it out there for everybody to see. Dont forget about china. Even after biden got elected president in 2020. Hunter still had ties to a Chinese Investment firm. The democrats almost always are doing exactly what they accuse conservatives of doing. Since conservatives are accused of wanting to destroy democracy. He must be friendly with dictators, too. Remember this one . Trump was constantly accused of being cozy with the worlds worst leaders. These are real headlines. Look at them right there. Forget how cozy the democrats have been with dictators . Remember when bawm traded five gitmo detainees for American Deserter Beau Bergdahl . Here cities what cozy looks like. Remember when obama went to the Baseball Game with castro . They did the wave together. The merchant of death, thats his nickname. If you are senator joe biden he says hes going to stand up to dictators all the time. I have taken on the very people that we are worried about. I have taken on the castros of the world, and i havent cozies up to them. Dan here is john kerry with his lip surgically attached to venezuelan dictator maduro. Remember the whole peepee tape until weird how we have never seen it. There was a bizarre sexual tape out there, but it wasnt donald trump. You cant unsee this stuff once you see it. Im going to leave that right there. You can see why im not surprised when they found classified documents in joe bidens possession. They telegraphed it. If you want to predict what the next democrat crisis will be, keep an eye on what it will be. The Success Record is like 100 . There always good chance the democrats are already doing the exact same thing. Joining me is Fox News Contributor and former Wisconsin Congress plan, sean duffy. Thanks for joining the show, congrats on the new show on fox. I dont trust this Special Counsel. We have a youve peek in situation where two leading candidates for President Trump and biden both have Special Counsel investigations. I think the Special Counsel for biden is a way to make the whole thing go away, say its the process, never answer a question. Your thoughts on that . Sean a brilliant ma monologue. I have no faith in the Department Of Justice if they are going to prosecute joe biden for crimes he committed. We have a twotier Justice System in america and it goes against republicans. What you said was important in the monologue. Whatever democrats say about republicans, they are doing themselves. But they also talk about what the penalty should be for republicans. If you go back to maralago. Democrats said donald trump was guilty. But they also said he was treasonous. He was a traitor. The penalty is death. Lets apply the democrat standard to joe biden. We cant have a traitor in the white house. Lets forget about the Department Of Justice and the Special Counsel. You cant have a try tore in the white house. You need to impeach joe biden by the democrat standard. By their standard. We should equally apply it. Dan you apply their standard. You have these lunatic Media Outlets saying crazy conspiracy theorist. I think there is something bigger going on. These things were not just found. Nobody pays A Thousand Dollars an hour white shoe lawyer to move documents. Think about this. Who was the second tranche of documents leaked to . Fusion ken delanean. There is Something Else we dont know about. Sean when it cakes two months for this story to come out. The white house is being cagey when they answer questions. They are going to put it all out there. Let it breathe, get the story behind them. This is a forest fire on their doorstep. You may wonder, why hasnt the white house been willing to release the logs of visitors to the delaware house. What chinese figures might have come through the delaware home and also in the pennbiden center. This is going to be really embarrassing which is why they are acting so shady, dan. This is just the start. Its going to Bal Forest Fire they cant put out. I agree. If you catch sean and dagen on their new show, the bottom line, starting january 23, weeknights at 6 00 p. M. Fox business. Support this patriot. Hes a great guy. Our next guest says attorney general garland tried to cover up bidens handling of classified documents because of hunter. Phil, thanks for your time. I had you on the radio show and the phones blew up after you got off. You have an interesting theory about why the Assistant Attorneys are on the biden case. What you see in the assignment of the Special Counsel. The substance is not that a Special Counsel has been picked. Its the authority they have to investigate. When you look at the Special Counsel when it relates to president biden. They have a narrow authority only to look at the documents. Lets look for a second at what attorney general garland knew when he made this decision. He knew the documents are found. The the penn biden center. And the University Of Pennsylvania received 47 million while that center was there. The University Of Pennsylvania pushed that money to biden and 10 of his Cabinet Members received salaries, including mr. Biden. At the same time, hunter is on the burisma board, the documents pertain to ukraine. That would be of interest to those concerned about hunter biden and who hes dealing with and those paying his salary. So you have some evidence of intent as to why the documents should be there, and evidence of intent relates to the flow of money. There is Something Else that attorney general garland knew. He knew he received a letter from the university of pen veins yeah asking that he end the China Initiative of the Department Of Justice which is looking at economic espionage by china. You have to understand that 50 of the most wanted list on the fbis Fugitive List relate to espionage by china. He ended it as the request of the University Of Pennsylvania. That is a conflict of interest. Yet he only gave the Special Prosecutor a very narrow focus while President Trumps Special Prosecutor can look at everything. Dan thats why the phones blew up. People are really upset about this. Coming up on unfiltered. What is Eric Swalwell still doing on the Intel Community business can happen anytime, anywhere. So help yours thrive and stay connected with the Comcast Business complete connectivity solution. Its the largest, fastest, reliable network. Advanced gig speed wifi. And cyberthreat protection. Starting at just 49. 99 a month. Plus, you can save up to 60 a year when you add Comcast Business mobile. Or, ask how to get up to a 750 prepaid card. Complete connectivity. One solution, for wherever business takes you. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. Dan three democrats may finally get the much deserved boot off of top house committees. One is Eric Swalwell who is alleged to have shacked up with an alleged chinese spy fang fang. Suspected chinese spy targeted california politicians. One of her biggest victims was Eric Swalwell. I dont have concerns about swalwell. This is only about vengeance. There is no substantive reason. Dan you heard what mccarthy said, they wont have swalwell on any committee. Joining me, lauren boebert. Seriously, swalwell is a disaster. We know about the scandal with fang fang. How is this guy still on the Intel Committee getting briefings . Thank you for providing cover for us. We are fighting for these legislative wins we received. These fun amountal changes. As far as swalwell. Last congress Congressman G Gost was removed from his committee because he made a an even animai video. But little eric took a walk and refused to take the vote. Hes compromise and he should be nowhere near to secret Classified Information. Dan adam schiff as well. He wasted six years of our Life Fantasizing about some trump peepee tape that didnt exist. Then he got busted trying to push another hoax about russians and the devin nunes. They are showing their colors. They are a bunch of Conspiracy Theorists that Have Witch Hunts and hoaxes they chase after. They wanted trump in jail over classified documents. With biden its lets wait and see. They attacked don, jr. And praised hunter biden. If it was a republican caught with a chinese spy, what would they do . They won all over it. But the fake news, they would be running 24 7. And most americans havent heard about everything thats going on. Not only has going back to swalwell, he was a subcommittee chair. And in one hand hes holding a gavel and in the other hand hes holding a hammer and sickle. Dan congresswoman lauren boebert, thanks for all you did up there, it was a good time. Isnt comedy supposed to be funny . There wassal tbab then delta, then omicron next, but the next variant might be the best. Another covid19 has arrived. Dan a comedian who makes people laugh is here to pull back the im ashley strohmier. Now back to dan bongino. Dan 0 years ago latenight comedy was funny. Snl had it right with bits like this. It was sounding great, but i could have used a little more cow bell. [ ] dan what happened . Now all we get is pandemic propaganda. There was alpha, then delta, then omicron next, but the latest variant might be the best. Another french covid19 has arrived. Its a new strain, but it isnt the same. Put on your mask when you are inside a facility, it could be a robot from a star wars trilogy. Dan here to break down the sad demise of latenight comedy. Thats cringe. But its weird with comedy. Everybody has an agenda and its hard to laugh when you know its a political attack and thought an effort to be funny. Yes. In fallons defense if you look closely you can see the puppet strings. So thats not his fault. I hear good things about him. I hear hes a nice guy. I saw a wider view of this segment and you know how the guy normally holds cue card . He was just holding jimmys paycheck. Remember shows like the office which wasnt that long ago. Blazing saddles, breaking bad. These shows could never be made today. He Single Person would be canceled and never seen in Polite Company again. If you look at it on the major networks, you cant do anything any more. We are lucky to have streaming services. At least we have podcasts where you can still say some stuff. But i think the audience is finally being heard and getting sick of the woke. Did you see that movie bros . I think they will realize they have to do what the audience wants. By the way, that bros movie. On Rotten Tomatoes it got two tomatoes rubbing against other tomatoes. Dan i didnt see the movie. Thats what comedy used to be. Comedy was the safe zone where guys like me who Love Comedy Go to hear guys like you and its funny. But if comedy is going to be pc, isnt it kind of dead . It isnt funny about you giving us a stupid woke agenda. Company is hard enough let ahone when you give someone ridiculous parameters. Like you are saying, we would never have gotten these beautiful shows like the office. Thats what got me through the pandemic was comedy. We were home for that 14day curve thing that lasted for three years. I got to the end of netflix. Dan there was nothing left . Did it log you out automatically. Like you are done here . Here is how you know you are at the end of netflix when you are watching season two of the fireplace. Dan the yuletide log. Remember when tv used to go off at night and the National Anthem used to play . A big see you later. Jamie, i have got to run. You are a very funny guy. Catch him on gutfeld. Coming up on unfiltered. What happens when conservatives play the lefts own games . One of Governor Desantis picks to shake up awoke college. And he gets into the bias in dan welcome back to unfiltered. Its no secret the left weaponized the Education System for decades. They indoctrinate our kids, basically screwing over the next generation. Now Governor Ron Desantis is putting anticrt conservatives on the board. Joining me now is one of the members of the coup, christopher rufo. Congratulations being the member of a coup. You have been placed on the board and the left is using their mabl h mayor marbles be you believe in education. Its a coup. An attack on democracy and academic freedom. They are willing to detroy desti higher education. He made it clear he doesnt understand higher education. Dan your thoughts on that . Their position is selfrefuting. They say its the end of democracy. But the position of trustee is in the Florida State constitution. The people elected ron desantis. Ron desantis appointed me. The university does not exist to serve the existing group of radical students on campus. The university is to disseminate true knowledge and serve the will of the voters in florida. After the even of this conflict well see a great university. Well restore it to american principles. Led by the bold leadership of ron desantis and enacted by those of us on this new board. Dan the left doesnt seem to learn from their mistakes. You would think by the youngkin election in virginia and the rout by desantis in florida they would see a clue that getting into lgbtq plus activism isnt a good idea. But they dont seem to learn. They are doubling down. Ill tell you what, one of my first priorities i will bring to the board is to abolish the diversity, equity and inclusion programs at the university. Im going to be deposing a department of equality, merit and color blindness. Well protect your individual rights and treat you equally under the law and we wont play games based on gender. When the public hear was we are doing, we love color blind equality. Well see a 7030 support our way. We are doing what we can to invigorate those beautiful american principles. Dan your wokeness affected ai. Artificial intelligence. Apparently if you ask it a question promoting awoke narrative, it will write a beautiful story. But if you ask if a drag queen story is a bad thing. This is ai. This is kind of like precensorship, isnt it . Thats exactly what it is. What they want to do is create strict boundaries of what is acceptable thought and nonacceptable thought. They will use Artificial Intelligence and social media algorithms to vigorously suppress what they think are bad ideas which are conservative ideas and mostly true ideas. We have to be careful with this. We are moving into an era of Artificial Intelligence. The essence of this country is Freedom Of Speech and freedom of thought. This is a great example. And we have to keep using the means of persuasion like we have like your show to tell the American People the truth and smash these restrictive algorithms before they achieve dominance. Dan thanks a lot for your time and congrats on the appointment. We appreciate it. Next on unfiltered. Proof of how bad gerks nzs Patriotism Problem is. An Ivy League University wants to tear down history. Dan welcome back to unfiltered. Its time for hot takes. Joining me is pete hegseth. Tearing down history. Historians, right up your alley. Princeton, university. They are demanding the Ivy League School remove a statue honoring princetons former president. With no past, we have no future. Pete i have inside info this may and done deal. I was an undergraduate when they put the statue up in 2001. There is no princeton without john witherspoon. He was the only clergy to sign the declaration of independence. He was the teacher of james madison. He owned two slaves like every other rich white guy in that time, and that was wrong. But he was also adamantly antislavery. He fought to end slavery and released his own slaves at the age of 28. You cant acknowledge any of the goodness of this lover of liberty. Got to rip it down, got to erase lift. Not enough to understand it. You have got to get rid of it. Dan black and white, there is no gray. The phrase, do you speak english is reported to be a microaggression at a texas hospital. I guess the question has to be do you speak woke . We reached a new level of stupid with this. Pete you want to communicate with someone so you attempt to id fight language in which they speak so you can help them with medical issues. The explanation is full of equity, diversity and inclusion. One of the six steps is to repent. You must repent for your sins. And then ask and grovel for forgiveness. Right there in the power point presentation. Dan unfortunately it is. A man who served his country honorably, only 16 Jeanine Pirro much genonly 16 ofgenz are e american. Pete you cant keep a country when you are teaching young people the country they are supposed to defend or love is evil. It was 75 for boomers. It is 16 . Is this the alamo of people that recognize that flag is a beacon of goodness in this world . We reap what we sow. We teach kids to hate it and we wonder why they want to give it away. Dan if you read petes book you will see how we got here. This was a multi generational process. It didnt happen overnight. Next, how to train your brain. I love light facts about the brain. Do not miss this nex buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork thats preventing you from doing what matters most . Then get the all new Epson Rapidreceipt Smart Organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. Receipts go in, and stress goes away. 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You can use this for both business and household. Thats the smartest move i ever made for my business. It even helps organize me for taxes and expenses. Theres even a mobile rapidreceipt you can use when youre on the go this has changed everything. As soon as i get a receipt i just scan it, and store it away immediately right here into the laptop, no matter where i am. With this exclusive tv offer, youll get a mobile or desktop Epson Rapidreceipt Smart Organizer, and over 300 in added value. Act now and save up to 100 for a limited time. Go online or call to get an Epson Rapidreceipt Smart Organizer delivered right to your door. I came, i scanned, i conquered. Epson rapidreceipt visit buyrapidreceipt. Com or call. Piece of cake baby dan welcome back to unfiltered folks you know i love life hacks thats my thing. Youve got to train your muscles you have to exercise. But you have to train your brain too. We have to exercise and keep it strong stay sharp and disciplined and simple Daily Practices we can do strengthen our mind and prove mood energy and relationships sounds like a good deal author of the isnt ik i have a copyright on my desk. Friend of The Show Dock Thanks For Join the book i have a copyright here on my desk i told my team get him on asap so you have Life Hacks Day By day written so well and i love these three they jumped tout me first the day 14. You know, do one simple thing at a time each day. Explain what you mean. Well, when you look at hill they think theres so many things for me to do so from nancy Oxford England said too much so she just did one simple thing at a time. Started drinking more water. Felt better. Took her vitamins, felt better. Ate better started new learning and at the end of the year she lost 70 pounds along with her depression, her apathy and her pain so you just have to start one simple thing and thing to start with just ask yourself this question. Is this good for my brain . Or bad for it and if you can answer that with information and love, youre going Start Feeling better fast. Great tip heres another one day 181. Six lessons from the scan of murderers what can we take away from that . So at clinics i built World Largest brain scan related to behavior we do brain and jane, and weve done 225,000 scans on people from 155 or country bus early on i started to scan people who did bad things and we have a database of over 100 murderers, and what we learned is almost all of them have troubled brains, and its not one thing. Theyre impulsive murder who is saw different patterns of violence in the brain. We saw the Traumatic Brain Injury is major cause of murder that very few people think about. We saw that the Mental Health system is failing these people because many of them when they commit their crime if you think of School Shooters were already on medication, seeing somebody but nobody was looking at their brain. And what we really came to realize is that many of these brains can be rehabilitated. But the prison system doesnt look at or rehabilitate the brain. So once people get out, theyre more likely to go back. But thats the conservative thing to do. Fix their brain because then they keep their job and they pay taxes. Pass night doc last one day 209 i have about a minute lefts here how to make your child a republican a democrat or anything you want. What about that . Children pick your values if youre bonded to them. If youre connected to them, if they dont have a relationship with you, they pick the opposite values. So my dad was gone all of the time when i was little, and we didnt have a relationship. 197 he told me if i voted for mcgovern the country would go to hill well i voted for mcgovern and country went to hill but nothing to do with mcgovern so if you want your children to pick your values, you have to spend time with them you have to listen to them. You have to work a relationship with them. Dan doc the book is amazing, change your brain, every day i have a copyright here. Ive been reading bit by bit. Taking your advice by the way to do one simple thing at a time each day reading page from the book congrats thanks for coming on. We appreciate it. Thanchts, dan. Dan dont forget to watch the Dan Bongino Show Daily On Fox Nation heres a clip. So your principal is fabricating pieces and autobuying toy resign your president is joe biden right but Buddy Corn Pop was a bad dude and he went to strike my legs and it took out the razor with the chain, when he got the legs, and he tried to shoot a double leg take down on me and a sprawl and i hit corn pop with the bike chain while the kids rubbing my legislation and my legs were white, and in the pool and i was in the pool and i was a life guard with ink on my knows and corn pop came up i got the switchblade like West Side Story you believe this guy . You can see the show weekdays from 12 to 3 p. M. Eastern that does it on unfiltered see you back here next Saturday Night 9 p. M. Dont forget set your dvr if you cant make it live. Lawrence good evening america. Welcome to Cross Country we begin with a Fox News Alert in case of a missing massachusetts mother. On a last seen new years day korgts police logs we now know Welfare Check was requested by annas employer on january the 4th. And that same company notified annas husband brian to say he had not filed a Missing Persons report. Days later ban

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