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hundreds of thousands of people have come from countries all over the world. >> the enthusiasm and love for queen elizabeth, i can truly feel it. >> the reign has broken every record imaginable, quite unprecedented. >> i can't think of any world leader in my lifetime that has commanded such respect. she puts the great into great britain. >> this is the opportunity to show the monarchy holds the nation sdpth we're stronger together than we are divided. w than we are divided. to we're st together than we are divided. ge together than we are divided. he together than we are divided. r together than we are divided. an stronger together than we are divided. >> welcome to day two of the platinum jubilee celebration live here in london. good to be with everybody as we kickoff this thanksgiving service, which will be held this morning at st. paul's cathedral, beautiful cathedral where queen elizabeth has her 60th jubilee. today will be held without queen elizabeth ii in attendance today. >> alex hogan is standing by outside st. paul. start with a look at the scene in front of the cathedral. good morning, alex. >> alex: good morning. people are starting to arrive at st. paul cathedral. the honoree, the moment to shine and accept the tributes we will hear about her today, she herself will not be here. buckingham palace release thanksgiving statement yesterday, the queen greatly involved today's parade and fly pass, but did experience discomfort. tomorrow at st. paul cathedral, her majesty has concluded she will not attend. the long weekend of activities kicked off with a lighting beacon ceremony started by queen elizabeth. earlier in the day, crowds gathered for trooping the colour military parade and the flyover. this is the first ever platinum jubilee celebration. queen elizabeth is the longest reigning british monarch, queen victoria served for 63 years. not everyone has enjoyed the festivities, this is the viral moment of prince louis covering his ears. prince andrew was supposed to attend, he will not because of his positive test of covid-19. one thing to note that will take place later this hour, the bell at st. paul, which is great paul is a 16-ton bell, largest church bell in the country. it broke in the 1970s, it's been restored and will ring for the first time this hour. people are starting to show up and they are excited to see the first glimpse of the royal family later this hour. >> carley: thank you so much, alex. we look forward to today's festivities. what is your reaction the queen will not be there? >> piers: i don't think it is good, she is head of the church of thanksgiving, this is thanksgiving service to thank her for her service of 70 years and the fact will queen will not be there is significant. it is a great shame, yesterday was a fantastic day, the pageantry, pomp and ceremony, the military, everything was magical about it and it ends on this, i think, sad note and reminder we're into the last stage of this woman's life and her reign and her service to our country. i heard it last night and felt this slight thud. for the queen to miss this, this is not good. >> we were talking about the emotion, you felt it yesterday and i was talking to people that said grown men crying in front of this beautiful display yesterday. out of gratitude, i'm pleased she gets to see this outpouring of gratitude being felt across the country. it is sad she won't be there. i just wonder at her age, maybe knowing you have to stay there for the hour and a half of the ceremony is a big commitment. >> piers: i think it is quite a long drive, she went back to windsor castle last night. to get there is a good hour in a car. one reason she was not in her gold carriage is get nothing and out of vehicles and being driven and all the bumps and stuff that go with the drive, it is that causing her, i think pain. >> ainsley: she is 96 years old, for her to walk out on a balcony or podium at 96. she did walking yesterday and the trip to windsor, she is 96 and i talked to a taxicab driver yesterday and he said she refuses to ever be seen in a wheelchair, she wants to walk. >> piers: her sister margaret was seen paupz /* pap rauzy in a wheelchair. she must use wheelchairs behind the scenes. after all the warnings we'd had, to watch her with a stick to the front of the balcony twice, that was great, but it is just a shame she won't be there this morning. she is such a woman of faith. this really is so important to her, she gave her service to her god and country and feels that strongly, the fact she won't be there at this service, which will be the last of its kind in her honor, will hit her hard. it shows we are in unchartered territory with this queen. in my entire life, she's always been full of life and mobility and clearly that is not the case. charles is now son and heir filling in more and more and more, that is the reality of the situation. >> the largest church bell will be rung at 5:50 your time, in london time 10:50. it was made in 1872 and it broke and was restored last year. today will be the first time it will be rung for a royal event. >> this church was designed by a great architect and where charles and diana were married, that is the strongest image in 1981, charles and diana coming out and the amazing bells which you will hear later today. that is not charles and diana, this is 1941, it shows the destruction during the blitz in london. this is st. paul's cathedral, it was destroyed during that bombing, you see the wreckage, trying to imagine this city under bombardment. queen elizabeth, the strength they brought to this city and it is a good reminder of how devastating that was and how much -- >> piers: the royals cemented their relationship with this generation in britain through the war. they could have gone to safety elsewhere, but they stayed in london, and it was being bombed. it was a pretty hairy time for everybody living in the city and the royals stayed, that cemented their reputation for being people who understood their duty was to stay. >> they decided to stay in buckingham palace and it was being bombed by the nazis. the queen was getting an eyelash out of the -- eye, they sent their children to windsor and the children lived apart from the parents for five years. >> piers: the height of the pandemic, when thousands were dying here and everyone was fearful and the economy was being shredded, it was an awful time as it was in america. it was awful here, too. the queen gave a five-minute address. i understand separation in world war ii, she and margaret had to be separated from their families. we did get back together and i'm telling you, it is painful, but you will get back together and meet again. we will meet again, don't know where, don't know when and the queen using that line was poweringful and resonated. she was right. one great thing about the queen and all the prime ministers and people like the president was saying yesterday and others, they never forget meeting the queen. she met so many predecessors and presided over so many crisis, it gives her wisdom and confidence to say, don't worry, things will get better. >> we see ups and downs and it does get better eventually, fun on the morning papers. i love this one. glorious day, even for the prince of w-a-i-l-s, this is hilarious, screaming next to his greatgrandmother. a deafening cheer. >> piers: that was the moment he saw auntie meghan arrive. >> look at this one, covering his ears, his mom leaning down to whisper to him. covering his eyes. >> fantastic. his father did exactly the same thing. >> he's four years old, unpredictable. >> you were with the mirror for a while, the headline, what a racket by great granny. >> her majesty nearly unstaged by cheeky louis. she looked over at him and started chatting with him. >> he asked her a question. >> typical grandmotherly way. >> what is great about the pictures, you have the current situation with the monarchy, 96-year-old woman reaching the end of her monarchy reign and the chap who one day may well be king of the united kingdom, that is an amazing thought. >> a lot of people were talking about his sailor suit. it is believed by many to be the same one prince william wore in 1985, really started a trend and everyone started buying sailor suits. my mother dressed us in sailor suits and dresses, i never knew where it began. >> i think queen victoria often dressed them in that style. >> i wonder if it was the same one, that was almost 40 years ago. >> piers: there was a lovely clip yesterday in the carriage, you saw them coming by and his older sister charlotte, he is waving away and she slapped his arm down like behave yourself and he leans in two seconds and up he goes again. think about it, it must be so weird, like if you are the child of a u.s. president, your world changes and you are exposed to the entire world cameras all the time. if you are four or five, it must be odd and fun. >> when you are 96, you can attend or not attend and when you are four, you get to do what you want to. behave how you like. >> we all need to think like children sometimes. >> i interviewed brian cox quite recently on my show and he was great. i heard a rumor, my middle boy is an actor and he had come to the drama school where my boy is at, he told them to maintain child-like enthusiasm. he kept a picture as a young boy in his wallet. i asked him on air and he produced the picture. he said, i look at this picture all the time, it reminds me, never lose child-like enthusiasm. >> the bhiebl -- bible says that, have child-like faith. >> we want to be like louis. >> what about kate? >> she really channeled princess diana. very similar. this white dress coat, she wore it once before, we love she recycles her dresses because she's one of us. >> do you or do you think why are you doing that? >> she could buy a new out fit every single day, she is just like us. >> it took a while, look at pictures when diana came into the royal family, she did not look like that and she became a fashion icon. i think kate is loving being part of the royals. the women get attention, if they relax and enjoy it, they become fashion icons, that outfit will sellout now around the world. >> if she wears something, it is gone. she had a philip tracy hat on, famous designer here in london, she wears a lot of british designers and it serves that regal bearing and the way other people look at her as a potential, the potential future queen. >> piers: would you even know what she sounds like, the duchess of cambridge? >> probably not. >> there are videos on instagram. her voice is very soft. >> piers: what does she talk to? most would not know. >> you say you love the mystique of the monarchy. >> piers: we all know what meghan markle sounds like too much. that is the problem. less is more, the ones who become hugely popular are ones who do not talk much. why don't you want them to talk? they are figureheads and the figurehead is do what they did yesterday wonderfully and to just be there and look great and do their thing and that's enough. you don't have to go on explaining what you are about or whining. >> never complain, never explain, good way to live your life. >> piers: whining about it. >> when meghan and harry arrived yesterday, they had a plane bring them to london, if you don't have to stop from california. the grandmother sent a range rover to pick them up and the queen believed it was the right thing to do. i don't know if you know omid scoby. >> one of the world's most irritating people. he wrote finding freedom -- without doing duty. like finding nemo. >> he told bbc harry and meghan hold a close relationship with the queen, they want to be low profile on this trip. there was talk of them potentially overshadowing the queen, he said meghan and harry are just trying to stay out of the spotlight. >> piers: oh, please, what is interesting, their power, their wattage as royals, they are a long way down the food chain now, harry is sixth in line to the queen. they were at the back and we saw a glimpse of them, the real power, the stars of the firm were centerstage on the balcony. >> plenty in line. >> the idea harry and meghan are enjoying this, i am not buying that. >> i wonder how they feel, i am sure it is hard not to be on the balcony with his family. >> gas prices in the u.s. hit another record high this morning, we'll tell you by how much. >> plus, continuing coverage of the queen's platinum jubilee celebration as we reflect on the incredible reign on britain's longest serving queen. >> inevitably, a long life passed by many milestones, my own is no exception. ♪ moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking 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four children were found. lopez opened fire at officers who returned fire, no officers were injured. overnight, national average of gallon of gas hits another record high, we're at $4.76 per gallon, up five cents from just yesterday. president biden will visit saudi arabia later this month to try to push down gas prices here at home. and mike avenatti is accused of stealing monthat he belonged to stormie daniels. convicted of cheating daniel out of $300 -- dollars. trump denied having any affair took place. >> the boston celtics upset warsaw 120-108 in a remarkable fourth quarter comeback in game one of the nba finals. the warriors are the first team to win after trailing in the fourth, game two is sunday at 8 p.m. eastern time in san francisco. now to this, last night president biden making a push for gun control in an address to nation. some swing district democrats are getting nervous over party politicizing of recent tragedies. alexandria hoff, good morning. >> alexandria: the president says the second amendment is an absolute. here is a moment from the prime-time address. >> ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, if we can't, raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21. she's are rational common-sense measures. >> alex: the house judiciary committee seeks to raise the age of buying weapons. florida congressman greg steube spoke over zoom. >> here is a gun i carry to protect myself, my family, my wife, my home, comes with a 15-round magazine. this will be banned. >> i hope that gun is not loaded. >> i am at my house, i can do what i wpt my guns. >> there are 21 democrats seeking to have the package broken down to increase chance of republicans signing on when it moves to the senate. >> if republicans don't lend suppor jones has another idea. >> if the filibuster obstructss us, we will abolish it and we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation in our communities. >> alexandria: congressman jim jordan says it shows the issue is with the second amendment. martha, back to you in london. >> martha: thank you, alexandria hoff. we are awaiting the royals arrival at st. paul's cathedral. a thanksgiving service being held in the queen's honor. >> piers: that is nicholas sturgeon. he wants to take scotland out of the united kingdom. >> martha: it is a big issue, she's here to show reverence to the queen for 70 years of service. >> ainsley: do they have nickname for it? not brexit, but what? >> piers: they don't. in ireland, there is the same situation, you could have potential of the island going off and severing itself from the uk. she presides over the united kingdom. >> ainsley: we'll talk about that next, stay with us. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and 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( car crashing ) but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for all of this... yourself. so get allstate. >> arrival of the royal family expected in 15 to 20 minutes this morning. we've seen the former prime ministers arriving and dignitaries coming in getting ready for the service. welcome back to the day two of the queen's platinum jubilee celebration live from london. we continue to watch the arrivals this morning. prince andrew will not be there, he tested positive for covid and the big story, the queen will not be in attendance today sadly, she experienced some discomfort, according to the release from the palace yesterday, during the celebrations at buckingham palace. our next guest worked for the queen, prince charles and diana, was press secretary and was involved with silver, gold jubilees. dickie arbiter. what goes through your mind today the queen back at windsor watching on tv like the rest of us are. >> she will be, the big one in 1981, charles and diana's wedding. she turned 100 in 2000, subsequent thanksgiving services, it is the biggie. weddings happen at westminster and st. paul's cathedral. there are diplomats and politicians, sadly the star of the show won't be there, she will be at windsor watching. >> i look at st. paul, there is an image, associate the cathedral with the wedding of charles and diana. today charles will be the star of the show and camilla will be at his side. did you ever think you would see that? >> actually, i did. i was on the inside and i saw things, it kind of upset me, i was a supporter of the charles and diana marriage. >> mayor of london walking in now. excuse me. >> they did love each other at the beginning, they either succeed or go wrong. to succeed, you work at it, not just running along day-by-day, they didn't work at it and fell out of love with each other, but they did at the beginning. camilla, i saw it happening one day. they got married in 2005. the queen said it was her wish camilla be called queen. when charles became king, she would be known as princess consul. the queen expressed her wish and that is what will happen. >> martha: it is interesting, everyone thinks of prince philip, he could never be called king philip because the queen was the queen. it is rightful to call her the queen consort. having covered the prior jubilees, harry was front and center with william. >> he was, he chose, along with meghan, to leave the royal family, it was their choice to seek financial independence and be private, although how private have they been? a week doesn't go by when their pr people don't release some sort of release or photograph. it is their choice, we mustn't decry that. but william and kate are doing a job, quite a load with the royal family having diminished. there was a time charles said, he will see reduced royal family. he has done it by himself. andrew out, meghan and harry resigned. small, charles and camilla, they are supporting the queen, not only her role, their role, as well. >> martha: what would diana say about all of that? >> diana wouldn't let it happen. she believed in the monarchy, she didn't believe charles would be king, she got that one wrong. that was a long time ago. she wouldn't have allowed that to happen. she might have told harry as william did, get to know the person. like william, he took eight years. >> martha: looks like he chose well. >> he chose well. she's come out in her own right. she was criticized in the beginning, my goodness, she's doing a terrific job now. >> martha: we're watching the dignitaries come in here, we saw the secretary, who has been with the -- thank you for coming in. >> martha: still ahead this morning, johnny depp is here in the united kingdom, what he's been doing while the royal doings are going on after he won defamation case against ex-wife amber heard. we expect the royal family to arrive shortly, we'll cover that live. our next guest coming up is an american coming up, she is married into the british aristocracy and she is next. honey, what's guy fieri doing at the neighbor's house? it's sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! everyone grab a king's hawaiian slider! ...slider sunday? sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! we've got philly cheesesteak sliders on king's hawaiian slider buns! oh, my. and we got cheeseburger sliders on king's hawaiian pretzel slider buns! sliiiiiiiiii-der sunndayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! [crash] everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. especially now with king's hawaiian pretzel buns! maybe nat,e gate? finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. new poligrip power hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x more food particles. fear no food. new poligrip power hold and seal. >> ainsley: back with live coverage at the queen's platinum jubilee celebration. boris johnson just arrived. >> piers: he was late, par for the course for the prime minister. joining us now is host of american on youtube and entrepreneur julie montegue. how are snu >> good to see you. >> in fabulous form, we all want to talk about the queen. this is not an insignificant thing she is not able to be at this service, it would have meant so much to her. >> it would. religion is at the forefront of everything the queen does and believes in and guides her through her monarchy. this is a big deal for the queen to be missing this. out of all the evens happening this weekend, this is one everybody thought she would attend and she's not. >> julie, being from chicago, we watched you on ladies of london, you are frengds -- friends of the show. what does this mean to you? >> i've been here now 20 years and my husband is british, my kids all have british accents. i feel somewhat british. the queen is in one sense my queen, as well, wife been living here for so long. i think in particular, these four days, this is something we will never experience again, my children won't experience this. it is time for the country to come together. this country has been divided through brexit, pandemic, the prime minister likes to party when the rest of us are in. this is good time to get together. >> piers: america, britain, very divided. the great thing about the queen, she is apolitical. we do not know her opinions, she never gives them. no one can say, she is not my queen, she does this. she deliberately doesn't do that. all people, all ages, all colors, all creeds, all politics with sharply different opinions probably about brexit or donald trump or covid vaccines, none of it matters because the queen has never given an opinion. the queen is celebrated as the head of the country, in doing so, i felt bursting pride about britain, which i haven't felt in all honesty in a long time because of all the division. >> martha: absolutely. when you asked me, who does she remind you of, past or present? i gave the example of the dalai lama. he portrays compassion and kindness throughout his life and that is what the queen does. she is this beacon of compassion, kindness and steadfastness through a pandemic, you can always look to her to unite and to come out on that balcony, even for that short moment and just wave and smile and it gives you that sense of comfort. >> piers: and why we're not comforted by her not going to the service, she is one of the most brilliant people, hell of a tough cookie, for her not to go to this event, the most important to her, that is disconcerting, i feel disconcerted, there must be things going on we're not privy to. >> for her not to attend this service, that is quite poignant. there will be questions asked about this, is there a health issue, is it just mobility, other things people want to uncover, this would be the event she would want to go to. >> she did well yesterday. it may be she wakes up and has a bad morning or a hard time getting around. i love the way you describe her. one of the titles is head of nations. it is, would be great to have a president who never talks about his political mreefs and could be the beacon of the united states, a human royal standard is what she is. >> piers: your inauguration ceremonies are not dissimilar to the celebrations at the mall. that is the analogy, imagine inauguration day where all americans were happy with what they were witnessing, that is desperately needed in divided, polarizing times. >> in a documentary she did, she said what is it like to vote. that is beautiful about her position. this is united kingdom, it is my job to unite. >> absolutely. the past couple years there has been contravesty around do the commonwealth states want to become a republic? yes, of course, that is wonderful, if that is what they choose to do. the queen unites, so losing her as head of state -- >> piers: good point. >>-- is going to, i think, cause more division in some of the countries, in the united states we don't have just that one person that can unite that is apolitical. >> piers: i am ready to serve, by the way. i think it is time we went back to the monarchy as our ruling body and if you are looking for someone to step into the bridge -- >> you couldn't be political. >> piers: i'm ready to serve. >> you couldn't be political. >> piers: that would be the problem. >> oh, dear. [bell ringing] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [. [rapid bells] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> piers: so that was saint paul's cathedral the great paul bell which is the largest bell in the country. i have just discovered the chiming mechanism is currently broken, so it doesn't ring every day as intended but it can be rung manually for specific services. the great paul it is john taylor and bell foundry in 1881. it was rung for the first time march of 1882. and it's been used on very large british occasions. winston's state funeral, the queen's coronation and the wedding of prince charles and princess diana. probably the most famous bell in britain. at any time loudest bell in britain. and currently you don't here it very often because it's not working very well. they have got it working today and making a pretty deafening sound and the royals are about to make their arrival. normally the bell preceded main players of this event. that's what we are about to see. >> ainsley: i would love to see that take volunteers. they work in different shifts. >> martha: takes a lot of training. >> ainsley: not only the largest but the loudest. some of the church family are. the church bell will ring five minutes before the service and also ringing for hours. four hours, i understand after the service. it will be here in london. >> piers: boris johnson got rather loudly booed. party gate scandal enveloped the country which he and downing street lockdown parties having them, of course themselves set the very laws of lock down to start with. >> ainsley: happened here as well. that looks like charles and camilla getting out. i know charles and camilla will be here and obviously william and kate and children. >> piers: these are the queen'ss cousins arriving here. main players will not include the queen which is a startling development. charles and camilla. no it's not them. it's a camilla lookalike from the back. >> martha: glouster cousins arrival. the only children in attendance will be lady louise and -- children of sophie and edward. the youngest son of queen elizabeth. and you may have seen them on the far right hand of the balcony last night. and i believe -- >> piers: paul lindley margaret's son. he designs furniture. and very good furniture it is, too. i don't expect we will see any of his furniture today. that's him. >> ainsley: prince andrew was supposed to be here. embroiled in controversy was not allowed on the balcony. he withdrew from this event today because he was covid. archbishop of york will deliver the sermon. archbishop of canterbury also forced to pull out because of covid. >> piers: princess ann's daughter. >> ainsley: which someone in the front zarha. >> piers: she is in the pink. husband played rugby for england. is he a great character. >> martha: their children were the little blondes that you saw on in the window. >> piers: entourage arriving. princess ann, one of the more understated and in my view underrated royals. she is a woman of great service. you never hear any scandals involving ann. she has married a fine chap vice admiral timothy lawrence exemplary military career. >> ainsley: is that her second husband i know she was separated and divorced. >> piers: married to mark phillips, of course but they got divorced. ann is very like the queen, ever putting a foot wrong. you never read salacious stuff about ann which given the rest of them is quite remarkable. >> martha: daughter zarha competed in the olympics as equestrian. >> piers: popular. see them a lot. kids are always in the papers. again, i think this new generation of young royals, they have to make a decision what type of people they want to be. do they want to be public celebrities all the time yapping away how awful it is to be a royal or recognize that most people would love to be royals and be grateful and humble and to bit of duty and work for the queen which is really the way they should go if they want to preserve the monarchy. >> ainsley: this lady in the robe to the right does that happen to be the first woman bishop of london? and she said she is leading the blessing today at saint paul. she said i'm excited, i think but i'm nervous because the ceremonial r. regalia the coat a cape was designed for george the fifth. and she said it's designed for a man. i'm the first woman bishop of london so i'm wearing this cape designed for a men. it doesn't fit quite as well on me. so she is a little bit nervous about wearing the cape. >> piers: those capes are unbelievably heavy. you are trying to walk with these enormous capes on. >> martha: bring the royal commentator. richard, thank you so much for being with us today. we are waiting. we expect we are going to see kate and william. duke and duchess of cambridge arriving here short live and others as well. what do you think this morning and the fact that the queen is sadly not there. >> that is, i think, extremely sad. she will certainly be there in spirit and she would have been there if she possibly could have been. there is absolutely no doubt that the supreme governor of the church of england religion has underpinned her whole life and the oath she took to serve her whole life in 1947 when she was in south africa when she was age 21, she has kept it absolutely magnificently and an occasion like this there has been thanksgiving service at saint paul's at every jubilee is, of course, the pivotal religious moment of these four day festivities. >> ainsley: richard, when you read her prayers, her prayers are beautiful. let me read one after her father died. we are all just visitors at this time in this place we are just passing through. our purpose is to learn to grow and to love and then we return home. she said this about death there is no magical formula that will transform sorry into happiness. i rely on my faith to guide me through the good and the bad. she also talks about family being important to her. in my experience the positive value of a happy family is one of the factors of human existence that has not changed. faith, family, and friendship have been not only a constant for me but a source of personal comfort for me and reassurance. how has her faith helped -- >> piers: vice admiral sir tim lawrence who i was just talking about. full military regalia. >> martha: only daughter of queen elizabeth. she looks very lovely. no frills type of woman. >> piers: you understand the importance of these pictures. people arriving at a church. there is prince edward and his wife sophie. >> ainsley: that's the queen's youngest son and youngest grandchildren. >> piers: ing that he on so many important royal duties at the moment. the queen coming increasingly out of action they have to pick up the threads of all the charities and all the duties she performs. they have to divvy this up amongst themselves and more work for fewer royals. >> ainsley: lady louise is interesting. very close to the queen. also a big rider. and she does did carriage driving with prince philip, she did. and she was at the event that queen elizabeth enthusiastically attended the other day to watch lady louise. >> royal windsor horse show. >> piers: beatrice is in the blue. >> ainsley: you know her well? >> piers: i'm good friends. janey in peach orange. very good friends with mary and meghan. there are the duke and duchess of us is the sex. >> only that went to visit with harry and spent time there. they have a close relationship. and meghan in pink with harry looking very happy this morning on their way in to the service. >> ainsley: they arrived on the private plane from santa barbara. and the queen sent a range recovery and driver from the airport. she said the queen believed it was the right thing to do. they want to remain out of the spotlight as much as possible. it's interesting that such a beautiful event you see the five guys in the background the hamburger joint. >> martha: some things have changed during the years. >> piers: never left a church service and not wanted a five guys. >> martha: the promise after church if you sit still we are going to five guys after. >> piers: the interesting play here is when william and kate arrived. last time they were in a church with meghan and harry if looks could kill they would all be wind out. there is a lot of tension there, we know, between them. the brothers have been at war now for a number of years. they hardly have any communication. and, yet, they are going to be stuck here in front of the world cameras for, you know, an hour or. so probably the longest they will have been in that close proximity together for a long period of time. and it's incredibly sad. i knew diana very well. and she would be utterly heart broken that her boys are in this position now. and they may fake the grins for each other as they did when diana's statue was unveiled a year or so ago and we all felt they are getting along turned out they barely smoke on that occasion and smiles were for the camera. may as well give every pretense that they are getting along and smile at each other. behind it simmering feud goes right back to when harry first got together with meghan and he is reported to have warned his brother don't rush into this. take your time. which he felt was his duty as the older brother given their mother was no longer around. harry apparently took huge umbrage at this and this created this running sore between them. the two women fell out in the build up to meghan's wedding. meghan went on national television attacked kate saying she made her cry in that oprah interview. that was incredibly damaging. the royals just don't do that to each other. that's the background for all of this. when you see them in church today, you have got to understand that behind the scenes it's been really hostile and unfriendly. >> ainsley: are the ladies civil to one another and the boys? >> piers: i don't believe they any communication at all. was i told yesterday for example meghan and harry turned up 15 minutes late from. they didn't have much to do there. after the troop the color went out in the garden and have drinks i was told harry and meghan disappeared and didn't want to be part of the ming minglingwith the family. shouldn't under estimate the damage of the behavior the royals here has done to their estimation of the brand of the monarchy. they think having this pair of renegade royals in america doing commercial deals for their own gain with netflix and spotify and so on is exactly how royals should not be behaving particularly when there is a whole debate about the future of the monarchy. there is a lot of behind the scenes tension here. and when they all get into church together, it's going to be very interesting. i think the body language between them. >> oprah was undoubtedly extremely damaging. one of the issues of this fallout was the decline of popularity of the royal family among young people. when originally harry and meghan married i thought, you know, going to be a dynamic duo. >> piers: we all did. >> for the commonwealth this was something that was very, very significant. and you see in the polls among the younger voters, among young people there has definitely been this decline. the republic hasn't necessarily got the slack from this. i think some people just simply feel the charges made on oprah, which the royal family, as you know, didn't have a chance to rebut other than the queen saying that some recollections may varks i think that you just -- people just feel -- they don't know the details. they don't realize that a lot of what was said on oprah was their truth not the truth. >> piers: i don't believe in people having their own version of the truth. i believe in one truth and the reality of what they said to oprah winfrey is many beings many of the claims that they made were proven to be untrue. just one example meghan markle claimed they had a secret wedding three days before the actual televised wedding with the archbishop of canter bury owe officiating. had that happen he would have broken british law and in prisoner. meghan markle made claims of racism and callousness to the family. she had suicidal thoughts of the family. wouldn't respond and let her get any help. as you said the family has never been able because they don't give public interviews to properly rebut these things. they sat there in the ether without any real evidence to support them. nor has she produced any names of these people who supposedly said these things or raised concerns about their boy archie's skin color and so on. it's fine to on the royal family from whom you benefit hugely yourself with these kind of allegations. at some stage you have to show some evidence for what happened and say who it was that said it. i think from william's point of view, i know this to be true, he felt incensed that all the royal family were basically smeared with the -- no one was individually named. they were all basically accused of being a bunch of heartless racist. i think the young people in this country have all the people turned against harry and meghan because of it a younger people believed it. >> ratings. of course they may well be looking to the flynn tropic phic career: ratings have plummeted. >> martha: when they see that their pop peculiarity is their currency. when they see it has decline sod dramatically. the deals in the united states are not turning out to be huge hits either, there is a motivation for them to figure out a way. >> piers: of course. >> martha: to find some sort of bridge, right? and william is the only one who actually responded to the charges when he was on his way to an event and he said we are very much not a racist family. >> piers: he was very angry, yes. >> martha: that was the only way for him to respond to that it was clear he was very hurt by that. >> piers: and so he should be. they are not a racist family. that's outrageous way to say. >> look at the way the queen has nurtured the commonwealth 54 countries. the most multi organization in the world, surely. >> piers: meghan markle has not been that popular really few months into the wedding with all the fury with her father and stuff like that. harry was unbelievably popular. he was the most popular member of the royal family other than the queen. now he is the least popular. harry and meghan are so far down they are down with prince andrew. harry's case is almost unthinkable that he has gone from such a hero here to such a zero so fast. >> ainsley: he was so fun. in the united states we viewed him as fun and he was the single one. when he would come to the united states all the american girls would go hoping that they would catch his eye. remember that? >> martha: i remember when william got married t-shirts and things you can still marry harry. >> so much promise i was thrilled when harry and meghan married. it commonwealth. i do think it's very, very significant that the rift absolutely must be healed for the ohio family. >> ainsley: will that happen? >> this is the big question. because, on the one hand, the royal family do not want a memoir from harry, which is promised possibly later in the year. >> piers: apparently planning to launch a full on attack on camilla because he has never forgiven camilla for what he perceived to be the breakdown of his parents of marriage. if he does that it's going to be devastating. >> if he brings out the -- no one is going to be interested in serializing something. wrong year to choose and wrong time to do it. >> ainsley: being in the u.k. and doing research for this show, if you had a fallout with the queen, look at smil, people did not like camilla. when it appeared she was breaking up the family that was so adored and loved and hurting diana. after all these years, time has healed that relationship and now the queen has. >> piers: do you know why, ainsley, camilla has been very dutiful. never tried to explain. she has accepted that she has had to take time doing dutiful service to build back the state for the british people. she has done it successfully. the problem we have got with meghan and harry they keep doing more deals. all the people paying them these millions in america spotify, netflix for all their content, publishers and so on, all they want to hear is dirt on the royal family. >> martha: they already filled. >> piers: they keep trashing their families and the monarchy as an institution how awful it is while keeping their royal titles and making loads of money. >> if there is to be any healing of the rift, that absolutely must stop. >> piers: it has to. >> but can you see, for example, what they are going to be philanthropic in america if she was to go into politics which, of course, it has been con stock marketly rumored. if her family her mother and she at odds. >> martha: william and kate are arriving. richard, sorry to interrupt. we want to see their arrival, obviously. one of the things that struck me yesterday is that the line of succession is quite strong, right? you have charles, you have william, you have george, i remember when harry was born an air to -- that's not necessary preservation of monarchy. there is kate looking beautiful as always in yellow today. sort of a pail yellow and prince william by her side as always. louie will not be appearing today. >> piers: louie sent to the child dog house today. he was too naughty yesterday. we moved from public display. she looks unbelievably elegant. meghan markle looked good no question. no comparison. i don't think that really helps anybody. very interesting when they get inside what now happens. are they going to greet each other? is he going to shake his brother's hand? is meghan and kate going to kiss each other hello? that's what normally happens with brothers and sister-in-laws? are we going to see anything like that or are they going to sit apart glaring with the occasional fake smile for the camera. >> we won't see anyone smiling picked up supervisors two years ago. we never see that with royal events. we won't see that i'm certain. >> piers: going to be very interesting because this is a real, to us, these people are almost caricatures, aren't they? we talk about them as they're almost celebrities and not real people. they are a real family who is incredibly fractured right now. they are being forced into a public display. imagine we have all had family issues over the years, right? imagine if you had to then all meet in a church with the world cameras watching you all while you are all simmering away with each other. not easy. >> martha: i would imagine that the queen would love to see some sort of thawing of this because and what a gift that would be to her to have her grandsons have some sort of thawing. as you say it requires a change in behavior. and just recently harry said it was great to see my grandmother and i just needed to make sure she was surrounded by the right people. that is another dagger in charles and william. they took very good care to make sure the right people are around her. >> piers: this is guy who lives in california. >> martha: exactly. >> ainsley: charles and camilla are arriving now. >> piers: beautiful cars. commenting on the beautiful rolls royces they are spectacular. >> ainsley: who is greeting them at the bottom of the steps of the church is that the archbishop of york? >> piers: no, he is probably already inside. these are church officials. archbishop of new york inside. had a rushed few days. he wasn't supposed to be doing this because the archbishop of canterbury he has got covid. and we wish him obviously all the best. there is charles and camilla. looking radiant again. >> ainsley: she looks lovely. >> piers: she looks splen did it. >> ainsley: cream or a white. >> piers: fusion of tastes in meghan. we had kate in yellow and we have smil sort of come between the two. >> ainsley: tell us about their relationship now. >> piers: charles and camilla? camilla has always been the great love of charles' life. i know camilla very well. yes she comes from a village one mile from my village east sussex on the south coast. very genuine down to earth person. she was married to somebody else. he was married really because he had to. he had to marry diana because she was a young woman. in the old days you have got to remember you had to be a virgin. the king of england had to marry a virgin. charles was 30 when he married an 19-year-old. all the time he loved camilla parker bowls. i don't think he didn't love diana. i think he did. i think he was really properly in love all the time with camilla. and then after the breakup of the marriage with diana, he was able to be with the woman he really, i think, had always properly loved. it's been a wonderful love story ever since. people here took great interception to it at the same time at the time. everyone sided with diana. she was no angel. she was a brilliant person. she was extremely miss chiefous. she games with the media. she used to quite regularly. >> ainsley: even before the divorce? peter. >> piers: she wasn't a saint herself as we know with her affair with major james hewitt and other people. she wasn't angelic herself. i think happy new year particular is resolutely my mother was the woman treated badly. camilla is the enemy. he has never really bonded with her at all. i think that's going to be the problem. this book comes out. if harry memoir's comes out trashing camilla, that's going to be very damaging for charles at a time when the next year, two years or whatever, he may be the king and camilla may be the queen counsel. they are a lovely couple. genuinely completely in love. charles is never more relaxed or happy when he is with her. she has learned, the really hard way, of the way to get back into public affection is just to do the hard yards duty and service and don't go out there giving interviews trying to explain or complain or justify what you did. it's a love story. and in the end, charles has had these two great loves, diana and camilla. and if you ask me, what's made him happiest, it's his life with camilla. >> martha: it's interesting harry and william. harry is much more spencer. much more emotional. much more like diana. says what he thinks. sort of is -- it's like sense and sensibility. right william much more like his father feels the duty and weight of being a future king. there have been some reporting that william and harry have had zoom calls. >> piers: i don't believe it. >> martha: that they stay in touch. >> piers: i don't believe it. >> martha: stuff put out by both camps. looks like there is outreach. one side is trying or the other side is trying. i think today this is all about the country being grateful to queen elizabeth for her 70 years of supervisors. it would be nice if there was some sort of olive branch. >> piers: the problem, martha, the queen is not there she can't be the focus of this service now in the sense that we are not going to see her. the focus inevitably is now going to go on these warring brothers and their warring wives because the queen who would be the focus take all the attention is not going to be actually in the church. that is going to be, i think, a problem. i hope i'm wrong. i hope they are warm with each other. maybe stuff going on behind the scenes while they have been here. that's not what i'm hearing. i would be very surprised if you see a big tactile celebration of it's great to see you guys again. william looks at his brother and his sister-in-law, meghan, and he sees two people that went on prime time television and accused him indirectly of being a callus racist. >> ainsley: richard, what would diana say about that? she did the same thing, so did fergie. whether they left the family they did all these explosive interviews that rattled the queen and monarchy, what would see say about harry if he does write this memoir and it is published. >> i would have thought diana -- she was someone who was material as piers has said. she was certainly a truly remarkable figure in so many ways but certainly no saint symbiotic relationship with the media from time to time must be mentioned. i think she would have been deeply grieved at the rift but referenced or remembering pan panorama how atrociously that was handled. you think diana would have wished some form of reconciliation. that reconciliation harry and meghan concentrate on their own careers and cease criticism of the monarchy and royal family extend, so to speak, as they're and this has been very, very worked out what they are to do this jubilee weekend. >> piers: i had a long lunch with diana and william once kensington palace the butler served the lunch. fascinating time. william was about 13 and a half. what i was struck by is that diana shared everything in front. everything. talked about all the scandals, all the stories all the men. diana was also incredibly captivating this day. massive blue eyes that pierced into you. melted human males like myself pretty comfortably. supremely confident about what she was at that stage of her life. but she also felt completely trapped inside her royal skin if you like. she took me to the window and showed me all the paparazzi and cars and vans. she knew them all. she felt she was huntington and felt she was trapped. but she also had an unbelievable love for her two sons. i do give, you know, a lot of understanding that harry, age whatever he was, very young boy, just barely a teen, having to walk behind his mother's coffin in front of billions of television viewers around the world, i can't imagine anything harder than doing that william had to do that as well. and he wasn't much older. and william, i think, has come through all that period. it seems to me, in a much happier place than his brother has. and so you can give understanding that harry had to do that. but it was a long time ago now. this is back in the 90's. >> they both had, of course, struggles with, harry particularly, has struggled with loss of their mother and the leg gales of this and harry, of course, 20 years he talked about being unable to cope with it. >> ainsley: remember recently gave an interview and one of the few interviews where they talked about their mom and they said something that was really cute. i tried to remember this as a mother raising my own child. what would your mom do and what would she be like today? so much fun. in fact, she would walk into the bathroom and if she had her grandchildren and cold front bathtub with soap and with bubbles and she would play with the bubbles. bubbles would be all over the bathroom and she would walk out for someone else to clean it up. they said she was a lot of fun. >> piers: she used to play games and i used to run a newspaper. i remember when camilla parker bowls charles has having the big coming out picture. and it before she got together with mohammed's son south of france. i got a call from mohammed that i knew make sure your guys are on the beach 9:00 in the morning. we were on the morning of the party. 9:00 in the morning princess diana came thought a leopard skin bikini began doing cartwheels. the next day no longer no longer about charles and camilla it was happy birthday camilla she knew how to work the system. >> martha: revenge dress. alex hogan outside the cathedral as this gets underway. alex? >> hi, martha, ainsley and pierce. we heard loud cheers when prince charles and camilla arrived same thing when william and kate got here. the people who are standing here lined up for hours and waiting for that moment. and the church bells just stopped ringing. and this was notable because it was the first time that we heard saint paul's main bell from 1882. the largest church bell in the country. it was renovated and then rang for the first time for a royal event this morning. and it will ring later on today so people here will have the chance to hear it. but the one person not in attendance today the queen herself. buckingham palace releasing a statement yesterday saying while the queen enjoyed the festivities that kicked off the platinum jubilee that she simply could not attend this event because of discomfort that she felt and reluctantly added that she would not be here at this event. she was able, however, to kick off the beacon of light ceremony last night as thousands of beacons were lit not only across this country but around the world at the exact same time in her honor. it's just one of many major events on this four day holiday to mark the milestone of the queen's 70th year on the throne. stepped into the role at 25 years old. family has come in all over the world to celebrate the 96-year-old queen. that includes harry and meghan who arrived here within the last half hour. however, they were met with some nears and some years at the same time. some jeers. royal family stepped into saint paul's. joint by 400 members who are members of the nhs. representatives from charity as well as members from the armed services. and all of the other notable figures that we have seen arrive here today, including boris johnson, the prime minister of britain. but, again, the crowd here has such an energy to them. people are holding flags with signs. they are dressed the part. hoping to get that glimpse of the royal family and then, of course, enjoy the rest of the festivities that have yet to come for the platinum jubilee. ainsley, martha, pierce? >> ainsley: thank you so much, alex. yes, this is the service of thanksgiving. we are here live in london. it is day two for the queen's platinum jubilee. we'll be right back. ♪ when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. got any room in your eye? ask your doctor if a 90-day prescription is right for you. and pay as little as $0. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye. ♪ sweet ♪ ♪ emotion ♪ ♪ sweet... ♪ now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are 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windsor. about a thousand years this monarchy. i would say there are about 30 royal families around the world. but the only one that anybody really knows the players in is this family right here who are watching today. dickey arbiter joins me formerly served as the queen's secretary. he knows all of these players had now. not sitting in camera shot. >> all very well choreographed. you have got to remember that the prince of wales is representing the queen and william is covering for his father. supporting his father. they wouldn't be anywhere near where harry and meghan is sitting. interesting to note that harry and meghan are sitting behind working members of the royal family. and what i did notice meghan is an actor. she can turn on the charm at any time and she was beaming all the way down to her seat. harry was really showing he was out of his comfort zone and had his head down. on occasion nodded at his family. wasn't a smile. that's very disappointing. >> ainsley: i would imagine that the reality of their choice hits him quite poignantly in an experience like the last two days. probably in a way that he has not felt since he made this choice. >> no, he has not since he made the choice. his choice and meghan's choice and they went off to your part of the world but he clearly feels probably that he is missing out on something. i mean very important. platted numb jubilee never happened before. successive charles is going to be 74 this year. william won't come to the throne until he is in his 50's that leaves george. george will probably be near 40 or 50. so we won't get that early succession, age 24, 25 as we have with the queen. platinum jubilee probably once this century unless something disastrous happens. >> martha: well, we certainly hope that does not happen although we have seen very unexpected changes in the history of the royal family and the most significant one was almost a similar situation. the duke of edinburgh was to be king. >> windsor. >> martha: duke of windsor. duke of windsor was prince philip was to be king. was not coronated left and set in line this succession that brought queen elizabeth to the throne under her father king george the sixth. it is interesting that we would not be seeing any of the players that we are seeing right now had it not been for another person's choice to marry mary ann american. >> indeed could have been constitutional crisis. had it not been another brother it could have passed to a sister it could have been a constitutional crisis. the government didn't want edward to marry simpson because she was a divorcee. the church did not recognize divorce. and canterbury and he put his foot down and said edward you are supreme governor of the church of england ceremonial church of england you cannot marry doors ye edward being edward well i can't do the job without the help and support of the woman i loved. he was very weak and he looked on wallace as a bit of a mother figure because he got no love from his own parents. what did is interesting is none of the children and there were four sons and one daughter. none of them got love from their parents. but, george the fifth and queen mary absolutely idolized princess elizabeth. and she called herself lilibet. >> martha: lily bet is the name her father gave her as a little girl had trouble saying it. picked it up and called her lilibet. she referred to him as grandpa england which he was. >> martha: which he was. obviously everybody would have loved to have seen the queen arriving at this service this morning. she was in that front row in the throne chair where we see charles sitting today for her 60th, for her 50th, for her 25th silver, gold and diamond jubilees. but we see this man, charles, stepping forward. and we are starting to see a transition take place here, aren't we, dickie. >> we have seen a transition take place since the diamond jubilee 2013 she would no longer take long haul travel. felt age was against her. at the end of the trip didn't go into straight engagements. she felt that the younger members could do it. charles has been doing it ever since. that's really when the transition started. because the queen's physical immobility now. is he taking a more as is william. >> martha: for american viewers who watch the queen and the history of the family to the extent. >> not going to mention the crown are you? >> the crown, excuse me. she makes very difficult choices for her sister when she wanted to marry. so there are times when she is obviously willing to choose the crown and importance of upholding the monarchy over a softer family choice. so i wonder what she thinks about harry and potential for welcoming him back in or whether she looks at this succession we are good. he made his choice. >> she says that we are good. he made his choice. her concern is the survivability of the monarchy, of the institution. it is in good shape. the succession is assured provided the people want it. the people decide whether they want it and. >> martha: a big question tnchts is a big question. at the moment they do want it. the polls are showing it quite high. although with young people it is showing it quite low. but harry and meghan made their choice. if they want to come back, they have to have to eat a lot of humble pie. do you mentioned princess margaret. the queen was in a quite strong position at that time because up until the age of 25, a member of the royal family has to ask permission to marry. princess market wasn't 245. you need to think about it i can't give you permission now. you need to think about it. during which time the machinery of official had moved and peter townsend moved and became embassy in brussels. >> martha: dickie arbiter always a pleasure to be with you and look back at this fascinating history of the united kingdom. >> thank you. >> martha: still ahead iconic tv personality sharon osbourne is going to join us with her thoughts on the royal family as we flecketd on queen elizabeth's remarkable reign. we'll be right back. ♪ for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend 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they are trying not to distract from a celebration of a woman that has been absolutely selfless. you know, the sussexs themselves. >> piers: smack in the teeth metaphorically they have gone from being a list members of the royal family to very much this trip so far being treated like b list or worse not in the balcony. not in the shots we are seeing in the church. not even sure where they are in the church certainly not with immediately family not with his dad and brother at a thanksgiving service for the queen. i find it it's a really significant and remarkable thing to watch that happen in the church. >> it's like they are in time-out and they are being punished for theirir actions and they have got to be taught a lesson. that's what this feels like they are being taught a lesson. >> piers: what do americans make of this w between the factions in the family do you think? >> i think initially americans were extremely excited about the sussexs. but, you know, in the middle of a plague they decided to come out and complain about things that seem petty. people are struggling, lost their jobs, can't pay their rent and they wanted to complain about their allowance being cut off or having to stay at tyler perry's house and security. and i think they have wised up quite frankly and feel. >> piers: nobody likes a whiner. great thing about the queen she never complains about anything. we see that charles has followed the same line with camilla. you don't hear kate and william complaining willing. i think it's the whining. you can have all your royal cake and eat it but not if you are going to keep complaining about the cake. >> exactly. >> they need these titles and associations so they can monetize it in the state we are seeing them eat crow and sit in the back row. i think it's extraordinary to witness. >> piers: main cake being left for the front, isn't it? kinsey, thank you is very much nice to see you. >> thank you, sir. >> piers: still ahead it may be the queen's party but the royal children are stealing the show. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i didn't realize my dna could tell me ma if i had a higher chanceon. for type 2 diabetes. so when my 23andme report said i did, it was a wakeup call. ♪ ♪ do 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line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ >> carley: the tulsa police department says it found a note from the garden in wednesday's deadly shooting in a hospital revealing he intended to kill his surgeon and anyone who got in his way. the authorities say the letter shows a clear motive the gunman blaming his doctor for ongoing pain following back surgery two weeks ago. the gunman killed his surgeon and three others before taking his own life. as thousands of migrants continue to stream across our southern border, the white house is reportedly looking to spain for help. axios reports spain is expected to double or triple the number of temporary workers from central america through an employment based migration program. the report also says canada could help by bringing more haitians into their country for work. the u.s. has seen a record number of migrants under the biden administration. and georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams raking in over $52,000 worth of income from a foundation that awards millions of dollars to professors and scholars who push for anti-capitalists and anti-cop views. king was on "fox & friends first" to discuss. watch. >> you can't tell me that capitalism, which has been a catalyst for upward mobility, especially to minority community, is somewhat incorrect or somewhat wrong. >> allegedly abrams joined the casey foundation board last year and does not share the same views as the foundation. interesting. well, there is a new spelling bee champion after a history making sell off. 14-year-old logan of texas won the 94th scripps national spelling bee after the first ever lightning round. she spelled 22 words in the 90-second speed round. she won with the word more hen which is a type of bird. fourth spelling bee. congratulations to her. how about that? gas prices hitting a new record high for the second day in a row. the average gallon now costs $4.76. that grim milestone comes just before the may jobs report comes out in about two hours. you just saw him. todd piro is in live in studies row with the latest on the inflation fallout. good morning. >> todd: white house is bracing for expectedly underwhelming jobs report. the gloomy report preceded by other bad news new research private sector payrolls only increased by 128,000 last month. spiraling downward from april's 202,000 job gain. last month, according to adp, u.s. companies added the fewest jobs since april 2020. reflecting employers struggle to recruit and retain workers despite a record number of job openings. the president is scheduled to speak on that report later this morning in his home state of delaware. he is on vacation this weekend. all this as economists now say we are on a fast track to paying $5 a gallon for gas across our nation. overnight, the national gas price average continuing to break record highs now at $4.76 per gallon up 5 cents from yesterday. but the president insists is he powerless over the tanking economy. listen. >> the idea we're going to be able to, you know, click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline is not likely in the near term nor is it with regard to food. >> president biden expected to visit oil rich saudi arabia later this month to try and push down gas prices here at home. martha, piers, and ainsley, back to you. ♪ >> ainsley: thank you so much, todd. well, it may be the queen's platinum jubilee but it was the royal children who stole the show on the balcony of buckingham palace. joining us is etiquette experiod of time and founder of beaumont etiquette her name is micah meyer. she is also at the plaza hotel in new york city. finishing program there and teaches all the children of new york how to act properly at the dinner table. >> that's right. >> ainsley: nice to have you here. what was your reaction of precious louie yesterday. >> he stole the show. he was exactly, i think, what people wanted to see. humanizes. makes them relateddable. i thought he was adorable. and just talking to the queen gam, gam like it's his grandma. he doesn't know any different. i thought he was fantastic. the older children were very well behaved. >> martha: they had to bow in the carriage. three of them bowing during prayer which is not the picture you are seeing right now on the screen. who hasn't had their child making that face laughed at it everyone mother can relate. >> martha: okay. >> piers: my favorite bit when they were in the carriage this picture louie waving and charlotte big sister slaps him down enough now. enough. and gives him a beat and goes off again. [laughter] literally about a beat later up he comes again with his royal wave. saying earlier. so odd to be a kid at that age and are have to complete at complete random strangers all day long. a strange thing we expect from these people. i think you look at the pictures of the queen and louie most front pages over here today. that's a wonderful image for the royal family. it's kind of the current old generation, rock solid for so long and the future of this little kid. you never know the way these things play out. he is, i think, fifth in line to the throne, fifth, i think. yeah. you never know. maybe he will be king of england one day. that's the picture we see of him. >> martha: charlotte come after george because they changed the law. >> piers: women have the same rights as the men in succession. george, charlotte and louie. we are assuming that nature doesn't interfere here but sign of succession. you can never be too careful about that. >> harry responsibility he grew up being cheeky. seeing the same thing with louie here. >> he can always get away. >> martha: we were talking about the seating in the church and everything. for the protocol etiquette specialist involved in that arrangement. >> trickier part of this entire celebration was making sure everybody was sat in a place where there were no -- they didn't want anything to distract from this amazing celebration, really. >> piers: actually a very straightforward thing. you put william and kate, charles and camilla one side and you put the others, the renegades over on the other side they are nowhere near each other how weird prince harry nowhere near his brother or father thanksgiving service for the queen this sun charted territory here. this seating arrangement may seem like kind of irrelevant but ainsley as you put it, imagine going to a wedding and charles and camilla and kate and wedding are on the bride side and the others are on the other. like the outlaws. it's really extraordinary to watch for me as a long timing royal watcher. kind of extraordinary. >> martha: wessex family around them. eugeney also not allowed to be on the balcony yesterday as not strictly working royals. >> piers: by the way. >> martha: clearly out of every shot. >> piers: i feel for jeanne and beatrice andrew's kids from no fault of their own they have been removed from the spotlight. they wanted to be seen to celebrating their grandmother's amazing life. they haven't done anything wrong. >> ainsley: have they been? they are not part of the working family. >> piers: that was really designed to stop andrew and meghan and harry being on the balcony. came up with this working family sort of qualification. but, they have done nothing wrong. sweet ladies i know beatrice very well. incredibly nice people. done nothing wrong here. basically being lowered down. >> ainsley: probably not anything against them. she had to find a reason not to get meghan. >> piers: i wouldn't estimate her feelings been created through this because of what happened with their father. >> ainsley: myka meier thank you for coming on and talking about he had cut and the rules we appreciate it. >> piers: bringing the biggest rock i have seen on a finger in a long time. >> martha: mind your manners. now you have to show the audience. >> piers: that is a hell of a rock. >> thank you for having me. >> piers: it is day two. the queen's platinum jubilee and we are live in london so we are joining you for the second hour this morning, right? did we start? is that what it is? >> martha: i don't know what day or what time it is. third hour. >> piers: so much fun. >> martha: it's friday. it's great to have everyone with us. [cheers] >> ainsley: welcome to day two of the queen's platinum jubilee. i have never felt electricity like in this city right now. ♪ hallelujah. [bells toll] >> martha: quick off this thanksgiving service which will be held this morning but the queen honoree will not be here. [bells] >> she will certainly be there in spirit and she would have been there if she possibly could have been. [applause] >> and a reminder that we're in to the very last stage of this woman's life. >> the enthusiasm and the love for queen elizabeth, you can truly feel it. >> reign has broken every record imaginable. quite unprecedented. ♪ >> piers: i can't think of any world leader of any kind in my lifetime that has commanded such respect. she puts the great into great britain. >> this is something we will never experience again and this is an opportunity for us to celebrate and unify, i think, together. ♪ >> martha: welcome to the fox news special on day two of the queen's platinum jubilee. live from the united kingdom i'm here with ainsley and piers morgan and it's been a really beautiful morning here in london. we have been watching the family as they have gone in and, of course, queen elizabeth not in attendance this morning for this celebration of gratitude and thanksgiving for her 70-year reign, ainsley. >> ainsley: she said with great reluctance she wasn't going to be able to be there today. she walked a lot yesterday. she is 96 years old. she does not want to ever be seen in a wheelchair. i believe it was too much on her body. the palace sent this statement. taking into account the journey and activity required to participate, her majesty with great reluctance has concluded that she will not attend. she is experiencing some discomfort. >> piers: i wouldn't under estimate the significance of this. this was the most important part of the entire four-day jubilee celebration of the queen. she is the head of the church in this country. she is a woman of great, deep abiding faith. and this was a thanksgiving supervisors in her honor to, you know, commemorate 70 years on the throne. for her to miss this is a big deal. i think it's genuinely a mobility issue. she didn't go in the gold carriage, won't be seen in it because she can't get in and out anymore without extreme discomfort. it's quite a long drive from windsor castle to the cathedral. probably an hour in the car. comfort be in a car 96-year-old woman. a lot of mobility issues a lot of pain that flares up and flares down. sometimes comes in and sometimes can't. we are realizing our queen is fallible and won't be with us for an awful lot longer and bittersweet feeling. makes quite emotional the queen, this towering woman of resilience and strength is now showing us frailties that we have never seen before. >> martha: pace herself through these events but obviously as you say, piers, this would have been spiritually the most important moment for her to be in that church. but, you know, as a 96-year-old, you can -- we have -- many of us have family members who are nearing that area. walking, she could have gone into a side door, back side door at saint paul's. but you still have to get from the door all the way over to your seat and be there for an hour, hour and a half and then walk back and as you say she does not want to be seen anywhere in a wheelchair and perhaps that walking around in the church was just too much. she has enormous outpowering of family members and love for her inside that church. and beautiful hymns that are being sung and gossipy back drop with the family. >> piers: very warring partners kept apart from each other. >> ainsley: we have been watching the bbc because that airs here in the u.k. but not in america. they were allowed to have their cameras inside the church, inside saint paul's. we have been watching to see where everyone is sitting. we want to know where harry and meghan were sitting. it appears when they show wide shot of anne and kate and charles and camilla nowhere to be seen. they are showing a different shot. we're not sure if that's on the other side of the church. you know how these churches are shaped like a cross. maybe on the right-hand side next to the area. they are sitting in separate areas. we know that we have, by watching this live video that we have next to our set, we have seen that princess margaret's daughter is in the same row as meghan and harry and fergie's children who you said one of them recently went toe visit harry in california. they are sitting on the second row and right in front of them is prince edward, the youngest child of queen elizabeth and his entire family. >> martha: clearly orchestrated so there is no photo or camera shot that has both william and harry -- i mean both william and kate and harry and meghan in that image. as you were saying we all remember the commonwealth mass service and they were right in front of each other. it was a very icy experience to watch unfold. we are not going to get that picture. >> piers: what you now have a list royals and b list royals and it couldn't be more starkly obvious. we have now have two days of this two tier royalty. yesterday, on the balcony top tier a list. they are the people in the front row of the church today. and in the second row, out of view, the coverage not focusing on them at all. the second tier royals. >> ainsley: the queen was smart. the way she got around it. she said only working royals can be on the balcony. that immediately excluded meghan and harry. >> piers: working for the country selfless duty. >> martha: three of her own grand children not on the balcony, eugeney, beatrice and harry. that's a small intimate group of people. her children's children. and as you say, it does -- you know, it's a little bit the baby with the bath water for jeanne and beatrice. and for harry to be -- he has lost all of his military affiliations which were so important to him. he fought in afghanistan. >> piers: is he wearing his medals today. he was a heroic member of the british of the armed forces. >> ainsley: i remember in that interview he got up and ran because of the sirens. pierce pillars he was a terrific young soldier and great young man. he just seems like a lost soul to me, harry. he can't be happy that he can't wear his military regalia on trooping the colour day. he can't be happy that he is now out of view at a service to commemorate his grandmother. >> martha: only time will tell. only time will tell. >> piers: does anyone believe it would make him happy? >> martha: when he walked in meghan was all smiles and harry was looking down as he walked down the aisle is what we are hearing. >> piers: they got booed a bit. video coming out there were cheers and some boos. no other royals got booed at all. >> martha: alex reported a short time ago. go back to alex who was outside the cathedral this morning with a bit more on that, alex, in terms of what you witnessed from watching them all walk in. >> hi, martha, ainsley, and piers. so as you mentioned the service has begun. this is the service of thanksgiving here at saint paul's cathedral. and while the queen herself, who is being honored today, is not here, that has not stopped crowds from showing up. while you don't see anyone behind me, this area is all blocked off, there are just lines and lines of people who have been waiting all morning long to get a glimpse of the royal family and they erupted in cheers when they first saw prince charles, the heir to the throne, get out of his vehicle earlier this morning along with camilla. charles will take over responsibility today in the absence of his mother, the queen. the crowd also echoed out an applause for william and kate, the duke and duchess of cambridge. however, it was a slightly less enthusiastic response for his younger brother. harry and meghan, the duke and duchess of sussex will not greeted with the same excitement. we did hear some cheering and also some booing at the same time. this is their first time as a couple attending a royal event since stepping away from the royal family. another person who was not in attendance today is prince andrew who recently contracted covid-19. now, while the queen is not here today, she did kick off the beacon of light ceremony last night as thousands of beacons around the country and the world were lit in her honor at the same time. queen elizabeth ii is the longest reigning british monarch, 35 countries have issued coinage to tribute her. garden parties over 1.5 million people at these parties. so many people have come out here today just to see the possibility of potentially either seeing a vehicle holding one of the royal family members or potentially see someone with their own eyes. there has been so much excitement. it's very calm right now as they await for the supervisors to wrap up. eventually, they will go out to carry on the other festivities and duties that will take place this weekend. we are likely to be seeing more things like the derby that will take place. the concerts. there is so much to look forward to. remember, people have the day off and people are definitely out here in london enjoying every moment of it back to you. >> martha: thank you alex, alex hogan outside of saint paul's cathedral here in london taking it all in. when you watch them come out you will see another set of body language. after the service, often, there is a little bit more casual. >> piers: twitter it looks like. i worked out of the mystery. it looks like there is a front row charles, camilla, kate and william couple other big players edward in there as well. a list. the second row meghan and harry. it has fergie, two girls, janey and beatrice. they seem to be stretched out so when you see the full on picture of charles, camilla, kate, william, you don't see the others in the same frame. they must be in a different section albeit behind each other. >> ainsley: i interpret it as they show the wide shot. i can't believe this is the queen's day and this is what we are talking about. >> piers: because the queen is not there. >> martha: they are on the right, i believe. and charles and camilla are on the left. >> ainsley: we are watching bbc. >> martha: all in the front two rows except edward and sophie are on the right. there is charles and camilla. right next to them we can see in this is bbc. kate and william next to them. >> piers: you think they are on different sides? >> they are across the aisle. when you look at that one picture you saw on twitter. it's walking down the aisle and it looks like they are going that way. and the reps of the family is on this side. >> piers: fascinating. well, we will get to the bottom of this. it's become a detective story. and your absolutes are on this. >> ainsley: there were protesters yesterday did you see that. >> piers: vegan protesters they were hangry. [laughter] >> martha: it was a meat outburst. >> piers: got removed by meat eating. >> ainsley: animal rebels demanding the royal land reclaimed this summer we are taking bigger action against the dairy industry than ever before and we need you. join our #plant safe future talk on friday. >> piers: they came up against the meat of the metropolitan police very quickly and got marched out. wasn't the most successful protest. they always seem very angry to me vegans. >> martha: hangry as you say. >> ainsley: i tried a vegan diet for a little while it was actually pretty good. i got sick of it after a while. >> piers: gruel. it's not actually healthy for your body to only eat vegan. i'm sorry. every bit of science says you have got to have a balanced diet. there is my view on veganism for you. >> martha: now we are looking at beautiful pictures of william and kate. >> piers: she is entering jackie o. territory. >> martha: very good parallel. pier. >> piers: style and classy. what i love about her she never complains. never. you never see her go on television giving some interview trashing her family. >> martha: when she does her events it's always about the other people. it's not about her. it's about the children she is talking to or the issue they are all talking about. she has done a lot of work in the mental health area. in the u.k. so, you know, she is a very selfless, i think in the same style as the queen where these events were always about the people that she was greeting and not about her. it's thought about you. >> piers: good -- >> ainsley: a piers back in the u.s. we say how does she stay so thin what does she do kate middleton diet. you can google it. >> martha: there we have meghan there is he with a smile. >> piers: with ewe janey and husband jack. who else is there no one in front of them i recognize. a few of the older royals. but they are definitely in the second tier. >> princess margaret's daughter. beatrice on the right and beatrice's husband. and then you have got ewe janey. there is harry. >> making a face and having some fun. laughing not laughing so much. his wife talking to him. maybe that's connected. yeah, i mean, look, they are with the kind of secondary tier of royals but they are not with the a list and in the coverage that we're watching, the live coverage, all the focus is on the a list. i think, you know, harry will be, i would imagine, pretty unsettled by the fact that he has now been effectively put down the ladder. >> martha: my seat there pointing? he ends up going in and sitting next to them which has to feel odd. >> ainsley: that picture when he is laughing. >> piers: that picture to me is him thinking what has happened to my life? >> ainsley: how did i get over here. >> ainsley: laughing past beatrice and she is encephalopathy sitting on the end. along looking at some side of the family. >> piers: here is the a list. william, kate; charles and camilla. they are the future kings and queens. now a clear delineation. harry used to be a list. that's really the significance. they have been demoted. >> ainsley: when charles become kings what will camilla's title about. >> piers: the queen consort. she has been afforded that title by the queen significant moment. the queen for a long time after the whole scandal with diana and the divorce. she wouldn't meet camilla. many, many years she refused to be in the same room. eventually they were in the same room at an event obviously orchestrated. had a very brief conversation. and actually they have become now in later years and more recent years much closer. they are actually, i think the queen has a great respect for the way that camilla has become a great rock to charles in the way that philip was to her. camilla, you know, for all people that don't know her because you never hear from her i'm going to tell you i sat next to her at dinner a few times she is extremely amusing company. down to earth. loves a good laugh. i remember last time i spoke president trump had been here and i said, you know, he was telling meal how much he enjoyed your company. he certainly livened things up. certainly did. i bet they rather enjoyed crashing crashing in. >> some of the shows depictional shows not sure it's true. some portray her as not only having intimate relationship with charles but he would always ask for advice. she would come over to diana's house and sit in the living room and talk to diana and talk to him. >> piers: there is no way getting away from it was a very complicated messy love. camilla was married to parker bowles. charles was married to diana. i think for a long time he tried to make the marriage work. it was a marriage that he was encouraged to go into. i don't know how pure the love he felt for diana was given that he was conflicted with his love for camilla. he always said that he did love diana. she certainly felt that he did. ultimately, you have got four people and it was a mess. and you have got people then having affairs and everything else. diana had a lot more affairs than charles. he just had the one woman. >> martha: felt unloved. felt those two cuff link twos c's on her wedding day charles and camilla two c's linked together going to be worn that day. as she famously said there was three of news this marriage and it was a bit crowded. and it is interesting though, all these decades later now to see how it all settles out. who would have thought that diana would tragically die in a car crash in paris? and that she wouldn't be here to witness august of this, to continue raising her sons. and camilla, in the end, was able to step in. and she has been a huge support to charles. i'm sure it is a comfort to queen elizabeth when she looks at charles because she knows she is leaving him in charge eventually when that time comes and she is glad that he has a steady hand by his side. that is settled. >> piers: i'm a big camilla fan and big charles fan. i think he will be a tremendous king. long time to wait. camilla, i think, will be right at his sides as she has been for a long time. she deserves credit for the way she has rebuilt her public respect in this country. >> martha: humility. >> piers: through service and crucially not going on a big tv show and doing an interview trying to explain -- >> martha: for someone always interviewing not a fan of them being interviewed. >> piers: we would love to interview the queen charles and camilla. have any of the royal interviews they have ever been. >> martha: disastrous. contains contains called you i want to interview. >> piers: i would do it tomorrow. i still want to gte my -- of course i would do it. >> ainsley: what's the reaction to boris johnson. >> piers: he got booed on the way in. >> ainsley: reading from the bible inside the church yes he was booed inside. >> piers: reading some lesson from the bible about truth or something which made everyone laugh out loud with scorn. because one thing not renowned for is being truthful. boris johnson is a very beleaguered prime minister right now. a number of his own conservative members of parliament who are publicly speaking out against him. the way it works here is the only way an incumbent prime minister can be unseated is if 54 of his own members of parliament. own conservative mps submit a formal letter that he go. that's the -- we are getting very, very close to that. >> ainsley: how many are in support. >> at least 30 have gone. we don't know how many gone in namesly. the feeling is very soon we may have a full over yet. >> martha: the senior royals have already begun to exit saint paul's cathedral here and watching them as they go behind members of the harry looking serious. >> piers: not a single smile there not a lot of love in the room. everyone in that room is probably pro-upon narky. the perception certainly in this country is that they have been damaging. >> ainsley: across the aisle at their family. beatrice in the blue is on the end. all looking toward the family. more than 400 people there. key workers, charity volunteers, armed forces members. they are all in attendance, and we are watching the live video from the bbc that you can't see in america. and they are lining up at the church doors shaking hands with the clergy, and it looks like they are about to walk out of the church. and, when that happens, we will be able to show you live video because we have fox news cameras outside of the church. irrelevancy pierce i would think it was probably mike tyndall doing something to make harry laugh. they are all friends. they get along well. is he probably in the same row but opposite. he probably did something -- >> martha: probably see a very swift exit here. we will probably try to avoid -- we will see if they try to avoid a moment where they're all standing. >> ainsley: cars will pull up and they will leave. >> piers: we have not seen any interaction between harry and meghan and any of the senior royals. we have seen no handshake, no kiss, nothing. bear in mind, these aren't random strangers, they are brothers, sons, wives, sister-in-laws, it's extraordinary stipulation where they can't even bear to shake hands with each other, painterly, maybe they did and we are about to see the pictures come out later so far nothing. >> ainsley: if you are watching the bbc video. they are all going through. there is a long line at the church door of all the clergy members and every member of the royal family is shaking hands with them as they are walking towards the outside of the church. here probably camilla leaving. >> ainsley: why didn't we see meghan and harry come out. >> martha: they will be after. >> piers: yeah. so they send the big stars out. when they come out, you realize where they are in the pecking order. charles and camilla. william and kate. a listers come first then a bit of a pause. and then it gets to the -- >> martha: climb directly in the car as i anticipate and head out of here but we will see. >> ainsley: we also realize watching all of this getting closer and closer to being will william and kate becoming you know big leaders in this family and in the monarchy. >> piers: looking at people who within the next 20 years will be the king and queen of this country. >> ainsley: this is what it will look like. >> piers: charles will not get that long on the throne. is he already in his 70s. even if he was to live as long as his mother 20 year period not king yet. he won't have that long of reign whatever happens. these two within 20 years i would think maximum the king and queen. >> ainsley: do you think he will ever get a silver jubilee 25 years. >> piers: i don't think charles will. charles and kate silver platinum. what comes after platinum? anyone know? >> ainsley: i don't remember. >> piers: must be the right age to know, dickie. >> make it up. >> martha: double platinum like the album. >> how about we go for uranium. >> piers: that would go down really well uranium jubilee. >> martha: people do look at kate as the future and the person who could potentially that kind of star power royal family. >> piers: edward and his wife. >> martha: anne on the left. >> piers: lawrence, sophia. edward and sister anne. that's how siblings normally have a nice chat, come out together. you have got -- so these are the two -- janey and beatrice, beatrice's husband a grade lad. that's one much edward's boys, i think. >> ainsley: youngest son of the queen those are her grandchildren. >> janey with her son jack. front more college which is where harry and meghan are staying for the weekend. >> piers: princess margaret's son. >> anne's daughter in the hot pink. >> piers: no sign yet of meghan and harry. ains. >> martha: might be lingering. >> a listers are gone. >> piers: we now have a clear delineation top tier and second tier here. harry used to be top tier and now is he not. ainsley: what is the reaction, dickie? >> my reaction is they walked out two years ago and come back really as guests rather than active members of the royal family. they are in the second row and not the front row where they might have been had they not disappeared. and it's very sad. it's very sad for charles not having that rapport with his son. sad for women not having the rapport with his daughter they always had until four years ago. and it is just the future. you could see harry walking down the aisle start of the service he was walking comfort zone. >> ainsley: notice holding hands? >> they always hold hands. >> support from the other probably. >> piers: here they are. finally coming out but pretty well last on the rank looking for an uber. [laughter] >> martha: there he is with zarha phillips. >> very cruel, aren't you? >> piers: i got no time for what they have been doing and time for what damage they have called the damage to the royal family. i particularly disliked it when philip was very sick and dying and the fact they were doing this when that was going on compounding the queen's reaction i found it unacceptable. >> ainsley: what was the reaction eugeney being friends with them and visiting them. >> piers: queen like my mother would be with us against falling out. >> want them all to get on and come back together. all her grand children all her great grandchildren. she wants everyone to get on. of course she does. what do you do when you have -- >> martha: i'm curious if people are cheering or not. >> the queen wants her family to get on. no question of that. >> martha: nice that zarha lingering at the door with elm this trying to make them more comfortable she and her husband mike kendall. very nice. >> youngy members have got to sort it out. can't sort it out for them. >> piers: i don't understand. dickie, why should prince william to sort it out if they in public. if that was my family i would not make any move. you stop yapping. stop criticizing. stop complaining, stop attacking the institution and stop placing your for millions of dollars. that's what's causing the damage. they should be more like this guy mike kendall he married into the family. great guy. very form normal. down to earth. good fun. everyone likes him. his wife is equestrian. olympic standard equestrian they are nice, good fun popular royals. everyone likes them. >> making the effort. one day he will be supreme governor of the church of england. [mantra, will he follow the church in turning the other cheek? the question today is why should he haven't been insulted the way. >> piers: you turn the cheek when being stabbed in the back? >> martha: only thing make a difference if there is an actual change in their behavior. if they start to put messages out there that suggest that you know, it was a difficult time for them. she was having her baby. she said things that she doesn't necessarily mean. that's the only way that i can see any bridge there would have to be something conciliatory that suggests that she was she spoke out of turn or she was misunderstood or she didn't mean what she said. i can't say anything short of that. >> they know harry is writing a memoir and they know from early leaks that he is apparently planning to attack camilla. >> martha: that's a nuclear bomb. >> piers: could happen at the moment his father becomes king. can you imagine anything more damaging to a family than that they have this ticking time bomb of this book to come next. who knows what else they have got planned. always something they are doing. the common common nature of everything they do is it involves criticizing the royals because that's where their currency is. that's very toxic and destructive situation. >> nothing is going to change on their front. as long as they live in california and taking a check from their pay -- turn their back. when they turn their backed from the u.k. now turn their back on the united states on netflix, on everybody that is paying them and come back if they want a reconciliation. >> martha: i don't think they are doing as well in the u.s. as they anticipated. i think the deals that they made has not been as lucrative. he was supposed to do this children's project. they pulled the plug on it. >> piers: netflix gone anti-woke at the right moment. >> martha: church service. they are going to the guild hall reception. dicky, you were the former press secretary for the queen. what do you think is going through her mind right now and is watching this and can't be there because of her health? >> she will be disappointed. she many be reminded of one occasion when she was at the guild hall in 1992. in which she coined the phrase ainise ariblis. joy its occasion to her having to take a backseat while everybody is up front. she would have loved to have been at the service. part of what she is all about. her faith kept her going. >> piers: i think just mobility issues or is there something we don't know do you think. >> i would like to think it's just mobility. look, had two knee operations in 2003 the beginning and the end on the left and the right knee. it's probably come back 19 years to haunt her she is not very good on her pins moving around. yes we saw her at paddington station last week opening the elizabeth line. we saw her at the windsor horse show climbing up the steps into the stand. i think it's long time, long-term movement around. she couldn't do the chelsea flower show. >> piers: some days she feels okay and it flares up whatever it is and causes pain and she literally is in too much pain to move around. >> conceivable on the knees prevents her from moving around that's why she is using the stick not a prop but just there if she needs steadying. >> piers: take a look at that guy wallace because he is the defense minister who many think may end up becoming our next prime minister. the mayor of london. you may remember he allowed the big balloon of donald trump to fly when donald trump came in. to donald trump's fury. tony blair and sherry. tony blair popular in america, still because of his support after 9/11. but unpopular in this country because the iraq war. but that's him and his wife. he was a three-time winner as prime minister. and, in fact, he won again after the iraq war. even though now he is. also now unpopular because of brexit because it was his decision to have a referendum on whether we should stay in the european union which obviously then went the wrong way for him and he resigned the next day. all these prime ministers. quite interesting. a bit like presidents. in the end you get defined by one or two things. can you could all sorts of good stuff but in the end it's one or two things. >> martha: inflation. for blare it was iraq, david cameron brexit always something. boris johnson is party gate. because ultimately that flew as it has in america isn't it, gavin newsom and other politicians there. if you are locking people in their homes and depriving them of their freedom but you yourself are ignoring those rules as the politician brought in those regulations, that is the ultimate hypocrisy. and i think people are very unforgiving of it. >> martha: we are looking at guild hall reception and i see beatrice here and we have -- i have seen a number of people walk. in we have not seen harry and meghan and there is eugeney. they did linger back they may be in one of these cars. >> piers: yesterday they had post trooping the collour: >> ainsley: did beatrice leave the church before harry and meghan did. >> piers: one of those cars. >> ainsley: it wasn't a sedan. it was more of a rolls royce. oh, this is the lady in the green -- in the teal hat that was sitting in front of meghan. and we were trying to find her. >> to identify put my glasses on. >> martha: positive identification on the blue hat, dickie? >> duke of glouster. >> martha: how close is to saint paul. >> about a 10-minute walk. there is prince michael. >> piers: is he most like george. march march looks like. >> queen's curve. >> martha: queen victoria off spring. >> ainsley: you know queen elizabeth when she was a child apparently george the fifth her grandfather he was -- people were scared of him and they say she was probably the only one that wasn't scared of her grandfather. she would take him by his beard and pull him around. the archbishop of canterbury saw him do this pulled him around like he was a horse. >> called him grandpa england. >> martha: meghan and harry were in a range rover, we have not seen them arrive yet. >> piers: tension now. >> will they or won't they. >> piers: here comes the range rover. >> ainsley: what is it known best for. >> known best for large receptions. he has got two options. one his official residence, the mansion house or the guild hall which is very much bigger in its capacity is far greater. >> ainsley: reserved for royalty? >> reserved for the lord mayor of london. he is in charge of the city. the sovereign, the queen actually has to ask permission. >> martha: arriving at the door there. >> piers: he is waiting outside for the a listers. >> martha: let's see who is in this range rover. >> piers: getting to the cheaper cars now. >> ainsley: the queen yesterday in that gorgeous dove blue that ducky dove blue. >> piers: mike is it? ains when she went to back to windsor last night she had a portrait taken in her suit with her jewels on and a lot of jewels will be on display here in london this summer if you are planning a trip. go to buckingham palace and windsor castle a few other spots where her jewels and her clothes that she has worn, wore in her coronation will be on display. >> they're a must to see. >> piers: i have been through a few events at the guild hall they are quite boring to be honest. not exactly fun central. >> martha: we haven't seen harry and meghan yet but the kindles have arrived. >> ainsley: what is significant if they skip this reception. >> one is either snubbed or the other one they didn't receive an invitation. take your pick. i would be surprised if they didn't get an invitation. >> piers: that's pretty patel in the pink home secretary with boris johnson the prime minister or shall i say current prime minister. >> martha: we saw liz ted cruz -- li trust, both given very prominent speeches at easter and after that. basically saying now is not a time for timidy it's a time for courage on the world stage clearly a message that would resonate with the queen. >> piers: he went to see zelenskyy in kyiv took him 12 hours to get there and 12 hours to get back. people have applauded him for doing that popular here. party gay drip, drip, drip. first serving plorm had a police fine for breaking a law and it was one of his own laws who stayed in office into unique territory with boris johnson. >> quite interesting you saying ben wallace being the next prime minister. worst job you can have. once you become prime minister you have a whole cabinet around the table ready to stick a knife in your back. >> martha: good point. we have a photo of the inside of the church and circles on it if you are watching. took over after david cameron. >> piers: that's how far apart they were. you were right you two. i should have trusted you. you see william and kate and we probably should have also circled charles. is he pretty important is he next to them on the right and he and kamala were seated in the reeling thrown style chairs at the end ever the aisle. >> i reckon harry when he was laughing either peter phillips on the end just behind charles. i think that's peter phillips or mike tendle next to him. behind charles on the right there? >> no. peter phillips was on the right-hand side. >> that would be. >> zarha is in the pink. >> piers: who is behind charles to the right of the lady in pink? >> you have a better view of the picture than i have. >> piers: i may be wrong. >> ainsley: how coordinated is this okay you are on the second row. get to the second row and beatrice and sister already in their seats and go to the middle or do they have assigned seats? >> there is assigned seats. their name would be on the seat they can't move it. >> this has been very deliberately done. like you said, this is like oh you are on the bride side or the groom. a list to the left, b list to the right. ains working royals. >> martha: poignant photo that you showed before ainsley and piers of them being pointed to their seats by eugeney and beatrice, harry walked up the aisle knowing his family is on the right and he is kind of like is this us in this row and then they are ushered. in we have a little bit of sound from inside the church of the arrival and i'm told you can hear the response from the crowd outside of saint paul's. so let's listen to this. [church bells] [bells] >> martha: that cannot be easy. >> piers: getting booed by the british public would have been unthinkable. >> ainsley: royal enthusiasts camping out there. they either got out there yesterday. starting camping out. setting up tents, waiting like we saw at the royal wedding when those two got married a much drastic different scene. >> martha: the last time they walked down the steps together in england they were cheered. >> ainsley: we were in windsor covering it martha you are sent to all the royal events for fox because you are so good at covering these and you know so much about the family that day you couldn't go because i believe your son was graduating. >> martha: my daughter. >> ainsley: they sent a team of us to come instead when we were staying in the hotel in windsor. streets were blocked off. people went for probably a week ahead. they drove from miles and miles away. hours away to grab a seat around the castle so that they could see meghan and harry. and it is a stark difference today. >> piers: unbelievable. i never thought i would see prince harry booed. >> i cannot recollect any member of the royal family being booed in this country and i have been covering the royals for a long time. >> piers: not at event like this supposed to be celebratory: that's what happens, dickie when you spend your time in another country trashing the royal family and monarchy trashing the royal family. >> ainsley: your own family. >> piers: i'm not surprised. they have not been here to hear it they are rock bottom in the polls now in this country in popularity for royals. >> that's the headline tomorrow. >> piers: absolutely. >> martha: i wonder when they get in that car as i said we have not seen them arrive at this reception. you got to wonder if they said we're going home. >> cameras would have looked for them. >> piers: exactly. this gentleman to the back to us is the head of the labor party, opposition party here. he should be reveling in boris johnson's party gate. he himself was caught having a cheeky beer in a curry. apparently potentially against lock down rules. he had been enveloped in party gate, too. if he comes through it, then he may be okay. but he has already said if the police do fine him, he will resign as will his number two. we are into very strange territory where we might end up with a complete removal of all our party leaders at the same time. >> ainsley: what's interesting when we are watching this coverage that americans couldn't see the bbc you could only see that here in the u.k. they were very precise in what they showed the audience. they showed a wide shot of the royal working family you couldn't see meghan and couldn't see harry in that shot. we just assumed they were sitting on the other side. when they showed harry and meghan, they zoomed in so tightly you couldn't see who they were sitting around. it was almost like they did it on purpose. now the bbc i heard in an interview this morning with this royal commentary and he said that meghan and harry hold a warm and close relationship with the queen. they want to be as low profile as possible on this trip. how much of this should we believe? is the bbc in the back pocket of the royal family? do they always have glowing interviews? >> bbc are not in the back pocket of the royal family. in fact the bbc and royal family palace at war running things that, perhaps are suspect and then backtracking their coverage of say, for example, the diamond jubilee was absolutely appalling. they acknowledge it. which is why they have gone completely over the top on this one. >> ainsley: trying to make up for it. >> trying to play catch up. they had presenters not knowing who was in the -- not knowing what was going on making banal comments and now trying to make up for it. >> piers: also huge, huge problems over the panorama incident when martin bashir used fraudulent documents to persuade diana she was being the victim of all of this malevolent activity. it turned out to be fake documents. that's why she did the interview. and william was absolutely stinging in his rebuke of the bbc from what he saw as a monumental stitch up of his mother which was an interview which led to the divorce of his parents because the queen watched panorama and said you are getting divorced. enough of this. it had huge repercussions. there is a belief that martin bashir the bbc journalist had used these illicit documents -- >> martha: didn't the document suggest she was being investigated by the family. that they were -- he showed her these documents and said if you don't speak out, here is what is happening behind your back. the royal family is investigating you. and they were fabricated. >> what is interesting nobody really at the bbc and hierarchy has not taken responsibility. they have gone to ground and buried their heads in the sand. talked about investigation. if you start investigating yourself you are not going to prove anything against yourself. it's going to be a white wash. >> ainsley: dicky, thank you so much for being here today. you are a wealth of information. >> piers: he is the journalist version of the queen aren't you, dicky. >> thank you very much. very kind of you. >> piers: that's a compliment. >> piers: if dickie says something is happening it's happening. >> thank you, piers. i will buy you that drink after all. [laughter] >> ainsley: we have continuing coverage of the queen's jubilee live from london right after this break. ♪ ♪ plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore 325 liquid-filled aspirin capsule is clinically shown in a 7 day study to cause fewer ulcers than immediate release aspirin. vazalore. the first liquid-filled aspirin capsules...amazing! it's still the eat fresh® refresh, and now subway® is refreshing their classics, like the sweet onion teriyaki sauce, topped on tender shaved steak. it's a real slam dunk. right, derek? wrong sport, chuck. just hold the sub, man! subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshi- at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to provide flexible pay options and greater workforce visibility today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪ >> piers: in london for the royal family following today's thanksgiving service and saint paul's cathedral where the queen was in too much discomfort to attend. let's bring in jonathan to react. >> good to see you. >> piers: lovely day. the sun has come out again. big service today, the main player not there. significant i think. >> i think it is significant. obviously the queen couldn't be here today. i think this is probably as everyone has been saying one of the things that she most would have wanted to be at. because she is someone of faith. this was a very important moment. but i think the nation understands entirely that at her age with the mobility issues that she has had and some challenges to her health, it's reasonable that she can't make it to everything. and i think it really says everything we need to know about her is that she still wants the nation to have a celebration on her behalf. not just of her but all the things that she stands for. so that's why the show goes on, let's say. and that's why even though she wasn't there, the family represented her. >> piers: here is the problem the show did go on but the family is clearly fractured. we had on one side charles and camilla and william and kate the future monarchs of the country the a list and other side harry, disenfranchised from father and brother with meghan both audible booing when they went in and more when they came out. i have never seen a senior member of the royal family booed like that at an event like this in this country. >> you are probably the one person here i don't need to tell they are not the most highly thought of people in the country meghan and harry. i think that really, actually, the queen and the royal family have behaved quite well and played this one properly. they weren't in the front row and major working royals. that's because they made a decision to step out from that they have made their own life. we can approve of that as much as we want to or don't. what they have therefore been treated here here are guests and members of the families. let's not forget the queen says harry is a much loved member of the family they all are she treated him that way sent her car to get him from the airport. she had him put up. had others kicked out for the time they were there they were with the service. they were with the rest of the family in private yesterday during trooping of the colour. trooping the colour excuse me. they have been treated family not working royals up front and center not to their taste they leave to be front and center. >> i haven't seen a this guild event i was told yesterday after trooping the colour the family mingled together in the garden area in the back of the palace and meghan and harry didn't go to that. they are clearly doing a little of that but not very much. in the polls they are rock bottom. clearly from the family, this is icy between them. there is no warmth there are no handshakes. there is no hugs or kissing going on and these are people who are brothers, sisters, wives, sister-in-laws, you know, this is charles son we are talking about. >> the royal family aren't necessarily ones for public displays of affection. you are right obvious degree of frothiness. we need to try to circuit out speculation. obviously as journalists desperately want to know what's going on. we speculate. very few of us will have any actual insight what's going on behind closed doors. i would assume and this is how we must always start these conversations that there is a lot of tension there. they go out. >> if the royals want to convey a message they are very, very good using the media producing pictures. behind the scenes released. there has been nothing to try to tell the world all getting along with each other again. that to me again rather like the queen's absence today these are significant things which we are watching unfuller. unfurl.this is going to be excig iconic slightly dangerous sharon osbourne will join us as we celebrate the queen's jubilee live in london. ♪ ♪ you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated 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(♪ ♪) (♪ ♪) ♪ ♪ [bells] >> ainsley: welcome to day two of the queen's platinum jubilee. >> martha: we kick off this thanksgiving service but the queen's honoree will not be there. >> she will certainly be there in spirit and she would have been there if she possibly could have been. >> not being able to participate in what is a joyous occasion for her. she would have loved to have be at the service that is part of what she is all about. [cheers] >> the reign has broken every record imaginable. quite unprecedented. >> i can't think of any world leader of any kind in my lifetime that has commanded such respect. she puts the great into great britain. >> this is something that we will never experience again and this is an opportunity for us to celebrate and unify, i think together. >> ainsley: welcome to this fox news special on day two of the queen's platinum jubilee. we are live from london. i'm here with our friends, piers more dan and martha mccallum. we have had a great time here in london and happy to bring you this coverage. >> martha: i'm thinking about this scene we have seen in saint paul's cathedral. it's poignant the queen wasn't there getting a glimpse into the future. and the people who will be there and what the dynamic between them will be and what the reception of the rest of the country is to these people who will become very important in their future. there are little children right now in the united kingdom who will grow up knowing charles as the king or william as the king and, obviously, the queen is very much in place. and hopefully she will be for quite some time. her mother lived to be 101. god saved the queen is the song that ended this beautiful ceremony inside saint paul. must have been very moving for all of them, piers. >> piers: moving but also rather tense. because you have harry and meghan flying in from the united states. being in the same close proximity to their family again for the first time in quite a while. and the tension can be cut with a knife. we have seen no handshakes, hugs or kisses. i'm not sure that meghan and harry have gone to this post service lunch at the guild hall. we haven't seen them. that's the real issue here. particularly important that if they try and resolve this because when the queen is sadly no longer with us, charles will become king, these are two sons no sign of any thawing in that relationship whatsoever i find that, it's disconcerting for the country. try to come withdraw from this event with great reluctance she was experiencing some snorst learned after she had several ceremonies and was walking the entire time we have heard she refuses to ever be seen in a wheelchair she she doesn't that etched in anyone's mind watching here. watching inside saint paul's and the focus all of a sudden turns to meghan and harry. where will they be seated inside the church? it turns out they were not seated with the working royal family members. you had ian and kate. you had william and camilla and charles on essentially the groom's side of the church. and on the bride's side of the church, if you were thinking about a wedding, then had you meghan and harry sitting with fergusony's children eugenie and beatrice. and eugeney -- eugeney. they weren't even on the end. >> piers: they are in working siberia. a list to the left. two future kings charles and son william heir. and their wives. as far as right as you can see i have never seen this certainly with harry he was an a list royal. that decision they took two years ago to quit britain, to live in california to do massive deals with commercials and companies like netflix and spotify for their own personal gain that has caused this chasm now in the family. like a shakespeare play we are looking at here. when you look how close those brothers were and then you think back to watching them walking behind their mother's coffin after diana died and how unbearable that was for all of us to observe and then how they, after that even closer and now completely apparently -- obviously we don't know the full goings on behind the scene, but from what we can see and what we are being shown, they are not enemy same game anymore. >> martha: interesting when you think of king george and his brother known as david and albert. king george, so, you know, those brothers went through a schism of their own. so she watched her father and his brother, who basically left her father holding the bag, right, that he didn't really want to hold by becoming king, so she has lived there family division there were moments according to biography that she reached out and had a relationship with david who had been in exile with wallace simpson. as you say, piers, she experienced you have these two brothers in line to be king who are not apparently speaking to each other at this point and then the booing outside when they walked out. let's watch this again because as you said and dickie said never have we seen royal members of the family booed. ♪ [boos] >> martha: some bughers in that crowd, piers. and, after that everybody went to the party that you are looking at right here. this is a live shot at 1:06 local time here in london they are all at this reception having a social get together after this lovely service. meghan and harrynot in attendan. >> ainsley: i went if they went straight back or going to windsor to spend time with the grandmother. they flew in for the ceremony yesterday. >> piers: on a private plane. >> ainsley: nonstop flight large jet. if it's a small jet they have to refuel along the way. >> piers: i don't know about the carbon footprint. very keen to carbon footprint. i'm wondering how a massive private jet. >> ainsley: the queen sent a range rover and driver to pick up the exiled meghan and harry. the insider believed the queen was the right thing to do and secretly arrived by this jet. invited by three of the queen's protection officers at the airport. they were in bullet proof cars that took the couple to frog more castle or cottage i should say and did arrive with 3-year-old archie lilibet. >> piers: don't know if they used permission for the name. america's got talent together. we had great fun aural be it i always felt slightly in danger in your company. nice to have ainsley celebrating us here. [laughter] >> piers: we are watching a shakespeare play unraveling with family aren't we? sharon sharon we are. the royal family has always been like a shakespearian play for me. i have to tell you when i saw them earlier on, i felt sorry for them. and the way they were parted from the family i felt sorry for harry yesterday, too. >> piers: why should we feel sorry for them given the way they trashed this family in public. >> i know they have and i know they are making their living over talking about the royal family. but, i do feel sorry for him because i think that there must be a huge part of him that regrets. i mean, can you imagine how he felt yesterday with the whole family in that procession and he would have normally been there on one of those horses with his uniform and everything. and that he was shushing children. >> piers: you can't make all this money trashing your family. >> ainsley: i agree with her. when you first fall in love with someone, when he fell in love with her he wanted to do whatever made her happy. >> yes. >> ainsley: she talked about how she had suicidal thoughts i'm sure is he thinking wow she is the mother of my child and now children and i want to make her happy, i'm sure he feels what did i do? i wonder if he is happy, i wonder how many years it's going to take when he is going to say i'm shunned from my family and i >> i think you must, especially when he sees all the babies coming up. like my children are not going to grow up with their cousins. it's got to have an effect on you when they don't have any cousins, aunts, uncles. >> martha: i wonder, sharon, this experience for harry and meghan, like we went over there, pushed to the other side of the church? i can imagine. i get the sense that meghan is the one that says we've been wronged again by your family. there's a possibility that this does not turn them in that direction and makes them dig their heels in harder. >> piers: she's very good at playing the victim and making him feel like a victim. your point, it displays into meghan's mind-set of victimhood, like we are being booed, look at these people. look how they were treated. >> you can't go on around the world saying bad things about your family. in his position, what goes on in the family stays in the family. you don't go out into sheer family. >> piers: i find it very entertaining. you've had a lot of bust ups with family over the years but if you are the queen in the end of your life and desperate to try to resolve it, what can she do, anything? it's because she's seen what's happened to her uncle when he abdicated and i don't think she really wants that for harry. she knows how that plays out. >> piers: would be ban all american women for coming into the royal family? >> no! >> ainsley: it's -- where did you grow up and how does, what does this mean to you? >> my mum adored the royal family. i grew up with much respect for the royal family. i was born in london, and grew up in a place called brixton and i spent 14 years there. but it just means so much, to pay tribute to her majesty. it's just amazing, the way she has so much respect worldwide. you just can't have anything but good things to say about her. >> piers: because she's not political, she doesn't divide people, tell us what she feels about issues. there would've been people with all different views yesterday, with political allegiances. we all felt a sense of pride unity. she's not a divisive person. >> there are always nonbelievers everywhere but they still respect the queen. >> piers: like that song by the sex pistols, "god save the queen." it was really interesting, he still doesn't believe in the idea of a monarchy and i respect that. but he said i do respect the queen, enormously. she says "how could you not?" so for johnny rotten to say that, from the sex pistols, about the queen? >> she's never put a foot wrong her entire life. >> martha: what you think about the future of the family? in some cases, saying what do you think about charles? they did not want to say. it's all supportive, nobody wanted to say anything. >> i love charles and camilla and i think charles has had a really hard time. people always go back to diana and all of that but that was a shakespearean tragedy. you could not write that story. he does not get the respect that he deserves. >> ainsley: what about meghan markle, piers? >> piers: i was cut out of "good morning u.k." sharon said i had the right to an opinion, she didn't agree with it and she got fired after a few weeks. we both went. has a world gone completely nuts? we were paid to have opinions, sharon was on the so called "the talk" and when she talked, she got fired! >> because i did not agree and with an interview with oprah, she said i was a racist. >> piers: and because meghan markle has a biracial background, that i am somehow racist. it was ridiculous. >> ainsley: and both of you are from this area. i'm from south carolina, i can say things about south carolina that may be other people can't say. >> piers: luckily, we are both on tv in the u.k. but we are here with you guys on prime fox television. my message to meghan is nice try, we are back. meanwhile, they are being booed this morning outside of some cathedral. >> ainsley: what have you been doing since? >> i had been seeing a therapist and getting mental help. >> ainsley: it must've been devastating to be called that. >> it was really life-changing for me. i'm not a victim but it was very hard on my family. >> martha: i can imagine. >> piers: it's disgusting what happened to you. i'll take the blame but sharon is a good friend, we go back a long way. we haven't always agreed. >> we fight like cats and dogs. and -- >> piers: all she said was that i have a right to an opinion. that becomes a cancelable offense, the world has gone mad. >> i've had friends for years that say how could you not like harry and meghan? i don't not like them, i just don't have an opinion. >> martha: it has to do with behavior. it's a question of whether or not you appreciate the way that they're handling this story. i never saw either of your comments as related to anything having to do with background. >> piers: one of the things she told oprah winfrey was that they had a secret wedding, marriage. had that been true, the archbishop would have committed a crime and languishing in prison. >> ainsley: was she ever interviewed about that later? >> piers: you know that secret wedding? that was completely untrue. she just says all of this stuff. >> martha: the archbishop said it didn't happen. and she probably said i feel like we are married now? >> piers: if people say why did she lose the case with amber heard, it came down to the court of public opinion to when it was revealed that under oath, she said she paid -- >> $7 million to charity. >> piers: and then she pledged the donation, but that's not the same. you can pledge to do something but you actually have to donate. >> he put it in her name. >> piers: you are friends with johnny depp. how did you feel about the case? >> i was surprised that he actually won back. i was. i mean, i'm happy he won but i was shocked. >> piers: why? >> when you see a woman crying in -- on the stand, i thought automatically the jury would go on her side. >> ainsley: i think we all thought this was a train wreck marriage, they said egregious things to each other. >> they did. it was very volatile. listen, i've been through it. i know that behavior. it was ugly. the whole thing was very ugly. >> piers: it's good to see you folks and be back. >> martha: sharon, thanks for coming by. we will continue to honor the queen's 70th jubilee. fantastic news. ♪ ♪ cala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online. ♪♪ you inspired the lexus es to be, well... more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪♪ i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ when a truck hit my car, ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou >> the tulsa police department said it found a note from the gunman in wednesday's shooting at the hospital, threatening to kill the surgeon and anyone who got in his way. it shows a clear motive, blaming his doctor for ongoing pain following back surgery two weeks ago. the gunman killed his surgeon and three others before taking his own life. thousands of migrants continue to stream across our southern border. the white house is reportedly looking to help, tripling the number of temporary workers from central america through a migration-based employment program. the u.s. has seen a record number of migrants under the biden administration. the georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams raking in money from a foundation that awards millions of dollars to professors and scholars who push for anticapitalist and anti-cop views. >> you can't tell me that capitalism, which has been a catalyst for upward mobility, especially in the minority community, is somewhat incorrect or wrong. >> allegedly, lacey abrams joined this foundation last year and does not share the same views as the foundation. there is a new spelling bee champion after a history-making spell-off. >> b-o-u-c-h-e-l. >> impressive stuff. a 14-year-old from texas won the 94th national spelling bee after the first-ever lightning round. she won with the word "more hen," a type of bird. ainsley and martha, back over to you in london. >> ainsley: we are here with sharon osborne, you're very good friend. >> piers: barely a day went by when she wasn't with one of those little dogs she has. they look very nice but they fight a lot. [laughter] we had a great time judging "america's talent." do you have any talent we should be aware of? juggling? >> martha: what was your favorite act? >> piers: a piano-playing pig. >> martha: who wins the prize? >> piers: the pig but they didn't get very far. could be next seen in a bacon slicer. oh! >> piers: but i remember one time, there was a frat boy guy that broke sticks with his buttcheeks. did you ever think your career would come to this? [laughter] and then there is a ventriloquist. >> ainsley: yes, he was on our show. >> he packs out every show. >> piers: he was making only $500 a week driving up and down america, doing this gig for 20 years. simon cowell kept saying to me "stop pushing up ventriloquist, i can't make any money." my pig won and simon did not pick him up. then there's a million dollar idea. >> he makes a fortune on his merchandise. there all the little puppets. >> piers: he did roy orbison crying, it was a brilliant act. and simon doesn't make a dollar out of it. which gives sharon and i enormous amusement. >> martha: america does have talent. >> piers: seattle -- we used to go all over america but for some reason, any time we did an audition in seattle, absolute lunatics were coming out. the wildest, craziest. the weirdos were coming out tonight. it like a sort of horror movie. >> martha: do remember one of them? >> piers: i can't remember specifics. but i remember thinking anytime i went to seattle, you go to new york, chicago, l.a., you have conventional singers, dancers, jugglers. you go to seattle -- >> ainsley: too much coffee. >> martha: where the parents? why don't they ever say "honey." >> "where is your mother?" >> piers: my favorite thing was filling up the family groups. normally one of them could sing. and i would say look, do you want the good news or the bad news? good news, you are a good singer. bad news, none of your sisters can sing. so we have a problem. >> and then we'd say, would you go on without your family? >> ainsley: oh! the one you can go through, but only if you ditch your sisters. >> martha: yes, she can. >> he would say i'll give you an hour to think about it. >> martha: we did enjoy actually hearing about the seattle talent. we will be back with more royal coverage. ♪ ♪ plus, 70 aircraft flew over buckingham palace and we will show you. it went literally right over our heads, a formation of 70, right over buckingham palace. lots more from london. ♪ ♪ despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 1 week. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your eczema specialist about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ >> we are back with the fox news alert. the main job of the report just released, the u.s. adding 390,000 jobs last month, more than economists expected with 325,000. meanwhile, the unemployment rate remains at 3.6%. that is slightly worse than the predicted 3.5%. there you have it. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, carl e. 70 aircraft flying over buckingham palace to celebrate the queens platinum jubilee. frontline pilot, from the royal foundation and former lead captain on the royal flight, nathan, he flew for the royal family for years. you are part of the royal air force for 18 years, serving this great country. now you have a mental fitness company, thank you for coming on with us. what did you think about that beautiful flyover? you call it a fly past, we call it a flyover. >> isn't it incredible? you could see them coming past the london eye. >> ainsley: it was beautiful and the very beginning but then they flew in the permission of the 7-0." and the whole crowd at buckingham palace, that's what we were broadcasting, everyone just gasped. >> it's showing the best of britain. you had the british army and british royal navy as well. you got to see the beautiful aircraft, with the red, white, and blue smoke behind them. i am really, really proud to have served. but being able to just experience that. >> ainsley: red, white, and blue. what was it like to fly the royal family, and know that the queen is in your hands when you are flying the voyager, the large aircraft above? >> it was a real honor. when people say, what do you miss about being in the air force? it was moments like that. it was fantastic. when you go away with the royal family, you would go on a royal tour. i was lucky enough to go on multiple tours. she would fly them around the world, wherever their events were. it really was an amazing way to finish off my military career. so proud. >> ainsley: where'd you go from there? you just get out of the military at that point. you're the best of the best. they would not choose you to be there pilot if you weren't. thank you for what you do, serving your country. we are happy to be here, your allies. >> you are welcome to enjoy the best of the u.k. >> ainsley: congratulations on the jubilee. okay, don't go anywhere, the coverage of the queen's platinum jubilee continues. right here. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ whenever heartburn strikes get fast relief with tums. it's time to love food back. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums ♪ (johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, it's time tman. ♪ food back. ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights... in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. with leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. ask your doctor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. get ready - our most popular battery is even more powerful. the stronger, lasts-longer energizer max. >> platinum jubilee celebrations continue in full force throughout london and around the world. everybody is recognizing queen elizabeth on her 70th year on the throne. the author of the life of elizabeth the second. great to have you with us and you were at st. paul's, how was it? >> sad the queen wasn't there. we know she was watching on tv. we were told that. even though she wasn't there it was a very powerful celebration of her and all she has done and a rather splendid sermon from the archbishop of york with her love of racing said ma'am, we know you are watching on tv and it is great you are still in the saddle. so a lot of talk of horse racing analogies there. fantastic music and the whole royal family there including two seldom seen members of the ex-royal family. >> you have great access to her family. she gave you her father's wartime diaries to write about her and be accurate. we were chatting and asked you what is it like inside buckingham palace. he said the crown has it all wrong. in what way? >> the crown is a great drama and great tv and looks magnificent. but the plot lines just makes up great phases of her life. everyone can expect their life to be dramatized but it doesn't happen while they're still alive and in the job. so many of the plots, the episode of her plotting against margaret thatcher, that's crazy episodes where you have people who are dead suddenly there they are talking. it is great drama but that's what it is, drama. >> most americans who watch it believe every word. >> people around the world. >> not sure but you do like to see the drama. >> what's interesting is the real life stuff going on now is almost too dramatic for the crown. what's going on with meghan and harry is fascinating. you see them being disenfranchised from the a-list firm. not allowed on the balcony. nowhere near the main players today in st. paul's cathedral. they haven't gone to the guild hall. a real severance going on. they're playing it right on their return. the first time meghan and harry together have been back in the country since next it if you like two years ago. they need to tread carefully. there has been a lot of pain. >> have you ever heard a member of the royal family getting booed. >> i was inside the cathedrals. i understand some people booed and some people cheered them. they have kept well in the background on this trip and told they've left behind their own press team. normally they have press officials with them wherever they go. that's not the case here. yeah, they have been there if you like ex-members of the family. >> what was it like for people nudging each other there they are. >> definitely, people were within the family, people around them were perfectly happy to talk with them and they weren't being cold should erd. i saw one of the princess's husband jack sitting next to harry and -- they share the cottage. it was really interesting to see them. tomorrow are focusing on the fact william and kate on one side on the front row and harry and meghan across the aisle in row 2 >> in the cheap seats. >> not in the v.i.p. area. >> the headlines will be interesting tomorrow. thank you so much for coming on with us, robert. pleasure to have you. we'll be reading in the daily mail tomorrow. do you have a column about it? >> yes. >> tremendous writer. if he writes stuff you can believe it. >> great. >> now we're looking ascans at the crown for the rest of our lives. >> our special coverage continues right after the break. let's check in with bill hemmer. >> i will sit over here and you guys sit over there, all right? just like that. great coverage. it has been wonderful to watch. hoping the best for the queen and her health. good morning in london and good morning at home, folks. we have breaking news on the jobs front. our friday money team. what's happening inside the west wing? the dam is breaking as the main street media reports the biden team can't get it together. how do you spell champion? we'll talk to the spelling bee winner. see you in a few moments friday morning at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ [sfx: fighter jet flying] [tom cruise] tower this is ghost rider, requesting flyby. 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>> the thing was let me point out our prime minister boris johnson did a wonderful reading. he was eloquent. >> he made some lecture -- read some reading about the truth, right? >> but in church. >> let's remember that. >> he got more boos that meghan markle. >> i'm not convinced. a lot of people said he can't get cheers. that must be a first for our london mayor. the bottom line is you can write anything after the event. >> politicians normally get cheers and boos, right, depending on what the persuasion is of the people in the crowd. some will be pro and some against. it is unusual for royals. i've never heard that before. >> they aren't royal, are they? we're talking about harry and meghan. people say they got cheered. equal amount. let me tell you something he looks deeply unhappy when you see him close. i would say he is unhappy. she looked beautiful. i thought beautiful in a hollywood way and sloi descended the step to make sure she got the camera. in the flesh a very beautiful girl whatever people think. >> she was holding his hand walking down the aisle. when you are nervous about meeting a family or if you are dating someone and going to meet his family you want them holding your hand as security. >> circle of friends. the ones you the end to split up and are all over each other if public. >> you the end to overcompensate in my experience. >> it is always the most tactile that say we have decided to go our separate ways. stop touching each other. >> what do you think happens to them in the future? will he get tired of it and he will think i miss my family? >> what really happened and i know somebody close within there. yesterday was a wake-up call as to what he had actually left. particularly as you know again, the military stuff. very passionate about that. >> not wearing his uniform yesterday. >> and all that stuff and the medals. it was all a little bit strange. if something that will resonate of what you left behind, it will be this. i thought today he looked as if the extra wedding that you think not quite sure where he is here bust -- but he is here. >> your ex-wife's wedding? like you are doing it for the kids. it's just like that. the younger royals get on with him. fergie's kids get on them. eugenie in particular. i was at the super bowl and harry and eugenie were there. the younger ones. they are all still quite friendly. i didn't see a single interaction yet. there may be but they've been here for two days and not a single picture of them with harry's dad or harry's brother. that's incredible. >> the big story is tomorrow elizabeth's birthday and what will happen with that. a story going around this morning that the queen has already met lilibet. >> did they get permission to use that name? >> it wouldn't be permission. i think she would have been told and i think harry brought that back. he didn't follow through with legal action. somewhere along the line again -- a mystery. >> they appropriated the nickname prince phillip gave the queen for their child's name without clearing it with the queen. that's breathtaking. >> it is. the bottom line is that's what's turned the public generally. whatever people are saying. >> it is something in america people would be -- lilibet is obviously her -- in her family and it is a private sort of thing. when you look at -- is there another opportunity at this concert where he might see a group of people on the balcony and might it be a chance for a larger group without the queen up there that might include meghan and harry? >> i wouldn't be surprised if there is a convoy to the airport to the private airstrip to the private plane. >> because we've got -- the br*its know that harry and meghan on that platform is not what the public wants. tomorrow we could see others on the platform. it will be so difficult. meghan wouldn't care. i met her as pierce has. very strange girl, very careful connecting to you and you are equally quite forgotten. my memory. interviewed her. i didn't know who she was, i thought she was a beautiful girl. >> opening the suitcases on deal or no deal? >> suitcase number 13. >> the unlucky one. >> exactly. what was she like when you met her? >> i quite liked her. i followed her on twitter with a few of the other stars in suits and all i remember is within three minutes she direct messaged me oh my god i'm a big fan. thanks for the follow. things have fallen a little bit since then. she was -- poor old harry looks like he is trapped in the web and i hope that eventually he wrestles his way out of it. it is sad. the most popular royal after the queen to the least popular down with prince andrew. >> in america all the young girls when he came to america as a single guy they all were trying to get his attention and he could have had one of many american girls. we have to go. >> neil, thank you. >> thank you, piers and ainsley. >> i'll see you at 3:00 this afternoon eastern time. thank you for joining us for our special coverage of the queen's jubilee. >> bill: good morning. friday we begin with america's money and the new monthly job numbers beating expectations. what it says about the nationwide labor shortage and inflation that pummeling your pocketbook. nice day to be in london, would it not? >> it looks like they're having a good time. >> welcome to friday. dana has time off and julie is back with us today. >> i'm julie banderas. good morning on a friday. this is "america's newsroom." the u.s. has added 390,000 jobs last month. better than expected but the lowest growth since april of st

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Aren T , Real , Meet , Thawing , Gift , Grandsons , Change , Dagger , Care , Guy , Beautiful Cars , Bottom , Steps , Church Officials , He Wasn T , Best , Canterbury , Radiant Again , White , Tastes , Fusion , Village One Mile , Virgin , East Sussex , Somebody Else , Down To Earth , South Coast , Camilla Parker , 30 , Breakup , I Don T Think He Didn Love Diana , Bowls , Love Story , Interception , Angel , Saint , Divorce , Media , Games , Peter Townsend , Major , She Wasn T , Chiefous , James Hewitt , Particular , Book , Enemy , She Wasn T Angelic , Counsel , Trashing Camilla , Couple , Whatever , Harry Memoir S , Affection , Loves , Don T Go Out There , The End , Sense And Sensibility , Spencer , Reporting , Weight , Zoom Calls , Camps , Outreach , Focus , The Problem , Olive Branch , Wives , Big Tactile Celebration , Brother , Sister In Law , Prime Time , Racist , Callus , Say , Fergie , Figure , Ways , Material , Panorama , Reconciliation , Careers , Criticism , Lunch , Jubilee Weekend , Butler , Kensington Palace , Stories , 13 , Human Males , Cars , Sons , Paparazzi , Vans , Television Viewers , Teen , Understanding , Coffin , Billions , Happier , Leg , Loss , Gales , 90 , Bubbles , Bathroom , Bathtub , Cold Front , Soap , Big , Camilla Parker Bowls Charles , Newspaper , Call , South Of France , Mohammed , On The Beach , 9 , Cartwheels , System , Revenge Dress , Hi , Pierce , Church Bells , Cheers , Ringing , Light Ceremony , Throne , Milestone , Queen S 70th Year , Beacons , 25 , Jeers , Nhs , 400 , Figures , Charity , Armed Services , Crowd , Of Britain , Energy , Representatives , Flags , Platinum Jubilee , Signs , Pay , Prescription , Taste Sensation , Dry Eye , Room , Xiidra , 0 , , Good , Neighborhood , Eatin , Sweet Emotion , Vyvgart , Participants , Adults , Clinical Trial , Changing , Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies , Myasthenia Gravis , Abilities , Study , Muscle Weakness , Side Effects , History , Respiratory Tract Infections , Respiratory 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Concern , Survivability , Shape , Big Question Tnchts , Princess Margaret , Humble Pie , Official , Permission , Machinery , Princess Market Wasn T 245 , 245 , Pleasure , Embassy , History Of The United Kingdom , Brussels , Sharon Osbourne , Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Me Undetectable , Medicines , Plans , Traveling , Ingredients , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Pregnancy , Fever , Tiredness , Phone , Finger , Vroom , Sales , Vroom Com , To Buy , Driveway , Favorite , Oh Yeah , Alexa , Alexa Smell , Dad , Buick Enclave , Ask Buick , Enclave , Big Game , Grocery Store , Directions , Oh My , Suvs , Snacks , Stuff Works , Roundup Weed , Shot Wand , Money , Weeds , Grass Killer , Root , Public Service , Heart , Theme , Kinsey Good , Schoolfield , Weather , Sign , Sussexs , B List , List , Shots , Teeth , Americans , Lesson , Factions , Actions , Feels , W , Jobs , Middle , Plague , Rent , Allowance , 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, Border , Workers , Central America , Migration Program , Employment , Canada , Axios Reports Spain , Foundation , Record Number , Stacey Abrams Raking , Haitians , Administration , Georgia , Income , Biden , 52000 , Views , Capitalism , Watch , Scholars , Professors , Who Push For Anti Capitalists , Fox Friends First , Community , Casey Foundation Board Last Year , Minority , Catalyst , Allegedly Abrams , Spelling Bee , Champion , 94th Scripps National Spelling Bee , History Making Sell Off 14 , 94 , 14 , Hen , Lightning Round , Round , Words , Word , 22 , Congratulations , High , Bird , Studies , Inflation Fallout , Latest , May Jobs Report , Todd Piro , Bad News , Sector , Payrolls , April , Job Gain , 128000 , 202000 , Companies , Home State Of Delaware , Employers , Job Openings , Vacation , 2020 , April 2020 , Track , Economists , Gallon , Record Highs , Gas Price Average , Tanking Economy , Gasoline , Switch , Cost , Back To You , Soil , Founder , Etiquette , Etiquette Experiod , Beaumont , Program , Dinner Table , Micah Meyer , Plaza Hotel , Gam , Grandma , Relateddable , Humanizes , Prayer , Child Making , Who , Hasn T , Screen , Big Sister , Beat , Kid , Laughter , Odd , Wave , Strangers , Pages , Rock , Fifth , Rights , Responsibility , Seating , Protocol Etiquette Specialist , Arrangement , Renegades , Bride , Seating Arrangement , Sun , Eugeney , Royal Watcher , Timing , Outlaws , Wessex , Shot , Fault , Beatrice Andrew , Haven T , Working Family , Qualification , Sweet Ladies , Feelings , Myka Meier , Manners , Audience , It S Friday , Bells Toll , Applause , 35 , 1 5 Million , 1992 , 2003 , 9 11 , 12 , 325 , 7 , 101 , 06 , 3 , A Million , 7 Million , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , A Million Dollar , 390000 , 3 5 , 325000 , 3 6 , Eleven , Thirty Seven , Forty Two ,

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