from the very beginning gratis' you're right, this has got to stop or you're right this is going to do long-term damage to the presidency democrat down the road or at the republican, doesn't matter. i want to share something else. this house chair schiff, he threatened what he threatened to do if trump doesn't handle over the whistle-blower's actual complaint. watch. >> in this case, you have the office of the director of national intelligence that is withholding this complaint in violation of the clear letter of the law, that law says that he shall transmit the complaint, he's the first to refuse to do t so and they are funding request that at that office makes the don't go directly to national security that we can withhold. >> laura: okay so it's a game of chicken here? are they calling adam schiff's bluff here? >> what's really going on here is that the democrats in congress are trying to hold down every institution, long practice, and then a constitutin to just bring down president trump. if you look at the statute here the whistle-blower statute president trump clearly is not