clear and progressive physical and cognitive decline. they see him falling. they seem him wandering aimlessly, they see him stumbling. they see him confused. they see him not knowing where he is most of the time. and i think, you know, most of the american people obviously do not think he is up to the task and certainly can't do another four years. but, i also think that they are furious by this. you know, at the beginning, they were like oh, this is so sad and tragic, no, they are really, really disappointed and furious that the united states of america is in the position now where our commander-in-chief, our president is clearly a corrupt, commented hack and america has put on its back heels because of it. >> pete: it's true. now we are going to convince them that he is sharp with one ad. charlie, what do you make of how does this end up playing out? do they try to lean into defending his age this way or do they go with the basement