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To cross the southern border illegally. Only the ones the Border Agents know about. Coming for your suv. Now the liberal media claims our dogs are responsible for global warming. All right. First President Biden trying to put a spin on the bad economy. Doubling down on his incidents didnt that republicans will make it worse if they take control of washington. The republicans have made it clear. Most of them voted against the bill to reconstruct america through that Infrastructure Bill now they are voted against to a person voted against the Inflation Reduction Act which provides Environmental Security and safety. They dont have a platform other than tear down what weve been able to do. When people Start Talking about inflation, democrats should change the subject. So proud of the president to help americas Working Families to do so to reduce the deficit. We had to change that subject. Inflation is at the top of the minds of voters. Republican say biden spending sprees just made things worth. It has made our economy worse. Brought 4 quintillion in last year. We spent nearly seven. That is what causes inflation. We have a Democratic Congress that rubberstamped everything joe biden does. He wants more spending. That resulted in inflation. That is all anyone is talking about. I cant say. Paying more per month. Have you seen billy madison. It kind of reminds me of that scene where the principal is saying we are nowhere near rambling or coherent thought were even close to a rational thought. We are all dumber for having listened to what god may have mercy on your soul. That is how i feel every time joe biden talks. Theres a reason why did those stickers on every gas station around america. Cheering lets go brandon at sporting events around the country. We have all seen the destruction they cannot hide from this. They cannot lie on this one. Americans are seeing it, they are filling it. Americans are onto it. The line just will not work this time. The media does try to cover it up. Not all media, but the Mainstream Media. Watch this video. It has been transformed into something that republicans in particular running for congress are blaming joe biden the democrats specifically mathematical evidence that that is true. Is in it interesting with Everything Else going on in the world that is the sole issue that the republicans can rest on. I dont know if you are shaking your head because i cant believe. There is no mathematical evidence. Have you gone shopping yet or recently or filled up your gas tank, sean . Down anything that america loves doing . Democrats have spent an additional 5 trillion. That is outside the military and social security. An extra 5 trillion. Money poured into the economy that is caused inflation. I know legalize drugs and san francisco, is he smoking crack. You cannot just change the topic. That is the topic. We got rid of bloodletting in the 19th century to fix Peoples Health problems. Your policies are a boot on the neck of the american people. You take your boots off their neck and let them live freely. A Free Enterprise system. Less government, more freedom. They will be opposed to your gender because they are hurting people. A guy that you may remember from 2020. He was a guy in wisconsin think these protests are mostly peaceful. They look at the end of die hard. Completely on fire. This is the journalist we are talking about. Who trust anybody with an outfit like that. Inflation is a myth. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard that. May god have mercy on his soul. We are quoting a movie from 27 years ago. Why not. Only 21 of voters believe that democrats can handle inflation better than republicans. They have a 15point lead there. Republicans have a 12point lead on their ability to handle the economy. You look at those three things and they are down double digits, again, no red wave sue nami coming. No candidate out there right now in the swing states is campaigning on the Inflation Reduction Act. Nobody believes that this will reduce inflation. You know who does not believe those polls, the president. In denial that the economy is not doing poorly. We are not in the middle of a recession. We are not suffering from inflation, they are all delusional. Here is what biden thinks in the polls. I am not sure about the polls. The way people conduct polls today, 90 you get on a telephone what you have to call seven times to get somebody to answer the phone, number one. Number two, a lot of what we have done in the past has not kicked in yet. What about these poll numbers, mr. Biden. President biden. If election were today, 54 would vote for someone else. That is a pretty big number. Another fox news poll about the National Economic conditions, 73 say that they are getting worse. The president does not believe the polls as long as they do not support their position. I am sure if those numbers are flipped he would wholeheartedly believe in the polls. Who is the 21 . Optical polling with those people sometime. Those are the ones that are about to get free college. The democrats i go to d. C. And then profit off of it and get rich. Completely insulated from the policies, putting the back on the american family. Insulated from the policies. Can you imagine being an American Voter and you are struggling right now. You cannot pay your bills, worried about being able to provide for your family. Then you have democrats saying we will just switch the topic when inflation comes up or you are not hurting or you are not suffering, basically just telling them to shut up. It used to be higher. When he first came into office, he had decent poll numbers. America sees that it does not work. We do not want what joe biden is selling us. Right now we talk about the 8. 5 number being horrible with prices and food prices. If you look at the course of his presidency, inflation is up from the date he took office up 12. 5 . 12. 5 poorer since joe biden took office. When he questions the polls, we can be accused of Cherry Picking a pole. Every poll looks like this. Overall majority of americans dont want them to run because they think he is too old and too incompetent. Three quarters believe we are going in the wrong direction. That is why democrats dont have a bumper sticker. You just brought up abc polls they only want to believe the polls that are in their favor. It is just sub typical politics. I just want to get to this real quick, sean. You are in trouble, sean. My mom always taught me not to point. I apologize. My mom is already annoyed with me that i wore sneakers yesterday. I listen to my mom. Here is another portion of the interview where the president says that voters should actually see that he is really getting a lot done. You may not see it, but he really is. I think the best way to make the judgment is to, you know, watch me. Am i slowing up . Do i not have the same pace right now . Knock on wood, dont want to jinx myself, you know, good health, everything physically about me is still functioning well. [laughter] so, you know, and mentally, to. As he hits himself in the head. Everything is fine. [laughter] the doctor has said that he is fine. Physically. We do wonder what else is going on. Remember when bill clinton set i feel your pain. Acknowledging where people are added and their situation with the Pain Thiseconomy is making people feel, but to not deny people are going through this hardship is horrible politics. You cannot fix their problem. If you cannot relate with voters they will not relate with you and you will be un relatable. All right. Coming up, a maniac pushes a stranger onto the Subway Tracks here in New York City and all the american say, victims are to blame for subway crimes. What . What . That is next. Tepezza is an infusion. Patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. Tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. Before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. Tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you dont have diabetes. And may worsen ibd such as Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis. bridget now, im ready to be seen again. vo visit mytepezza. Com to find a t. E. D. Eye specialist and to see bridgets before and after photos. Welcome back to the big sunday show. Violent crime on New York City subways is up 40 from last year. A maniac pushed a stranger onto the Subway Tracks. It just illustrates how random it violent the subways have become in the big apple. Now mayor Eric Adams Deflecting the blame for it on to the victims. I think that you were right about not having your ipods in , not focusing on the phone. I do the same. We put out a video and information telling people about being aware of what is around them. I encourage new yorkers to do that. Okay just announcing a plan to boost cops and surveillance on the subways. It is hard to fight a crime surge without cops. Finding a record 5000 Police Officers on pace to retire this year. The most sense 9 11. If we just would not be so distracted we may see people coming that would push us onto the tracks or attack us. This is the same mayor that said last week that its Media Coverage that is sensationalizing crime and it really is not as bad as people think it is. It is quite the opposite. I am very tight with the nypd. We do not cover half of it because the crime that we report on, subway crimes that are up, you dont hear about half of it. We hear about may be a stabbing or assault or somebody getting pushed in the subway, but this happens every single day. A lot of it does not make the news. I reached out to the top brass and asked what they thought of the mayor. They hated de blasio. We have never had a mayor that these cops hated more. Without this guy maybe have some potential. How is mayor adams doing so far . Blaming the victim sounds like a bad workmen blaming his tools. On a scale of one to pointless i will let you fill in the blank. It is so true. Basically looking at this mayor and a little bit more the same. Nothing will change until we get a republican mayor. We were supposed to see change with eric adams. He is a former cop. Bell de blasio possibly the worst mayor in any city in this country. It really does say something. Reelected with 66 of the vote, by the way. Now eric adams was supposed to come in and clean things up. Based on the numbers things are only getting worse. I listen to dan who said he will not change a dark thing it will get worse in the city before it gets better. He called this out before we saw this rise even in crime with mayor adams. I am a smalltown wisconsin guy. I am looking behind me to see if someone will sucker punch me. That is how bad it is. Obviously, you are not doing it well enough. Why does this matter to people in america . You elected with these crazies, live with the violence, live with the crime. You elected people that dont enforce the law. These crazies are in everyones community. You have to make sure you bet your mayors, your das, your School Boards to make sure they dont get elected into positions of power because if you do, you will be living in a New York City somewhere in smalltown america. That is why perhaps new york governors is trying now 17 days before election that she may actually lose address crime in the subways and in the state in general. Lets hear from governor kathy hogle. Here is what we are calling it. A beefing up of the Police Presence on the Subway Platforms and cars. The mta reports to me. Working with the nypd to deploy more officers and allow them to increase their presence on the platforms and trains as well. Anyone that believes that kathy hogle is now the client eastwood of new york. No slogan will hide the fact that you have supported these policies that ive ruined new york ruined the city. There republican candidate that is running against her had an attempted stabbing in july and there was a driveby shooting outside of his house when his girls were home. Two people were shot. One guy, the guy running against her, that tells you everything about the Crime Problem here in new york. Equity has ruined the criminal Justice System and the rule of law. Justice is supposed to be blind. They are not prosecuting criminals under the guides of racism. The guy is racist to criticize his soft on crime policies. Teenage girls are getting raped in philadelphia on their way to schools. Somehow it is racist to criticize him for these policies of not prosecuting criminals. If we dont get beyond this until we throw people in jail. Regardless of what they look like. If you are doing bad things, raping people, pushing people in front of trains you belong in jail. Behind bars for a long time. Kathy hogle can hear lee zeldon breathing behind her. Not like joe biden smelling you. Look at that. Lee zeldon now leading in the polls. Remember, this is a state that reelected andrew cuomo with 60 of the vote. As blue as blue gets. Now the republican is actually leading. Absolutely. As far as hogle is concerned, her concern for New York City in crime is a bunch of baloney. Republicans are the ones that actually care about crime. The other thing that needs to happen in change in the city, as a former cop and current mayor he should know better than anyone. Stop and frisk. Bring it back. So many thugs carrying knives or carrying guns and if cop see something that they know, theyve been on the force for a long time, they know who the bad guys are. They cannot catch them before they commit the crime. That needs to reverse. Lock them up and keep them locked up. And throw away the key. A new record is set at the border and probably one that biden does not want anyone to talk about, but we will, next. Tech at safelite, we take care of vehicles with the latest technology. When my last customer discovered a crack in his cars windshield, he scheduled at safelite. Com. Safelite makes it easy. Were the experts at replacing your glass. And recalibrating your advanced safety system. Customer and they recycled my old glass. Now thats a company i can trust. Tech dont wait. Schedule today. Pop rock music singers safelite repair, safelite replace. 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Another record fiscal year 2022 ended with or than 2. 3 million migrant encounters at the southern border. The highest ever. That does not include the known god always. The highest and deadliest deaths on record. The border crisis is a big issue and carry lake who is a republican running for governor in arizona says the border will be her top priority. The situation is a stream of people coming across. At his Drug Smugglers and Human Smugglers in control of our border and the people in arizona are tired of it. That is why we are ahead in the polls. They dont want joe biden taking control of our border. When i become governor we will take this issue seriously and we are taking back control of our border starting on day one. She is rightfully calling this an invasion at the southern border. Saying she will do clarity and invasion if she wins. Should states like arizona and texas, these Border States be doing more and what without conflict look like tween the federal government and the state governor . Kudos to kari lake for saying i will declare this as an invasion. The federal government is supposed to stop invasion of our states. This is unclear law. If texas declared an invasion, this could be litigated. Again, states that do everything they can to bring this issue to the forefront, declaring it and invasion is one of them. It started a National Conversation by kari lake if she wins and she does this you will see a National Conversation did liberal media will lose their minds over this issue. When they do we have to talk about illegal immigration. There is almost 900,000 got a ways and joe bidens term. You get free food, a free flight around the country. 900,000 people did not want to get caught because they are a criminal, they are committing a crime or they are terrorists. We have no idea who some of these bad people are. No way to know either. People breaking the law, legal immigrants. Lets look at these numbers. This is for september encounters 201,952,546. The next year, 57,674. The next year 192,001. And then 227,587, a new record, julie, when will this madness stop . I dont know. As long as this president is in office it will not stop. If you look back at two when trump was an office back in 2020, it was 458,000. Do you realize what a huge incline that is. Hello, triple. How do you defend that . How does this white house not address it . They never bring it up. Another one of those crises that they just sweep under the rug. Just stop talking about it and it will go away. You cannot wish away your problems but apparently this administration thinks you can. Put your head in the sand. Bill looks often lonely because they do not want to report on the story. 900,000 getaways. Combine that with the 4 Million People that we have documented. 4. 9 Million People into years crossed crossed over the southern border. What is 4. 9 million. Taking the population of boston and multiplying it by seven. The entire country. Think about this for a second. The real consequences are that fentanyl is coming over as well. 300 americans dying a day as a result of overdoses. This president who i would think would care about a little bit since his son has had Drug Abuse Problems what address this problem a little bit more but that is something you barely hear them talk about. That is the invasion. The fentanyl killing Young Americans more than any other cause in this country. What does it do to a country . Why would he do this . Why would he let 5 Million People coming in less than two years. Joe biden has one group of people that he will not let stay in the country. The venezuelans. They know socialism and its failed venezuela. What is joe biden doing, he is sending them back to venezuela. They are the poorest most desperate people in all of this hemisphere, but he wont let them stay here because they wont vote democrat. Send them back. This is politics, nothing else. Americans are suffering and they dont care. Dont believe what you are seeing in front of you. Just shut up is what they are telling us. Coming up, as early voting break records in georgia, claims of Voter Suppression. Is it all just a strategy . That is next. Mercedesbenz is turning electric. Completely on its head. Bringing legendary design. And stateoftheart technology. To a fullyelectric suv. The allnew, allelectric eqb from mercedesbenz. Scout is protected by simparica trio, and hes in it to win it. Simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. Oh, fleas and ticks intestinal worms. Wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. 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Dont take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. Disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. Talk to your doctor about rinvoq. Learn how abbvie can help you save. Welcome back to the big sunday show. Sixteen days, who was counting until the elections. Democrats are a bit worried about Voter Suppression and Voter Turnout. Democracy on the ballot. I am worried about the level of Voter Turnout among young people and working people that will be voting democratic. We are seeing Election Workers quitting because of threats. And then on top of that you have Election Deniers up and down the ballot. Running for election. I think we should be concerned. You think. Last week georgia broke early voting records. Our democrats just trying to make excuses if they lose . First of all, early Voter Turnout is normally a good thing. Why are they complaining . Usually more vote in early voting. What is the problem . Stacey abrams continues to insist that there is Voter Suppression in georgia. It is actually not about turnout she said exactly this. Its not about turnout, its about access. That is the same thing. People are having no problem voting there or other places around the country. I can preview once republicans take back the house. Democracy just died tonight. That kind of hyperbole. The funny thing is, democracy will die because people voted the they had no issue with voting and there was a change in power in washington as things were going poorly and that is how democracy dies . I dont think so. Beware the gop spin on voters turnout numbers. We deafly do not know enough to support any wild claims of the states new election law helping secure elections. We have every reason to believe that it will negatively affect turnout. What is msnbc trying to accomplish. They are setting the stage for what is arguably going to be a bloodbath after republicans when because they will accuse republicans of winning unfairly. They can tell what party is voting early. I imagine a lot of Republican Voters are coming out in georgia and voting early. They dont want to see a big number of votes, they want to see a big number of democrat votes. This is all making sure they can change election laws. Safe and secure elections. Everyone gets a ballot. No voter id. They are good at fraud and they want these kinds of changes in the electoral system. The way you get that is to claim a group of people have been disenfranchised. 75 want voter id because that makes sense for secure election. Like the economy, they are wrong. It makes perfect sense. Tell that to stacy abrams. She winds of Voter Suppression. Lets watch. Yesterday we saw a record turnout for early voting. Lets remember what that means. It does not mean that Voter Suppression does not exist. We know that Voter Suppression is alive. How do we know that exactly, lisa . Is this a big lie . Are they going to deny an election . Democrats are the oh geez when it comes to denying elections. Democrats in congress objected to the 2004, 2016, nancy pelosi said that the election was stolen. Russia stole it. Democrats are the oh geez when it comes to that. One election we complain about is the making sure everything is verified and authentic. They are the deniers. One question. What does it stand for . Original gangster. Really . Thats okay. You dont even know how to take a selfie. [laughter] tell them what he did with the selfie. Just in line with democrats. She is already, again, setting the stage to say if we win, its fair, but if republicans win, you cheated. At us like something i did when i was 12. They cannot win and they know they cant win because the demographics are changing. They have to cheat. Republicans win, you know what will happen on the view the next day. The demographics are changing. That the hispanics are leaving in droves. It is changing. The insurrection. The insurrection really was democrats who used the power and influence of government. Overturning an election. Whatever they accuse you of doing, they are doing it times 10. Election fraud times 10. If you look at polls, we had a pull up about the Mainstream Media becoming a major threat to democracy. If you watch the view on msnbc, they believe 59 of the Mainstream Media being a threat. The best thing about donald trump was delegitimizing the media. When he was asked a bs question he would say that is bs. Remember when he did an interview with abc and he was talking about the womans margin trump was like, oh yeah, March For Life is tomorrow but you dont cover it. There not used to republicans calling them out. Desantis and Carrie Kari Lake saying i have the receipts about all these people with previously denied elections but im an election denier, spare me. I love that more republicans have grown a backbone and there standing up to the illegitimate media. Do i need to tell you what bs stands for . Beefsteak. Exactly. Watch the big midterm show tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern with host shannon breen. You gotta watch. It is mustsee tv. First climate activists came after your suvs then eating meat and now your dogs are to blame. That is next. Age is just a number. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. Its the subway series menu. 12 irresistible subs. The most Epic Sandwich roster ever created. Its subways biggest refresh yet age comes with wisdom. And wisdom comes with benefits. Dryers broken okay. You want a socket. Thats especially true when it comes to medicare. So make the wise call and learn more about cigna medicare plans in your area. Their tools and resources make it simple and easy. Bears can smell wifi. Visit cignawisecall. Com today. You want to flip it. Welcome back to the big sunday show. Progressives now blaming anze best friend for global warming. Your pets are part of the climate problem. They can help you minimize the carbon paul print. Hurting the environment. Their meat heavy died is the biggest contribution. An abundance of energy, land and water to produce. We are all dog owners here. Joe, do you think, what is your dogs name . Maximus. A meat diet to a bug infused dog food diet . Absolutely no shop. He would never ever. I put a bug in front of him and he will sniff it first second and that is that. He is a gladiator. He looks ferocious. This is the new cnn, apparently, guys. This is the new cnn. The one that will pivot towards the center. If im reincarnated into a dog i want to be lisas dog. I think her dog is treated very well. This is about actually the whole american diet changing from meat which is energy heavy, land heavy, they want us all, our pets and us tab a diet based on insects. I will give up steak when bill gates stops flying private. I am a meat eater. I am a carnivore. Is not a toy or a dog . I did not put the toys on her. That was a groomer. I dont even know what i take out of her mouth that sometimes. When we were in New York City it was for cigarettes. I try to tell her the dangers of smoking. We had to get out of new york. At first cigarettes than heroin. She needs to get on the straight and narrow. She eats anything. I do feed her good stuff but should probably eat anything i gave her. The freak behind this transition is bill gates. All rich countries should move to 100 synthetic beef eventually. Green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the behavior of people. This guy, he flies on private planes. He drives gas guzzling muscle cars. He has a huge carbon footprint, but he wants us to ride bikes any bugs. Again their billionaires, billionaires especially are such double standards. Such hypocrites. The amount of fuel they burn in one flight one way is absolutely absurd. Now you will actually go out and say you cant have your staker your protein protein or dogs you need to eat bugs. They would not have it. They are picky eaters. Put them on the screen. They were forced in a Little Grocery cart around our living room because my kid think they are dolls. They eat meat based foods and if i tried to feed them bugs they would absolutely not eat it. I know it because i had a little bit of it and crisis in my house. Nonrelated skippy question. An adorable dog. Areas. He is not going to jump, right . No, he wont. He likes water. He barks at the fish in the water. One last point. Bill gates owns 269,000 acres of land in america. I think that thi a National Security issue. He had a grazing land, you can take away cattle. He wants to take away cattle and beef. Not much to add to that. Ive got a theory about bill gates. Hes weird . I dont think he cares about any of this. He lives on his fancy houses on the water he flies private, he has probably crushing a steak every single night for dinner. What can i get these losers to deal. Give up this, give up that. Living like a king in his castle loving life laughing at everyone. I. E. My state, i live my life, i dont fly private, but i cannot afford it. I would, if i could. He is not the og. Stick around. The big four is coming up next. Walgreens. Welcome back to the big sunday show. Our picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. The accused killer of two nurses at a Texas Hospital was on parole for an aggravated robbery conviction and was wearing and ankle monitor. Another example of a convicted felon who should be behind bars but another liberal da in this country that dont want to see criminals behind bars so they let them back out on the streets and thats how innocent people get shot and often killed. Congratulations. I hope they make some changes in their lives soon so they dont continue. Tomorrow the nations report card card is out. Expected to show the negative impact of lockdowns and Virtual Learning of students. Cnn also suddenly wondering why there has not been a National Conversation about damage done to kids because of School Closures during the pandemic. Take a listen. I am surprised that there has not been a National Conversation about the damage done to kids because of the School Closures and the Virtual Learning and everything. We cannot just pretend that fifthgraders that are now seventh graders, that that did not happen. If only he had a show. A national platform. He can walk in tomorrow and do a townhome with parents and teachers and children. Cnn have no time for that because they have january 6 on the loop while talking about donald trump. Canceled by the joe biden administration. The impact that shutdowns would have on their kids. Cnn just chose to ignore it. Having a conversation for two years since 2020. Republicans crying out you cannot close these schools, you cannot enforce masks. More concerned about putting masks on our kids and mandating vaccines then they were educating our children. Weve been talking about it for two years. Welcome to the conversation. We have all seen it up close. No one should be blamed. I am happy blaming him. I will not get back on this stuff. The good thing, there is for these because there is four of us. House speaker nancy pelosi, you see her there, she is not ready to talk about her future and house leadership after the midterm elections. Listen to what she had to say. Will you remain in leadership in the new congress. Im here to talk about how we may win the election. Im not here to talk about me, im here to talk about the future, americas Working Families for the children. Its always about the children. Prediction. That she step down if dems lose . They are going to lose. She served once after being leader. She will not do that again. I thought so but i wanted to hear from you. All right. Turning these Communists Parties where the chinese president was solidified as a party leader for the third term. Predecessor hauled out of the closing ceremony. I watched this. This is so troubling in scaring. You have this power. His third term. I think this is a bad sign for world peace as we look for it. I would say, yeah, that is a bad side but i would say our country is following in their footsteps. Maybe they are following and joe bidens footsteps. That is very confusing. He cannot walk in a straight line. That would be fine. Would you like to see that . Maybe you can offer that service. You have 10 seconds. Talking about that last clip. Was a Pleasure Being with all of you this weekend. Drinks on me after. A little bit more advanced notice on that. That will do it for us. We will see you next weekend. The fox report with christina coleman. Everybody wave now. Have a good week. Sixteen days away from the midterm elections. Many Battleground States are getting tighter. Sounding confident as voters have began casting their ballots in early voting states. Good evening. I am christina coleman. This is the fox report. Even though President Bidens agenda could be at risk if republicans regain control of congress, the commanderinchief is spending the weekend at his delawa

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