i ordered take the other night for a family of three. itt was one hundred and twenty five dollars. i was shocked at what i was b experiencing as a business owner that should be able tousus afford that .be now imagine not being able to cook at home and you're working at fifteen to twenty dollars an hour having to do that . it's it's just it's unsustainable and shame on the country for allowing us to have marriage married. josephine, i hope new yorkers . ne i hope new englanders. i hopepe all the people who votd for these policies are wakingg up. lici not about politics. this is common sense and you gave us a lot of it tonight . mayor josefin, we wish you and rocko's the best or these difficult times. thank you . and the bush administrationif so fanatical about this idea of remaking americabo that they'reh flagrantly harming our security and targeting everyday americans as potential terror threats. we're going to explain how they're doing this through a few select agencies.