going to die. 20 years or 30 years or 40 years -- 120 years or 30 years or 40 years comes along and we are not dead, just wait another ten years and we will all be dead. and they keep doing this over and over and over again. >> tucker: was truly infuriating as those of us who deeply care about the natural world and the environment, who really do, watch as these people make our country dirtier. much dirtier. and nobody says anything about this. and then they lecture us as if they have moral standing on the environment? they don't know anything about the environment. it's disgusting, it infuriating. justin, thank you for putting that in perspective. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: i will calm down as we move into our next segment. cnn hosts, they were treating hurricanes like something caused by donald trump. watch. >> storms intensifying, that's just one sign of the dangerous