but i think today also, it showed what happens when people push the envelope too far, and people will remember this in 2020. just look at drew, he's got a very bright future. >> laura: he's got a year to go. a big fat on the bus that conservatives aren't thrilled about. i'm not. we've got a lot of spending cutting to do. >> it's been a great couple weeks for progress. >> laura: and the economy, and i we have to cut spending. thank you, kellyanne conway appeared in president, as i sa said, held an unbelievable rally in michigan. people waiting outside, 13, 14 degrees. he made the case for his reelection, his economy, his foreign policy in the key battleground states and he's not letting impeachment get him down one bit. watch. >> it doesn't really feel like we are being impeached. [laughter] the country is doing better than ever before.