Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Go

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240707

speaker nancy pelosi, he was attacked in his home, she would have been attacked had she been home are. we're told mr. pelosi will recover, perhaps physically, can you recover fully recover knowing someone has so little regard for your life, they would strike you in the head with the intents to kill use a hammer? bones may mend, bruises may heal, you don't ever fully recover who you come face-to-face with p with depravity. the children and spouses of federal judges have been shot in their homes, supreme court justices have been targeted for assassination, mobs have chanted, hang a vice president, pe people are acosted in rest rests and lobbies of their workplace, now an attack on a family member in his home. with overwhelming majority of us, only weapons we would use in bli political discourse are the power of persuasion and right to group, but there is a small group, so unattached to praprial reality. we should say fewer crazy thi things. and have a plan. it takes political courage to defend friends, but question is do we have polilittle bit courage to physically defend those with whom we disagree. even before we were a country. his friends told him not to do it it was politically unwise, it would hurt his career. huhis law practice and standing in the community, this lawyer did it anyway, because as he told the jury, he would rather endure contempt of all mankind than see an innocent person convicted or an innocent life taken. his friends were wrong, that man john adams wound up becoming the president of united states, despite the cautions of his friends or maybe because he preceded in the face of those risks. maybe that is what we want our leaders to do, the right thing no married what. what will we do 250 years later, to keep our perceived political opponents from being attacked or shot, or bludgeoned with a hammer. christina coleman is joining us from san francisco with the latest on the suspect and the attack. reporter: right now paul pelosi is in the hospital recovering from his injuries, he is expected to make a full recovery. last night house speaker nancy pelosi broke her silence. she released a statement to her colleagues saying in part: >> suspect reportedly brought zip ties and duct tape to their home and was shouting where's nancy. police have not confirmed a motive. but some top democrats said or are insinuating that attack politically motivated. >> this habit of saying the worst about others, demonizing people. that creates a dangerous climate. reporter: police have not confirmed a moteif, lawmakers on both sides of aaisle are condemning the attack, kevin mccarthy said violence is wrong. >> i wanted to convey our thoughts and prayers with her, her family and paul, we hope for him a speedy recovery, and we're able to stop this crime across the country. reporter: the suspect, 42-year-old depoppy, he was described as a drug addicted homeless man. he lived in a empty school bus from time to time, reportedly claimed he is talk to angels and accused of posting a lot of disturbing c content on-line. and making r ramblings about aliens and pedophiles, he was booked on a number of charges that include elder abuse and attempted homicide. trey: thank you cristina coleman. >> we break down the key races coming up this midterm with bill hemmer and congressman tom emmer. ugh! advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. 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reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," if you like politics, the super bowl comes every two years, election night, fox has you covered. with latest information and some of the best political minds that help make sense of what is unfolding. with jus 90 days to going -- 9 days to go, senate appears today a photo finish in politics the size of the majority matters, no election night is complete without bill hemmer who dives into details to bring us most reliable information. joining us is coanchor of america's newsroom and one of the hardest working folks in all of television, bill hemmer, give us a couple of races worth playing close attention to. >> thank you, trey for your time. a spin on map here. pay attention to where action has been this weekend. and action will be. believe it or not here in new york governor race is really h hot. gllee zeldin thinks he has a shot at knocking out hochul. it will be tough. here are presidential results two years ago biden ticked off more than 60% of the vote in new york. republicans think they are playing in that area. so far in in election. if you are watching on election night however, just give you a couple, trey, you can ask any of the progprognot of you will hear a lot. of overcoming week about virginia too. this is down here in chesapeake area. elaine lurey is democratic she won election in 2018, jen is the republican side. they have a military background, lines have been redrawn that gives republican a bit more of an edge in 2018 and 2020. but virginia closes at 7:00. virginia counts fast. as we thank you in governor race. that is one of the many races i would point it. this is florida 27 in maim area, salazar the republican. she is challenged by annette a democrat. i point this out it favors in you could make case there are a lot democrats living in the district, if salazar wins re-election that would be a good sign for republicans they are doing what they have said, they are able to do, that part of florida closes at 7:00. they close early there as well. this is late into the night but republicans think they are playing in deep blue oregon. this is 6 runs to portland this is 6. point this out, this is andrea solinas, progressive democrat against mike eric son. you know how much crime is a part of that story for last two years. if the story that we're hearing out of p port land have an affect ericson might have a shot, that will be something that concluding deep into the night come election night. one more? just, give you a quick thing. i'm watching where obama is going over week, and obama went to georgia. there is a reason you go to fulton county whole state of georgia was determined by 7 thousand votes, you have to go where the voters, you know that. this would be our senate what if. what we have done here, we tried to form a baseline for where we think that race stands in the beginning of the night, republicans at 49, democrats at 4 certain, 47. on the map 4 that are in yellow, we believe toss ups into election night, it could change, maybe wisconsin is an outlier or ohio or north carolina, i understand the argument you can make why they should be considered to be yellow, but, if republicans win all 4 of those states -- sorry, excuse me, trey, if democrats were to win all 4 of those states they would maintain the majority, for the sake of this argument say republicans have a good night. if they do, if red wave is real, they could be at high as 53 senate seats on november 9. we shall see my friend. trey: bill, before i let you go you are a sports nut, dallas was down last sunday but they came back and won. if it could happen in sports i assume it could happen in politics. >> tell the viewers why they should watch until the bitter end not until they see a candidate they like that is up. reporter: to pennsylvania for example. here we are. in pennsylvania on senate level, oz and fetterman, you know battle they h election night two years ago, when let me call it up here. late in the night donald trump had a lead overcoming days that lead dwindled and then escaped because pennsylvania they start -- they can't the votes that are in person the day of. and then that information is put out early into the evening. the mail in ballots of which there are many by the way, and at last check d democrats were votes 4 to 1 over republicans in mail in vote, you could go to bed that night and see a race like this senate race and see oz with an edge buffet get catch him -- but then fetterman catch him later on, that is why you have to watch until the end. trey: i'll be with you, bill home hemmer, doesn't seem fair one person could be that happen handsome and that good with technology but you are. >> thank you, tray. trey: joining us now, chair of national republican congressional committee, representative tom emmer. i hate high expectations, because in is one place you can go. it is not good. so give us realistic expectations, what do you think will happen in a week from tuesday? >> we have won nothing yet, it is great to be with you, 9 days to go, a lot can happen, that say long time in our political lives, right now we feel good about where we are, you win election is great candidates, right message and enough resources, i think we have all three, voters understand that biden administration and nancy pelosi and democrats in charge, they have not delivered them lower prices or them safety and their communities, un8 out of 10 voters believe that country is on the wrong track, that is what they are voting on in 9 days, because of that i'm confident we'll have the majority. trey: congressman. i know with share of the nrcc does, for those who don't, you are active in recruiting candidates, you help them get resources they need, if there is a big night, a week from tuesday for republicans you and kevin mccarthy deliver a lot of the credit for that, are there some surprises out there? some seats we should be on the look out for where there mmay be an upset. >> bill hemmer was giving you some insight to, that a student of the map and a student of the process. he talked about oregon. take a look at california. 3 our f 4 seats, katie porter is in fight of her life, despite having 20 million in the bank in orange county scott baugh is putting her to the test, and julia brownley outside ofles los angeles is really in a fight with matt yacobs, we about rio grande valley in south texas, you have 3 hispanic women running monica delacruz. shy will win that seat, but henry cuellar in 28, i think kathy will pet beat him in 28. mira flores is leading never poll, it looks like she will beat she don les, and we have serious tune in new york, we have great candidates on the a the island, we could sweep the island. and you look at anthony they could win their races, then if you go to hudson valley, take a look at marcus, and collin schmidt. big surprise is the my counter part. currently trailing mike lawler, a n new york assemblyman by 8 points and joe morally in rochester district in trouble. there are opportunities abound but we have 9 days left, that is a long time. trey: we have a minute lift. switching gears, if you have a big night, i know you don't like to make assumptions, the chair of the nrc c will get credit for that, do you want to be next chair of the nrcc, what you to see for yourself in next term if republicans are in the majority. >> i think you have to do what -- take care of your business in front of you. we have won not won nothing yet, we have to finish what we started, we came within 31 thousand votes out of 152 million, two years ago, we came that close to being in the majority. we cannot stop now, we have to run through the tape. we have great candidates across the country. record number of minority candidates running and record number of women and veterans run, they are out there, because they want to save this great republic and the opportunities that provides for generations to come. message is simple, about making sure that we take care of the issues that are most important to people,ic mexploding cost of living, crime and southern border, we have run it through the tape and worry about what comes next after we win november 8. trey: spoken like a smart man, we'll check in with you again in 9 days congressman emmer thank you. >> thank you. trey: coming up, report card is in not good. math and reading scores are down, what happened du during covid, next on "sunday night in america." that it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can 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advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $9,600 on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans have coverage for vision and hearing. and dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus dentures, crowns, fillings and more! most humana medicare advantage plans include a silver sneakers fitness program at no extra cost. you get all of this for as low as a zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas; and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you could save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with 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hard to make up gains in the classroom. you raise a good point. trey: if we don't make it up in the classroom, the house that i grew up in, i wouldn't have had a chase to bwould be made up, but not all kids are fortunate enough to have two parents that will make you do that, where can it be done. >> you can seek outside enrichment and i believe school classrooms are working on it right now, there is a school district in connecticut that transformed their math program, they looked at what was not working even pre-pandemic, we need to increase institutional time, math is now 90 minutes of the school day and more small group worko students can target about what each individual student needs to work on and make curriculum uniform across the grade level, i think that schools are attacking the problem. >> more than ever. parents really need to take charge of their children's education. schools and teachers are overwhelmed. they are playing catch up, there is a national teachers shortage. this is no news. parents have to supervise homework, be smart, go to school, talk with teachers and principals and see where american rescue plan money is going, 2400 dollars per student in america, has been earmarked through the american rescue plan. how is your child's school spending that money? does your child need a tutor? can that money be spent toward remediating and of issues, parents have to vote, see who is on the election ballot, see whose fittinphilosophy of education is in line with yours. trey: you know, i would do, if an education matter was on the ballots, i would ask my wife and you two, if not an issue that i follow, i want to make an educated choice, say, in i don't know hype -- a week, what issues should i be looking for if education is most important issue to me. >> you want to see student to teacher ratios in classrooms, how crowdeddor not -- and curriculum benchmarks for your district, if they seem in line, and age and grade level aproip appropriate. >> we look in areas where one out of every two children living in p poverty, these out of 4 meet the basic standards of math. then what the results are. trey: i want to ask a dumb question. 3 of ha happiest years of my life were this third grade. not outside of realm of possible to repeat a grade, is there any merit in saying children most adver adversely impacted by covid just do that gradall over again? >> -- repeat the grade. >> i believe that children need to meet benchmarks before moving on to next level, that has been received in tennessee with bit of controversy. and there was lash back, parenting says this would create a pressure cooker environment, to pass children along is doing children a disservice and also the parents, you are telegraphing to the parents that everything is fine what it is not. this only works if there is a partnership between schools and parents. >> we have certain states that are famous for passing children along who are not making the grade, we're meeting 7th and eighth grade ers that are reading kindergarten and first grade level, that does nothing for everyone. trey: i will say this again, i tell them to go teach, if you want to change the world help someone do something. thank you to you both. for dedicating your lives to doing it. >> thank you, trey. trey: up next, energy cost and inflation are high, and while voters may reg register their frustration in november, what does that mean for you this winter, senator john barrasso knows a thing or two about energy, he will joini join us next t dio talk about potentiae solutions. s at replacing your g. ...and recalibrating your advanced safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. now that's a company i can trust. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (vo) no matter what type of severe asthma you have,... tezspire can help you have fewer asthma attacks... ...and breathe better. tezspire is an add-on treatment for 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what could have happened? >> trey thank you. joe biden has put america in a position we have a kick-me sign on our back. it is not surprising that saudi arabia would treat us the way they have with regard to energy. that is what is happening today in america, things that happened in last two years with joe biden to weaken our nation, whether 40% high inflation, or crime or in the cities and porous border they have all weakened in now to specifics of energy, i am in wyoming. i think that greatest sin of president biden is that of giving up america's energy independence. we had it, we don't have it now, i'm not surprised that saudi arabia would treat us the way they have. there is a solution to this. that solution is more american energy. but joe biden and every single democrat, who is running this year and serves in house and senate they have a different idea, they do whatever the climate extremists tell them to do, what they demand of the far left group, and they shut off, they choke off energy production they have used up our emergency supplies we're in an energy war and the perio president does not want to admit it. trey: i am in believer in setting realistic expectations, let's assume for sake of argument that republicans retake senate, is there anything you can do, pressure you can put to get joe biden to go back to energy independence days. >> a number of things i i would be chairman of the energy committee in u.s. senate my focus would be on lowers cost of energy for american public, that involving unleashing american energy, we need to resrestore or energy independence and economy. which is huge here. we'll be putting forward legislation, and it with oversight and with who gets confirmed to different positions in the economy, these things focused on more infrastructure, pipelines, more oil and gas permits, and no dependence on anyone whether critical minerals from china or oil from russia or saudi arabia. we -- and look, you know this, we need all of the energy, we need the oil, the gas, we need the solar and wind, we need it all, from environmental s santa ana santa ana point we need -- stant stand point to continue to make energy clean as we can. people are so bad, i am optimistic about our republican chances of taking the house and taking the senate. come next tuesday. trey: before i let you go, senator, this is what vexes me, even if the climate or environment is your number one issue, how is saudi arabia oil cleaner than american oil? if you ask the saudis to increase production, that means we need more energy, why not use american energy. >> >> we're the best environmental stewards, i was getting my oil changes yesterday, talking to folks, what is happening now in terms of energy in wyoming economy it is personal and emotional we understand we're tied up in red tape from this administration affordable energy is the lifeblood of this nation. for folks, if you want to stop the damage this biden administration and every single democrat has done to this country over last two years, we need to vote for republicans, house and senate on tuesday. trey: senator dr. john barrasso, may be in charge in senate of energy policy come january, thank you senator. >> thank you, trey. trey: up next, philadelphia d.a. larry is what media calls a progressive prosecutor. pennsylvania state rep martina white is joining us to discuss prime minister of the district attorney next on sunday night in america. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you are covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and coinsurance. but they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look at humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare advantage plan, hospitals stays, doctor office visits and your original medicare deductibles are covered. and, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. with no copays or deductibles on tier 1 prescriptions, and zero dollars for routine vaccines, including shingles, at in-network retail pharmacies. in fact, in 2021, humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $9,600 on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans have coverage for vision and hearing. and dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus dentures, crowns, fillings and more! most humana medicare advantage plans include a silver sneakers fitness program at no extra cost. you get all of this for as low as a zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas; and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you could save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," impeachment is many things, it can be the political death penalty. it can can a correction. the best way to correct a mistake is to not make it in the first place. to be informed on fronts end and research and analyze and investigate before casting a vote. decisions carry consequence, all there is of life, including elections. impeachment should not be a remedy for buyers remorse. however, there are times when the consequences are so severe, and dramatic and lethal, you cannot wait until the next election cycle. california removed san francisco prosecutor. prosecute. yes, sometimes voter should live with consequences of their poor decisions. but you should not die because of the consequences of your poor election choices, that is a price far too steep, having a poor district attorney is a threat to your physical well being and perhaps our life, a threat to law, and order, a threat to justice, a threat to democracy. even if democracy gave that you incompetent d.a. in the first place, sometimes a democracy first be saved from itself. we call those republics. prosecutors have a unique role, they enforce the law, they make the decisions which impact how the rest of us view the law and our justice system, prosecutors who cut corners or break the rules run the risk of convicts and incarcerating innocent people that is an afront to justice and a threat to freedom, they should be removed. the consequence of waiting tote next election are too severe. prosecutors who refuse to enforce the law and vilify cops and coddle criminals are also an affront to justice, a threat to freedom and your life, they should be removed from office immediately with dismatch, larry krasner is allegedly district attorney in philadelphia, media loves to call his kind a progressive prosecutor, he is not a real prosecutor, real prosecutors don't spend more time talking about justice for violent criminals than the victims, they don't wait until someone is dead to take a casi seriously. they don't replace experienced trial lawyers with brand-new attorneys who don't know which side of the courtroom to sit oreal prosecutors knows race of the victims not just the defend ands, she not a real prosecutor, is he progressive? i don't know. do you consider a skyrockets murder rate progress? or more victims of violent crimes progresser to dismissing v violent crime cases to be progress. and releases same criminals out of jail time after time after time to be progress, there is a job for the larry krasners of the world, that is a public's defender office. but not district attorney. yes, there are times voters have suffer the consequences of poor choices at the ballot box. prosecutor who refuse to enforce the law who put criminals ahead of the victims who sis disregard the law because they wish the lay is different are aned in threat to public safety. and should be removed from office, prosecutor make life and death decisions. when it comes to life and death, you only get one of each. if you have a prosecutor who doesn't know whether to value your life more, or the life of 57 tr person trying to take your life, get rid of that prosecutor as fast come pennsylvania state representative martina white is sponsor of impeachment articles she is joining us, representative thank you for joining us, let me ask, why now? to he has been a bad district attorney since day one. why now? >> yes, trey, i just want to thank you for your comments, they were spot on. and that is what the city of philadelphia has been faced with over past several years of him in office. nothing but a crise of crime and dereliction of duty, i have to take act now there is actually proof of his misconduct in office. and proof provided by our comc comprehensive study. what i have seen and known is scary for the city of philadelphia, district attorney has been misbehaving in office, pennsylvania democrat supreme court justice said, that the d.a. has withheld evidence -- misled a grand jury, and he is even what was third piece? he even been violating someone civil rights to a preliminary trial. these a. >> and some other crimes like petty theft he does not prosecute, almost 70% of these cases have been withdrawn by the prosecutor, we have our work cut out for us, i know that this legislatives body in pennsylvania is up for the task. >> this what confounds me. in a democracy, sometimes you are stuck with the consequences of your electoral decisions, sometimes you can't wait until the next election cycle, i think, he was reelected overwhelmingly, at when point do you say you are stuck with the consequences or we'll save you from your own decision? highwhow? >> i would say that he was elected by less than 10% of city residence of philadelphia. in a low turn all election cycle. when i would say, is that democrats and republicans in harrisburg had recognize amount of crime our city has been faced with and amount of lives lost and property destroyed and something has to be done when a prosecute ser not willing to actually hole the criminals accountable. i believe we must move forward as fast z as we can. trey: you know, what interesting with district attorney, you are confined to a jurisdiction but your decisions have an impact far greater, if you have a district attorney what is a threat to people in philadelphia, because of this decisions they make it may be a threat to people in the surrounding areas that don't have a chance to vote on him. look, criminals move. and if you give someone a pass here, they may move to harrisburg or move to another mart of pennsylvania. maybe that is part of the parring am too. argument, too. >> yes, we saw a policy hearing in suburbs of philadelphia 42% of crimes are committed philadelphia criminals, it is spreading, we need to ensure we're attracting businesses here and protect people's safety and well being not having theft be an every day occurren occur and businesses wanting to leave and we don't want lives lost and innocent children, like what just happened, a small chiecialgd child, repeat child rapist of uwas out on unsecured bail and was out and raped th another child. trey: well representative, we'll be watching. i'll be watching, i used to do what you do for a living. i loved being in the courtroom. it is the most important -- one of the most important jobs. you are the voice for victims. you work for a blin. >> we'll get back, thank you for joining us. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, until next week you can find us on-line or trey gowdy pod cost, good light from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" up next. ♪ ♪ mark: hello in, i am mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." we have three great guests. senator tom cotton. and marco rubio and mike lee of whom are up for reelection. and as i told you, we have changed our format. up until the election, we will return to the old format after. but we're still doing the long for

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Muertos Trey , Sunday Night In America , U S , Trey Gowdy , Crime Scene Photos , Paul Pelosi , Hammer , Crime Scene , California , Nancy Pelosi , Home , Mr , Life , Someone , Head , Intents , Bruises , Mend , Bones May , P , Depravity , Face To , People , Children , Vice President , Homes , Justices , Judges , Spouses , Assassination , Acosted , Mobs , Supreme Court , Hang A , Pe , Majority , Attack , Family Member , Workplace , Lobbies , Weapons , Bli , Group , Persuasion , Discourse , Unattached , Power , Praprial Reality , Things , Crazy Thi , Plan , Friends , Courage , Question , Country , Career , Law Practice , Huhis , Lawyer , Person , Community , Standing , Contempt , Mankind , Jury , John Adams , President , Cautions , Thing , Risks , Face , Leaders , Married , What , 250 , Shot , Opponents , Christina Coleman , Reporter , Hospital , Recovery , Suspect , Last Night , Latest , Injuries , San Francisco , Part , Colleagues , Statement , Silence , Police , Duct Tape , Zip Ties , Motive , Nancy , Democrats , Climate , Worst , Others , Habit , Moteif , Sides , Violence , Family , Thoughts , Prayers , Lawmakers , Aaisle , Kevin Mccarthy , Crime , Drug , Addicted Homeless Man , Depoppy , 42 , Lot , On Line , Angels , School Bus , Posting , Ramblings , R , Number , Races , Charges , Abuse , Homicide , Pedophiles , Aliens , Midterm , Cristina Coleman , Tom Emmer , Bill Home Hemmer , Action , Pain , Pain Signals , Instinct , Ways , Music , Acetaminophen , Source , Advil , Advil Dual Action , Two , Joshua Florence , Care , Professional , Firefighter , My Name , One , Everybody , Team , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Try , Hope , Doctor , Who Don T , Symptoms , Risk , Infection , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Ability , Five , Reaction , Move , Dermatologist , Crohn S Disease , Politics , Election Night , Information , Help , Some , Minds , Sense , Super Bowl , Fox , 90 , U S Senate , Matters , Size , Photo Finish , 9 , Wall , Folks , Coanchor , Television , Details , America S Newsroom , Map , Couple , Attention , Races Worth , Spin , Race , Gllee Zeldin , New York , Governor , Republicans , Election , Vote , Area , Hochul , 60 , Progprognot , Elaine Lurey Is Democratic , Chesapeake Area , Virginia Too , 2018 , Side , Lines , Military Background , Edge , Bit , Jen , 2020 , Governor Race , Virginia , Virginia Counts Fast , 00 , 7 , Florida , Annette A , Salazar , 27 , Re Election , District , Progressive Democrat , Sign , Case , Runs , Playing , Portland , Andrea Solinas , Deep Blue Oregon , 6 , Story , P Port Land , Affect Ericson , Mike Eric Son , Something , More , Obama , Reason , Fulton County , Georgia , Voters , Votes , Beginning , Baseline , 7 Thousand , Toss Ups , Yellow , 47 , 49 , 4 , Argument , Outlier , North Carolina , Wisconsin , Ohio , States , Sake , Night , Red Wave , Seats , Friend , Bill , Sports Nut , Dallas , November 9 , 53 , Viewers , Candidate , End , Sports , Pennsylvania , Example , Level , Battle They H , Oz , Fetterman , Donald Trump , Lead , Way , Mail , Ballots , Many , Evening , 1 , Will Pet , Bed , Edge Buffet , Doesn T , The End , Tray , Place , Chair , Expectations , Technology , National Republican Congressional Committee , Nothing , To Be With You , Joe Biden , Candidates , Administration , Lives , Message , Resources , Three , Charge , Safety , Communities , Prices , Voting , Track , Un8 , 10 , Recruiting Candidates , Does , Share , Credit , Big Night , Surprises , Student , Upset , Process , Oregon , Look , Katie Porter , Fight , Orange County , Bank , Scott Baugh , 20 Million , 3 , Test , Los Angeles , Rio Grande Valley , Julia Brownley , Matt Yacobs , Seat , Shy , Hispanic Women Running Monica Delacruz , South Texas , Poll , Henry Cuellar , Mira Flores , Kathy , 28 , Tune , Island , Hudson Valley , Counter , Take A Look , Big Surprise , Marcus , Collin Schmidt , Mike Lawler , Points , Trouble , Rochester , 8 , Opportunities , Lift , Switching Gears , Term , Assumptions , Business , Front , Tape , 31 Thousand , 152 Million , Republic , Record Number , Record , Women , Minority , Veterans , Generations , Cost Of Living , Issues , Ic Mexploding , Border , Congressman , November 8 , Math , Reading , Report Card , Scores , Coming Up , Du During Covid , Shingles , It , Rash , Waiting , Lying Dormant , Pharmacist , Prevention , 50 , Coverage , Premiums , Prescription Drugs , Exciting Medicare Advantage , Original Medicare , Pod Cost , Doctor Office Visits , Each , Deductible , Medicare Supplement Plan , 20 , Plans , Prescription Drug Coverage , Deductibles , Coinsurance , Take A Look At Humana S Medicare Advantage , Course , Hospitals , Copays , Prescriptions , Humana , Members , Prescription Costs , Prescription Drug , Vaccines , Average , Fact , Retail Pharmacies , Zero , 9600 , Zero Dollars , 600 , 2021 , Program , Vision , Hearing , Crowns , Fillings , Cleanings , Sneakers , Fitness , Dentures , Network , Areas , Obligation , Low , Screen , Decision Guide , Human Way , Healthcare , Scout , Simparica Trio , Protection , Wow Heartworm Disease , Fleas , Intestinal Worms , Use , Reactions , Class , No Problem , Caution , Seizures , History , Disorders , Dogs , Simarica Trio , Response , Feeling , Pandemic , Sp , Grader , C , Affect , Half , Essence , Cofounders , Enriched Literacy Education , Mary Cantwell , Education , Brook Uten , Stant Stand Point , 4th Grade , Eighth Grade , Reader , Likelihood , Break , House , Classroom , Gains , Parents , Wouldn T Have , Kids , Chase To Bwould Be Made Up , School Classrooms , School District , Math Program , Enrichment , Connecticut , Students , Schools , Problem , Grade Level , Curriculum , Uniform , Teachers , News , Shortage , Catch Up , Homework , Rescue Plan , Principals , Rescue Plan Money , Smart , Go To School , 2400 , 2400 Dollars , Child , Money , School , Remediating , Tutor , Matter , Line , Election Ballot , Fittinphilosophy , Wife , Issue , Choice , Don T Know Hype , Curriculum Benchmarks , Classrooms , Teacher Ratios , Crowdeddor , Grade , Aproip , Standards , Results , P Poverty , Dumb Question , Gradall , Merit , Adver , Realm , Covid , Controversy , Benchmarks , Tennessee , Back , Parenting , Disservice , Pressure Cooker Environment , Everything , Telegraphing , Partnership , Works , Everyone , Ers , Kindergarten , Making The Grade , Meeting 7th , World , Teach , John Barrasso , Inflation , Energy Cost , High , Up Next , Frustration , Winter , Energy , G , Next , Dio Talk About Potentiae Solutions , Safety System , Company , Customer , Glass , Schedule Today , Tech Don T Wait , Singers , Safelite , Pop Rock Music , Safelite Repair , Tezspire , Asthma , Rescue Medication , Add On Treatment , Asthma Attacks , Vo , Type , 12 , Eye Allergy , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Asthma Specialist , Tezspire Today , Deal , Crown Prince , Saudi , Soil , Media Reports , Produproduction , Dr , Energy Landing Scape , Russia , The Path Of Energy Independence , Production , Reporting , Position , Regard , Nation , Cities , 40 , Sin , Specifics , America S Energy Independence , Wyoming , Solution , Climate Extremists , Idea , Energy Production , Emergency , Energy War , Perio , Believer , Anything , Republicans Retake , Public , Chairman , Energy Committee , Energy Independence , Things Ii , My Focus , Economy , Legislation , Oversight , Positions , Forward , Resrestore Or Energy Independence , Gas , Pipelines , Infrastructure , Minerals , Anyone , Dependence , Permits , China , Wind , Santa Ana , Environmental S , Chances , Environment , Changes , Terms , Stewards , Lifeblood , Red Tape , Damage , Energy Policy , Prosecutor , Media , Larry Krasner , Philadelphia , D A , District Attorney , Martina White , Sizes , Promises , Prime Minister , Shapes , Work , Promise , Old Dominion , Freedom , Savings , Options , Investing , Coasts , Plains , Access , Impeachment , Death Penalty , Decisions , Consequence , Fronts , Mistake , Correction , Research , Consequences , Times , Elections , Remedy , Buyers Remorse , Election Cycle , Yes , Voter , Threat , Law , Justice , Choices , Price , Order , Prosecutors , Democracy , Republics , Rules , Cut Corners , Rest , Justice System , View , Convicts , Role , Afront , Waiting Tote , Criminals , Office , Cops , Affront , Kind , Dismatch , Victims , Casi , Courtroom , Who Don T Know , Ands , Trial Lawyers , Sit Oreal , Crimes , Progress , Cases , Murder Rate Progress , Dismissing V Violent Crime , I Don T Know , Job , Defender Office , Larry Krasners , Ballot Box , Who , Lay , Aned , Life And Death , Sis Disregard , Death , Tr Person , Doesn T Know , 57 , Sponsor , Impeachment Articles , Pennsylvania State Representative , Comments , Spot On , Day One , Crise , Duty , Misconduct , Dereliction , Proof , Comc Comprehensive Study , Misbehaving , Grand Jury , Evidence , Pennsylvania Democrat Supreme Court Justice , Trial , Rights , Theft , Legislatives Body , 70 , Task , Decision , Highwhow , City Residence , Harrisburg , Amount , City , Ser , Property , Fast Z , Jurisdiction , Greater , Chance , Impact , Mart , Policy Hearing , Suburbs , Businesses , Child Rapist , Chiecialgd , Uwas , Living , Th , Bail , Important , Jobs , Blin , Voice , Sunday , Spending , Light , Liberty And Levin , South Carolina , Tom Cotton , Mark , Guests , Mark Levin , Format , Mike Lee , Marco Rubio ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night In America With Trey Gowdy 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240707

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speaker nancy pelosi, he was attacked in his home, she would have been attacked had she been home are. we're told mr. pelosi will recover, perhaps physically, can you recover fully recover knowing someone has so little regard for your life, they would strike you in the head with the intents to kill use a hammer? bones may mend, bruises may heal, you don't ever fully recover who you come face-to-face with p with depravity. the children and spouses of federal judges have been shot in their homes, supreme court justices have been targeted for assassination, mobs have chanted, hang a vice president, pe people are acosted in rest rests and lobbies of their workplace, now an attack on a family member in his home. with overwhelming majority of us, only weapons we would use in bli political discourse are the power of persuasion and right to group, but there is a small group, so unattached to praprial reality. we should say fewer crazy thi things. and have a plan. it takes political courage to defend friends, but question is do we have polilittle bit courage to physically defend those with whom we disagree. even before we were a country. his friends told him not to do it it was politically unwise, it would hurt his career. huhis law practice and standing in the community, this lawyer did it anyway, because as he told the jury, he would rather endure contempt of all mankind than see an innocent person convicted or an innocent life taken. his friends were wrong, that man john adams wound up becoming the president of united states, despite the cautions of his friends or maybe because he preceded in the face of those risks. maybe that is what we want our leaders to do, the right thing no married what. what will we do 250 years later, to keep our perceived political opponents from being attacked or shot, or bludgeoned with a hammer. christina coleman is joining us from san francisco with the latest on the suspect and the attack. reporter: right now paul pelosi is in the hospital recovering from his injuries, he is expected to make a full recovery. last night house speaker nancy pelosi broke her silence. she released a statement to her colleagues saying in part: >> suspect reportedly brought zip ties and duct tape to their home and was shouting where's nancy. police have not confirmed a motive. but some top democrats said or are insinuating that attack politically motivated. >> this habit of saying the worst about others, demonizing people. that creates a dangerous climate. reporter: police have not confirmed a moteif, lawmakers on both sides of aaisle are condemning the attack, kevin mccarthy said violence is wrong. >> i wanted to convey our thoughts and prayers with her, her family and paul, we hope for him a speedy recovery, and we're able to stop this crime across the country. reporter: the suspect, 42-year-old depoppy, he was described as a drug addicted homeless man. he lived in a empty school bus from time to time, reportedly claimed he is talk to angels and accused of posting a lot of disturbing c content on-line. and making r ramblings about aliens and pedophiles, he was booked on a number of charges that include elder abuse and attempted homicide. trey: thank you cristina coleman. >> we break down the key races coming up this midterm with bill hemmer and congressman tom emmer. ugh! advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. 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reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," if you like politics, the super bowl comes every two years, election night, fox has you covered. with latest information and some of the best political minds that help make sense of what is unfolding. with jus 90 days to going -- 9 days to go, senate appears today a photo finish in politics the size of the majority matters, no election night is complete without bill hemmer who dives into details to bring us most reliable information. joining us is coanchor of america's newsroom and one of the hardest working folks in all of television, bill hemmer, give us a couple of races worth playing close attention to. >> thank you, trey for your time. a spin on map here. pay attention to where action has been this weekend. and action will be. believe it or not here in new york governor race is really h hot. gllee zeldin thinks he has a shot at knocking out hochul. it will be tough. here are presidential results two years ago biden ticked off more than 60% of the vote in new york. republicans think they are playing in that area. so far in in election. if you are watching on election night however, just give you a couple, trey, you can ask any of the progprognot of you will hear a lot. of overcoming week about virginia too. this is down here in chesapeake area. elaine lurey is democratic she won election in 2018, jen is the republican side. they have a military background, lines have been redrawn that gives republican a bit more of an edge in 2018 and 2020. but virginia closes at 7:00. virginia counts fast. as we thank you in governor race. that is one of the many races i would point it. this is florida 27 in maim area, salazar the republican. she is challenged by annette a democrat. i point this out it favors in you could make case there are a lot democrats living in the district, if salazar wins re-election that would be a good sign for republicans they are doing what they have said, they are able to do, that part of florida closes at 7:00. they close early there as well. this is late into the night but republicans think they are playing in deep blue oregon. this is 6 runs to portland this is 6. point this out, this is andrea solinas, progressive democrat against mike eric son. you know how much crime is a part of that story for last two years. if the story that we're hearing out of p port land have an affect ericson might have a shot, that will be something that concluding deep into the night come election night. one more? just, give you a quick thing. i'm watching where obama is going over week, and obama went to georgia. there is a reason you go to fulton county whole state of georgia was determined by 7 thousand votes, you have to go where the voters, you know that. this would be our senate what if. what we have done here, we tried to form a baseline for where we think that race stands in the beginning of the night, republicans at 49, democrats at 4 certain, 47. on the map 4 that are in yellow, we believe toss ups into election night, it could change, maybe wisconsin is an outlier or ohio or north carolina, i understand the argument you can make why they should be considered to be yellow, but, if republicans win all 4 of those states -- sorry, excuse me, trey, if democrats were to win all 4 of those states they would maintain the majority, for the sake of this argument say republicans have a good night. if they do, if red wave is real, they could be at high as 53 senate seats on november 9. we shall see my friend. trey: bill, before i let you go you are a sports nut, dallas was down last sunday but they came back and won. if it could happen in sports i assume it could happen in politics. >> tell the viewers why they should watch until the bitter end not until they see a candidate they like that is up. reporter: to pennsylvania for example. here we are. in pennsylvania on senate level, oz and fetterman, you know battle they h election night two years ago, when let me call it up here. late in the night donald trump had a lead overcoming days that lead dwindled and then escaped because pennsylvania they start -- they can't the votes that are in person the day of. and then that information is put out early into the evening. the mail in ballots of which there are many by the way, and at last check d democrats were votes 4 to 1 over republicans in mail in vote, you could go to bed that night and see a race like this senate race and see oz with an edge buffet get catch him -- but then fetterman catch him later on, that is why you have to watch until the end. trey: i'll be with you, bill home hemmer, doesn't seem fair one person could be that happen handsome and that good with technology but you are. >> thank you, tray. trey: joining us now, chair of national republican congressional committee, representative tom emmer. i hate high expectations, because in is one place you can go. it is not good. so give us realistic expectations, what do you think will happen in a week from tuesday? >> we have won nothing yet, it is great to be with you, 9 days to go, a lot can happen, that say long time in our political lives, right now we feel good about where we are, you win election is great candidates, right message and enough resources, i think we have all three, voters understand that biden administration and nancy pelosi and democrats in charge, they have not delivered them lower prices or them safety and their communities, un8 out of 10 voters believe that country is on the wrong track, that is what they are voting on in 9 days, because of that i'm confident we'll have the majority. trey: congressman. i know with share of the nrcc does, for those who don't, you are active in recruiting candidates, you help them get resources they need, if there is a big night, a week from tuesday for republicans you and kevin mccarthy deliver a lot of the credit for that, are there some surprises out there? some seats we should be on the look out for where there mmay be an upset. >> bill hemmer was giving you some insight to, that a student of the map and a student of the process. he talked about oregon. take a look at california. 3 our f 4 seats, katie porter is in fight of her life, despite having 20 million in the bank in orange county scott baugh is putting her to the test, and julia brownley outside ofles los angeles is really in a fight with matt yacobs, we about rio grande valley in south texas, you have 3 hispanic women running monica delacruz. shy will win that seat, but henry cuellar in 28, i think kathy will pet beat him in 28. mira flores is leading never poll, it looks like she will beat she don les, and we have serious tune in new york, we have great candidates on the a the island, we could sweep the island. and you look at anthony they could win their races, then if you go to hudson valley, take a look at marcus, and collin schmidt. big surprise is the my counter part. currently trailing mike lawler, a n new york assemblyman by 8 points and joe morally in rochester district in trouble. there are opportunities abound but we have 9 days left, that is a long time. trey: we have a minute lift. switching gears, if you have a big night, i know you don't like to make assumptions, the chair of the nrc c will get credit for that, do you want to be next chair of the nrcc, what you to see for yourself in next term if republicans are in the majority. >> i think you have to do what -- take care of your business in front of you. we have won not won nothing yet, we have to finish what we started, we came within 31 thousand votes out of 152 million, two years ago, we came that close to being in the majority. we cannot stop now, we have to run through the tape. we have great candidates across the country. record number of minority candidates running and record number of women and veterans run, they are out there, because they want to save this great republic and the opportunities that provides for generations to come. message is simple, about making sure that we take care of the issues that are most important to people,ic mexploding cost of living, crime and southern border, we have run it through the tape and worry about what comes next after we win november 8. trey: spoken like a smart man, we'll check in with you again in 9 days congressman emmer thank you. >> thank you. trey: coming up, report card is in not good. math and reading scores are down, what happened du during covid, next on "sunday night in america." that it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can 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simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," i think we all had an uneasy feeling it would happen, the pandemic and the sp response would have a lingering and negative affect on c our children. early reports are not good. fourth grader declined in front states. reading scores also dropped in more than half of the country. there will be a time and a place to sort out how this happened. but for now, time is of the essence. so how do we recover? joining us now on cofounders of enriched literacy education, mary cantwell and brook uten . i am guessing that education is cumulative. it builds on top of itself, if we're behind now, will we stay behind? >> trey, a break a great point, if you are behind as a reader in 4th grade, likelihood by eighth grade you are still behind. very hard to make up gains in the classroom. you raise a good point. trey: if we don't make it up in the classroom, the house that i grew up in, i wouldn't have had a chase to bwould be made up, but not all kids are fortunate enough to have two parents that will make you do that, where can it be done. >> you can seek outside enrichment and i believe school classrooms are working on it right now, there is a school district in connecticut that transformed their math program, they looked at what was not working even pre-pandemic, we need to increase institutional time, math is now 90 minutes of the school day and more small group worko students can target about what each individual student needs to work on and make curriculum uniform across the grade level, i think that schools are attacking the problem. >> more than ever. parents really need to take charge of their children's education. schools and teachers are overwhelmed. they are playing catch up, there is a national teachers shortage. this is no news. parents have to supervise homework, be smart, go to school, talk with teachers and principals and see where american rescue plan money is going, 2400 dollars per student in america, has been earmarked through the american rescue plan. how is your child's school spending that money? does your child need a tutor? can that money be spent toward remediating and of issues, parents have to vote, see who is on the election ballot, see whose fittinphilosophy of education is in line with yours. trey: you know, i would do, if an education matter was on the ballots, i would ask my wife and you two, if not an issue that i follow, i want to make an educated choice, say, in i don't know hype -- a week, what issues should i be looking for if education is most important issue to me. >> you want to see student to teacher ratios in classrooms, how crowdeddor not -- and curriculum benchmarks for your district, if they seem in line, and age and grade level aproip appropriate. >> we look in areas where one out of every two children living in p poverty, these out of 4 meet the basic standards of math. then what the results are. trey: i want to ask a dumb question. 3 of ha happiest years of my life were this third grade. not outside of realm of possible to repeat a grade, is there any merit in saying children most adver adversely impacted by covid just do that gradall over again? >> -- repeat the grade. >> i believe that children need to meet benchmarks before moving on to next level, that has been received in tennessee with bit of controversy. and there was lash back, parenting says this would create a pressure cooker environment, to pass children along is doing children a disservice and also the parents, you are telegraphing to the parents that everything is fine what it is not. this only works if there is a partnership between schools and parents. >> we have certain states that are famous for passing children along who are not making the grade, we're meeting 7th and eighth grade ers that are reading kindergarten and first grade level, that does nothing for everyone. trey: i will say this again, i tell them to go teach, if you want to change the world help someone do something. thank you to you both. for dedicating your lives to doing it. >> thank you, trey. trey: up next, energy cost and inflation are high, and while voters may reg register their frustration in november, what does that mean for you this winter, senator john barrasso knows a thing or two about energy, he will joini join us next t dio talk about potentiae solutions. s at replacing your g. ...and recalibrating your advanced safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. now that's a company i can trust. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (vo) no matter what type of severe asthma you have,... tezspire can help you have fewer asthma attacks... ...and breathe better. tezspire is an add-on treatment for people 12 and older. it is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire today. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america," did president biden have a secret deal with the saudi crown prince? who broke that deal? media reports suggest that something was agreed, to saudis would increase produproduction of oil. but saudi arabia did have a deal, just not with us. with russia. imagine how energy landing scape would be different if the u.s. stayed on the path of energy independence. joining us dr. john barrasso. lot me ask you whether or not you believe that reporting is accurate or there was a deal to increase production? and if so, what could have happened? >> trey thank you. joe biden has put america in a position we have a kick-me sign on our back. it is not surprising that saudi arabia would treat us the way they have with regard to energy. that is what is happening today in america, things that happened in last two years with joe biden to weaken our nation, whether 40% high inflation, or crime or in the cities and porous border they have all weakened in now to specifics of energy, i am in wyoming. i think that greatest sin of president biden is that of giving up america's energy independence. we had it, we don't have it now, i'm not surprised that saudi arabia would treat us the way they have. there is a solution to this. that solution is more american energy. but joe biden and every single democrat, who is running this year and serves in house and senate they have a different idea, they do whatever the climate extremists tell them to do, what they demand of the far left group, and they shut off, they choke off energy production they have used up our emergency supplies we're in an energy war and the perio president does not want to admit it. trey: i am in believer in setting realistic expectations, let's assume for sake of argument that republicans retake senate, is there anything you can do, pressure you can put to get joe biden to go back to energy independence days. >> a number of things i i would be chairman of the energy committee in u.s. senate my focus would be on lowers cost of energy for american public, that involving unleashing american energy, we need to resrestore or energy independence and economy. which is huge here. we'll be putting forward legislation, and it with oversight and with who gets confirmed to different positions in the economy, these things focused on more infrastructure, pipelines, more oil and gas permits, and no dependence on anyone whether critical minerals from china or oil from russia or saudi arabia. we -- and look, you know this, we need all of the energy, we need the oil, the gas, we need the solar and wind, we need it all, from environmental s santa ana santa ana point we need -- stant stand point to continue to make energy clean as we can. people are so bad, i am optimistic about our republican chances of taking the house and taking the senate. come next tuesday. trey: before i let you go, senator, this is what vexes me, even if the climate or environment is your number one issue, how is saudi arabia oil cleaner than american oil? if you ask the saudis to increase production, that means we need more energy, why not use american energy. >> >> we're the best environmental stewards, i was getting my oil changes yesterday, talking to folks, what is happening now in terms of energy in wyoming economy it is personal and emotional we understand we're tied up in red tape from this administration affordable energy is the lifeblood of this nation. for folks, if you want to stop the damage this biden administration and every single democrat has done to this country over last two years, we need to vote for republicans, house and senate on tuesday. trey: senator dr. john barrasso, may be in charge in senate of energy policy come january, thank you senator. >> thank you, trey. trey: up next, philadelphia d.a. larry is what media calls a progressive prosecutor. pennsylvania state rep martina white is joining us to discuss prime minister of the district attorney next on sunday night in america. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. psoriasis really messes with 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election cycle. california removed san francisco prosecutor. prosecute. yes, sometimes voter should live with consequences of their poor decisions. but you should not die because of the consequences of your poor election choices, that is a price far too steep, having a poor district attorney is a threat to your physical well being and perhaps our life, a threat to law, and order, a threat to justice, a threat to democracy. even if democracy gave that you incompetent d.a. in the first place, sometimes a democracy first be saved from itself. we call those republics. prosecutors have a unique role, they enforce the law, they make the decisions which impact how the rest of us view the law and our justice system, prosecutors who cut corners or break the rules run the risk of convicts and incarcerating innocent people that is an afront to justice and a threat to freedom, they should be removed. the consequence of waiting tote next election are too severe. prosecutors who refuse to enforce the law and vilify cops and coddle criminals are also an affront to justice, a threat to freedom and your life, they should be removed from office immediately with dismatch, larry krasner is allegedly district attorney in philadelphia, media loves to call his kind a progressive prosecutor, he is not a real prosecutor, real prosecutors don't spend more time talking about justice for violent criminals than the victims, they don't wait until someone is dead to take a casi seriously. they don't replace experienced trial lawyers with brand-new attorneys who don't know which side of the courtroom to sit oreal prosecutors knows race of the victims not just the defend ands, she not a real prosecutor, is he progressive? i don't know. do you consider a skyrockets murder rate progress? or more victims of violent crimes progresser to dismissing v violent crime cases to be progress. and releases same criminals out of jail time after time after time to be progress, there is a job for the larry krasners of the world, that is a public's defender office. but not district attorney. yes, there are times voters have suffer the consequences of poor choices at the ballot box. prosecutor who refuse to enforce the law who put criminals ahead of the victims who sis disregard the law because they wish the lay is different are aned in threat to public safety. and should be removed from office, prosecutor make life and death decisions. when it comes to life and death, you only get one of each. if you have a prosecutor who doesn't know whether to value your life more, or the life of 57 tr person trying to take your life, get rid of that prosecutor as fast come pennsylvania state representative martina white is sponsor of impeachment articles she is joining us, representative thank you for joining us, let me ask, why now? to he has been a bad district attorney since day one. why now? >> yes, trey, i just want to thank you for your comments, they were spot on. and that is what the city of philadelphia has been faced with over past several years of him in office. nothing but a crise of crime and dereliction of duty, i have to take act now there is actually proof of his misconduct in office. and proof provided by our comc comprehensive study. what i have seen and known is scary for the city of philadelphia, district attorney has been misbehaving in office, pennsylvania democrat supreme court justice said, that the d.a. has withheld evidence -- misled a grand jury, and he is even what was third piece? he even been violating someone civil rights to a preliminary trial. these a. >> and some other crimes like petty theft he does not prosecute, almost 70% of these cases have been withdrawn by the prosecutor, we have our work cut out for us, i know that this legislatives body in pennsylvania is up for the task. >> this what confounds me. in a democracy, sometimes you are stuck with the consequences of your electoral decisions, sometimes you can't wait until the next election cycle, i think, he was reelected overwhelmingly, at when point do you say you are stuck with the consequences or we'll save you from your own decision? highwhow? >> i would say that he was elected by less than 10% of city residence of philadelphia. in a low turn all election cycle. when i would say, is that democrats and republicans in harrisburg had recognize amount of crime our city has been faced with and amount of lives lost and property destroyed and something has to be done when a prosecute ser not willing to actually hole the criminals accountable. i believe we must move forward as fast z as we can. trey: you know, what interesting with district attorney, you are confined to a jurisdiction but your decisions have an impact far greater, if you have a district attorney what is a threat to people in philadelphia, because of this decisions they make it may be a threat to people in the surrounding areas that don't have a chance to vote on him. look, criminals move. and if you give someone a pass here, they may move to harrisburg or move to another mart of pennsylvania. maybe that is part of the parring am too. argument, too. >> yes, we saw a policy hearing in suburbs of philadelphia 42% of crimes are committed philadelphia criminals, it is spreading, we need to ensure we're attracting businesses here and protect people's safety and well being not having theft be an every day occurren occur and businesses wanting to leave and we don't want lives lost and innocent children, like what just happened, a small chiecialgd child, repeat child rapist of uwas out on unsecured bail and was out and raped th another child. trey: well representative, we'll be watching. i'll be watching, i used to do what you do for a living. i loved being in the courtroom. it is the most important -- one of the most important jobs. you are the voice for victims. you work for a blin. >> we'll get back, thank you for joining us. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, until next week you can find us on-line or trey gowdy pod cost, good light from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" up next. ♪ ♪ mark: hello in, i am mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." we have three great guests. senator tom cotton. and marco rubio and mike lee of whom are up for reelection. and as i told you, we have changed our format. up until the election, we will return to the old format after. but we're still doing the long for

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