the democrats are freaking out and they are so determined to stop trump and smear barr. they bet that it is safer to sully trump with bogus accusations and finally face the music themselves. a true investigation of their actions to interfere in a presidential election using foreign actors, phony information and a complicit deep state. and that's "the angle." herere in studio to respond alan dershowitz, harvard lawaw professor emeritus, and author of the great book "the case against impeaching trump." tom fitton joins us in washington, the president of judicial watch. alan,l great to see you. all democrats have to do to find foreign election interference is to look in the mirror. we just laid out, mifsud, alexander downer, the australian involved, this maltese connection, and now we find out more about the ukraine and what dirtwere doing to dig up on president trump. isn't it funny how all things are coming around? >> this is great stuff or