joe biden voted against debt ceiling increases three times in the bush era. that's something he conveniently omitted today or maybe it's something that he's forgotten. democrats want to spend $7 trillion on a party line basis to enact their socialist agenda. they want us to give them the votes to borrow that money. no. that's not going to happen. republicans are not going to give democrats $7 trillion. i don't know what they are waiting on. we've been waiting -- we've been clear about this for months. mitch mcconnell has said you have the votes. you're trying to ram it throughout a party line basis. raise the debt ceiling on a party line basis. democrats have called mitch mcconnell mitch mcconnell the grim reaper of the senate. they shouldn't be surprised when the grim reaper of the senate kills their terrible ideas. >> laura: progressive cox number ro khanna, he said he's open to cover my xing on 3.5. i love how i throw these numbers around like they're nothing. he has a reason for it. >> the president said something