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Washington tonight. Theyre making lists. Thats the focus of tonights ngel. We dont trust the Bush Administration to protect our Civil Liberties period. They abuse their power uncovered. They abuse their power in the way they handled the january six situation and they trash our countrys history every chance they get after 13 months of president biden, americans have every reason to be suspicious of anything they do that involves collecting information about americans. Im talking about lists, databases or surveillance of anything including your Health Records or social media history. Lets face it, they treat half of the country as theyre the mortal enemy, a threat to be controlled not a constituency to be served. Now when the school, crt and assault issues bubbled up in the us , democrats finally found themselves on the defensive and then bidens attorney general merrick garland, he swooped in to flex the power of the federal Law Enforcement. His words at the time are meant to intimidate and scare parents. If youre upset and angry at the direction your school board is taking and you show up and you speak your mind as is your constitutional right, by the way, now you have to be worried about being caught up in some bogus domestic terror dragnet. And rather than treat january 6th as a protest that got way out of hand with some criminal elements, no doubt the Obama Administration and their Media Cronies insisted on claiming that it was an insurrection and treating everyone who supported President Trump as a traitor, not the solution to this reach mcnellis America States and occupy not only a place on our calendar but a place in our collective memory. December seven, 1941, september 11 , 2001 and january six. 2020 one borders on sedition. Heres how the biden team looks at the world. They believe that most people who support the gop are dange risk. Theyre dangerous elements that need to be policed and watched. Now enter the Extremism Review that Generals Austin and milley undertook of the armed forces after january six. So rather than focusing sharply on real problems, they use vague language to essentially smear huge swaths of the American Public and the military. Now in a sense they hung out a conservative need not apply sign at the pentagon. Now who knows what files are amassing on soldiers, airmen and marines who they deem to be potential problem. Now maybe they posted pro trump stuff or photos from trump rallies on social media, who knows, but which group has been subjected to more scrutiny under often our own troops or the nearly Eighty Five Thousand afghan refugees they airlifted to the United States . Well, i think we know the answer to that question. And president ial wannabe budha judge, he feels where the winds are blowing in his party and he wants to get in on the action as Transportation Secretary is planning to blanket americas roads with more surveillance cameras, billions and billions of Dollars Worth supposedly told to cut down on traffic deaths. You know he is a humanitas. But of course what they really want is fewer cars and fewer car owners. They want to make it so expensive, so cumbersome to drive and own a vehicle that only the truly responsible elites can do so now and it gets worse and worse. Which brings us to the huge story we brought you last night courtesy of our friends at the Washington Free beacon and republican congressman that the u. S. Government is storing just under one billion Gun Purchase Files and digitizing them presumably for Search Ability down the road now by the atf in a letter to our next guest insists that such recordkeeping was approved by congress, including the process of digitization during 2020 one they collected data on Fifty Four Million gun owners, but they waived away any concern of nefarious intent writing the sole purpose of these systems is to trace firearms used in crimes, which is a valuable gun intelligence tool used in thousands of investigations by atf and our local, state and federal Law Enforcement partners. In other words, because of all the good faith theyve shown their fellow americans where youre supposed to take them at their word. This is all for benign purposes, this massive log of Gun Purchases if not a significant leap toward the ultimate goal of a national gun registry. Sorry, but they do not deserve the benefit of the out. Of course we know that all the people with the power the Democrat Party hate guns and would love nothing more to confiscate as many as possible under whatever pretext the Supreme Court would allow them to do so. Dont take my word for it. Take theirs. The Second Amendment from the day it was passed limited type of people could only go through what type of weapon you could own where there is room under the law for the president s policies to be pursued, then i think the president is entitled to pursue them. Gun owners out there who say well by an Administration Means theyre going to come for my gun. Bingo. Youre right. If you have an assault weapon. Now academics also have been working on many different legal theories to effectively ban guns in the United States. They invoke the fight against skyrocketing gun violence as if crimes are committed by the guns themselves and not the Revolving Door of criminals that rampage through america courtesy of left wing days, the democrat mayors give a rip about crime. If they did, they wouldnt be empowering the blm crowd at the expense of the public safety. Your Second Amendment rights. I hate to break it to mean nothing to them. They stop Church Attendance protected by the First Amendment over a pandemic. You dont think theyd try to stop Gun Ownership protected by the Second Amendment over an epidemic of violence . Gun violence in this country is an epidemic is an epidemic for gods sake. And it has to stop biden himself and his supporters in the media frequently bemoan the growing lack of public trust in government. Its growing across party lines, but the Bush Administration dont have anyone to blame except themselves because along away, as ive demonstrated tonight , theyve shown so much bad faith and so many different contexts from our intel agencies to the Public Health sector to Law Enforcement and even a previously innocuous Department Of Transportation on republicans in congress, especially when they take back power, they need to exercise strict oversight over every aspect of this biden team and they need to prohibit and defund every action and every policy that undermines our basic constitutional rights. There are a lot of such actions and policies and thats the angle. Joining me now, the lawmaker who led the investigation into the atf massive database of gun owners, texas congressman michael cloud. Now, congressman, the atf says that the records are totally permissible to be held under federal law and that theyre there to help solve crimes. But they also admit that they have no data on crime solved as a result of this information. So what the heck is really going on here . Yeah, you said it exactly right. And heres quoting from their letter. It says the atf has no ability to determine the successful prosecution of hundreds of thousands of crime gun traces. And so we sent a letter we got were working with Gun Owners Of America and other Second Amendment groups about the fact the Biden Administration collected Fifty Four Million records in the last year. We thought that was astronomical. And so we sent a letter and you know how these things go. Sometimes you get a letter back when you start an investigation, sometimes you dont. Well, we got a letter back in. Boy, was it shocking over one billion records that the atf has and you know, its illegal for the federal government to have a federal gun registry a lot of americans are wondering when does this database become a registry . Well, the Digitization Process is something that they say is permitted under federal law that this is theres nothing unusual about that. But is your main concern that these people cannot be trusted given what their view is of the constitution . The president today said he refers to the Un Enumerated Rights in the constitution. So if they get some judge say to say the right to safety means your right to Gun Ownership has to be curtailed, then his next nominee to the court could very well vote that way down the road and goodbye Second Amendment. Well, we understand that the constitution was put to put limiting restraints on a federal government strictly for these purposes and you nailed it on the head in the angle when you talked about the American People. You know, theyve seen over the last year the Biden Administration target parents that School Board Meetings labeling them domestic terrorists. Weve seen the Department Of Defense want to investigate military people serving in uniform. Weve seen the Department Of Justice stand up to the department, to domestic terrorism to look into that. And so weve seen in the past weve seen the irs target conservatives. Weve seen the fbi, the fbi. Theyre supposed to be the Law Enforcement Branch Target a political candidate for president. And so this is where the American People are going. We cant trust this. And i can tell you i serve on the Oversight Committee and ive learned that , you know, when youre when you hear an agency saying theres nothing to see here, if youre like maybe thats where we should be looking. Well, congressman, during the lockdowns during the blm riots that just destroyed block after block and major american cities, it scared people. And as a result, people are buying a lot more guns. The owner of this and shooter supplies indoor range and the plain illinois told Fox Firearm Sales were up 200 percent from 2019 to 2020 pretty much kept pace throughout 2020 one. So if the biden team really wanted to reduce the number of guns being sold in the United States, wouldnt they support policies that actually work to keep criminals in prison for the Biden Administration come out and say that they think that theyre suddenly supporting Law And Order in this country is almost laughable at this moment. We cant keep track of whos coming across our border, but we can track a billion gun records. This is is the American People get this and like you said, were seeing crime go up in cities because were not enforcing the law. So criminals seem to have more rights than law abiding citizens. The Incentive Structure on Law And Order has been reversed under this administration and so rightfully so. Americans are concerned and were asking those questions to congress when republicans really quickly and republicans get power back , which we assume they will in november will you move to defund the Atf Digitization and massive Gun Purchase Orders that theyre currently undertaking . Again, they say totally under federal law its okay. Will you move to change that law . Well, i can tell you were not even going to wait for that where were already continuing the investigation. Were right now forming our response to their response. Were crafting legislation thats going to deal with this right now. And so well keep you posted on the progress. Youre definitely not going to let this one go time to defund all the all the problems without the bad actors and get that right. Congressman, thank you. And so what happens when Society Loses trust in its institutions of power . Well, things like this start to look really suspicious. Today the houston pd began training ops with the Department Of Defense. These operations will go on for nearly two weeks and residents may see helicopters throughout the day and hear unusual noises. Police were very quick to note that this has nothing to do with world events. Hmm. What an odd detail to include. Its even more bizarre. Police officials said there will be no public opportunities to view the training they just have to pay for it with their tax dollars. Here now is Hoover Institution senior fellow victor davis hanson. Victor, were told that this has happened in the past. This federal, state and local coordination of resources but wasnt just a few years ago that , you know, joe bidens party was bemoaning the militarization of our Police Forces after the Michael Brown killing in ferguson. Well, especially remember the retired officers trump for even thinking about using federal troops to quell the violence in summer of 2020. But in june of june of this year, the white house announced the military would be looking at domestic terrorists. I think thematic in this whole discussion, laura , is this idea eternal idea of the left because theyre so morally superior or they say they can use any means necessary for their ends and it really you go back it really started with the Obama Administration and for i mean, they went after the Associated Press reporters communications. You remember they went after fox is james rosen, the head of the cia. John brennan lied under oath when he denied that they were spying on the Senate Staffer computers. James clapper, the director of national intelligence, lied when he was asked about the nsa surveilling people. James comey, the fbi was completely went rogue. We have the Kleinsmith Alteration of the fisa document. There were no consequences. And then when you look at the traditional watchdogs, the left always used to brag we have law facultys. We have democratic senior senators, we have the aclu and you look at those institutions and theyre on the side of the surveillance. The aclu has degenerated into an activist left wing political group. And you know, we have people in the media that outwardly and explicitly saying were not going to cover the news like we used to. Jim rutenberg, christiane amanpour, hogy ramos we have to be biased because theres churches in the nineteen seventy five watchdog committees when you add Silicon Valley in the in the equation and they electronics, electronics and weaponizes at fabulous speeds and surveillance and coverage new technology and theyre all left and they merged at the hip with washington. Its pretty scary whats happened. Well you would not be surprised probably that maybe some in our audience would victor that fbi director christopher wray, he decided to blame one particular group for his agencys plummeting credibility. Watch political controversies and even controversies specifically invest impact in the fbi have been around for One Hundred And Thirteen years. What has changed is that were now having all that play out against the backdrop of 24 7 Cable Coverage and more importantly ubiquitous social media and in other words justifying the control of Quote Misinformationers Favorite Buzzword of late of the little mini tyrants. The totality. Yeah, i would say to director ray just just ensure that your lawyers dont alter documents in front of a federal judge to ensure that your former director doesnt lie to a federal investigator like Andrew Mccabe did on three occasions ensure that james comey doesnt have amnesia and says he cant remember Two Hundred Forty Five times under oath when asked about the dossier to make sure that robert mueller, the distinguished ex fbi director, when he asked under oath what the steele dossier was infused in that birthed his whole investigation, he has no memory. So the fbi and i could go on , but theyre doing this to themselves and just like the military, only 45 now have confidence in the pentagon. Theyre blaming other people for that. Its selfinduced and they went all weaponizes and political and now theyre theyre reaping or reaping the whirlwind of the win they sold. They didnt blame other people for their own pathology, victor. They have no one to blame but themselves and theyre crying about Public Trust Cratering and theyre to blame. Excellent, excellent analysis. Victor, thank you. And coming up, we kick off black History Month, ingram style and introduce you to a young africanamerican who went from left wing activist to conservative advocate. Plus Behind The Scenes video of the small minds orchestrating the effort to cancel a law professor. The tape, which you will not believe is next. We heard people screaming my favorite sport right there. Come back for a limited time. 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You can have seats and whatever you like, you canwoul come up and ask me questions as soon as the q a starts becausebo i think if youre going toha protest somebody, its pretty important that you listen to what they have totat say first and see if its event worth the protest. We have selective outrage in this countryhe and its selective outrage towards people who look like me. Its a itsou a massive effort o label people who look like me as a victim that young woman, amela, a wannabe, joins me now m on the line. Its great to see you tonight. Why do you think people are afraid to hearo what you have to say . You didnt have all that many takers in that video after you invited them to come on end,ho which i thought was so nice. Ug you i think you offered them food. You give themem food as well. But youev gave them i did. Yeah. I mean you couldnt have been nicer to these people basically want to shut you upp. Oh , thank you so much. I think they were hiding their protest under the veil ofr a food drive which was it allting considering the signs at this protest talked about how hateful i am and how hateful prager u is and how they had no righthe to e on their campus. But i think the fear as it pertains to me is that i represent a particularly difficult opponent being a black female because the leftm uses me and my race and my p gender to promote myself as a victim and someone who needs to be fought for and to have me come up to them and say no, im not a victim and id likeehi to discuss that with you i think was a particularly hard thing for them to deal with now. And another moment from this encounter with the protesters. You made an interesting observer a. Here we go. La theres a massive amount of white students right now out here and i dont even need to use the race card, but a massive amount of white studentsts here talking about black oppression in america. To me t as im actively talkingt about it to them and very few of them want to have civil discourse. Did you c have any informed discussions with the folks Outss Thereio then . The really tedious signs . Unfortunately, you know, a few of them did end up going intosi the event after my shortit discussion with them and i think a breakthrough moment that we have happened t off the camera where i talked abouti the fact that i used to be a leftist organizer and i used to be a radical leftist and i would have been the one Who Wasl Staging A protest like this andk coming to fight people who are coming to my campus. Ok and that sort of broke through the barrier that we had a little bit. But in the endbu about five out of those forty protesters cameou into the event and only a couple of them asked any questions. Well, you neverou know amela you know how you how you turnin people thinking around or even open up the dialog. And i think thats a really great thing you did. You just never know how youre going to affect people. How diddid you make t you make the transformation from left to right . N itot was a difficult thing for me. It was itil wasnt until i workd for the left and i tell anybody whos a radical leftist now that you should test out that ideology by going and working for the radical left because it will soonse crumble. I lasted about a year doing that and i just realized theree was so much hypocrisy. There was blatant racism towards white people and there was so little discussion. And when i brought Upp Thosedisi concerns to higher ups at the organization, i was turned away and i was told that i didnt understand how oppressed i am and that is soat i emblemac of modern day woke leftism is trying to convince people that theyre victims in order to promote your agenda and i simply got tired of it and had to leave and im very thankful that he did. Angela, its great tonight and youre a great new voice in this discussionon and were going to s be watching it very closely. So thank you so much. Alou and the radicalism i encountered on campus is alive and well at Georgetown Law School today. Law School Students ramped up their Pressure Campaign to get professor ilya shapiro fired over kind of a poorly worded tweet about bidens potential skodas pick. But things quickly took a pathetic turn. The Student Group demanded i kid you not a safe space forth students and other people toer cry and perhaps more telling was this response from the law schools dean of students. It is really, really hard to walk out of class here and you should always place it if youre finding that youre not getting the person you want to talk to or not getting the space that you neede , reach out to me at any time. S so we will find your space, well find youl space and illti give your foot rub you poor victimized students. My next has attempted to attend this meeting but was barred from doing so even still, wh he was the only Reporter Toat capture what we just showed you. H joining me now is nate hochman, isi fellow at National Review made first of all, big kudos for you for getting at least a little of that video because that is one of the most pathetic things ive everhe seen. Georgetown law school used to be a great place if thats the dean of students u u, i hav. Words at this point. Parents, savee your tuition dollars s. I what is going on in georgetown and whats happening theret . Well,ha laura , what were seeig at georgetown is an eliteseis institution a, a once great institution, as you said, where the inmates run the asylum. Now, i mean, ilya shapiros tweet short, we can talk about how it might have been worded better, but what it was voicing was i i Fundamentallys True Principle and a principle that was uncontroversial in American Life until five minutes ago, which is that Supreme Court nominees should be selected o on the bass of their merits b, their competency rather than the color of their skin. And what weve seen at georgetown law rather than lawe students defending equality under the law is a complete meltdown and a Capitulation E by the dean of students and thet rest of the administrators like we saw t in that video where they are trying to appease these radical students and givee them everything that theyre demanding rather thanas actually standing up for basic constitutional principles like equality. And i dontrinc know whether to laugh or cry other than crying. I mean, you have to laugh because i want to h showe the audience another moment that you captured. I can remember recent things about this. This is great. But we have to do so much work for all this stuff and all of that is i dont know if itss] a couple of dinners or things that would help, you know, wed like we can go home and get the money. We have food on. Oh , w wait a second. W is the dana students or whoever is in that room actually catering literally catering to the students protesters and the way the food is reparations . I couldnt follow that at all. Ol yeah, its the kind of thing that you would laugh at if it n wasntat a top fifteen law schol in the country and if these students werent the kinds of people who are going to be running our country pretty soon, these are the people who are going togoin be in our g law firms. Theyre going to be running for office. Theyre going to be staffing our ngos and they are their bad behavior is actively being rewarded by the dean who is terrified of his students. Theyreis demanding food. This is not behavior that is becoming of any human functioning adults, let aloneou people who are ostensibly ourr future leaders. And its again, it is being sanctioned and appeased by the georgetown law administration, whichy i think is shameful. The local mp white left, right. Thats what i read somewhere on twitter today and that was from a liberalal great that you got that video. Thank you so much. And two days before the games kick off in beijing, the fbi issued a dire warning about chinas threat to our countrys very existence. Senator marco rubio is here with reaction today. There. Hunter biden is the most protected person in the country. He was given race and favor jobs well beyond his credentials. It just found you really cant find any Business Venture that does revolve around his fathers political power. Tens of millions from ukraine, China On Washington Entities Hunter is barely functional. 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The Chinese Government steals staggering volumes of information and causes deep job destroying damage across a wide range of industries. Oh fbi director ray and its entire agency are a little late to the party, dont you think, when it comes to the china threat that was only today that the fbi sounded the alarmrt on something this show warned about weeks ago that the athletes are at risk of Cyber Attacks and of course could use burner phones. Now none off their own personal Computing Devices when they go there, but it gets worse. The ccp has sent a clear message to any would be critics during the games. The New York Times reporting that in january a prominent Human Rights Activist in china took to twitter to criticize State Security Agents for Questioning Harassing and detaining critics ahead of the olympics. Since then, the police have visited him four times in eight days. Joining me now is florida senator marco rubio, vice chair of the senate intelligence, someone who has joined me in calling for a boycott of the beijing games. Senator rubio, are you worried for us athletes . I am for a couple of reasons. Wn the first is w obviously a veryy tough one to come down with. Thd the chinese wont let them leave the country. Theyll kind of lock them down. I think the second is the usa expresses a political view that runs counter to anything that china believes or says. Il wel dont know whats going to happen to them. Weor dontri know what theyll. Im also worried frankly about the state of journalism and well have journalists over there covering these olympics. And what if one of them goesnd off script and says something c that the chinese censors dont like . Can something happen to them . Frankly, im hoping that these . Networks that are covering this that are making are planning to make a bunch ofth money off this that they have the courage in their News Departments to cover exactly what kind of country these is hosting these olympics. In what kind of government is hosting these olympics. This is. A government that is committing occurences. The senator rubio we launched something called the not one Minute Campaign against nbc for enriching Enriching China and themselves obviously and broadcasting the games. We all love our athletesen. T we all want them to be successful and are going to cheer them on when they come home. But nbc is supposed to be a news organization, but theyre not going to be able to report on and the ongoing, everything youve been talking about for years, frankly, theyre not going to be able to do anyny of that. Thats right. And i think its interesting to see what theyll talk about during those two weeks. Look, at the end of the day, were not punishing the athletes to be part of that. The concern we have right is that , you know, nbcs putting up a bunch of Subscription Services people have to pay for to watch some of these things in real time. I dont think they should making a penny out of this or at least consumers dont havert to participate in making helping to make a penny out of it. And if theres an athlete that you really like and want to follow, i assure you that the clips are going to be available online. People will post those in different places. The core of this is very simplee and that is were going to not allow people we shouldnt we want we shouldnt allow people to monetize an olympics being hosted by a genocidal communist government that , by the way, is also trying to dismantle the uss place in the world that targeting our industries, our jobs, our Supply Chains and all across the board. China expert speaks Mandarin Cantonese Steven Mosher senator rubio is on my podcast today and he said that he was concerned about a potential for some of our athletes to be subjected to perhaps a contagion while theyre therep ,that he doesnt put anything past the chinese havingas to lir there. And obviously hes done so muchh work on human rights in china. Are you concerned for their health in beijing . Well, i cant speak to the medicine or the medical part of it becausein i mean, i have information that others have access to. But i canre tell you that we dont have any transparency if in fact there are health risks, if in fact there is some novel new disease or an n outbreak of a new variant of covid or whatever , we wouldnt know about it. Theres no way the Chinese Government is going to be transparent about that , that they werent transparent about it when when the crisis first emerged and they wont be they will not be transparent about any risks that the athletes run to their health or wellbeing, be it anything from air quality all the way down to to a new pandemic or a new disease. So i cant personally sayea im aware of a threat, butn i can tell you here in a country where one existed, you wouldnt know about it. It was an odd Development Today or george soros of all people took after china saying that she was a great threat to open societies everywhere. Are you surprised by that . T especially given his alliance o with john kerry and all the work are trying to supposedly do on china with president xi . Yeah, look, im surprised because i never findau myself on the same side of issues with george soros. But that said, i think this is an issue that doesnt quite frankly have to be a partisan or ideological one for the life of me. I dont understand why anybodyeo would be a defender of the Chinese Government, what they do in terms of stealing technology, intellectual property. You know, they help the industrialized this country. Now let me be clear. Theres a lot of blame on this side too, because weve got a lot Ofor Corporations and a lt of political figures who are tied to either directly through finances or in many cases because of key constituencies are tied to companies and or practices that are helping china at the expense of american workers, american industry and American National security. So the we welcome anybody who ws to join the fight on this talke about this very clearly because this is not just about embarrassing china or calling them out. This is about changing our policies. A lot of what has happened because weve allowed china to destabilize the country. Weve allowed china to steal our technology and look the other way. Weve allowed this to goe on fr far too long. And if this continues, were not going to like the world. And senator, finally we learned today that china not surprisingly, did not live up to its Phase One Trade obligations through twenty twenty one. And yet i understand theres a movementnd in the senate amonc some of your colleagues and in the house to move forward with a push to pull back on some of the tariffs that trump smartly put in against china. Are you going to be a force against that effort . Absolutely. Given everything thats happened . Absolutely. Not only that , but first of all, china has never lived up to any International Commitment theyve made from hong kong, you name it. I mean, theyve never lived up to any they will sign the agreement because they dont they dont intend to keep it when the time is right, theyll break it and the case of the phase one , they never intended to comply with it. And now in fact, theyre using it as a bargaining chip. Now theyre basically saying, well, if you give in and you stop doing this and you stop doing that , then maybe we will comply with phase one as a result of it. He so now theyre actually using things theyve already signed as a condition of whatever its is theyre asking for from our government on a plethora of. Things. They will never comply with anything and at the same time as we keep these tariffs, we have got to do things to bring factories and Factory Type Event and fracturing back to the United States. Senator , great to see you tonight. Thanks so much. Come back soon. Update to a story we brought you a few weeks ago. Hundreds off colleges across the country are not only mandating that students get the covid vaccines but Booster Shots as well beforesh they ares allowed to come back to campus. Well, George Mason University outside the beltway was among them. Among them one student in its law school came on this show to fight it, to see the administration kind of excludingt. Power and balance and then leverage that against the students who were denied i a free choice. To me its just indefensible. So two days ago i started a petition on change from george mason to repeal his mandate. Well, shortly after that interview, the school repealed its Vaccine Mandate for Faculty Onlyy then the Virginia Attorney general stepped in along with a new Civil Liberties union and sure enough, the school relented. Now students are no longer required to get the booster or be fully vaccinated in order to attend george mason. Very good. El linger mangle helps you get results and were going to continue to stay on this and other stories where the elites and the government are treating americansli unfairy. Were not going to let you down and we wont let you get taken advantage of. What happened when minority students were forced to take crt at a California School . Well, the teacher who exposed it all is here to tell us next. Parents your childrens right to free speech is in danger. The liberal council will go to stealing their right to selfexpression. We need to teach our students to share their views without fear for their religion. Thats why Mike Huckabee wants to give you the kids guide to free speech and kids will go to this important free guide will help your kids learn how to stand up and speak out against those who want to silence them. Its part of a free gift that includes a magazine and video. To learn more , just visit free speech where Kids Duncombe free speech wokeness. Hey, im under construction but in my mind congress would have it. Thats why i only practice my dance skills of beachbody stupid trainer right to advise workout of each body. It feels like im right there in the classroom. Shawn learn the freshest moves and have more time with them. Write the speech, try psychology, study free for 14 days. Am i working on friday . 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We hear about Critical Race Theory in our schools. Well, here it is right in front of you and almost every single lesson had some sort element of critical theory. I mean, there was even a slight on marxism and these are like Interactive Slide Presentation that were given to the students. So if youre wondering y whether or not Critical Race Theory is a good thing for our country starts speaking against it y and see how people treat shillong. Joining me now is colly fontina, the former California High School english teacher behind this story who has since moved to florida. All right, colly, why is it that your students were turned off by these tea inspired lessons you reference . Its yeah, its interesting. I teach the english language learners and i always have my students check their grades every week for all of their classes and i was noticing a pattern of my students failing ethnic studies class and im asking them why are you guys failing this class . Because im im always on my students about their grades. I want them to do well and all of their classes, not just mine and theyre like, oh , you know, respond to any other questions. So dumb, especially my boys. And im i like, okay, what iss . This class . So i actually had access to the same platform as the other teacher that was teaching the ethnic studies class. And i got to take a look some of the lessons america was given a gift that we had that we had some of our online lessons online, our lessonse online because we are able to see some of whats going on inside of our classrooms and how they want to they want to keep it quiet though, right . They do not want parents to know what whats really happening behind closed doors. They want that to be sold and they just want to shut up. Et just y let your students get marinated in this hate and now then they are off tool the races in college. Exactly. Free is not free. And i think for many years weve been like, oh , we get to just drop our kids off at these schools and pick them up and we kind of remember what it was like when wen we were kids in te nineties or in the 70s or the 80s and its not that anymore. Our our schools have turned into indoctrination camps, especially in blue states. Now the superintendent of the sayinger School District said in the first couple of years of implementation of our ethnic studies coursesio, our students overwhelmingly expressed their satisfaction and appreciation for new Learning Spokane just so they cant break commissars of their time. What college was that experience . They loved it w. Well, for one year when youte speak up you get persecuted. I had to resign from my position to to to share these lessons. My tenured teaching positionur in california and luckily i hady a wonderful state to move to and some great plans for my future. But i loved my job. I loved my students. But you cant speak up. You cant speak up if youw get you know how it is, youem get labeled as white supremacist, you get labeled as racist. You you get put down, you get called, youre stupid. Youre lying. All kinds of crazy stuff. I mean, its insane. Heres what your former School District said about the allegations that black teachers were given gifts if the district did not give a gift to black or africanamerican teachers in fact are black and africanamerican parents gave a gift to black and africanamerican teachers to show appreciation during difficult times following the george floyd murder. Yeah, yeah. Well, i received i received an email from the superintendent that i received a gift for being a black teacher and this was about maybe a month after the George Floyd Riots and it was this long pandering email honoring the black teachers. And i received a gift for being a black teacher that parents had assembled a gift to give to all ofss the black teachers and oh, already i was red flag red flag because for a while i want to be honored for my teaching merit, not just my skin color. I mean m people watchingwa this across the country, their mouths are open because the way you see the gift they still have this year, that school is just learning, you know, american literature, the Great American literature and history, good and bad and ugly. And this is this is like something out of the former soviet union college. Youre going to were going to get our test scores. The test scores are all down. Thank you. H college we roll, but were going to have you back. Thank you for speaking out. Floridas lucky to have you. And the today show just got scooped. Well tell you about it in a moment. 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Speculation about the new name for the Team Formerly known as washington redskins, tonight a chapper scooped the today shows big reveal, capture thanksgiving shot of a Washington Commanders logo inside the teams stadium, some are suggesting it is a smoke screen, prank, not the real name. The commanders, okay. Gutfeld next. Fox news alert. Off Duty Police Officer recovering after being shot in his personal vehicle while waiting at a traffic light. The two suspects were expecting to rob the rookie cop. The victim is in stable condition. This is the latest Senseless Act Of Violence coming as the nation prepare to honor fallen Police Officer wilbert mora who died in an ambush last week. Im

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