i'm kind of tweeting about it because i had already read about murder hornet's but i didn't think about it, because i read in the yucatan peninsula newspaper that the murder hornet's are here, and i -- looking atuc it, i'm like i had big coffee table books. i was smashing -- i broke a sweat. it would not -- nothing splattered out of it. i took a picture that was fake of it because it's just kind of like this. i am like -- i stuck my foot and the toxins are going through it and i'm with -- it's like psychedelic, this level of pain. and i don't think i'm going to die, but may be, i don't know. lefingers crossed. so i -- >> tucker: this is one sting from the murder hornet? >> one buried and it can repeatedly sting you, actually, it's not like a bee, they don't die. so i come back like 10 minutes later, this thing is still alive.