apocalyptic world. welcome fellow survivors new on the som bee invasion later. first this deadly serious prime time alert. casey anthony faces death. for allegedly murderering her adorable 2-year-old. since everyone thinks she did it we knew a fair trial was not going to be easy. the degree of difficulty was confirmed yesterday during jury selection. >> you're talking about someone's life and -- >> ma'am, do you realize that we have been here going on two weeks, you realize that as a result of your outburst the defense has asked that a juror be challenged nor cause -- >> i'm so -- i am being -- >> i will find that you are in contempt of court and a judge to you be guilty and sentence you to two days in the pinalis county jail. >> geraldo: the grueling process took 11 days. but the jury which will decide whether casey lives or dies is finally selected. now the scene set for biggest murder trial since o.j. simpson. >> let the record reflect that defendant is present along with assistant state attorney, all right, ladies and gentlemen, we have exhausted the number of jurors to be questioned, his an machine thee have you had han opportunity to consult with your attorneys during the jury selection process and give your input? are you satisfied with your input? in to this process? thank you very. >> geraldo: tuesday morning in orlando, we'll be there, while i agree mountain of evidence against casey anthony i am strongly critical of the prosecutor, lawson lamarar speak seeking the death penalty. he he is in my opinion, ladies and gentlemen, playing to the lynch mob. former prosecutor joey yak son does not agree with me. >> i think if ever there was a death penalty case this cries out for. it consider two things, nature of the offense. on both of those instances she if found guilty, i believe she will should be sentenced to death. if you look at the factors in the aggravating circumstances of a crime you have a girl found in the woods, 2-year-old girl, what is the mother doing? first of all she reports -- doesn't report her missing takes 30 days for her to report her missing. what does she do during this period of time? she's out getting tattoos, partying, out drinking, she's out buying lingerie. this is not what a mother does who has concern and care for her child. there are no mitigating circumstances which will save her life. she will be found guilty and she will be sentenced to death. >> geraldo: do you know how many women kill their children every year, joey, more than 200. do you know how many women have been executed in the state of florida since 1924? exactly two of them. one of them was the serial murderer eileen warnos. women quill their children, they are all in 9 conflicted circumstance. i've covered dozens of this these stories. some of their mothers have tortured their children over long period of time allowed their boy friends to abuse their children before they die. never does the state seek the death penalty because of the complicated nature of a child being killed by their own parent. one of the leading causes of death for children under four. >> you can look at generalities or you can look at specifics. the fact is, notwithstanding the fact that there have been instances where parents have killed their child, you have to look at case by case basis. in doing that this case cries out for the death penalty power if she were a black woman or puerto rican woman the prosecute we're never seek the death penalty, why, no political capital -- >> i'd be -- >> geraldo: it is this cute chick that he's trying to kill -- >> not at all. >> geraldo: to make a point. >> there's no point to be made. the point to be made that there's justice here. fact is that we have a jury and a jury will determine whether she is sentenced to death, majority of the jury makes that recommendation to the judge. the fact is no matter what the prosecution does, it's in the jury's hands. >> geraldo: this would change the complexion of the the death row across our nation filling them with tragic mothers. joey jackson, stand by. >> indeed. >> geraldo: it's been three years, almost everyone including the jury knows or thinks they know what happened on june 2008 to lovely innocent little child and single mom who yearned to live free of responsibility. and of her own parents. >> i saw pictures of miss anthony out partying, which to me did not look like a mother who was -- did not report her child missing. for approximately a month. from what i gather it was primarily reported it because her mother was asking where the child was. >> geraldo: one of the most damning aspect of this case to many of the jurors is casey partying when her daughter was missing. >> there were pictures of her partying or having -- going out and things, she was not helpful to the police by leading them on a wild goose chase to universal studio. saying she didn't work there for a couple of years. i know that seemed to me that she was misleading to the police. >> geraldo: as damning as the lack of cooperation with the authorities, was the physical evidence against casey. like the odor from the trunk much her car. >> i guess only thing that comes to my mind was finding stuff in the trunk. >> do you remember what kind of stuff? >> yes. hair, the smell of a dead person. >> i heard her mother say it smelled like there had been a dead body in the car. then they tried to say it was pizza or something like that. >> geraldo: some jurors remembered even slightest detail about where and in what condition kayley's body was found. >> the little girl was found in the woods or in wooded area near grandparents' house. tape on her mouth. >> geraldo: to determine whether prospective jurors trying to down play their exposure to pre-trial publicity, they had their own hit list of troublesome tv shows. >> you wouldn't have seen any cable news shows such as "geraldo rivera" or things like that, would you have seen any of the attorneys either side. >> no. >> talking on television? did not see mr. bayes on nancy grace entertainment show. >> i've never seen any of the attorneys here. >> do you have cable at home? >> yes. do you ever watch "nancy grace" "geraldo rivera" the info-tainment shows. >> occasionally on vacation. regularly on of these local news channels displayed on the 2 televisions at your work? we've heard a lot about news 9, something that was -- >> it was more like fox. >> what about "geraldo rivera"? >> no, i don't recall watching geraldo. >> geraldo: maybe they will change. on the i am fact of this vast amount of pre-trial publicity, joey jackson and i are joined by investigative journalist in atlanta and lawyer who is used to mitigating under the harsh glare of publicity from los angeles, it is gloria allred. glowy do you think that this woman is ever under god's bright sun going to get a fair trial? >> well, that's the hope of the defense. i think it's also the hope of the prosecution, geraldo. because if in fact she is convicted, they want to be sure that she had a fair trial and there for -- it will be less likely that it would be reversed upon appeal. because if she is convicted definitely there will be an appeal. >> geraldo: art harris we covered o.j. simpson, clear that the defense wanted an urban jury in downtown courthouse. they got it. who is the perfect juror if there is one for the defense in this case? >> for the defense, they bounced one, prosecution kicked off someone who got stopped -- had an accident report called the cops idiots. now, the prosecution struck that person with a perimeter row strike. -- with a peremptory strike. they hatch not been able to narrow down the perfect juror in the o.j. case you remember the project juror was a mother of sons who had a bad experience with the lapd. and there were plenty that have to go around in a downtown setting. here, you hope that if you're prosecution you are going to get people who care about children, grandchildren, may be mothers, grandmothers, and they are going to be so viscerally connected to the victim, this is america's little girl that they are going to be tough to sway against innocence. >> geraldo: against -- i think tough to sway toward innocent. i think is what you meant. >> that's what i meant. >> geraldo: it seems women, joey, are mostly -- most critical, harshly critical of casey anthony and really are the ones leading the drum beat. >> listen to this. so far you have seven women jurors. you have five men. you have five alternate, is that have been selected. this judge is really going through backflips to make this fair. the fact that he -- >> geraldo: he's very solid. >> he changed the venue, they went through each juror with a fine tooth comb. if there were jurors that had to be challenged for cause, he allowed the challenges for cause to go through. if there was not a appropriate they did that. peremptory challenges were exercised, in all phases they did everything they could notwithstanding the pre-trial publicity to attempt to give her a fair trial. that's all you can hope for if you're a defense attorney. >> geraldo: a quick note, ladies and gentlemen, sunday night, tomorrow night we will be live in orlando, florida, beginning our indepth coverage of what will be i think at least this part the trial of the 21st century. gloria, standing by for our probe of arnold schwarzenegger's love child. gloria represents one of the terminator's former mistresses. did the imf great seducer turn rapist. back in a flash. ♪ ♪ quack! 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>> yeah, in a way. >> geraldo: before i ask you about the feeling ever conspiracy in france, the 32-year-old west african maid, devout muslim i understand, where is she now? >> craig: apparently gone in to hiding after reported smear campaign was uncovered. allegedly strauss-kahn's defense team are trying to prove that strauss-kahn was trapped in to consensual sex with the maid in an effort to derail his presidential bid in france. >> geraldo: how many french people really believe that? do they believe this? >> craig: a poll released this week 57% of french believe that he was caught in conspiracy. saw ask people of his own party, social list party, 70% believe that he was caught in conspiracy. >> geraldo: shocked and embarrassed by these breathtaking revelations in the fall of this great man, many expected to be their country's next leader, lot of french men as craig is reporting thinking he was set up that story next after this. >> thank you! lexus holds s value better than any other luxury brand. ♪ tellichoice proclaims that lexus has the best overall value of any brand. ♪ and j.d. power and associates ranks lexus highest in customer satisfaction. no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see ur lexus dear. until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? 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[ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. >> in france it's illegal to show people in handcuffs, they take that very strongly. to see one of the highest public figures your perp walk, was really shocking to them. french people think there must be something. >> we are concerned because i think -- anything is possible. >> you wanted the truth. i don't know the truth. to tell you the truth. >> geraldo: just give you idea how crazy the conspiracy theories are. right now i'm getting e-mails saying that strauss-kahn was targeted because he's jewish. that coming at same time as president obama getting tough on israel to make peace in the middle east as part of vast worldwide conspiracy. but as far out as that may be many sober people do believe that this guy was set up. i want to ask my next guest if she's one of them. freelance french reporter, welcome. >> thank i for having me. >> geraldo: before i ask you about the conspiracy is it true that he had a woman in his room with him earlier that morning? >> apparently. she left at 3:00 according to the camera, is the security correct, did the security do a good job gathering the video. >> geraldo: another woman at 3:00. >> possibly. >> geraldo: then he allegedly rapes the maid at noon. >> yeah. >> geraldo: same day. >> if it's true those are allegations for now. >> geraldo: i mean, he's 62 years old, right? >> right. >> geraldo: what is his reputation, what do people in france think of him? >> two bad stories, one with a lady called tristin who is -- >> geraldo: allegedly attempted -- >> she didn't press charges. then he add of course this problem with staffer at the imf he apologized. these are two bad stories. some people are saying there are many more women out there, but who knows. >> geraldo: and is france mad at the united states right now? >> france is outraged. france is passionate country, they're very attached to civil liberties. and they do not understand the concept of having the presumption of innocence at the same time having somebody handcuffed. also we have a law in france, it's very old law, that has been reviewed, law from 1881, that says that no press organization can show someone with handcuffs if the person is not convicted and guilt. you will be fine as media organization 15,000 euro for showing those image that we saw on tv here. >> geraldo: my goodness. i'll give you an iou. will this really affect who will be the next president of france? >> well, you was great contender, a lot of people said i wanted to vote for him. how is it that now it's not even going to be able to show up for the primaries at the social list party. >> geraldo: may have different address, much more harsh address. sophie, thank you. >> geraldo: i've go get to arnold schwarzenegger. our own dominique strauss-kahn. although he's not a raper, i hope. bottom of the hour imagine how heavy his secret love child must have weighed when he was serving as governor of california. one of the many mysteries that we will be probing when we come back after this short break, we're live. i'm chef michael, and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. 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