their . but what's amazing, you're right, the most restrictive gun laws among the most restrictive and it's certainly not making them any safergs, is it?s yeah. biden is basically trying to gut the second amendment. you know, in addition to everything he talked about today, ahis atf has registeredf nearly one billion gun ownerss. records. you talked about that earlier this week. i mean, that's a list that canan always be a prelude to gun confiscation. his atf has proposed a ban on 40 million pistols and by the way, those one million one billion records can show the administered operation. ad who's not complying with that ban? truly, there's a long list of things the biden administration is doing to gun owners, but he needs them as his scapegoat because democrat citiess are setting homicide records and that's embarrassing toth the left. so guessra what biden didn't tak about today? there was nothing about stopping soft on crime policies that are w throwing criminalsow