republicans want background checks. we saw a letter from 145 top ceos today saying, please do something! and guess what. the reason they are not doing anything is not mitch mcconnell. he is like a rock in the road. it's a president trump and he is in the pocket of the nra. talk about a special interest. >> katie: president trump actually risked a lot with his base and second amendment support is in the last couple of weeks by considering some of the proposals the democrats have put on the table, in terms of compensation, ban on semiautomatic sporting rifles. you say the most americans want background checks, i have news for you. we have background checks in this country. the fbi does 24 million background checks every single year. >> greg: you are an expert in this. you think my idea is stupid customer asked >> katie: yeah, i do. >> greg: i just want to know. i saw your face. why is it stupid? >> katie: i wouldn't say it is stupid. it's nice to think outside the box about why people may be