>> eight hundred thirty eight three hundred and today power lifting controversy trains athletes to legally the eagle has landed. that's one small step for man... hey, what's up? -one giant... uh... houston... we have a situation. how did you get here? you're characters in our video game! video game? yeah, it's what we can do with the xfinity 10g network. basically, the greatest achievement since the moon landing. i think they're talking about us. i know. you can play from anywhere. -yeah, i'm in the basement. i'm at the dentist. check this out. it's super smooth even when everyone's online. whoa, can i try that? you're in the game! what the heck is that? those are the bad guys. -are they friendly? nope! ok, here's the plan. on the ship there's some wire cutters, some tubing and rubber bands. now with our know-how and some elbow grease and a little bit of luck, i —