more transparency from the biden justice department. here to explain, project veritas founder ceo james o'keefehe made a mistake saying it was your home and office. i apologize for that .te but tell us what happened and what you have now discovered this is a big deal , sean. this is probably the biggest abridgment of the first amendment in the history of this country. my lawyer paul kelly and iri argued in court yesterday that this was an act of violence against the first amendment. this is about ashley biden'se ry diary. i thought we didn't corroborate it. that was hers. it ght turns out we're better journalists than we thought we were because the feds in the new york times have nows" verified that this actually was ashley biden's diary that tipster sent us first they raided our homes and took our equipment, our reporters notebooks and then now it turnso out t i found out this week that they were spying on us. the department of justice was spying on journalists and project veritas going back eight monthssts before weyt even knew anythinghi about this diary and spying on us