>> this is consistent with a possible displaced fracture. >> is the injury you see in this exhibit consistent, this exhibit 79, consistent with having been punched in the nose? >> yes. >> he's got blood thinner, right? >> right. >> i put the hand over that, right? >> okay. >> what do you expect my hand to have on it? >> blood. >> de mayo then went on to explain there could be multiple reasons for the absence of blood. >> where that blood goes may depend on the position that your head is in? >> yes. >> and would the fact that it was raining to some degree, could that also affect whether or not there is biological or dna ed collected from mr. martin's hands? >> that's true. >> or perhaps even if they may have been washed prior to being photographed? >> that's why the forensic pathologist is supposed to be with the body from the time it comes in. >> yes. all right, so this was significant testimony today, in fact for both sides, but i think it was compelling for the jury because he is a well regarded expert, he has 40-plus years, his character, his ability, his reputation is above reproach, even from bob bickle that we're about to see, so this was important. they wanted to end with a very strong compelling witness that directly contradicts the prosecution's medical examiner when he took the stand, he said a number of things like oh, trayvon martin might have been alive for anywhere from one to ten minutes, vincent de mayo said it was more like one to three minutes and he also said that the injuries that zimmerman received were consistent with him being on the bottom and trayvon martin being on top. >> very, very, extremely compelling witness, i got to say, forensic pathologists, where were the forensic witnesses for the state's case? they just never hoed showed up. this was a very good witness, i don't know if i agree with you that it was good for both. from the way the police treated the ed vidence to testifying th the nose was broken, all the way down to it had to be dislocated. the guy knows what he's talking about. where were these type of witnesses for the prosecution? >> they had the medical examiner, but as we discovered on this show, he was really discredited, there was a tremendous problem with his testimony, the people who were, you know, trying to find something. >> the point is you score another one for the defense. when the defense rests, i got to say at this point, there's not a lot there. >> he was a pivotal witness. >> i think this was the strongest witness they brought to the stand yet. talk about a way to close the case, it should have been okay, end scene, closing statements. he was really, really good. and that's exactly what they needed. even last week we heard the headlines saying that the witness for the prosecution said these medical injuries were, quote, inconsistent, i thought that o'meara really tore her apart last week. this was the strongest one for the defense. i think this put a bow on it, tied it up and it was consistent with zimmerman's claims. >> i can't keep bob bickle after school for being a very bad boy, i'm going to see if i can educate him. let's listen to dr. vin september de mayo talk about the positioning of the two people. >> the muscle of the gun in this case was two to four inches away from the skin. if you lean over somebody, you will notice that the clothing tends to fall away from the chest. if instead you're lying on your back and somebody shoots you, the clothing is going to be against your chest. the clothing was two to four inches away. it's consistent with somebody leaning over the person doing the shooting. >> it certainly helped my side on the prosecution. listen, this guy, can i just say this once again? you look at this guy's wounds, he's got a couple of scratches to his head, a baby could do that to him and the poor guy had a broken nose. if this law says you're supposed to be in imminent danger of their death. everybody that gets a scratch and a broken nose, if that's imminent danger of death, half the country would be dead. >> are you saying that if you're on the ground with someone on top of you, you can't defend yourself? >> the fact is, when i was 18, i could kick my 29-year-old butt. i was in much better shape. >> you could kick your grandmother're butt. >> what he said was that not only were the injuries consistent with the story that george zimmerman has given to the police repeatedly introduced by who? the prosecution. it's a matter of fact if you're getting your head hit against the ground, you're going to -- >> it doesn't matter what i think or what you think, it matters what the six people in the jury if they have a reasonable doubt. here's a good question, first of all, mark o'mara has just been fantastic at this. this guy is just unbelievable lately. the last five or six days, he's been just on fire. here's the question, though, you're in the jury, right? so second-degree murder is the higher charge, right? >> yes. >> 15 years or so? >> 15 years to life. >> if they don't find second-degree murder then there's manslaughter, but there's a gun involved and the suspect is 18 years old. >> it's more likely a manslaughter, but you give the guy more penalty for the less. i have to acquit. >> that sounds like a sentencing issue. he could end up with the same amount of time, because according to florida law, you can be held up to life, you could be eligible for parole. but . >> if you don't immediate the burden of proof for the higher charge, is a juror more likely to say i have to acquit because i don't think he's guilty of this but i'm not going to give him more time. >> because the jurors don't have anything to do with the sentencing, and they are not to discuss or advise about sentencing. if they've seen some coverage of this, they're going to know the penalties are roughly the same. >> let's assume this guy gets off. he goes back to being a wannabe cub scout cop. would you like this guy outside to protect you with a gun and the kids are walking around? this guy is a thug, he ain't that senator. >> bob, you're making statements about him, disparaging his intelligence, you're talking about things that are not even in evidence. >> have you heard him talk? >> i heard his interview with hannity -- >> how can you call him a thug, bob, you said that you believe all of us here would like him to be acquitted. i don't think that's the case at all. i don't think any of us know what happened that night. in fact i know none of us know what happened. we're just trying to flesh out the facts like everybody else. >> i didn't say you all wanted him to, you all predicted he would. >> they all testified that he was on the ground, the thug was not the one on top. >> so what? he didn't do anything to the guy. he broke his nose, that's too bad. >> bob, what you're not understanding is, is that the prosecution has the burden to show that it was unreasonable self-defense, so where in this trial have they demonstrated hatred, ill will. >> manslaughter. >> we're only talking about the evidence that was presented in front of this jury, based on transcript. >> so you agree bob, that they overcharged this case? >> they did on second-degree murder but certainly not on manslaughter, you got a guy who shoots a kid and he's probably going to walk away, and that's disgraceful, it's disgusting, it's difficult, but that's florida. >> that's what this case is now. >> the guy had no gun, no anything. his fists. are you going to shoot him? >> obviously you have a reasonable fear that of great bodily injury, not only that you're going to die in one second, but great bodily injury. dr. vincent de mayo said that you can sustain fatal injuries by your head hitting the ground like that. >> the point is, i tell you, if this guy walks, there's going to be trouble down there, because it's going to remind everybody in the south -- >> bob, you talked about how deadly and dangerous football wounds are. how is this any different? >> i didn't say they were deadly, i said there were some people who die. greg, are you waiting to say something? >> i was waiting for you to shut up. >> oh, my god, those are fighting words. >> oh, my god. the two words closing argumentses haarguments have to be the happiest sound the average viewer has heard in the last two years. the one thing we learned in this trial is that it's about a fight. it's about two guys who both of them met on the same night and it went two far. it's not about black, white, hispanic, it's about two guys who used their fist, we're trying to decide who made the mistake. i'm tired of hearing opinions with no backup to it. >> there's probably 1,000 of those a year. >> exactly. >> it probably goes on in every state. >> but the problem is the media has made it more than just one guy with a gun and one guy with his firsts. >> there should be a second trial, a show trial of every comment tator who has made the most dishonest b.s. is about what happened and their punishment when they're caught is to watch hbo's newsroom. >> after that outrageous attack by greg on me. >> i had to say something. >> okay. you yourself said you had two people who went overboard. >> the way you're arguing it, you even talking about a fight. which is i think the way it should be discussed. then you veered over to there's going to be trouble. >> there shouldn't be. >> it's not white versus black, it's fist versus gun. >> you said that these guys major reacted. one guy overreacted with a handgun, and another guy that overreacted with his fists. >> ten killed, four injured in chicago over the fourth of july weekend. that has two variables that the media love, and that is race and gun violence. somehow they don't care about that? >> but this also had -- how long was this brewing for months before they actually got zimmerman and picked him up. in the meantime, this was made racial and political. and you're right, greg, typically these cases would be solved in court and we would never talk about them or hear about them but instead this went along racial lines. >> that old guy that cried like a baby, what was his name? >> oh, my gosh, one of his family or friends. >> that was his voice, what do you expect him to say? >> all right, bob. >> the thing is, you're talking about things that happen in a case. these are things that happen in a case. on both sides. >> you're all picking on me. >> bob, because if you recall, the fbi's expert testified that, no, we can't say who it is on the na911 call, the people who e best suited are people who know the victim and know the defendant. >> you're argume ee're arguing,t be argumenting this case, you should be arguing that the law is not correct. in any given circumstance where one guy has his fist and the other guy has a gun, the law shouldn't allow the guy to shoot the guy without the gun. the law says it's legal if it goes to -- >> the law says if you're in imminent danger of your live, you can shoot someone. >> and if your head is being beat against the concrete, i bet you're fearing y ining your dea imminent. >> he has a broking nose, his head is being hit against a fence. that testimony is not being contradicted by any other evidence in this case, so you have to deal with that and there is the problem of self-defense in this country. he doesn't have an obligation to die and just sit there. people go why didn't he pull a gun, he had it in his pocket? bob, you're not a forensic pathologist, are you? >> i teach people forensic path on ology. >> more from the zimmerman trial ahead, but first, nearly four years after the terror attack, the long-awaited ft. hood murder trial began today in texas. we're going to bring you p to speed. and later, if you love george clooney, don't go anywhere. big news from one of hollywood's biggest stars, "the five" returns in a moment. most people lose when they get tired of winning, it's just too exhausting to stay on top. as winners choose to be losers, losers are energized. 43 died, every one a child but one. you can credit boco haram. they attack schools because knowledge might shed a light on their beliefs. as kevin williamson the group's name translates -- the educated among us continue to flunk the most basic lesson taught this generation, that there's a bunch of people who really, really want to destroy our way of life. we can try to reason with them and use sensitive words. what if what's diverse is also vehemently un-american and when they sense an american willing to sacrifice their place at the top, it makes them want that spot even more. bob, you've been following this stuff. this specific group targets schools and kills kids. >> they are a bunch of thugs, murderers and they go after the christian schools, they have done this, they burn them down. we don't do that here, if we burned your mosque you would really be upset. these guys are murders, terrorists and this is what the prophet told you to do, then the prophet was wrong. by the way, is any muslim out there any muslim cleric, any muslim leader say anything about this? no, you're cowardly, because you're afraid they're going to put a fatwa on you, fatwa this. >> i knew that would rile you. angela, people always talk about the united states wanting to spread democracy, it's not really like that, we actually just want to stop the spread of this. we're not asking for anything special u we just don't want to be killed. >> do we want to spread democracy? because the muslim brotherhood weren't going after schools, but they were allowing the persi persecution of christians, mohammad morsi was pardoning accused terrorists. instead of saying what bob said which is courageous, this administration says we are not at war with radical islamism, we're not at war with them, they're a peaceful religious. we have a shared tolerance. i wish this administration would wake up the way that you have woken up. >> you and me both, peaceful religion? these guys since they were little kids they were taught how to be terrorists. i don't understand it. by the way it was the muslim brotherhood that was spochblg for bringing those catholic churches in egypt, they said they only looked the other way. why don't you have the courage to look at it and stop it. >> what was the big rush to get the muslim brotherhood in power in egypt them? >> that's a good point. >> leading mubarak in. good job. >> both george bush and barack obama said we want democracy in egypt. well they got it and look what they got. we have got to learn a lesson here that we can't impose our democracy in other countries because you're not going to like what you get. >> let them vote in democracies, let them vote in the muslim brotherhood if they want. but don't give them all the tools to fight us when we don't like what happens over there. >> but when the muslim brotherhood, when mohammad morsi who represents the muslim brotherhood won in egypt, that was the moment we should have said, okay, fine, you want muslim brotherhood, that's fine, but our foreign aid is cut off, egypt. sorry. >> you cut off the military and you're going to cut off the last friend you got in that country. >> something that will get you even angrier, the shooter in the ft. hood shooting, he's paralyzed so he's going to require 10 to 20 ming breute br for stretching because he's paralyzed. >> what do you have to do stretching for if you're paralyzed? >> i don't know. >> he's going to use this trial, okay, for his own purposes to try and preach jihad, he's going to make a mockery of the legal system and it's our own fault. we are a cowardly to say this is workplace violence instead of jihad right here on our own soil. and we're treating him, you know, with -- like kids gloves, saying, hey, listen, do whatever you want, make these statements, represent yourself, make a mockery of the court system and the legal system in general and i think it's shameful. dits respectful, it is disrespectful to the victims and their surviving family members. >> but the jury is all officers. >> correct. >> the weird thing is, his defense strategy is the soldiers presented a threat to the taliban heads. that's his defense. that defines a jihadist right there. >> there's no reason that shouldn't be a military -- >> by the nature of his defense, he's defining his crime and what he did. >> can you imagine being the victims and the families of the victims having to sit there and be questioned. >> i think the military's not going to lets this get out of hand. he might try and grandstand to make this a case for jihad, but the judge is going to slap it down. because you just mentioned his defense, it will be difficult if not impossible to prove what he did. and i say, let him do it. let him explain why he did it. because this is what radical islam is. since our administration doesn't want to talk about it, there he is, he was trying to protect the taliban. >> now it's going to be shameful for the obama administration because -- >> don't give that response. hold on. >> no military decorations or awards. >> to classify it as workplace violence instead of an act of jihad, an act of war, that's the same administration that tried to try khalid shaikh mohammed in new york. >> why wasn't he brought here? >> you think he should be tried in new york on american soil? >> you think he should get -- >> this is outrageous, hopefully he gets the death penalty. >> i hope the trial goes quickly. a monster in cleveland has -- you'll hear for the very first time from amanda perry, gina dejesus and michelle night when we come back. . they were freed on may 6 from a decade of hell in a run down house in cleveland. now we're hearing from the three young women who taped a short video with messages they wanted released to the public. >> i want everyone to know how happy i am to be home with my family and my friends. it has been unbelievable. i want to thank everyone who has helped me and my family through this entire ordeal. i'm getting stronger each day and having my privacy has helped immensely. >> i would say thank you for the support. >> i just want everyone to know i'm doing just fine. i may have been through hell and back, but i am strong enough to walk through hell with a smile on my face. and with my head held high. and my feet firmly on the ground. thank you for all your prayers. i'm looking forward to my brand my life. -- brand-new life. >> they all look so incredible. and it's so great to see them all smiling. the trial for aerial castro starts nec month. jo you know what i like about this is that it wasn't some stage morning show where reporters ask dumb questions. it was on youtube, put it out there, no dumb questions. >> it boggles my mind that this happens in communities where there is no community. there are centers of these cities that are completely barren, they're barren outposts of ghosts where this could happen. nobody knew about this for a decade. it blows my mind. how are cities like this in this day and ages? it's because people are leaving and the people left behind, they have no hope. it's sad. >> if you had anything bad happen today or going forward, all you had to do, eric was look at that video and say so what i have a flat tire? or so what this happened to me? these women have such positive attitudes about what happened to them. >> a positive note, they did it on youtube. like you said, they didn't have reporters asking stupid questions. it was a controlled environment, that was fantastic. they didn't say anything about the crime so it's not going to affect the jury pool or the trial coming up. michelle knights miscarried after being punched by that dirt ball. so he will be tried for murder and the possible death penalty? ? >> he should be. and that's why it's so trajsic is that michelle is special needs and to think about what the three women meant through and the way he picked on her, it's just, to me, it's reprehensible. >> bob,