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Make this move now . Reporter do you have evidence that putin plans to move beyond ukraines borders why are you bolstering these eastern allies if you do not have evidence . Because its important that we send a strong signal to mr. Putin and to the world that nato matters to the United States, and to our allies. Harris when we had admiral kirby on this program last week, i asked him in a different way why didnt you do it when you 127,000 troops to the border with ukraine . They are doing it. We will cover the news as it happens. Much more. A live report from the ukrainian capital later this hour. Locks down for months at a time that was our lives. It was to flatten the curve, stay home to stay safe. Today, we are learning that it wasnt true, and it made the pandemic worse. A Bombshell Study revealing two years of lockdown saved only 0. 2 of lives in america. Democrats insisting it was the best way to keep the entire country safe. What will they say now . Im harris faulkner. You are in the faulker focus. A comprehensive study published by john Hopkins University, lockdowns and the earliest stages of the pandemic only reduced covid 19 deaths by that fraction of a percent. At the same time, we know those lockdowns were wreaking havoc on our economy, the education of our children, our mental health, and fueling political unrest. The studies found that. Remember, the Biden Administration was convinced the best path forward was to shut everything down. President biden what so Many Americans have lived under four months, it was intended to buy us time to get our act together. When you have an acute situation, the answer to that is to go back to our basic come out to shut down, flatten the curve. The fact that we shut down when we did has saved hundreds of millions of infections and millions of lives. Harris democrats in the media have widely criticized people who even questioned the lockdown. Now, those skeptics say they feel vindicated. Of course it didnt work americans saw it wasnt working. We saw the Coronavirus Spread dramatically, whether you did not or did have a lot done. Will democrats admit that their policy was wrong and ineffective . Of course not. Went to the American People step back and go im not going to listen to these people in Public Health and cities and states any longer, because their advice is wrong . Harris this eric kumah marc bergevin, arizonas attorney general is here. Lets begin with jonathan very reporting. During the early days of the pandemic, you had countries and u. S. States, many of them imposing lockdowns, various restrictions. There were bands on International Travel and stay at home orders or advisors for nonessential workers. Johns hopkins has published an analysis that determine various restrictions on movement in the u. S. And europe only reduced covid mortality by an average of 0. 2 , and even more stringent shelterinplace orders reduced mortality by only 2. 9 . With little to no Health Effects though they have imposed economic and social costs enormously where they have been adopted. In consequence, Lockdown Policies are illfounded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instruments. The analysis led by three economists did not look at the Effect Lockdowns had at hospitalizations. One of the early goals was to delay surges on the Nations Health care system to give them more time to prepare. The focus of this analysis was on preventing deaths. In that context, the researchers write our studies failed to do him straight significant positive effects of mandated behavioral changes, lockdowns. This should draw our focus to the role of voluntary behavioral changes. They say government authorities there a lot of responsibility for effectively communicating information to people so that they are on their can make their own voluntary decisions on how to respond to this and other pandemics. Harris a thank you so much. I was looking at what you were talking about, metaanalysis. 24 studies were part of this. Johns Hopkins University is often what you will see as the leading indicator of the number of cases and deaths. Not just here in america, but around the world trade this was not just one group taking a look at something. This was across the board from a source many people trust. I want to bring in Mark Brnovich attorney general from arizona come into his life from yuma, arizona. I want to stress the border, but first, this news on the lockdown. Ive heard you and others talk about this, because there are legal reasons, these steps Going Forward that you may be looking at, with regards to lockdowns. A. G. Brnovich harris, thank you for having me on. I feel a little vindicated. As you know, we were involved in lawsuits pushing back against not only the Biden Administrations attempt to mandate vaccines, but here in arizona where the government tried to lock us down. I think what these studies show is what some of us know, is that ultimately their economic and social costs to the lockdowns, yet a little benefit. Thats why early on, i issued an opinion saying we should stay open. Its one of the reasons why when the governor tried to lock down bars and gyms, i oppose that in the courtroom. I know fundamentally that our Constitutional Rights are most in jeopardy in times of crisis. Once you see that government, whether its the federal or state government, you are not getting it back. We have to be vigilant during a crisis. Harris its true. When you and i would talk previously during lockdowns from wherever we were able to broadcast from, we were learning that people who crowded into these indoor spaces and homes, they were not masking around everybody they felt safe with. They were popping with covid cases. It was worsening what was happening. We didnt learn that until the lockdown started to go away, and towns like mine, who had flattened the curve, were taking signs down. Anyway, lets move on to this washington proposed reporter is under fire for comparing covid19 deaths to murder. Look, its been a rough few years. I understand that, but i think you will agree when i say its simply time to move on, so i will say it im ready to move on from worrying about murder. The vast majority of americans say we need to move on with our lives. According to a new poll, 70 say its time to accept covid, its here to stay. Last one on the topic, attorney general . My mother lived through world war ii and communism, and she loves wheel of fortune. One night, shes watching before the news. When i was explaining why i was opposed to lockdowns, they had a doctor come on and say Mark Brnovich wants to get people killed. People engage in hyperbole and try to cancel and the one that disagrees with them. It is the antithesis of science that week, especially america, that we cannot have these authorizations about the pros and cons not only of lockdowns, but of mandates, vaccines, anything else. Shame on anyone that tries to compare anyone fighting for the constitution as it somehow a murderer an enabler. Harris a thank you for that. A new report on bidens other Border Crisis. A. G. Brnovich airplanes. Harris patrolling the border, they better be [laughter] many immigrants attempted to cross our southern border come from Mexico Or Northern Triangle countries of ramallah, honduras, and el salvador last month, they were outnumbered by people making longer and more complicated tracks to the United States, Driving Border Traffic were Illegal Immigrants from south america as well as india, turkey, ukraine, russia, romania. The list goes on. This comes as we heard u. S. Border agents last week loudly arguing with their own boss, saying the administration is not letting them do our own jobs. Hillary bond asked them about that. Deportees you admitted that morale is at an alltime low. Our President Bidens policies to blame for that . No comment. Harris what is your reaction to that . A. G. Brnovich of course, the blame lies on President Biden. Instead of going to New York City or sending the Vice President to Central America to study the root causes, he should come here to the border and see, firsthand, the destruction his administration has brought on arizona. Its the ultimate hypocrisy that you literally have the president of the United States willing to risk our sons and daughters to Security Ukrainian border, and meanwhile, millions of pounds of drugs are flooding to our southern border, millions of people. Our country is more dangerous as a result of the Biden Administrations failed to strengthen our own border. All youve got to do is come down here. Do you not only see the gaps. You see everything going on with the destruction. Thats the tip of the iceberg. When you think about the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost, impacted just this year as a result of cartels seizing control of this order. You have given harris you have given up this first person view. You are standing in front of a wall gap, and our cameraman is struggling to pull out enough so we can see how big that gap is. I dont know if the lens is wide enough to see it. You are in yuma. I want to tell our audience that what you are showing this is just a case and point. A new Wall Street Journal oped titled bidens southern Border Crisis is going away. Crisis festers, and the Democratic Party will pay a political price. The Current Administration should not escape blame for making a bad situation demonstrably worse. Like all of us, immigrants respond to incentives, and democrats have around about lee encouraged people to try their luck. Officially, the administration is telling migrants not to come to the u. S. , but it has been clear for a long time that those who make it here have a good chance of staying, whether they should or not. Should or not. A. G. Brnovich we have tried to get them to enforce the law. He has basically decriminalized and incentivized people breaking the law. I think that undermines what this country stands for. The reason why so many generations of immigrants like my family want to come here is no matter who you are, what your last name is, if you play by the rules and do the right thing you can get ahead, and you and your kids can have a better life. That the American Dream. Its not about the systematic destruction of our communities and society by allowing cartels to seize control of the border, by allowing people to come into our communities, by the flood of sentinel and methamphetamine in our neighborhoods. That is what the Biden Restriction has done. Shame on the u. S. Senate, shame on cartels from arizona. We should not vote on another judge or cabinet employee until we secure this border. Everything should be shut down in washington until we secure our border. Harris you are in yuma today, and your office told us he would be there today. He keeps hitting your legal desk. Attorney general, thank you for being in focus today. President biden sending more than 3,000 americans to Eastern Europe. The move comes as a new image suggestion russia is moving closer to an invasion. A live report by fox news reports ukraines capital is where we will be speak of the senseless violence continues to happen across this country. Something needs to be done. The political rhetoric needs to stop. Harris a sea of blue surrounding new yorks st. Patricks cathedral, the second of 2 nypd heroes will be laid to rest. Officers boss, families and shattered, as Americas Police are under attack. No one deserves the American Dream of homeownership more than veterans. 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They were responsible to reports of a suspicious man. The suspect open fire on them before he fled. School officials identify the victims as Campus Safety officer j. J. Jefferson and Campus Police officer after a long, Police Arrested 27yearold Alexander Wyatt campbell. Hes being held without bond on charges, including two counts of capital murder. We cannot continue to serve, successfully, the community we love when there is this blatant disregard for authority. It does not fit a particular narrative. Those in Authority Coddling criminals and enabling this behavior have culpability just as those who are pulling the trigger. Harris at that Harris County constable had a lot to say, calling out the whole judicial system at the funeral for Corporal Charles galloway. Callie was shot and killed during a houston traffic stop. His accused killer, an illegal immigrant who police call a career criminal. His senseless murder came days before three houston officers were shot during that standoff. We waited for hours for that situation to end. Allegedly, at the hands of a gunman with at least nine prior felonies on that day. All of this as New York City mourns another fallen hero. Nypd Officer Wilbert mora. His funeral was underway at st. Patricks cathedral. He and his partner jason rivera were shot in and attacked. Riveras funeral was last week. They were responding to a domestic call. Nypd chief spoke of the frustration and anger among the rank and file. They are angry, because there wasnt so many guns in the street, and no consequence for people carrying illegal guns. They are putting themselves in danger every day to get guns off the streets, and yet the same people that they are arresting our back out walking the street. Too often, they are using the guns against them. Five Police Officers shot in the first 21 days this year, two of them fatal. Harris look at the leadership thats stepping forth. You see the decorations on all of these police officials. They are fighting for their rank and file. This is what a war on Law Enforcement looks like. Take a look at your screen. At least 30 Police Officers shot in just the month of january. Thats up 67 from the same time last year. No statistics show as the head of the countrys Largest Police union because they violence against cops the worst ive ever seen. Five of the 30 officers shot in the line of duty have died. Joe concha, Fox News Contributor, media and politics columnist for the hill. The numbers are starting to reflect what millions of americans already feel in their communities. Thats true. You see the polls that have been out recently, were eight in ten americans say they are deeply concerned about crime it. When you juxtapose the Media Coverage of crime in New York City, as an example the Associated Press had this story. A string of highprofile crimes in New York City has frayed nerves, but statistics suggest it is about as safe or safer than it was a decade ago. According to new York City Police Department Crime stats, major crimes are up in New York City 38 , rapes 20 , robbery up, Grand Larceny up. This is a result of two things one, and apathetic Activist Media during the summer of 2020 that consisted in rioting like cities in minneapolis, new york, portland, was somehow justified, all in the name of social justice. Mayors like bill de blasio, now the former mayor Cutting Police funds to the tune of 1 billion in new york, and demoralizing his department in the process. We are not just seeing a sizable increase in crime, but criminals have become fearless. They are brazen. They know that even if Police Forces are beefed up, they know that District Attorneys like Alvin Bruggeman had and are not going to enforce the law the way they should. Until president tsai joe biden show he cares by attending a Police Funeral like the one we are seeing at st. Patricks today, i have a feeling the situation is not going to change. Harris the other thing theyre feeling is that their local officers are under attack. When the president finally sits down with the mayor of New York City, erica adams, shouldnt the District Attorney sit down with them . Otherwise, its a circular conversation. Yet joe yes, the governor being vocal as well. Get everybody on the same page could i want to bring us derives one more time, the funeral of Officer Wilbert tomorrow today. As joe was talking about, this is a wider family that we are a part of, those who serve our community. We are watchful over this, just as we were over jason riveras funeral and Corporal Charles galloways funeral. All in one week. New york governor kathy hogle also, as you said, is part of this conversation. She says critics should not be tough on manhattan liberal d. A. He needs to do his job. You judge by the balance. Someone who has been on the job a very short time i cut him some slack. Hes only been on the job at a quarter of the time i have. Ive been on the job a short time. Let him work with the other District Attorneys. I know they have conversations. Can we afford to cut them some slack . Major crimes. You said it. Doesnt buy more than 38 . Thats just here. Thats just here in New York City. This is happening in other cities your last quick thoughts, and we will move on. How many Police Officers have to get shot . For the governor to say that with a smile on her face speaks volumes. Breaking news. Jeff zucker has announced his immediate resignation as the president of cnn. This comes amid an investigation into what jeff zucker calls a consensual relationship with a colleague. Others are calling it inappropriate. Whatever it is or was, he is out. Joe about nine years ago, jeff zucker came to cnn. It was a left of center network, yes, but a legitimate news network. I used to go on pretty often at that time. His legacy will be taking this News Organization and making it a blatantly active organization, geared to target conservatives. Obviously, when donald trump came on, they led the resistance against him, and it hurt their reputation. Now, you see their ratings, when compared to last year, down 90 rated business, very good, but lets lead to read the statement. As part of the investigation into Chris Colemans tenure at cnn, i was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone i worked with both more than 20 years. I acknowledged the relationship. I was required to disclose it when it began, but i didnt. I was wrong. That relationship was with the Chief Marketing Officer for cnn. Zucker was divorced a couple of years ago, but you have to wonder if theres more to this story. Why resign if you are having a consensual relationship . Harris thats part of the investigation into crisp almost tenure at cnn you talk about as part of the investigation into chris almost tenure at cnn. I didnt watch them, but a lot of people dead. It was losing their prime time numbers, that network. They took down this guy, two people. The investigation is still ongoing. The question is what is behind the scenes in terms of that investigation . For him to mention it here, it tells me that it wasnt just a simple matter that he did not tell people he was dating this woman. It is that its mixed up in an investigation where they are taking a look at improprieties behavior by one of his employees. We will have to see what happens with that. I want to get to Whoopi Goldberg. As we segue into that, we are looking at, now, goldberg at the the view, following her controversial remarks about the holocaust, and then followup comments which have gone even more viral. Lets be truthful about it. The holocaust isnt about race. Its about mans inhumanity to man. The president of abc news, kim got one, issuing this statement to announce goldbergs suspension, saying she needs to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments. Goldberg has since apologized, although some people think it was more of a Public Relations thing. Some are saying it isnt enough whether she meant it or not, and she should be fired from the network. So much to unpack. Why did abc allow would be go back to go on Stephen Colberts show six hours after she made those comments . Harris shes privileged. Joe she only made things worse. A twoweek suspension. Whoopi goldberg makes about 100,000 a week for the view. She is making millions of year. You have to wonder, is this a two week suspension like when Sharon Osbourne was put on hiatus and eventually let go or will she be let back in two weeks . I would say she probably will be back, because Whoopi Goldberg has been with the network for a long time. There is a financial aspect. In terms of who she supports from an ideological perspective, i have a feeling they will keep her. They are having a tough spot filling Meghan Mccains seat. A lot of people not liking the decision if she is kept. Harris who put Whoopi Goldberg in that seat thinking it would drive numbers up . I dont understand how they can to see what she did, and the corruption of her words afterwards on another show shes got friends, so she can go on some of the elses show and Say Something even more corrupt i dont understand how they think thats going to be fixed in the 14 days grade joe short memories in this business is perhaps the bat that the news cycle will take it out to sea. When you look it will be goldberg on the view, it will be difficult to not think about her comments about the holocaust not being about race. Harris joe, thank you very much. Breaking news on cnn, zucker out for potentially having an inappropriate relationship with one of his employees. We will follow that. Now, President Biden has a full year in office under his belt. Governors across america are giving him a grade for his performance. That grade is not among the top three letters of the alphabet. Dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy . Inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Lets kick kens ache and burn into gear over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Those drops will probably pass right by me. Xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. Whats that . Xiidra . No it can provide lasting relief. Xiidra is the only fdaapproved nonsteroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if youre allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. After using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. Got any room in your eye . Be proactive about managing your symptoms by talking to your doctor about twicedaily xiidra. Like i did. I prefer you didnt. Xiidra. Not today, dry eye. Harris governors from across America Have Given President Biden the grade of d when asked about his performance. They point to numerous crises like inflation and the botched withdrawal from afghanistan. Republican governors sounding off on the administration including doug ducey of arizona, saying i think this is a feeling of the administration. Kristin new new saying the communication is terrible. Power panel. Jason meister, former trump Advisory Board member, wendy sfo, professor of education at john Hopkins University, great to see you both. This is on the heels of the National Governors association after getting facetoface time with the president , this is how they feel. Hutchison is the president of that organization. Jason bidens presidency has been completely consumed by selfinflicted bones and crises. Thats why it much of this country thinks we are headed in the wrong direction. We have the highest crime in decades, the highest inflation in decades, the highest number of empty shelves ever. We have the highest gas prices since obama, record numbers of covid cases and deaths, a botched afghanistan withdrawal. I dont think the democrats can fully comprehend whats coming to them in the midterms. I think there will be a red tidal wave. Harris wendy, what does the white house do . Ive heard you and others say theres so much time between now and the midterms, 2024. But now is now. What do they do . Wendy you are right, theres so much time between now and the midterms. Biden has tried to put forth the things that will help the American People, but unfortunately, hes dealing with a congress that is not on his side. I will be honest theres a lot of work to be done. I think thats forward democrats, what really hinges on invited legacy will be the Supreme Court pick. He has stated that he will put a black woman in the Supreme Court. If hes able to do that let me be clear on this. People have stated a black woman we need someone who was qualified. Being a black and a woman and being qualified harris those things do not go together look at who you are talking to. Wendy i heard it on this Network Harris dont get it twisted. Wendy so many other women jason but why native American Woman . Wendy he stated harris he needed that quadrant of voting. All right. Lets talk about this in a different way. If that is all this president accomplishes, and he failed on covid and all these things, the u. S. Supreme court picking of a black woman, whatever it would be that he promised on a campaign trail, that does not help you among independents. Jason i want to go back to what wendy was just talking about. I dont think a Supreme Court justice should be chosen and judged by the color of their skin. I think it should be judged by the sense of their character. I think thats the important point. This is all a result of critical race theory. This is why Whoopi Goldberg said that the holocaust had nothing to do with race. Thats what we are dealing with. Harris we will move on. Wendy, you took us down a road that no one was saying on this program. That sounds like it is coming from someone who is wendy that comes from fox news all the time. Harris ready to be chosen from, but why does it have to just be from one category . Why couldnt he have looked at every category and then maybe choose a black woman . That would not undercut her getting there either. Its not just his political journey. See you both. Finished, over, dead. That is what senator joe manchin says about President Biden and his fellow democrats in his spending agenda. Alexandria ocasiocortez im a congressman from york, pouncing, taking the shot the divide is growing and the agenda is dying. Jason chaffetz in focus. United states in lockstep with our partners, offered russia a path deescalate, but we will take all prudent measures to assure our own security and that of our allies. Harris with the president ordered 3,000 United States troops to Eastern Europe, as it looks like putin is ready to go to war. Russia invading ukraine. We are live in the ukraine next. To support a strong Immune System your body needs a routine. Centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc season after season. Ace your immune support with centrum. Now with a new look harris President Biden is ordering the pentagon to immediately deploy more than 3,000 american troops to Eastern Europe amid the Russia Ukraine crisis. New Satellite Images show Russian Military activity at the Ukrainian Border is escalating. They artie had 120 7,000 troops. One republican senator sending troops is not the answer. It is a mistake to send more american troops to europe at this time. Listen, its another Foreign Policy crisis that this demonstration has gone into, and im sure wont last. Harris remember the words the pentagon says that temporary. When have you heard that . Steve harrigan is life for us Steve Harrigan is liable for us. Much of the president trying to figure out what russian president vladimir put in will next. He broke a month long public silence on ukraine yesterday, criticized the west for ignoring Russian Security concerns. He claimed that the u. S. Was trying to drag russia into a war with ukraine, and said russia had been deceived by natos continued expansion eastward. Here is president putin. They said one thing and did another. They basically, as people say, screwed us over. Of course, it is the Russian Troops that surround ukraine on three sides. That presence continues to grow. In ukraine, the president warned that if diplomacy fails this time around, the war that follows will be a major european war of devastation. When you talk to people here, iran, kiev, even peaceful scenes like Ice Fishermen On Rivers and frozen lakes around here, the thought is still, among many we talked to, a war and fighting to come. We will knock when out of the country. We have no place to go. We are not aggressors, but defenders. They should think twice about attacking, because we will defend our homeland. President putin scheduled to head to china on friday for the opening ceremonies of the olympics people. Many believe that at least for a few days, any threat of imminent invasion here is slightly reduced. Harris Steve Harrigan, thank you very much. Partner you are still looking at it from scratch, right . You can change harris democrat inviting reaching a boiling point, as alexandria ocasiocortez takes to twitter to call out senator joe manchin on that comment you just saw. Aoc tweeted this seniors, kids, people with disabilities in my community have been sleeping with bubble jackets on, 18degree nights, despite paying rent because of funding to fix their heating and Capital Needs is in build back better. Where should i direct them to wait out the cold . Joe manchins yacht . Jason chaffetz, former Fox News Contributor in focus. What would you say about her going after a senator in her own party . Jason democrats have a problem going into 2022. Their policies are failing, they dont know where to go, they are not popular with the u. S. Nancy pelosi is running for reelection. There is no better nemesis than nancy pelosi for republicans to get a hold of, and aoc, just keep talking. Its going to remind america what the democrats are about. I think they are going through a resets. I think joe manchin is trying to rebrand build back better. That recent will culminate marc. There is a reason why the State Of The Union was pushed later than weve had it. March 1st is the day the democrats have two try to gather support, rally around him something be united, and pass a reconciliation package. Harris you know it all starts march 1st . Primaries for the midterms, texas. Thats gonna be a big tuesday. Lets get to this Dueling Op Ads show the vast divide in opinions over President Bidens u. S. Supreme court nominee. The New York Post arguing that bidens unpopular scotus nonsense shows its time to end racial preferences, while foxnews. Com says bidens historic u. S. Supreme court pick will be a comefrombehind win for the president. What does that mean . Jason joe biden is supposed to win this they are replacing a liberal judge with a liberal judge. The democrats have all of the senators they needed. This is when they are supposed to win this is not a heavy lift for democrats. It can they get all the democrats behind him nominee . If so, they will have a new nominee. I think they have botched the rollout of this person, whoever the nominee is. I feel bad for them. I think they have been undercut, in terms of their credibility. Harris thats what i was saying to our last guest in the power panel. All the women who were black are going to be qualified. Who doesnt think that . Thats not the point. The point is can you make it about merits of the person does not can undercut in the process . So interesting. A political piece also reporting that chatter about Vice President Kamala Harris, the u. S. Supreme court, opens a window into democrats deepest fears and aspirations. Politico points out harris wont be nominated, but ends cant stop talking about it. However implausible the harris for Supreme Courts discussion leaves bear, how desperate democrats have become for anything to reset their dismal Midterm Election outlook. For some activist, the chair of the Democratic Party, it is doomsday every day, lets Throw Everything at the wall to maybe get the base excited. Wow, why not fix inflation . That would get everybody excited. Jason why dont you do your job and tackle high gas prices, inflation . When Kamala Harris jumped out of the president to raise, she was in eighth place, behind andrew yang in her home state of california. She was a dismal candidate. I dont know what to do with her. She supposed to be the next leader of the party, but nobly likes her. Even the democrats dont like her. She cant speak. Shes bad on policy. She doesnt know what to do. She thinks she needs to get out of the office more, that her biggest flaw. I dont know what they do with her, but they picked her. Harris it is interesting. We will follow it as it happens. Who wouldve thought, liberal for liberal on the u. S. Supreme court, and the president would be thirsty for this win to reset and turn around his presidency. Its a great point you made. Jason chaffetz in focus today. Thank you for watching the faulker focus. Outnumbered after after the break. Youre a oneman stitchwork master. But your staffing plan needs to go up a size. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire veteran homeowners, need a financial boost . The Newday 100 Va Loan lets you borrow matching your job description. Up to 100 of your homes value and take out up to 60,000 or more. Give them a call. Veteran homeowners, newday wants to help you use your va home loan benefit to get more. More cash, more savings, more peace of mind. The Newday 100 Va Loan lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Up to 60,000 or more. Veterans are saving an average of 615 every month. With more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. Emily fox news alert, President Biden has ordered more than 3,000 troops into Eastern Europe in support of our allies. This adds all fines and suggest that rush is moving closer to an allout war with ukraine. This is this is outnumbered, im Kayleigh Mcenany and im joined by harris faulkner, morgan ortagus, and in the Center Virtual seat, radio and podcast host, ben ferguson. President biden ordering American Forces to poland, germany and roma

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