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Major overhaul of the speech or speaker Selection Process persons are the no changes we dont know for certain. We know more about the selection of the miss america then we do about the next speaker of the house and second in line to the presidency. Kevin mccarthy of california does have the majority of the majority of the House Republicans behind him. That you need 218 votes and can only lose four and four already said they were level for him. Will split all play out on tuesday at noon eastern. The next big question is what are the rules of the house . Will they be able to vacate the chair thus forcing john boehner to step down the speaker . Committee chairs have unilateral Subpoena Power . Will they end proxy voting how wild will they go with your marks . After that vote trying to accomplish three major things, things, first you have to actually legislate its much more difficult in the scenes and republicans made a long list and they will be judged by their ability to get out of the house will they address Energy Immigration and massive Government Spending will they pursue impeachment of secretary mallorca said republicans try to have say balanced Budget Amendment . They need to find the government unfortunately for the House Republicans appropriation through September 2023 were put in place last month with the mammoth trillion dollar omnibus took away the power of the purs purse, the irs the fbi in fact everybody got more money, yet they Must Immediately begin working on the 2024 appropriations republicans promised to get back to regular order in the appropriations process to allow all members to participate. We shall see and we shall invoke the powers that come with Rigorous Oversight Republicans now have Subpoena Power but as my former colleague likes to say its only as powerful as your ability to have an enforced. On how those subpoenas were enforced and people are prosecuted but see if those are true when someone else has the gavel or those compliance for the Judiciary Committee to see how traditional the media is in those stories and remember the omnibus . Health of 18 republican senators the new majority not have the power of the purse to help compel compliance with oversig oversight. So what will happen in the new congress . Here to give their perspective is texas congresswoman along with iowa congresswoman thank you for being here. Happy new year. Both of you have now experienced the majority so tuesday is a different day so congresswoman what do you think tuesday will part ten portend. First things first thank you for having us both on the brain is finally coming to an end so less than 48 hours the republican majority will officially fire nancy pelosi as speaker. Talk about the irs getting the new money hopefully we can fire all the new irs agents i we do it all before lunch. We have a long list of things to get done with the republican majority and the priorities are to be that of the American People. It is about stopping the wasteful outofcontrol spending we have been spending like Monopoly Money and focus on Energy Production and producing here at home not rely on Venezuelan Oil and talk about the border and immigration and how important that is 233,000 Illegal Immigrants across the border last month we have a long list of priorities and im ready to get to work on january 3rd. Jason what do you think will happen on tuesday because the election of Kevin Mccarthy as speaker doing everything he could do to those who are Still Holding out how we vote what you think will happen on tuesday . We need to get a speaker because before we can move on to get any of the fishman on freshman you have to have a speaker so the vote we will have on tuesday is extraordinarily important and i hate to say as soon as we get the majority this is how we start off there are way too many things we need to focus on when we are in the majority look at the weaponization of the federal government since abided administration took over the 87000 irs agents mentioned they need to be brought to the border because Border Security is important and how we have weaponize the doj those that silence conservative members and is not sexy but Regulatory Reform small and Large Businesses and Working Americans and finally focusing on Security Making sure we are not spending much we have seen one. 7 trillion of the omnibus bill that is we deck on ridiculous also order security and National Security exactly what the congresswoman was saying on the National Security right now allowing millions of people to enter the country and then Energy Security when we look at what we have Reliable Energy to get the economy back to stop all of the unnecessary and predatory we put on the Energy Industry to have them help. Jason congresswoman you have to go through the appropriations process but only one time since the 1972 budget act was passed good they go through regular order top to bottom but i dont know how you can do that theres always a cog in the wheel so what is your expectation going into the new 118th congress quick. Youre right we do need to restore regular order accountability comes to the appropriations process i guarantee i have tough questions and he does have to come before the committee for the department of Homeland Security we want to make sure customs and Border Patrol agents are funded properly but we do want answers and accountability it is coming in we fully expect to enact the process also looking at changes to the rules pain package outofcontrol spending i introduce legislation that requires a cbo score an impact on inflation being put into the rules package so we have those mechanisms in place to real that it. C will see a real change of how we look at the process both on the floor of the house command through the committee process. A Welcome Change as nancy pelosi doesnt have the gavel anymore congratulations and good luck thank you. Happy new year. Tuesdays election will set the tone how the new gop majority will legislate is there a call for Bipartisanship A Push for accountability . And what does it mean for america . Lets ask Fox News Contributor one of her favorites happy new year. Youre never at a loss for opinions what is your expectations . But i will remain cautiously optimistic we want republicans to do something that is the biggest thing please for the love of god that we expect to be Speaker Mccarthy i am not his biggest fan i will readily admit that but i think there are a lot of republicans that are craving unity the democrats fall in line and when push comes to shove but for some reason we cannot do that i understand the pearl clutching and these holdouts and they have done a good job to make concessions however we want to see unity we have this majority in the house alone please us get together republicans on a united front. Jason i think its part of the dna that they believe in centralized government so when they say do something they do it but republicans believe in selfdetermination and making their own decision so its really hard to get everybody moving in the same direction but with those ideas like locking down the border and border enforcement and with those basic things how do we not get united. It needs to be freedom in America First we have to make sure those are big priorities i will also say that there are a lot of conservatives and republicans that want to see these investigations happen we want found she to be called to the table and big tech doj and the list is long but we have to explain to the American People why these investigations are worth time and taxpayer dollars if we dont do that we will be no better we have to explain to the American People why these are important and if we can do that the American People will see this as a waste of time and energy and resources messaging. Theres a lot of things we need to do when reducing inflation making sure the economy is back up and running and with this agenda. So if we do not message and are unable to message then we will lose and not when another election. It is up to us to be better with messaging. We have to do something. Thats a very important part of it. So to explain why you are looking at them. Because they will already put their spin on it to try to delegitimize anything from investigations and they have already written the headlines every step of the way. You are one of the best thank you tommy joining us on the next revolution. Stay with us. We will be right business can happen anytime, anywhere. So help yours thrive and stay connected with the Comcast Business complete connectivity solution. Its the largest, fastest, reliable network. Advanced gig speed wifi. And cyberthreat protection. Starting at just 49. 99 a month. Plus, you can save up to 60 a year when you add Comcast Business mobile. Or, ask how to get up to a 750 prepaid card. Complete connectivity. One solution, for wherever business takes you. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. Jason welcome back the biden regime keeps breaking records and not in a good way. Fiscal year 2022 the United States saw a Record Number of more than 2 million migrants enter the country illegally no doubt in part because the democratic establishment encouraged it from the very beginning. I would make sure there was a surge to the border. My message to them as you are not alone and we stand with you and tell them that a new day is coming. I would be delighted we have plenty of room for more residents. We have a shortage of workers in that country and the immigrants up north we need the them. The ultimate goal is to help the dreamers that get up path to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented. Jason the democrats love to say they are the good guys the party of compassion the soul of the nation but they dont seem to care what happens once they cross the border right now there is a backlog of one. 6 million asylum cases with an average time of more than four years. And where they waiting . Often times in Migrant Camps makeshift migrants even on the street. What are these people supposed to do . They havent sold a pack of lies by the democrats only to be abandoned in the coolest fashion once they get here you some at the Massachusetts Democrats in migrant showed up in their Sanctuary City they loaded them up on buses and shipped the madison as possible the Kamala Harris invite the migrants dropped off in front of her home for a cup of eggnog . Of course not then drugs 650,000 pans of narcotics received at the border another that represents just a fraction of those making its way to America The Crisis has been untenable for years and migrants continue to be used as ponds both as the democrats and the criminal drug cartels i completely control the border and as a result americans are forced to deal with the aftermath of drugs and crime not to mention the overburden of the School System the democrats have intentionally created a crisis and have willfully refused to do anything about it. All for their own shortterm political gain. Its cool and second we need accountability right now. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas has one of the worst examples of dereliction of duties we have ever seen and he needs to resign and if he refuses congress should impeach him in the American People deserve better joining me now with reaction former Acting Director of i. C. E. Along with resident fellow center from Immigration Studies thank you both for joining us. You dedicate your life to this but explain to people the difference if you come to a Port Of Entry and claim asylum thats different than going in between the Port Of Entry and crossing illegally. It is i try to explain that to aoc during the country. On during the hearings. It is a crime and is in code 1325. But with these asylumseekers i have been saying that nearly nine out of ten dont show up in court or they dont qualify so just coming out the study to do a pilot guess what . Is worse than even i thought. 93 percent lost their case. Only 7 percent showed up to what happened to those 93 percent and others that dont qualify . They are not even looking for them. I have talked to people in nice command. They have been told dont even look for them and as a matter of fact looking for people that did not show up not to detain them or arrest them but counsel them tell them to show up in court. This is what my agency has become its no longer Law Enforcement and it is very sad. Jason you used to be an Immigration Judge so explain to us there are millions of people that are not showing up for the court hearing, or four years in advance so what are they supposed to do for jobs . They are not here legally what do they do for jobs and healthcare in school . Democrats did not think that through. Its worse than that because a lot of these folks pay seven or 8000 to come to the United States but many dont have that many so the enter into agreements with the smugglers for work in the United States in substandard conditions so the idea that slavery exist in the United States in the 21st century should be enacted by every american back in 2014 Vice President joe biden talked about how children being brought to the United States are physically and sexually abused why is nobody talking about these issues today . Its important for people to understand but nobody is talkin talking. Human trafficking that is going on there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors released two we dont know who. And they want to call the Trump Administration inhumane . Those enter into the country since joe biden became president and the government has lost track of 40 percent under the Trump Administration we bet everybody in the household this administration said we cannot do this because then it looks bad and admit the borders in a crisis someday we will find out they are forced through child porn or force labor or living with predators and some we will never find it was humane because of them immigration was down 83 percent when 83 percent less people are coming to the country how many are not dying crossing the river are not being sexually assaulted how many known suspected terrorists . Since joe biden became president we have 1700 dead migrants 100,000 dead americans. This is not humane like they claim they are. Jason i think we are failing the people as a moral obligation to them but if you studied this you have looked at this what do you think americans are missing in this equation . What would you say to them about what the reality is quick. The first thing is the sheer numbers. Tom alluded to it before. Two. Two millions apprehended 599,000 evaded Border Patrol agents when in a recent poll , 87 percent of americans underestimated the number of migrants coming into the United States illegally. They also need to know about those smugglers and the conditions a live once they hit the United States. They dont have the right to work so they are dependent upon the space and sleazy and corrupt employers to give them jobs with subpar conditions and the Biden Administration has stopped Work Site Enforcement we can tell you that if you dont go after the employers then you missed that put those in unsafe conditions this is a real problem huge problem for the United States at a huge cost on the states and municipalities. Thank you for your dedication to this problem the Biden Harris Administration chose to do it this way and it is fundamentally wrong thank you for joining us tonight. As a federal government engaged in Electio Jason welcome back most americans know the federal agency dont have the power to influence elections they are supposed to be neutral and uninvolved. Guess what cracks both americans most americans are wrong because of an Executive Order that pretty much flew under the radar. At the beginning of his presidency biden signed an Executive Order 140192 directs agencies to partner with state local tribal and territorial Election Officials to protect and promote the exercise of the right to vote and only discrimination and other barriers and expand access to Voter Registration and the key part, and accurate election information. That roughly translates to having a handpicked political appointees creating plans to increase Voter Participation by spending your Taxpayer Money. Sure we need more americans to register to vote but why is It Ministration Being so secretive . Of our they have ignored public records request for the Political Partnership and i dont blame them the white house has no authority only the State Legislatures and to carry out this order they have violated several laws so lets be honest the only reason biden signed Executive Order to ensure democrats remain in power in perpetuity it should be for transparency the federal government is not the first to put his hand on a scale in favor of one party or another. The president and ceo of the foundation for Government Accountability who sued bidens Justice Department for stoma stonewalling request on the implementation of this federal election. Thank you for joining us. Explain what you saw and what you are doing and the court fight to expose What Biden Put in place with the federal government. Jason you explained it well. Just days after the president was sworn into office he issued an unprecedented Executive Order commanding literally hundreds of federal agencies to increase Voter Registration and Voter Participation to get out the vote. We elect to lead the federal government and the white house and congress that now we have our federal government using tax dollars and the bureaucrats to influence elections. So we sued and said lets see the plans you have seen the agency to provide we want but we got back the redacted documents what are they hiding . And this is appropriate they should be transparent but instead they delay and deny and hide. Jason there are millions of federal employees donating to democrats they are in charge of the bureaucracy at the moment and then think of the federal employees but yet when you ask for those documents they claim Executive Privilege is my understanding that the president has Executive Privilege and they will not release the plans on how they are participating in elections. You are absolutely right and it is ridiculous to think something as fundamental as our right to vote has been implemented on the refused to turn over the documents. It would be easier if elon musk took over the Department Of Justice to get the information, but instead we take the Department Of Justice to court to see what their plans are. Part of the suit that i read is that the federal government would partner with selected and approved nongovernment organizations with ngos that they approve. It wasnt open to everybody but only who they selected. You are absolutely right potentially having federal tax dollars contract with partisan groups to increase Voter Participation. Its what Political Parties do but the president is trying to do it through Executive Order and our tax dollars and this is part of the unaccountable and outofcontrol federal government. We need to put a stop to it and hold their feet to the fire thats why we sued them. To Stand Up And Fight and push back and when. Jason you doing a great job Executive Order 14019 we did for yourself you will be disgusted as i was. I do prevail in Court Everybody deserves to know how they are taxpayer dollars of all assets are being used to help one party alone. Thank you very much. Buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork thats preventing you from doing what matters most . Then get the all new Epson Rapidreceipt Smart Organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. Receipts go in, and stress goes away. 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Its hard for people to know how much their Accident Case is worth. Let our Injury Attorneys help you get the best result possible. The Barnes Firm Injury Attorneys call one eight hundred, Eight Million jason president Zelensky Travel to the united on the white house to collect his early Christmas Present of 2 billion in additional Security Assistance to be used on the ongoing war with russia than days later ukraine received another 45 billion from the omnibus bill passed by Congress Since the start of the war the United States has given over 110 billion to aid ukraine. Thats a lot of Money Washington establishment things they have the authority to hand out a blank check to anyone but there needs to be some sort of accountability to ensure that Taxpayer Money is spent on what supposedly is being spent on thats why some republicans push for Oversight On Ukraine Funding but of course the Democrats Lofted and labeled it russian propaganda spent the whole oversight makes me crazy because the focus on that is part of russian propaganda all the stories how the money that they are spending the money really well thats why they are winnin winning. Jason is not just ukraine look at what they have done on the border the new bipartisan spending on investments draw city take the hundred Million Dollars from cbp and gives it to fema through grants to pay for sheltering and other services the preparation will encourage more Illegal Immigrants to cross the border just received free shelter and also. 5 billion for the cbp Border Management that cannot be used to hire officers for expand Border Security so what is the point . There is a serious need for physical oversight in the Biden Administration be here with the reaction whos on the Oversight Committee a congressman from maryland who is on the Appropriations Committee thank you for joining us tonight. How do we have oversight of What In The World is going on in ukraine . We have a chance passing the omnibus bill to put in language i cannot understand why the democrats would refuse. We are printing and borrowing the money. Europe is lending it to ukraine we are giving it and we cannot ask for an Inspector General to determine if it goes to the people in pleasant places of weaponry . Jason you would think after what we saw happening with afghanistan the Inspector General there told us hes not less than half the money actually made it there was lining peoples pockets on the way. Talking about immigration your help to champion what is going on with the ngo that acronym nongovernment organization. What are you trying to get out and what is the money flowing . They are playing a game of deception to claim that us tax dollars are not to facilitate into the migrants but they are the money is going there through the ngos in this administration and dax on dhs is not coming forthcoming because there is hundreds of millions or billions going to the ngos but they will not tell us how much so i cannot wait so we can ask how much is being sent to the illegals and what their plans are going forward. Jason congressman harris i think its fair to call you a physical hot on physical hawk wanting accountability but now republicans have control how do we do that . Its such a Target Rich Environment where do you plan to spend your time and effort . As you know because you were in congress the Appropriation Bills come through they may have language and directing agencies giving them direction we could do that to the appropriation bill. I think these are the bills i have to pass every year and lets have the argument and find out why we need an Inspector General if we spend here in the United States but not if we spend 100 billion overseas protecting somebody elses border while not protecting hours. That is the point. What is your biggest concern of you have been in congress . You get to be in the majority for once, what is your biggest concern . We are spending far too much money. And i think the debt is the number one threat to the National Security moving forward. I would like to start that discussion with the balance Budget Amendment. In almost happened 25 years ago and following very closely and we cannot understate the threat to china those things are very important to address immediate immediately. Jason joe biden says he will not do anything differently you saw the Election Results and said he wouldnt do anything different can they force on term limits or a balance Budget Amendment quick. My understanding is a will have a balanced Budget Amendment vote it will die in the senate that americans should understand that printing 4 trillion the last few years that literally printed the money resulted in inflation 15 percent everything is higher for americans because you cant get spending under control and thats you have to explain balance your budget at home and we balance in washington. That seems like a simple premise leading the states decide and to rebalance the book or just keep printing the funny money . Good luck tuesday will be a big day to see what happens. Sta ill never forget the day i nearly died. I was a Young Journalist with a great career starting a family. The only way we found out i had any kind of heart issue was when i went into sudden death. My coworkers sprung into action. Theyve recently been trained in lifesaving Cpr Protocols developed by the American Heart Association. Theyre the ones that kept me alive until the medics came. They did many tests on me in the hospital after my Cardiac Arrest and created a treatment plan, all with research from the American Heart Association. I think unless you are a Heart Disease patient, you may not know how much work the American Heart Association does behind the scenes to save your life. Since my Cardiac Arrest, ive had two more children. Ive watched all three of my children grow into adulthood. Im going to cry now. Graduate from college. My daughter got married. I have grandchildren. Im still here. Learn more about the American Heart Associations work at helpheart. Org jason lets bring in this weeks closer. There is a lot happening going into 2023 but i would you start on a serious note because you and i have been friendly but im concerned about this navy lieutenant. Tell our viewers the situation and why we hope this sailor is able to be brought home he is being detained in japan but tell the story. Thinks jason i am a retired army states colonel we need to back her people and take care of them when something wrong happens he was coming back with his family and suffered all on Altitude Sickness and made him drowsy to japanese nationals were killed. Hopefully they have been taken care of. Their families have been compensated for the loss. America needs to step up and address that. It is a tragedy. But it was compounded he was charged by the japanese, tried and convicted of negligence and was sentenced to three years in jail. To the efforts of you another Great Americans be convinced this completely and misguided pentagon to step up and continue to pay his salary so his family was not sent into poverty. But United States government has failed to get with japan to find a solution to bring the sailor home. So those who are willing to put their lives on the line that we dont have your back right or wrong we need to make this right that this was not a crime. Bring our sailor home and use all diplomatic means to do it and sadly thats not being done britney yes rich know . That is unacceptable. You would think with a friendly nation such a partner of ours that we could get this done and im hopeful the State Department and the Biden Administration can get it done. Shifting years lets talk about what is your biggest concern and worry going into 2023 . That republicans will continue to act the same way they did in 2022 we were expecting a red tsunami there is plenty of blame to go around through the establishment and personalities and we need to make a change at the rnc. We need to back Kevin Mccarthy he has one into separate election cycles and deserves a chance to be the speaker and overseeing the administration. Somebody needs to have an intervention with mitch mcconnell. I dont know what happened to the guy who was the best Parliamentarian Leader but in the last year he is allowed people to talk about amnesty, gun control to pass a horrible omnibus. Somebody has to sit down to say get it together and i want to see a powerful primary. He has a right to and a lot of people who love it but there are a lot of people i want to hear from pompeo, desantis Asa Hutchinson i see no reason but there are just a lot of arguments and we should not be afraid of them we should get out there and have them make the case to see who will be the best person to lead us into the 2024 election and take our country back. Jason i never doubted your ability to speak decisively and take a position and let it be heard. You have passion. We need energy and passion. Thank you so much for joining us we hope you have a wonderful happy new year into all the men and women serving out there and First Responders , god bless you. Keep it up. Have a great new years. Steve hilton will be back next week. Thank you for watching have a happy new year. From our family to yours. Happy ne

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