females who were free for the past 20 years? >> right. well, the past 20 years it hasn't been a picnic for anyone in afghanistan, right? if you worry about your children coming home and not being blown up at an ice cream shot or indiscriminate attacks at mosques and so fort, weddings. so forth. it hasn't been, you know, an easy time because of the influence of the taliban, and that was only marginal. now imagine -- [inaudible] where they will be, as you said, urn sharia law where that becomes the law of the land where women have no rights. not only do they have no rights, they are abused. they become sex slaves, they are mutilated. women are not allowed to get educated. we've gone back in time. you look at this picture of afghanistan in the '70s, you can see how backwards things are. women are going to universities and have jobs. now they have to be completely covered, they're not allowed to