Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 2024070

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240708

europe. and the pentagon accused moscow of planning a false flag operation to justify innovation. let's bring in retired four-star army general jacket keynote. he is a fox news senior strategic analyst. general kain welcome. so that was some spectacle in beijing. the two leaders meeting face to face in issuing the long statement the shared principles are. how closely are they working together? from how big a threat is this to you u.s. interest customer it is a threat and one giving us more concern as we watch this relationship grow and develop. they clearly have become partners. literally what has brought them together is the fact they look at the united states as an adversary particularly much larger than that the country in their region that are aligned with the united states. and they see clearly that is not in their interest. both of them went their own sphere of influence by not only in the region but when it comes to china they clearly want to replace the united states as the world's a global leader. this is what has brought them together. they have other things that aren't common. we were press their own people at home. they purge the political opposition to them. they have both become considerably more aggressive in their regions. and that is why we have the crisis dealing with russia and ukraine for that's we have a growing crisis dealing with taiwan in the indo pacific after the chinese communist party crushed hong kong. >> one of the things that came out of this statement was an endorsement by both leaders and a xi in but no more nato expansion, not to add any more countries. i would expect she would exhume some reciprocity from putin if he does anything regarding taiwan. is that the way this is going to work is that they have their own priorities on those expansionist priorities. >> i think that it is likely. what gives the department of defense some concern here stoneleigh department of state as well, having dealt with this issue just recently with the department of defense, i can tell you there is a growing concern there. our defense is now the united states military is organized to fight one major conflict and attempt to deter another we could not do both. that is a fact. we could in the past. but we are much too small now to deal with that kind of reality. so that is a growing concern we have where we could have an incident dealing with taiwan and then putin takes action with poland, or with the baltics, to really run the gamut here and try to break nato once and for all. so yes this is a growing concern. they come together and exercise they are not interoperable like the united states and nato allies where they organize, where they have a common chain of command and they are organized to function on the battlefield together. they are not that level of sophistication. but i do not believe they need to be of the geopolitical influence that they want to have. paul: i want to get you to respond to comments made by some in america particularly senator josh hawley of missouri who said that united states should essentially concede vladimir putin's point ukraine should never become part of nato. no one thanks ukraine would part of nato anytime soon. he wants basically for us to agree to what putin demands. what you think about that? >> will be absolutely shameful. and i think somewhat reckless to make that kind of a concession. putin has been pushing back on nato for 20 years to undermine it, to create divisions particular between the united states and nato members. at some point attempt to break it. that would be a concession on the path to eventually breaking nato. there would be other concessions to follow listen, if we went anything done with mr. putin over 20 your experience with him with multiple presidents, as you have to stand up to him. you have to be willing to accept some risk. it is not all about diplomacy that this administration believes. and as the obama administration believes it. you have got to show some strength in that backs up our diplomacy. that is the failing we've had largely in dealing with mr. putin for 20 years. >> are right, the other big news this week the u.s. dispatching 3000 troops a thousand from germany, 2000 from the states. to shore up the eastern flank of nato. was that a smart move or not? >> yes. but it should have been done at the first provocation. the first provocation was in the spring. that was the beginning of a test for president biden from absolutely convinced of it. we put close to one 30,000 troops on the ukrainian board event. we should have done as a result of that is significantly increase our advisors to help the ukraine. we made the policy statement which i support, we are not going to put the u.s. and nato forces in ukraine to defend them because they are not in a line country. but we are going to help them defend themselves. well, that's the case let's do that. let's get all in. but the advisors in there we should have given the ukrainians and then eight list of things they really need to be on antitank and small arms weapons particularly anti- aircraft antiship weapons and other things are really on their shopping list. that would've got his attention then. and that is what we should have put the forces into nato. it is not deterring putin it's reassuring our allies on the border that feel this pressure from putin. particularly in poland on a regular basis. the baltics and romania and bulgaria. they all feel that pressure continuously from him. so yes we should have reassured allies then. it certainly is a good move now. but i believe strategically the administration is made a mistake. they believe they are trying to deter an invasion based on actions we will take after the invasion. i think the basic premise is hollow. and if putin invades going to be obvious that strategy has failed. subjects are right jack keane thank you for joining us. we come back as the winter games get under weight new warnings do olympic athletes over privacy and free speech. grs in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. 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>> uncertain with the intent. what it is also showcasing as a totality in nature of she jinping to china. this is where athletes cannot speak out freely without risking cannot turn on the phones or bring them. this is something chinese citizens have gotten used to. it's a dominating every aspect of her day-to-day life. i think the american public should pay attention to this request he said the kind turn on their phones, they can turn on their phones the risk is they are going to be listened to, right? they're going to be spied on that is the problem, right? >> they cannot take the personal phones of the personal laptop they will be spied on for sure. paul: dan, the games are supposedly about brotherhood, a political and all that there's always been a political edge to some extent to the games are often there is. what do you make of the spectacle of xi jinping meeting with vladimir putin and making the grand strategic statement about their shared common interest, essentially at the games. >> it is quite extraordinary, paul. something out of the 1930s really. in the years leading up to world war ii. here you have the leader of china, the leader of russia signed this 5000 word statement criticizing implicitly in the united states. saying they are joined in resisting nato the primary alliance the freedoms in the western world. the idea that the olympics are in a political event has been turned into a mockery by xi jinping. essentially what is going on here, i think in some way there's a benefit to this thing jillian was just describing. the world really has had a difficult time coming to grips with the fact it does need to shape a political active offensive a political policy to resist these two powers. it does take a lot of coalition building to do that. when you see something like this happening with the whole world a whopping is that many people will watch the olympics. i think it helps to build the kind of political support that is going to been integrate a plan for the obvious aggression policies and implementations about china and russia are doing. paul: and jillian do you expect some athletes to make a show or demonstration? i know the ukrainian team for example walked out of the opening ceremony. but, putin looked like he was falling asleep as they did it no doubt as a way to show his nonchalance about the ukrainians. do you expect some to make a statement about the uighurs for example hong kong? what do you expect? >> i think we'll have to see. feng shui is another thing they might bring up. the tennis player key is a chinese senior official of the sexual offenses. >> she has now disappeared basically. >> very disturbing. i think a lot of these athletes to feel under pressure to do it. it is at enormous risk we do not know what will happen. as the broader effort not only its own people but people around the world. i don't think we are going to see that stock of these olympic games. >> jillian when you expect from nbc who is broadcasting this to americans. do you feel they are obliged to talk about these other issues with china? >> up so is only honorable thing to do. whether or not they do it we will see they risk getting kicked out of the country. there have been some disturbing side there's an msnbc producer tweeting about china's alleged human rights violations for there's nothing alleged about these per the evidence is overwhelming. i like to see nbc come out in front of this it is the context in which these games are happening. paul: dan when you make we don't have a lot of time. when you think of nbc i what they should be doing and what are they likely to do? >> i think they will address some of these things appeared on bc fundamentally paul is economic interest. they have a huge investment in these games and xi jinping more broadly his position is i have got all of these western interests deeply involved, economic interest deeply involved in china. there is nothing they can do about my policies because they are so invested here. that is his assumption. i think it's up to our political leadership to disabuse him of that assumption. i have a hard time seeing economic interest like nbc and many other corporations are going to push back. >> right thank you both for to make about president biden heads to new york city as the administration scrambles to address a surge in violent crime. his plan to crackdown on illegal guns enough? your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> answers not to abandon our streets that is not the answer for the answers to come together, placing communities, and building trust and making us all save or bring the answer is not to defund the police. it is to give you the tools, the training, the funding to be partners, to be protectors on the community needs you know the community. >> prison biden thursday in manhattan saying defunding the police is not the answer to new york city's growing crime problem for the president meeting with new mayor eric adams and governor kathy hochul to outline the admits ration effort to combat gun violence the trip came one day after a second new york city police officer was laid to rest. one of two shot and responding to a domestic violence call. as the administration scrambles to address a nationwide spread in violent crime but were back with dan henninger and wall street journal columnist kim strassel. dan, the president clearly trying to distance himself from defund police attacks, associate himself from the perception the democrats are soft on crime and heart on police. did he accomplish what he wanted? >> no i don't think so, paul. to have the president come up to new york and align himself with mayor eric adams who has really got a heavy lift trying to get a handle on crime in the city. they both talked about stopping the flow of illegal guns coming up from the south. we have been doing that for about 25 years. it is a problem but it's not the core of the problem. bactrim the 20 years of the peace during giuliani and bloomberg administration of police commissioner ray kellyanne bill bratton who had forces out on the street identifying people with guns and arresting them before they could do violence. mayor adams is going to try to reconstitute that anti-crime units. he is going to need a lot of political support to do that. but joe biden and the rest of the democrats by and large do not talk about criminal policing on the streets. the big question is, do the cops have the political support have the elected democrats questioner that includes a democratic progressive prosecutors like alvin bragg and mcadam or qui in queens. still insist their job is not really prosecuting crime but doing something to help the social welfare of the people in new york. that is not their job. so the police i think are still wondering whether they are going to have real political support from democratic leadership. paul: kim struck on that point the president did mention this in gun unit the mayor wants to re- stand up. he did mention the prosecutors who do not want to prosecute even felonies in some cases. any the fact that new york city council and our politicians have a very anti- police position. >> yes. that goes to dan's point which isn't great that he put out the talking points, i am against defund the police may be a will inoculate the white house a little bit from that claim. at the democrat problem is that in recent months the public has come to understand this is a much wider problem part of this questions you mentioned about district attorneys, about bail laws that we have on the books that need to be fixed. about these police units and going out to get career criminals. instead what you had was a speech other than mentioning defund the police was devoted to the somewhat complete fiction that guns are behind the rise in violence rather than criminals behind the rise in violence. it was very much a speech devoted to his usual stumping point talks about how we need to do something more about firearms. paul: dan, you and i have followed crime in new york city for gees 30 years? we go back to the time of the so-called broken windows insight which was the view by a couple of academics we know james q. wilson now dead and his partner who basically said if you look at an address the small signs of disorder broken windows if you will turnstile jumping this squeegee is your car tries to get into manhattan. you create a psychology which then makes it easier as a culture of order and to address crime that way. the left just hates that. i do not see any sign that is coming back in new york. >> and no there isn't. things like turnstile jumping, reducing some felonies to misdemeanors, there is a philosophy behind this, paul which is those and practices resulted in the arrest of too many young black males. some hispanic males as well. they ended up with criminal records. that is true. it is a problem. in some of the progressive prosecutors have said we need to do more about economic opportunity. we need to do more about social intervention. that too may well be true, paul, but we have been trying that for at least the last 60 years their social welfare agencies that have gotten hundreds of billions of dollars and if it is still not working that is their failure. it's not the job of the prosecutors to decide they are in no longer going to insist on enforcing real crimes. the broken windows policy did work. we had 20 years of peace and york. the question remains as eric adams going to get the political support he needs to put it back in place? paul: tilt head as democrats scramble to get ahead of track ahead of midterms elections will talk with karl rove what is on their agenda and unexpected absence in the senate could throw their plans awry. welcome to allstate. ♪ ♪ here, safe driving saves more than just your cargo. ♪ ♪ safe driving saves you 40% with drivewise. ♪ ♪ the safer you drive, the more you save with allstate. click or call for a quote today. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at paul: look and get back on track after series of setbacks is in actions of a slimmed-down version of "build back better" bill. warning more delays could sink the plan for good house progressive led by congresswoman when the president party leaders to set a march 1 deadline the date of biden state of union address. democratic senator ben ray of mexico suffered a stroke but that m vicious tie might end out this absence from the evenly divided senate send the state for potential delays in advancing the president's agenda and confirming his nominees but let's sprint wall street journal columnist fox news contributor karl rove. so carl, you were in the white house of the time of a very closely divided senate even 50/50 for a while. what does the senator six -- seven week departure from the scene do for chuck schumer and his agenda? >> screws it up totally. think about it. m'naghten test of the ftse or the federal reserve because they don't have the votes to do it. they cannot bring back "build back better" even if they can get joe manchin to agree to something they do not have the devos to pass it. the judges have already started to slow up. nominees have started to slow it. basically between february and part of a march, it may be i suspect into early april the democrats are not going to be able to do anything controversial. >> we've got a deadline here on the budget coming up. you think they're going to kick the can down the road here with another so-called continuing resolution that continues keeping funding flat? why don't they just do a deal with republicans and get it done and compromise? >> the last couple day we seen some comments and senator's comments are seen conversation they think they can get an album of us done. yet on thursday senator richard shelby excuse me on wednesday senator richard shelby the ranking on proportions and one more concerning resolution might be needed by think there's a desire in congress to get it done on the absence of lujan until at least the middle of march optimistically and probably into april. i think we'll try to leave the democrats or try to get almond of a stud and get it behind us. rain to largest enterprise in the world the united states government's fiscal year beginning october 1 and we are sitting here in early february we still do not have a budget for this fiscal year. it is a travesty. paul: really it's a really problem is the defense but if you do not have the budget for 25 a billion-dollar increase over biden's proposal that the congress has authorized will not have a chance to become law. and the pentagon has frozen cannot move accounts around, cannot make spending for new weapon systems. it's a real, real problem. let me ask you about the republicans and the supreme court nomination, democrats went totally against donald trump's last two nominees. what is your advice to republicans on how they should handle joe biden? >> i would say first of all wait until we have the nominee and look at the nominees record it. make considered reasonable judgments. the american people are sick and tired of the political food fight. if the republicans are going to oppose the president's nomination for the supreme court, they better have concrete reasons to do so. they may be able to vote against that person at the end of the day but they've got to be very careful about making sure the arguments that they make against any potential nominee are things that will resonate with the american people as reasonable objections. look, we have got to get back to a place of difference or president nominee unless their disqualifying aspects of the record or performance are not up to the job. that's particularly true when it comes to judges the political warfare started by ted kennedy has resonated for decades of not certainty country are very well. >> a number of grassroots republicans who are going to insist the republican stage and all out battle. even if the democrats have the vote if they have that 50 at the center they're going to have the votes to confirm somebody who is not controversial. i guess you are saying the senators have got to ignore that in the background? and do the right thing and use their conscience? >> they have got to make a judgment about whether or not they think that person's judicial philosophy should be on the courts. whether they are qualified by temperament, inexperienced to be on the court. they should not be making the judgment based on whether or not somebody with an e-mail distribution list and a twitter feed decides they've got to oppose that person regardless of who they are and what they are all about. republicans rightly condemned the gross and negativity of people attacking president trump's nominees for no good reason. and did so as to remember and case of brett kavanaugh and a vicious and over-the-top way. we should not mimic that and think were going to gain credibility with the american people. >> one of the things it's fascinating so far in this debate is one of the potential nominees judge michelle childs of south carolina supported by represented james clyburn the democrat is being attacked from the left because she supposedly to pro police and she represented corporations and private practice. not from the right. when you make from that? >> i think we've also heard similar comments though not the same volume about the supreme court justice in california who is being considered. again this gets them back they want somebody who will be an expansive and what they are pressing for further not pressing for a temperament will strictly apply the law as written both in the constitution and the statute books passed by the legislature. >> thanks for coming and still had a new study outlines the staggering cost and minimal benefits of the covenant seen at lockdown. 70% of americans say it's time to move on and live with the virus. as a biden administration finally getting the message? >> the president's view is that we are not going to live like this forever. we do not want to live like this forever. customized car ie with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (man 1 vo) i'm living with cll and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. >> it is john hopkins university study finding lockdowns have little to no effect on saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic. the researchers concluding imposed across the u.s. and europe during the spring of 2020 produced covid deaths by amiri zero-point to percent while opposing what they call an enormous economic and social costs. this is a new poll finds that two years later most americans are ready to move on by 70% agreeing is timely except covid is here to stay. we need to get on with our lives. back with dan henninger and editorial board member. dan, do you find jon hopkins report credible? >> i think it is credible, paul i think it is useful to a meta-analysis which is to say they studied a large number of earlier studies on lockdowns and came to the conclusion it had not done much to reduce to death. we are probably going to need more such as studies in the future. we really do need to move into a. were were able to those retrospective studies of lockdowns, of masking, quarantining for a dare say going to have to do an analysis of the role of the centers for disease control and even the national institutes of health. it has been a rough two years. not every policy decision was the right one. the question is can we get forward into an atmosphere where things have quieted down enough to be able to make some of those a judgment about what went on in the past? i think that's going to be difficult to do as the poll suggests if we are still stumbling forward as a biden administration is doing, trying to set policy about masco wearing, about testing and the rest of it without pulling the back and getting into an environment of normalcy in which we can start to think about what we have been thorough getting on with our lives by. >> alicia you have filed the policy, debate and choices on the pandemic right from the start. i wonder if where we are now vindicates the great barrington declaration. you know that's the group of three scientists said policy should not be these mass lockdowns on trying to get close to zero covid. more focused protection protecting vulnerable let people heartless and vulnerable get on with their lives have they been vindicated? >> i think that is right too. early on it was already apparent when they are doing studies those over 65 were hundreds of times more likely to die from covid than younger folks. those who are vaccinated are more likely to die than those were unvaccinated. no on there was denial people said to close out business to what jon hopkins a study actually found is there are a boomerang effect in terms of when you closed down businesses people are so going to gather, they'll gather indoors if they are not allowed together outdoors is in the uk. and another fact is that people are going to adjust their own risk. that's another finding from the study is people voluntarily adjust their overall risk and can make decisions for themselves which was in essence of the great barrington declaration. >> dan, you had a column this week in which he said president biden showed his stand up and give a speech and essentially say the pandemic emergency is over. now, why it say that? why should president biden say that officially? because he said famously in the campaign going to shut down the virus. we are not shutting down the bars is going to be here. why should biden say that and do you think you will? >> i think the main reason is, paul, we have reached the point where damage being done for the country economically, psychologically especially from the persistence of these policies is doing more damage than the virus itself. especially in the schools. omicron was a fascinating experience. it came after the delta. and in some ways the mindset reverted back to the early 2020s. we did not quite have the lockdowns we had the insistence on a mask wearing, on testing that all collapse into a state of confusion. especially in the schools people saying i can't live like this anymore. and i think as has just happened in the united kingdom denmark and sweden where they have officially remove the restrictions is going to require president biden saying this days of the pandemic is over in the united states and we are going to let the states themselves take on the job of mitigating strategies. but the federal government is no longer going to try to set policy from one day to the next. i think if he did that in the state of the union on march 1 he would score points on the country would be absolutely grateful to get back to normal life. >> alright, we can back estates scramble to redraw congressional maps ahead of the midterm elections a look at which party is poised to come out on top. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. i felt defeated. the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. ask your dermatologist my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> states across the country scramble to redraw congressional districts ahead of the midterms, democratic lawmakers in new york are taking a no holds bar approach to the process known as a gerrymandering for introducing a map that could cost republicans as many as four or five house seats for the proposed plan giving democrats a leg up on almost every part of the state including the tenth congressional district now held by democrat jerry nadler. which would stretch 15 miles through 15 different state assembly districts for mr. nadler's home on manhattan's upper west side to brooklyn. were back with campus trostle and alicia. this new york map something to behold pray that nadler district was done for a very specific reason, redrawing them. explain why they did that. it's a commission that supposedly bipartisan. it's a deadlock and redrew the lines on their own. to shore up its currently held by republicans to finesse jerry nadler's district in order to provide a more liberal voters. it was very crafty think experts described it as gerrymandering. >> right. so kim, as alicia pointed out this is supposed to be commission they did this. non- partisan commission. this is of course the liberals supporting that commission back in 2014 because they were worried, they wanted to take over the state senate. which was gerrymandered to another gerrymandering in a place republicans may not get elected -- may not control the narc state legislature for the rest of my lifetime. maybe yours too, i don't know. [laughter] >> in the history of the world, paul. paul: how can they just dump a commission? >> you have seen this happening all over. this outbreak of the notion of the nonpartisan commission has become very bogus across states. when you look at the fine print at a lot of these places where they have been set up, you do have a default if the legislature or if the commission cannot come to an agreement, the legislature gets a step and. often that is a liberal legislature. moreover i would point out these commissions are hardly nonpartisan themselves and they tend to be populated with a lot of left-leaning good government folks who just happen to favor democrats. the notion in general that you can get politics out of this redistricting process is kind of fantasy. i what we have really seen this whole cycle is just how much fantasy that is. thirty-six alicia step back a little bit out of newark the whole country. any republicans redistricting? without at the thought of it they gain and before or five seats, it may be three something like that out of redistricting across a statement does not look like that's going to happen now. it looks like democrats could be the breakeven or maybe even have a two or three seat edge coming out of this. why is that happening? >> the expectation initially was republicans there's a lot of red states red leaning states picked up in the reapportionment in 2020. but what democrats did in the states they do control such as california, illinois, new york, maryland, they bolster their margins. california republicans are expected to lose up to six illinois two new york four -- five. maryland, one. and even in alabama there's a lawsuit now democrats of challenge they could lose an additional one. any kind of benefits republicans got from the reapportionment has now been canceled out by democratic gerrymandering for. >> this was a concerted effort, kim, so going back to eric holder the former attorney general basically created this big project read a lot of righteous rhetoric about how republican gerrymandering was destroying democracy. well, have you heard him complain about how that's going this time? >> and no play let's just remember gerrymandering is as old as dirt. both sides do it aggressively. holder's brilliance would suggest when republicans do it is somehow antidemocratic and nefarious. he also litigated a lot of prior cycles. what you've seen as republicans pull back a little bit focus more on shoring up their districts rather than trying to take over new democratic ones where as the democrats have just gone fullbore knowing and no courts in their liberal states are going to stop them. and now you do not hear a pete from eric holder because the reality is he does not care about democracy or fairness, or the correct writing of districts. he cares about winning. that is always been the name of the game and redistricting and gerrymandering. >> looks like republicans could have made a mistake in a state like texas or florida and trying to shore up incumbents rather than trying to make more competitive districts and maybe pick up a few democrats eats it. we have to take one more break. we come back hits and misses of the week. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personal points program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! time now for hits and misses of the week, kim, start us off. >> i miss to the sports franchise formerly known as the washington redskins. then formally known as the washington football team and now having released its new name, washington commanders. it is remarkable they could spend two whole years to come up with a name as that especially one that also happens to be in the name of the president dog but what is amusing is how quickly sports fans and commentators came up with the nickname, what you call the sports team based in our nations capitol that wears red and yellow on the field? the commies. [laughter] paul: chillier. >> charles reid elementary school in illinois, a u.s. citizen and incredible video of students gathering, waving american flags and cheering him on. a divisive moment in our nations history of the practice people still want to come here and pursue the american dream and immigration probably policy to have them become citizens. paul: that is great. allysia. >> spotify, neil young and other artists, cancel the podcast over his alleged covid opinions. neil young has his own misinformation but spotify's position is good for branding and business to distinguish itself from others and appeals to the core we believe listening is everything. paul: all right, dan. >> a grateful mr. the state of california for giving us what politics is trying to create the national healthcare system might look like, a total failure. the bill introduced in california last week to replace private healthcare with a single-payer system is a stone wall lack of votes among other things that would build, it would create taxes on anybody making more than $50000 a year. a big thank you to california one more time forgiving an idea of what simply does not work. paul: i fear will keep coming back. remember, if you have your own hit or miss, tweet@@j er on fnc. that's it for this week's show. thanks to mike panel, especially to all of you watching. we hope to see you right here next week. ♪♪ >> go fund me taking heat from critics after canceling a fundraiser for a group called freedom convoy that protests candidates covid mandates and restrictions on truckers. hi, rich. >> i am in for eric shawn, tesla ceo elon musk is among those calling out rough on me. the ground rod funding site shut down yesterday saying it violates terms of service after some members of the convoy were accused of violent and harassment. go fund me is refusing to

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Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Memories , 53 , Memory , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Districts , Gerrymandering , Map , Seats , Lawmakers , Bar Approach , Process , Leg , No , House , District , State Assembly Districts , Home On Manhattan S Upper West Side , Jerry Nadler , Brooklyn , Campus Trostle , 15 , Nadler District , Pray , Commission , Lines , Deadlock , Think Experts , Voters , Liberals , Course , 2014 , Lifetime , Narc State Legislature , I Don T Know , Notion , Over , Outbreak , History Of The World , Places , Set Up , Fine Print , Step , Agreement , Default , Fantasy , Politics , General , Redistricting Process , Cycle , Thirty Six , Redistricting , Breakeven , Thought , Red States , Expectation , Red Leaning , Seat Edge , Reapportionment , Margins , Illinois , Maryland , Lawsuit , Alabama , Eric Holder , Former , Project , Democracy , Play , Rhetoric , Dirt , Brilliance , Sides , Cycles , Pete , Ones , Name , Game , Looks , Writing , Fairness , Misses , Hits , Break , Incumbents , Florida , Texas , Nutrition , Mission , Everyone , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Master , Staffing , Size , Ww , Ice Cream , Shopping , Clothes , James Corden , 28 , Program , Food , Foods , Offer , Sandwiches , Avocado , 0 , 10 , February 7th , Sports , 7 , Commanders , Washington Redskins , Commentators , In The Name Of , Sports Fans , Nickname , Dog , Capitol , Red , Commies , Citizen , Field , Yellow , Video , Charles Reid Elementary School , Chillier , Immigration , Waving American Flags , Students Gathering , The American Dream , Artists , Opinions , Podcast , Neil Young , Spotify , Allysia , Misinformation , Branding , Appeals , Everything , Healthcare System , Healthcare , Lack , Single Payer System , Stone Wall , Big , One More Time , Taxes , Anybody , 50000 , 0000 , Hit Or Miss , On Fnc , Tweet J Er , Mike Panel , Fundraiser , Heat , Critics , Called Freedom Convoy , Mandates , Truckers , Ground Rod Funding Site , Elon Musk , Convoy , Calling , Service , Harassment , Go Fund , Eric Shawn , Tesla ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Journal Editorial Report 20240708

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europe. and the pentagon accused moscow of planning a false flag operation to justify innovation. let's bring in retired four-star army general jacket keynote. he is a fox news senior strategic analyst. general kain welcome. so that was some spectacle in beijing. the two leaders meeting face to face in issuing the long statement the shared principles are. how closely are they working together? from how big a threat is this to you u.s. interest customer it is a threat and one giving us more concern as we watch this relationship grow and develop. they clearly have become partners. literally what has brought them together is the fact they look at the united states as an adversary particularly much larger than that the country in their region that are aligned with the united states. and they see clearly that is not in their interest. both of them went their own sphere of influence by not only in the region but when it comes to china they clearly want to replace the united states as the world's a global leader. this is what has brought them together. they have other things that aren't common. we were press their own people at home. they purge the political opposition to them. they have both become considerably more aggressive in their regions. and that is why we have the crisis dealing with russia and ukraine for that's we have a growing crisis dealing with taiwan in the indo pacific after the chinese communist party crushed hong kong. >> one of the things that came out of this statement was an endorsement by both leaders and a xi in but no more nato expansion, not to add any more countries. i would expect she would exhume some reciprocity from putin if he does anything regarding taiwan. is that the way this is going to work is that they have their own priorities on those expansionist priorities. >> i think that it is likely. what gives the department of defense some concern here stoneleigh department of state as well, having dealt with this issue just recently with the department of defense, i can tell you there is a growing concern there. our defense is now the united states military is organized to fight one major conflict and attempt to deter another we could not do both. that is a fact. we could in the past. but we are much too small now to deal with that kind of reality. so that is a growing concern we have where we could have an incident dealing with taiwan and then putin takes action with poland, or with the baltics, to really run the gamut here and try to break nato once and for all. so yes this is a growing concern. they come together and exercise they are not interoperable like the united states and nato allies where they organize, where they have a common chain of command and they are organized to function on the battlefield together. they are not that level of sophistication. but i do not believe they need to be of the geopolitical influence that they want to have. paul: i want to get you to respond to comments made by some in america particularly senator josh hawley of missouri who said that united states should essentially concede vladimir putin's point ukraine should never become part of nato. no one thanks ukraine would part of nato anytime soon. he wants basically for us to agree to what putin demands. what you think about that? >> will be absolutely shameful. and i think somewhat reckless to make that kind of a concession. putin has been pushing back on nato for 20 years to undermine it, to create divisions particular between the united states and nato members. at some point attempt to break it. that would be a concession on the path to eventually breaking nato. there would be other concessions to follow listen, if we went anything done with mr. putin over 20 your experience with him with multiple presidents, as you have to stand up to him. you have to be willing to accept some risk. it is not all about diplomacy that this administration believes. and as the obama administration believes it. you have got to show some strength in that backs up our diplomacy. that is the failing we've had largely in dealing with mr. putin for 20 years. >> are right, the other big news this week the u.s. dispatching 3000 troops a thousand from germany, 2000 from the states. to shore up the eastern flank of nato. was that a smart move or not? >> yes. but it should have been done at the first provocation. the first provocation was in the spring. that was the beginning of a test for president biden from absolutely convinced of it. we put close to one 30,000 troops on the ukrainian board event. we should have done as a result of that is significantly increase our advisors to help the ukraine. we made the policy statement which i support, we are not going to put the u.s. and nato forces in ukraine to defend them because they are not in a line country. but we are going to help them defend themselves. well, that's the case let's do that. let's get all in. but the advisors in there we should have given the ukrainians and then eight list of things they really need to be on antitank and small arms weapons particularly anti- aircraft antiship weapons and other things are really on their shopping list. that would've got his attention then. and that is what we should have put the forces into nato. it is not deterring putin it's reassuring our allies on the border that feel this pressure from putin. particularly in poland on a regular basis. the baltics and romania and bulgaria. they all feel that pressure continuously from him. so yes we should have reassured allies then. it certainly is a good move now. but i believe strategically the administration is made a mistake. they believe they are trying to deter an invasion based on actions we will take after the invasion. i think the basic premise is hollow. and if putin invades going to be obvious that strategy has failed. subjects are right jack keane thank you for joining us. we come back as the winter games get under weight new warnings do olympic athletes over privacy and free speech. grs in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. 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>> uncertain with the intent. what it is also showcasing as a totality in nature of she jinping to china. this is where athletes cannot speak out freely without risking cannot turn on the phones or bring them. this is something chinese citizens have gotten used to. it's a dominating every aspect of her day-to-day life. i think the american public should pay attention to this request he said the kind turn on their phones, they can turn on their phones the risk is they are going to be listened to, right? they're going to be spied on that is the problem, right? >> they cannot take the personal phones of the personal laptop they will be spied on for sure. paul: dan, the games are supposedly about brotherhood, a political and all that there's always been a political edge to some extent to the games are often there is. what do you make of the spectacle of xi jinping meeting with vladimir putin and making the grand strategic statement about their shared common interest, essentially at the games. >> it is quite extraordinary, paul. something out of the 1930s really. in the years leading up to world war ii. here you have the leader of china, the leader of russia signed this 5000 word statement criticizing implicitly in the united states. saying they are joined in resisting nato the primary alliance the freedoms in the western world. the idea that the olympics are in a political event has been turned into a mockery by xi jinping. essentially what is going on here, i think in some way there's a benefit to this thing jillian was just describing. the world really has had a difficult time coming to grips with the fact it does need to shape a political active offensive a political policy to resist these two powers. it does take a lot of coalition building to do that. when you see something like this happening with the whole world a whopping is that many people will watch the olympics. i think it helps to build the kind of political support that is going to been integrate a plan for the obvious aggression policies and implementations about china and russia are doing. paul: and jillian do you expect some athletes to make a show or demonstration? i know the ukrainian team for example walked out of the opening ceremony. but, putin looked like he was falling asleep as they did it no doubt as a way to show his nonchalance about the ukrainians. do you expect some to make a statement about the uighurs for example hong kong? what do you expect? >> i think we'll have to see. feng shui is another thing they might bring up. the tennis player key is a chinese senior official of the sexual offenses. >> she has now disappeared basically. >> very disturbing. i think a lot of these athletes to feel under pressure to do it. it is at enormous risk we do not know what will happen. as the broader effort not only its own people but people around the world. i don't think we are going to see that stock of these olympic games. >> jillian when you expect from nbc who is broadcasting this to americans. do you feel they are obliged to talk about these other issues with china? >> up so is only honorable thing to do. whether or not they do it we will see they risk getting kicked out of the country. there have been some disturbing side there's an msnbc producer tweeting about china's alleged human rights violations for there's nothing alleged about these per the evidence is overwhelming. i like to see nbc come out in front of this it is the context in which these games are happening. paul: dan when you make we don't have a lot of time. when you think of nbc i what they should be doing and what are they likely to do? >> i think they will address some of these things appeared on bc fundamentally paul is economic interest. they have a huge investment in these games and xi jinping more broadly his position is i have got all of these western interests deeply involved, economic interest deeply involved in china. there is nothing they can do about my policies because they are so invested here. that is his assumption. i think it's up to our political leadership to disabuse him of that assumption. i have a hard time seeing economic interest like nbc and many other corporations are going to push back. >> right thank you both for to make about president biden heads to new york city as the administration scrambles to address a surge in violent crime. his plan to crackdown on illegal guns enough? your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> answers not to abandon our streets that is not the answer for the answers to come together, placing communities, and building trust and making us all save or bring the answer is not to defund the police. it is to give you the tools, the training, the funding to be partners, to be protectors on the community needs you know the community. >> prison biden thursday in manhattan saying defunding the police is not the answer to new york city's growing crime problem for the president meeting with new mayor eric adams and governor kathy hochul to outline the admits ration effort to combat gun violence the trip came one day after a second new york city police officer was laid to rest. one of two shot and responding to a domestic violence call. as the administration scrambles to address a nationwide spread in violent crime but were back with dan henninger and wall street journal columnist kim strassel. dan, the president clearly trying to distance himself from defund police attacks, associate himself from the perception the democrats are soft on crime and heart on police. did he accomplish what he wanted? >> no i don't think so, paul. to have the president come up to new york and align himself with mayor eric adams who has really got a heavy lift trying to get a handle on crime in the city. they both talked about stopping the flow of illegal guns coming up from the south. we have been doing that for about 25 years. it is a problem but it's not the core of the problem. bactrim the 20 years of the peace during giuliani and bloomberg administration of police commissioner ray kellyanne bill bratton who had forces out on the street identifying people with guns and arresting them before they could do violence. mayor adams is going to try to reconstitute that anti-crime units. he is going to need a lot of political support to do that. but joe biden and the rest of the democrats by and large do not talk about criminal policing on the streets. the big question is, do the cops have the political support have the elected democrats questioner that includes a democratic progressive prosecutors like alvin bragg and mcadam or qui in queens. still insist their job is not really prosecuting crime but doing something to help the social welfare of the people in new york. that is not their job. so the police i think are still wondering whether they are going to have real political support from democratic leadership. paul: kim struck on that point the president did mention this in gun unit the mayor wants to re- stand up. he did mention the prosecutors who do not want to prosecute even felonies in some cases. any the fact that new york city council and our politicians have a very anti- police position. >> yes. that goes to dan's point which isn't great that he put out the talking points, i am against defund the police may be a will inoculate the white house a little bit from that claim. at the democrat problem is that in recent months the public has come to understand this is a much wider problem part of this questions you mentioned about district attorneys, about bail laws that we have on the books that need to be fixed. about these police units and going out to get career criminals. instead what you had was a speech other than mentioning defund the police was devoted to the somewhat complete fiction that guns are behind the rise in violence rather than criminals behind the rise in violence. it was very much a speech devoted to his usual stumping point talks about how we need to do something more about firearms. paul: dan, you and i have followed crime in new york city for gees 30 years? we go back to the time of the so-called broken windows insight which was the view by a couple of academics we know james q. wilson now dead and his partner who basically said if you look at an address the small signs of disorder broken windows if you will turnstile jumping this squeegee is your car tries to get into manhattan. you create a psychology which then makes it easier as a culture of order and to address crime that way. the left just hates that. i do not see any sign that is coming back in new york. >> and no there isn't. things like turnstile jumping, reducing some felonies to misdemeanors, there is a philosophy behind this, paul which is those and practices resulted in the arrest of too many young black males. some hispanic males as well. they ended up with criminal records. that is true. it is a problem. in some of the progressive prosecutors have said we need to do more about economic opportunity. we need to do more about social intervention. that too may well be true, paul, but we have been trying that for at least the last 60 years their social welfare agencies that have gotten hundreds of billions of dollars and if it is still not working that is their failure. it's not the job of the prosecutors to decide they are in no longer going to insist on enforcing real crimes. the broken windows policy did work. we had 20 years of peace and york. the question remains as eric adams going to get the political support he needs to put it back in place? paul: tilt head as democrats scramble to get ahead of track ahead of midterms elections will talk with karl rove what is on their agenda and unexpected absence in the senate could throw their plans awry. welcome to allstate. ♪ ♪ here, safe driving saves more than just your cargo. ♪ ♪ safe driving saves you 40% with drivewise. ♪ ♪ the safer you drive, the more you save with allstate. click or call for a quote today. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at paul: look and get back on track after series of setbacks is in actions of a slimmed-down version of "build back better" bill. warning more delays could sink the plan for good house progressive led by congresswoman when the president party leaders to set a march 1 deadline the date of biden state of union address. democratic senator ben ray of mexico suffered a stroke but that m vicious tie might end out this absence from the evenly divided senate send the state for potential delays in advancing the president's agenda and confirming his nominees but let's sprint wall street journal columnist fox news contributor karl rove. so carl, you were in the white house of the time of a very closely divided senate even 50/50 for a while. what does the senator six -- seven week departure from the scene do for chuck schumer and his agenda? >> screws it up totally. think about it. m'naghten test of the ftse or the federal reserve because they don't have the votes to do it. they cannot bring back "build back better" even if they can get joe manchin to agree to something they do not have the devos to pass it. the judges have already started to slow up. nominees have started to slow it. basically between february and part of a march, it may be i suspect into early april the democrats are not going to be able to do anything controversial. >> we've got a deadline here on the budget coming up. you think they're going to kick the can down the road here with another so-called continuing resolution that continues keeping funding flat? why don't they just do a deal with republicans and get it done and compromise? >> the last couple day we seen some comments and senator's comments are seen conversation they think they can get an album of us done. yet on thursday senator richard shelby excuse me on wednesday senator richard shelby the ranking on proportions and one more concerning resolution might be needed by think there's a desire in congress to get it done on the absence of lujan until at least the middle of march optimistically and probably into april. i think we'll try to leave the democrats or try to get almond of a stud and get it behind us. rain to largest enterprise in the world the united states government's fiscal year beginning october 1 and we are sitting here in early february we still do not have a budget for this fiscal year. it is a travesty. paul: really it's a really problem is the defense but if you do not have the budget for 25 a billion-dollar increase over biden's proposal that the congress has authorized will not have a chance to become law. and the pentagon has frozen cannot move accounts around, cannot make spending for new weapon systems. it's a real, real problem. let me ask you about the republicans and the supreme court nomination, democrats went totally against donald trump's last two nominees. what is your advice to republicans on how they should handle joe biden? >> i would say first of all wait until we have the nominee and look at the nominees record it. make considered reasonable judgments. the american people are sick and tired of the political food fight. if the republicans are going to oppose the president's nomination for the supreme court, they better have concrete reasons to do so. they may be able to vote against that person at the end of the day but they've got to be very careful about making sure the arguments that they make against any potential nominee are things that will resonate with the american people as reasonable objections. look, we have got to get back to a place of difference or president nominee unless their disqualifying aspects of the record or performance are not up to the job. that's particularly true when it comes to judges the political warfare started by ted kennedy has resonated for decades of not certainty country are very well. >> a number of grassroots republicans who are going to insist the republican stage and all out battle. even if the democrats have the vote if they have that 50 at the center they're going to have the votes to confirm somebody who is not controversial. i guess you are saying the senators have got to ignore that in the background? and do the right thing and use their conscience? >> they have got to make a judgment about whether or not they think that person's judicial philosophy should be on the courts. whether they are qualified by temperament, inexperienced to be on the court. they should not be making the judgment based on whether or not somebody with an e-mail distribution list and a twitter feed decides they've got to oppose that person regardless of who they are and what they are all about. republicans rightly condemned the gross and negativity of people attacking president trump's nominees for no good reason. and did so as to remember and case of brett kavanaugh and a vicious and over-the-top way. we should not mimic that and think were going to gain credibility with the american people. >> one of the things it's fascinating so far in this debate is one of the potential nominees judge michelle childs of south carolina supported by represented james clyburn the democrat is being attacked from the left because she supposedly to pro police and she represented corporations and private practice. not from the right. when you make from that? >> i think we've also heard similar comments though not the same volume about the supreme court justice in california who is being considered. again this gets them back they want somebody who will be an expansive and what they are pressing for further not pressing for a temperament will strictly apply the law as written both in the constitution and the statute books passed by the legislature. >> thanks for coming and still had a new study outlines the staggering cost and minimal benefits of the covenant seen at lockdown. 70% of americans say it's time to move on and live with the virus. as a biden administration finally getting the message? >> the president's view is that we are not going to live like this forever. we do not want to live like this forever. customized car ie with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (man 1 vo) i'm living with cll and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. >> it is john hopkins university study finding lockdowns have little to no effect on saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic. the researchers concluding imposed across the u.s. and europe during the spring of 2020 produced covid deaths by amiri zero-point to percent while opposing what they call an enormous economic and social costs. this is a new poll finds that two years later most americans are ready to move on by 70% agreeing is timely except covid is here to stay. we need to get on with our lives. back with dan henninger and editorial board member. dan, do you find jon hopkins report credible? >> i think it is credible, paul i think it is useful to a meta-analysis which is to say they studied a large number of earlier studies on lockdowns and came to the conclusion it had not done much to reduce to death. we are probably going to need more such as studies in the future. we really do need to move into a. were were able to those retrospective studies of lockdowns, of masking, quarantining for a dare say going to have to do an analysis of the role of the centers for disease control and even the national institutes of health. it has been a rough two years. not every policy decision was the right one. the question is can we get forward into an atmosphere where things have quieted down enough to be able to make some of those a judgment about what went on in the past? i think that's going to be difficult to do as the poll suggests if we are still stumbling forward as a biden administration is doing, trying to set policy about masco wearing, about testing and the rest of it without pulling the back and getting into an environment of normalcy in which we can start to think about what we have been thorough getting on with our lives by. >> alicia you have filed the policy, debate and choices on the pandemic right from the start. i wonder if where we are now vindicates the great barrington declaration. you know that's the group of three scientists said policy should not be these mass lockdowns on trying to get close to zero covid. more focused protection protecting vulnerable let people heartless and vulnerable get on with their lives have they been vindicated? >> i think that is right too. early on it was already apparent when they are doing studies those over 65 were hundreds of times more likely to die from covid than younger folks. those who are vaccinated are more likely to die than those were unvaccinated. no on there was denial people said to close out business to what jon hopkins a study actually found is there are a boomerang effect in terms of when you closed down businesses people are so going to gather, they'll gather indoors if they are not allowed together outdoors is in the uk. and another fact is that people are going to adjust their own risk. that's another finding from the study is people voluntarily adjust their overall risk and can make decisions for themselves which was in essence of the great barrington declaration. >> dan, you had a column this week in which he said president biden showed his stand up and give a speech and essentially say the pandemic emergency is over. now, why it say that? why should president biden say that officially? because he said famously in the campaign going to shut down the virus. we are not shutting down the bars is going to be here. why should biden say that and do you think you will? >> i think the main reason is, paul, we have reached the point where damage being done for the country economically, psychologically especially from the persistence of these policies is doing more damage than the virus itself. especially in the schools. omicron was a fascinating experience. it came after the delta. and in some ways the mindset reverted back to the early 2020s. we did not quite have the lockdowns we had the insistence on a mask wearing, on testing that all collapse into a state of confusion. especially in the schools people saying i can't live like this anymore. and i think as has just happened in the united kingdom denmark and sweden where they have officially remove the restrictions is going to require president biden saying this days of the pandemic is over in the united states and we are going to let the states themselves take on the job of mitigating strategies. but the federal government is no longer going to try to set policy from one day to the next. i think if he did that in the state of the union on march 1 he would score points on the country would be absolutely grateful to get back to normal life. >> alright, we can back estates scramble to redraw congressional maps ahead of the midterm elections a look at which party is poised to come out on top. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. i felt defeated. the pain, the stares. no one should suffer like that. i said, enough. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. four years clear. five years and counting. cosentyx works fast. for clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious, and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. best move i ever made. i feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. ask your dermatologist my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> states across the country scramble to redraw congressional districts ahead of the midterms, democratic lawmakers in new york are taking a no holds bar approach to the process known as a gerrymandering for introducing a map that could cost republicans as many as four or five house seats for the proposed plan giving democrats a leg up on almost every part of the state including the tenth congressional district now held by democrat jerry nadler. which would stretch 15 miles through 15 different state assembly districts for mr. nadler's home on manhattan's upper west side to brooklyn. were back with campus trostle and alicia. this new york map something to behold pray that nadler district was done for a very specific reason, redrawing them. explain why they did that. it's a commission that supposedly bipartisan. it's a deadlock and redrew the lines on their own. to shore up its currently held by republicans to finesse jerry nadler's district in order to provide a more liberal voters. it was very crafty think experts described it as gerrymandering. >> right. so kim, as alicia pointed out this is supposed to be commission they did this. non- partisan commission. this is of course the liberals supporting that commission back in 2014 because they were worried, they wanted to take over the state senate. which was gerrymandered to another gerrymandering in a place republicans may not get elected -- may not control the narc state legislature for the rest of my lifetime. maybe yours too, i don't know. [laughter] >> in the history of the world, paul. paul: how can they just dump a commission? >> you have seen this happening all over. this outbreak of the notion of the nonpartisan commission has become very bogus across states. when you look at the fine print at a lot of these places where they have been set up, you do have a default if the legislature or if the commission cannot come to an agreement, the legislature gets a step and. often that is a liberal legislature. moreover i would point out these commissions are hardly nonpartisan themselves and they tend to be populated with a lot of left-leaning good government folks who just happen to favor democrats. the notion in general that you can get politics out of this redistricting process is kind of fantasy. i what we have really seen this whole cycle is just how much fantasy that is. thirty-six alicia step back a little bit out of newark the whole country. any republicans redistricting? without at the thought of it they gain and before or five seats, it may be three something like that out of redistricting across a statement does not look like that's going to happen now. it looks like democrats could be the breakeven or maybe even have a two or three seat edge coming out of this. why is that happening? >> the expectation initially was republicans there's a lot of red states red leaning states picked up in the reapportionment in 2020. but what democrats did in the states they do control such as california, illinois, new york, maryland, they bolster their margins. california republicans are expected to lose up to six illinois two new york four -- five. maryland, one. and even in alabama there's a lawsuit now democrats of challenge they could lose an additional one. any kind of benefits republicans got from the reapportionment has now been canceled out by democratic gerrymandering for. >> this was a concerted effort, kim, so going back to eric holder the former attorney general basically created this big project read a lot of righteous rhetoric about how republican gerrymandering was destroying democracy. well, have you heard him complain about how that's going this time? >> and no play let's just remember gerrymandering is as old as dirt. both sides do it aggressively. holder's brilliance would suggest when republicans do it is somehow antidemocratic and nefarious. he also litigated a lot of prior cycles. what you've seen as republicans pull back a little bit focus more on shoring up their districts rather than trying to take over new democratic ones where as the democrats have just gone fullbore knowing and no courts in their liberal states are going to stop them. and now you do not hear a pete from eric holder because the reality is he does not care about democracy or fairness, or the correct writing of districts. he cares about winning. that is always been the name of the game and redistricting and gerrymandering. >> looks like republicans could have made a mistake in a state like texas or florida and trying to shore up incumbents rather than trying to make more competitive districts and maybe pick up a few democrats eats it. we have to take one more break. we come back hits and misses of the week. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personal points program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! time now for hits and misses of the week, kim, start us off. >> i miss to the sports franchise formerly known as the washington redskins. then formally known as the washington football team and now having released its new name, washington commanders. it is remarkable they could spend two whole years to come up with a name as that especially one that also happens to be in the name of the president dog but what is amusing is how quickly sports fans and commentators came up with the nickname, what you call the sports team based in our nations capitol that wears red and yellow on the field? the commies. [laughter] paul: chillier. >> charles reid elementary school in illinois, a u.s. citizen and incredible video of students gathering, waving american flags and cheering him on. a divisive moment in our nations history of the practice people still want to come here and pursue the american dream and immigration probably policy to have them become citizens. paul: that is great. allysia. >> spotify, neil young and other artists, cancel the podcast over his alleged covid opinions. neil young has his own misinformation but spotify's position is good for branding and business to distinguish itself from others and appeals to the core we believe listening is everything. paul: all right, dan. >> a grateful mr. the state of california for giving us what politics is trying to create the national healthcare system might look like, a total failure. the bill introduced in california last week to replace private healthcare with a single-payer system is a stone wall lack of votes among other things that would build, it would create taxes on anybody making more than $50000 a year. a big thank you to california one more time forgiving an idea of what simply does not work. paul: i fear will keep coming back. remember, if you have your own hit or miss, tweet@@j er on fnc. that's it for this week's show. thanks to mike panel, especially to all of you watching. we hope to see you right here next week. ♪♪ >> go fund me taking heat from critics after canceling a fundraiser for a group called freedom convoy that protests candidates covid mandates and restrictions on truckers. hi, rich. >> i am in for eric shawn, tesla ceo elon musk is among those calling out rough on me. the ground rod funding site shut down yesterday saying it violates terms of service after some members of the convoy were accused of violent and harassment. go fund me is refusing to

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Department Of Defense , Priorities , Well , Department Of State , Defense , Issue , United States Military , Kind , Reality , Conflict , Another , Action , Baltics , Incident , Poland , Gamut , Allies , Wall , Common Chain Of Command , Level , Battlefield , Influence , Sophistication , Comments , Some , Josh Hawley , Point Ukraine , Missouri , Part , No One , It , Concession , Members , Point Attempt , Divisions , 20 , Mr , Experience , Concessions , Path , Serious , Diplomacy , Presidents , Obama , Strength , Dealing , News , Dispatching , Germany , A Thousand , 2000 , Move , Provocation , States , Spring , Beginning , Flank , Yes , Prison Biden , Advisors , Test , Event , Policy Statement , Result , 30000 , Forces , Case , Line Country , Arms , Weapons , Shopping List , List , Aircraft , Eight , Pressure , Attention , Border , Basis , Feel , Romania , Bulgaria , Mistake , Actions , Invasion , Premise , Athletes , Winter Games , Strategy , Free Speech , Warnings , Privacy , Weight , Subjects , Jack Keane , Olympic , Protein , High Protein , Nutrients , Immune Support , Boost , Grs , Don T , Money Manager , Market , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Wave , Commissions , Investments , Client , Views , Commission Products , Client Portfolios , Act , Fiduciary , Money , Clients , Yep , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Symptoms , Bipolar , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Vraylar , Manic , Death , Doctor , Adults , Stroke , Antidepressants , Children , Psychosis , Changes , Thoughts , Relief , Behavior , Patients , Side Effects , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Issues , Cholesterol , Muscles , Reaction , Fever , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Sleepiness , Stomach , Restlessness , Movement Dysfunction , Speech , Nations , Concerns , Side , Athlete Privacy , Boycott , Radios , United States Government , Warning , Fbi , Cell Phones , Burner Phones , Activity , Human Rights Abuses , Urging , Potential , Team Usa , 200 , Joel , China S Olympic Organizing Committee , Member , Subject , Punishment , Right Walter Journal , Dan Editorial , Something , Ability , Power , Phones , Intent , Totality , She , Nature , Risking Cannot , Life , Citizens , Public , Aspect , Request , Problem , Laptop , Sure , Dan Henninger , Xi Jinping , Edge , Brotherhood , Extent , Strategic , The Grand , 1930 , Word , World War Ii , 5000 , Idea , Olympics , Primary Alliance The Freedoms , Thing , Need , Benefit , Policy , Lot , Happening , Powers , Offensive , Coalition Building , Whopping , Support , Policies , Plan , Doing , Implementations , Aggression , Show , Demonstration , Team , Example , Opening Ceremony , Jillian , Uighurs , No Doubt , Nonchalance , Feng Shui , Official , Offenses , Tennis Player Key , Effort , Stock , Nbc , Whether , Nothing , Violations , Human Rights , Evidence , Producer Tweeting , Msnbc , Context , Front , Position , Investment , Leadership , Assumption , Interests , New York City , Corporations , Biden Heads , Crime , Guns , Surge , Crackdown , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Streets , Answer , Answers , Police , Communities , Protectors , Funding , Building , Save , Trust , Training , Tools , Eric Adams , Community , Kathy Hochul , Crime Problem , Domestic Violence , Ration Effort , Trip , Police Officer , Call , Shot , Spread , Gun Violence , Kim Strassel , Defund , Police Attacks , Wall Street Journal , Democrats , Heart , Perception , In The City , Handle , South , Lift , Flow , Peace , Bill Bratton , Street , Core , Bloomberg , Ray Kellyanne , 25 , Violence , Rest , Mayor , Units , Joe Biden , Questioner , Policing , Cops , The Big Question , Job , Prosecutors , Welfare , Qui , Alvin Bragg , Queens , Mcadam , Point , Gun Unit , Re Stand Up , Felonies , Politicians , Cases , New York City Council , Bit , Point Which Isn T Great , Talking Points , Claim , White House , Books , Bail Laws , Police Units , Questions , District Attorneys , Wider , Rise , Career Criminals , Criminals , Fiction , Firearms , Stumping , 30 , Partner , View , Couple , Address , Academics , Broken Windows Insight , James Q Wilson , Signs , Order , Car , Windows , Psychology , Disorder , Squeegee , Culture , Manhattan , Isn T , Left , Sign , Turnstile Jumping , Misdemeanors , Males , Philosophy , Practices , Arrest , Criminal Records , Intervention , Opportunity , Failure , Social Welfare Agencies , Hundreds , Billions , Dollars , 60 , Place , Question , Crimes , Broken Windows Policy , Work , Midterms , Karl Rove , Senate , Agenda , Track , Absence , Elections , Plans , Tilt Head , Allstate , Safe Driving , Cargo , Drivewise , 40 , Diabetes , More , Safer , My Name , Austin James , Musician , Quote Today , Challenge , A1c , System , Glucose Numbers , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 8 2 , 6 7 , 2 , Freestylelibre Us Paul , Mystery , Bill , Series , Delays , Version , Setbacks , Estate , Party , Congresswoman , Union Address , House Progressive Led , 1 , March 1 , Nominees , Ben Ray , Tie , Let S Sprint Wall Street Journal , Mexico , Senator , Six , 50 , Chuck Schumer , Departure , Scene , Screws , Ftse , Seven , Votes , Devos , Judges , Reserve , Joe Manchin , Republicans , Deal , Budget , Road , Funding Flat , Continuing Resolution , Richard Shelby , Album , Conversation , Congress , Resolution , Proportions , Excuse , Ranking , Middle , Desire , Stud , Almond , Enterprise , Rain , October 1 , Travesty , Proposal , Increase , A Billion , Law , Weapon Systems , Real , Pentagon , Chance , Cannot , Cannot Make Spending , Nomination , Supreme Court , Donald Trump , Advice , Nominee , Judgments , Wait , Food Fight , Person , Arguments , Reasons , Record , Aspects , Objections , Performance , Difference , Grassroots Republicans , Number , Warfare , Ted Kennedy , Somebody , Vote , Center , Stage , Out Battle , Senators , Judgment , Background , Conscience , Courts , Temperament , Twitter , Court , E Mail Distribution List , Reason , Gross , Negativity , Debate , Credibility , Brett Kavanaugh , Michelle Childs , James Clyburn , South Carolina , Practice , California , Right , Volume , Supreme Court Justice , Statute Books , Expansive , Constitution , Legislature , Benefits , Thanks , Study , Cost , Covenant , 70 , Virus , Forever , Message , Man , Vo , Someone , Liberty , Turn , Pay , Hang On , Liberty Mutual , Tex , Ooo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Therapy , Thanks To Imbruvica , Infections , Heart Rhythm Problems , Blood Thinners , Blood Counts , Problems , Heart Failure , Chills , Fevers , Decrease , Weakness , Infection , Risk , Diarrhea , Cancers , High Blood Pressure , Irregular Heartbeat , Kidney Failure , Heart Disease , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Fluids , Heart Problems , Bleeding , John Hopkins University Study Finding Lockdowns , Pandemic , Researchers , Effect , Saving , Europe , Coronavirus , Amiri , 2020 , Zero , Poll , Costs , Lives , Meta Analysis , Jon Hopkins , Editorial Board Member , Lockdowns , Studies , Conclusion , Masking , Centers For Disease Control , Analysis , Say , Dare , Role , National Institutes Of Health , Atmosphere , Policy Decision , Testing , Forward , Masco Wearing , Start , Normalcy , Environment , Choices , Group , Scientists , Great Barrington Declaration , Three , Protection , Get , 65 , Folks , Times , Unvaccinated , Business , Terms , Businesses , Boomerang Effect , Uk , Decisions , Finding , Column , Essence , Emergency , Bars , Campaign , Schools , Damage , Persistence , Mask , Insistence , Collapse , Delta , Mindset , Ways , Omicron , United Kingdom Denmark , Sweden , Restrictions , Mitigating Strategies , Points , State Of The Union On March 1 , Psoriasis , Fail , Estates , Maps , Try , Hope , Skin , Cosentyx , Counting , Stares , Pain , Cosentyx Works Fast , Five , Tuberculosis , Vaccine , Dermatologist , My Name Is Cherrie , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Hi , Oregon Coast , 76 , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Memories , 53 , Memory , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Districts , Gerrymandering , Map , Seats , Lawmakers , Bar Approach , Process , Leg , No , House , District , State Assembly Districts , Home On Manhattan S Upper West Side , Jerry Nadler , Brooklyn , Campus Trostle , 15 , Nadler District , Pray , Commission , Lines , Deadlock , Think Experts , Voters , Liberals , Course , 2014 , Lifetime , Narc State Legislature , I Don T Know , Notion , Over , Outbreak , History Of The World , Places , Set Up , Fine Print , Step , Agreement , Default , Fantasy , Politics , General , Redistricting Process , Cycle , Thirty Six , Redistricting , Breakeven , Thought , Red States , Expectation , Red Leaning , Seat Edge , Reapportionment , Margins , Illinois , Maryland , Lawsuit , Alabama , Eric Holder , Former , Project , Democracy , Play , Rhetoric , Dirt , Brilliance , Sides , Cycles , Pete , Ones , Name , Game , Looks , Writing , Fairness , Misses , Hits , Break , Incumbents , Florida , Texas , Nutrition , Mission , Everyone , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Master , Staffing , Size , Ww , Ice Cream , Shopping , Clothes , James Corden , 28 , Program , Food , Foods , Offer , Sandwiches , Avocado , 0 , 10 , February 7th , Sports , 7 , Commanders , Washington Redskins , Commentators , In The Name Of , Sports Fans , Nickname , Dog , Capitol , Red , Commies , Citizen , Field , Yellow , Video , Charles Reid Elementary School , Chillier , Immigration , Waving American Flags , Students Gathering , The American Dream , Artists , Opinions , Podcast , Neil Young , Spotify , Allysia , Misinformation , Branding , Appeals , Everything , Healthcare System , Healthcare , Lack , Single Payer System , Stone Wall , Big , One More Time , Taxes , Anybody , 50000 , 0000 , Hit Or Miss , On Fnc , Tweet J Er , Mike Panel , Fundraiser , Heat , Critics , Called Freedom Convoy , Mandates , Truckers , Ground Rod Funding Site , Elon Musk , Convoy , Calling , Service , Harassment , Go Fund , Eric Shawn , Tesla ,

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