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Garage gate. Some of that sensitive material was stored in the same space bidens beloved corvette is stored. Attorney general Merrick Garland under a lot of pressure to appoint a Special Counsel. Yesterday he tapped robert hur for the role. This means the current president and his predecessor are now both facing Special Counsel investigations. President biden meanwhile was openly critical if you remember of former President Trumps handling of classified documents. Now he is getting the same. These facts and circumstances are outrageous. Completely miss handling. Did he get them when he was Vice President and take them with him when he left . He clearly mishandled them. Putting it in a garage next to a leaf blower is not secure. Julie bidens Corvette Excuse wont cut it. Adding the newly appointed Special Counsel has a lot to do. Matt whitaker weighs in and first we go to peter doocy at the White House Joining us live. Good morning. Good morning. Somebody on the biden team knew that there was more than one batch of classified material that had been located when they sent the president out and talked about just one batch of classified material in one box here in washington, d. C. Still officials claim they are doing everything by the book. What i can say to you is that the president has been kept has been kept informed by his counsel. I disagree there has been a limit of transparency. That i will disagree with you on that. Another one on garage gate. What is the white house trying to hide . Nothing. This is just the beginning of a much bigger federal investigation. Republicans on the hill believe the Special Counsel will find much more. This is reckless, it is dangerous, it is to quote biden himself irresponsible. The reassurance the president gave that his corvette was locked in the garage merely reveals how little he knows about classified document handling. They tell us the search is complete. What they mean by that is bidens personal attorneys have completed their search of his properties. The places that he has access to. We dont know if the Special Counsel will be satisfied just hearing bidens personal attorneys say we found everything, or if they are going to want to go and search themselves. Julie. Julie i would basically err on the side of no they wont by bidens attorneys. Well have to wait and find out more. Great reporting. Thank you. Critics not buying white houses excuses on how and why those classified documents were in bidens possession. The white house itself seems to have latched onto a defense that this was an inadvertent misplacing of classified documents. Thats rather hard to square with the facts that we now have. The documents that were removed when he left office were divided and distributed. If it wasnt inadvertent misplacement they didnt just do it inadvertently they did it repeatedly. Julie Matt Whitaker joins me now. Dividing documents means they were likely put on moving trucks by other people. I doubt the president moved them himself. These people had to touch these documents and possibly see the documents which is a nightmare nor the f. B. I. , is it not . It is. There is a major chain of custody issue. We dont know whether these three sets of documents were all together at one point in time or whether they were each distributed at different times to different places. This is remember an administration that promised to be the most transparent and honest of any administration. You can see from the press Secr Secretary Podium is open. Julie the fact the classified documents were not only misplaced but divided and taken to various locations. One of the documents, one page was found in a room adjacent to the garage where the corvette was kept that somehow is now supposed to equate to a safe. It is ridiculous. This represents a serious threat to his defense that he didnt know about them. How do you not know about them when they are in separate locations . Thats a good point. Remember, the Legal Standard is not a knowing, it is a negligent, gross negligence, reckless standard. We heard all about it with jim comey talked about Hillary Clintons mishandling of Classified Information. In this case, remember the distinction i think thats most important between the trump maralago case and the biden case in Storing Documents by his corvette is the president of the united states, donald trump could have declassified documents. That Special Counsel jack smith will have to consider whether or not the president declassified. In this case Vice President biden had no authority to declassify the documents. They were classified at all times. Julie what do you think triggered the search . Were told the movement of President Bidens office from the Penn Biden Center to, i guess, his home office was why his lawyers were there in the first place cleaning out this closet where they found the first batch in a manila envelope marked personal. Julie personal is not classified. Big difference. Right. Huge difference. I know. I handled Classified Information what the cover pages looked like. I didnt want to have it on my decks let alone have it at my office or home or in a library. This is irresponsible to quote joe biden. Julie but deliberate, yes or no . Thats what we need to find out. Possibly illegal. Julie very possibly. Federal investigators have interviewed several aides to the president. The white house is shutting down questions on that scenario. Is the president willing to be [inaudible]. Let me say i wont get into hypotheticals. This is something for the is the investigation ongoing. Its ongoing review. You ask me about something in the future and im telling you i wont get ahead of what the Department Of Justice is going to decide. Julie what would it take to criminally charge aides, number one or even the president when he leaves office . Well, we need to know the facts and who actually mishandled these documents. Whats the chain of custody . How did they make their way out of the white house and Vice President s office in 2016 or earlier . These are preliminary questions we have no idea what the answers are. It will provide the roadmap for mr. Hur as he investigates this serious breach of classified document handling. Julie thank you very much. Appreciate you coming on to talk to us. This is only going to get more interesting by the minute. The white house is trying to make that controversial Gas Stove Ban Proposal go away. But some liberals are keeping the fire burning. Literally. New information shows just how far Top Democrats went to push their russian collusion narrative next. They will use any means necessary and any method or platform to achieve their goals. Its why i say this is twitter but it opens the door to much more. Julie the platforms true feelings about the democrats trying to discredit a Top Republican memo. Joe concha on that next. A home. Home values have climbed to near alltime highs, too. That means the cash you need is right there in your home. Newday can unlock it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. It lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Not just part of it like some other loans. Pay down highrate credit card debt, consolidate your second mortgage and car loans, and have the security of cash in the bank. The va has granted newday automatic authority. When banks so no to a veteran, newday can say yes. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. And we know 80 of couples sleep too hot or too cold. Introducing the new sleep number climate 360 smart bed. 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[narrator] call right now to receive your free, noobligation info kit. Call the number on your screen. Only at vanguard, youre more than just an investor youre an owner. We got this, babe. That means that your dreams are ours too. And our Financial Planning tools can help you reach them. Thats the value of ownership. I screwed up. Mhm. I got us tmobile home internet. Now Cell Phone Users have priority over us. And your marriage survived that . You can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. Oh i cant hear you. Youre froze ladies, please you put it on Airplane Mode when you pass our house. I was trying to work. Were workin it too. Yeah work it girl woo i want to hear you say it out loud. Well, i could switch us to xfinity. Those smiles. Thats why i do what i do. That and the paycheck. Julie matt taby releasing part 14 of the twitter files. He lays out how Top Democrats pushed false information to discredit devin nunes famous 2018 memo calling out the flaws in the trump russia investigation. Twitter sounded off that the company was feeding democrat congressional trolls claiming that was not significant Activity Connection to russia and that democrats were putting the cart in front of the horse. The media laughed off the memo with many outlets calling it a joke. Nunes sounding off now on the revelations. Obama specifically went to zuckerberg and twitter. Part of an ongoing process through 17 and 18. They knew the russia hoax was a hoax and their goal was not to just control the fake news, bust to control the delivery of the fake news which poisoned the American People. Julie rich edson is live with more. Good morning, rich. Twitter says it warned staff of senior democrats no real evidence of a Russian Influence Campaign here. They moved ahead anyway publicly warning russia agents were manipulating americans on this issue. This began in early 2018 when then congressman devin nunes submitted a classified memo. It accused the government using abuses to sur veil those connected to donald trump. An effort to declassify this information release the memo hashtag began trending on twitter. Dianne feinstein, Richard Blumenthal and adam schiff released open letters demanding social Media Companies investigate the alleged russia campaign. Twitter already had and informed the lawmakers salve no significant with russia. A few of them look spamy, none of them so any signs of being tied to russia. Nunes told us he requested twitter correct the record and the company refused. Hamilton 68 for the alleged russia campaign. Kremlinoriented accounts were heavely engaged but represented a small percentage of the overall activity. Twitter under musk released this information. Senators feinstein and blumenthal and Congressman Schiff did not respond to requests for comment. Julie media and politics columnist for the hill joe concha. Remember when Democrats Water Cooler Topic was President Trump got elected because of russia . We call it after the fact if it was a movie. The central character in all this has been russia since 2016 in that election. Oh, russian collusion between trump allies and the kremlin. No, it never happened. Russian bounties on u. S. Troops and trump ignored it. No, that never happened. And now oh, russian bots, the russians in general threw twitter and facebook impacted the 2016 election to the point it got donald trump over the finish line and there is no evidence around that we now know. All this reporting had a tremendous impact in terms of the minds of democratic voters. There was a poll after the 2016 election and found that nearly seven in ten democratic voters believe russia did get donald trump elected. Talk about election denial. It was the original process. Given all the reporting going on hard to blame some voters for coming to that conclusion. Julie the Mainstream Media pushed that narrative every single day. If you didnt know your stuff you would believe it to be true. The new study that you are referring to suggests the effect of russian disinformation in the 2016 election was overhyped. Democrats claimed it helped propel trump to victory. Highly partisan republicans were exposed nine times more frequently than nonrepublicans. Last but note least the study found disinformation had no information on Voter Attitudes or behavior. Why do you think that is . Well, its pretty logical. Lets think about this for a second. You are going to vote in 2016 and your choices are donald trump and hillary clinton. You want to talk about a contrast in policy, in style, in swamp versus nonswamp. You want to talk about all the differences between these people and you think a couple ads on facebook will make people change their minds . There is no logic. There never has been any logic. The reporting went forward because it generated clicks and ratings and now we wont see any apologies from the Washington Post or New York Times editorial boards or the people like Rachel Maddow or merck snbc. Were passed and it lets move on. Julie democrats blame russia for trump winning the election, now the president blames russia for gas prices and all the other economic woes in the country. I guess we should talk to putin and ask him what to do with the documents that they just found in delaware. Maybe he planted them. Perhaps, right . The thing is russia has an economy the size of new york state. We see their military is like the Vermont National guard when it comes to them going into ukraine. Russia, who was portrayed as being this most powerful enemy, number one country we should keep an eye on mitt romney was right, its not russia as our number one enemy. It clearly is china. Guess who may or may not be compromised in that country because of his son . Its biden. Julie the Gas Stove Ban in the news this week. Days of backlash and brutal ridicule after the Consumer Product safety committed floated the ban due to health and environmental concerns. The white house really wants to go away get as far away from this issue as possible. Watch. Asked about this gas stove thing that bubbled up yesterday. Does the white house think gas stoves are safe . Im not looking to ban gas stoves and the cpsc has no proceedings to do so. Julie they did support it but now they are Back Pedaling of course, even if the white house doesnt support the ban liberal celebs seem to. Some say we love our induction cook top in addition to not burning gas in the house. Alexandria ocasiocortez mocking conservative criticism. Its funny the republican meltdown. You can take my gas stove over my cold dead hand. How dare you talk about gas stoves. You have a gas stove. First of all, first of all, i rent, period. Second of all it doesnt matter because by that logic, these are the same people who would have said we should never have gotten rid of leaded gasoline. Banning gas stoves and going electric is only part of the lefts agenda. I do believe that those stoves that they are trying to advocate for, joe, are really expensive and i believe that electric cars are really expensive. This seems to be the way of the democrat and liberal elite. They dont want to spend money. They want no taxes on the middle class but yet they do want you to spend more money to save the environment, which is it . A lot of conflicting message comes from the left. This is the logical segment. Were common sense people. Look at what california wants to do. 2035 they will not sell anything but electric cars in that state. You think about okay, lets say im single Joe For A Moment and live in an Apartment Complex in los angeles. How am i charging my car . By the way, last check there is a lot of traffic on ifive and other highways around los angeles and San Francisco and san diego. My charge runs out. What do we do then . Its all these aspirational dreams of lets go green but no logic how you get from point a to point b. Energy prices are still far higher than they were two years ago. The time to do the transition certainly is not warranted. Again, how do you do it . You can talk about why its so great. Until you answer the how, dont even bring it up at this point and aoc, can anybody sound more like a sophomore on instagram than she does. Pass legislation which you have never done in your career. What are these people doing . I thought they were supposed to pass laws and get things done. She plays on social media all day. Julie i think she is trying to play to the young people who will buy Induction Stoves they cant afford. Joe concha. Thank you very much. We appreciate you coming on. Ill see you tomorrow on the Big Saturday Show at 5 00 p. M. Eastern time. Julie warning after warning after warning. Millsed or ignored. Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg facing growing backlash. The Flight Debacle this week has been decades in the making. Democrats and some in the media rushing to the president s defense as he faces a Special Counsel investigation. I think this president has been very forthcoming, unlike the previous president. I think anyone reviewing the situation will be considering is was this inadvertent. It sounds suspicious that all of this is coming out right now. Julie you heard that . A democrat congressman saying the classified files may be part of some kind of conspiracy . The power Panel Debates next. S . Hes cleaning the trash cans. Oh, boy. Meeting a new young homeowner for the first time is a unique challenge. So you think you can help . I can try. Hey, what you doing . Oh, just cleaning my trash cans. Wow. Its important to build trust. 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That System Failure this week caused delays and cancellations of some 7,000 flights and prompted the First Nationwide ground stop of flights since the September 11th terror attacks. The faa is blaming the chaos on its own employees. The agency says the Database File was damaged by personnel who failed to follow procedure. Meanwhile, critics are shredding the man who is in charge of all of this, transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg. This is what infuriates me. Give someone a job. Where is a resume . He was mayor of a town. They called him pothole pete. Unqualified for the job. Julie Pete Buttigiegs Big Airline Glitch adding the buck stops nowhere. Sean duffy, Fox News Contributor and former wisconsin congressman joins me. Dan, a former Senior Advisor for hillary clinton. Thank you for coming on. All right. Sean, first of all it was bad enough people couldnt make it home christmas day. Southwest airlines screwed up there with Tens Of Thousands of people and canceling flights being stranded. But then to hear about flights actually being halted until 9 00 in the morning is something we havent seen since 9 11. It is absolutely catastrophic that this actually happened after the christmas debacle. And buttigieg, where is he in all this . I dont see solutions, answers for explanations or accountability. Leadership means you look at the systems and agency in which you run where do we have some shortcomings and where do we have to do upgrades . Pete buttigieg hasnt done that. We spent billions on an infrastructure. Why wasnt the money put into upgrading the faa systems . Also Pete Buttigieg now that he is secretary is spending millions of dollars on environmental justice, equity and inclusion at the faa. They want to take away terms like cockpit and airman. They have gone completely woke. When you cant fly planes in america they are more concerned about the woke Justice System as opposed to making sure people can get from point a to b, planes dont crash and can fly as opposed to what terminology we use around men or women. Julie woke culture has no place in the skies. You are a pilot. I dont care if youre a man or woman. It is impossible to pilot a plane when the faa is screwing things on the ground. Pete buttigieg i never understood what experience did he bring to the table first of all to be named head of transportation . Ill just say there has been an historic level of challenges and issues to deal with since this administration took over from the pandemic, supply chain issues, rail, some of the issues airlines were having as legacy of the pandemic and since. The problem at faa. When i was at the epa in 2010 we were still using lotus notes. It takes years sometimes to address some of these challenges. Im glad brought up the infrastructure act. It will address this stuff and it will take time. I want to give the administration for a couple of things. They kept steve dickson, a trump appointee around for 18 months in the president s term. Didnt have to do that. Steve didnt have to do that. That helped the agency manage some real problems happening during the pandemic. Good management. A new head of the faa with great experience to come in and tackle the problems. Between the law, delivery of jobs we move more supply around the country than ever before and resulting in 250,000 jobs in the latest record and 11 1 2 Million since the president took office. The results are there. He is accomplishing what the American People need him to accomplish. Julie woe, hold on a second. The airlines are understaffed and through the pandemic such a nightmare to fly because airlines are not properly staffed. They are canceling flies because they dont have the staff to fly them. People are then this has not happened overnight. Buttigieg has been in charge of this since the president took office and named him head of transportation. It has only gotten worse. The fact that christmas was bad and this week. Buttigieg faces backlash after making comments back in october of 2021, watch this. When you take a job like mine you understand and accept that you will have to be available 24 7. Julie all right. He was available, i guess, but i didnt see him do anything about it. What say you, sean . To that point, he took a fourmonth Maternity Leave and vacation in europe and when he is on vacation he is out. When you have problems inside the agency you run you dont go on vacation and Maternity Leave. I had nine babies and i took off a couple of days. Four months . Give me a break. July the daily caller is Reporter A Freedom Of Information Request saying he refused key meetings during his parental leave despite saying otherwise as you just saw. You get it. I believe fathers should get Paternity Leave and in this country i dont believe theyre given enough. But four months . I was a mother. I birthed three children. Four months was enough and thats on the highend. Women dont even get that mostly. I know a lot of folks at d. O. T. Working very hard as the secretary through that entire period even on the leave he was engaged deeply. I want to point out they kept key people if place from the Trump Administration and nominated a qualified leader of the faa who needs to get a hearing in the senate. The board of ohio in kentucky. They have delivered on. They deal with the Airline Crisis and supply chain crisis. Its resulting in jobs, 250,000 this month, 11 1 2 Million since the president took office. Great success overall. Its not about how many jobs. Whats the outcome . Are we making peoples lives better . I dont care how many jobs you have if the systems dont work. Im about jobs, julie. Julie innocent until proven guilty. Democrats are defending President Biden after aides found classified documents in three places where they should not have been. Watch. The biden people are bringing forth the documents. They are not obstructing access to them or knowledge about them. He has been working cooperatively to make sure that everything is disclosed. Im suspicious of the timing of it. Im also aware of the fact that things can be planted on people, places and things can be planted, things can be planted in places and then discovered conveniently. That may be what has occurred here. Julie Conspiracy Theory is what he is pitching there. Liberal media echoing that most outrageous defense. Watch. I feel like research. Does it feel like the republicans are behind it . Julie New York Post cover flashing the word play, Anybody Vette this guy, a reference to the president s beloved sports car that he keeps in the garage with the company of those classified documents. First of all the spin, sean, the lib libidos libs are making is startling to insist and insinuate that republicans planted documents in three different locations which hunter biden lived in that house in 2018. So i guess are they going to look to hunter biden next . No, theyre not. Lets play back the ring video that he has at his house or a Big Orange Man Planting things in the basement or garage . Do i think were all hyperventilating about these classified documents . I think we are. But when you have a standard for donald trump and you want to apply the letter of the law to donald trump and classified documents you go to a same for joechbltd it is not a defense to say he is cooperating with Law Enforcement and turned over the documents. The fact that he has the documents that are classified in his possession is the only fact that matters. Joe biden had them and donald trump had them. They should be prosecuted equally. The only difference in the two cases is the fact donald trump could declassify his documents. Joe biden had no ability to declassify the documents he had. Donald trump says he declassified his. Joe biden doesnt have any excuse. Julie dan, final word. No comparison here. President biden voluntarily notified the Department Of Justice and living with the results of the Special Counsel investigation. Donald trump lied to the American People and f. B. I. And obstructed. Dont know what he took still to this day. Documents get mishandled and this needs to be taken seriously, donald trump lied to the American People and did not cooperate with the Department Of Justice and he would have fired his Attorney General before he even got to this point if he was still in office. Julie the president is confusing this with a mistake when you have documents in three locations it is hard to prove it is a mistake. Thats to be determined. We appreciate you both for coming on today. Happy friday. Have a great weekend. The tributes are pouring in following the sudden and sad death of lisa marie presley. She was the Only Child Of Rock Legend elvis presley. Her death at age 54, 48 hours after she attended the golden globes. The actor who played her father was named best actor. For all the success of elvis, his daughter struggled in life suffered through the suicide of a son, four failed marriages, Drug Addiction and recording career that never approached that of her father. Tuesday she celebrated the movie elvis on the red carpet and two days prior what would have been her fathers 88th Birthday at graceland. Can you imagine lisa marie being the daughter, the child of maybe the second most famous man in the History Of The World next to christ himself. Elvis died when lisa marie was nine but later sang alongside his own recordings. She was found unconscious and signs of life after cpr but died later at a local hospital. Presley married young at age 20 and had two children. That relationship ended after six years. 20 days later she married singer michael jackson. Her next marriage to actor Nicholas Cage lasted three months. She later had twin daughters but that marriage also ended in court. Though financially secure and selling her fathers catalog of music friends say her sons suicide at age 27 devastated lisa marie who wrote in People Magazine grief does not stop or go away in any sociabilities grief is something you have to carry with you for the rest of your life. Celebrities paid tributes yesterday. Singer Latoya Jackson wrote, we miss you, lisa, you will forever be in our hearts and how much you shared the love you had for my brother with me. In many ways presley seemed to have it all. Wealth, fame, even family. But happiness was elusive. She is survived by three children and her mother, priscilla calling her the most passion nall and strong woman ive ever known. Julie the man accused of killing four University Of Idaho students back in court. What lawmakers are saying and lawyers about Bryan Kohberger and the plans he had and what to do now despite the evidence against him. The fast one his attorneys may try to pull. Mark fuhrman weighs in next. The defense is well aware the prosecution has the goods. The strategy is to delay it as long as possible to let it fade from the news. Did you know you can get discounts on your meds even if you dont have a Medicare Prescription Drug plan . Its true. All you have to do is go to singlecare. Com type in your prescription, and then present the coupon to your pharmacist. Its that simple. Not to mention, its free. Singlecare is accepted by major pharmacies across the country and it works for everyone, whether you have insurance or not. Next time you need a prescription filled, go to singlecare to make sure you get the best price. Visit singlecare. Com and start saving today. Every search you make every click you take ill be watching you [narrator] the internet doesnt have to be so creepy, the duckduckgo app, lets you search and Browse Pria Blocking most trackers all forf your Search History is never tracked, so it cant be shared. And when you leave search, duckduckgo helps Keep Companies from watching you as you brows. Join tens of millions of people making the easy switch by downloading the app today. Duckduckgo, privacy simplified. Every search you make every click you take ill be watching you [narrator] the internet doesnt have to be so creepy, the duckduckgo app, lets you search and Browse Pria Blocking most trackers all forf your Search History is never tracked, so it cant be shared. And when you leave search, duckduckgo helps Keep Companies from watching you as you brows. Join tens of millions of people making the easy switch by downloading the app today. Duckduckgo, privacy simplified. Julie a fox weather alert. Rescue and Recovery Efforts are underway. At least seven people were killed in deadly storms. 30 report evidence tornado leaving a trail of destruction. One of the areas hardest hit is griffin georgia, South Of Atlanta where the roof of this hobby lobby store completely collapsed where we find Steve Harrigan joining us live. A steady rain in griffin as people try to pick through the destruction. Soave some houses destroyed and states of emergency declared in parts of georgia and alabama. Southern alabama hit hard. One tornado on the ground for 20 miles that flipped cars and uprooted trees, knocked down brick buildings. Some people in selma say they feel lucky to be alive. You cant cry over spilled milk. You pick up and just do the best you can and drive on down the road. I think the lord was good to me give me enough sense to get away from here before it hit. I could have lost my life. Death toll up to eight. Many of those in mobile homes destroyed by trees. Back to you. Julie thank you. Fox news alert. Well go to the by loilateral meeting with the japanese Prime Minister. President biden the u. S. Is completely on with the alliance. More importantly to japans defense, the defense of japan. Were working closely on tech and Economic Issues including the framework and stepping up the whole Putin Accountable for the war in ukraine and thank you for your strong leadership on this from the very first conversation we had on this. [speaking japanese] President Biden today im looking forward to how we can continue Add Advantages our shared goals and values including at the G7 Summit In Japan and the apec in San Francisco later this year. [interpreter speaking japanese] rather than figuring out how to work more closely together the more difficult job is trying to figure out how and where we disagree. [interpreter speaking japanese] you are a real leader and a real friend. Thank you so much for those warm words of welcome. [speaking japanese] as we enter the new year of 2023 i am pleased to make my first visit to washington, d. C. As Prime Minister and have this meeting with you, joe, my dear friend. [speaking japanese] in last year or starting with your visit to japan in may, we were able to accomplish so much for peace and security and division in prosperity through the community through and numerous meetings and bilateral summit meeting, but the quad meeting, the u. S. Rk bilaterals and others, and i am sincerely grateful for your cooperation, joe. [speaking japanese] japanese Prime Minister meeting in a bilateral meeting with President Biden, reporters we understand did shout out multiple questions, trying to get to the president to make comments on the Special Counsel investigation on those classified documents found at his home its in delaware, there were no comments, he refused to answer and ignore them, we will continue to watch this if any news comes out of it, meantime moving on, Accused Killer plans to challenge the evidence against him, waived his right to a speedy trial in the murder case of the four University Of Idaho students and is being held without bail until his next Court Appearance which is set for late june, we could see the surviving roommate take the stand, police say she saw the suspect inside the home the night of the killings and now we are seeing heartbreaking newly released Body Cam Footage that shows one of the victims, at the home just three months before the attack, police came to the house after neighbors complained about loud music. How are you . Good, how are you . Do you know why we are here . Speak i assumed noise. Nothing against having a party, when neighbors call you go to school . What year . Sr. Standing in front of the very same door, that was the sliding glass door on the second floor, mark fuhrman Fox News Contributor, former l. A. P. D. Detective, new special Moscow Murderers available for streaming now. I want to talk about him contesting the evidence in the evidence right now that they used in order to link to him was dna evidence, specifically on the button of that sheath which is the cover of the ninth, the sheath on the murder victims bed, now contesting the evidence, what does that mean . Well, he is pleading not guilty and he wants to go to trial, so it is not unusual, happens in every single case that does go to trial, and as far as waving his right to a speedy trial, that also occurs in every murder trial, the Defense Attorney once a Long Distance between the notoriety of an arrest no matter how lowlevel or how highlevel it is, and they want a distancing so they can actually get discovery and disseminate to just exactly what the state has, none of this is unusual, most murders dont go to trial until about six months later. How do you contest dna . Long gone are the days of Serial Killers because fortunately after one killing once you get dna its hard for them to reoffend, that link to to brians father, so there is no question that he is connected to the dna, so what is the argument said that he was in the house and his dna was on the sheath, but he did not do the murders . Well, no, right now they know that it its probably one and 300 billion that it is him, because as soon as the arrests, they have the ability to take his saliva, his hair, his pubic hair, his arm hair, so they took all of that when they arrested him, and they have actually done a comparison, the knife chief can be argued, well, i saw it, i looked at it in a store, it was stolen, ive never seen it before, i may have handled it, but i believe that they have much more that they have analyzed, that thats what the defense once their hands on so that they can try to figure out a way they are going to be able to explain that away. We are running out of time, as we mentioned you have a fox nation special, the moscow murders of a convicted killer, heres a clip. When you find the suspects dna at the crime scene, its like finding a lottery ticket. How much better does it get . The only thing better would be a note. It would be where did he intersect . How did the victims come into the orbit . That will be an interesting one, and it wont go away anytime soon, what do you see . Where do you see this going . Oh, i think it will go to preliminary hearing and a lot more information, they will set a trial and they probably would love to get a deal on this, life without, but i dont think that will happen in the state of idaho idaho, i dont think the surviving victims families will allow it and i dont think the people in idaho one it, this is a quadruple homicide of four innocent people and they won him the death penalty, not three meals and the internet. Vegan meals which is sort of unbelievable that you have a choice when it comes to whether you want to beef or you should not have that. I dont understand how they deserve it. Mark fuhrman, thank you very much, thank you for watching the faulkner focus, outnumbered is now. Fox news alert, we are waiting the White House Briefing that is set to begin later this hour as the fallout continues over President Bidens handling of classified documents. The Attorney General now appointing a Special Counsel to investigate the discovery. Hello, everyone, this is outnumbered, i am Emily Compagno here at cheryl casone, jessica tarlov, tomi lahren, and lawrence jones. Now classified documents were found in three separate locations connected to President Biden, his former office at the Pennbiden Center in washington and two spots in his wilmington home, his garage and personal library. E. G. Garland tapping former term pup pointed officer robert hurt to lead the investigation into the situation. And confirm to the

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